Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1938, p. 3

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;^ j? uyw f W? 5^^Tff^ . fc *3,3*' - * 'y»4 ntr; . ?f2SFi - ' i nil-" l^1* J-)-:-ii, J^* * t# **t ^ * »r * ••f*- HitindiT, October 20,1938 McHWfBY FLAIRDBALSX Tufa Talk erica the names turtle, torterrapin are used rather fatelchangeably ... in England, however, tortoise is considered the correct name for the land species . . . terrapin for the freshwater •dible kinds ... and turtle is employed only for sea-dwelling ones , . . . incidentally, turtles suffer from parasites . . . such as ticks, says the American Wildlife institute. The Oldest Door Knocker The oldest door knocker in existence is said to be the sanctuary knocker on the north door of the nave of Durham cathedral, England (1133-1140). The design suggests Scandinavian origin. Ifo Topcoat Time •Mi >V; Galling All Amencaij& WAUCONDA American Red Cross Roll Call Poster (or 1938. _ , -- We're showing tlfff grandest Selection of fall topcoats and Overcoats in many years -- All the new models are here -- Balmacaans, half belt models and wrap-around models. -And tho valuoe are greater than ever! , All Wool Coats from r-- flaSO to $35.00 Green Street -- McHenry PI1IIITK Oil ITiTI BAIKINB SYSTIM bfRatifouif coMnnmowu. A M I I 1 M I I T ORPHANS OF THE STORM*' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burke and son of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Burke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Baseley. Martin Jacobson, who resides south of town, was taken to the Condell hospital at Libertyville last week. He is 84 years old and seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perkins and Miss Mayme Housinger of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Carr Sunday. Louis Koppen and Edward Swanson of the University of Illinois spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Stangeland and children and Mrs. Rose Shaw have re turned from a trip to Spirit Lake, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Wiemuth, who reside south of town, are leaving this week for a visit to the home of Mrs. Wiemuth's sister in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Farley Wade and children and Miss- Mary Baseley of Parle Ridge called on friends here Sunday. Misses Althea Coss and Rissa Brown j left Thursday for a trip to :Starvcd 'Rock. "' Mrs, Ed. Underwood passed away suddenly at the Condell hospital in Libertyvi|le Saturday evening:. She j never recovered consciousness, after suffering a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Su jsan Brooks Underwood had lived here j her entire life, being the daughter of the late Wm. Brooks and Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks. She leaves to mourn one son, Edwin; two sisters, Mrs. Wil* ber Cook, of this place, and Mrs. Jay Price of •California; one• brother, Wm. Brooks, and numerous nephews and nieces. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bristol on Saturday evening. Mrs. Bristol was formerly Miss Nellie Tiffany. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Broughton visited relatives of Mrs. Broughton in Chi cago Tuesday. The Hubbard family are entertaining an old friend, Miss Caroline Neill of Paso Roubles, California. Col. John Roberts, who resided on his country estate, four miles south of Wauconda, passed away at his home Saturday very sqddenly. He was 72 years of age. In 1927 he gave one million dollars to the Chicago University in memory of his son, Bob Rob-> erts. • He wjs a lietenant colonel in the world war. He leaves to mourn, his widow, Mary Shannon Roberts, and I two children. Funeral services were held Monday in Chicago aBond chap- Marbles Used Ages Ago In a British museum are "marbles" used by Egyptian and Roman boys and girls more than 2,000 years ago. Scientists believe the small stone spheres found among even more ancient remains once were "knuckled" by Stone age lads. Marbles are so named because the English once made theirs of marble chips. * In Britain the game was popular among all classes and ages. Mrs. Gordon Smoak and daughters of Afttioch visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs, Sunday. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our deep appreciation and sincere thanks to our friends and the donors of cars for their kind acts and expressions of sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement. ARTHUR MEYERS, MRS. BEN HERBES, 4 MRS. FRANK RUSCH. % Careful of the Air ~ ~ Leysin, a Swiss resort famous for its cures, is so careful of the purity of its Alpine air that it prohibits smoking: " MISSION CLOSES The mision, which was held at 8t» Patrick's church last week, closed Sunday afternoon, with the mission priest, Father Harrison of the Vincentian Order, conducting the last services. The Rosary was recited, after which followed the blessing of religious articles, the Apostolic bendiction, renewal of baptismal vows, and lastly, benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. m- Insect Species - Increasing Insect species are so vast in num. ber that 6,500 new kinds are added to scientific literature each year. MOMMY ISTME STAY UP 7om£K7oyoe// X. ^ „ • .. . j Fleeing a tornado near Clyde, Texas, parents of these babies were killed, their automobile tossed a quarter-mile away. Houra later a telephone lineman heard a child's whimper in a roadside ditch. There he found 3-year-old Jene Donald Rutledge, water up to his chin, holding hie 3-months-old brother Daryl's head above water. Relatives being unable to care for the orphans, Red Cross workers arranged a maintenance fund to support them until they are 16. A Texas college promised scholarships and ranchmen started a herd of cattle for their benefit. The Red Cross will help the boys make adjustments as they grow older. Bed Cross Seeks Cat In Accident Toll 1,725,406 First Aiders Trained Since 1910 Protect yourself by voting to strengthen your State Banking System. Removal of double liability will stimulate the purchase of bank stock and give banking facilities to communities that are without them and strengthen the existing banks. Increased capital gives real protection to depositors and added service to all bank customers. * Double liability has not proven effective protection for depositors and haft resulted in hardship for many stockholders. Deposit insurance h now being furnished at the expense of stockholders which provides for the prompt payment in full of all deposits up to $5000. Strengthen your State Banking System by ratifying the proposed Constitutional Amendment. Cognizant of tremendous losses In human lives and of permanent injuries resulting from accidents in homes, on farms and highways, and uround indus trial plants as well as in the basement workshop, officials of the American Red Cross nave been directing a sys tematic fight against what they term "this economic waste." As part of this nation-wide effort to reduce deaths and permanent in juries from accidents, a recent s'atp ment from Red Cross headquarters in Washington reports that during th. past 12 months certificates Have beer, granted to 295.028 persons completing courses In the administration of Red Cross first aid. Holders of these certificates Have followed detailed courses of study and have been taught how to splint fractured limbs, stop flow of blood, treat poison sufferers, care for victims of heat, electric shock, and handle other common emergency situations. The courses emphasize methods of caring for patients until professional medical aid can be summoned to scenes of accidents. Since 1910,° the report reveals, 1,725,- 406 persons have received this training from qualified Red Cross instructors, and at the present time 20,429 persons are qualified to give such instruction. Bringing help nearer scenes of possible accident. 2.454 emergency first aid stations have been established In strategic locationa on principal highways throughout the nation, operators of the stations receiving the prescribed Red Cross instructions,and maintaining full first aid equipment on the spot. Conveniently placed, they also maintain up-to-date lists of available doctors and ambulance services pledged in advance to cooperate with Red Cross first aiders in preventing deaths and permanent injuries that so frequently result from automobile accidents. Mobile first aid units also have been established in cooperation with state highway and police departments, operators of public utility vehicles and others frequenting highways, operators of such units also receiving the prescribed Red Cross courses in first aid. To cut the number of persons losing their lives through drowning while swimming,* the Red Cross has redoubled efforts to train as many persons as possible in life saving methods. During the past year 88,150 persons received certificates upon completion of courses. Since 1914, 884,649 persons have been trained in Red Cross life saving methods, including thousands of persons in CCC camps, beach patrolmen, camp instructors, and school boys and girls. Carrying the fight onto farms and into homes, a campaign to eliminate accidents caused by careless habits and faulty equipment last year resulted in self-checks being made in 10,000,000 American homes through cooperation of children in school, women's clubs, farm organizations, and other groups. The 3,700 Red Cross chapters and their branches in every county are cooperating in this national effort to end needless pain and suffering resulting froin such accidents. These efforts to lessen such appalling tolls of human lives and usefulness V are made possible through memberships in the Red Cross. The annual Roll Call will: be held between November 11 and Thanksgiving Day, when aH Americans are asked to Join or renew their affiliation to ensure continuation of accident prevention measures. Join the Red Cross Chapter in yotm community during the Roll Call, November 11 to 24. VOTE YES von OnMar leui BftraHrarPs Nun* The only guitar known to bear the sigaatura of Antonio Stradivari, the famous violin maker, is in tha mnp,m of Paria Conservatory o t Music. Woatea Work la Zalalaai Men in take car* of tha cattle, but almost all the rest of the work is done by woman. Zulu women care for tha crowing crops ot corn, mfllat and potato#^ MANY men who travel males it a practice to telephone home dVery night or two. It's the way to make sure that every one i* well, and that things are running smoothly. And it means so murh to ihire at hone. Daddy's voice is reassuring -- exciting. It is f:::i f) lot him share in family pleasures . . . comforting to have his help on family problems. Next time you or any member of your family goes away, banish loneliness with frequent voice-visits. Telephoning costs surprisingly little. And bv-having the charge "reversed," you may have the amount appear on your liotne telephone bill. Lower rotes are In effect after J P. M. and all day Sunday. Then a ttotloati- ttation call will take you •bant 100 mile* for 35 cents abovt 200 miles..... ...for SO cents •Sent 150 «Ues.. tor 50 caaH . about 300 miles .for 75 cent* B E LL TIL EPHONE COMPANY LOOK HOW MUCH MORE YOU GET FOR YOUR MONEY for this model Choice of bronze and gold or ivory and gold base. Pure dye silk shade. Others from $10.95 up U OTHER MG VALVES New styles in "Pin-It-Up"-* "Silvray"-Kitchen "No* Wire-Lite "-from $1.45 to $2.95. -- Protection for Precious Sight -- Added Beauty for Your HomeI • Not only are these new 1939 lamps attractive in their own right--they give you two very important PLUS advantages as well. Scientifically constructed to prevent sharp contrasts of shadow and glare, help protect precious eyesight against strain. At the same time, the soft, evenly diffused light throws a cheerful glow ofer the entire room--brings out the beauty of home furnishings. Come in and see these lamps for yourself. You'll agree here's value--MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! Why «Better Light" Lamps Give You MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 1. Diffusing bowl sifts out harmful glare. Zm On models with candl^ similar bowls shield each bulb. ~^|j 3. Special inner lining of shade refle&s more light for better sight. FOR STUDENTS I This 1.1. S.* lattor Sight $Q95 Studaot ToM* Lamp ONLY Mm -- Good eyesight is priceless! Here's an essjr way to provide the best-known lighting for your child during study bouts. PHONE m FOR HOME LAMP f DEMONSTRATION • Describe the type of lamps in which you're interested. Our Representative will call and display them in home settings-* fnd, if you wish, will leave one for several days' FREt TRIAL. No obligation to buy. Offer includes lamps priceti/ at $13.95 and up. mm DOWN PAYMENTS--UKtfU. TEMS Small carrying charge for deferred payments , OMmi lamp dealers or* also fulvrhn mw 1939 lamp styles PUBLIC SERVICE STORE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY.OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS

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