Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1938, p. 6

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LILT un Bern ice Peschke visited the home of Ilia mother, Mrs. A. Peschke in Chicago Friday. Mr. B. Winter of Fort Lauderdale ,Florida, visited the homo Of Mr. and Mrs. B. Peschke Sunday. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch over the weekend Were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruzha and daughter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Blum, Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson «nd daughter, -Lois, all of Chicago. ^ Mrs. Edward Wiesbaum was a 'Chi- •ago visitor last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schweighofer and daughters, Cathrine, Marie, and Doris, jnd friends of Chicago spent the Weekend at Lily Lake. ^ ; Christine Wegener of Chicago and ftobert Krinn of DesPlaines spent the Weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener., ? A Halloween party was held at the. homfe of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller Saturday, October 15. The place was decorated to ftt the occasion. Games, singing and dancing was enjoyed by all, music was furnished by Edward Braatz' orchestra. About midnight a lunch was served. The table was decorated in orange and black. About forty guests were present. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schweighofer, Mr. and Mrsfl Roy Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rollinger, Mr. and Mrs. Marti Milos, Mr. and Mrs. John Petrick, Mr. and Mrs. J)enny Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles East and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson, Cathrine, Marie and Doris Schweighofer, Mary and Alice Stanislaw, Roee Nowaczyk, Christine Wegener, Lois Swanson, Gus Hanson, Bill Faxon, Edward Braatz. all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs of McHenry; Robert Krinn of Des Plaines; Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener, Mr. and Mi's. Josepfi Daly, Mr. and Mrs! Fred Dosch, Genevieve Daw and Josephine Dosch; all of Lily Lake. LOOKING FORWARD By Franklyn Waltmalk Just as day is certain to follow night, so President Roosevelt can be expected several weeks before an election to deliver to the country his usual message calling for co-operation between business and government and an end to nam^calling. After the election Mr. Roosevelt forgets it. This event has become sq much a part of American campaigns in the last six L. Ickes makes the former army officer's words sound like patter at a tea party. For example, there was this one: "big business should wash in strong disinfectants." Another Ijckes phrase which ranks high among epi- SPRING GROVE thets reads: "the Bourbons of the sixty families who have brought the rest of the businessmen of the United States under the terror of their domyears that future writers on political ination." The word "plutocracy," of technique u.n.d.o ubtedl,y . ,w ill . l .i.s.t .it .is Secre,ta .ry .Ickes ' pet naym e M r s . A r t h u r K l e i n w e r e t h e l u c k y w i n among the things which unfailingly for business and industry. 'ners of traveler's nrizes At the consho- u ld be don. ei . . • * . . L.Sjo lji ci^t or-General Rober«t: ,, H„. Ja. ckson , . - . ?. * . f . Al i elusion of cards the guest of honor Consequently the only surprising as- added aristocratic anarchy" to the „ns nrM„nt4>H with Mrs. Charles Freund was guest of honor at a shower given, by Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer at her home on Wednesday evening. A pleasant evening was spent in cards aftd visiting. The lovely awards for high honors in bridge' went, to Mrs. Arthur Raupn and Mrs, Joseph E. Freutid, while Mrs. Bessie Baril received consolation. For achieving high scores at ftve hundred Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Frank Prosser were presented with useful award.., Consolation went to Mrs. Albert Britz. Mrs. George Weber received a special prize and Mrs. Joseph E. Freund and T t l « tflilmiI Mm Pro* Pfles ef to PlaMak* af Team Age &JXTY YEARS AGO pect of" the President's delivery of the New Deal list of epithets. He also is message this year was the fact that j the author of "the economic oligarchy he did not choose to do so personally of autocratic, self-constituted and self- • 100 ROOMS tafct *«• to »<?» • 100 ROOMS «KKbMb*Xt.*e<> CONANT HOTEL COMPANY sSANFORD \T3 A LOT EASIER To HAVE YES. "WIS WAV MACHINES WHEN INCOME PLAN HOUSE, , Atk m to expkdn the Inter national Harvester INCOME-PURCHASE PLAN ADAMS & FREUND Phone 185 _ i Pearl Street but resurrected from the grave the White House Spokesman to serve as his ambassador.^. None seems to know exactly why Mr. Roosevelt adopted this medium . of communication with the country this year. . Perhaps the humor of what Mr. Roosevelt had to say was, this time, • even too much for him and he feared j and' rattling sabers! he rhight not be able to keep a straight face in urging that business come to peace with the government and that labor and industry link arms in sweet harmony. ,F. D. R; Champion Name-Caller Surely, Mr. Roosevelt must realize perpetuating groups'- as a description of business. There were others in that speech last December when Mr. Jackson in one night talked himself out of a chance to' bfe "Governor of New York. And after all that, Mr. Roosevelt asks business to stop calling names No wonder he the was presented with several beautiful and useful gifts. A delicious lunch was served and everything was done for the pleasure of the guests. Outof- town guests were: Mfs. Arthur Rauen and Mrs. Bessie Baril, Chicago;! Mrs. Steve Schaefer, Mrs. Albert Brita and Mrs. Frank Prosser, Fox Lake; j Mrs. Paul Gerasch, Mrs. .George Web-,I er, Mrs. George Freund and Mrs. Charles Michaels, McHenry; Mrs. Ar-. thur Klein, Johnsburg, and Mrs. Edith Cleveland, Round Lake. conveyed the^.message through Paul Weber and Miss Alyce Nod-, White House Spokesman. • [land returned from a trip to Minne-! Mr; Roosevelt may now talk about apolis on Friday Where they visited "co-operation" between business and: her relatives. I government, but if hV runs true. to] George Weber and George Freund form he will give business another J 0f McHenry were visitors in the Chartongue- lashing a few weeks after thehes Freund home oti. Wednesday night, that whatever shortcomings he may election is over. As for co-operation, Mrs. Edith Cleveland of -Round T^Wo have, he could qualify as the champion is it not a two-way proposition ? Bus!-1 spent Thursday with her daughter, name-caller and epithet-hurler among i ness and industry have tried again and Mrs. Al. Schmeltzer. American Presidents. He has easily I again to co-operate with the Roose-| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund, Mr, outdistanced Teddy Roosevelt, who set; velt Administration but their efforts and Mrs. Charles Freund and Victor the previous record. The epithets! seldom have been reciprocated. Blink motored to Waukegan on Fri« which Mr. Roosevelt has hurled at js The impasse between the White'day night where they visited Vincent* The new Methodist parsonage is fast approaching completion, arid will be one of the handsomest residences in that part of town., , Mrs. E. H. Bartlett,-formerly, Miss Laura Mayes, is now visiting her parents in this village. She resides at Marshaltown, la. The fine weather of the past month came to an end on Tuesday morning, by the setting in a severe cold'rain, . . and now it looks |is though genuine) ,; fall weather had commenced in earn-1 est. . - : i. Hanky & Sons are ifiaking some im j • I to Chicago Sunday to spend the day 1 with Mrs. George Fdiinger. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls called on relatives in Chicago Monday Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner returned home Thursday from a trip to Michigan. Miss Katherine Schmitt and friends of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Jhn Thelen Sunday. Mrs. Rose Bunnell of Round called at the home of Mr, and Lloyd Fisher Monday. QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS due TO EXCESS ACID Fred Book Tells off Marvelous! Homo Treatment that Must Help ; or it Will Cost You Nothing Over one million botllea of the WILL.VP I> '• <TtaiiREATMENT have beens old forrcLefoiv »ch end OuoihMl Olec-»d"o (oE':ck AeJJ--,'jor C >-"-t: :n,Co; ro: » iitl ,; it- ',-, f-h, ".t, »:;art mr, ate., due to Excsss Acid. ISold on 15 <!avs* -. trial! Ask for "'Afillard'* v h':hf fully explains this marvelous treatment-- (kj--e-j , Phone 358 WATTLES' DRUG STQRE : . . . DR, C. KELLER •-- Optometrist -- r'" Is now permanently located in ISjTe- ----j -- -------i- --er:--- -- Henry at his summer home on Riverprovements in and around their mill, side Drive. Forty-six years experience the most important of which is the testing eyes and making glasses/ " widening and straightening of the race -- Call for Appointment V ? Above the mill, which will greatly in-1 All Kinds of Repairs Tel. crease their power. FIFTY YEARS AGO business and industry will give a salty tinge to our political histories for many years to come. Remember some of the gentle references which Mr. Roosevelt has ut- House and the public utilities is a case in point. Men within that industry have on various occasions undertaken to come to jan understanding with the White House--have gone far tered about business! Best known, of ifai the concessions they are willing to course, is the "economic royalist" | make. On occasion Mr. Roosevelt has phrase. But there are others. The!promised co-operation and a cessation first inaugural address is spotted by several which shine like mackerel in the moonlight. For instance there was|ing spell" letter to Roy Howard, the "unscrupulous money - changers" j the promises never materialized, and then there was the phrase thatj Perhaps the reason is that of Administration harassmenkof business, as he did in the famous breath- But the the economic structure broke down be- j Roosevelt Administration must have cause "the rulers of the exchange of,a whipping boy to divert attention mankind's goods have failed, through from its incompetence and failures. their own stubbornness and their own ! . incompetency." Then in a message to | Congress was the boast that "we have earned the hatred of entrenched! preed." In the same message "politi- j cal puppets of an economic autocracy" | appeared. Less severe was the phrase VOLO Feltes at St. Therese's hospital Martin May, who is employed in Highland Park, spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton May.! Glendale Esh spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago. j Miss Alyce Nodland was a Sunday dinner guest in the Charles Freund home. Mr. and Mrs. Al Schmeltzer visited Mr. and Mrs. Russ Boehm in Libertyville on Sunday. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner was the scene of a happy family reunion on Sunday when their children and families pleasantly surprised them in honor of their fortyfifth wedding anniversary. Fourteen grandchildren were present. The evening was pleasantly spent in visiting and general family chatter. The serving of .refreshments completed the party. Those to make up this happy We see by the proceedings of the, Democratic congressional convention,1 that William Stoffel, ofHhis village re-1 ceived the nomination for member of j the State Board of Equalization, from I this district. Willie Schreiner, son of Mrs. George j Schreiner, had the misfortune to fall. from a tree while gathering hickory! nuts, a week or so' ago, and injured himself ,quite severely, although fortunately no bones were broken. "Lakeside," the pacing stallion owned by George G. Smith, of this village, died at the stables of his owner one day last week. He was a son of "George O.," and a very promising: young hor^e.. Inflammation ©f the stomach We learn was the cause of his death. He was valued at $1,000. h FORTY YEARS AGO Eyes Examined Dr. Paul JL Schwabe K,™* Phone: McHenry 123-J Woodstock 674 OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mrs. Frank St. George spent Monat Atlanta: "Gentlemen in well-warm-! day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j gathering were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry ed and well-stocked clubs." j Clyde Wright at Griswold Lake. Heinle and family of Lake Geneva, There are a number of others which' Mrs. Anthdny Wegener and sons Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wagnef might be recalled. But these will suf- spent Monday evening at the home of and children, Oak Park; Mr. and'Mrs. fice to show that Mr. Roosevelt does1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Wegener at Wauconnot need to give quarter when it comes' da. to calling names. The. thing which gives him complete supremacy in thio field is the fact some of his aides arc almost as good as he is. . ,' Ickes' Tongue Sharp , Early in the New Deal it was thought General Hugh S. Johnson had a rapier tongue. But Secretary Harold Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Albert George Wagner and sons, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe and family, Cicero, and Mr. Michael Wagner Hafer and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of and children Wauconda visited William Lohman inl Mrs. Peter Weber and daughter, Libertyville Wednesday. Amelia, of Johnsburg were callers in Miss Wilah Bacon of Round Lake .town Monday. visited Miss Vinnie Bacon Saturday. ( Mrs. Ina Gracey and Mrs. Ada Carr G. A. Vasey of Crystal Lake called motored to Racine, Wis., on Monday. , The Chicago' Telephone company have moved their Central station from the store of Owen & Chappell's to Simon Stoffel's on the West Side. John Bolger and wife, of Woodstock, are happy over the arrival of a son at their residence. O. N. Owen is treating the outside of his residence to a coat of paint. Frank Ward is building d new house on a lot purchased of Mat Engeln in the north part of this village. . j Charlie's 'Repair Shop Next Door To Hoot Noonan's On U. S. 12 Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders J Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL KENT & COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E -Placed with the most relftfcti Con pa nice ' Cone in and talk it oiw **hooe MeHeary t :•£ THIRTY YEARS AGO •v>2v5K pwK-oLstir* A(t ,i , v at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Thursday. Miss Rosena Dietrich of Ingleside is now assisting Mrs. William Waldmann. o The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau will meet next at the home of Mrs. Russell Magnussen Wednesday, November 16. Fred Dowell and son of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley Sunday. Herman Dunker returned to his home here Thursday, after enjoying a few days fishing at Bruce, Wis. Mr. Dunker brought home a nice string of fish, which were delicious. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller attended the wedding of the former's brother, Roy Miller, at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett of Chicago spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. , The Volo 4-H Club met at the home of Stanley Brown Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing of Chicago spent the weekend here with relatives. G. A. Vasey of Crystal Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and sons of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wbldmann and Mrs. William Waldmahn were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and son, Clarence, were Lake Forest callers Tuesday. Mrs. Joseph Passfield and sons, Mrs. Roy Passfield and family, Sirs. GeorgS Dowell spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin in Wauconda. Mrs. James Dowell and son and the Misses Alice and Mayme Dowell of Slocum's Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Mr. and Mrs Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, visited Henry Dowell at the General hospital in Waukegan Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PassAeld, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, and Mr and Mrs. Al vin Case attended the card party and dance at the W. T. H. S., Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frolefch and daughter of Lake Zurich spent Sunday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher,-;;. Mrs. Mike Sullivan and two daughters returned with them to' spend several days with her mother, Mrs. Gracey. (jABBY (jERTIE Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller are now conducting the Rosedale hotel and summer resort, their cottage on the river being rented to Carl Larsen, who conducted the hotel business the past season.. Probably one of the most disappointed young men in town last Tuesday evening was "Peggy" Feltz. "Peggy" has always been a most ardent supporter of the Chicago White Sox, and when the sad news of his favorite's defeat reached him the ever jovial fellow fell into a most gloomy disposition. Ben Stilling and his assistants have again started their annual carp fishing at Pistakee Bay and already several good hauls have been made. Phone 43 • VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNBTtAT LAW Priei Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tneeday and Fridays Other Days by Appofatiatt McBeary TWENTY YEARS AGO "An amateur equestrienne is a girl who rides off and on." SMy Gt^eighbor y Says: ^ ; To give pickled beets a new and different flavor add a few pickled onions chopped fine. • * * When broiling ham, dot with small amount of peanut butter and allow to melt into the ham before servin' • • • Use adhesive tape to place your lamp or radio cords around baseboards and corners to keep them out of sight. Comm<s*r sttt is ^T^ death to slugs. If it is sprinkled about where slugs frequent it will soon exterminate them. • • • Change the position of house plants from time to time so that all sides of the plants will in turn receive the light. O Atoociated Newapapars.--WJfU Sanrlca. Whn. Pries, proprietor of the Centerville meat market and grocery, has transformed his Ford touring car into a truck and now using same for a delivery car. Work on reconstruction of St Mary's Catholic church' in this village goes on rapidly. The first truss, weighing almost three tons, was hoisted Wednesday. Scaffolding is in place and brick work will begin on the tower immediately. What might have resulted in a serious accident was narrowly averted on the street in Centerville on Monday, when the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries was knocked down by a team owned and driven by W. F. Bassett. S. H. Freund &Son flOHTEACTOEa AND BUILDEBS Phone 127-R McEtenry Our Experience is at T«w Service in Building Your Wants Telephone No. 800 Btoffel A Beihansperger I--ranee agents for all elaeeea el property In the beet eoapaniea. WEST MeHENRY ILLINOIS JOHNSBURG v Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin visited with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. Miss Annabel Meyers was a Chicago caller Thursday evening. Mrs. Margaret Freund of Arlington Heights is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Joe Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent the week in the home of Mrs. John A. Miller. "AMiss Annabel Meyers and ^Walter Freund called on Mrs. Francis Lichte in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Fred Smith and son, Huppy, are spending a few days with relatives in Wisconsin. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and son, Le- Roy, and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer motored MONEY TO LOm I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, 111. TEL. MAJESTIC Its A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crams Service Building--": Tel 204-M McHenry, Hi ^3 FRETT BROTHERS OOmtACTOM Gsaient, Brick, Plaster ad Staeee Werfc •pildint. Moving and - Telepheae C25*M-1 McUNBY, ILL. PAW EARL R. WAL9 Bailable ObapanisB rm need iasamaeo ef say Vim a er CI* Pries Bldg. -

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