Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1938, p. 8

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•v- ; i . ,1/ , * ;± 7, v ;- / , ;^' ^\: •**? ,mA, : ^ \;h t"%v nr >7-1! j > *?Mr *% -tv** TH1 McHElHlY PUUNDSALBB 1 ' 1.1.. i ""i- \* . • \' ." ' mTh ursday, November 10, :W» ••A r • & - £ ".¥» vjl Society Notes !l •; o. E. s. McHenry chapter of the O. E. S. •will hold its next meeting Monday /evening, Nov. 14, when election df officers will take place. • EVENING BRIDGE CLUB V" * i Mrs, Ben- Miller , entertained tile ,'. members of the Evening Bridge Club on Thursday evening of last week with • * ' .awai-ds going to Mrs. Thomas Phalin "'!•* 'and'Mrs. Howard Wattles. Mrs. Paul . Schwerman will be hostess at their ,« --.----next meeting in two weeks. * '•' .T1 • '# ' • CONTRACT CLUB ' •' Members of the Contract Club were i^nteV&ined at a dessert-bridge at the :y-';.v home of Mrs. , Ray McGeo Monday, >, • •• .with a\y$rd$ merited by Mrs. Floyd i -•) k)ooley, Mrs. Wallace Dobyns and Mrs. V ^ Harry f)urland. Their next meeting : will be with Mrs. Dobyni Wednesday j^gei;. of'next week PUBLIC CARD PARTY Remember the public card party at St. Patrick's hall Sunday evening. Nov. 20. Prizes and refreshments. „• "* • « Z II ENTERTAIN CLUB LEG-ION AND SCHOOLS TO PRESENT PROGRAM ON ARMISTICE DAT YOUNG FARM HAND IS KILLED IN ACCIDENT NEAR SPRING GROVE Armistice Day, November 11, has One man was killed and two others keen declared a national holiday and were injured early Monday morning the American Legion and high school when their automobile plunged down are co-operating in presenting a big a steep embankment at the intersecprogram on that day in honor of the tion of Spring Grove road and state ex-service men who have been privil- route 173, about four miles east of eged to serve their country. There Richmond. will be a parade, football game, Armis- Frank Reynolds, 28 years old, of ttce Day services, buffet luncheon and Richmond, was driving the automobile %» _ . M„„ w. . i «n evening of cards. AH schools will when the accident occurred. His com. Ms. and Mrs Tony Wirtz entertain- jbe doged on that d pani Eldore Peterson 25 years old ed members of their club Sunday Sun | Commander Charles R. Page has ap. of Bristol, Wis., a farrt# hand, who cay eveiraig. ti ge waap.aj a pointed a committee to make appro- has been worttihg near Richmond, sufpnzes were wo* By Mrs M L. Schoen- iate arrangeAients for a fitting cele feredJnstant death. holtz ardJuSJen' Lttnch bration. The plans are now complete: Reynolds was dri wah sei ve a e c ose o a very en- Committeemen in charge of the pro-* Spring Grove road which ends yhen joya © evening. « 'gram are as follows: Chairman, Ray it intersects with route 173. He evi- McGee; Paul Yanda, Leo Stilling, Mor READERS! SHOW YOUR SKILL I Mpw Many Seeds In the PlainjJfialerPufiipkin Your Guess Is As Good As Your Neighbor 's -- You May Turkey lor Thanksgiving^ Thanksgiving, is the season for turkeys and pumpkins. This furnishes an idea for having some fun and also, Reynolds ^"driving north on the *n interesting contest aiQong Plaindealer readers. The Plaindealer has secured a large JFVfFI tra trilTtt --• j mi'we; raui ianua, !-<«« oiimng, iuor_ dently came to the end of the road be- pumpkin for the contest. It contains Forty six ladies enjoyed the ttip to Taxman, Gerald Reed and Ed Con- fore he realized it and was unable seeds, but how many nobody knows. the Jewel Tea plant at Barrington, way. * to make the turn. His car shot across Therefore, it is Up to "all readers of the , . T » * e^,- a. i A member of the. local post, Paul the highway and plunged down the paper, who desire to compete, to guess ,1C ?' Yanda. has arranged a parade made embankment turning over several the correct answer or as near as p03- Wednesday, where they were ssnhoowwnn Up Gf ex-service men, high school stud, times before coming to a stop. [sible. It costs nothing to enter and all through the place and a luncheon was b scout irf scouts and the served in the dining room. Prizes, v * k.iL iU. were awrded to Mrs. Mrs. Ziiia Bacon and Mrs > . 'LADIES? AID .... v PEACE RALLY Sixtj? lEp-worth League menth^rs' at- . The Ladies' Aid Society met with tended the Peace Rally, at the M. E. ^Mrs. Williairi Bacon Thursday after- church last Sunday evening with Dr. - w n noon When sewing was done and plans Whittchurch of the Garrett Biblical m ?Ty, Peterson was dead when pulled from you need is a coupon, which will be „ | grade school children from both the the wreckage of the machine. He re. found in each copy of the Plaindealer i/'-"fi ^ ^fson' parochial and public schools. A drum ceived a skull fracture and other in- for the next two issues, Nov. 10 and . . ran" 'Corps, made up of eighteen Junior and juries. Reynolds and another com- Nov. 17. Sertior girls, wilL also march in the panion, G. Murray. escaped with slight Guess as many tim^s as you like, parade. Helen Kilday will lead the injuries. , I „ ibut you must make your guess on a high school band as drum major. * , Everyone likes if parade this one promises to of the finest ever had, made for their chicken pie dinner and Institute, as the speaker. The sub- All school children, with the excep-, bazaar, the date of which has been district banner was given to^Richmond ^OIi t^°®e^5? the band^ will;assemble • changed• to D-- ec. 15. -M- rs. K--l ontz L_ eaguie for having t&h e largest attend- in front of Bickler s hotel. Members y act as hostess to the. society on Thurs jday, Nov. 17. . * : ' , ^ r '• * • * .r"--\ ' "• ^ MOTHERS CLUB ance, outside of McHenry. Amongr the Sick _ Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of "the "band wVir meeV7t the"high Henry Heiser, underwent an operation school and . then march to the hotel. . appendicitis at St. Therese's hos- Ex-service men are asked to meet at P1^** Waukegan, Sunday. Dick" Rossman, who was injured in separate coupon each time The pumpkin measures 12% inches in length and is 37 inches in circumference at the largest point. The question is, how many seeds will be found ^nside When it is. cut. ^ The pumpkin will be cut by a committee Saturday, Nov. 1$, at 5 p. m. and said committee will make an ac cucnti count of the seeds. , ... The one* making the nearest correct guess will be awarded a large turkey for his or her Thanksgiving dinner. Show your skill--make your guesses on the coupons and maU or bring them to the Plaindealer. Each guess will be filed and the winner named as soon as the seeds aire counted by the committee. Enter this interesting game today- Send in your estimate. You may be the one to receive the-main part of your Thanksgiving dinner. , AH employees or correspondents of the Plaindealer and their families are excluded from entering the contest. Sixteen t«M^ofAca", ,„d bunco promptly at 12:30, from CMntr tn Armicfi™ naw fu<» MntK 1 i , . ,v , whence they will march to the hotel an automobile accident four weeks ago, Owing to Armistice Day, the^Moth- were played at the card party spon-1 , . . j[. . column of marchera is rapdily recovering and is now able 'js aub party has been changed from fi0red by the McHenry Township Dem- J J £ d trough the downtown dis- to get around on crutches. I NS,V.' v 11, J t°Jnday' November ocratic Club at the Democratic Head- trJctTeaded bTthe hfeh s^ooTband. Robert Martin is spending the week 18. Mrs. Richard Fleming will act as quarters on Green street last Friday ^ ^ narade will form in front of *n Chicago, recovering from an opera, hostess at her homo on Rivprsido u ine paraae win iorm in ironi ox .. ~m ; » r tion on his nose, performed at the 1/lIVC W UUII WCOl» Uli UIIU ° t street to Green street, south on Green Mrs. Charles D<Mye, is suffering from street to Waukegan street, west on * badly bruised arm, sustained when at her home on Riverside afternoon with a prize awarded each'n. Yi^ , , ^ , ,, . , , , Drive She wil. be assisted by Mrs tabk. irnd will m^rc^routh on^RiveSde 0ak hospital Monday 5ty y Conw#y and „ An interesting talk was given by .Drive ^ Elm street> west on Elm Eugene, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. Representative Thomas A. Bolger who W aim street' we8t on aim Mrs. W. T. Charles of Woodstock also introduced the candidate for r«L^,Th«Cvel,ata Eurot'ta'sl 7?,^"'";"' T' De f Sm0nd' W^gan" luVYl.' Kuih on « w.a dr.w„ into the wringer up to "rmmer ^ Woodstock, who spoke . few «»d..,Iu. 31 ^ M,in street, cast on Main the shoulder, while his mother was summer. f ( t Lunch wag served at the close of tha,^treet to high school washing Monday of last week. C D OP A " j meeting. ^ ^ ^ j Services after Parade I Mrs. Stephen H Freund, who was A iiour followed* the ' crrowjicr o nwrv I Appropriate services have been plan- confined to her bed because of illness meetfneof theDofA's held atthei? m , u 'ned at the High School immediately the past week, is improving and again EST^ Thursday evening^ '^th bridge E. R^ Sutton was surprised by after the ade At this time the able to be up. Drize's won^ M^ ^Eli^abeth Schoew ! * P he,!' hT® S"" ^ will be raised and a short patri- D.R- F- ^Conway is ill at his home on prizes won by Mrs Elizabeth Schoew- day evening, honoring her birthday ti oroeram presented Set Lester Riverside Drive. ;• • and Mrs. Dorothy Weber and the ^hich occurred a few davs before V. P ., p®. Xjf8re^ Melvin Whitino- who underwent an .^hundred by Mr,. Adele Weber. Cards furnished entertainment with f^Tve"'!^™™ ^ta™ Sr "p""'^ « ^ No^e^Seri^ party "at Their half ThursdrvevenW ^feS ^ by Mrs-Tho u mas, Taps will fnark the close of services, hospital, Chicago a couple of^eeks Dec l MrrEHzaS schLwer wm Wiljon and W^B. Tonyan m fwe hun-j What promises to be a thrilling foot- returned to the home of his parijec. i. airs. iMizaoetn &cnoewer will dred b Mrs George Miller and Wal- hall Mme is scheduled for the after- ents» Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Whiting, be m charge of the card tournament ter Walsh and in euchre hv Mr and is scneouien ior tne alter- Wednesdav which will commence at their next i, , y M an, noon, immediately following services. m,g commence at tneir next Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Lunch was served T v w u •« it T„ „ tv,» ffomD Mrs. Jobe Vasey has been ill at her pieeting, Nov. 17. SURPRISE PARTY HaTold Nelson of this city was at the close of the games and the hon-'ihe Legionnaires will dedicate the home on Elgin the Past weekored guest presented with a gift. game. McHenry Community High Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J- School, coached by a member of the M. Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ton-'local post, G. G. Reed, will play Wood. ma nuine on ya"' ^r' an^ Wilson, stock Community High School. This is Sunday, November 6( in honor of his a"d Mrs w H.u,gh Morris, Mrs. Geo.!0ne of the most important games of Miller, son, Walter, Mr. and Mrs. M. the season, so let us all be out there A. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, to root for our boys and urge them Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh, Miss An- on to victory. na Frisby, Mrs. Eleanor'Nye and Ar- Following the football game a buf- . HOW MANY SEEDS HAB THE PLAINDEALER PUMPKIN? Make Your Guess! '• m.vm Use Tl»l« Conpum! • ' ' Address • My Guess Is • 1. Contest closes Satiuday, Nov 19, at R 8; Plaindealer employes and correspondents and their families •; excladed from entering contest. i. IPou can guess as many times tfs desired, but each guess must be made on separate coupon. The Favorite 1 Lansdown Velvet Finish CoaU are pre-tested for waxmth "»d wear. There are 40% mane fibres on the surface of this fab' ric than others of similar type. Single and double breasted models - $25-00 Other coats from $16.50 to $S5 f Green Street s McHenry sim>: friends and Relatives at his home on C4* H ' 1.4- w, twentieth birthday anniversary. At 12:30 o'clock a delicious dinner was served by the^honored guest's mother, Mrs. Magnus Nelson. A beau- , tifully decorated birthday cake graced the center of the table. Games and a general social after thur Martin. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS noon was enjoyed by all the guests A triple celebration was held at the fet luncheon will be served in the Legion hall for ex-service men, their wives and sweethearts. This luncheon will be supervised by Leo Stilling, The guest of honor was presented with ^°"ie ,of Mr' and Mrs- C1»rence Martin Morris Taxman and Francis LaDean. two very useful gifts. Out-of-town guests were: Leila Hagel of Fergus Falls, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jehander, Mr. and Mrs. Helge Erickson, Mrs. Kathryn Boehm, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Runne Malmstrom, Mrs. Betty Schmitz, John Boehm, Charles Schmitz, Miss Mary Fischer, Miss Hel. en Patt, Miss Ruth Schnitz, Joseph Marshall, Stephen Ocwieja and James Martin, all of Chicago. a/cAt >1^ MOnNcEYv r Saturday evening, complimenting Miss! After the luncheon, the committee Miss ®'.t® Martin, Miss Helen Welch and has made plans for an evening of cards Miss Viola Straujfh, whose birthdays with suitable prizes for bridge and five occur within a few days of one an- hundred. °ther. j There have been many Armistice The party was held in the basement Day celebrations on November 11 since of the Martin home where decorations 1918, but this is the first time it has were in keeping with Halloween with been proclaimed a national holiday, a huge pumpkin filled with flowers asJ Legionnaires, who celebrate the] a table centerpiece. The color scheme Armistice, will pause for one minute ' of black and yellow waa carried of silent reverence at 11 o'clock in throughout. , memory of the comrades who failed to A merry evening of. games and return, and Gold Star mothers will dancing was brought to a close with cherish anew the treasures of a loved the serving of lunch. Those present one who gave his life for his country. were Miss Viola Straugh of Amboy; -- • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lovegrin, Elm-, VINCENT FELTES OF ; hurst; Miss Kathryn Best, Kenneth; qdPtwp PPATTIP nrns Seyfried, J. Nesbit Newell, Eugene SrftlWli UXtUVJS DUB Sode, William Martin, Oak Park; Mr.| MONDAY IN HOSPITAL and Mrs. Glen Robison, Helen Welch,' _ . Woodstock; Miss Dorothy Walsh, Mrs.! Vincent Feltes, of Spring Grove, 33 A. I. Froehlich, daughter, Adele, Billy years old on the day of his death, died: Kinsala, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- at St. Therese hospital Monday eventiii, Rita and Robert, McHenry. ling, November 7, 1938 at 8:20 o'clock * ' * ~--j-after a serious illness of six weeks. WILL SERVE DINNER |He failed to rally after an .operation. The men of the M. E. Community performed on Saturday. church are giving their annual dinner' The deceased was born in Kansas in the church basement on Sunday, City on November 7, 1905 and remain- November 13. Serving will be from ed there until fifteen years ago when 11:30 o'clock to 2 p. m. Everyone is moving to Spring Grove. He was invited to attend. Admissiqn will- be employed in Chicago for ten years 50c and 35c. and in recent years worked as painter Purpose of th^, dinner is to assist for George Kane of McHenry. in financing the repair work Which In 1927 he was united in marriage has been done in the church basement to Miss Edith Ehlert of Richmond and during the year. ito this union were born two children. The menu on Sunday will be at fol- • He attended St. Peter's church at Gra Overton Motor Sales 1938 Pontiac DeLuxe '6' Coupe with heater and defroster, ~*nly $695.00 1937 Ford DeLuxe "85" Two- Door Sedan--New tires, 20,- 000 miles $425.00 1937 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe -Coupe--New tires, new car guarantee $460.00 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe - Hot water heater and Philco ra dio $295.00 19^6 Oldsmobile DeLuxe Four Door Trunk Sedan -- Like new, heater, etc. $495.00 1934 Pontiac Four-Door Trunk DeLuxe Sedan $295.00 1937 Buick DeLuxe Four-Door f Sedan -- Radio, run 15,000 ^ > jniles „* $685.00 K. I. Overton Motor Sales -- BUICK AND POHTIAC - Where Customers Send Their Friends -- P ilose 6 lows: Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes ( Cole Sbiw Carrots Bee be Cream Cake ; Coffee (Spring Grove and was a member of (the Holy Name Society of that parish, I Surviving him besides his wife, j Edith, and two children, Dwlores andt Betty, are his mother, Maarrggsa ret Feltes, of Spring Grove, a brother, Dan- ... - ,.iel, also of Spring Grove, and a sis- Pickles Olives Celery ter, Marcella, of Kansas City. Committees are as follows: Kitch- Funeral services were held in St. en, Wm. Spencer, Dr. C. W. Klontz, Peter's church at 9:30 o'clock on Dr. R. G. Chamberlin, James Perkins, Thursday morning, with burial in St. Lester Adams, John Anderson and E. Peter's cemetery. ^ G. Peterson; Arrangements, George; Pallbearers were: Clarence Karls, Johnson, Clarence Douglas, Harold .Edwin Kafls, Paul Weber, Charles Owen, Lisle Bassett, Glenn Peterson,, Freund, Leo Lay and George Kane. D. I. Granger; Table, C. W. Goodell,] Leonard McCracken, Vale Adams, Ray! Page, , Arthur Newell, Gerald Reed,; rj. ,1 Rollo Chamberlin, Harry Anderson,! oil*lilS Gordon Granger08*6 *alklp|ft<m' andj •••••" ' • « * 4 I t 41 ! »• Rev. Gerrard, pastor of the Com- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake are happy munity M. E. church, wishes to extend grandparents of twin daughters, bora a hearty invitation to you to attend to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake at the the church services on that date. Ser-; Woodstock hospital Saturday morning, vices will be held at the usual hour,!Nov. 5. Weight, 6 lbs. 4% ounces and 11;00 a. m. (7 lbs. 8V4 ounces. They have been There will be special music by the named Jane and Jean. choir with Bob Peterson as soloist.1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gielow of Ring* The orchestra, which was so well re-' wood are the parents of a son, borjf ceived on its first appearance last Sun-'Friday morning, Nev. 4. day, will play at Sunday School again! Mr. and Mrs. James Stack of Chinext Sunday. cago are parents of a son, Garrets Patrick, born at the Lying-in hospital in that city, Tuesday, ^October 2$, Mrs. Stack was the former Miss beth McCabe of this city. IT makes the eye glad and grateful--you spot that the instant your gaze takes in this sparkling Buick for 1939. It's sleek and swift and businesslike, lean and clean in J every line, the trim bonnet low-set, the graceful upperstructure light-and-airy looking, neat and fine. Will you step in, please, and look it over closer? Why, it's almost like being in an open car, with the outlook you've got here! The long nose tapers quickly out of eye-way, the pillars Buick's stepped-up visibility Jfcoth sets a patera and £ function. , J_ . : ,1 So take a good look into its bigger, better, broader outlook. It's one thing among modestly retire to the background, overhead stop lights drop into easy vision--ahead, to right, to left, you can see! The ruler will tell you there are as much as 413 added square inches of safety glass in y many that Buick's got that this Buick, and these inches. , you'll want in your next autoare placed where they count mobile, • • • • NO OTHER CAR IN THE WORLD HAS ALL THESE FEATURES # DYNAFIASH VALVE-IN-HiAD STRAMMT- BQHf ~|NOINE * KUICOII TORQUE-FREE SPRINOIN4 ft GREATER VISttlUTY it HANMSHIFT TRANSMISSION * ROOM-- UNISTER SOOT SV HSH« * TORQUE.. 1ME DRIVE * TIPTOE HYDRAULIC BRAKES if CROWNt STRMO aUTCH * "CATWALK-COOLMO" * OPb IIDNAL REAR AXLE GEAR RATIOS * FLASH-WAV (MRECTIOW SIGNAL * SELF-SANKMG KNB-ACnOfi MONT SPRMQMO It has a lot to do with making Buick beautiful, this grand expanse of openness! And like "catwalk-cooling": iradiators low where air pressure is greatest--and the lines of the bonnet: broad, clean, aerodynamically better-- E*sy en th* eye --easy to big--on General Motors Terms! Sirius and Our Sun Compared with Sirius, our sun to a mere infant beside a giant. If the two were to exchange places the. sun would be barely discernible without > the aid erf a telescope, whereas _ SUrius would consume the earth is Qbiekly and completely as a. blpst ^furnace would a gnat, for it would take 400 suns to Sifiua BXCMFIAR Of OENEKAL MOTORS VAtUff ..... Innocuous Desuetude' The phrase "innocuous desuetude" to from Grover, Cleveland's message to congress, Marph 1, 1888 r "After an existence of nearly 24 years of almost innocuous desue* tude, these laws are brought forth.' R.I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Street, West McHenry, III" . 216 Main St., Crystal Lake, UL. ES

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