Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1938, p. 8

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'.V'i *'\fr £ ;^.^,V * J^vg;;| J J »*>••*$. J * * * . t % K m.# <*.*•'• '•"ritf; tl ii». ...,-** • .,., ,»i. i. . . " * ' * V . v PLAINDEALER PUBLISHES I w:?j WEDNESDAY NEXT 5mi tm The Plaindealer will publish one day early next week on account of Thursday being Thanksgiving holiday. Advertisers and corres pondents will therefore get their copy in one day earlier than usual. LEGION AUXILIARY Richmond unit of the Legion Aux iliary will entertain McHenry County Council at a Christmas party in the Legion hall in that city on Dec. 2, when ten cent gifts will be exchanged PAST ORACLES Mrs. Agnes Gilly will entertain the McHenry County Past Oracles Club at a Christmas party at her home -in this city Tuesday, December 13. • < - %/ . : ' ersonais Freund Chicago •'fAi • ' > ! ; s;*; t. & }, f " ( J, i' i < ' / * * J. R. CLUB "Members of the J. R. Club" met with Mrs. J. M. Phalin Thursday afternoon with prizes in* cards going to Mrs. E. R. Stitton and Mrs. Albert Vales. CONTR ACT CLUB" - Members of the Contract Club weri1 entertained at a dessert bridge at the home of Mrs. Wallace Dobyns Wed- visitor Friday. Lunch was served at the close of the jjesday afternoon with awards going to Misses Lucille Steffes and Lorraine Mrs. Harold Owen, Mrs. Dobyns and Eifjreln and Billy Kinsala attended a Mrs. George Stilling. They will meet party given by members of St. Sawith Mrs. Floyd Cooley Tuesday af- bina's parish, Chicago, Sunday even-; ternoon of next week. , • ing. v: , V " j- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of ! MOTHERS CLUB J Hebron left Thursday for Hot Spring?, Mrs. Richard Fleming will act as Ark., where they expect to spend the hostesp tp the Mothers Club at her \ remainder of the month. home on Riverside Drive on Friday, Mrs. Harry Cook and Harry Cook, November, 18. She will be&ssisted by Jr., of Denver, Colo., spent the week games and plans made to meet with Mrs. Vales in two weeks. * • * ENTERTAINS FRIENDS ; Miss Genevieve Knox entert^irted a group of out-of-town friends at her Vc home Friday ^evening. Those present . "were: Mr. and Mrs. James Burke, •" ^ Mr. and Mrs. jjee Hajren, Harold Pow- ' ers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, j* Mrs,' O. Fell of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs, Ray Conway !end in the Peter M. Justen home and - Mrs. "S teve Kelly of Libertyvillje.," v y ; ' : : >0X RIVER VALLEY CAMP Fox River Vattey Camp, R. N. A., mfet Tuesday evening. After bu&ihess.|sumtli6'r. and Mrs. Peter Doherty,. j left Monday for Florida, where they 4Mrs. W. T. Charles <?f . Woodstock < will spend the winter. . will be guest speaker and will give an [ Mrs. Geo. P. Freuiyl, Mrs. George account pf her travels in Eur$$e last '-Weber and Mrs. Charles Michels yislited Mrs. Charles Freund and little wfts Vansact^ a fjve c£nt party was! > i' .v .'.f'. •; V '%• -'v';- [daughter at St Therese's hospital, in etijiij-ed with the bridge prize won by COMMUNITY METHODTSTCTftURCH, \Vaukepan, Tuesdayr^ - f Mrs. George1 Lindsay, the five hundred ( The dinner served by the men of the' Miss Bertha Schi^ssle was'$«Cbiby Mrs. Fred- Schoewer and the bunco church on Sunday, Nov. 13. was a suc-.cago visitor Friday. - ; j :» by Mrs. Frank ThurlwelL Election cess. Over 200 people were served,! Wm. Connolly of Chicago was a Mc-' of officers will take place at their, next :and there were many compliments on Henry visitor Sunday. j meeting in two weelc^. " jthe quality and the quantity of the; Mrs. M. J. Freund is spending the " * * , food served. The Official Board and week in the home of her" son, Char- ATTEND CARD PARTY 'the Pastor take this opportunity to ex- les, at Spring Grove. ! Thirty-five members of St. Clara's .press their grateful appreciation not Mr. and Mrs. Alby Krug and daugh- Court, W. C. O. F., of this city and St. only to the nfien who performed their ter, Elaine, of Antioch attended the Agnes' Court of Johnsburg motored to many tasks so admirably, but also dinner at the M. E. .Community church y Aurora Wednesday where they attend- to the considerable number of women Sunday. , . ! ed a card party sponsored by mem- whG did the baking and the roasting, Thomas Gill of Chicago was Jl SUB*•• bers of St. Nicholas church in the af^ and other tasks which went to make visitor in McHenry. ternoon and a , meeting of St. Cecelia's the dinner a success. Court, W. C. O. F., in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen, Mrs." Alex Justen, Clarence Niesen, Hoy Kent and Mrs. Harry Cook and Hart y Cook, Jr., of Denver, Colo., attended the Notre Dame - Minnesota football gage Saturday and visited Daniel Justen, who is a sophomore student at Notre Dame. | MRS. ALVIN LORS | DonaId Armstrong of Evanstoi), Funeral services for Mrs. Alvin Lors called on McIfenrV friends Sunday. | were held in New Munster, Wis., Mon-1 .'Mrs. Christina G^ing of Chicago is day. She was fifty-two years of age visiting in the liorhe of her daughter, and besides The husband leaves four Mrs- Ray Pa^ Mrs- Goin^ returned Deaths RIVERVIEW CAMP | Riverview Camp, R. N. A., held their regular meeting Tuesday evening. A social hour followed with Mrs. Albert Vales as chairman. The pinochle prize was given to Mrs. Doden, the five hundre 1 to Mrs. H. Simon and the bunco to Mrs. Fred Nickels. Lunch ' was served at the close of the meetln4r" " • * C ' small children. Mrs~ Henry Kinsala, home from Canada recently, where Tk« * u D'I",KK 1 daughters, Eleanor and Mildred, and she sPent the slimmer. The roast beef dinner given by the Misg Marie powerg were visjtors in Misses Elola Boyle and Genevieve men of the M. E. Community church the Lors home Sunday. Mr. Lors i3 Knox were Huntley and Elgin visitors ' November 3, Pr°,ve 0-n a cousin of Mrs. Kinsala. ; Saturday splendid success. Approximately 250 ( John Sutton of Dixon visited dinners were served. Many people mbq at hi?dt pdtot from neighboring towns were in at-1 v , / FRITZ "tendance i Funeral services for Mrs. Albert tives here the last of the week. I __ Harold Owen spent a few days this ts,™- it, J- * , . 4' Pritz7^'<>ther" of HrSftb^rkMiTofi^6^ on businear in Michigan; • • W inolr ^frV° S this city were held in Crystal Lake at1. Mines Julia Seelig, Louise Charin financing the repair, work, which j.jjq oVioct Wednesday afternoon honmer and Sabina Huette were the cHurch basment ^ Rev! J wSyoftn>est# in the home , ^ *• • • ificiating. Burial was in Union ceme- J^ten Sunday. ' w r a i? tery- Mrs- F"t« died at Sherman1 Mr and Mrs. Fred Ernat of Chi- ' ' . .. hospital Sunday evening following a f**0 sPent the weekend with friends fifty »«nbers were present at the heart atta k ( . h * . CrA., in this vicinity. « meeting of St. Clara's Court, earlier in the day. I Miss Georgianna Donohue of Hunt- W. C. O F last Thursday evening. Besides her husband she is survived ^ was an Armistice Day guest of ,uUr 7 a,nd lunc5 hy six daughters and seven sons as Ml»s Genevieve Knox. followed the business meeting and follows; Mrs. Gladys Block, McHen-' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger and plans were made to attend a Forester ry. j|rs Esther Oltrage, Brookfield •! Mr- and ^Mrs« John Bolger visitwl meeting and card party at Aurora on Bernice, Helen, Doris and Betty at Mike Knox at St- Therese hospital, Wednesday of this week. home; Charles, of Northbrook; Harry,i'Waukegan, Sunday. ine next meeting of the Women s Delbert, Edward and Albert, of El-1 Mrs.. Jacob Thies and son, William, Catholic Order of Foresters will be gin; John and Robert at home. She visited relatives in Chicago Tuesday. r, h®ld on Friday, November 25, instead also leaves one grandchild; two sis-! William Martin of Oak Park called ! " f Thursday, November 24, which ters, Mrs. Gus Peterson, Crystal Lake lon relatives here Saturday evening. V' " Thanksgiving Day. and Mrs Daniel Gimbel of LaGrangeJ Mr- anif Mrs' George Lindsay were sff' r " * and ^ree brothers, Wniiam Haase of Sunday guests in the Henry Simes v Atid now's the time to select tyours! ^ Winterliaven coat? are made to protect yon from ' • ,. winter winds. They combine smart DQtfisculiiie styling warmth, comfort and fine tailoring. Ydmni like the overcoat materials, especially woven from long-fibred wool, t'he f&brics " §oft ahd pliable »s6 : tliat they drape well. At the same time, they have rug- " g^d Quality which insures warjntli and long wear. If you we interested in comfort, in smart appearand in ECONOMY can't.afford to ibiss these .fine overcoats. • -- ,'jj : ; Our stock4 includes a wide range of models pnd Styles sizes to fit you -- And Priced Right! / " • -'W :• f.' -'i • 7«v ix v * ' ' - " u. ' « ' ' r * :? <v to HcGEE'S Open Wednesday and Saturday Branings GREEK STREET McHENRY PUBLIC CARD PARTY Don't forget the public card party Chicago, at St. Patrick's hall next Sunday evening, Nov. 20. A surprise is in store for all those who attend. Contract and auction bridge, pin Crystal Lake, and Herman and Otto, ^°?Je in ^e*?r on JAMES PARSLEY James Parsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Parsley, pioneer residents of ochle five hundred, euchre and bunco this community, died of a heart attack will be played with several prizes at the home of his daughter, Mrs. awarded and refreshments served jirene Lyons, at Crystal Lake Monday ChairT,an' | evening at the age of 82 years. He assisted by the following. Mrs. George | spent his early life in the vicinity of TVinmif'o vr M ' tI I Burton's Bridge and lived on farms in ^regim ,or He served as village marshal at Cary for fourteen years. He was married to Alice Wfilson, at Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 9, 1888, they celebratin their golden wedging a couple of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thies and' daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago were Saturday evening guests in the Jacob Thies ham*. ™-e DEBUNKER By John Biarvcy Fur bay, Ph.D. Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Walter Walsh and Mrs. Arnold Rauen. • • • O. E. S. ---Election of Eastern Star officers for the coming year was held Monday months ago evening, and members elected to office are as follows: Worthy Matron--Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Worthy Patron--C. W. Goodell. Associate Matron--Ethel Granger. Copyright by Public Ltdgtr, Inc. Other surivors, besides the widow are: four children, Mrs. Irene Lyons, Miss Margaret Parsley, William Parsley and James Parsley, all of Crystal Lake; four grandchildren, and a brother, William Parsley, of Burton's Associate Patron--George H. John- Bridge. B°n- 1 Funeral services were held from St. Conductress-rMrs. Mabel Collins. Thomas' church, Crystal Lake, at ten Associate Conductress--Mrs. Cora o'clock this (Thursday) morning, with Bfcssett. burial in Algonquin. Secretary--Mr. Alice Lindsay. I Treasurer--Mrs. Jennie Eddy. V- mrs, guy HARRISON Installation of these officers will Following is the obituary of Mrs. RATS DO COMMUNICATE LICE TO HUMAN ftEINQS Bats usually avoid human beings. They are afraid of man. • Even if they should become infested with lice--which is not the usual case,, since they feed on such insects-- - t M Easy on tht tyt--easy to buy--on Gtneral Motorj terms! WNU Service. Qabby Qertie ¥2; take place at the regular O. E. S. Guy Harrison, whose death occurred there would be little opportunity for meeting on November 28. - j on Sunday, Octqber 23, 193|j>at' Fern-! transferring these pests to man. * * * 7-' 'ii "• '^Me, Wash.: ' j Bats usually sleep in caves and old MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Born in Wisconsin in 1881 as Misa barns, rather than in houses where Mrs. William Althoff, Mrs. Joe Jessie Richardson, she moved with her PeoPle reside. Even in these caves, Smith and Miss Leona Smith were co- parents to McHenry, 111., where she at-i ^ce would find it hard to escape hostesses at a miscellaneous shower tended school, graduating fro«» the the aPPetit*s of the bats. at St. John's hall at Johnsburg Sun- Woodstock high school in 1901. She day afternoon fri compliment to Miss then taught, school there. j Hazel Stoelle of Chicago, whose mar- On February 18, 1903, she was' riage to Ray Smith of Johnsburg will united in marriage to Guy G. Harribe an event of next week. 8on at Woodstock, and lived on the Fifty guests were invited to spend home farm in Illinois until March an afternoon at five hundred and bunco 1914, when they moved to Crookston, with awards in the former going t Minn., where they resided until No-1 Mrs. John Smith, Miss Betty Althoff vember, 1918. Ferndale has been and Mrs. Math. Laures and in the lat- their home since that time. ter to Mrs. Sue Hiller, Mrs. Joe King Mrs. Harrison was a life-long Chrisand Mrs. William Meyers. ian, a member of the Ferndale Meth- Refreshments were served- at the odist church, and of the W1CTU was Close of an enjoyable afternoon and superintendent of the Sunday school .the honored guest was presented with in her home district in Illinois, and ormany lovely gifts.^ ^ |g»nized and acted as superintendent! a xTXTTir-cno *"*»•«• a Sunday school in Minnesota. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY | As a true wife and mother she was Mr and Mrs Joe Weber were sur- greatly admired by her numerous prised by a gfoup of relatives and friends in the community. friends at their home, near this city, She was the mother of two children Friday evening, the occasion being Mrs. Kenneth Still of Blaine and Richtheir tenth wedding anniversary. ;ard B. Harrison of Bellingham who Four tables of five hundred were with her husband, one granddaughter I played with prizes won by Mrs. Joe two sisters, Mrs. L. W. Thompson of Weber. Mrs. George Miller, Joe Weber, Chicago, Mrs. Arthur Dimon of M"- Nick Young, Thomas McLaughlin and Henry, and a brother, Robert Richard- Mrs. Robert Frisby. (son, of Crystal Lake, survive her Following cards, singing was enjoy- Funeral services were held at the ed, a pot-luck lunch was served and Methodist church at Ferndale on Wedthe honored couple presented with a nesday, October 26, with the Rev gift. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lloyd Doty officiating. Burial was Young of Ringwood, Misses Barbara made at the Woodlawn cemetery. and Gertrude Weber, Mr. and Mrs. E. j •' •' R. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton,; Below Sea Level Kate and Thomas McLaughlin, Mrs. i The Sahara desert it J60 feet b«- George Miller, Mrs. Albert Vales and low sea level; the Caspian sea 86* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby. feet; the D&atf stfa, 1,290 "feet. * IOOK at it! Standing still, every inch 4 seems itching to get going.Streaming along, as you see it here, it's the perfect picture of perfect action I answering wheel --your foot on the gas treadle, bossing that ablest Of the straight-eights t You hardly know your Migine't Now, just put yourself behind that turning, so quietly does it pour wheel! . Jforth its power! Imagine your eyes looking out over The big bad bumps are like a mill that comely, streamlined bonnet-- gond's ripples, so smoothly do giant your hand on that ready, instant- «oil springs level them for you! You look out on the wide, wide world past narrower posts and through deeper, wider windshields and win* dows--up to 413 more square inches of safety plate glass let you see America first, last and all the time! Comfort? You*v« never known the like. NO OTHER CAR IN THE WORLD HAS ALL THESE FEATURES * DYNAHASH VAIVWN-HTAD STUAIOHT-IKIHT «N«Ne • lulCOIt TORQUE - FREE SPRINOINO * GREATER VISIBILITY * HANDISHIFT TRANSMISSION • ROOMIER UNTSTCH. BODY BY PWHER * TORQUE TUBf DRIVE * TIPTOE HYDRAULIC BRAKES • CROWN SMUNO aUTCH it "CATWALK-COOUNO" * OPTIONAL REAR AXLE MAR RATIOS * HASH-WAY DIRECTION StONAL * SHP-BANKMO KNEE-ACTION FRONT SPRINGING ginal effect is produce^ when e thine old Is given a se# twist." Order your Robber Stamps at Tba Plaindealer. what with lower floors, and wider seats, and as much as four inches pnore to stretch out your legs! Convenience? It's everywhere -- from a gearshift out of knee-way to 4§ direction signal that operates by a ' , simple flip of a switch! An idle dream, you say ? Not a bit of |t! This great car's calling pointedly to you when it so plainly invites, 1 "Step in! Let's go!" j Though bigger, though better, though j more beautiful than ever, this great J Buick is actually lower in price! Lower | than last year -- lower bjf (or than you'd ever think to look at it--lower even than some sixes! So, why don't you visit the nearest Buick dealer --just to see die surprising news that's written on his price tags? EXEMTIAK OF OENERAl MOTOKS VALUE -- R. I. Overton front Street, West McHenry, HL 216 Main St., Crystal Lake, HI,

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