Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1938, p. 1

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There will be poultry prizes and amusements for all. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. J\ WORK PROGRESSES ON NEW JOHNSBURG BRIDGE FINANCES AND ROADS i ARE PROBLEMS H /r* K'i' " .•: " Various items of business were 'transacted by the county board members Tuesday. In brief some of the items brought before the board on which action was taken follow: 1. Approval of the monthly report «f County Treasurer Lester Edinger showing a balance on hand as of Sept. 80 of $66,070.92, with receipts for Oc-1 "Sixty-three individuals and thirtytober of $16,578.55 and expenses of four corporations were named in twi» DR. GRAND JURY BUNDESEN AMONG THOSE NAMED $84,389.37 leaving a balance in all funds of $48,260.10 as of October 30. 2. Approval of the recommendation of the finance committee for the isfltting of tax anticipation warrants on 1938 taxes not to exceed the sum of federal indictments made public before Federal Judge James H. Wilketw son Tuesday as the result of the federal probe of milk conditions in the Chicago milk shed. News of the indictments was suppressed for two $35,000 with an effort being made to weeks sell the warrants at less than a 5 perl Dr Herman-N. Bundesen, preside** • «ent interest rate. °f the Board of Health; Capt. Daniel 3. The approval of payments in the j ^ Gilbert, the state's attorney's chief jtmount of $102 for the recording ofj investigator; two health department right of way dedication papers. ^ officials and the major figures in the 4. The presentation of a petition | Chicago milk industry were charged Signed by several hundred residents wjth violation of the Sherman Antiwbo reside on the old Crystal Lake; trusj. ^ct and McHenry road via Paine's hil-1' asking for an early improvement of 5 this road by blacktopping. The petition was referred to the road and illlii THREE-DAY BAZAAR St. Mary's church is sponsoring a three-day Thanksgiving bazaar to be held Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, November 20, 21, and 22. Proceeds will be used for the benefit of St. Mary - St. Patrick school. '• '. . Everyone is cordially invited to attend. There will be games and booths and concessions of various kinds, Tuesday evening is Poutry .Night • A good time is promised everyone, so don't fail to attend. * ,; This picture, showing men at workoon the new state bridge at Johnsburg, was taken a few days ago by the Plaindealer camera. It is being constructed just below the present bridge. SUPERVISORS 581; ••'M a ~.;-s ABOUT SRANT ii EARLY TO BED, EARLY TO RISE," FRIDAY EVENING JUNIORS WILL PRESENT CLASS PLAY PWA OFFICIALS SILENT . ON MATTER McHenry. ^county's laridge building- • pirojnam will not be realized in the very near future, according to action taken on Tuesday by the board of supervisors, as they voted 15 to 2 against going a^iead without waiting to hear from tne federal government in regard to a request for a 45 per cent PWA grant. The bridge problem came up for debate when Supervisor Harrison of Greenwood township made a motion that the county proceed in rebuilding the eleven bridges washed out by heavy rains lafet summer and paying the ^McHenry high school Will be! for the cost without aid from the the scene of one of the important1 government. His motion was secondevents of the school year when tomor-j<?d by Supervisor Palmer of Dunham row, November 18, the Juniors enact township. bridge committee for investigation. 5. The presenting of several peti- JtJons with more than 400 signatures of residents in the Wonder Lake com- In the second indictment the major figures in the ice cream industry throughout the country were accused of a similar conspiracy. When Dr. Bundesen learned of his indictment he wrote Mayor Kelly, asking that he be given a leave of ab- LEGION AND SCHOOLS PRESENT FINE PROGRAM ARMISTICE DAY, NOV. 11 | complimented oil the fin* showing it | made. I The parade formed in front of Bickler's hotel at one o'clock and marched south on Riverside Drive to ElnU my |||TCDUATIflllJLI CURIA/ street, west on Elm street to Green \ £| ||l I tHllAIIUHAL UllUvT The American Legion and high school are to be congratulated on the munity asking that the road leading sencf. from his post until after the dis-, splendid program they presented on from Route 20 to Wonder Lake be'pos,tJ°" ® the case. Mayor Kelly Friday, November 11, Armistice Day, -m.*, a road. Thi. matter was also referred to the road. and bridge committee. 6. Appointment of Helen Schoepke of Woodstock as clerk in the office of the county veterinarian to succeed Mrs. Anna Graves Moncur, who recentlv resigned 7. Suggestions by various members I in honor of the soldiers who were It their class play, "Early to Bed - Early to Rise." PINE TREE FARM Will HAVE SEVERAL ENTRIES There was quite a pause before a roll call, during which various com- ... . . , . . . ments on the subject were made and a The settmg, a furnished apartment i lett<?r from c 9sm|U1 chaunecy W. on Chicago's south side, has been Reed was read The congressman planned and arranged by the property stated that . was advised that the managers, Lorraine Schaefer and Earl Smith. Because of the illness of Shirley Butler, the sound effect director, bridge project jcis now under active consideration, but that no definite information is forthcoming until a de- Marjor^ Duker, student coach, will finjte commitment from Washington relative to allotments is received. It seemed to be the opinion of the of the board, headed by Supervisor Charles H. Ackman, that would aid small townships in the matter of cartag to township roads. lt w«8 brought: ™ ^"h^°b^L out by Mr. Ackman that the time is ducer nas getung too nuie, near at hand when something will liive to be done about this situation. 8. Referred to the purchasing committee were several matters in connection with buying Venetian blinds for the sheriffs' residence and the board of supervisors' room, together with the construction of a canopy at the entrance to the sheriff's residence. State's Attorney Conrtney issued a ivil d to serve their country> statement announcing his full faith one of ^ finest and moSt fating in Capt. Gilbert. He said that Gilbert cekbration8 ever given in McHenry in will continue at his post. - observance of Armistice Day. Although it is not specifically set! r. . „ n p. _ forth in the indictment, government Commander Charles R. Page and officials assert that the effect of the comm,tte« appointed by him wereJn conspiracy charge has been to set an ^ar*e of ,^e P^gram. Members of artif.nal price level for milk in the the, committee who worked so ably Chicago area-that the consumer has and dihgenUy to present a fitting celebeen paying too much for retail mUk>! on the one hand, and that the pro- PauI J,'and®» Leo Stilling, Morris Taxon I man, Gerald Reed and Ed Conway. the other. ) A member of the local post, Paul If the government should prove suc-i Yanda, arranged a parade, made up of cessful in its prosecution of the milk1 ex-service men, high school students, indictment, indications are that it will | boy scouts, girl scouts and the grade have an effect in every city where the; school children from both the parochimajor milk companies operate. al and public schools. A drum corps, $1,000 Bonds {made up of eighteen Junior and Sen- A bond of $1,000 each was set in ior girls, also marched in the parade. both cases. Those named were given, Helen Kilday led the high school band j ter's mother, Mrs Fritz, at Crystal have charge of off-stage effects. . . . „ . . Between the second and third acts, ^ ^ ^ w.„ Tyw u Minetluiy iboat tne windy ^ orchestra will have a specialty fifteen members of the board that. j city the playing of bagpipes, ^" number with "The Spanish Serenade," action on the matter should be withmg flags, the smell of tanbark and the porj juan> when Jane Durland and held until the December meeting. A s•thionrrtt ip»attrriinottiiic. pitrromgmramm w«a«s pnrmeswennttieHdl, clattering of hoofs upon the pave- Loi-g^ta Bailey present a dance in fit- number of the supervisors said they ment> brings folks back each year J F - - street, south on Green street to Waukegan street, west on Waukegan street to 111. 81, south on 111. 31 to Main street, east on Main street to the high school. Immediately after the parade, ir„CfteTte7„S,IU™,'s^>rS' ting mood to the music. IB, Mauri. b,li«ved irtufair to go ahead Lester Bacon and his firing squad DOsSL at Chica^^nd he£ it5h T*ylor' «irls athlet,c director and build the bribes without federal aid were on hand to give the program a ^f" it awin' Paul Yanda' orchestra c^uctor, have inasmuch as the bond issue votod by military air. Taps marked the closIe .ow w orked together on this Spanish waltz, the people Sept. 9 was passed with the of services. I fhU '2S. i. The boys' octette, consisting of Ger- ^ea tha\the, would pay . , . scheduled this year, one that is «*-' ,. _ , 45 per cent of he cost. After services, * large number of pected to 8urpass aU previous record. aldt Mllle,r and 4 Harry. ConT^J , Bond Issue Voted spectators witnessed the football game W5th 203 head of purebfed Percheron J"1 ^ars The board made application for a between the McHenry Community high draft horses already entered by sixty the cTiorus, will sing a negro spiritual ear Jn September school and the Woodstock Community exhibitors from nine different states, it acapella. This s^nKin£ without ac- ^)esr g t^e pgopig Qf the county voted high school. Following tha game s^lnffet lunch eon was served in the Legion fc promises to be the best Percheron iompaniment has become increasingly ^95 to 460 in favor of a $130,000 bond the list of Popular and speaks for itself of th~ Indiana is h*rd and intensive work the group , . . . . s h o w e v e r . I l l i n o i s h e a d s t h e l i s t o f p o p u l a r a n d s p e a k s f o r i t s e l f o f t h e i s g u e t Q f o r t h e c o s t H o w e v e r , . .. . glon^ hallM f.o .r 1 percheron entries- with 5--2;. h,a .r d is,,.iAt was understood at the t..i.m e ath.a,t .thle. ex-service men and their guests. This|Second wjth 43; Michian is third with doing. 'government was more than willing to luncheon wa^supems^ by^o Still- 2gf and Ohio is fourth with 27. j Below appears the ^evening's pro- chip in with a 45 per cent grant. As time passed and,no word was re- fV ceived from the government on the application some of the supervisors became impatient. From the comment expressed by the board members Tues- In the absence of County Clerk Ray- three days in which to surrender. The • as drum major. The band is to be'Lake, Wednesday afternoon. milk case was assigned to Federal1 : ttond D. Woods, the first time since , be was elected eight years ago, Miss Jud^e Charles E_^oodward and the Alice Clausen, deputy dlerk, acted as, ™ case to FederaI Jud^ Philip Clerk of the meeting. Mr. Woods was L. bullivan. called from the meeting shortly be-i Conviction carries a maximum penfore noon, due to the illness of his a^n«f one year in jail and a fine of daughter, who was rushed to the hos- $5 0°0^on_each of four counts in the pital for an emergency operation. j indictment. Members of the board paid a fit- .The grand jurors who were m ses- Hng tribute to the memory of Delo, H. Wright, who died recently after READERSI SHOW YOUR SKILLI mg, Morris Taxman and Francis La-| Conspicuous in the Percheron divi- gram as Miss Sylvia Snyder and the Dean. An evening of cards followed. J gjon wjn be the exhibit of Pine Tree Commercial Department are present- , .1 r----" _ .'Farm, McHenry, 111., whose four-year- ing it. Mr. and Mre. F. C. Feltr, Mrs. Fred j0|d stallion, Enchanter, startled the Cast of Qiaracter* Voelte, Mrs. A. J. Kamholz, Mrs. Min- percheron charmed circle at last year's jn order of appearaace: nie Block and Mr. and Mrs. Loiiis international. This firm is bringing ... . „ ,. ^ ._B. _ nil_i. r-„r«day it is evident they are sorry they Block attended ihe funeral of the lat- fourteen head of its superior Percher- * ever made application for a grant but o to compete in a ring of truly Rff Pllii_P Harrv had ^one ahead and financed the progreat show horses, the best of the B<£by Fuller- son of family-Hurry ^t in their own way instead. breed from the East and the Middle- onway. „ . j The bridges washed out and the west. Manan Puller' daufirhter^Helen Kil- estimated cost of rebuilding fonoW8: picture of the alleged price fixing and restraint of trade combination. Count one chaged a conpiracy to restrict the supply and to fix the wholesale prices for fluid milk. The latter ' is $1.71 per hundred pounds while the The How Many Seeds In the Plaindealer Pumpkin? Your Guess Is As Good As Your Neighbor's -- You May Secure Your Turkey for Thanksgiving! - • . - . . • , . ' ' ' j • V - v " • Thanksgiving is the season for | The pumpkin will be cut by a comturkeys and pumpkins. This furnishes j mittee Saturday, Nov. 19, at 5 p. m. Enchanter will again vie for top y." „ „ / ^ w u • r -- honors with the champions of the year, Everitt Fuller, father Walter Low. as will Mar Dona, reserve grand of Bobby s champion at the 1937 International. Et*. „ . , 1 ' m v From her record at the 1938 shows 3im Griggs, Marion s employer--Richthis young miss is likely to prove ard Freund. _ troublesome to other would-be aspir- P*tsy Fuller, daughter--Mabel Bol^r ants for championship honors in the Daisy Fairfax, of the "Graphic Famare division. Lady Synod, a year- tricia Phalin. ling filly, whose rise to show ring Otto Kirschmeier, owner of pet shojHfame started in Kansas as a foal, has 1 Kenneth Cristy. also been proving h(,r show ring mer- Mr. Conkle, the landlord--James Rothits for Pine Tree Farm at the major ermel. shows this year. This exhibit will Laura Montgomery, from Louisiana-- also include the grartd champion mare,' Erma Hunt. . Merle Lou, and the many times win- Place--Living/ dining room of the Serving more than thirty years on the board as a member from Marengo township. Cost 35c Per Vote It cost approximately 35 cents per . Vote cast in the November 8th election ^tail price is 12 cents per quart In McHenry county, according to j formers return is about 3% cents (flaims presented to the county board, j ^ Quart- S.lm.riiroXed amounted to^SG^SO fix ^"biti^r/ "nd non^om^tftivl an idea for having some fun and also,|and said committee will make an ac $here were 16 409 votes cast in the Prices f«r the 1,000,000 or more qusirts an interesting contest among Plain-j curate count of the seeds ejection. The cost of the election was. s°ld daily in Chicago. > 1 • dea^er readers- -- - about the same as in any previous off-|. Three charged a conspiracy to^drive The Plaindealer has 8ecured a large rect guess will be awarded a large their older animais and give them a Act II. year elections when the vote is not Jndependent distributors out 01 tne pumpkin for ^ contest. It contains1 turkey for his or her Thanksgiving Letter showing. It will be a real bat- afternoon, large as in the presidential election. imaTket'a"d ^°j>an st0^e sales 01 seeds, but how many nobody knows, dinner. tie for supremacy and a well earned Act III: Alden . * 8,238 Sackett 5,426 Guttschovf .................. 5,609 Lillbridge 5,434 Lorden 8,598 Brand ........... 10,698 Greenwood .................. 31,724 Merry 5,199 Wbrf ..................... 19,946 Diggins 12,1% Noe 13,438 $126,500 r It was also estimated it would cost $3,500 for the special election, making . total of $130,000. This was the ner, First Attempt, which will battle Fuller's furnished apartment on the amount asked in the bond issue and it out in the three-year-old class. South Side in Chicago. | The absence of foal classes at the Act I, Scene 1: Late Sunday morn- | International again this year will give ing. Scene 2: Six-thirty in the even The one making the nearest cor- exhibitors a chance to concentrate on ing, twelve days later, on Friday. approved. As it stands now, unless something is heard from the government before December 5, the board will take some a rebuilding pro- ELVERA HETTERMANN AND JOHN HERDRICH MARRIED WEDNESDAY Four charged a ^Pi»f 7 to rj- TheTefo"^ it^uHoall readers of the strain and obstruct the supply flowing u'_ t into Chicago from the milkshed in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan. The jury declared that Dr. Bundesen imposed arbitrary, illegal and burden Show your skill--make your guesses j victory for the winners, on the coupons and mail or bring them About four o'clock the next action of its own in - gram. Late afternoon. Several. paper, who desire to compete, to guess the correct answer or as near as pos-jto the Plaindealer. Each guess will RICHMOND MEN INJURED A wedding dress of white taffeta s A ome restrictions on independent proand a net veil falling from a coronet ducers and distributors refused to seed Dearls were worn bv Miss *rant Permits to Prospective distnbu Ilvera Hettermann, daughter of Mr. tors> r^uired f^tributors ^o install «nd Mrs. Jos. Hettermann of Johns- "ew a"d expens,ve equipment without --""v*8 Trrieie wtfnMr" 4ay morning, ovem r , members of producers' organization, ^-|ohn Herdrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. ^ ^ Milk Association. ' r ChaHes Herdnch of McHenry. j PMA Officials Indicted i • . The bride, who was given awav by Qthers indicted who were « «ne' ler father wore a dress made hoop ^ connected with the Pure Milk or ^irt effect with a long train and long gm &re connected inc,ude; Dori N ; beeves, puffed above the elbows. She Q Bogton former secreta John earned white chrysanthemums. p Case 'fonner president; Edward F Large bouquets of white chrysanthe- CooRe director of public relations; E. j mums and ferns decorated the altar of E- Houghtby, treasurer; F. J. Knox, ' ®t. John s church at Johnsburg. where jlead 0f marketing department and . #ie ceremony was performed at 9 ^j) q Oranger, manager of fluid <clock by the Rev. A. J. Neidert. who milk department ! Was assisted by Rev. Frank Miller j£ defendants have not surrendered d Rev. N. J. Thiry of Aurora. Mem- b Friday, of this week, bench war- „ - rs ^.e bridal party were present rants wjn be issued and those arrest-1 a wedding breakfast at the home of ^ subjected to rou^iifi^-feder-1 the grooms parents m McHenry and aj procedure( including fingerprinting.' during the day a reception for l<o The government's plan is to try the| guests was held at the home of the mjjk indictment first. It is expected bride's parents in Johnsburg. In the ^.jje trial will not get under way until: «%'ening a wedding dance was given at after the first of ^ new ye#r Nell's Pavilion. I • --: j Peach and aqua blue was the color The two little flower girls, Charlene h Scheme of the dresses worn by the and Josephine Guercio, were dressed bride's two attendants. Miss Rose- alike in yellow taffeta dresses with | Ittary Hettermann, maid of honor and bouffant skirts. They wore small yelijster of the bride, was in a gown of low hats and carried colonial bouquets ®qua taffeta, made hoop skirt effect, of yellow and bronze chrysanthemums. With short puffed sleeves, a Juliet cap The two small trainbearers, James * iosf dubonnet net, and carried bronze Hettermann and Eugene King, wore zdChrysanthemums. Lena Guercio, the dark blue suits and white gloves. bridesmaid and sister of the groom,! Edwin Hettermann, brother of the ' Itore peach taffeta and a Juliet cap bride, served as best man and usher- «f dubonnet net. Her bouquet was ing were Raymond Smith >and Jos. also of bronze chrysanthemums. Harer. sible. It costs nothing to enter and all j be filed and the winner named as soon you need is a coupon. as the seeds are counted by the com- j Guess as many times as you like, I mittee. j to but you must make your guess on a Enter this interesting game today.. WHEN CAR OVERTURNS ON THURSDAY EVENING days later. , - 1 Music March,, *Step lLively"--Wendland. Overture, "Masterbilt"--Alford. "Spanish Serenade, Don Juan"--Lam ater. -"•V LOCAL TALENT IN HOLLYWOOD PREMIERE' . . I Loretta Bailey separate coupon each time. Send in your estimate. You may -be' 1^° Richmond men were injured, March, "Teamwork"--Ribble. The pumpkin measures 12H inches the °ne to receive the main part of one .seriously, at about 7:30 o_ clock High School Orchestra ine pumpKin m b , .71 . B your Thanksgiving dinner. .|lMt Thursday evening when their car Director. Mr. Paul Yanda in length and is 37 inches in circum- £0t out of control on Route 173, a «xhe Winter Sone" Bullard ference at the largest point. The| All employees or correspondents of *Ue and a half east of Hebron( and ^ s^ritual-A capella question is, how many seeds will be the Plaindealer and their families are turned end-to-end twice before com- Boys' Octette Director, Miss Marfound inside when it is cut. Iexcluded from entering the contest. ing to a stop in an orchard on the H. g.aret O'Gara: 1st Tenors,'Harry Con- . - - ; G. Street fruit farm. way, Lester Klintworth; 2nd Tenors, Rosemary Lane, Greta Garbo and H4rold Bell, 31 years old, well Loren McCannon, Howard Shepard: Laurel and Hardy. Lyle Franzen of Ringwood and Mi?s "Hollj'wood Premiere" opened at the Miller Theatre Wednesday even- Dancers--Jane Durland- and ing, with a galaxy of local Woodstock talent present to impersonate the stars of Hollywood Among the "stars" appearing on the program were: Mae West, Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney. Barbara Stanwyck, Kay Francis, Shirley Temple, Grace Moore. Margaret Sullivan, Jane Withers, Anne Shirley, Priscilla and £1 HOW MANY SEEDS HAS THE PLAINDEALER PUMPKIN? Make Yoar Guess! Use lUs Cotfpop! Name . ' - ' . i V. Address.-...™. -- My Guess ts •mi Rules l.Contestcloses Sotuiday, Nov 19,at 6 p.m. T C"Plaindealer emplojes and correspondents- and their families are • excluded from entering contest. ^ 5 8v"¥«>u can guess as many times as deiiyed^ bnt each guess most be made on separate coupon. old, well ^ ^ known in this vicinity, received pos- Baritones^ Richard Williams, Donald sible internal injuries. Glenn Mey- \^einpart; Basses, Emil Simon, Ger- Florence Meiswinkel of Woodstock ers, driver of the car, escaped with ald j^juer> ~ ' ~ Production Staff were cast as Fred Astaire and Ginger Sobers. " The "Premiere," sponsordl by the Woodstock American Legion Auxili- Ticket Sales Director--Anita Althoff, *ry, is being presented again this Gerald Larkin. evening. ns iusl Lun- pyopgrty Managers--Lorraine Schaef swerve Smith. RED CROSS ROLL CALL Makeup Director--Miss Maurie Tay- WILL START FRIDAY lor. * I, cuts and bruises and was able to leave _ tte -Woodstock hospital after receiv- St&ge Dire;torJlwiibe~rt Schaefer, i^gtre.tment Advertising Manager--Bette Buss. Meyers told State Patrolmen that TiM^t Sa,ps Director--Anita Alth his car got off the concrete and in at* tempting to get back on, he lost con trol of the machine through a ditch into the orchard, pinning both men in the debris. Bell was unconscious when first admitted to the hospital, but he recov- Makeup Assistant Doris Kennebeck. Cross has been called upon ered shortly after arriving at the hos- In Charge o Programs--Miss Sylvia tQ meet another responsibility that of and it is not 1b e1li:e vedJ he received and Depart- vaio a skull injury. - ANNOUNCEMENT We desire to announce that the McHenry Dairy has been granted a permit to use the Grade A label for all milk from this dairy. This permit is subject to all the specifications for .Grade A pasteurized milk as defined in the current requirements of United States Public Health .Service Milk Ordinance and Code. --~ - McHENRY DAIRY, 26-fp Dale W. Thomas, Mgr. W Snyder Commercial Department. , In Charge of Ushers--Mr. Leonard McCracken. Dramatic Director--Miss Helen Stevens. Student Coach--Marjorie Duker. renewing memberships fof the 1939 Roll Call. A splendid staff of worker will qualify for a complete canvass of the community under th£ leadership of Mrs. Albert Purvey, John street, who has been appointed chairman for ;the local chapter of the American Red . 'Cross Roll Call. . TURKEY DINNER j Present plans are to launch it Fre« •Turkey and dressing, fresh fruit sal- day, November 18, and continue until the ad, cranberries, relishes, hot rolls, all are invited to enroll. McHenry drink and dessert all for 75c at Mi citizens have been generous and un- Place, Thanksgiving. ==5?==--^--26-fp derstanding in their response- for lief in disaster and they will Join It's McGee's for Men's Wear! Overcoats at McGee's! •Red Cross. Subscribe for The Plaindealer Overcoats at McGee**!

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