WED ON THANKSGIVING DAY COI NTY COUNCIL ^SffHenry County Council of the American Legion will meet at Richmond this (Thursday) evening. gfy ;.r . LBGION-AUXILIARY»- j The"monthly meeting of the McHen- P ry County CounciJ of the American ,• ' Legion Auxiliary will be held at RichmVmd, Friday evening of this week. /" o * * * 5 ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT k, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennebeck anonnces . ' the engagement of her son, Edward • Kennebeck, to Miss Adele Prickett of < ,1 St. Louis, Mot The weeding will fce ^ 'An event of th& niaiir iuttfre. \°* |f:M[ v; \ , GOLDEN* WEDDING y', Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Kinney, paiiS-; f,s? of Mrs. Esrl.'MrAndrews,and Miss« •"Mary Kinney of this city, celebrated Jheir golden " wedding at Mankato,, Otfinn.. Saturday, Nov.' 26. A dinner \ % ;»nd vp©e|>.tion* ferf ,f\fty-five Relatives ^rirV,'-?was held at K. of C. hall where the- *- ,col< v scheme of yellow and white was" • ] "^'carried out. with the .tab]# centered • '."with a large wedding cake. Many ^.^^•elativife' fyojn a distance $-ere in at- ' "-f:enda?ice. among1 them, some who also " attended their wedding fifty years - . ago. and a happy day was spent inj Visiting and a general good time. The; honored guests were presented with ;many lovely gifts. ^ ' . at Iosco, Minn., Nov; 27, 1888. They are parents of five daughters, Mrs. : Blanche Green, of Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Alice Soutar. Madison Lake. Minn., v^-^Miss Kathryn Kinney of Minneapolis, Minn.. Mrs. Gladys McAndrews and ^Mis? Mary. Kinney of McHenry. They also have eight grandchildren. One " . daughter, Mrs. Genevieve, Olsen, pass- - , ed away a "few years ago. WTry Our Exclusive Scissor Razor Wave with Shampoo and Hairdress $1.50 STOMPANATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock* 111. IWi: f j ) 0ki,': v-4 Other Gift Ties' 50c to $1.50 McGEE'S W. C. O. F. St. Clara's Court, W. C. met last Friday evening. After business' was transacted, cards were played and! lunch served with Mfi. Paul Gerasch' and her committee !if efiar g«. Their {•- next meeting will be held Thursday evening, Dec. 8. - ' • » * '• PARENT-TEACHBRSASSW:^ "The regular meeting of the Parent-j Teachers' Assn. will be held next Wed-! nesday afternoon, December 7, at 3 p. | m- in St. Mary . St. Patrick school j hall. The mothers of the eighth grade pupils will ,act as hostesses. All members are ufged to be present at this meeting. . zion mission .soai^.-lvr ^ Miw. F. W. Voeltz entertained the numbers of the Zion Mission Ende&v-1 fir Society at her home on WaukVgrah1 street Friday afternon. Future plans: for the society Were made and lunch served; A pot'Kick dinner will be serv-j ed: at. their next meeting which Witt, be held with Mrs. Voeltz on Dec. 8.1 when Christinas remembrancesa Wiltbe made for. the shut-ins of the city. SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson were honored guests at a party planned by their children last Saturday evening,' the occasion being their silver wedding ! anniversary. The affair was held at the Peterson garage where singing andl dancing and a general good time was enjoyed until the wee hours of the! morning. A mock wedding caused j much merriment with the bridal party identical of that of twenty-five years ago with Mr. and Mrs. Peterson as bride and groom, Mrs. Peter Engeln, maid-of-honor. Mrs. Earl Paddock; bridesmaid, and John Karls, best man. The wedding march was played by Glenn Peterson who also furnished music for dancing, Lunch, including a lovely wedding cake, made by Mrs. John Karls, was served at midnight and the honored couple were presented with several gifts. Mr., and Mrs. Charles Peterson and Melvin Peterson of Chicago were out-of-town guests. * * * EASTERN STAR INSTALLATION j Another big event in the history of McHenry Chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star, took, plflce Monday evening, November 28, at a "public installaiion of officers for the year 1938. i Miss Ethel Jones, retiring Wc rthy Matron and Lisle Bassett, Worthv Patron, took their places in the Eas* and welcomed the members and guests. The installing officers, Mrs. Ony Wheeler, grand lecturer and past i W orthy Matron of McHenry Chapter, acting as installing officer, Miss Elsie t Vycital, past Worthy Matron of McHenry Chapter, as installing Marshal, ; Mrs. Calla Perkins, past Worthy Ma- I tron of McHenry Chapter, as Chaplain | and Miss Sylvia Snyder, Fortville Chapter, Wisconsin, as installing Organist, were escorted to their chairs in the East. Those who acted as escorts were: Robert Thompson, George H. Johnson and Henry Stephenson. The officers for the new year were ushered into the chapter room by the installing marshal where they formed a semi-circle at the west side of the altar. November Brides *">*«»» mm him u« Among the Stek Mrs. Anna Bugner has been confined to her bed at her home near Johnsburg the past few weks because of illness. . , Ray Conway, who has been under* going treatment at the Worrall hospital, Rochester, Minn., the past few weeks, returned home Monday evening and is very much improved. latest reports from Joseph Heinier, who underwent a serious operation in the Jackson Memorial hospital, Miami, Florida, five weeks ago, are that he underwent three blood transfusions the past week and is still in a very critical condition. Michael Knox, who underwen an op. eration at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, a couple of weeks ago, returned home Monday and is under the care of a nurse at his home near Terra Cotta. Harold Freund, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund, was taken to St. Therese hospital, Waukegan on Tuesday, and underwent an operation for appendicitis. The patient is reported doing nicely. Frank Muzzy, teacher of the upper grades,, at Ringwood school, had the misfortune to break his arm near the Shoulder while skating Monday of this week.-;"r:"' ' y: : - •" v*.: HBSODIST OHUJtOH ROTES Ywji are invited to attend services at thfe M. E. church every Sunday* Sunday School--10 a. m. •.«% Morning Worship--11 a. m. Epworth League--7s30 p. in. yf Rev. Minar Gerrard, pastor. ^ The ladies of the Methodist chltt® are meeting today at the home of Mrs. C. W£ Klontz where work is in progress for the annual bazaar to be held at the church parlors Thursday, December 1JL A chicken dinner will be served at noon and a baked ham supper will follow, to which the public is invited. , Complete menu and details will appear next week. j During the afternoon and evening a fine assortment of fancy articles, ap* Irons, jillow cases and usaf il articles i will be on sale. There will also be many attractive Christmas gifts. ' i » * < » < W Births MRS. LOWELL NYE S •' •« - 'lioto try Worwlck' IIBS. ELMER SMITH Miss Isabelle Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer of Spring' Grove, and Mr. Elmer Smith of Rich-! mond, son of Math Smith, were mar-! ried Wednesday morning, November! 23, at St. Peter's church at Spring' Grove, an account of the wedding appearing in last week's issue of the Plaindealer. .• ' ... »-• • . Replying to^m youngster wWWwte to ask how old a boy is supposed to be before he can do as he pleases, a Boston editor said, "We don't know; nobody ever lived that long." Even old Methuselah probably had someone around who told him where to head in occasionally. n i # li'ji' Mr. and Mrs, Anthoify Straub are the happy parents of a daughter, Yvonne Eva, born Monday,"November 21, at Swedish Covenant hospital. Mr®. Straub is the former Loreria Esh. ' > Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Schmitt arie (parents of a little daughter bora at j their home in this city, Friday, Nov. 25. She has been named Phyllis Ann. ' ; Albert Sengstock of Des Plaines, 111., in court for reckless driving, explained that his false teeth became loose and lodged in his throat, and in trying to dislodge them, he lost control of his car. LOWELL NYE ; , MISS ARMBLLA HAINES ja close j *wn TMTR inmfTT uw ered beautiful vocal selections durmrr in? the course of the dinner. WED ON THANKSGIVING Following the dinner, the guests re- -- paired to the hospitable home of the A beautiful fall wedding was soi- host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. emnized at St. Mary's church in Mc- Nye> on Main street, where the bride The colors were these presented by! Henry on Thanksgiving Day when a^d groom displayed their many splen the flag-bearer, Henry Stephenson J Miss Armella Haines, daughter of the did gifts. and officers for the year were install- 'l*te Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haines, of Music and song and a bountiful bufed as follows: | Arcadia, Wis., was united in marriage luncheon closed the day. Worthy Matron--Mrs. Gretta Good- to Mr- Lowell Nye, son of Mr. and The newlyweds left to spend their ell. | Mrs. A. E. Nye of this city, at a honeymoon at "Lovers' Retreat" at Worthy Patron--Chas W Goodell NuPtial High Mass at ten o'clock with Turkey Run> Indiana. They will be at Associate Matron--Ethel Granger. ^ Paul Tuchlinsky officiating at the ^ their many friends at 929 N. Associate Patron-George H. John- ^P^ssive ceremony. Milwaukee ave., Libertyville, HI., after The altar and entrance to the sane- ^cember l. tuary were beautifully decorated with The 1_})rid® s traveUng suit was an Miss Hazel Stolle, daughter of Mr. large bouquets of gold and white enseTn . wine-colored velvet with and Mrs. Frank Stolle of Forest Park, chrysanthemums. accessOTies to match. j was married to Mr. Raymond Smith, The bride who was tfiven in mar- y® jf..a ^ of the Uni* son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of { W^*'Ven in I*1"" versity of Illinois, with a^degree^of Johnsburg, Wednesday morning, Noin St. John'* Secretary--Mrs. Alice Lindsay. Treasurer--Mrs. Jennie Eddy. . Conductress--Mrs. Mabel Collins. Associate Conductress--Mrs. Cora Bassett. Chaplain--Miss Frances Vycitel Marshal--MisS Ethel Jones. Organist--Mrs. Mabel Johnson. Ruth--Mrs. Emma Smith. Esther--Mrs. Calla Perkins. Martha--Miss Inez Bacon. »*hoto by Wnrwlck MRS. RAYMOND SMITH riage by her uncle, Theodore Janfeow- Bashelor of Science in Journalism. He vpmW ^' velvet gowCnr 0oMf e's uperiorw foarber •icw mhaitdee itfio •na l journalistic fraternity and now .S.. &zxtl. t.i r. zz?,.,; with a short train and long sleeves, holds a responsible position as assist- the weddin« aPP^red in last week's Her fingertip veil of net was fasten- ant editor of the Libertyville Indeto her dark hair with a cluster of pendent-Register. -- . gardenias. Seh earned a white prayer Mrs. Nye is a graduate nurse of St Electa--Mrs. Margaretha Spurling. . ar)d wore as her only jewelry, a Therese hospital at Waukegan and ad Forest Park. Warder--Mrs. Eldred Wattles precious heirloom, an old gold neck- affiliate graduate of DePaul UniVer-1 lace and cross of her mother's. sjtv at Chicago. Miss Virginia Haines, youngest sis- The Plaindealer joins with their Sentinel--Mrs. Luella Stephenson. issue of the Plaindealer. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their home in Subscribe for The Plaindealer*" <P£ca6£ U-im. WUA I LUXURIOUS SILKS in smart * tones! f v£ < $5 Lounging pleasure will be hia, in these vanity satisfying pajamas with contrasting bindings* AH hav* Faultless No-Belt Waistbands. ---- -- Other No-Belt Pajamas : v ' ".r; • $1.95 to $3.00 McGEE'S Green Street . : McHenry Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings ---- Who Is It? Christmas Neckwear Styles Attractive gifts for men who like luxurious ties. " 73 $1 , s ,H?hSrltalk^e tl^i t^0S6 'n ter °f the bride, wore a teal blue gown many friends and relatives in offeree East. The Worthy Matron was of silk moire with fun skirt> *hort ^^^rmesrfelicitations 1 given flowers and gifts from relatives sleeves and a small colonial bat to n I telicitations. , and friends. TW Junior Past Worth, JST "st w„™ !'^ whTte g'ov" Mr^w^r ££ Virginia Off• g ^ carned a bouciuet of Talisman Haines, Poul Klock, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 LSw ** a glft r°r9- E. Nye, Atty. and Mrs| Harry Hitze- „ ,, ..... . ,, e Rfoom wore the conventional man and son, Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs.! following the installation a short black with a boutonniere of white gar- Bernard Woltman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbpiogram was .enjoyed &nd lunch was denia. His &ttend&nt, Paul Klock of ert Lappley and Mr. and Mrs. Oemilserved. Libertyville, wore a suit of modish ler of Madison, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. • green and a like boutonniere. Theodore Jankowsky and daughter, .LeRoy Welter of Ringwood and Phyllis Ann, of LaCrosse, Wis., Alfred Kenneth Boley of McHenry, university and Frank Haines of Evanston, Mrs. ^Classmates of the groom, served as Estelle Lanz and daughter, Mildred, ^ehers. ^ an(j Mrs. R. Minton of Indianapolis, .St. Mary's school choir sang the Ind., Mrs. Blanche Steiner of Weis- Mass to the soft, sweet music rend- burg, Ind., Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Mr. and ered by the church organist. Mrs. Harvey Nye, Dr. and Mrs. Wll- Mrs. A; E. Nye, Inother of the liam Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey, groom, wore a two-piece suit of wine Miss Clara Miller and Rev. Paul Tuchcolored silk cashmere with a small linsky of McHenrv, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. yelvet hat to match and a corsage of Stoffel, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Emergardenias. sorj jjye of Milwaukee, Wis., Kenneth Mrs. Herbert Lappley of Madison, Boley of Freeport, 111., LeRoy Weltet Wis., sister and guardian of the bride, of Ringwood and Mr. and Mrs. R. was. attired in a teal blue wool suit Mershon of Chicago. with hat of the same shade. She also ' wore a corsage of gardenias. WOODSTOCK MAN INJURED Following the ceremony, Mr. and Lester Griffing of Woodstock had Mrs. A. E. Nye, parents of the groom, the misfortune to break both legs in entertained the wedding party with a an auto accjdent on Friday evening of full-course Thanksgivmg turkey dm- last week. Mr. Griffing was returnner at the Riverside hotel. The tables, j from Harvard, where he was Arranged ,n «U" shape were attrac- chprki moyio for the Ross Feder. tively decorated. A large three-tier, , „ - • . all white wedding cake set in a wreath al Co* of JUSt / v * "Of green foliage "dotted with white Tade pavement slippery, pom-poms, graced the center of the In turning out to let a car pass, his wedding tdble. Crystal glass candela- ran °ff the^ pavement, crashed This U a "Wav ibras, holding lighted tapers, and large a po^e an<^ P»nn«d his legs under ture of a youne Lan wel7k^Lnf ! bouquets of cut chrysanthemums en- the wheel- He « confined in the Woodon a nearbv farm ' In the role* of toastmaster, Paul -- y . f n - Klock gave e v i d e n c e of u n u s u a l and Pacing the c o r r i d o r o u t s i d e the mamost pleasing versatility. Responses ternity ward of a Hollywood hospital, were appropriate for the occasion on Robert Andrews swallowed his lighted a day of thanksgiving and celebration, cigarette when the doctor emerged to Rev. Tuchlinsky delivered a fine ad- inform him that he had become a drtss. Miss Clara Killer of McHenry, fatter. ' ( The ^picture last wwflt was that of James and Joe Walsh, twin sons . of Mr. and Mxs. M. J. Walsh. im- Read the Want Ada GIFTS THAT HONOR THE GIVJSB r A T C H E S For Ladies For Men $10.50 •Sk Diamond w Rings'$15 and up. Also Dresser Sets, Electric Razors, Radios, Etc. Phoue 1 A. E. West McHenry .J!.