} **«i V *£ j \v '-,- t*5*! ;• * . a. ' ^•^7>^!::c.5j.-,:« - "*#*;!4 V,/, •'.^.".:C )jj[ -/^>;v-.•« r-" - 7 \»'; * " r J "7 • ~ » . a- '2 '• '»*, , jr **.*-,• • 'f •' S -> - - : / '".; j < /• ; «m~4«--•- MMI 4RJTHK*>HP <•! <$#.«•»». ti -4 isWN»iH^W*e|Ft*m^^i«tiM-«w6rii|IV , .1^ '-/'Si j> ,1 %U *» * - ' < > • ' ' \ \ . t > » f r , , i ; . . . * f7 ^ - ;AV *'* • ,„v, ,, " *"y " >*v- *•/•*•" * * > ' •"- * -,r' v^1 'u'v • jKl * , / *t-' $'• *•" - • I * •' > > • ' ' •i-> 1 •» * . '• ' \ •<•.<(•* ' <; *• . ," *-* * ' \ } . v * .Ji « . at f < ' ^7'~*~* r ~*' *"" *> < "v'tl «V ^vM»y?T-- .•>< 'jNf I *' <e TolUDft 64 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1938 EDIN6ER PICKS HAROLD REESE AS ASSISTANT DALY NAMES SENNE AS HELEN FOSTER AND WILLIAM MARTIN WED THANKSGIVING DAY "h- *~A -; _ HAROLD E. REESE ^wo i m p o r t a n t a n n o u n c e m e n t s feave been made by recently elected county officials, who will take over their new duties on Monday, December 5. The announcements are as to their assistants in two of the major offices of the court house. Edlntrer Names Reese Lester Edinger, elected Sheriff of Henry county for the third time, has ^ Miss Helen Foster of Waukegan, mughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foster of Sheboygan, Wis., and William Martin of Waukegan, son of A. V. Martin of Woodstock, were married at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Glenview on Thanksgiving morning at 9 o'clock, With Father Joseh Fitzgerald officiating. The bride wore a white satin Queen Elizabeth dress w,ith a train, a long Veil and carfied a bouquet of yellow ioses and lavender sweet, peas. She Was attended by Miss Gertrude Gibson, maid of honor, and Miss ,Mar> Martin, bridesmaid. Te maid of hpnlor wore blue velvet, and the bridesmaid, rust velvet. Both attendants Wore shoulder length Veils $Wd carried roses and sweet peas. * Arthur Martin was best man, and Austin Foster, usher. A dinner and Reception was held at the home of %Ir. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer at 34 S. Martin avenue. The home was decorated in pink and white with silver bells. The bride's table< was carried out .in the same color scheme with a huge wedding cake. j Folowing a motor trip through Wia«i eonsin, the couple will be at home at 84 S. Martin avenue, Waukegan. Guests from here included Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and family, Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Miss Marie Vales, Geo. Frisby, Jr., and Mrs. Clarence Martin. A. V. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin of Woodstock wffe also among those present. Newly Elected County Officials Start Terms, Monday, Dec. 5 CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECKS READY FOR DEPOSITORS Am tO DISTRIBUTE . ABOUT $6,060 Approximately $6,0d0 will be dis- >UNG MAN STEALS TrniiO HC 11 AUTO AND LANDS IN |j LIIITIO Ul 11 iLAKE COUNTY JAIL EXPIRE IN 1939 < Keeran J. Slow, 27 years old, of Chicago, is beinp held in the county] • jail at Waukegan as the result of ail]: automobile theft perpetrated Tuesiajtl; of this .week,'- 'f \ The automobile which Slo^r took da*t\ was owned by Ha'ryr Grantham, 2Xj ^OAIJ pOJtMISSIONlSltS TO years old, of Waucpnda. He had park«J\ , ^ , pE ELECTED * " * / • ' ' *? -i ed it on, Route 12 near the business'* , * --_ district. When ho saw..* stranper get "the terriis of nine supervisors, and '£< -:s No. 28 HENRY L. COWLIN Coonty EAYMOND D. WOODS' Coonty Clerk MRS. LORETTA WHITE STYLES DIED SUNDAY AT ROCKFORD HOSPITAL Mrs. James Styles, twenty years of age, the former Miss Loretta White of Rockford, former residents of Crys- . . . , t ? ' l L a k e a n d W o o d s t o c k , p a s s e d a w a y named his former Chief Deputy Sher-, . . t,^„, , „, , ., ' r e , / .» Homi. it „o >,<«, n„laf !ft a Roclrford hospital on Sunday afternoon, November 27, 1938, at two o'clock of pneumonia. Besides her bereaved husband, parents and sister, Arlene, and brother, Joe, she leaves a grandmother, Mrs. Mary White and a grandfather, Terry McCabe, both of Woodstock. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 9:30 in St. James church in Rockford. iff, Harold E. Reese, as his Chief Deputy for the next four years. Reese served for four years as Deputy Sheriff under Edinger from 1930 to 1934. He also served for a short time under Sheriff Henry A. Nulle, whose term expires December 6. Senne Daly's Choice , The other important announcement Waii made by C. Frank Daly, who was elected Treasurer of McHenry county MARCELLUS SENNE on November 8. He has selected Marcellus Senne, prominent young Republican of Woodstock, to serve as his Assistant Treasurer for the next four years. In selecting Reese as his assistant Edinger has made a wise choice, according to his ffiends. Reese has had the experience of more than four yeffirs as Chief Deputy Sheriff. He is a good police officer and should make ft Valuable assistant to Bdinger. Lost In Close Race -ijjeese was a candidate for sheriff, in 1934 and lost out by a small margin of votes in his race with Henry A. Nulle. He is an ex-service man, a former commander of Peter Umathum post of the local American Legion and a past commander of the McHenry county Legion council. For the past three years or more he lias been working for the electrical department of the city of Woodstock. Friends of C. Frank Daly believe he has made a popular choice in selecting a$ his assistant a young man who has been very prominent in Republican politics for a number of years He is hailed as a "Young Republican'.' and his appointment will more than please' both young and old in the Republican ranks of the county. Senne is a graduate from the Woodstock public schools, later attending the University of Illinois. For sever- LESTER EDINGER County Sheriff Five county officials were elected on Ibuted by the West McHenry State ! 'n the inachine and drive away, he two- assistant supervisors, expire next fk ' c"* ank this-week to Christmas savings - Clarence . -Thiamas^ also. , of spring. The terms of seventeen higjl- ' * lub members for " " -'w--- khis, co-ordinated local merchants »use some stimulation •he trading area around.McHenry, j car in a service, station. Slow wa^ at- L><?Ace. Members of the club'are enthuias- temPtin^ to exchange a spare tire £or .The foftowiiig supervisors 'if" . k in their praise of the system as gasoline' aMiig those whose let-ins expire: Iiis method is a convenient way to *SXovr> holdin^ hi» hand in his pock- Riley--L, A. Stockwell. " , ^,V ire for their Christmas shopping. iet and making Grantham and Thomas P"»ha.m--Charles M. Palmer . Three hundred and thirty miliion be,ieve he was armed, backed into a Alden--N. B. Clawson. Ilollars will be distributed to approx-|field and escaped on foot. In the Seneca--Edward F. Kuecker. imately seven million Christmas club meantiine, state police had been noti- Dorr--Roy J. {Stewart.. ' v * Jmembers of banks oarer the United fied of the case and two patrolmen Hebron--Henry M Tufaer. - (States this week of November 28, ac-,had Joined chase. Burton--Frank May. ; •? Cording to an estimate vocently by! The offlcers and civilians saw Slow McHenry--S. H. Freuni, V |Herbert F. Rawll, founder and presi-|st0P another car and get a ride. They Algonquin--John J Filip: 1 dent of Christmas club, a national cor-'<>yerto<* tho automobile and placed Also the terms of Assistant Super- r„ iporation. The total distribution for:him under arrest His on,y explana- ^iso | r8 D A- B. McCounell of Dorr and -:-3f The $380,000,000 to be distributed will be used for the following purposes, according to surveys made in past years: Christmas purchases, 82.4 per cent; permanent savings, 26.7 pet LOCAL PEOPLE INJURED WHEN AUTOS CRASH, ONE THIS MORNING J938 will be about three per cent above1 tion for the theft was at he wante<» Pful Rosenthal of A,gonciuin also eI"^ the sum paid in 1937. The average to get mto Wisconsin. iPlre. _ * •' distribution per member will be $47. DARLENE MERCHANT, I Highway commissioners whose -- CHARLES COLES, JR., S^^T^aft- ' MARRIED THURSDAY Marengo--J. C. Wilson, Dunham--John McN'araara, . , Miss Darlene Merchant, daughter of Chemung--Lee Cornell; cent; year end bills, 14 per cent;^^ and Mrs. Ray Merchant, of Ring- Hartland--Charles Murray. taxes, 9/7 per cent; insurance prem« wood and Mr. Charles Coles, Jr., of Seneca--Fay Wright. ^ . lums, 9.3 per cent; education, travel Richmond, were united in marriage at Coral--Wm. Raddatz. '^r~T and charity, 4.2 per cent; mortgage the home of the bride Thursday after- Grafton--Anton Peterson. iterest, 2.3 per cent; unclassified, 17 noon at 2:30 o'clock by the Rev. Ralph Dorr--Peter J. Bonnichson. per cent. Kafoed. Greenwood--Floyd R. Carr. Four thousand, five hundred banking Attendants were Miss Rita Mae Hebron--E. M. Ehle. and financial, institutions will make Merchant, sister of the bride, and Ger- Richmond--John McDonald. Christmas club payments this year. a'd Watson, friend of the bridegroom. Burton--Joseph Brown A total of $14,400,000 will be dis- J.In the evening at seven o'clock, a McHenrv--Joseph J. Freund, tributed in Illinois. dinner was served to members of the Nunda-Arthur Wilbrandt. How Money , Is Used ^mmed.at? families and a few friends. ,Algonquin_.Harrv Xewicki , Increased use of the Christmas club^^graWoth^of "e bri^e^f^o^ ^ ^ J* ^Tth iir plan as a convenient method of accu- stock; Mr and Mrs Ke;enth Mer. Of course the dean of the W*m mulating funds for many necessary chant of Kenosha, Wis.; Gottlieb Isel board who8e term exPires next 8Prin« ex|>enditures is being shoWn and for grandfather of the bridegroom, Ger- is Henry M" Turner of Hebron. He (countless numbers the Christmas club aid Watson and Lincoln Kock of Chi- waB flr8t elected In 1899 and hai (has yiade the gift-buying season a Cago and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coles 8erved consecutively since that tiaae. ihappy prospect; for others it has of Richmond. He is without a doubt one of McHenry house. Sheriff Nulle will^^ to inade systematic saving easy and The bridgroom is an electrical en«' county's most beloved citizens and a Tuesday, Nov. 8, but only four of them Marengo. j taught the fundamentals of thrift and gineer. The couple will reside for the rea' credit to Hebron township. His will begin their new terms on Mon-j c. Frank Daiy, the new trfc!uuin, jby the releasing °f so many dollars at present in the home of the bride- 111 aQy fiends sincerely hope that he day, Dec. 5. The fifth, Mrs. Ethel C.1. . l« ifcJone time' k can not helP but act as a groom's parents'in Richmond. return again for another term on Coe, county superintendent, will not ^ fcd'n^t8 a9S1™V ^.tonic on business in general. , _ start her new teim until August of.0,rice the paa four y®®T8v , There is no profU for the banks in CHURCH INSTITUTE W& next year. Raymond D. (Brick) Woods will their Christmas clubs, yet they share nv nmn AT WOnnQTAPV expires. He id S. H. Freund who hap Lester Edinger, the present treas- start his third term as county clerk w>*h the depositors in the benefits las' " j1" _ _ J™. served consecutively since 1909. urer, has been elected sheriff for the and Judge Henry L. Cowlin continues they broaden the scope of their use- M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY| Supervisor jStockwell was flrw third time and will move, to his quar-'for another four years as county fulness in the community they serve, x it i J% j 11 ' • i i Tlia ootnnm i«1nK will Ka Anonarl tnn . C. FRANK DALY County Treasurer the board. The term of another veteran also ters on the second floor of the court judge. NICK P. MILLER AND LEARN TO TYPE? 1 LILLIAN OLSON WED AT GLENDIVE, MONT. Tw» automobiles overturned early this (Thursday) morning at about n/v VATT WANT *Pft 1 : 3 0 o ' c l o c k on t h e b l a c k t o n r o a d n e a r " X U U Chapel Hill when they side-swiped, one immediately turning over into at ditch, the other traveling a short dis- Have you ever heard the hum of tance before likewise leaving the road, typewriters ? Have you ever watched; Anouncement has been made of the Two young men, Harold Phannen- a person operate one? Have you ever marriage of Miss Lillian Olsoir, daugh-1 still of McHenry and Alvin Freund of wondered how that person knew which ter of Edward Olson of Glendive, Mon- Johnsburg, returning home from a finger to use for each key? The op- tana, and Nich P. Miller, son of Mrs.I dance at Johnsburg, were traveling portunity is coming for you to answer Anna Miller of this city, which took' s o u t h w h e n t h e m a c h i n e i n w h i c h t h e y t h e s e q u e s t i o n s . p l a c e a t t h e S a c r e d H e a r t R e c t o r y i n j were riding, side-swiped a car travel- Beginning next Monday evening Glendive at 2 o'clock lay afternoon, j ing the opposite direction, occupied by there will be a night class for those Nov. 25, with Rev. c aer Regan of- Mrs. Elzabeth Haas of Johnsburg and people who would like to learn to ficiating. a companion, returning home from typewrite for personal use. Work Witnesses of the ceremony wore work at the Alemite factory at Wood- will start from the beginning basic Edward Olson, daughter, Evelyn, of stock. principles and proceed along the lines Glendive, and Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. Haas received a bruised knee which would be most practical, such Leonard Ibsch of this city, and Phannenstill, aninjured ear. Oth- as letter writing, manuscript writing, The bride was gowned in aqua blue er injuries were slight. and the arrangement and making of crepe with matching accessories. Her Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegener and programs. It is intended that the les- going-away suit was dark gray wool. 10-year-old son, Anthony, Jr., of Mo sons should be given for a period of They will make their home with the Henry, were injured in a three-car ten weeks. Anyone who would like bridegroom's mother, on John street, collision which occurred Tuesday af- to learn to typewrite is cordially in- for the present. Mr. Miller is employternoon on Belvidere street, just west vited. ed by the Alexander Lumber Company of Route 131, m Waukegan. , This clas^ will be hekl tw«* timon * in this city. A machine driven • y Phil M. Shinn week, Monday and Thursday evenings/ of Waukegan, traveling west on Bel- from 7 to 8 o'clock, in the typing WORKMAN FALLS FROM videre street, passed a parked auto- room of the High School, the instruc mobile and crashed head-on with an cvivi. QnTi)pr antomobilc operated by Alfred Roloff ' s ' The savings club will be opened im ! mediately for another year and if you elected in 1923 and has had mora A county-wide church institute will than fifteen years service on the "Be "held at the Methodist church at board. are riot already a member, now is your Woodstock, Sunday, Dec. 4, to which Supervisor Kuecker was first eleetchance to enroll. | everyone is invited. , ed in 1915 and is one of the boariFfe | Last year a crowd of 300 persons r*al veterans. turned out to the meeting and a larg- Supervisor May has served on the er crowd is desired this year. j board since 1921 and is another Theme for the meeting is, Chris- boasts a long record of service. tian Living In These Times," and The other members whose terms groups will be in charge of the fol-'pire have not had as long a serrteo lowing chairmen and discussion lead- on the board although all have serve# ers: j several years or more. Men's Work--E. M. Phillips, Wood- AH of the supervisors will be electstock, chairman; H. P. Megran of ed for four year terms. Likewise the Harvard, discussion leader. {highway commissioners will l>e elect- Women's Work--Mrs. R. J. Synwolt ed for terms of four years eai||fe \ of Harvard, chairman; Marie Grolich -- , ! of Elgin Y. M. C. A., leader. ;$150,000 IS GOAL IN Youth's Work--Robert Gardner oft-- ILLINOIS FOR SALE Richmond, chairman; Eva Huffman,! Woodstock High School, leader. 1 OF CHRISTMAS SE AMI MRS. J. F. VASEY DIES SUDDENLY FROM HEART ATTACK, NOVEMBER 26 i * *" of ^Ue; c?egener' "Kr? dv?v~ FORMER POSTMASMi ing behind Shinn, was unable to stopi ^ TirrkrkriaTrkrrir to and he struck the other two machines. ) UUliD 1 UlsA. Id The injured were taken to St. Ther- ! MISSING SINCE NOV. 15 HOUSE; BREAKS LEG Sunday School--John H. Brock, of Woodstock, chairman; Ethel C. Coe» County Rural Schools, leader. The goal set for the 1938 Christina* Seal Sale now being conducted by the affiliated tuberculosis associations t>f FIRE DESTROYS LAY j Illinois for the purpose of acquiring ~ f t A S A ? T AT QDDTHn f u n d s t o be u s e d i n p r e v e n t i n g t u b e r . ^ BrWu culosis in this state is $150 000. exe'os- GROVE, SUNDAY A. M. ive of the money to be raised for th»- purpose in Cook County. These funds Fire of unknown origin destroyed are used in each county to educate the John Lay garage in Spring Grove y°un* Pe°Pb regarding methods of early Sunday morning. The flames av°iding tuberculosis and m finding of were discovered by Mrs. Lay at about p*r,y cases of tuberculosis in a car- 4 a.m.. and although the Spring *ble "tap'j. A. statement issued^today , Grove and Richmond fire departments ^ th". n,m"w ,T}?be,5u,0;is. XT* Job F. Vasey, 66 years old,Responded to the alarm, the fire was »t,on «»ves the following, facts about house, recently purchased by William respected citizen and life-long beyond contiol when they arrived, the e K r Skidmore. resident of this vicinity? died; suddenly flames having gained great headway 1. Tuberculosis kills Leo Meyer, son of Mrs. Anns Meyer, suffered painful injuries late Saturday afternoon when he fell from the roof on the Hubert Freund farm m'. MRS. JOB F. VASEY master at at her home on Green and John streets before they were discovered. How- A° 1 tt"-5! . ^• Tuesdav Meyer was on the roof with several c OR iqib a; y every day in the Lnited States, Of tuts have other workmen in building a scaffold a ur ,J, , . J"ver' eJ , manage to save e one every seven and one-third mill* . . "ave u- at 11 o'clock as the result of a heart house and the store which were vevy h s fam- preparatory to erecting a new chim- . A14U u U-A i «u .i. j -i-- j-- utesv 1 ese hospital for treatment. All but two, Mrs. Nellie Shuler, 65 years old, ---Bait Desmond, former posmaster at and her daughter, Mrs. May Roloff,' Wbodstock, disappeared on wife of the driver, were able to leave Nov. 15, and his whereabouts their iniuries wera.Sr.i«?rr^,eml •his Zi Alth°ugh t;h,d ^ m for c,ose,T* •*** 2- «f•»«-w tn the.xcitement folding the Desmond U hoTO on th. '«» «• U not ^ client, the owner of the^ parked caE, date, leaving a note for his wife which He was immediately rushed to the fri,>n(is. .known. Two automobiles, one a se- 3. One out of every 6 deaths <*- w ic was blamed ror the collision, stated he was accompanying a friend office of a local physician where it Mrs. Vasey was born Mame Dolbeer, dan belonging to Lay and the other, a "urring amone young men between tfat rove away before his identity was* in hope of securing employment. Po- wss discovered one of his legs was daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Hamlin Dol- truck of the Nippersink Dairy, were ages of 20 and 40 is caused by tub<srlearned. ,«/.# nf rhi»ann on/i •».o p.1^0.1 n* broken near the hin. He was taken to .r :i.. t • xr 1 k j-- * .eulosi* '•'i lice of Chicago and the Bureau of broken n,ear^the b'P-_ was taken to ijeeri ai?'Lily Lake on November 5, destroyed past eight years, will suceeed himself ( Missin& Persons a»"e working on the St- 'Therese hospital in Waukegan, and 1373 Her childhood was spent at Lily in this Oosiiion icase and trying to locate the missing although his condition is somewhat j ke anj she a]so attended school m inis position. i improved, it will be necessary for him 0 Court bailiffs will be announced] v ; <n hnsn;fai there. Friends believe that Mr. Desmond ^ ren>ain in th# hospital for some On November 12, 1895 «he Was unitt'mfe- ed in marriage to Job Va>-ey and to lafer by Mr. Edinger. Likewise a number of Special Deputy Sheriffs !has been despondent over losing the will be named at a later date Expect No Changes COMING EVENTS There will be no changes in the personnel of the office of Raymond D. Woods, who was re-elected Novemal years past he has held an important] ber 8 for his third term as County position in the office of the Alemite company. 2 Recognise Young G. O. P. Daly's selection comes as recognition of the Young Republicans of McHenry county. Senne is Republican committeeman in Dorr two precinct and has been a hard worker for the party in recent elections. Although no official announcement has been made it is believed that the present office force in the Treasurer's office consisting of Marjorie Hamer, MaTjorie Whiting, Marion Rassmussen and Helen Beck will be retained by the newly elected treasurer., Likewise it Is expected that Philip Bierdeman, clerk in the Sheriff's office for the Clerk. Maude Donovan is expected to retain the position of Deputy County Clerk, which she has held for many years. Other employees of the office include Alice Clausen. Marion Martin, Karlen Hecht and Helen Eckert. and such special help that is needed during the extension of taxes each year. 4; One out of every 4 deaths occiirring among girls and young' womUl between th«> ages of 15 and 30 !§ caused by tuberculosis. 5. Each year tuberculosis claims the lives of 40.00,0 your" people between, th» sees of 15 and 45. - December 1 , Public Card Party--C. D. of A. postmastership at the county-seat and T T T nrn/rA iff nyptf j'"1'8 un'on were born seven children,' December 2 unable to secure other employment. WILLIAM LEHMAN DIES two of whom died in infancy. j Legion Auxiliary--McHenry County „ ™ ^ It is fean-d be may have become ill AT WOODSTOCK HOSPITAL The deceased was a member of the! Council--Richmond. thJn of tubef^ and unable to communicate with hi. M. E. church. | December 3 v ^isin'X *Wd States. tl family. ; Funeral services for William Leh- Surviving, besides her husband and American Legion--McHamy, County 7 garjv tuberculosis is difficult man were held from the Lutheran 'wo sisters, Mrs. Ida Fisheir of Mc- Council--Richmond. diairnose-^-easv to cure Advanced tit* SPRING GROVE GIRL IS MISSING chorch .t Cryst.1 Lake at 1:30 o'clock Hen.)- and Mr,. Lydia Wright of El- December 6 . Lay Joseph Brown of Spring Grove has Sunday afternoon. Rev. Herman Meyer gin, are five children, all of McHenry: Meeting--Fox River Valley Can^'ft. cuJt to cure. asked the aid of State's Attorney Wil- officiating. Burial was in Union ceme- Howard Vasey, Mrs. Laura Hunter, j A.--Election of Officers. : 8. Tuberculosis can be eradicated in liam M. Carroll and Sheriff Henry A. tery. Mr. Lehman, well known here, Mrs. Olive May, Mrs. Calla Freui ^ Nulle in locating his daughter, Louise where he resided on a farm south of and, Mrs. Mildred Brixen. Brown, 17, who left her home Novem- town for several years, died at the Funeral services were held Wednesber 22, and has not been seen or heard Woodstock hospital last Thursday at day afternoon at the home at 2 o'clock, from since. Mr. Brown believes that the age of sixty years. , with burial" in Woodland cemetery. Meeting--Riverview Camp, R. N. Ay-- the United States, and Christmas Election of Officers. * jSeal* pr»vkU imf December 7 Meeting. -- Parent-Teachers' Assn.-- " St. Mary - St. Patrick's School Hall -»-*2 p. m. December & ' reaching-that goal Residence Changes Ethel C. Coe. superintendent of she is in the company of Wayne E. Survivors are six children: Mrs. ~ " * schools, is expected to retain her as- Rohr, 19, who worked for three weeks Theresa Moreland, of San Francisco, GRADUATE BEAUTY OPERATOR! & j Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Freund movslstant, Daisy Moore, who has held \ recently around Spring Grove. Any Calif.; Mrs. Clara Dawson, of Glen- ^'ss Marie Nett of Johnsburg has Meeting;--Zion Mission Society--Mrs. ed from the John Pitsen house at this position for a number of years. ! information in regard to her will be view; • Margaret of Woodstock; Ar- received a report from Springfield no-i jr. w. Voeltz. Johnsburg to Ringwood on Monday The other county official to start a J appreciated by the sheriff's office or thur, William and Ernest of Crystal t.'fying her that she has passed the Meeting--W. C. O. F, new term on December 5 is Henry L. the family. " iLake; two sisters, Mrs. Max Behrens, State Board examination and is now a Cowlin of Crystal Lalk, County Judge. -- " . [of Elgin and Mrs. Jack Leslie of Los full-fledged beauty operator. ) Another new line of lovelyhatg now Angeles, Calif.; one brother, Richard,! Miss Nett received her training un- Need Rubber Stamps? Order at Tha on display. Mrs. C. F. Pich, Green of Artesia, Calif., and six grandchil- jder Selan's Beauty System at Chi- Plaindealer. Street. 28-fp, dren. cago. : •• • . • . . • • » I v . • ' ' •x • • . . - . . , • :•. • - r : . ' December 13 . j Vee^'P-'bher' StamiH" l|M>- Christmas Party--Piast Oracles---Mrs. pUindealer. Agnes Gilly. December IS Dinner and Bazaar--Ladies' Aid. Beautiful selection of tams and wBs at Mrs. C. F. Pich's. Green St 28-fp