Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1938, p. 3

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RINWOOD »rr: sons spent Thanksgiving Qay in the Glenn Treon home at Crystal Lake. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hen- SHinze of Crystal Lake, Edward ai rrison and Ruth Owen of Elgin. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. D. It, Hall Wednesday, Dec. 14. Mrs. Charles Peet spent-Friday and Saturday visiting her sisters at Wood- HONOR GEOLOGIST The November P, T. A. meeting was held at the school hduse Tuesday evening. Miss Hobbs, county nurse, gave a talk on health. The pupils of the upper room gave a dialogue of "The Courtship of Miles Standish" and the stock. lower room one on health. Gladys1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmer and Shepard played a violin solo and Mrs. j daughter, Edna, and Ralph Gotchel of Collins sang two solos. Waukegan spent Tuesday evening in ' ;Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained the,the S. H. Beatty home. ^asy Aces" at her home Tuesday af-' Mrs. Charles Frejrand cfeMteM of ternoon., Prizes were awarded to Mrs. i Blue Island and Wm. Beatty of Key- J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. George ^one spent Thanksgiving Day in the Shepard j Elmer Olson home. The M. E. church choir of Harvard' Mrs. F H. Peters and sons, Vernon Cotisisting of thirty-six members fur- Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hashed the program at the Community «r. and Mrs. services at the M. E. church Sunday E\rl *** *nd °| Wateman, 111., • (and Dorothy Edson of Harvard-spent George Young and Ben Justen '^7^asM"e D,y >n thc «d?/rw.'T.SZfi°n meetine "' i Re'- »«i Mrs. Collins .nd son, Bog. and JSfSX Thompson and'f. M. Stephenson JU ..J Mnro-arpt Cttvfte of Chl*!^- V. .Buckland were guest?-in the daughter and'Margaret Paul Collins home at Arlington cago spent Thursday m the Patrick hts Qn Thanksgiving Day. Other , Cpyne home. q ... f MeHen- sues*s were Mi4, and Mrs. Frank Col- Mr" Z thl Geo£e lins a»d Wilmette, Mr. and ^ sPent Wednesday in the George Mrg w A Coliins and famUy of Be. young: horrie. « f loit and Miss Miriam Royer of Lan- Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and fam- ark JJJ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son,; SPRING GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and fam- ^Mildred ^ an<* Mr. and Mrs. Anton Widholm and Mr. and Mrs. FA. Hitchena ^ ^ ^ i; Spent Thanksgiving day in the jaC|. Sp^nt Thanksgiving Day with the Butler home in Elgin. , - ^'latter's mother at McHenry. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heme and son, Miss. Miriam Royer or Lanark spent Eugene, of Chicago> Mr. _and Mrs. t^e weeken<j in the home of Rev. and John Drey miller, Mrs. J. F. Claxton Mrg ColHng and son, Will, of McHenry spent Mrs Mayme Harrison of McHenry Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. ueo. Spen^ the weekend with her daughter, Shepard and family. . .. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dimon and family were Mrs Frank Johnson and daughter guests of Mr. and wfrs. Dick Olson returne(j to her home at Harvard Sun- Thanksgiving Day. j day evening after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and jjer mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. family were dinner guests of Mr. and jyjr and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Mrs. Felvey Davis of Woodstock and an(j jfr. and Mrs, Roy Wiedrich and glipper guests of Wayne Foss and his son were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. •(lother on Thanksgiving Day. Jand Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son | Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, daughand Will Beth visited in the Wm. Beth, ter, Bernide, spent Saturday and Sun- Jr., home in Chicago on Thanksgiving ,jay jn the Lyle Hopper home in Ch!- Day. ,'cago and attended the Stock Show Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson tod. Miss Gay Kleinexel of Chicago dSunily were guests in the Leslie Ver- spent her Thanksgiving vacation with lSin home at Waukegan recently. | Edith Pearl Harrison. Alice Peet of Barrington and Ma,r- Loren Harrison spent from Thurs- Peet of Elgin spent Thanksgiving day until Sunday with friends at Winwith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. netka and Rogers Parks and attended pteet. the International Stock Show. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and daughter, Mae, were guests of Mr. family of Elgin spent Thanskgiving tlid Mrs. Lester Carr. Day in the Roy Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Roy Neal spent the weekend •on, Alfred, spent Sunday afternoon in Chicago and attended the wedding 'tfith the former's mother at McHenry. of her cousin, Ann Corvino. f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and son • • ' . Of Urbana, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mc- Cannon and family of Algonquin and Mildred- Jepson of Ann Arbor, Mich., spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Edlnger and family of Woodstock, Mrs. were guests in the J. J. Freund home Cairoy of Rock *nd Mrs^ Day B. B. Mar e . ... M . « : Arnold May and Edward Svotliff, Thanksgiving ay . *tstudents at the University of Illinois, °Mr. andTrs, J. A. Dewey of Stock- ^W^L^w^k ten spent the weekend1 wit*.the lat- hTir a^Mrs'II thmelUer motor' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.Jep-^ tQ Round ^ ^ Thurfiday .0 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and ^end T< thfu h°lida> ^ith her mother' family spent Thanksgiving Day with *1' - !'•<'th Cicv.-.and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shotliff near He- Mr and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and . . | son, Lyle, were visitors m the B. L. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and 2rvif an4 J" G- Wagner homes here aon,A lfred, spent Thursday evening Sunday afternoon. to the Matt Blake home. L John ,Lay 8 «ara»e was dest A r?/u ed Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and fam- e*r\ Sunday morning. Although Uy spent Thanksgiving Day with the the fire department responded to the farmer's parents at Marengo. ^larm the fire was bey°nd control, the Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Mrs. Harold flames having gained great headway J«pson and son spent Friday in the before they were discovered. Two cars Holand McCannon home at Algonquin, 'n the garage were also destroyed, but Mr. and Sfrs. Don Smart and sons, the store building nearby was saved. Billie and Bobby, of Waukegan, Mr.! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund entered Mrs. Edwin Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. tained Mrs. M. J. Freund, Mr. and Charles Brennan of Soloh Mills, Mr. Mrs. George P. Freund and family of and Mrs. Frank Johnson and daugh- McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. George W. ter, Janet, and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps May on Sunday in honor of the chris- Sanders of Fontana were Thanksgiv- tening of their infant daughter, Charing Day guests in the Fred Wiedrich, l°tt® Agnes. George Freund and Mrs. jr home. (George May were sponsors for the Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Laurence and baby- I" the evening Mr. and Mrs. aons spent Thanksgiving Day in the Charles Michaels and children of Joseph Wagner home at McHenry. |Johnsburg also called. ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruehlman and fam-1 Guests in the home cf Mrs. Bertha fly spent Thanksgiving Day with the ^sh on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. afermer's parents at Hebron. |Glen Esh and family of Barrington, ^ Don Kenmitt of Madison, Wis., was Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esh, daughter, ~ A Thursday evening caller at the home Virginia, and son, Wendel, of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jrl jMr. and Mrs. Albert Britz, son, Terry, Whyne Foss and Harold Snyder, to1 of Fox Lake. Misses Rita and £olores Company with Myrtie and Zella Jayne Junius of Chicago, George Esh and of Algonquin, spent Saturday even- friend of Plymouth, Wis., and Waring in the J. Taylor home at Elgin. ence Earls. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Mr. and M^s. J. G. Wagner spent . family were visitor^ at Elgin Saturday Thanksgiving in the home of the latjtfternoon. Iter's1 brother, Fred Shotliff, and fam- ~ --••Miss Catherine Coyne is spending ily, near Hebron. 4|e week with her sister in Chicago. Mrs. Peter Weber, daughter, Amelia, . Miss Juanita Butler of Chicago and Mrs. Martin Weber, son, Donny, : ^pent the weekend in the B, T. Butlar of Johnsburg were visitors in the jK>me. Charles Freund home on Monday. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crystal Lake spent the weekend in the S.i CUBA'S STRONG MAN . W. Smith home. ! Among the recent visitors to Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hallisey of ington was Colonel Fulgencio Batista, Hebron were Sunday dinner guests of who as chief of staff of the army is ; Wayne Foss. virtually dictator of the Cuban repub- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and lie. He was received at the White family spent Sunday with the latter's House and shown many attentions durttother at McHenry. jing his stay. Mr. a:nd Mrs. Wesley Gibbs and Mr. Left an orphan and forced to earn «Hd Mrs. Richard Gaulf of Woodstock his living at the age of 13, Batista ((pent Sunday with their parents, Mr. worked at whatever he could find to gild Mrs. Fred Gibbs. ! do, being in turn a tailor's apprentice, -The Home Bureau held a card and dock worker, railroad laborer, mechanlitinco party at the hdme of Mr. and barber and worker in the cane Mrs. Roy Harrison Friday evening. fiejdg. T*rizes in five hundred were awarded ro Will Fisher and Mrs. Robt. Howe; in hearts, to Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and Winifred Benwell; in bunco, to Carol Harrlson and Mrs. Raymond Harrison. ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr, < Dr. Andrew Cowper Lawson, professor of geology at the University of California for 48 years, and an authority on earthquakes, was reological science. Dr. Lawson. 77 years old, is a native of Scotland and a graduate of the University of Toronto and Johns Hopkins university. IN MAUVE AND FELT SLOCUACS LAKE JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Earle Converse and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff were Wau« daughter, Frances, were callers at lib- kegan callers Monday. ertyville last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thurlwell and Fred Jorgensen of Round Lake was children of Woodstock spent Thanks a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saving with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scjiaef. Harry Matthews and Willard Darrell er last Friday morning Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff motored Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mftthews were Friday afternoon callers at Barrington last Wednesday. n Thf ^ Foresters of St Agatha'. ^ ' Court, No. 777, will hold their annual ^Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Cook spent Christmas party Dec, 13 at T o'cloc Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. jn the evening with a pot-luck supper, and Mrs. Ira Cook at Wauconda. _Each member is requested to bring * Mrs. Philena Davis and daughter, 4dish and an article for exchange. Frances, spent Thanksgiving Day at Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cross, Mr. and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con- Mrs. Ed Huffmann, Mr. and Mrs. John verse. Bohnen and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were of Wilmette called on Mr. and Mrs. among the guests Thanksgiving Day Wm. J. Meyers Saturday evening, who enjoyed dinner and supper at the Miss Annabel Meyers, daughter of home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lager- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, left for lund in Chicago. * • • Chicago. From there she will leave Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round for Miami Beach, Florida, to spend Lake and Mrs. John Davis of Crystal the winter months Lake spent Thanksgiving Day at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Spring Grove called on Mrs. Joe Mich- Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were els Friday afternoon. callers at Grayfclake Monday. Mrs. John King and Mrs. Katie Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were re- JJtoffel of McHenry called on Mrs.. Ancentlv awarded the Penrose medal, icent callers at the home of Mr. and na Bugner Sunday afternoon. highest honor of the Geological So- Mrs Mort Ritt and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mr, and Mrs. Weber of Milwaukee, ciety of America, for "eminent re- !^an^a^t<1 ®t Crystal Lake. Wis., spent Sunday in the home of Mr. search ud outstanding original eon-1 Arthur Wackerow enjoyed Thanks- and Mrs. Henry Klapperich. tributlons and achievements" in ge- j Riving Day at the home of Mr. and Eddie Schroeder of Chicago was- a Mrs. Roy Turner at Waukegan. caller here Friday evening; Mrs. Edward Nelson of Chicago vis- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and chilited at the home of Mr. and Mr*.- G. dren of Woodstock spent Thanksgiv- J. Burnett last Tuesday afternocCn. ing Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Joe P. Miller. Marion, and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and Mrs. Martha Freund and daughters little son of Diamond Lake visited at of Woodstock spent the weekend with the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vasey her mother, Mrs. Math Freund. at McHenry Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Nell motored Mrs. Harvey Bailey returned to her to Effingham, 111., to spend Thankshome at Amboy Saturday, ^ after giving with. Rev. Father Nell. Mrs. spending a few days at the home of Christina Nell returned hom^. with her father here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry them, after spending the summer Matthews and sons accompanied her months with relatives here. home, returning in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Chamberlin Thanksgiving Day guests at the and children. Miss Katie and Pete home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Pitzen of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs Start on World Tour in 35-Foot Ketch were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailey of Amboy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schembri of West Chicago, Mr. Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. At the Installation of the Officers of Mayflower Chapter held Friday evening, November 25. at the Masonic hall at Wauconda, Willard Darrell was installed as Worthy Patron, Myrtle Esping as Worthy Matron, Mabel D. Matthews as Secretary. Another daughter of Mr. Darrell, Mrs. Marion Henry Stoffel and daughter, Marie, of Volo spent Thanksgiving with John Pitzen. Mrs. Mamie KiAg and son, Eugene, spent the weekend in,Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kirk and daughter. Darlene, of Mattoon, 111., spent a few days witTi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lois of Burlington, Wis., visited in the home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff recently. ed as Installing Organist. Harry Matthews served as Flagbearer and Matthews of Forest Park served as'Elmer Esping rendered two whistling A high-crowned hat in mauve felt installing Chaplain, also a daughter, i solos . A very enjoyable evening was with a wide edge of natural seal. The same fur and felt repeat in the miff. Mrs. Mildred Bailey of Amboy, serv- spent. , Sherman Woodfall, 22 years old, (left) and his brother, Earle, 24r a*; / i " the wBeel of the Volita as they started from Rockport, Mass., on a S3,000- ^ - mile voyage around the world. The boys made their own 35-foot ketch, even making the bolts and nuts, melting and pouring the three'ton lead keel, and, making the two masts from two 50-foot spruce trees they ed and hauled from Vermont. The boat cost them $3,500. ExaXt Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Phone: McHenry 12S-J THURSDAY MORNINGS Woodstock 674 ^ BY APPOINTMENT ONLY AT Christmas Time For close friends choose the gift that expresses personal thoughtfulness and esteem-- Your photograph. -- Make an Appointment Today for an Early Sitting! WORWICK STUDIO Phone 275 Riverside Drive --• -- McHenry, Illinois FIND MISSING HEIR U Sydney E. Martin Jr., 20-yearnild heir to two Philadelphia fortunes, who had been missing for several weeks, was found in Richmond, Va. The youth, whose disappearance after a visit to a Philadelphia night club evoked expressions of grave concern from his family, had been employed under his own name as a salesman for a local electrical concern. He was discovered by a detective agency employed by the Martin family. QABBY QERTIE Being ambitious, he later joined the regular ftrmy as a private, so as to be pble to study at night or in other spare In 1§33, when the tyrannical rule of President Machado caused a , ,, „ .. , .. . revolt, Batista was a sergeant. He »d d3Ugh n te"' BettJ £nd ,Ma^ quietly planned with other sergeants + so"' ®obby' and Ff"k 1 seize control of the army, knowing .pent Sunday evening at Fontana ] controlled the army Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and sons, , Arnold and Billy of Harvard spent 'SZTSZt Thanksgiving Day with the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and On September 5, 1933, Batista headed an uorisinc of enlisted men who air anu mi^ nPSted their offers and took charge, lighters" of^Chicago^ spen^Friday S^ then he has Wn rhief'bf staff With Mrs. Hopper parents here - K the anny and the strong man of . Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and children Cuba during a period of great unres% «(f Woodstock spent the weekend with which he fvially overcame. Iy»r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Batista was only 32 years old wheir gmith. be came to power, and having main? - Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith of McHen- tained his grip on the governta^nt, f<* Ty spent Thanksgiving Day With their more than five years he seems destindfeughter, Mrs. George Young, and ed to continue his rule for an indeftnfamily. ,ite period. • 3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and fam-1 -- -- %, Mrs. Mae Harrison, Mr. and Mrs.! Order vour Rubber Stamps at TIM W. B. Harrison and son, Earl, and i Plaindealer. r Combine SENSE SENTIMENT Electrical! T I I LaSt,nS' vnl V3«* • o°J cb°lCl «cose * n0 i ;ust . v0ut . if Y°u - Ve*>0 »\\, rbec* ' a hefe* 'a a»ce A% V°° . „;ds- v arott0**' . WakofMd Study Lanp ... A bttgiin|| eye insurance. Meets every . I. E. S. require, ment for bener sight. Assortment of $Ofl5 s h a d e s . . . . . . . . . . . i m Hollywood Makeup Mirror... She'll love this aid to perfect makeups. Indirect light filters through frosted mirror to perfectly illu- (OgO m i n a t c a l l t h e f a c e . . . . . . . . . . C * Electric Clocka... Always > welcome gift! Wide selection of models sod stunning styles. $295 Priced from Snnbeam Shave master. . . A s u r e hit with KIM. Ideal for fussy shavers. Oper arcs on AC or DC With zipper $15°° "When civilised man reverts to type tt'a usually because hto aar^pt is harharoos." Sihrray Sight-Saver...Modern, attractive fixture that screws into ordinary light socket. Expensive in appearance. J245 Rand quality electric r*2or .....c.. • . 99.SO Electric Door Chimes... tremendously popular gift... single tone . . $1.00 Hawk Hand Cleaner... efficient hand vacuum cleaner .... . $11.95 Graybar Sewing Machine... for HE*. Easy to handle. Knee control. Finished in burl walnut. . . . .. . $59.98 L Toastmaster Deluxe Hospitality Tray Set .... Includes famous Toastmaster 2-slice automatic toaster. Large tray, four lap trays, toast cutting board--all in richly grained walnut, processed to resist alcohol, miit juices, and alkali. Three sparkling Duncan crystal $0095 dishes complete the set fcO 2< Westinghouse Electric Roaster... Roasts, fries, toasts, grills, bakes. Cooks complete meal people. Portable-easily cleaned. Complete neat-proofed glass dishes. . . SOifl 95 (Broiler grid $4.95 extra) jtl 3« Inland Coffeeiaker.. .Made of crystal-clear, heat-resisting glass. Brews delicious coffee tbe modern vacuum way. Electric stove keeps t Q Tj Coffee warm between servings. Complete 0 4. Sunbeam Mlxmaster... Powerful, portable food mixer with wide range of speeds automat, icallv maintained. Beats, whips, mixes, extracts juices. Complete with juicer 5. Handyhot Sandwich Grill... Fries, gri% toasts, right at the table. Makes two full silf . atndwiches... adjustable for thick oc thin $09 a B c e s . W i t h h e a t i n d i c a t o r . . . . 0 Your Neighborhood Doctrical Doalors aro also offering many flno values for your gift s^pctions PUBLIC SERVICE STORE P U B L I C S E R V I C E C 6 M# A H Y O f NO R T H 1 I N l i l t NO Telephone: Cryitil Lake 280 181 WllUazos St., Crystal Lake

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