Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1938, p. 4

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: m KjjnuuR ENRYIPLAMDEALER _ , ^ Jiere. Published every Thursday at Mc-j j,jr an<j ||rg> George Strandel of henry. 111., by Charles F. Renich. j Aurora * <** • relative* her* iksgiwn£ tUy. * Mr. a^.^fijr*. Hugh, Morris of Chicago a few dayi the past week Entered as second-class matter at Thanksgiv; the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act off May 8, 1B79. iteirta^90.80% 1937 Taxes Collected; Edinger Has A Fine Record at their summer home at Fair Oaks. .,........$2.4)0! Mrs. Eleanor Ifye, Mrs. E. R. Sut- .|l-00jton and Arthur ptfortin visited their A* . VH . xMMOfS^HaBvRn Bfitor and MMaannaageeerr . Sylvrttfr M(*fee, at the Har- v>rH hcspiui Sunday. Miss Mary Durland has returned to •yS s> One Yeaf ... Si* Months [her work at'Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa, after sending the Thanksgiving vacation With her parents, Sir. and Mrs. Harry Dutland. Mr. and,Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maucfe Granger visited Elgin relative? Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye of Mil- , waukee, "Wis., were Thanksgiving Day | guests in the home of her parents, Mr. |and Mis. Nick Weingart. Mrs. Mary Thorrihill, who*has been Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin, Mtas rel*«'e.5 hc^ !"*" * ftufh Phalin and Harr, Antoon of C« to spend .Ke wnter H. Chicago were TfcufafM^ guests m 'tf ho"W# Kt\""d Mr"- Robt- Thornthe J..M. Phalin home. 1 SUSTAIN IN • '••• -v vl < *. >- . . - A?/: L.V V '• &• 'ft: Mrs. Frank Blake, ' Mrs. Wilfred Blake and Miss Bertilla Freund were Waukegan visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson went to Oak Park Tuesday, where they attended the silver wadding of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns that evening, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz spent Sunday with their children in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin of Albert VkTes, Jr., of Chicago was a Thanksgiving "guest of his- parents, for. and Mrs. Albert Vales. » : Mr. and Mrs. M. Schoenholtz and little son returned home Sunday from a few days Vi&it with relatives at Peoria County Treasurer Lester Edinger Saturday announced the final tax distribution for the year of $214,717.19 bringing the total distribution of. 1937 taxes collected to. $1,142,194.32 or 90.80 per cent of the 1937 tax bill of $1,257,885.40. Although the * total distribution o: 1937 taxes is less than 2 per ce; lower than the total distribution of 1936 taxes, County Treasurer fi/dinger is very much pleafeed toitb the manner in which the citizens of McHenry county have paid their taxes over the four year, period be has been in the office of county treasurer and tax collector. The records disclose that fSr the four year period of 1934 to 1938 an average of better than 90 per cent of the total tax bill of eaoh of these years has been colleqted and distributed. $44,729.11 Back Taxes Saturday County Treasurer Edinger announced the collection of $44,729.11 in back taxes which1 also has been distributed to the various taxing bodies. "The $214,71749 distribution made last week went to following taxing _ _T, ... ... of Congress Park and Mr. and Mrs. £\noa City, W1S„ were visitors in the VanNatta of Crystal, Lake were J1o hn P|/|h|«al i1nM hK o/\«mVI eA TuesdaTyT eAvVeAnMiinngfy, ~ _ Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Nye and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey saw the Ice Carnival at the Chicago Stadium Sunday evening. Mr,. Hairy Durl.Dd and daughters, j Ka„holz home Mrs ,Drey. Jane and Mitel were Elg,n visitors on re. Friday. Miss Jean Warner returned ^ h ^ ^ f f Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Mundelein j bodies: County, $22,233.10; Dog tax, spent the weekend with relatives here. $845.38; Noil high, $6,557.51; Town, Mrs. Octavia Thompson and family j $15,664.43; Road and bridge, $12,- '760.97; Road and bridge inside 14 corporations, $2,756.71; Corporations, Thanksgiving guests in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. William Dreyer and 'son, William, of Forest Park were | Thanksgiving and weekend guests in home with them for the weekend. Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Floyd Cooley spent Wednesday in Chicago, weeks' visit. Mrs. Albert Grever, who was called •c .lL u »* -jr . ,, .. to Neenah, Wis., by the illness of her .w.h.e.r e with Mrs. nM^Aer"v in KentH, atKhenya moiner a » iew ' we'e its aa«groo, rreettuurrnneedd home Sunday* '/ Her mother accompanied her home. Thanksgiving guests in the William saw "Susan and God" at the Harris theater^ Mr. and Mrs. William Tesch spent a few days the last of the week with ^ „. ,, their daughters at Kenosha and Salem, ®!5£0|> •*"« _wen! *«*««» ^.g Bishop and George Michaelson of Mrs John Bolc-er dauehter Merce-' Evanst°n; Mr' and Mrs" Robert Kelde*" nd £rnX^ Jame?G"Tot »»"| Bcbby W.lter KeU.r Eich- Woodstock were visitor, in the Paul "r<i Efeller ,,ld Mrs. Kathryn Weller, Doherty home Sunday evening. ,, g,n" , „ _ .. _ „ Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mrs. Rachel Mr" and Mr»- Curtis Westfall and Spurling, Mrs. Calla Perkins, Mrs. Doris' °f .Chi®fg0 _7pere Cora Bassett, Mrs, Alice Lindsay, Mrs. Thanksgiving guests in the Simon Luella Stephenson, Mrs. Clinton Mar- fi>t®irel i*0rn®- , , , tin, Mrs. Eva Eppel, Inez Bacon and „J°seph Kortendiek and daughter, Elsie Vycital attended the O. E. S. In- of Rockford;were guests in stallation at Woodstock Tuesday pven- thlr A Bolger home Thursday. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mr. and Mrs. $23,285.02; Wauconda fire department, $128.88; Crystal Lake park district, $1,236.88; High school, $51,860.50 and district schools, $50,661.53. Following is the total amounts distributed during the entire year to the various taxipg bodies in the county : State--$827.72. ' County--$142,'031.11. Dogtax--$895.36. Township Riley Marengo Dunham . Chemung Alden Hartland Seneca Coral li. Grafton Anonnt Charged ............28,457.32 78,933.09 30,434.87 .........141,565.12 ..36,034.31 32,298.62 ............29,379.55 42,279.87 58,529.48 ing. Miss Dorothy Leiser of Chicago was N,1CJ MllIe/ Xeopard Ibsch returnaVeekend visitor in the home of Mrs. ®d h J ome from Glendlve. Montana, on Anna Miller. c Su«dajL,. ..... . „ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hen of flta « Ben Wln° and cl»ldren and Mrs. Ed Falls, S. D., former McHenry resi- Tur?er of Grove were Sunday dents visited friends here a few days rl.home of Mr. and Mrs. this week enroute to visit her mother e_. r ' T Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler were Dorr .193,285.14 Greenwood 32,650.36 Hebron .......58,142.22 Richmond ...~..„.42,263.94 Burton ....;12,056.23 j McHenry 108,457.87 Nunda 128,814.29 Algonquin ........206,253.12 Inoint Collected 24,479.85 72,266.48 27,836.58 126,052.87 83,875.28 29,559.21 27,575.48 39,594.21 49,786.73 181,067.05 30,346.48 55,130.98 39,431.48 9,614.82 98,533.02 114,558.60; 182,485.20 2 per cant commissions--$83,993.09. 12 per cent interest--$9,601.14. - Townships--$108,100.71. ^ Road and bridge--$85,508.30. Road and bridge (Inside corporations)--$ 19,56M1. Corporations--$122,552.72. High schools--$348,770.76. r - Non high--$6,683.12. / District schools--$325,235.82. ' Park district--$11,512.40. Wauconda fire department--$201.28. County clerk (extending taxes)-- $3,934.04. 1 per cent earnings (office)--$4,- 853.90. i Printer's fees--$1,733.34. County clerk (sales certificates-- $14.75. The above distribution includes the 1937: taxes collected plus back taxes collected with the 1937 taxes in 1937 and 1938 and distributed last August. Treasurer Commended Certainly County Treasurer Edinger, his chief assitant, the newly elected treasurer, C. Frank Daly, and the entire office force are to be congratulated for the • efficient manner in which taxes have been collected and distributed over the four year period Mr. Edinger has been treasurer. Time and again the past four years County Treasurer Edinger has been commended by members of the board of supervisors for the efficient manner he has conducted his office. The committee of the board to settle with the treasurer, and the board finance committee, have mentioned time and again thfft the system used by Treasurer Edinger the past years has been most efficient. The newly elected sheriff is leaving the treasurer's office with a firlte record. , % 1937 % 1986 % 1985 %}9S4 Collected Collected Collected Collected . i1 r - ** * ~ t. '"•« -*-7- | - >r ,r 1 Tbttsday, Deoconbor 1,1938 INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS #£ifcN FROM OOLUMHS OP OUR EX0HAH0C8 height 4K feet, winr spread 6% feet -- was shot Nov. 14 at Silver Lake by B, E. Tallmadge of Cary. Cross-circuiting of wires automatically ringing a door bell, and the bark, of a pet dog are believed to have saved the lives of Mrs. George W. Rill and son, David, of Dundee, when fire seriously threatened the destruction of their home early last Sunday morning. Awakened soon after 4:30 by these two Ten persons took the civil service alarms, and smelling the smoke which examination for postmaster of Maren- (had completely filled the east end u Marengo Community high staircases and halls of the house, the •chool Saturday morning. No appoint- two opened their betjrodkn doors to im- Drient is expected until at least the penetrable smoke, and made their way first of the year, uiair Carney how through it to an upper porch at the mi?-, * M actin8: Postmaster, j south of the house. Here their i . 5 ^? W00d in the country aroused the family of Ralph Sinclair, last Sunday, Clarence Wenzel, Jr., 17, next door, who rushed to their aid with of Belvidere, cut his left foot badly a ladder, and carried them to' safety with an axe. Taken txy St. Joseph's below. Both were only scantily clad, hospital, it was found necessary to and the dog, trapped in the breakfast take twenty-three stitches to close the room below until firemen broke W°?nd'-.J TW° tendon.8 were 8evered- I through to rescue him, was complete. A wild goose--weight 13 H pounds, ly overcome by the smoke and flames which poured up the stairways from the basement with the opening of the doors and the creating of a draft. The West Dundee fire department was summoned and the alarm blown, and energetic work on the part of the sguad extinguished the flames. Barney Walters, Belvidere, believes? , ;,j he has set a new kind of hunting rec-* ord. The well known tavern propri-- • / •tor killed two rabbits with one charger.' from his double-barreled shotgun Whilefe^ hunting cottontails. Walters drew a|p -is bead on one and jtlst as he fired an--"v other rabbit running in the opposite:*. \ direction came within range. When* * he investigated he found both hadf ~ :1 been hit William Koss, 54, a life-long dent of the Barrington comma instantly killed when his auto-^ mobile was struck by a speeding Chi->% 4 eago and North Western eastbound passenger train at the Hough street,"',-- J crossing in Barrington, at 5:49 o'clock' V last Saturday morning. Mr. Koss was returning to his home after attending^ 7 . the furnace fire at the Salem church.- Although the signal flash and the bells* were working, according to witnesses, he apparently was unable to see or' hear and drove directly into the pathy ; of the flyer. His body was found some^ eighty feet east of the crossing. The* * car was dragged along for 102 feet, " l ^ Dr. James McMunn of liampstead,:! ; Eng., requested before he di^d that he^: be buried as far away from other -peo-gffi^ ple as possible. " r•• FOR SALE--1 gas range, 1 garbage burner, 1 hot blast stove. Gerh&rdt Poultry Farm, 2 Mi miles south of McHenry on Ropte 31. McHenry 617-R-l. •28 FOR RENT FOR RENT--4-room flat in Johnsburg, $10 per month. John Pitzen, Tel. 625-W-l. *"28-2 MISCELLAKEOUS 92.52 94.30 95.60 92.0 91.55 91.96 89.78 890 91.46 96.36 91.21 90.6 89.73 91.97 92.30 91.5 $4.00 96.07 , 95.00 ° 94.2 91.51 95.48 94.31 94.4 .93.85/ 95.73 94.85 88.8 93.641 98.82 95.99 . •7.2 85.06* 86.37 . 83.35 . 78.7 93.67 95.42 93.00 90.5 92.95 95.55 94.60 96.7 94.80 96.00 95.80 96.7 93.29 94.23 94.54 •2.5 79.74 82 18 83.40 81.2 90.84 91.53 91.59 89.5 S8.93 90.42 89.86T~ 87.7 88.47 87.33 86.69 • 86.7 Total t ..1,257,835.40 1,142,194.32 Total Charged .. ' Plus lc differences 90.80 92.07 91.11 89.6 ...1^57,835.40 173.41 Collected MILLER "Rieatre Woodstock FRIDAY -- Benefit Show! THE HIGGEN'9 FAMILY' Film Neighbors to the JUDGE HARDY FAMILY SATURDAY -- 2 Hits! Basketball Thriller! CAMPUS CONFESSIONS' with Betty Grabla PLUS HIT NO. 2 Zane Grey's "MYSTERIOUS RIDER" SUNDAY & MONDAY Heart-Breaking Drama! MICKEY ROONEY SPENCER TRACY "BOYS' TOWN" 10c -- TUESDAY -- 15c "ROAD DEMON" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY SPECIAL! --^ THE RITZ BROl, W&AIGHT, PLACE AND SHOW" Forf. & Abatements SPRINGFIELD GIRL SATURDAY MORNING visitors at Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty and children' s p e n t T h a n k s g i v i n g i n t h e . . . . . . . ato*."' B°'eer *' W<M>d" (ROBERT KNOX WEDS Miss, Ruth Reihansperger returned to her school work at Rockford College Monday * srfter spending her Inte?Mr.,Vand MrTTJWRdhanspergIt State Register, Springfield) er. i An impressive ceremony at ten Mrs. Arnold Anderson and little °'clock on Saturday, November 26, in daughter returned ,home from the the Blessed Sacrament Church, united Woodstock, hospital Monday. in marriage Miss Lucille Sharp, daugh- Mrs. Ralph Smith and sons of Har-Iter of Mr- and Mrs- John E- Sharp' vard visited relatives here Saturday I1327 Whittier Avenue, and Robert Mrs. Catherine Young and daugh-!Kno*» 518 East CaPito1 Avenue, son tex, Rosina, spent the weekend in ElJof Mr- and Mrs- Michael Knox of Crysgin where they attejyied the funeral^1. h&kc- Monsignor M. A. Tarrent of Mrs. John Rein^rt Monday. i officiating. ' Mrs. Albert Vales spent a few days' The ceremony was preceded by an the last of the week in Chicago. She organ recital by Mrs. Thomas E. Mawag accompanied home by her son. ^oney* Tir:n: __j ?•_ « . .. « ' 1^58,008.81 1,142,194.82 115,814.49 TREE SPECIALIST--Spraying, pruning. feeding; cavity treatment. Twelve years' experience. LEO P. THORNHILL, McHenry. Phone 129-J. Call anytime. 8-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf $8.00 CASH $3.00 Paid For DEAD HORSES & CATTLE More, for Crippled and Down Animals MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Elgin 5989--Reverse Charges •26-4 ATTENTION, FARMERS AND STOCKMEN! „ We pay up to $10.00 for down, crippled, old and dead horses and* cattle. Mm-WEST RENDERING CO. Elgin, Illinois Two Phones--Dundee 10--Elgin 2482 Also meat scraps and tankage for sale at lowest possible prices. ftne quicker you call the more you get. f Reverse Charges --28-tf The bride entered the church on the arm of her father who gave her in marriage. She was preceded to the altar by Miss Ruth Hunter of Joliet and Miss Susanna Glover of Petersburg, the bridesmaids, and Miss Beverly Haynes, maid of honor. BUYING ANTIQUE AND OLD FASHIONED Currier & Ives Lithographed Pictures Peterson o^|Gody Fashion Books.g, Picutres or Figures, Ice Skating.^ in U-shape, trimmed wfth sMilax, Hand Carv. Parlor, B'droom Furniture, white roses and autumn flowers. A Hearse, Carriage, Street Oil Lamps, three-tiered cake adorned the bride's Copper, Brass, Iron Cooking Utensils, table. I Parlor Table or Hanging Lamps. A reception was held after the Round, Bottle Shaped Paper Weights. breakfast in the ballroom of the hotel. PalmaJ Jferns, and gaskets of fall flowers were used in the decoration* Joe Mahoney's orchestra music. Clear, Colored, Frosted Premium Glassware. Colored Glass Lamps, Gas Shades. • furnished Hand Carved Desks, China Cabinets. | Kelly, Kellog, Buff ord Lithographed tew More and more motorists are using Snow and Mud Tires on their cars and trucks -- and they are enthusiastic over the results obtained. Have you tried them? Think of it -- no chains to put on and remove.. is the last word in this line. It is one of the. FAMOUS FIRESTONE GUM-DIPPED TIRES, with ~a deep tread that will get you through either snow or mud. Let us show it to you now. Here are some of the special Firestone snow tire prices: $ 970 11.80 1295 1390 4.75 and 5.00 -- 19.. 5.25 and 5.50 -- 17" 5.25 and 5.50 -- 18 •5.50 and 6.00 -- 16 FREE TUBES WITH ALL TIRES FIRESTONE BATTERIES, 39-PLATE, as low as ^....„ '• $££.95 SPECIAL 45 PLATE FIRESTONE BATTERIES for V-8 Fords, exchange .... SINCLAIR BEST WINTER OIL, in your etui* per gallon METHANOL ANTI FREEZE, in your can, per gallon ... .... ZERONE ANTI FREEZE, in gallon cana PRESTONE ANTI FREEZE, per gallon FIRESTONE 200-PROOF ANTI FREEZE, in your can, gallon $6-30 66<* 60d 80<» $295 70* Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging, Oils Good Used Tires, nearly all sizes Phone 294 ----: West McHenry i-"' j\ ; NEW £MPIR§ McHENRY, ILLINOIS n. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous FRIDAY -- SATURDAY The Marx Brothers in "ROOM SERVICE" Also--Selected Shorts fcUNDAY -- MONDAY December 4 - 5 Wlayne Morris -- Claire Trevor ---- (In Technicolor) "VALLEY OF THE GIANTS" • Abo--News and Comedies TUESDAY (Double Feature) Admission--10c - 20c Preston Foster -- Madge Evans .(1) "Army Girl': Jack Hiolt in (2) 'Crime Takes A Holiday' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Charles Boyer -- Sigrid Gurie "ALGIERS" William and wife, who spent the week end in the Vales home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and daughters, Misses Clara Stoffel and Evelyn josten land Jack Hart attended the Ice Carnival in Chicago Sunday evening, ^ -- -----• ]v . . r,,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wightman of She was charmingly attired in an Keefe of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Lake Geneva, Wis., were Sunday vis- old ivory slipper satin gown, fashioned ; J®?® A- Preston of Benton Harbor, itors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Princess style after Mainbocher, fitted i Mlch*» and John Igoe of St. Louis. I Linus Newman. to below the hips and with a three! ^r* Knox and his bride departed on ' Mr. and Mrs. Newton Matters of yar<* tra'n* nec^ "was on sweet-1 a wedding trip to Washington, D. C., Elgin were visitors in the home ofiheart line8' and leg-o-mutton | *nd will be at home after Dec. 4, in Mrs. Delia Matthews Tuesday j sleeves ended in cuffs embroidered DaYis apartments. For traveling, | Mrs. Kate Stoffel returned home on with P^1"13- |the br!d® a dark «reen costume Thursday from a month's visit with' Self-covered buttons trimmed the ®ult with satin top and wool skirt, and relatives ir Milwaukee. Wis. jback, and at the waist she wore a jacket trimmed in mink. Her accesj Kinsala and Marshall Bacon e'rd'e embroidered in pearls to match sories were of brown and her hat was were weekend visitors :n Chicago. j**er tiara which held a full length old trimmed in mink. With this costume Miss Marguerite Freund was home 'vory ve^- Her only ornament s^€ Wore a marmot fur coat» ,>•' rrom her schol work at Milwaukee iwas a strand of family pearls. She -- --r. . Wis., for Thanksgiving and the week- car"ed a prayer book with a white! After his pockets had been picked end. i i orchid on top and streamers of the three times, Robert Glennon of Chi- ! Mr. and, Mrs. Ray Kerkman and Hiies-of-the-vaHey^ • jcago fastened fishhooks in his pocket daughters, Ruth and IVj^ary, of Burling-' dele's attendants were dressed and paught the thief. ton, Wis., were Sunday callers in the alike in taffeta frocks in jewel tones, | . ™ • . ' . > home of Mrs. Elizabeth Buss Imade with sweetheart necks, full ... a heard a damage suit in Cletus Althoff was home from De-'B^eeves' and on Princess lines with . s' a ,s^feet. car m°torman Kalb for the Thanksgiving vacation !extreme width at the bottom. Each f , j on® of the jurors as a man Other gue*, in the aS homoori!carried « =hirred velvet muff to match h.d .toton »7; from h,m After Thanksgiving Day were Miss Dorothy,^er Miss Haynes was in moon-' J v, ?j i a1 . "f Jur* Althoff and V friend f™" Chic wo •«<»•« "-.tchine shirked vel-i°r WM heid 'or_first_degree robbery. Mrs. Fr®d J|x>haus and Mrs. Albert vet do^ ^at trimmed with a circular] Epping |and daughter, Dsorotjiy, of Burlington, Wis., were visitors in the Out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Pictures; Schille, Haskell and Allen Michael Knox, mother of the bride- Lithographed Pictures. groom, and daughters, Florence, Mabel OLD RESERVE, R. R. 1, Crystal Lake and Marie of Crystal Lake; Mr. and *28 Mrs. James D. Baker, Lincoln, Neb.; ] ' Mr. and Mrs. James F. Baker and family, Galesburg; Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Baker and family, Shenandoah, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Glover, Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Knox, Crystal Lake; Mrs. F. A. Hoeller, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolger and Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin and John $ Aft ^ ' sntrsc*** I »» home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala Wednesday. Misses Margaret McCabe of Libertyville and Lucy McCabe of Chicago visited- relatives here Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kinsala and I children and Miss Marie Kinsala and tr'c^ ^P8- Each had a nosegay of jfrierd of Chicago, spent Thursday in! ro8es» sweet peas and narcissus pinned the Henry Kinsala home. Mra. Kin- ' ~ sala and children remained^--the ; weekend. Dr. and Mrs. George Hess of Sioux ., - . i, „• Letter of an earnest young Chinese nose veil of tulle Misii Glover wore applying for a job with a Vancouver Persian ruby and her hat and muff am Wang. j can drive were trimmed with ostrich tips of typewriter with good noise and my matching color and of oriental tapes- English is great. My last job has rea I son that the large man has dead. So, Miss Hunter wore o*riental amethyst honorable sir, if I can be as big use and her hat and . muff were trimmed to you I will arrive on same date that with matching and Persian ruby os- you should guess." on her muff. M/s. Sharp, mother of the bride, was attired in a fuchia velvet gown with matching hat and accessories, and .Falls, S. V., former residents of Mc-I^ad a corsage of orchids. Mrs. Knox, Henry, are spending several days thisllnother of the bridegroom, wore black I week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry [with matching accessories,, and a coi* Durland. Dr. JHess was called •to Chi-1 sa£e °* gardenias. capo on business yesterday and to-1 Vernon Knox of Crystal Lake, broth. ;d^y (Thursday). They will spend the er the bridegroom, acted as best jwieekend at South Bend, Ind., before man> and the ushers were Harold Stone (returning home. j of Springfield, Donald Fitzgerald of i ° -- -- Libertyville, John M. Keefe of Chi- CHRISTMAS CARDS [Cago, M. L. Baker of Buffalo, New York, and Edward M. Sharp, brother of the bride. „ 1 The ceremony was foloWed by a ^redding breakfast for sixty people served in the palm room of the Hotel Abrahate Lincofel. :fhe tallies Its not too early to place your. Christmas card order. We are showing -samples now at all prices from 50 for fi.00 up, with name printed thereon. Come in and look them over. AMienfjf Fiaindealsf» 17-tf-fp ARTISTS NVAY 9AZC ON THE LANDSCAPE AND THRILL, Bt/TFOft RUBBER-NtCKED DRlVCRS \T'J COUKTIN& A &PILL/ SPECIAL WINTER*®REP CROWN HOW READY AT STANDARD Ml DIALERS! FAST-FIRING FRACTIONS, STORED LAST SUMMER... NOW "READY-TO fiO" IN RED CROWNi Saves Gasolint in Start-up and Warai-vp and givis you moxiinum Winter mileage I YOUR ENGINE STARTS up with the quickness of a finger-snap with Standard Red Crown... Your motor warms upso rapidly you save gasoline and get maximum Winter mileage. This economy results directly from the extraordinary facilities of Standard Oil. During the Summer millions of gallons of "light", highly volatile fractions of gasoline are imprisoned in refrigerated tanks. Those volatile fractions blended into Standard Red Crown, get your car under way speedily on the coldest days. Try this gasoline just once and you'll use it constantly. ® 1938 START JUST LIKE THAT AND GET MAXIMUM MILEAGE WITH STANDARD RED CROWN FOR WINTER The above Standard Special Red Crown WINTER GASOLINE ean be secured at the Johiubarg

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