mtrsM - MoHEHRf FI4HIDEALSR NriMt Idltorial SiiMlil Thursday, Deoember 1,193§ #' 1 r §i »•- 3® i \ " *« " ' ') . - , <•' - ^ •» • THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE » TWMWW or ramie* owning HAOIO* in rue v-** 6*ew FROM 9,250.000 /A//929 TO ooo-im (93S . 1929 •ft. MX ooo «Wro* 9, -WE fFPfRAL GOVFRNMFNT CURING "THF CURRFMT H*CAt VEAR WILL 9PEWP ALMOST rv/lCF A* MUCH A'r rT Will coluKT m -me*, ACCORDING TO LATENT RUOSET E5TIMATCV Hi/" (fl&WV' AFRICAN manve* 0.W THE C0M60. AWS FOfJP OF MEAT "THEY HAVE A^ SPECIAL- WWW fJllO) TO C»iV!>i6ui*H THElR WUN6ER FOR MEAT FROM RfSUlAR HMN6BR./ CMAE TO DON Fl*«. OF IHPlA. HA* A 0CAK WITH WHICH IT 'fHOOTi " INSfCT*; Of MS PROP* OF WJTTCR FOR. "tUlltTf * - "TEA WA* . KEPT IN THE PAHLOK. JFWE/FP CARETS, BV W CEMTURy COLON/ALi THE PLANS WE MADE By ANNE CAMPBELL The plans we made are dust. We could not do The lovely deed, nor see the long dream through. -- Bow many times we built a magic tour, w And saw it tumble in the troubled hour! And now again, the trip we longed to take Has vanished, with our tall plans in its wake! Bat every jolly map we looked upon, % .« .And all the fun we had! They are riot gonel ; _~ . And though our disappointment is so plain, „ Nothing will stop our making plans again! • Copyright.--WNU Service. Humorous pictures--such as a series of a man eating a squirty grapefruit -^provide fun at a snapshot party. Arrange such a party for your fellewr camera fans. 'tVfy, WHENEVER snapshooters get together, the season is ripe then for a snapshot party. Such a party is a splendid entertainment idea -- •whether its intention is serious picture- taking or just plain snapshot fun. The party can take two forms. Guests can be sent out on a "picturehunt"-- each one assigned to bring back snapshots of a certain type. Or, a room can be«fltted up with a few phbto lights at the host's home, and each guest given a picture idea to illustrate. 4 Guests ehouVd be told to bring their cameras, loaded with suitable Aim. Since most parties will be held At night, the preferred film is one of the new high speed "super type. The host should also obtain a few simple exposure guides, to assist guests who have not had much j experience in taking night pictures. For a picture hunt, one guest can be assigned to picture street scenes; another can picture shop windows, and another can take snaps of electric signs. Brightly-lighted subjects Without movement should be chosen, ^SNAPSHOT CUIL SNAPSHOT PARTIES old Items at Inters* Taken Froa the Files of tt** Plafendealss - , . , ml Y--r» Ag» SIXTY YEARS AGO Jerome and Paul Jus ten, who are attending school at Davenport, Iowa, spent Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. Miss Eleanor Althoff, student nurse at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, spent several days this week at her home here. Miss Bertha Justen^left Sunday for California, where she, r. indefinite 'stay week at Normal College of Physical ducted "in an objective unbiased and P>liAo,.Atl . . dispassionate manner" the activities Washington, November 30--Within _ the next few days business and inill remain for dustrial leaders will have'a rough idea Wjhile tihere, she what is ahead in the way of govwill visit her uncle, Frank Justen, at ernmen^ regulation. The opening of Chowchilla public hearings by the much-mooted Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnickol of Mc- temporary National Economic Corn- Henry >nd Mr. and Mrs. C. if. .Bar- miss'°n thj u s ™ek W,,U P™babjy solve nickol of Chicago spent Thanksgiving a/ld^le wh,ch 1 has plagued industrial- The steamer "Excelsior" has gone holidays at Indianapolis, Ind., where lsts for months- Respite into winter quarters and we undeV- the attended the annual homecoming prance that the inquiry will be cdhstand will be enlarged and greatly improved before 'navigation opens riext spring. . • - ;; : _ _ Can the oldest inhabitant remember when we had better and more pleasant weather for the time of year than we have been enjoying for the past month? The prizes awarded at the close of Prof. Barker's writing class were as follows:-'. First, Miss Hattie Smith; home here. Second, Almon Granger. j Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Freund and Mr. - . studv on control of TThhpe eonnftperrnprrUisminog- lliittttlloe c#»i»tytw onff Efiwlign indflM, rs. Flpyd Cooley were dinn„er• pat^e n.t s i.s' expec,t ed, .to ^ has treated herself to the* luxury of a str«€t railway. • -1"^™ v^^TBSi^' and little d.ugh- "ef ter of Freeport and Herbert Bennett of ^,ted V". th« "PoUwM and Willie WWooooddssttoocckk ccaalllleedd oonn rreellaattiivveess hheerree folIowed by the glass industry. The fact that the Department of Justice urs ajr. . will conduct the hearings is not' with- " andMrs. Mervin Kent and f«n-out implications for this is the major i y of Ch,ca?0 v,slted relatlves here Federal law enforcement agency., Ac cording to Senator O'Mahoney, Com oAMF-riRK ttcsmos By Jack Irtg QUICK RELIEF/ FROM STOMACH ULCERS [ DUE TO EXCESS ACID lu Free leek Tells •* MarveUus r •'» Education. Miss Jane Schnaitman, a student at the University of Illinois, spent Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schnaitman, S.r. . • • LeRoy Smith, wh<? is attending St, of the radical ^element within the group have ndtallayed earlier Suspicions that the probe may become a "witch-hunt" or crusade to establish a public demand for reform legislation,' ' - '=\ • tv . •' Ambrose college at Davenport, Iowa, ,, T- he f.e...e l,in g, is, g rowin_g tha.t .u nless spent Thanksgiving holiday^ at his Pr^edure^of th^ Commission Is r e e j* changed that it will be a one-sided af^ fair and detrimental to business enabsorb ilhe time McHenry is ideally located for winter sports. The Fox river provides miles of ice for skating and if the town would stage a Carnival of Winter Sports once each winter it would be a fine publicity stunt and bring hundreds of people from Chicago and I other large cities and towns to Mc-j Henry;" * T A masked costume carnival staged: any Sunday that the ice is good would draw a crowd of young people from 1 all over Northern Illinois if the Cernival received a little advance publicity and those who competed in the carnival would come back time after, time for a day's skating on good ice."' The girls and boys of our local schools would enter into such an event j with zest and there must be many good, skaters among the older residents of | McHenry who would get, a real thrill out of a day of colorful outdoor sport. Such a carnival would not be ex- i pensive to stage. The costumes would be provided by th6 individual contest ants and the local Lions Club could; co-operate with the merchants to pro-j vide inexpensive prizes for the best I costume, etc. A bonfire committee to or It Will Colt Ysu Nothing f Over one million bottt* of tfae WILLABD TRKATMJg»2£r hm been aold for reUe'of ;V lt»WKlii^lM»M»UlwndiMitoIii>M •. iUW Ni7WBiitjiii,««w'QfU»»rtltMii. ; •tet due"to tSewSlXSir 8ol?o?16^Sl|' - trial 1 Aak for "Werft Messes*** whfch fully explains this mervolous ttwttnent- -- Ph«no 358-- WATTLES' DRUG STORH U PhOM lfi / . L. B. MUKPHV DENTIST ' ' Office Hoan -~ 9 a.lB. <o 9 p. Riveraide Drive McHenry, HL 1^ .FIFTY YEARSSAGO: r? h<"»« •». JYSRAJSI . 00^ 0( IS, COUH <«=•« Aijrora inursaay. _ Wp„ta ^he automobile industry « be appointed and music could be pro- _.A W. P. Stevens, the West Side hardware merchant, is putting into residences. t he chearp es,t and mos*t comim on j Monday evening, sense furnace we have seen in a long I£r _ u HTM ™ ^ time. It will burn either coal or wood, L. J ,e (i ner . . 'At miss^rffT'chairman, the purpose is "to is perfectly safe and costs but iitti01 of Volo, were guests in the Alvin sh^how the control of patents afmore than a common base burner coal peters°n home Thanksgiving. fects the economics cf the country." stove. It not only warms every parti ,^;.a s" George Kauss and sons Observers scent a plan in the bacHof the house, night and day, but there ? ^ Thanksgiving guests ground for breaking down the presare no stoves around any more than |ln „ Tarry-^U,r, • _ ent rights of inventors and develop- DE. C. KELLER ^ •-- Optometrist -- . . in uc (tuyuiiibcu (iiiu< iiiusic tuuiu wc i/iu- 1 j_ a• t his« su«m m•e r home on • Rinit* vided by installing three fpur large t_„f. _ _* ° .y"8l*.years 1 loud-speakers and tune them in on a y * ma glasses. good radio dance program. ,y, ^..vv in summer time. Skating to music is great fun and' if you added a hot-dog and -coffee stand so that the contestants could secure warm food without leaving the ice the success Qf such a carnival would be assured. Winter sports have been forging to the front very fast in the past *tfew years. Our railroads have a keen eye] for business and the fact that the rail Call for Appointment All Kinds of Repairs -- Tel. 211-lt This year is fast drawing to a close,]Miller> in Chicago Mrs. .Jfuac k Walsh is sp^e ndingr a >few ,e rs 00r1 ;la^eeaass . C^oonnssiiadeerraaDbilee rreessiissttaannccee roadJ s are now runni•n g "itWnr-i n*t• er Sa ports days with her daughter, Mrs. George ha» arisen to the Commission's tactics during f>ip . . , j Specials" every weekend during the aAd the farmers have been »J>undantlS r'Mr'«ndlf^rE.rl McAndrews and inrficT'industrTe's »inter sea»on to point, in Wisconsin Plenty of corn and hay,, «_bi_g famiIy and Miss Mary Kinney return, without an opportunty for rebuttal. 118 *™p,e pr°of th,t prC,motmg wmter ed home Sunday evening from a few If the scheme holds, it would be po»-1 days' visit with relatives at Mankato, sible to' draw up startling charges for P"ut ti"n"g" on a Winter Sports Carnival FORTY YEARS AGO blessed crop of oats and good times generally. Ben and Ela Wright, sons of Rob't. w Wright, of this village, started on! Mim,. ~ " "" ' public""conrumJtioTandlher'adjoJra Iin Mc,Henry is a_,n idea that. inst ®c" Monday for New Tacoma, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larsen were for a few weeks so that it would be j cu 1 rred.i to. 118 anJ w€L pass lt on .f" Territory, where they intend to make .Chicago visitors a few days the past difficult to correct the black picture what it worth. Such a carnival their future home. week. with proper answers. 'would bring enough money to McHen- • Mrs. Frank Heckman returned to A hint as to what the temporary I ry to pay the expense of staging it her .Jiome in Cleveland, Ohio, Sunday National Economic Commission made, and it would provide a lot of fun for evening, after spending Thanksgiving public this week. The FTC wants the i our local boys and girls to say noth- At a meeting of the village board, and the weekend with relatives here. Clayton Act amended for the purpose ing of the publicity McHenry would held on Friday evening, it was voted | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks and "creating a positive legislative | receive from such an event. to accept the water works system, and SOn, James, spent Thursday and Fri- standard, defining the limit at which While we are writing,"about winter they are now fully in the hands of the day with Chicago relatives. corporate accretions in size and pow- sports we want to add a word of cauvillage authorities. I Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Schoewer er through such acquisitions shall be tion to our local boys and girls. The A. Wegener, the West side harness and daughter, Peggy Mae, of Oak halted in order to prevent monopoly.", cold snap brought ice on the Fox but maker, has closed his shop here and park were Sunday visitors in the Fred Federal Trade Commissioners j it is not thick enough to venture on. moved to Cary where he will open a Schoewer home. have been grabbing power here and. Sunday afternoon two boys were walk- Charlie's Repair Shop Next Dow To Hoot Noonan'a On U. 8.12 Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders Straightened Sign Painting • Truck Lettering s Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL KENT & COMPANY All Kinds at I N 8 U B A N C I wkh the moat reliable -- . Companies - OMM ii aorf talk it ovif McHaory S shop. | Mrs. Josephine Heimer visited with there OV€r a of years and now The store building, occupied by ^ A. Chicago relatives and friends Thanks- want more authonty. P. Baer, West McHenry, is receiving givng and over the weekend. | The proponents of preparedness a coat of paint on the outside, and thel Thanksgving guests in the Martin within the government are busy cookfront is being very handsomely trim- Cooney home were Mrs. Etta Cooney «P palatable arguments for legismed in colors, which will much im- an(j daughter, Mrs. Frank Heckman, Gators to digest. Propaganda stunts prove its appearance. Lf Cleveland, Ohio, Martin Heckman are creeping out to arouse public in- Jos. Blake is building a new barn and Martin Cooney, Jr., of Chicago. ,terest and support for a doctrine of on his premises east of th% cemetery, j Mrs. Louis Stoffel and daughter, military and naval armament. The lately purchased by him. E. W. Howe|Mary Lou, returned home Sunday, af- trend of the talk is toward "national is doing the work. ^ spending a few days at Milwaukee, self-sufficiency" toned down for the ^jj8_ ' maintenance of neutrality rather than THIRTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber and Pacing emphasis of militarism The ing past our cottage and decided to try the ice in spite of the fact that we warned him not to. One boy started out on the ice and both feet went through but he grabbed hold of a pier and pulled himself out with only wet feet to show for his daring. Suppose that the pier had not been there ? It does not pay to take chances when your life is the penalty of a bad guess. There has already been two drowning accidents in Chicago this winter by boys venturing on the ice and McHen- Phene 43 VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LA# ? ; Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS To--days and Fridays Other Days by AppaiaiaMat MeHeory Httooie The Northwestern station at this visitora in the Louis Stoffel homo* place is again •'operatorless." Well, sons, Billy and Harry, were Sunday SrPwXTfn »it" too fine^boys_,„d sirl. why should not one of the best paying stations on the Wisconsin division be treated this way? It would be very unreasonable for the Northwestern to show its appreciation towards us for the profits it reaps from the McHenry station. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page and Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and daughter drove to Winnetka in the former's machine Sunday and spent the day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lasch of Chicago were out to spend Sunday at the Lasch cottage on the river. A herd of blooded cows from the stock farm of Geo. Sayer, at Pistakee Bay were recently shipped to St. Louis where they were exhibited and disposed of. My Neighbor Says := i For mixing flour and water, use a fork or egg beater to make it smooth1 and free from lumps. , i TWENTY YEARS AGO since outdoors at night short time exposures will b© necessary with most cameras. Though if any of the guests have ultra-fast-lens cameras, give them stiffer assignments. -- - For an "at home" party, a list of picture-titles should be prepared. Humorous titles or assignments are preferable, and guests can serve as models for each picture. One person could be assigned to picture a characterization of Napoleon. Another could picture an Indian climbing a mountain, and a third might be told to portray a dachshund viewing a skyscraper. The more outlandish the titles, the more room they leave for the picture-taker's imagination-- and the more fun he will have arranging his picture. Properly, s$»pshot parties should be planned as a series--each member of a group holdiiig one. T^en, pictures taken at one party could be exhibited at the next. Such a party series can provide entertainment all season for a group of camera fans--and lt would be a delightful project for a camera club. John van Guilder. Miss Gertrude Oertel of this village entered the employ of the Woodstock Typewriter factory at the county seat last week. John E. Freund is now employed as cigar maker in the Barbian Bros, establishment, He will remain for the winter months, his brother, Frank carrying on the local drayage business until spring. Corp. Howard Wattles, son of Mr European affairs. The fact that Japan has turned a deaf ear to our representations for fair treatment for American nationals in Asia is not without its signficance to the diplomats and armament advocates. How Congress will take cognizance of the international situation is something else again. . Restoration • of legislative control over public expenditures in fact as well as theory seems likely as mem- Two tablespoonfuls of cocoa may bers of the House Apropriations Combe substituted for each square of mittee return to town for budget chocolate called for in recipes. ,i hearings. The recent Gallulp poll • * * | encourages the lawmakers in their de- Potatoes bake more quickly if sire for independence. Federal agenplaced on the broiler instead of the cies will undoubtedly take cognizance floor of the gas oven and the flavor of this new attitude and inflate their will be much improved fey Quick estimates with full knowledge that the baking. Congressional paring knife will force •' • • •' economies. Make sure that your house plants] Talk of the town: have plenty of fresh air wherever many incoming-governors will frame they are--coal gas fumes and other their inaugural speeches with an eye domestic gases tend to weaken and to the 1940 elections for state.execukill them. tives are always considered potential for the town to lose any of them m this way. The water is too cold for swimming at this seasn of thie year and our advice is "Go Slow!" Don't think from this that we are against winter sport. An hour passed outdoors in skating or coasting is worth a week of indoor play, but use your heads for something besides a hatrack. Study winter play. Learn what is safe and what is not, and if there is any question in your minds, don't chance it. It is much better to have people say, "There he goes," than "Doesn't he look natural?" S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experienoe is at Ytour Service in Building Your Wants LILY LAKE Mrs. Lottie Bransford was a Chithe belief that cago visitor Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bloomstrand. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of her sister, Miss Lillian Schonauer, in Chi- Telepbeoe No. 80S Stoffel & Reihansperger agents for aU classes property in the best conpanies. ' v fFBST McHENRY ILLINOIS Presidential timber; whether Congress Break coke to be burned in the will take over or duplicate the current cago. kitchen range into little pieces investigation of radio broadcast be-' Mr. and Mrs. Art Seyfferth, Mr. and about ,the size of an egg. It takes cause of its political implicatons; that Mrs. Clarence Seyfferth, Mrs. Johnson less time to make a good, hot fire Congress may moderate the income tax and son, Marcus, all of Chicago, visitfor a day's cooking, is easy to light laws as a means of stimulating ab- ed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and is more economical. (sorption of the unemployed and specu- Seyfferth last week. Mrs. A. Seyfferth 4 • • • lation as to Secretary of State Hull's has a lemon tree growing in her home Cabbage and lettuce are especial- speech in Peru next week to disclose with a lemon on it which weighs threeand Mrs. F. H. Wattles of this village, ly__ easy to keep erisp. Either should his activities inj building a Western ^ quarters of a pound. who left McHenry last May for Camp],be washed well and placed, while Hemisphere allilfhce of nations. Shelby, Miss., and later was transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y., is now in England. Elvin Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Price of Wauconda, suffered a broken arm while cranking a Ford car in that village one day last week. dripping, in a covered container to be chilled for several hours. (The cover keeps the moisture in.) <£> Associated Newspapers.--WNU Service. Meaning of 'Right,' 'Left* Wing The right wing, when used in connection with politics,, is the conservative element, or, as in Europe, sometimes the monarchist element in a political party, legislature or parliament. The left wing is made up of the more radical element of a political party or legislature. POTPOURRI World Population •]; The population of the world has increased from 700,000,000 in 1814 to more than 2,000,000,000 at the present time. This is true even though the birth rate in most civilized countries has declined, the difference being accounted for by the tremendous drop in infant mortality, plus an expanded lite span. O Western Newspaper Union. How 'Uncle Sam' Started During the War of 1812 the government contracted with a certain Elbert Anderson to provision troops, and the casks of beef from his" firm were stamped with the letters "U. S." A jovial inspector, Samuel Wilson, was known as Uncle Sam, and when questioned about the letters "E. A.--U. S." on the goods replied that they meant "Elbert Anderson and Uncle Sam." The story was given wicte circulation and "U. S." soon came to mean "Uncle Sam." The first newspaper cartoon of Uncle Sam appeared in the New York Lantern on March 13, 1852, Bellew being the artist. jSttl MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If Interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IlL TEL. MAJESTIC 1«S Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch. Visitors at .their home Friday were Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop I and daughter, Joan, of Chicago. I This community was grieved and shocked to hear of the death of Miss Clara E. Fast at her home in Chicagb Saturday evening, November 19. Fun-! 1 eral services were held Wednesday, Trucking, Hydraulic and CnUltS November 23, at 1:30 p m., from a, funeral home to Acacia Park ceme- j , tery. Miss Fast and her parents have a summer home at Li!y Lake. | i Mrs. Fred Dosch has been ill at her hbme for the past two weeks with bronchitis. | 1 Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. IThomas Klabough Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Grout and daughter,1 Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paul and A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Service --Road Building-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, m, Mrs. Maxine Heindorf of Los Angel• es, blind as a result . of atite mpi ted l V T V C B W i l l 1 1 V W B { N I | I V I W i U V H i . r n j ^ suicide, won a divorce from her nus- I A woman who found a ptirse con band when she testified that he had ] • taining $40 belonging to Mrs. S. W. daughters, Joan and Patricka, and Mr.i said: "You could never do anything' Asserting that a mouse ran up hi& Steel of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., turned and Mrs. Hudson Parnell, all of Chi well--not even- a good job on yourself pants leg while he was watching a it over to a gasoline station attendant cago. ' , with a gun. Next tinte I hope you do movie, I. V. Tosenman of Cleveland is after first deducting her own "reward" better." suing a theater for $250.. -- $10. Subscribe for The Plaindealer 3C A SHAVE USED - TO CM_L foc SOM£ r IT ii FAK1CY RAXOR * * 1 U* . MANIPULATION! J * f: . 1 - FRETT BROTHERS CONTRACTORS Ceaent, Brick, Plaster aai Stucco Work Building, Moving aa£ Raising Telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILL. ^ INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH. Preaeatiag Reliable Companies---- Wm yen ae«l inKu^^ M* . JIMMM 41 or tl-M Pri-BUg. - , • " - . .-A,-/":* / V,,,... , '•; • y-.r ' '