Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1938, p. 7

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.V " : S - ' • > ' •- •< i 4 > v r ^ Thursday, December 8,1938 :th"! V I " THE MtHENRY PLAINDEALER "SO I HEAR" by V EARL.WALSH Ita-alV' Dear Disgusted: We get you. You don't .want that "M" to stand for Monkeybusiness. Yon really have the right idea. We hope the guilty partfes see your letter. W® were going to suggest that the letter men form a line, stop everybody wearing a monogram and ask 'em for credentials. TJhat would be sure to get Cit Si hts* results and maybe some black eyes. v'Aat permanentwkv*' onBffiy fries. You know how helples* a big hulk (It's the real McCurl). °f, a Iett«r ™an wo"ld be trymf ,to 3g V":^'take an M" away from some f a i r , ~ 0j little* girls. i Stay withyour idea, Disgusted, and stick to your ipins. What's this world coming to? jrher£ are we naw?__ : >--:L --?BThe male of the specie squawked ke h -- when the fair ladies took Yoors truly, KID dooiw -V- iy- "-"Wrer the barber shopls some time back. llofo the beauty parlors are falling Things I'd Like To See: tight into the hands of the men. j A Democrat elected in McHenry U_ . County. Just one! ' It might take-more than the Reputv World peace before Christmas. Ifcans to save us. , I 3°"" in a d«rby- w,. : f 8--* ' The Cubs and Sox in a World Series* But, what do we etee. We JWst/be Another Dempsey* enter the heavy- • (Betting a column. - ; v • . > "< _ ] weight ranks. *7 (| j A reliable factory or two come to •""' •Mrs. Craver gave the old column a McHenry. ?1tet this week. Says the doctor is a McHenry people trade with McHenliuthful reader. ,ThatVfiveunless ^re W merchants. : r - ' Rise un a recount. -- , McHenry merchants trade *rith Jfc- . JJ1-. . * Henry merchants." _ • ' •- .-. Now and then we wateh those grace*; Teh cent cigars for a nicl^ ^ ' Tftil, yoting gliders roll over, the boards country would be saved!) , •t the new bating- / Ttj » .. ~8~ » . ftting. '• v - Things. I d .Like To See Again) ,t;. 'v»j ; . ; • {Horse-.races on ice, ' ' ^ Now arid tfieh thl* urgfe* : A medicine show. v • ,108 to strap onr a pair of those roller "Bevo" John tootin' "The OldOak- Jjearing do-funnies and see who's the en Bucket" in the town band. •Vist^-the skates or us. " | Charlie Grimm playing first base. •i --!!-- -j A good old western movie. Frank Meyer and yours suspiciously Willie Welch and my dad starting plan to put 'em an in secret practice out in that old Ford. (But, they al- One of these days. Of course, it's ways waited to light up their pipes.) Frank's idea and he may be eggin' us Smoke pouring out of Borden's facffl, ' - ' .tory stacks." '. -r^l-- Red Grange totp a football. V . Thafr^^raak sttrie •• is a1 -- r«iight not take us dill-doving, but he REED RAMBLERS RAMBLE iiiliiiiiiiS " . ••A"' JNge LOCAL SdHOOL CAGE TJfiAM WINS ANOTHER Our badges will be awarded had better get in touch with Scoutmaster Schoenholtz nT aop /*aw on on to learn the exact date. Finally, on vLU9£ uAJuJS, <52-30 December 19, the Board of Review will | meet, so why don't £\11 of you Scouts high schopl basketball team getj busy and be prepared to come bebattled through a rough and tumble fore this Board? affair at Northbrook last Friday night After Mr> Schoenholtz gave the anand came out on top of a 32 to 80 noUncement of those coming events, at SC®re' _ [the meeting Monday night, December McHenry trailed 10 to 2 at the end 5, we grouped before the piano, and of the first quarter, their lone basket several songs were sung. Following coming with about 10 seconds to play They trailed 15 to 10 at the half. • Knox was in the whole game and ran up a^ neat total of if points." " A glance at the box score will show a total of 36 fouls in the game, each be used, team having 18, McHentjr .«^$K Meyers Miller ...... Knox McAndrewa Schultz ....... Freund ..... Larkin Weidemanv* Laures Unti .. PF 0 Totals Northbrook SO Orlandini Johnson.. Harer-.....;^,;,,,..^.^ Bueter P f i n g s t o n ^ i . V . Pausten Sterauss Maihack Totals Wouldn't go. tell us we hadn't ought to --ION MAR RETURN fENG rwi GO FLOOR AND TH A 35-30 WIN 10 12 18. PG PT FP ..3 0 2 .v2 A 3 . 0 ,.2'; 0 4 , 0 0 2 .. 0 A 1 .. 3 1 3 .. 3 2 3 11 18 this, we till went to the basement to examine the new tools the Troop owns. "Mr. Glenn Peterson . explained the tools ahd demonstrated some of. the proper ways in which the tools are to There is a jig-saw, bench saw, turning lathe, an electric motor, two hand saws, a set of wood chisels, a square, a plane, a brace arnd set of ' bits, and a hammer. The rule re- ~ garding the use of these^fOols is that *j only Scouts with a rank as mgh as ® Second Class can use any of them, and ' "only First Class Scouts can use qlec- . trically operated machinery. 0. Say, I wonder what has happened to ^ our Scouts ? It must be the Scout Bug ^ has,bitten them, for everyone is Jtry^ .pa ing ti> pass tests! . .. SCdUT DAVID SWANS6N. Subscribe for The Plaindealer WINTER RECREATION FEOGRAM POPULAR IN PAST WEEK AT GYM The winter recreation program which is being held in the High School Gym got away to a good start this past week, and from all indications the number which will take advantage of this fine opportunity for play and sport will increase rapidly. On Wednesday evenfngg the gym is used primarily for basketball playing, so all boys above high shool age who like to play basketball are invited and encouraged to come down to the High School gym for an evening of fun. In addition to basketball, ping pong is proving to be a favorite sport, and then there is also shuffle board and boxing so everyone is certain of finding sol^ie activity he will enjoy. On Thursday 'evenings volleyball is the main activity on the gym floor, with the other games available for all those that care for them. On Suiiday afternoons the recreation program will run from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock, with -basketball as the main feature. '. • On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the program lasts from 7 to 10 o'clock. REMEMBER MCHS GAME WITH RICHMOND FIVE TOMORROW (Ffel.) NIGHT Dont forget that the high school basketball team will meet the Richmond five on the local floor on Friday evening of this week. McHenry is rolling along iiicely with three straight wins tucked away. The locals have had to battle all the way for their victories, winning from Woodstock and Northbrook by two point margins and downing Marengot with 'five points. " 7 The team h^s, promise and the boys are working hard to smooth off the rough spots. - ! Your writer hasn't seen Richmond in action, but all indications point toward a rousing game on Friday night. Adenoids Halt Chest Development Adenoids, by blocking the airway, .prevent proper development of the chest. GIRL SCOUtS .' • Christian Work In There is record of a translation into Chinese of the first Christian work in China, the Book of the Jewish Messiah, dating 635-38; : * We only had a short meeting Monday as some of the scouts had to go to cantata practice. We checked over our second class requirements and many scouts passed -<li\ tests. Before the girls left for practice, we drew names for the Christmas partjj Bonnie Page'»«pa&ol will give on December 19. ' We won't have a meeting next week, but be sure to be at the .wade school on the 19th at 7:00. * •» BONNIE PAG Tobacco as Medium of Virginia, tobacco once actual medium of exchange, the salaries of ministers, government officials, etc., being assessed at so many pounds of tobacco. This practice continued until a stable ican currency was established by Hamilton in Washington's first M»v ministration. v : . i: Keh-i-nor Existed in 1304 The famous diamond, the Koh-f-!. nor (mound of light), the private >r property of the British royal family, is known to have existed in India in the year 1304. ' • . *•. No foolin'. We have some neat skaters. You aught to see Larry Huck Hind his sistwr, Jean. ,. Coach Reed's basketball men bounced back in the last half at Marengo i Tuesday night and came home with a We saw Jane McAndrews and Angie five point victory. TJnti in some right smart skating a in the way of points, Jerry Miller ffw nights ago. was the works. His 16 points came --II-- iin mighty handy in the final tabula- Oh! There are several who know tion. their way around--and no dipsy-doodle The McHenry boys continued-to foul "about it. freely, Marengo registering 10 points --•-- ' on free tosses. Poor Eddie Matthews! There's go- In winning, the local boys showed teg to be another Alumni Banquet this that they have learned the idea of > ytar and he has to do all the work, keeping control of the ball in tho All we know is what we hear, but we closing minutes with a lead to protect, hear that Eddie can be found any, v,;.'; ;.-- hight looking aftei1 seating arrange-j inents, etc. McHenry rr-l|-- Knox We're sincerely sorry about the Miller ,...- tough luck that came across the path Meyer Of Leo Meyers. He's in St. Therese's Wiedeman . hospital at Waykegan. Maybe a card McAndrews Blight take his mind off that big cist Schults for a lninute. ; ' I.aures ...... ^ •' Freund There are some wows of scores list*; Unti this week. Take, The next two weeks are going to be busy ones for the McHenry Boy Scout! A Hike, a Court of Honor, and a Board of Review are coming! Friday night, December 9,Jhe Scouts will go out to Cooney's woods, just west of town, for a short hike after school. Just think, Scouts, what an opportunity to pass tests that will be. Then, some time next week a Court of Honor will be held. You Scouts to whom 1938 GiFTS FOR CHRISTMAS ... j^Shirti--$1.25 - $1.50 - $1.65 if Gloves--$1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 Mufflers--75c $1.00 $1.50 . Ties--50© * 75c - $1.00 Sirtlii^rdnl n .-W.-.V.-.VWMMW.-AV-.4 MAIN STREET . FREUND CLOTHING CO. WEST McHENRY Totals Totals ed in "Bowling News a- peek. i- -rffrrr. Marengo Dear ' S.1.1&,---'-r--" -"-"T"---"""^ • We hate to brag, yes we really' hate Wallace ... to brag, but So Cal. 13 - Notre Dame Fritz 0 really gives us cause don't you think Baumap ... so? It was our birthday too, so may- Block ....... be we brought our Alma Mammy luck. Bishop «..., We notice by the paper you were Hulds ....... Wishing you were there. Maybe you McAndrew are glad you saved your three bucks Kearney iiow. We really do hate to rub it in but would appreciate a Yah! Yah! Yah! to some of our friends who gave us a royal razzing as to what would happen to So. Cal. when N. D. got there. After all we haven't had a chance to get puffed up over our team since 1935. Please note, and turn very green, (like the ink) we have seats to the Rose Bowl game keeping our fingers crossed until after the game. Your column reads good even in L. A. . , Sincerely, MRS. HAROLD P. OWEN. -The-weather_ _is sawell. FG FT PF • ! 8 . V!.": 4 ' 3 : .. 2 0 V r? .. 0 :-l 0 .2 0 -7 .. i 2 .. l 0 ,"v , .. 0 - b 1 • .... «•••»••• .. b 0 1 0 i7vr;7 15 5 "T." FG FT PF .4 5 0 .. 0 1 o • Mmiuunj .4 0 : r ; .tiimn.n. .. 0 0 ; 0 .. 1 4 : .. 0 0 0| ..*0 0 i; .. I 3 o 10 10 30 BOWLING NOTES The local C. O. F. bowlers did some fancy bowling at the Palace last Friday night, Gus Freund's team piled up a total of 2857 pins, spilling the pins „T , .for a 1002 total in one game. Pretty W_e__are b^veTjfair country bowling. I Gus led the parade with a 630 serjies. Henry Weber helped along with a 609 total. Winkel rolled a 622 series for the losers in that match. P. s.. Dear Mrs. Owen: Never knew you hailed from Cali-j^h^he"ForesteTboyTtoo.' forma, but that P. S. about the wea^hv ys must ^ eating the wheaties . Class will tell! Herb Simon is back in the limelight with a 644 series that includes a 243 game. That was rolled Those i "Hup" Smith turned in a the city league. 601 with er removes any and all doubt. need somebody with good old California Chamber of Commerce training in this town (whoops! there we go--it's a city). When you come back--andl XT ' nwvi. h We want you t<^-this column will l T Now, those 'Smith campaign for you for president of a .Tohnsburg are challenging t^ M^st1 --^Chamber of Commerce; You're as B/au^a"/nn for a match Us.schedgood as in. tulud for 8:00 p. m. Sunday. Guess you did mention a football game. Wish all our readers could see your letter. You hand it to those Jrishers, in green ink! v More power to you. Anybody who beats those Notre Dame Irish has a rteht to brag. This Meister Brau gang will be bowling in the -afternoon at 2:00 o'clock vs. Algonquin. Will they be busy ! The Volo Vultures have a match on asiit urog with Fox River Grove at the Palace ;How about, you repaying the Rose Sunday .at 8 o'clock. Bowl game for The Plaindealer? The! „ • , ~~ „ , boss is very liberal in expense ac- Herman Schaefer rolled an alle\ counts. He might unbend enough to rec0I"d with & 264 on his own alley.- »ml vou a postage stamp. thls week Nine strikes-then blew Thanks for writing and thanks f« a *1*™- Hls senes ^ 676- Neat- -Mstenin'. Ed Smith has a 642 series hung up at Schaefer's--and you'll have to beat that if you want the first prize (turkey) in the Christmas prizes. Fanny Freund has a 511 series posted for the ladies to shoot at. Would- Tours truly, S. I. H. ' ' ,X go I Hear % Mr. Earl Walsh, IfcHenry, Illinois. , DuiS^1 "?past fe^ months, n'1 be surprised if she beats that, her- . Seen many of our High fechool nioho-i8®^* 4 . .. 'grams. Upon looking at the people, ;;. - ±y'-. IT". - v.-". - . ' wearing them, I find that some haven't | Th® Lake Topers didn t ha\t- . ©yen gone to high school; others who ®ny scores to Write home aoo^it, but aever had thought of participating in Jthey had a lot of furt. • athletics, display with pride their, _ ~ ' ; «M": a few girls from neighboring! The Pine Tree A. C Were Just Ifn towns even have a large "M" on their1 P'ns better than the Bon A11 C. ' •J-itoeaters. This shows that someone Jn their match last Sunday Moderhas been neglecting to use his so-call" hack s 562 Was high series. • Speed ed brains. ' Stilling-had a 213 game, : ; An "M" represents a certain amount _ • Of hard work, effort and loyalty, and Paul Karlsj \vho sometimes doe> . every Tom, Dick and Harry doesn't much better, led the C. O.F. Canadione. I think it i«r up to the ans, mixing a 203 game m a 534 se) - High School athletes of the past, pres- ies. ent. an«S future to think more of these ' v --• . J j swell letters. ' ! Both McHenry. all#? A boy certainly wouldn't give a guns. Bowlers br going gremt 1 _ from mil< present'which- he'received from his around. , Almost as m^ny ladies bow!- g r i r l friend to another boy, so why ing as men. Give us some winter; should he give an "M" to one of his weather and Watch those alleys 'g<> "girl or boy friends. places! Come onv;letter-men, let's do atome- ---- thing about this. 1 Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The DISGUSTED, Plaindealer. !JL L U A L LSL 13.00 worth of « puchases takes &is $14.95 value ELECTRIC MIXEft for only $7.95 Caife; DRESSER SETS HER useful ' decorative gift ; that women love to receive! $9-95 FOR From SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER It's the one they're all talking about! Give the one that really shaves the first try! f *15.00 ! '.w «THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE CANDY STOCK IN THE COUNTY. Whitman's Page & Shaw Gobelin's "-jTTT'r~~:r^ Pangburn's LEATHER GOODS Any man will appreciate A new Bill Fold or . Key Holder. ------Priced from---i- $1.00 to $5.00 C3E23TS2E1P C A M E R A S The Lasting ; Gift! for young or old Moderately ^ priced from $1.00 to $18 50 PEN AND PENCIL SETS Shaeffer's Lifetime $9.00 and up Lifetime Pens $9 00 and up - Others as low as - $1.00 . EVENING PARIS SETS and Perfume in beautiful blue and silver gift boxes. $1.50 up ;> tO $10-00 MILITARY SETS FOR MEN A gift that will be appreciated #n his Dresser! CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS ; To 7 bffighten. the tree Santa. Indoor and Outdoor Lights 69e up B O O E S for Boys and Girls. By Famous Authors! 29^-50^ A Complete Selection of Wrapping Paper, Twine, Cards. Seals and Tape Christmas Cards--50 cards. $1.00. (Name Imprinted Free.) - Also many other cards to choose from! PHONE 40 GREEN STREET

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