V . ilaK; M PLAINDE PagePou* CHENKY zrww *£?&*$ wv "* V ' k s „ Dr. Paul A. Schwabe :-^5SSS OPTOMETRIST ^ Phone: McH*nry 123-J THURSDAY MORNINGS Woodstock 674 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ' lM 'SI' ' • 100 RQOMSw«Hoit»»*«t»i • 100 ROOMS wMiMi'&totW CONANT HOTEL COMPANY tSAMFORD THE M'HENR Y TDUNDEALER Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. 4 , One Year ........ a. $2.00 Six Months .. ;..$1.00 A. H. MOSIIER Bditor and Manager SUSTAININ • E. A. Admitting to a judge that he usually ® kissed the girls to whom he delivered telegrams, William Casago, New York, messenger boy, was ordered to refrain in future. .:r< --VALUES THAT WILL MAKE YOU THINK WIS ARE SANTA!-- All our gifts are priced less so as to give you greater values than ever before. Watches, $14.50 Here is an excellent value for a charming miss. >. * Leather Sets ... $1.00 up ^ Diamond Rings $25-00 $3.50 Phone 123-J Brush Sets A. E* Pen and Pencil SeW^ $1-95 Dresser Sets *» .. ... $4-50 and up West McHenry 0i> • W: - When you select some kind of electrical appliance for the housewife, the whole family can get enjoyment from the gift. That's why we say* *'#ifts Por All". All members of the household! Below are listed a few items that will suggest to the shopper what would be very suitable for a gift in the electrical line. $ Mk Mf' COFFEE MAKER Sunbeam or G. E., Hotpoint WAFFLE IRON! Westinghouse or General Electric WWE HEATER Arvin or G. E. MIXER Sunbeam or Kitchen Aid TOASTER A splendid line, consist- » ing of Sunbeam, Toastmaster, G. E., Hotpoint or Westinghouse. SANDWICH TOASTER Westinghouse or G. E. IRONS -- Westinghouse and G. E. Irons; $1.0(1 allowance on old iron on an auto* matic. Also Travelers' Irons. VACUUM CLEANERS Mt ELECTRIC ROASTERS Westinghouse. CLOCKS Apex and General Electric. ELECTRIC SHAVERS --- Rand. Remingtoifand the Sunbeam Shavemaster. Telecron and General Electric. HEATING PADS -- General Electric. VIBRATORS --- FLASHLIGHTS -- (Unbreakable) LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS -- Christmas Wreaths and Tree Lights Christmas Tree Bases Put several of these useful articles on your Christmas shopping list and visit the -- Green Street * * * * * Phone 25^ * * * * * McHenry, Illinois m # % * 90R SALE FOR SALE--Nursery grown. Christmas trees, freshly cut. Ranging from 3 ft. to 15 ft. Priced from 40c up. Also evergi^en branches for decorating. Westman Evergreen Nursery, Woodstock, 111. Phone 232-R. visitors in the home of tiheirmothe., Mrs. Margaret May. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the E. E. Bassett home.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen and the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen, motored to Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Justen and daughter, Patricia Ann, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen on Riverside Drive. PAST ORACLES Twenty-five members and guests from Elgin, Algonquin, Woodstock and McHenry were present at the McHen- FOR SALE--Ford V-8, 157 wheelbase. Also auto radio, used 3 months, $15, Hot blasi stove, double lining. Gerhardt Poultry Farm, 2% miles south of McHenry, Route 31, McHenry 617- ry County Past Oracles Club Christie *30 mas Party held at the home of Mrs. ;-- -! Jame? Perkins Tuesday afternoon. FOR SALE--American Flyer Electric j Each guest was asked to relate some Train Set, complete, in good condi- Christmas incident of her childhood, tion; reasonable. Phone 87-J. 30(as she was presented with a gift from' the tree. I . t ^ r, j Thursday> December 15, FOR SALE--Quaker Oil Burner, 10- inch burner. Inquire of John R>, . _ Schmitt, care of Freund Oil Co. »30 the^prize ™ * game that wai played. Mrs. Edna Serres of Algonquin won A chicken dinner was served and plans POR RENT ; were made to hold their next meeting; -! with Mrs. Camille Ebel at Crystal FOR RENT--House on John Street,; Lake on Tuesday, January 10. McHenry. Wm. H. Althoff. SO Many pupils in the McHenry Schools have been privileged , dyink our wholesome ^ , ^ r :: il the school. During the Christmas vacation period -- 'V. this should be continued at the home. Mothers, please take notice that we will be glad to make deliveries at your home! JLelve your opder or Phone 116-R FOR RENT--7-xv om house, moderns newly decorated. Wm. Pries, McHenry. Phone Business 80-M;. Residence 121R. : 30-tf WANTED WANTED--Married man wants day work or job as farm hand. Edward Dresdow, care Wm. Pomrening, West McHenry, Phong 620-R-l. *30 LOST LOST--Large black dog, 15 years old; answers to name of "Prince." Please notify. McHenry Floral Shop or Farm House Tavern. Reward. * "flO MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J* Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS AND STOCKMEN! ! We pay up to $10.00 for down, crippled, old and dead horses and cattle. I MID-WEST RENDERING CO. I Elgin, Illinois Two Phones--Dundee 10--Elgin 2482 Also meat scraps and tankage for I sale at lowest possible prices. | The quicker you call the more you get. Reverse Charges 28-tf T. •. <*£ 4 »* > ^ j,' Ask Your Dealer McHENRY h o l i d a y B r e w Steinie - Quart and H t J T t Y f t ? ? Y Y Y y Y Y t I Miss Kathleen Justen spent Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pftter L. Hoffman at Wilmette. 1 Those from here who attended the presentation of "Susan and God" at the Harris Theater in Chicago Wednesday evening were: .Misses Betty Thennes, Rita Freiind, Evelyn Justen, Ethel Frcund, Marie Miller and Mrs. Flora Fitzgerald. i Mrs. Gerald Carey spent Tuesday', in Chicago. : < | Miss Evelyn Justen win * Weekend ; visitor at Chicago. • ' j I Mi-, and Mrs. A. E. Nye spent Sun- ! I day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitzemann at Chicago. Mrs. Bernjard Woltman and daughter returned home with them for a few days' visit.' Mr. and Mrs. George Frozely and i baby of Woodstock and Mrs. Margar-1 et Noonan of Harvard were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. i WHlfred Blake. i Louis and Joseph Schmitt who had! been visiting their sister at San Frart-| cisco, Calif., are now spending some time at Eatonville, Wash. They ex- i pect to spend the winter in the West.! Mrs. Wiilliam VanNatta of Crystal "J" Lake spent Sunday in the Robert V Thompson home. j Henry Purvey and daughter, Mrs. J & Ralph Boyle, of Crystal Lake were X visitors in the Albert Purvey home V | Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McChesney; i and children of Chicago visited friends ' X Jhere Sunday. j ^ Mr. and Mrs., George Hoelscher and i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoelscher of , Y Wtheaton called on relatives here Sun- i ^ day. | A Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. How- Jk ard Wattles were Oak Park visitors ; j Monday. j ^ Albert Vales of Chicago was a week- j end guest at his home here. j ^ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey were' ^ guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb in Chicago Thursday. Mis3 Virginia Snyder of Clinton, Wis., was a weekend guest of her sister, Miss Sylvia Snyder. Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker were Huntley viitors Sunday where they attended the dinner at the Congregaionj. l church and also called in the E. H. Cook home. James Walsh was an Elgin visitor Monday. His aunt, Mrs. Stasia Malone, returned home with him and is spending several days here before leaving for Jacksonville, Florida, where she expects to spend the winter. Mrs. James Perkins spent Saturday in the home of her daughter at Waukegan. Mrs. Etta Wattles and daughter, Mrs. C. Harrison were Elgin visitors Monday. Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs.,^ Lisle Bassett and little daughter ac-1 companied the latter Mrs. Bassett's mother, Mrs. Mary Switzer, to Chi- % cago Sunday. Mrs. Switzer left for, V' her home in Houston, Texas, that day. after a three weeks' visit with her'. & .daughter and other relatives in this % [ vicinity. ; ^ Mrs. William Bacon and Mrs. Jam Perkins visited in the home-of tin former's daughter, Mrs. Harvey Dartm at Kenosha, Wis., Friday. Miss Helen Stevens was a Chicago visitor Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and family of Libertyville and Miss Elean • Mrs. Ben Freund and Mrs. Ralph |Jus ten spent Thursday at Elgin. •W: PAY tQ THE ; ORDtR Of _RFTYC.OLl.ARS Dad is happy, because he knows that though he hasn't made a million -- he has enough cash coming from his Christmas Club check to buy the family the gifts and goodies and new clothes they need and deserve: Dad put away a little each week in our Christmas Club, and now he doesn't have to touch his earnings or other savings to play Santa Claus. Sensible, isn't it? • • •J.' 12.50 Club 5 f: 25.00 Club $ 50.00 Club 4lQO.OO«Club 25c per week. 50c per week. $1.00 per week, vuavcu o.pciit liiui&uay nagm, i -t1 or May of Wilmette were Sunday^ V /