' '*'N * -;>'V^ \,. ','v '*v •*'*'.r • '*•>;v)[;'^'::,; ^ ^ '••.'•-".V..*' K;.-f. ,, - ;..} _ V. . - > • , , r, i - *? i : '**U» 1 t"t , v t*>; : ran Six MoHKNBS PLAINDKALKX RINGWOOD GIVES NEW DELIGHTS AND ADDED YEARS OF SAVINGS! *£ ^**V -#C *.v t' .,• ^. ^ TRIGIDAmt "***t % Most certainly gifts Co warm the heart. And yet gifts that are practical. Two gleaming beauties » . . Frigidaire, the only refrigerator with the Meter-Miser, and the new Frigidaire Electric Range. Wonderful gifts thatwill thrill her with their beauty, convenience, and all-around performance. And make her doubly thankful .as they make kitchen hours easier,shorter..;, save money year after year! Let Frigid- . aire glorify ber Christmas .. . her kitchen .... . and your good judgment! Liberal Christmas Purchase Plan. Beautiful Sterling Silver Cift Medallion This handsome medallion, en: graved with any message you desire, will be affixed, free Or charge. to your Christities Frigidaire, if requested. A beautiful, dignified raniOMt of your welcome gift! • ;>*> The Bunco Club entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. Charles Coles, Jr., at the home of Mrs. William McCanoon Thursday afternoon. Bunco was -played with prizes awarded to Miss Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Edward Bauer, Miss Marian Krohn and* Mrs. George Shepard. •i Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the | Scotch Bridge Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Frizes were ajj/ard- ' ed to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. C. J. j Jepson. . '! The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. i Ralph Simpson Friday. A pot-luck t, dinner was served at noon. The Ringwood and Solon Mills unit of Home Bureau held a joint meeting at the home of Mrs. C. J. Jepson Tuesday. A ppt-luck dinner was served at noon. Mrs.5 Harry Stewart of the Solon Mills unit and Mrs. Leonard Rush gave the lesson oh Buffet Luncheons and Mrs. Robert Howe gave the •lesson on Handicraft. There were 32 wonien present. , Mr. and Mrs. Nic^ .Y-outigr'.Were- called' to- Chicago Wednesday by the death of the latter's sister; Mrs. Biggers. .. Mrs, S. H. Beatty spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Charley Frey, at Blue Island. / Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were visitors at Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. Graff bf Wheeling and Mrs." Emma Merchant of Woodstock attended the shower for Mrs. Charles Coles, Jr., at the William McCannon home Thursday. " Mr. "and Mrs. Charles Brennan Solon Mills were Sunday guests the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. The Young Adults held a party at Jacob Justen & Sons Green and Elm Streets McHenry, 111. Mrs. C. J. Jepson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon. Mr. and Mr*. Elmer Olson and Miss Alice Mae Low visited Mrs. Daniels Rawson and baby daughter at the Woodstock hospital Sunday afternoon. Will ^Beatty of Keystone spent Sunday in tne S. H. Beatty home. Mrs. Woodford and daughter, Iva, of Park Ridge spent Sunday in the Wm, McCannon home. Floyd Carr of Greehwood was^ a caller in the Wrfi. McCannon home Sunday afternooji. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Rev. and Mrs. Harry Collins, spent Sunday afternoon in the Paul Collins home at Arlington Heights and the Frank Collins home at Wilmette. Mrs. Emma Merchant of Woodstock is Spending a couple of weeks in the home of her brother, Wm. McCannon, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Huff of Richmond were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich Sunday evening. James and Lester Bell of Lake Villa were callers in the George Young home Saturday afternoon. George Young and ' Ben 'Justen attended a soil conservation meeting at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Lester Carr and sons and Mae Wiedrich called on friends in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson, Johnsburg,' and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of .Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening* in the George Young home.' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wedrich and son spent Saturday evening with the latter's paretits at Richmond. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crys- 0f tal Lake is spending a few days with in her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Neal and son of North Chicago spent Sunday with Meadowlark Farmers' Friend The meadowlark is "the farmers' friend. Living near the ground as it does, it attacks most of the insect enemies of the crops. Its food is made up chiefly of insects, a smaller amount of weed seeds and some grain. The grain, however, is eaten in the late fall and early in the spring when insects are scarce. >4 Wotcgmfl «£"••• the home of Pearl Smith Thursday _ . --„ ... evening. Games were played and a j ™r. an^ Mrs. Roy Neal and family, social evening was spent. | Miss Ptoronce Zapfe and Walter Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and "rtsel^ of Chicago spent Sunday afterfamily of Algonquin, Mr. and Mrs. B.i110?*1 'n the S. W. Smith home. B. Marble of Greenwood and Mr. and1 Mrs. «• Smith and daughter, j gernice, v^ere visitors at Kenosha Saturday. ' t>r. and Mrs. Hepburn were visitors at Elgin Friday. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgem. of Spring Grove spent Saturday evening in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Bi'atz, Chicago, "spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. A. Ruehlnian and family. Ralph. Smith of Harvard spent Stfnday afternon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. „ _Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Freund were visitors at Kenosha Saturday. •Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday at Rockford. : Mrs. Louis Hawley and children Were Elgin shoppers Saturday. 'Mr. an(I Mrs. Donald Smart and; sons, Billie and Bobbie, of Waukegan, i and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren of | Ldbert.vville were Sunday afternoon cftllers in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home. Vindex Home Size VISI ^ $1.65 Yankee Ratchet Screwdriver $1.00 Automobile Win-1 ^ ^ Torpedo HOCKEY Shield Defroster SKATES, pr. $3.19 Fan *1-98 ag ,«* 0CKEY Girls' White SHOE 11-oz. Elec. Solder. SKATES, pr_$4.45 ingIron„ 12-25 KITCHEN CABINET ... $1.00 ICE HOCKEY -- A game for young and Dutch Boy & Girl Dolls 98^ 3-pc. Sheffield CARVING SET .25 4-ft. Skis old $1.25 PYREX McHENRY, ILLINOIS Sun. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Bobby Breen -- Chas. Ruggles "BREAKING THE ICfc" Also-- Comedies SATURDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW Starting about 11:15 THE 'DOUBLE HORROEtf (1) "DRACULA" ; Starring Karloff " Can You Take It?|^ Admission 10>c-25c - SUNDAY (ONLY) DECEMBER 18 Joel McCrea t- Andrea Leeds ' YOUTH TAKES A FLING' Also News ^gnd Comedies MONDAY (One Day) DEC. 19" (1) "DRACULA" (2) "FRANKENSTEIN" Come early as both pictures will not be run twice. Adm.--10c-25c. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 Admission 10c-20c (1) 'Come On Leathernecks' (2) "Freshman Year" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY" "STRAIGHT, PLAd AND SHOW" ^ jWsdjy, December QUICK BELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCEI DUE TO EXCESS ACI1 Free Book Tells of Marvelou# ' Home Treatment that Must HeM or it Will Cost You Nothing Oyer one million t Kit ties of tho WfLLARI> TnEATMKXT have been sold fi>r relief at . Stomach i.i-1 DuodenalUlcersd'iotoExc«ai Acid--r'ocr Disest-on.Sour or closet Stom* - acli, Gaulness, Heartburn, SleeplMtiMW, etc., due to Eaccss Add. t?ultl on 15 dayi ; triall Ask for "Wl!lard*« wWcpty lully explains this marvelous treatment-** t' frco--al Phone 358 WATTLES' DRUG STORE - , *! Phone 1M X-Raj - DR^ Jl ^B. MURPHY illENTISnP Office Hours --- 9 t. m. to 9 p^ia. Riverside Drive -- McHonrj, K1L , KEEP FIT With Genuine SWEDISH MASSAGES-- and BEAUTY BATHS STOMP AN ATO'S Beauly and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. SLOCUM'S LAKE Gas Gas All Time Mis. .Tas. I iller say^: "G is on my stem-, ftoh was so bat} I couidn't eat or Gas evon prosr^.l on >uy A.;j. ika troiiglu me quick iiei. i\o\v, 1 p} ^ish. sleep f!n*\ nevor f. It }t<ttpr." A DLERI K A At All Leading Druggists AUCTION 11-inch SNARE li/2-qt. PYREX CASSEROLE kl^ PEG TABLES And other 50<> & $1-00 Black or White SCOTTIE nRTTM 10-pc. PYREX ENGRAV 10^ to $1.00 DOGS 50<^ - u m " ~ Oi >C ERDB GniIVFTT SrtE.Tt .. *$a4o.2j6 Eskimo SLED, 37- Defiance Pock- inches long, sturdy METAL DUMP TRUCKS Doll Buggies $3.25 ** w^tch 98c made $1-59 chrom. Chicken Fryer 98^ 50^ and $1.00 SEE gDH SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, GIFT WRAPPING PAPER, TREE ORNAMENTS AND LIGHTS JOHN J. VYC1TAL HARDWARE GRfEN STREET PHONE 98-M McHENRY, ILLINOIS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at Barrington last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were business callers at Elgin Tuesday. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, Jennie, Ethel and Marion, were business callers at Woodstock Saturday. Willard Darrell was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huffman at Libertyville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and son of Diamond Lake were dinner and' supper guests Sunday at the home of' Mrs. Celia Dowell. ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta of Elgin were supper guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook were dinner guests last Wednesday at the home of Miss Orissa Brown. In the afternodn they accompanied Misses Orissa Brown and Althea Coss t« Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Mrs. John Grovenor and Miss Daisy Grovehor of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell and two children and guest, Raymond Rother, of Mineral Point, Wis., spent last Friday evening at the home of Willard Darrell. Mrs. H. B. Hansen, now living in the Burnett cottage, Spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Byron DeForest of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake were Sunday quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Gordon Granger of Chicago was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and son of North Chicagp, Mrs. Russ Alford and Mrs. Nelson of Waukegan were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mk and MrS. John Blomgren. Many from this community attended the Minstrel Show sponsored by the Federated church board at the Wauconda High School gym Monday evening. Willard Darrell and Elmer Esping took parts in the Minstrel. :^^;DR.-C KELLER Optometrist Is rmf permanently locate^ in Mc- Henry at his summer home on Riverside Drive. Forty-six years experience testing eyes and making glasses. : -- Call for Appointment -- All Kinds of Repairs -- Tel. 21141 **MSl$i±S0 \ r ; \ .Vs .< :?V^'kv * \ ^ 1 a i Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door To Hoot Noonan's On U. S. 12 Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fender* Straightened . Sign Painting Truck Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL KENT & COMPANY ---- All Kinds of I N S U R A N C B Placed with the most reliable. - Companies , Owic in and talk it ortr "hone MeHenry • • Phone 43 J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by AppoiatwMt' Miss Martha Lea left before Thankspi ving to spend several weeks with her parents at Doland, S. D. She will return to the Claxton home after the holidays. CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Having fully decided to quit farm-1 ing, the undersigned will sell at Pub- | lie Auction on the James Nevelle ( farm, 4 miles northwest of Wauconda, 2% miles southwest of Volo, % mile off U. S. 12, on-- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 Starting promptly at 11:00 o'clock. 28 -- Head of Livestock -- 28 19 Head of Cattle--3 cows with calves by their sides; balance milkers and springers; two 2-year-old heifers; heifer calf. 18 months old; stock bullj 2 years .Qld. 2 Head of Horses--Brown Mare, 10 years old, wt. 1250; Brown Horse, 12 years old, wt. 1400. Lunch Wagon on Grounds. Hay, Grain & Machinery Two-thirds mow of Mixed Hay, timothy and oats; 4 stacks of Soy Bean Hay; 2/3 of mow of Cut Corn Stalks; 2 stacks of Slough Hay; Stack of Straw; 5 tons of Soy Bean Hay. in i barn; 35 tons of Ear Corn; 500 bu.; of Oats. Nearly new F-12 Farmall Tractor j with two-row cultivator; nearly new Little Wonder 12-inch Tractor Plow; Oliver Tractor Disc, 6 foot; McCormick Mower; International Side Delivery; International Push Loader; Dump Rake; Tiger Grain Drill; Hoosier Deering Corn Binder with trucks; McCormick Grain Binder; 2 Single-row Cultivators; Hand Cultivator; 3-section Iron Drag; 2-section Wood Drag; 6 row Appleton Husker; Land Roller. i Wood Saw; 2 Walking Plows; 600 lb. Scale; Wagon Hay Rack; Fourinch Tire Wagon and Box; Fairbanks and Morse Pumping Engine and Pump Jack; DeLaval Magnetic Milker with engine, 18 months old;' 120 foot rope and three pulleys. Cowboy Tank Heater; Heater and Chloride Tank; Washing Tank; Milk Cans; Pails and Strainer; Shovels and Forks; Beatirce Separator; Scalding, Kettle; 2 Double Harness Sets; Model; T Ton Truck; 1929 Good Model Aj Ford Tudor Coach. ~t Some Household Furniture and, many tools too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale j "All sums of $25.00 and under, Cash.' Over that amount, a credit of six months time will be given on good bankable notes, satisfactory 'to the clerks, bearing 7 per cent interest.: Positively no property to be moved until settled for with clerks. GEORGE DOWELL West McHenry State Ra.nk, Clerking McHenry Hliaele S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experience is at Your Servi«e in Building Your Wants Telephons No. 800 Stoffel & Reihansperger lesaraaee agents for all ciaasee eff property in the beet companies. WEST McHENpr ILLINOIS ' MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will bo find to talk it over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank BMy. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 19S A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service •--Road Building--- ToL 204-M . * McHenry, HI --e*j-r IT WAS A CIWCH COMPARED TO SU\UIMG UP TW OLD WVMILV BUS / V/AJ' OL.O tJELM. USED liill* TO Bt* QUITE A -JOB FRETT BROTHERS CONTRACTORS Gaaient, Brick, Plaster aal Stucco Work Building, Moving aad Raising Telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILEE INSURANCE EARL R. WALSI Pr--uniif Reliable Companies f* Boed imiii eace at any MM *Ws 41 er fl-M Priee Bldg. ^