Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1938, p. 8

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ww •? ? "yT #\ | * 'v, 7" %\*' .;*' * ' • ' ""' " • " ! ' ? ; / • ' THB McHBMKY' PLAINDEALEH - 1 * fl Try Oar Exclusive Scissor Razor Wave wMi Shampoo and Hairdrees $1.50 STOMPANATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. How Ant-Eater Protects Young One of the South American anV eaters has only one youngster, but she protects it in an unusual way, for if there is a heavy shower sh#„ spreads her tail over her back and the little one rests in comfoft underneath : : (Continued from first page) If tHERt A ON YOUR GIFT CONSCIENCE? YOtJH M ASCULINE GIF* WORK IBSby selecting "just the right thing from Lentheric's assortment of men's toiletries. A grooming quartet that will appeal to his pride of appearance^consists of an ivorytoned bowl of shaving soap, a matching container ©{ after shave powder, after shave lotion, and eau de cologne. Presented in brown and befg* gift box. Set--$3.75 Green Street McHejtf-y, 111 HERE IS YOUR LETTER TO CLAUS ALL WRITTEN FOR YOU! Even if you are busy--it is easy to cross out the words you don't want and leave the letter lying around for Santa Glaus to find and to do the rest! Mother: Father: Husband: Wife; Unci#: Aunt!" Dear -{Daughter: Son: Roomate: College chum: Sweetheart: Old Pal: ' Yrantic n Blue Happy lain {Lonesome because Xmasis Worried Elated Busy. almost upon us; But I have made up my mind on at least one thing This Christmas. I want gifts that I can really use. You can't go wrong if you stop in at Bolger's Drug Store, Green street, McHenry, for them. The gift I would want is. & A gift the house camera and film perfume set manicure set shaving set military brush set box of stationery box of cigars pocket flashlight fountain pen pipe billfold "hot water bottle alarm clock couldstandisa -(toaster waffle iron Of course, I can always use candy . razor blades soap bath salts I tooth paste [sunburn lotion atomizer leather handbag set of goggles watch bridge set shaving brush rubber toy curling irons . [electric ra?or \ -^V,. . {first air kit heating pad vacuum bottle (talcum powder I shoe polish {compacts- J combs ^ - j hairbrushes [books Note that any. or all of these gifts you can get quickly, very easily, by going to the drug -store. No galloping downtown. No shoving around in awful crowds. Mother Father Husband Wife Uncle I Aunt RIVER VIEW CAMP. R.N.A. Rivervsiew Camp, 'R. N. A., held a Christmas party in- connection with their regular meeting Tuesday evening. Plans for Installation, the last of the month, will be made at their next meeting in two weeks. m m * , SHOWER ; " j Thirty quests were present at a personal, shower for Mrs. Agnas Freund, given by her sister, Mrs. Mari tha Freund at St. John's hall, Johnsburg, Thursday afternoon. Cards were played, lunch served and. the purst of honor presented with many gifts; \ m m\'m .-<• 'v. • . - BRIDGE CLVB . • Mrs. Howard Wattles entertained the members of her bridge club Friday evening. / Decorations were in •keeping" with Christmas with a tree, exchange of gifts and lunch. Prizes^ -Were. awarded Mrs. Fannie Thompson and .jVjf's, . Signa Millar. ' They will meet with Mrs. Edward, Nickel^ iii two 'weeks.' •; NEIGHBORHOOD CtUB Miss Mary Kinney was hostess to the Neighborhood Qlub and a few friends at a Christmas party at the Northwestern hotel Monday evening CHRISTMAS PAR^Y Raymond Deedy, Mrs. Ray McCarthy, J Edward Knox and daughters, Anna and Dorothy, Mrs.' Anthony McSwig- |gan and'daughters, Mrs. John O'Con-j ^or, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Geo. I Melcorff, Mrs. Ed Houlihan, Mr. and)' Mrs. Robert Sutton, son, Bob, Ernest h ?Jrlth°{ thC l0Cal,teXPhT eXChan held their annual Christmas partfy iMu*c.Cabef Mr^a^d Mrs?"'A^Wagne?j c w„„„ .» t, T . 'I with of *ift» Thursday even- b a„d M ^ £ oSe!^"^1 Mrs Harold Phalin of Gravslaka was g \ Bolger, Mrs. Stacia Malone.t out-of-town . A • ANNIVERSARY DIN!®te cSttS Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mr. John Owen, Goerge Keller, Tim Jackand Mrs. Lisle Bassett and little "man, Jean Conway, Minnie Conway J daughter, Ilene, wer? dinner guests in Charmaine Cleary, Mr. and Mrs!^ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel Frank Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Robert1 at Delavan, Wis., Saturday evening, Keller, Mary Tennant, R. A. Light-! honoring the forty-first wedding anybody, E. A. McGraw, Clarence Whit-! niversary of the former Mr. and Mrs. ing and sons, Delbert, Edmund and Basaett whieh occurred the Clair, Marguerite Hines, Dorothy Sim-1 day- ' r ,,j mons, Mary Phelan, Mrs. Nellie Whit-f * • * , ] i n g , E d w a r d A f f e l d , M r s . E d H o e l - i BRIDAL SHOWER scher and Misses Belle and Avis Seventeen girls, co-workers of Miss Carey, all of Elgin; Harold Bacon, I Viola Freund at the Alemite at Wood- an<* Mrs. Roy Carpenter, Maurice' s t o c k , s u r p r i s e d t h e b r i d e - t o - b e a t h e i . W a t s o n , C. H e l p e r , R. M i t c h e l l , M.J home at Johnsburg at a miscellaneous Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Etling,' shower Tuesday evening. . Henry Purvey, daughter, Josephine,! Cards 'and bunco furnished enter- an<^ Mrs. Vernon Knox, E. Gilk-j tajnment for the evening, after which ¥^wards,• Mr. and' Hn. Geo.! a delicious lunch was served. The Williams, E. Searson, Mr. and Mrs.j guest of honor was presertted with _Normand, Glenn McLaughlin* beautiful gifts. ^ s* ^ames Conway, Helen • • • Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. .Irenus Fef- E. R. R. PINOCHLE CLUB £fr' Mr- and Joe Feffer, Julia i Members of the East River Road ,.ffer'7' and Mrs-Henr^Cowlin and There was a Christmas tree with ex- j Pinochle Club were entertained by °,rL. children, Mary, change of gifts and a lovely lunch was] Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Thomas Thonneson a Timothy, all of Crystal Lake. [ s e r v e d . F o u r t a b l e s o f b r i d g e w e r e j a t t h e h o m e o f t h e l a t t e r , T h u r s d a y M r . a n d M r s . F r a n k G r e e n , M r s .j played with prizes won by Mrs. C.'afternoon. Prize? were won by Mrs. Margaret' Gilles, Charles Renich, Mr.I H. Duker,, Miss Clara Stoffel and Mrs. George Glos and Mrs. Charles Smith. a"d Mrs. George Sullivan, Loren Ed- Earl, McAhdrews. Following the games a chicken dinner inJ?er, Marcellus Senne, Mrs. Julian ! f 'i . * * * was seryed at a table centered with Thomas, Harold Reese, Edwin Conway, | a miniature Christmas tree, gifts were Charles Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Ray ; exchanged and plans made to hold Corr, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burns, Mr. t held a Christmas party in connection their next meeting with Mrs. M. A. an<^ Mrs. Frank Daly, Mr. and Mrs.; w i t h t h e s e c o n d p a r t y i n t h e i r c a r d S u t t o n i n t w o w e e k s . J a m e s P . G r e e n , M r s . J o h n B o l g e r , j tournament, Thursday evening. There j * • » » Mr. and Mrs. Jim Green, Mrs. Walter .vas a Chrismas tree with gift ex- FOX RIVER VALLEY, R. N. A. Conway, Glenn Robinson, Harold Ev-: change and a dainty lunch was served.' Twenty-two members and guests of ans> Mercedes Bolger, William, Tom Winners in bridge were Mrs. Ray Mc- Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., en- and Ed Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gee, Miss Frances Baur and Mrs. j0yed a Christmas party at their hall {Jaye.s' Charles Hayes, Mr. and Mrs.1 Clarence Martin, and in ftve hundred, Tuesday evening with Mrs Susan 01- ^ran'c Purvey and Lester Edinger, all Mrs Anna Howard Mrs, DeHa Weher son as chairman. Santa'ciaus was of Woodstock; Mr and Mrs. Harold1 and Miss Laura Weber. , there too nt each one with a Phalm, Grayslake; Mr. and Mrs. Dan; I .rift from the tree Fitzgerald, Blue Island; John Sution,( CELEBRATES" BIRTHDAY g Games were played and hmah was and ***- ^addetz T a"d| ean, lttle daughter of Mr. and served at a table prettily decorated in Conwn- Th aymon Whiting, Lake, Mrs. James Fitzgerald entertained a the holid colorg of red and green. ^ group of relatives and little friends fv,;., Jack McCarthy, Joliet; Mr. and Mrs. i Wednesday afternoon of last week in •. . . .. . . John Meehan and daughter, Jackson-1 honor of her fifth birthday. Games year f. are T asked ^ attend th€ ville, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pad-i were pteyed, lurth served by the . practlf W1" be,dicord and Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Barton mother of the little hostess and the held for tiie instfllat.lon on Jan- 14- honored guest presented with many cwwivmr RiRmnAY gifts. Those present were Dolore* _ n ' Landgrroff, H. E. Schmeiser, John Smith. Patti Purvey, Celia Page, Mary .-ij11* f Owens, and Mrs. Ernest Di Silvestro, Ann Bolger and Diane Bacon, McHen- M.r' and ^rs> f"' Aurora; Eleanor Houschildt and Mr. ry; Mr. and Mrs. A. Kerch, Mrs. Ben pertained *welve of her friends at her and Mrg £d Rijey Marengo; Dr. and • Knich, daughter, Rita, and son, Ed- h°I!|e Wednesday afternoon in honor Mrs Wm Hepburn,'Ringwood; Mr. Sward. (rf Cary. . . .of her seventh birthday. iand Mrs. Steve Kelly, Libertyville; • ' 1 Various ?araes/f ptayed and Georgianna Donahue, Huntley; Mr. M. E. BAZAAII 'prizes were won by Eugene Schaeler and Mrs Frank Martin> Round Lake. The annual bazaar, chicken dinner and Marie and Dorothy Ann Justen. iMrs. Alice Wood, Elburn; Mr. and and baked ham supper given by the Refreshments were served at a tablo Mrs. George Hoelscher, Wheaton; Mr. ladies of the Methodist Episcopal attractively decorated, with the cuschurch last Thursday, December 15, in tomary birthday cake in the center, af- | the church basement proved a most ter which the honored guest was pregratifying success. Over $160 was sented with many gifts. cleared. Guests were present from Guests were: Marie and Dorothy C. D. OF A. The Catholic Daughters of America j of Harvard. J. W. O'Connell, Wm. Willett, Ted and Mrs. Edmund Keefg, Katie K.eefe and Ed Keefe, Spring Grove; • Mr. Lancaster of Chicago. Card of Tlienks Htt unxtl, ey, Ringwood, C~ rystal La,k e, Aa nn J»u stxe n, M«a ry iEnil ai• ne andj Donalud We desire in this manner to extend our sincere thankg and appreciation Woodstock, and, of course, McHenry. Bauer, Joanne Freund, Eugene Schaef Proceeds of the affair will be used to er, Billy and Richard Adams, Mary s^tence'and' many^expressions'of'symmeet the expenses of the church. Kay Freund and Roman and Doris pathy. Also for spiritual bouquets, Chairmen of the various committees B^; • florai offerings and use of cars. were as follows: Mrs. Charles Ensign.! .v>' > bazaar; Mrs. Alice Lindsay, dinner: ^ C. O. iP. ^ Mrs. Ony Wheeler, supper, Mrs. C.! The open meeting held by the Men's W. Klontz and Mrs. E.^G. Peterson, Catholic Order of Foresters in St. aprons and fancy work and Mrs. C. Mary - St. Patrick school hall Tuesday j to neighbors and friends for their as- Mrs. Kathryn Conway and Children, Michael Conway, JBrothers and Sisters. evening, was a grand success and very mr a T7T A trrrvntp# well attended, with 140 members and ttLAlUA HUIGI11 DIES AT CHICAGO ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16 Mrs. Maria Huette, 80 years old, H. Duker, candy and merchandise. * - * * MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER guests present, 100 adults and fortyj Miss Viola Freund of Johnsburg, juveniles. After a short business daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. meeting during which Wm. Althoffj Freund, who is to become the bride of gave a speech, Rev. Paul Tuchlinsky Robert Snyder on January 4, was was presented with a gift. Gifts were , , . . - - • guest of honor at a miscellaneous also distributed to the juveniles pres- former ^ Maria Atlams. died at the j shower given at the Johnsburg school ent. 5om® of a ^"ghter at Chicago, Fnhall Sunday afternoon by Misses Caro- Lou Fonseca and Umpire Red Orms- A^ecember lo, 1938, after an ill-: l i n e a n d L a V e r n a F r e u n d . A p p r o x i - b y , who w e r e t o be g u e s t s o f h o n o r a t n e s s 0 1 ' " ' " y m o n t h s . j mately fifty-two guests were present, the meeting, were unable to attend Her husband, Robert, and a son, Five hundred and bunco furnished and John Marback and S. J. Brooks Joseph, preceded her in death. Surentertainment for the afternoon, with appeared in their stead. Pictures of vjving are five children: Henry, Sa-, prizes in "the former won by Mrs. Mike the 1937 World Series were shown, af- b«na, Mrs. Rose Wilmore, Mrs. Marie; i Freund, Mrs. Martha Freund, Mrs. Joe ter which refreshments were served. Bopp and Robert. | | King and Mrs. Joe E. Miller, and in Marback and Brooks informed the Funeral services were held Monday the atter by Marie Freund, Thelma Foresters that they would be in Mc- niorning at 8:30, from mortuary, 1356 Frev nd, Delma Thelen and Leona i Henry again in the near future and Wellington avenue, to St. Alphonsus i Freund. I would then show pictures Of the 1938 church, with burial at St. Boniface I Refreshments were served and the World Series. cemetery. i guest of honor presented with many , , ! Among those from here who called jlovely gifts. |HANS JENSEN, 82, OF m? 1 • • • •v -|"g attended xuneral services were: Mr. WOODSTOCK, CALLED BY and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen, daughter, DEATH FRIDAY EVENING Evelyn, and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen^ son, Paul, and Miss Kath- Hans Jensen, well known here, *een Justen- Among the Sick fSeeing you Missing you Till then, I'll be -j Sending you my your loving \ Son j love on Xmas (Daughter ' {morning IRoommate j College chum * ' | Sweetheart [Old Pal ' BOLGER'S DRUG STORE THOMi -S P. BOLGER -- The McHenry Druggist BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Henry Klapperich was honored guest at a surprise party at her home near Johnsburg Friday evening, complimenting her seventieth,1' birthday, where he conducted a greenhouse at The affair was planned by' her twin Rosedale for several years, died at his daughters, Mrs. Nick Miller and Mrs. home in Woodstock Friday evening af- A1 Weber of Milwaukee, Wis. An en- ter several months of declining health. joyable evening was spent reviewing He was eighty-two years old and pre- LUnlh' includinf? a dec.°,r" v5ous t0 his illneSR had been employed Miss Helen Schneider, who Iras been rrtday,c^"1,WaR *eJ / by the Woodstock Typewriter Com- confined to her bed because of illness daughters and the honored guest pre- pany. Survivors are his widow, Nellie foi several weeks, is improving nicely serted with many gifts. Frisby Jensen, and three sons, For- d bl u UD tug ereater Guests other than Mr. and Mr< rest, of Woodstock, and Mirk and Har- Dart 0f each-dav Klapperich were Mr. and Mr. Nick old, of Minneapolis, Minn. Funeral .Tohri) son cf 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, daughter, Marcellme, Mr. and services were held from the Merwin R erg of pearl gtreet> underwent a KrnnvtLT erviTf1 3 vfeM ^ ?ineral hom.e..1;8 1° .o'clock Monday lhoat operation at Sherman hospital, l'lank and Joseph Klapperich, Mr. and afternoon with burial in the Ringwood pi-.:,, TtmrsHiv Mrs. J.W. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. 'cemetery. Dr Jack pSey has recovered from ?,aH M1' MTrSi; KpthFn BVhT' Mr;; Am0nu tbOSG fr°m iere vh0 CaIle(! an operation for the removal of his and Mrs. John E. Freund, Mr. and m the home or attended the funeral tonsils performed by Dr. Wainer at St. Mrs. Stephen H. Freund Mr. and Mrs. | on Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Francis hospital, Evanston, Wednes- 2IC!L S* • JTreui\ a" Mr- and Mrs. j ert Frisby and family. Mrs. Loretta day Gf last week. He resumed his Ma^h P. Freund.^ ^ ^ • Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nickels, Miss work at the hospital Monday. _ • . . Kate McLaughlin, Mrs. Mollie Givens, Gilbert Howard suffered a broken CHRISTMAS" PAR|fY son, Donald, and Mrs. Nellie Bacon, bone in his foot in $ fall fromn roof pproximately seventy-five mem- while at work at the Carl Weber place bers of the Mothers Club and their MRS. JOE PEACOCK Saturday. The injured member is in children attended the Christmas party fyr-pa a»i» Wftfin^lTOfTIC a cast and he is getting around on held at the Riverside hotel dining room "OOUblUtK. crutches. Friday of last week. The children TUESDAY MORNING, Raymond Hall of Ringwood entered presented a short pi-ogram and later ' the Wesley hospital in Chicago Wedin the afternoon, before refreshments Mrs." Joe Peacock, formerly Miss nesday of last week for observation, were served, Santa Claus distributed. Nellie Turner, and an aunt of George, J. V. Buckland, Ringwood, is a pa- •candy to the children. Adams of this city, died at her home tient at a hospital in Janesville, Wis. .The program opened with commun- in Woodstock Tuesday at the age of Anthony Wegener of Volo, who unity singing and was followed by a 69 years. She is survived by her wid- derwent a major operation at St. Therballet dance by Mitzi and Joan Dur- ower and three sons, Frank, Ralph ese hospital at Waukegan last Wedland and Barbara Carey. Later in the1 and Gordon, all of Woodstock. Fun- nesday is recovering nicely. program these three girls and LaVerne j eral services were held in Woodstock Mrs. Herbert Waldmann is ill at Hobbs performed a tap dance. The today Thursday) with burial J»t He- her home at Volo. M. E. church orchestra, under the di- bron. V--j Peter Schaefer, Jr., of Johnsburg, rection of Mrs. C. W. Goodell, render-1 ' |who has been seriously 111, is on the ed several Christmas selections, andj Herman Flohn of New York City gain. Donald Shalley played a violin solo,' was in court for stealing a bathtub, "Minuet in G." Warren Jones rend- to buy liquor. The judge promised I When Policeman Edward Sholbo ered several vocal selections and Joan Flohn dismissal if he would sit all dropped a roll of $400 in a police sta- Reihansperger and Elaine Landgren day with a bottle of whisky and not, tion in New York City, his superiors played clarinet and cornet dueta of drink any. "Anything bat gas-1 suspended him while they investigat- Christmas pieces. ped Flohitr-and went to Jail. , ed. \ f 1,4 Hose Handbags ' Handkerchiefs w : Flannel Robe* . : «• . Silk Housecoats Nightgowns r .Lounging Pajamas : ; J , V % , r ;f Tailored or * • •' , Slips , Silk Dresses in Suez, Azure, Turqui and other pretty shades just arrived. . , Riverside Drive McHenry, 111.v ; ? - 'V ' ' lii, -: m iAT£ SUOPPfRS There's still time to Select the Right Gifts for the Men on your list -- Gifts to Wear! GIFT PAJAMAS -- With Nobelt Waistband that men prefer. Smart new colors just right for his gift -- $1.95 to $5.00 HOSE--If he prefers silk or .soft wool hose, we have them in a generous assortment of patterns and colors. 25tf to 50tf ADDITIONAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS: Suspenders, $1 Belts, 50c ajnd $1 Warm Sweaters, $2 • $5 Boxed Handkerchiefs, 50e to Tie Racks, ft Tie Chain and Collar Bare, 50c to $1 Or a Swart new Suit or Overcoat. m-v. ite GIFT SHIRTS--Beautiful whites, smart new colors in stripes and check patterns. Give him several -- $1.65 to $250. MUFFLBlil Soft, warm woolens which most men pref er--$1.00 to. $2-00. -- •r y GIFT TIES--Luxurious fabrics in the newest patterns, ideal for gift giving ... $1 "Other Ties 50c to $1 McGEE'S Green Street ' MoHex^y, ILL f 1

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