Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1938, p. 2

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pppf V • ' ' * * ; ty,: •*r |,% ' , '•*\. "V\ '\: L> '."vr Page Two r /*.. '^r iff^V' «r< ':"t •" " T f®ySrS ' "T •: K'-f"*LV- * ^ <7* --' ; •> • ->*4 » «<> c ; \ J j "V * ^ , I LILY LAKE James Rooney 6t Newark, who canno read, argued with a traffic cop who arrested him for having no license plate. He showed the limb of the law a document which he said entitled „ , _ , him to drive his car. It was marked, Mr and Mrs Wilbert Swanson and "back seat driver's license," and Roon-' Mrs„Fref Do8ch were Woodstock call «y said lie had fc*id a stranger $3 for ers Monday, I t , ' { J ' . ' • . * ' RINGWOOD FOBS William M. Carroll Attorney for Plaintiff DON'T SLEEP WHEW Mrs. J. Boyko of Chicago spent thi weekend at her -home at Lily CLEMENTS FREUND, Lake J . ' .. f Mrs. Layin and Mrs. Kreger visited i .... VS, * •••• ;";.r *• Plaintiff, were Mr. / and Mrs. Floyd Richmond, Mrs. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones and Warren Jones o^ ltfcHenry and Wayne Foss. „ ^ , , Electric street lights have been in- Mrs. Ellen Whltmg entertained the stalled in the business section of Ring- Easy Aces at her home Tuesday af- (wood. The Home Circle will sponsor ternoon. ft-izes were awarded to g card party at the Royal Blue store Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. Loufs hall Friday evening, Jan. 6th, to raise Hawley. j money to put in more lights in the Raymond Hall entered the Wesley town. Everyone is urged to attend hospital in Chicago Wednesday for and help the good cause. observation. I Miss Virginia Jepson, who is at- The Home Circle held their annual tending Cornell College, arrived home GAS PRESSES HEART the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseplj Daly J VALENTINE WAGNER, et alf If you can't eat or sleep because'a^ Grayslake last week. - j Defendants, _ _ gas bloats you up try Adlerika. Onei Mrs. Klabaugh was a Chicago vis-| IN CHANCERY --f COMPLAINT!Christmas party at the home of Mrs.|Friday evening to spend her Christdose usually relieves stomach gas itor Saturday. (FOR PARTITION--Gen. No. 28290. D. L. Hall Wednesday. A one o'clock mas vacation. pressing on heArt. Adlerika cleans out! Visitors at the home of Mr. and! PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given luncheon was served. In the after-1 Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin (BOTH upper and lower bowels. ] Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday were , Mr. that in pursuance of. a Decree made noon a fine program was enjoyed, spent Sunday afternoon in the Wm. / .* At1 All Leading Druggists * ' I f , P , " • Men Wanted Immediately Due to constant expansion of our television activities, we need good men immediately, age 18 to 30, to train for. this Fast Growing Industry Must be mechanically or electrically inclined, have fair education And ambitious. Should be employed at present full or part time, and willing to train in spare time at sortie expense. Write fully, give reference, Education, occupation. Box 22, care Plaindealer. land Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve I and entered by the Circuit Court of 'Daw of Grayslake. (McHenry County, Illinois, in the above The following people spent the. entitled cause on the 7th day of Deweekend at their cottages at Lily icember, A. D., 1938, I, DON A. Lake: Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and j WICKS, Special Master in Chancery Mrs. Geo. Toons, Mr. and Mrs. Lanes, the Circuit Court of McHenry Mr; and Mrs. Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. County, Illinois, will on Friday, Janu- Stensel, "Mr. and Mrs. Walk, Mr. and'ary 13th, A. D., 1939, at the hour of Mrs. parley and Joseph Zupririski. When he stopped his car _ , , Walter Boston noticed a policeman u IUlnt»s' offer for sale at public auc waving his hands and yelling besider!on, H the highest and best bidder the car. "There's so much noise j, the^ following real estate, to-rwit: can't hear you. What did you say?" ased Boston. "I said that you've stopped your car- on my foot," replied: the cop. \ '. '>'V.// ';:; ,• ':'V. • a h i"' We have a large selection of fine Imported and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS Your choice brand of: Tobacco, Cigars and Cigart vtes. Wrapped for Xmas Gifts! Box of 25 - 5c cigars $1.20 Cigarettes -- „ Specially priced for Christmas $1.24 A wide variety of Xmas GIFT CANDIES Beautifully boxed - - Very Special 5-lb. box $1.19 HOLIDAY ICE CREAM B R I C K S , ---^Assorted Flavors-- qt. 44& -at the- Greyhound Bus Depot Cor. Green & Elm Sts. -- McHenry, 111 GUP UNTI, Prop. Phone 104-R New Year's Eve Party BICKLER'S McHenry_House FAVORS TUN FOR ALL MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT -- TURKEY LUNCH AT MIDNIGHT -- MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY Season's Greetings At this season of the year, it is natural to wish Yutetide greetings to everyone, but this year, marking as it does our tenth year as Ford Dealers, we are extra thankful. To the many hundreds of our customers and friends who have made our ten years -wtbusinesspossible,^ Extend our sincere thanks. We hope that your faith in us has been warranted by our giving you all that you expected, which we have tried our best to do. Your patronage has been appreciated, and we cand our loyal employes, all of whom have been with us since pur start in business, hope we can continue to serve and * EVERY GOOD WISH FOR CHRISTMAS AND A YE|J| OF HAPPY DAYS Buss-Page Motor Sales j Edw. J. Buss * Lester J. Page Geo. J. Freund i George Worta Leo T, Smith Frank C. Meyer iORD -- DeLUXE FORI) -- MERCURY 8 - LINCOLN AND ZEPHYR Phone 1 West McHenry, 111. Part of the South East quarter of the North East quarter of Section Number Twenty-five (25) in Township Number Forty-six (46) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the third Principal Meridian, and part of the South West quarter of the North West quarter of Section Number Thirty (30) in Township Number Fortysix (46) North, of Range Number Nine (9) East of the third principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:- Beginning at a stake in the center of Blivin Street on the North line of the right of way of the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad; thence Westerly along said North line of the right of way to a point 12 rods Westerly of the East line of said Section Number Twentyfive (25); thence North 11 rods; thence Easterly parallel with said North1 line of the railroad right of way, 10 rods to the North West corner of the piece of land conveyed by John Wagner, a widower, to John Karls by Warranty Deed 'fejeorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 112 of Deeds on page 501; thence South along the West line of said piece of land 4 rods; thence Easterly along the South line of said piece of land 2 rods to the East line of said Section Number Twenty-five (25); thence South along said East line to the South West corner of a piece of land conveyed by Mathias B, Schaefer and wife to John Karls by Warranty Deed recorded in said Recorder's Office in Book 115 of Deeds on page 247; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said piece of land to the center of Blivin Street; thence Southerly along said I$ivin Street to the place of beginning, situated in the Village of Spring Grove, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. ' Terms of Sale Plans were made for a card party to McCannon home he held at the Royal Blue hall Jan. j ,Mrs. Jennie Bacon returned home on 6 to help pay for the street lights. A Sunday ikfter a month's visit with her oox of groceries were presented to daughter in Elgin. Mrs. Coates. j Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mrs. J. A. Vaillancourt was a Chicago Viola Low were callers in the Wm. visitor Wednesday. • |Hendrickson home at Richmond Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and day afternoon. 11 o'clock A. M. at the east front door|Mrs* Rilla Foss attended the funeral, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs spent Sunof the Countv Court House in thelof ^llas Pierce at Spring Grove Wed-'day in the Richard Gault home at . suddenly^1* Woodstock, McHenry County,•'ReMiiy .afternoon.- • ; . , Woodstock. r suddenly,„t. . „ , , . ... Mr. and Mrs. Irvm Walker and] Phyllis and David McCannon of Aldaughter, June, of Waukegah spent gonquin spent the weekend with their Tuesday in the Ray Merchant home. | grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jep- Mvs. George Young entertained the son. Bunco Club at their annual Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of party Thursday afternoon. Prizes Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Doher- Bacon. ty and Mrs. Nick Young. Christmas- Miss Alice Peet of Barrington spent gifts were exchanged. I the weekend with her parents, Mr. » Mrs. Merritt Cruiksharik. of Morton and Mrs. Charles Peet. Grove spent the past week in the Wil-1 S. H. Beatty, Robert and Walter liarfi McCarinonl home. Low were business visitors at Wood- Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens enter- stock Saturday afternoon. tained the five hundred club at their There will be Christmas services at home Thursday evening. Prizes were the M. E. church next Sunday mornawarded to Mrs. B. T. Butler and ing at 9:30. There will be no Sun- George Young and B. T. Butler and day school as the twp will combine. Peters. | The Ladies' Aid Society will serve Mrs. Emma Merchant and-Miss Mae ia corned beef and cabbage dinner here Wiedrich were callers in 1$e Elijah Wednesday, December 28. Coates home at Crystal Lake Thurs- Patrick Coyne is visiting his family day afternoon. ' here. Among those from here to attend. Walter Brush and Mrs. Fred Ferguthe basket social at the Monteljna son of Mill Grove, Missouri, are visschool taught by Wayne Foss Thurs-1 iting in the home of Mrs. George day evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Harrison. Young and Mesdames S. W. Brown, | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son Viola Low, Lester Carr, George Snep-i spent Sunday afternoon with her parard and son, Hov/ard, W)m. McCannon, ents at Richmond. Merritt Cruikshank, C. J. Pearson,J- Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Sat- Glayton Harrison, Rilla Foss and Mr jurday with her sister, Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family McLean, at Woodstock. J. V. Buckland is a .patient at th® Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family Junesville hospital. visited Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lunkenheim- Mrs. H. M. Stephenson entertcined' er and family at Pistakee Bay Satthe Legion Auxiliary at her home on urday evening. Wednesday evening. Cards furnished' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., the evening's amusement. land Mrs. Roy Wiedrich were business Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry visitors at McHenry Thursday afterspent Wednesday with her daughter, noon. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. j Mrs. S: W. Smith and Mercedes iVir. and Mrs. Bratz of Chicago spent Lindemann called on friends in Rich- Sunday in the A; Ruehlman home, tmond Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. W. Brown visited relatives Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon and Mr. at Hebron Monday. [and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Rev. and Mrs. Collins went ^o Janes-'Lake, Edward Harrison and Ruth yille Sunday, and called on J. V. Buck- Owefl" of Elgin spent S\inday with land at the Janesville hospital. From Mrs. George Harrison and Mr. and there they went to Beloit to the home Mrs. Charles Peet. of their son, W. A. Collins and family, The pupils of our school attended and in the evening they attended the the free movie and Christmas party 100th anniversary pageant at the First" at the Miller theatre at Woodstock M. E. Church in Beloit. Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were Mrs. Lonnie Smith and children and Sunday dinner guests in the Becking Catherine Freund wtere visitors in the home at Woodstock and in the evening Wm. Wurtzinger home in Woodstock attended the cantata at the M. E. Saturday. church. j Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson . - u, Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent spent Saturday afternoon in the Asah- Twenty-five per cent (25%) of the the weekend with her parents, Mr. and el Stevens home at Waukegan. purchase price to be paid in cash on Mrs. Charles Peet. day of sale, balance upon delivery of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and son of deed after approval of sale and order j Spring Grove spent Sunday with the for deed by the Court in accordance latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. L*nffu*fe Widely Spoken The Spanish language is one of the four most widely spoken. It is the common tongue of most of South America, Central America, many West Indian islands, and parts of i#ic Yet' in Parts of Spain itself, different languages are used, such as Catalonian and Basque, instead of the official Castilian. COMMUNITY Benefit Show for Christmas Supported by the Catholic tpra of America and the Mothers' Club. You will be admitted to Theatre in exchange for a jar or portion of fruit or vegetables for the benefit of the needy of this community --i-- ajt the ---- . NEW EMPIRE THEATRE FRIDAY/DECEMBER 23rd ---- 2:30 p. m. --• See the Yankee's Star First Baseman, Lou Gehrig, as a " Rioting Cowboy" in NEW iMPIRg McHENRY, ILLINOIS Son. Mat. S p. m. Continuous COMMUNITY BENEFIT SHOW FRIDAY MATINEE 2:30 P.M. FRIDAY -- SATURDAY "GIRL'S SCHOOL" SUNDAY, DEC. 25 (One Day) Loretta Ygung -- Tyrone Power " S U E Z " Also--Captains Xmas - News MONDAY, DEC. 26 (One Day) "Judy Garland - Walter Pidgeon "LISTEN, DARLING" Also--Cartoon and Comedies Holiday Mat. -- 3 p. m. Continuous TUESDAY -- 10c - 20c (1) "Sharpshooters" (2) "Fugitive For a Night" WEDNESDAY ~ THURSDAY Jane Withers in "ALWAYS IN TROUBLE" Special -- March of Time i 3 "••V v i 'Sr?1 •/RAWHIDE" Also---Comedies Need Rubber Stamps ? Order at TTie Plaindealer. Yourself and friends are cordially invited to attend J I N K HA R RIS O N ' S AT PISTAKEE BAY Fried Chicken - 60c Joe E. Miller's Orchestra with the terms of said Decree. Dated this 12th day of Decembei A.D., 1938. DON A, WICKS, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenl*y County, Illinois. > (Pub. Dec. 15 - 22 - 29) Peet. Sunday guests of Mrs. Rilla Foss the actual parents. Mr: and Mrs. R.' E. Carr, a chadless couple of Ames, la., yare so fond of children that they have reared 56, all theirs by adoption or by consent of McCORMICK-DEERING Manure Spreaders ALL STEEL LIGHT DRAFT Get ready for the new crop season with a new McCcrmick-Deering All- Steel Manure Spreader. It will pay ou big dividends in enriched soil and igger yields next year and for many years to come. Ibi " -•0rU"-U' . . Its sturdy all-steel construction insures long life. The McCoi mick- Deering is an easy-running spreader, too. Come in and see this spreader. It's our idea of a real buy. ADAMS & Phone 185 Pearl Street POPULAR TOWN NAMBS If someone were to ask you . what is the most popular name for towns in the United States, what would you guess? Unless you had checked up the names in the United States Postal Guide, it is safe to say that you would not hit upon the right name in a dozen guesses. Of course Washington woulji suggest itself, also Springfield, possibly Paris. But neither of them is the leader, although Washington stands in the second rank. The most popular town na#[ie in the United States is Clinton, of which there are thirty postoffices. Next comes Chester, Florence, and Washington with 28 towns of each name; and then Clayton, Madison, Marion and Troy, 27; Glenwood, Newport, Kingsport and Salem, 26; Ashland and Centerville, 25. There are 24 Clevelands and the same number of Springfields, several of them being important cities. Other names range from this number downward. There is only one New York, but two Chicagos' 6 Philadelphias and 8 Detroits. The outstanding popularity of the name Clinton is somewhat difficult to understand, although two statesmen of that name were very prominent in the early days of the republic. George Clinton was the first governor of the state of New York and was vice-president of the United States at the time of his death in 1812. His nephew, DeWitt Clinton, was also governor of New York and an unsuccessful candidate for the presidency, being defeated by Madison. Whether it be through the fame of these statemen or the euphony of the name itself, Clinton is the favorite name for towns in the United States. ? T Tt TJ T ? •T f f T Cftor ei ^Ttl ristmas* Give Something the Whole Family Can Enjoy! In this list below we offer many helpful suggestions to the shopper at this holiday season. There is nothing that can be found thaVcaa be enjoyed by as many people as furoi||Bre. th# will last for years. TVfake your selections at this store. Museum Named 'Victory* A museum which takes its name, "Victory," from the name of Lord Nelson's flagship at Trafalgar, is operated at Portsmouth. Among the exhibits are Nelson's death i mask and the original scale model of the Victory. v,:;,; OTHER SUGGESTIONS: free-Westinghouse Electric Sewing Machines ABC Washers and Ironers Living Rooxn Suites ~ Dining Room Suites Inner Spring Mattresses Knee-hole and other Desks Bridge Sets Smokers Lamps Studio Couches Sewing Cabinets Pull-up Chairs Platform Rockers Breakfast Sets Oarpet Sweepers Vacuum Cleaners Occasional Tables Lamp Tables Pier Cabinets Kitchen Cabinets Pictures Charging cruelty, Rofc^rt Tferric'k, organist in a Chicago hot^l, sued his1 wife for divorce. One instance of her cruelty, he said, was pulling out all the stops of the organ when he was playing. In his 6G years as a minister, the! Rev. Leonard Aldrich of Burlington,: Vt., says he has missed only ,one Sun-j day, and that because of illneat. { Beautiful BLUEBIRD ' Chests - Good Selection! $15 - $32 Rockers Hassocks Mirrors , Hampera Pillows Card Tables Desk Chairs FOR CHILDREN: Sleds Doll Carriagp Table and Chair Sets Velocipedes Autos Rocking $Iorses Rockers and Chairs Wagons FL€XST€€L 8 T AN I D E A L C H R I S T M A S GIFT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY OTTOMAN TO MATCH IF DESIRED GREEK and EL^ STS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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