Pkge Fcur * *.-",*«• THE M'HENRY PLAINOEALER Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. •. Entered as second-class matter at the postoflFice at McHenfy, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. - One Year ... Six Months $2.00 $1.00 A> H. MOSHER Bditor and Manager SUSTAIN IN 6 • !r PERSONALS Mrs. G. /A. Himler of facoma, Wash., mothfer of Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Sr., arrived here this (Thursday) morning to spend several Weeks with her daughter and family and Mr. and * ; : -'i . ~ • * -> • , . » Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Jr. "After a few weeks' visit in McHenry, she will leave for California, where she will spend the Winter months. Miss Beatrice Lane of Joliet visited Miss Helen Stevens Sunday; Joseph Frisby of Austin visited relatives here Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wjhiting and sons of Elgin attended the funeral of Ray Conway here Monday. s Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaddatz of Bur- -•"mm. wm?w9 KcHENRY PLAENDJEALER Thursday, December 22,1938 - " "A SPRING GROVE POR SALS 1 ! NEARBY NEWS TAfeEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES Walter Brown was pleasantly surprised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner on Tuesday evening in honor of his birthday. The evenirfjj was spent in cards and visiting. Refreshments were served. Those to The Racine Shoe Co. of Racine, Wis., ™ake "p JhisJ\apPy *atherin* wer* . w. , will merge with the Holland Shoe Co. iUra"? ^rs. Edwin Freund Mr. airi lington, Wis., were Sunday visitors {of Holland Mich on Jan 1( accord-jMrs" AlScWltz^, Mr. and Mts. Jo- ™ ^ w Qt Vi v 11 t t K.W to word received by members of !!LePr R ^und, daughter, Sharon, and Mr and Mrs. Stephen Kelly of Lib-1 th£ Maren&0 Improvement Association j R^nd ertyville were callers in the Conway :recentjy what effect the merger will! Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers home Saturday evening. kave on pians for the opening of a!°f St. Peter's church held their reg- ^ Mrs. Fred Ernst and daughter, branch factory jn Marengo, is not|ul»r meeting at the home of Edwin vT^r5V?, Chicago called on friendsjknown at the present time.' The Hol-[Freund on Thursday night. Following here Saturday. _ ^ J land Shoe Co. has a plant at Holland, the meeting, cards were enjoyed and Miss Audrey Rothermel, ^ student I Mich., and is about the same size as!a lovely lunch was served by Mrs. at NomalCollep, amved home to-Lhe Racine Shoe Co. * " ' day (Thursday) to spend the holidays . A . ' , with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. wj Announcement has recently been RrkWmol i made that Joe J. Snyder, vice presi- Sr Marie Gratia Sr Marv Charles Ident of the McHeni*y County Title Co. and Sister Rose Ellen of It. Rita'3 has resipned from that *>ost effective parish,"Chicago, attended the .funeral of Ray Conway Mopdfay.,'•> ; Celebrate the New Year with us >< * t- • ri 7 ^ ^ ¥* a; • • - . Join our gay Crowd in Fun a t ; 1 , . " JOHNSBURQ TAVERN J. B. HETTERMANN, Prop. MUSIC BY PAUL DRUBA AND HIS ORCHESTRA ---Special Turkey or Chicken Plate Dinner 606----- FAVORS FOR ALL Santa Claus XMAS SUGGESTIONS Xraas Cards Boxed Candies Xmas Wrapping Cigars • -- Cigarettes Magazines Toilet Articles Perfumes, Tree Ligfcfag•£'? Smoking Tobaccos Pipes and Accessories EVERYTHING IN GIFTS Albert Krause, News Agency Elm Street McHenry, 111. iAtUpcBo)j isfe 14"' I' Girls' White Shoe Skates, pair $4.45 Men's Nestor Johnson Hard Toe Hockey Skflfe, pair ...... $5.45 Hockey Pucks, each 11 19^ Hockey Sticks :...r:.:...... 25# * 29# - 75# Torpedo Hockey Shoe Skates, pair $3.19 Children's Tubular Strap-on Skates, pair $1.00 Skate Straps, pair ^ 10# SELECTED HARDWOOD BROWNFINISH SKIIS -- With leather straps, Conway buckles and rubber foot rests. Special! 4-foot --6-foot ' 74bot "- y/. , . 98# pair -- $2-39 pair -- $2-75 pair 33-inch $1.39 JOHN J. VYCITAL HARDWARE Phone 98-M •h * January 1st to accept an attractive Freund. .. Mrs. Bertha Esh' was called to Chicago last week by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Andy Straub. Miss Marie Oxtoby narrowly escaped serious injury one day last week FOR SALE--Nursery grown Christmas trees, freshly cut. Ranging from 3 ft. to 15 ft. Priced from 40c up. Also evergreen branches for decorating. Westman Evergreen Nursery, Woodstock, 111. Phone 232-R. FOR SALE--White Giant and Buff Orpington Pullets, 5-lb. average. 22c per lb. Call 661-M-l. 31 WANTED WANTED--Work, nursing or housekeeping; have had two years of hospital training. Mabel Wheeler, Batik bldg., Green street, McHenry. 31 LOST position with the outstanding firm, j when the car she was driving skidded The Chicago Title and Trust Company and went into a diteh on the road oncof Chicago. Mr. Snyder was vice half mile" east of town. The car was {president and manager of,-th*» R,ich-'only slightly damaged. \ : ards, Jewett and Wright Abstract Co., j Glendale Esh and Clarence Earls from 1931 until it merged with the j visited friends in Chicago on Saturi McHenry County Title Company last day, | April. Mr. Snyder intends to maintain Mr. arid Mrs. "Leonard Franzen and |his residence in Woodsl^jk «hd wlllfson, Lyle, visi^d in the J. G. .Wagner 'commute to Chicago. • ' - and B. L.- Orvk homes kere Sunday | Irving Begun, Hebron, was painful-, Afternoon. - ^ 'ly injured in an accident which occur- Gerald Klaus, who is employed in I red about three o'clock Monday after- Rockford, spent the' weekend at his [noon of last week while he was work* ihome here. ling with an electric drill at the Llew- Members of The Pleasure Seekers jelyn Begun farm. His left glove was sjpent a most enjoyable afternoon at ! caught in the drill drawing his hand j Hettermann's Tavern in Johnsburg on i along with it. The thumb on the left Sunday at a Christmas party. Cards jhand was twisted off between the sec-1 furnished the entertainment and the j ond and third joints, crushing the bone j lovely awards for high scores went to .into minute splinters and causing a; Mrs. Eldred Johnson, Mrs. Chas. I great deal of pain. Mr. Begun was im-j Freund and Mrs. George W. May, | mediately taken to the home of his > while consolation went to Mrs. A1 i son in Hebron, where he was treated j Schmeltzer. Following cards, everyj by a physician. one was the happy recipient of a gift. Miss Mary Just, society editor of,A delicious supper of turkey and all The Libertyville Independent-Register, ' the trimmings was served. is at Condell hospital, Libertyville, re-' The regular meeting of the Corncovering from an injury received last munity Club was held at St. Peter's week Thursday night when the car she parish hall on Monday night. Cards LOST--Large black dog, 15 years old; answers to name of "Prince." Please notify McHenry Floral Shop or Farm House Tavern. Reward, 81 MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let ua dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. •' Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf Ostrich Has Claws on Wings Although ages away from any perching or climbing ancestor, the ostrich has claws on. its wings. were enjoyed and refreshments served by the committee in charge. i was driving collided with one driven by Sylvester Sell on route 22. east of Half Day. Miss Just sustained a fractured right knee cap. Her mother, Mrs. i Frank H. Just, who was riding with I j* |M iss Just at the time, suffered a cut! DirillS ' abov«j~the right eye. She returned to j '!• ><• '!• »frfr •!»• •!«•> i Ler o°7Ie £ucsday fr 1°1 ni the hospital. | Mr. and Mrs_ Ben j Mnier are the Mr Sell, 35 years old, received cuts happy grandpaients of a daughter, ,on the Tight hand and over the right, Mari, Annette, born to Mr. and Mrs. ! eye He was taken to Condell for Robert Rudin of Chicago at St. Ann's ! treatment and returned to his home on h06pita] in that cit December 16, Friday morning. Miss Just and her weif?ht 9 ]bs 5% QZ Mrs Ru(Jin was mother were traveling east on route formerl Mig3 Esther Milkr of Mc. 22 when Sell's car, traveling west, Honi'v I swerved on the highway. Sell's car] . t •^ ' • - swung over twice from the westbound ^n;, jlane before colliding with the Just KGSlflence CllcingeS automobile. Both cars were badly dam- ' aged. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weirigart and [ Contracts will be let and construc- family moved Tuesday from the Wil- Ition will be started next spring on a liam Althoff place on John Street to i cement highway connecting Marengo Skidmpre Farm No. 7, formerly . the | and Crystal Lake. . The new highway Hubert Freund place on Route 30. ' will continue on east from the Y in - jhighwav No. 67 east of Marengo, and _ . . ..' " • I will enter Crystal Lake north of the. Deep Sea ^Carry L.jhts ; lake, connecting with the Crystal Lake fU Flsh that llv? m the daT* I - Woodstock road. The right-of-way ' th* °fean "ee?T S?me S°rt °f llg t h^? !for the new highway has delayed the effects and Nature has certainly | new project, but Paul Rosenthal, chair-1 done them proud. For instance ! man of the right-of-way committee of says Tit-Bits Magazine he sma l the.county, says that all , but , a small i sahn*dr f*in hds/ e*it sa ft,o oa,dd eopnt1 ?th. oef ocean fb£ela'. I cured and papers are all prepared to1 11 has lights on the under side pJ™eJdinS3 Pfor thV 1» that " whal " » remainder. eatmgj Mr. and Mrs. George A. Osmond^ • .residents of Richmond for many years, celebrated their sixtieth wedding anjniversary on Saturday, Dec. 10, 1938. ATOMIZER ACCOMPANIMENT TO Lentherie's " T W E E D " • •• • • , . ,V -; The chances are thai "TWeed* i> her favorite perfume, for it • ; it is the "fragrance first" of countless discerning women.„ With the atomizer accompaniment, her enjoyment will be doubled! In gift presentation. % ox. SSJOO. 1 o%. S8JOO. A "Tweed" ensemble of perfume, Bonqnet, bath powder, face powder, soap, and sachet in holiday gift package--$10.00. Bolger's Drug Store Phone 40 Green Street CHfistmds Trees Peppermint CE CREAM Package of 4 for 29© ---Decorative Wrapping Easily Removed-^- BOXED CANDIES CIGARS CIGARETTES ;,V': Make ideal Gifts for Christmas. We have them! Riverside Drive McHenry BICi Price Reduction brands cost off new poniiic ,v * DOWKIO OWliY jb * Delivered at ' Pontiac, Michigan. Prices subject to change without notice. Transportation, state and local taxes (if any}, optional equipment and accessories--extra. & AND UP Take advantage of price cuts up to $92--one of the industry's biggest! Why drive one of the lower-, priced cars when for • difference of only 12c i day you can buy a Pontile --America's 'finest loworiced car. t R. I. OVERTON tyOTOR SALES Front Street West McHenry, lit Antioch Pontiac Sales - - - Antioch, Illinois ^ y VVA A• A• AV A• AV A• Ay yA yA yA yA y yA yA y ayIl ^J A y i^y yi^y i^y ^y yA#* y y y y^ y y yA tjp tAy yA yA. • 'Don't Give Up the Ship9 Capt. James Lawrence, in command of the frigate Chesapeake, en- Living in the community for the great- j gaged the British ship Shannon off er portion of their lives, both in for-i Boston Harbor on June 1, 1813. The mer years were active in the social j Chesapeake was defeated and Law- ESKIMO SLEDS-- Streamlined undergear, rear of sled lower than front; "T" shaped grooved runners of best •' crucible steel. 37-inch -- 51-inch - $1.59 -- $2.89 Green Street and business life of the, community Mr. Osmond came to Richtnond at the age of thirteen years from his birthplace in Marcellus, N. Y. He was employed at the Richmond Mill for twenty years. WMRO, Aurora's new radio station went on the air as the sun rose out of the east, Tuesday of last week. All day long the valley residents had their dials tuned to its broadcasts. Mu&ic of all kinds was presented, from the latest swing to the classics. Numerous other features were presented during the day. Reception was excellent, and interesting. WMRO operates on a frequency of 1,250 kilocycles. A horse driven by John De Boer, Gurnee, was injured when it was struck by a car Saturday morning of last week. Mr. De Boer, who is 75, has made it his custom to drive to Waukegan with a horse-and rig once a week, and he was returning from the weekly trip when the accident occur~ red. The horse is expected to recover. Frank Custer, 42, of Mundelein was released on probation Saturday of last' week by County Judge Perry L. Persons on a plea of guilty to an information charging him with receiving ornamental copper stolen from the Village of Mundelein by his son, Donald, 15, and Earl Reese, 14. The two boys are to appear in county court next Saturday on delinquency petitions. The body of Fred Hirschmann of Highland Park, 111., who with his wife disappeared while on a fishing trip Nov. 18, was recovered from Lake Como last Friday. Mrs. Hirschmann's body was found in the lake the day before. Hirschmann's body was found near the spot where an ice skater discovered Mrs. Hirschmann's. Both lay in about four feet of water. Francis Shepers, Jr., Willis Wyman and Marie Knox, Crystal Lake, escaprence was mortally wounded. As he lay dying, he said: "Tell the men to fire faster and not to give up the ship; fight her till she sinks." He died four days later, on June 5,1813. AUCTION" CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer The executors of the estate of the late Dr. N. J. Nye will sell at public auction on the Nye farm, 5 miles north of McHenry and 3 miles south of Richmond, on State Route 31, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 beginning at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following -described property, to-wit: --Consisting of-- 21 -- Head of Livestock -- 21 19 Head of Cattle---16 Milch Cows and 3 first calf heifers, mostly Holsteins and some Guernseys. Horses--One bay mare, wt. 1300; one black gelding, wt. 1500; Hay, Grain njid Machinery About 40 tons of Timothy and Alsace Clover and some Sweet Clover, in barn; About 20 feet of Silage; About 500 shocks of Corn; Some Corn in crib; 50 bu. of Oats. McCormick-Deering Grain Binder, 6 ft., new canvas; McCormick Corn Binder; Hoe Drill; 2 or 3-horse Disc; Oliver Tractor Plows; Fordson Tractor; Appleton Corn Husker; Blackhawk Manure Spreader; 3-horse, 2- row Corn Cultivator; Single row Cultivator; Side Delivery Rake; Hayloader; Feed Grinder; C. B. & Q. Corn Planter; John Deere Dane Mower;, 3- section Drag; Graham Truck. Cement Mixer; 4-in. Tire Truck Wagon, basket rack; 3-in. Tire High Wheel Wagon; Truck Wagon, Hay- 7t rack; 2 double unit Universal Milk ed with minor injuries when a coupe]ing Machines; Parts for Pine Tree in which they were riding turned overiMilking Machine; DeLaval Cream Saturday night of last week about: Separator; Endgate Seeder, new; Silo three miles north of Algonquin. Schep- Filler and Pipes; 3-horse Riding Plow; ers, who was driving, said that he was prajrie Breaking Plow; 10-ft. Tanblinded by the bright lights of an on- dem Tractor Disc; Set Light Bob _ p°ming motorist who appeared to be Sleighs; Set Breeching Harness; Hard JL drivinc in the center of tho Viiahwau. I ^ *... rAn ^ks T Cans, i* Pails and Strainer; Forks,^'Wiovols, j and numerous articles too n mention. Terms of Sale All sums of $25 or under, Cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. DR. N. J. NYE ESTATE West McHenry State Bteink, Clerking IT TAKES CASH TO BB A BAHTA CLATTS -- V What good's whiskers and a costume -- if you can't afford the gifts with which to fill your pack? You will be able tq play Santa Claus generously next Christinas; if you start now to save just a little each #*ek, in our popular Christmas Ohtb. * , , , . . i 1^113 j Ov I* MJl Cvv III UK - X lito driving in the center of the highway. I Coal Brooder Stove for 5<\0 C To avoid a colhsion, he puHed his ma- Fanning Mill; Grindst^ ' j,cn!ne off the pavement where it over- ; turned. The offending motorist did not stop. The three were bruised and cut and the car damaged considerably. Vine Ancient Ficture The so-called "Aldobradine Nuj>- tials" in Rome is said to be one of the finest ancient pictures in existence. Dating from the Augustan period, it is a copy of a Greek picture of about 400 B. C., and wjas found about 300 years ago. FOUR DIFFERENT CLUBS FOR Wife ASM . ... $ 12.50 Club --rrj. 25c per *eek. $ 25.00 Club t 50c per week. $ 50.00 Club --$1.00 per week. $100.00 Club -- $2.00 per week. t West MtHenry State Bank