STAMP CHANGED CANAL ,» ',4 i •1. - An interesting story of how a postage stamp caused the United States to build the great ship canal at Panama instead of through Nicaragua 1 is told in a Belgian magizine but we do not guarantee its accuracy. When the question of whether to . Select the Panama or the Nicaragua I route was -before the Senate, there was a lively debate, each route having its Champions among the solons. Among the points discussed was that of danger from earthquakes. Senator Wilburn argued against the Nicaragua route, saying it was in highly dangerous volcanic territory. Senator Followry, who 'favored that route, declared that the president of Nicagagua had solemnely assured him that no volcanic eruptions had occurred in his country for centuries. A young engineer, who was inter- {ested in, the Panama project, then showed Senator Wilburn a Nicaragua postage stamp which depicted the Monotombo volcano in eruption. Wilj burn immediately obtained enough {stamps. to place one on the deslj of 1 each senator, with a note calling attention to this official admission of (volcanic activity. --7 j As a result, Nicagargua was abandoned and the Panama Canal route was j approved by a big majority of the Senate. ' *•'••• An unnamett girt in iSriin", Italy, 15 years old, was forced to wed an unwanted bridegroom, and wore black mourning for her wedding in protest. Twice Told Tales rf htwwl M m From of PUfeWakr Tan Aft /SIXTY YEARS AGO has consumed considerable time in its construction. Here is hoping Santa Clans wfQ bring a new depot for McHenry. n The office of the Wilbur Lumber company at this place has recently been enlarged and otherwise improved, giving better facilities for handling the large amount of business that is being accorded that company. TT-rt TWENTY YLARS AG# US ' - MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props, Green St |SALF SPRING FRIED CHICKEJf -- 60c \' „ FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAT, FRESH PERCH Spend New Year's Eve at VOQUE TAVERN, Lily Lake Music and Entertainment by the Three Coop Brothers No Cover Charges GOOD FOOD AND GOOD DRINKS H. G. Smith of the firm of Sftiith & ^ Snyder, returned on Saturday from a short trip to Minnesota. \ j C. M. Pendleton, who lives in the town of Grafton, took the belt last year for the largest turnip raised in the county,(bu-ts-irtis year he has beat himself, as ne has raised one that weighs 27% pounds. j Joe Buck has again opened his business at his old stand, on Water street. ] Hinton Wheeler of Blackberry, Station, Kane county, made us a tail on Tuesday. > V-V . ' j It. is with the . deepest regret that we are obliged to throniele this week I the; death of the only child of Benson and Georgie Hanley, who died Saturj day evening last. ! Our pickle factory is doing a thriv- I ing business this winter, the factory ! having orders for car loads ahead j nearly all the time. The mortality among the children I in this village is becoming a serious I matter. Five have died within the past six weeks, and "quite a number ' more are sick. j Miss Jennie Beers, oldest daughter i of Dr. E. A. Beers, who is attending a musical school in Chicago, at home spending the holidays. Harvey Barons, foreman at the Borden factory here, unfortunately slipped and sprained his ankle while at work last week Friday. Every carpenter in town is now employed at St. Mary's church and as a result of this, fine progress is being made in the reconstruction work. Peter J. Heimer informs us that he has recently purchased the home of Jos. Diedrich and the Heimer family expects to move from th& place of business on Water street to their newly acquired home by July. Mrs. Mary Stanton has moved from this village to Chicago, where she-expects to spend the winter. Now that the president has seen fit to sign that "dry" bill, would it not be a wise move on the part of the ,M'c- •Hfnry. village board to begin right now in devising way^ and means whereby the village revenue will be made up and also trim down the operating expenses of the; piunicipality. Geo. H. Johnson has purchased a Ford car, with which he now makes daily trips to and from work at the Hoy Banking company bank at Ringwood, whore he is now employed. The season's ftrst skating on. the mill pond was enjoyed by a few of the young folks on Friday last. The skating was of short duration on account of the rain and snow. We are reliably informed that the McHenry band is to be re-organized in the near future. ersonals Mrs. Edward Buss atid Mrs. Jack Thies were Milwaukee, ^is., visitor* Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry OUrian and children and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O'keefe and little granddaughter, Sheila O'Keefe, of Chicago were i cent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thies. are attending St. Ambrose College at Davenport, la., returned home Saturday to spend Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and Mrs. Rena Smith. Miss (Louise Stilling, a student at Lake Forest college, is 'spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lavelle, Streator, were Sunday guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Mrs. Mary McCabe of Oak Park ors in the J. M. Phalin nome, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sutton o| Elmhurst called on relatives here San*; day. Among those from here who called in the home of'the late Jos. Guth, neaf Woodstock, Sunday" were Mrs. Elif len Whiting, Mrs. Marie ~ Miss Elola Boyle, Mr. and ****&. ,R. Sutton, Mrs. Laura Kent, Mrs. eanor Nye and Arthur Martin. Misses Frances and Elsie V Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett and visited friends here Monday and at- (daughter attended a meeting of th# tended the funeral of Ray Conway, j Past Matrons - Past Patrons Club cf Daniel Justen of Notre Dame, Indv 1932 at the home of Mr. and Mri arrived Monday to spend the holidays j Wheaton at Harvard Monday where a chicken dinner party were enjoyed. Elmer Meyers of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Anna Meyers, Sunday. Miss Ruth Reihanspergfer is home from her school work at Rockford college for the holidays. , , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and Mrs Jack Purvey visited the latter's husband at St. Francis hospital, Evanston, Friday evening. , j little 'son and Mr. and Mrs. Howard posts on hinges so Paul Justen and LeRoy Smith, who' Phalin of Chicago were Sunday visit-J little damage. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen. Mrs. Wm. Spencer and daughter, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, were Chicago visitors Monday. Mr., and Mrs. James Mahopey and George Durkee of Elgin, 111., weary of rebuilding his fence after cars ha£ crashed into it, has the fence t it fans / i;; AGATHA SHOP Make Your Last-minute Selections for Christmas Gifts We have a nice selection in Chiffon - Service HOSE GLASSWARE LAMPS-- LINGERIE HANDKERCHIEFS WRAPPINGS ; FIFTY YEARS AGO ATli. Hanly & Sons have been ting in a new twenty-horse power engine, which they propose to use lo run the feed stone at their mill, and also for the purpose of sawing wood,] threshing, etc. j j W. H. Ford, formerly of the Riverside House, in this village, has leased the Ralyea House, at Vinton, Iowa, and moved his family to that place. . i The big mule that draws lumber for the Wilbur Lumber company, got decidedly mulish on Monday, threw; out Charlie, the driver and started for! the West Side at a Maud S. gait. The' only damage was a slightly bruised head for the driver. ¥ C. Stegemann is building ap addition to his residence. Frank Ward has moved with his family on to the Abbott farm, between here and Woodstock. : Jerry Smith, who.lately moved from Ringwood to this village, has opened a shoe shop in the rooms adjoining , the furniture store, lately occupied as ' a barber shop. - i Our public school will close on Friday of this week for a two weeks vacation. The Harvard Herald cetebrated its first birthday last week, and. we can but congratulate brother Walsh on his !success. BASEBALL TODAY GATE-C**Jhehs AT SAIL GAMES GETMANV A BRUlSfi. BUT HAIL ROAD CATE-CRASHERS car WAPUNES IN Haws/ --National Safety Cm*cU Read the Want Ads " A s k Y o u r D e a l e r i • '*• holiday Brew Steinie - Quart and Half-gallon Bottles <*-- Co. ^ ^ V - V ^ ^ > :• 5'^ • • • x »• FORTY YEARS AGO G. F. Boley, at the McHenry Brewery, has just put in acetylene gas throughout the entire building, which lights it up in fine shape and makes work easy and pleasant. He has also put in a handsome new desk in his office. M. C. Mead, Hon. F. K. Granger, S. S. Chapell, Dr. A. E. Baechler and J. VanSlyke were in Chicago on Friday to meet the Third Illinois Regiment, Which arrived there about noon on 'tfeat day. ^ Anton Englen gaye a supper in honor of the boys of the Third who have just returned from Porto Rico. They were nearly all present and report a iine banquet and a good social time. Andrew Miller, who works for the McHenry Brewery,'vhad the misfortune to break his ankle on Monday. He was carrying something quite heavy when he slipped and fell, breaking one bone in his right ankle. Both the young and old have been enjoying some fine skating on the river and pond the last week. Prof. R. D. Scott will close his first term of. Singing School, in this village,' Thursday evening of this week. Frett Bros, and Witt are putting up 1 new ice house in the rear of theirj - market in this village. It will be handy to their market as well as to the pond where they will cut their ice. N. J. Jusen has just returned £rom Chicago, where he has been for the past few days, taking an examination before the State Board of Health as an undertaker. This is in compliance jwith a new law that goes into effect February 1. COMBINE i^lti SENSE" WITH "SENTIMENT"- Cfetdt Ydiir Gift List wftb These Attractiv* and Practical Electric Appliances WITH YOUR GIFT LIST IN MIND.. .we suggest you check this attractive array of electric appliances. You'll find each and every one a happy combination of "sense" and "sentiment"--uniting- the lasting, practical, pleasuregiving quality of electrical aids with the true spirit of-^ "Christmas giving. These, of course, are but a few suggestions from our wide selection. There are many more on display... suited for every gift list, priced for every budget! Why not come in and look around! • LOW, LIBERAL TERMS on all appliances listed here for $5.00 or mora. Small monthly payqMAit with your service bid. I * I I I •e* I * V # THiTY YEARS AGO • FIFTY YEARS AGO a small oil company first opened its doors. It sold good products. It had a •policy of giving people their money's worth. • That company now distributes the most popular gasolines and motor oils in the midwest--because constandy it has sought and found ^ i. „ . i i i .|> i j A. U. W. R. R. Co., are to ways to make its good products still better, and unfailingly has passed "j^ed to be congratulated upon the fine 9>ose improvements on to its customers, not at higher prices, hut as extra j values! H Today Standard does it again--this time with an improved SSTANOLJND, the lowest priced gasoline in its line. • Today STANOUND it a new and better motor fuel--yet at no advance in price! • Try this economical new gasoline. See if it doesn't give your car new life and power! • Standard Oil Dealers have it.* Get a tankful today. '* Available throughout Standard Oil {Indiana) territory exccpt Montana, Coloradq. 'Wyoming, North Dakota and Oklahoma STANDARD OIL COMPANY condition in which" they keep their property here. Omitting the "beautiful" depot, we will speak (briefly) about the walk leading to the station. During the rainy season th« station may be reached after one hus waded through mud and water at a depth of four to six inches. • Fine doings, you bet. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barker of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and daughter Fearl, were guests of relatives and friends in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and children and Miss Evangeline Johns were recent guests of relatives and friends in Lake Geneva. - The snow of Saturday night put a Midden stop to the ice skating that was being so much enjoyed by the young people the latter parti of last Week. Frank Fisk of Elgin has just com-] pjeted a new summer cottage on his property at Indian Point, near Fox! Lake. The. cottage is a novel one and CIFT LAMPS .. . An appealing selection of exceptionally charming lamps in a wide range of styles. Priced tiB fit every budget.. HOLLYWOOD MAKEUP MIMHW...She ll love this aid to perfect makeups. Indirect light filters through frosted mirror to perfectly illuminate a l l t h e t o e . . . . . ELECTRIC CLOCKS ... Always a welcome gift! Wide selection of models and scuaauig fflrks. Priced from . s*J*p SUNBEAM SNAVEMASm..: A sure hit with HIM. Ideal for fussy shavers. Operates on AC or DC With zipper case SMLVRAY SIGHT-SAVER . . . Modern, attractive fixture that screws into ordinary light socket. Expensive in appearance . . . WEST1NGM0USE ELECTRIC ROASTER .. . Roasts, fries, toasts, grills, bakes. Cooks complete meal for 8 people. Portable-- •easily cleaned. Complete with hearproofed glass dishes . . . tOIIW •(Broiler grid $4.95 extta) 47 SUNBEAM COFFEEMAKER... Its lustrous 'Chromium will reflect the beauty of many a Christmas morning. Unbreakable ... Automatic. Brcvrf sue $1500 HANDYNOT SANDWICH 6M1 . . . Pries, grills, toasts, tight at the table. Makes Ht-wo full-size sandwiches ... adjustable for thick or thin slices, ^K'ith JQJjO Hheat indicator 0 , 'SUNBEAM MIXMASTER . .. Powerful, portable food mixer with wide range of speeds automatically maintained. Beats, whips, mixes, extracts juices. Complete with juicer. $2375 delicious cups at a time RAND CLOSE-SHAVER ... top ^ty electric razor ...... >9.56 ELECTRIC DOOR CHIRKS...tremendously popular gift... single tone . . SI. 00 •AWN RAND CLEANER ... efficient hand v a c u u m c l e a n e r . . . . . $ 1 1 . 9 5 CRAYBAR SEWING MACHINE ...tor HER. Easy to handle. Knee control. Finished i n b u r l w a l n u t . . . . . $ 5 9 . 9 5 Tekphono: Cryital Lake 280 •; Your Neighborhood Electrical Dealers are also offering T many fine values for your gift selections J£ • PUBLIC SERVICE STOR| | •• '."Ms V SSSSiM P U B L I C S E R V I C E C O M P A N Y OF N O R T H E R N I L L I N O I S 101 Williams St, Crystal