Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1938, p. 8

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srw" w iim r -r%' r% -* • * * 1 THE MeHIITRY PLAIND KA^M fhwurwlijr, December 29,1W8 Wines and Liquors for New Year's We have a large selection of Imported and Domestic goods at reasonable prices. Stop in and let us show them '»yon •" 7 '* _ ' . Greyhound Bus Depot Phone 104-R -- Gor. Green & Elm Streets -r- McHenry GUS UNTI, Projp ^ * u L . s, i . - M McCOlMICS-DEERING MAKERS y.Take the Drudgery Cat of .7 on Hc*\Svmmzr_D&ys .r7_:7-77.. Tvkifkg. the drudg^ry Wto* milking makes McCormio.i- Deerin& Milkers valuable e\'"ti for that one thing alone, h ,t these milkers have other worth* while features: they are sanitary and easy to clean; their natural action tends to increase milk production; and they are easy to operate. They are available in single or double units, equipped for engine or electric motor power M'cormick ADAMS & FREUND Phone 185 1 Street Society Notes ^ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener announce the engagement of their daughter, Christine, to Mr. Robert Krinn of Des Plaines, Illinois. The wedding date will be announced Inter. • • * 3*DEBUNKED By Jphn Harvey Furboy, Ph.D. Ctp^r 1#»< tv Puitte Mr. He By joining one of our Christmas Savings Clubs, then when December, 1939, rolls around you will have nothing to worry about. Your Christmas savings check will be sent yon in plenty of time, to take bare of holiday shopping. Join Now! 7:\ 7~ WEST M'HENRY STATE BANK ...» »•>« * ki ,»<• . • • .» I fy i; ingtoti Letter liirtttia • Editorial/ Washington, December 28--Festive this year andget ajiner POITIIC Profit by one of the industry's biggest price reductions and enjoy Pontiac's Newrest Ride, amazing performance and record economy for a difference of onlj 12c a day compared ^o the next lower-priced cart. 3 'Delivered at Pontiac, Michigan. Prices subject to change without^ tuitice. Tranfporta tlon^ state and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and acceatoritt-- extra. ANB VP 1.1. Overton Motor Sales, West McHenry - -tr > »- 1 * expressing their regret at being unable to be present. Guests, other than those mentioned, were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisch, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton, daughter, Gertrude, son, Robert, Miss Mar- ! MID-WEEK CLUB >an Larkin, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. . Members of the Mid-Week club met ^°^>eri Hoelscher, Wheaton;- Mr. and with Mrs. E. E. Bassett Wednesday .Mrs" E' R; Sutton, son, William, Wil-1 afternoon of last week when bridge £am ai£ i°hn Sutton l^iSsOenevieve honors went to Mrs. Thomas Kane,' £nox< McHenry and Miss Georgianna Mrs. C. H. Duker and Mrs. Lillian Donohuc' Huntley. Cox. • * • v'_ • CONTR ACTBRIDGECLUB Mrs. Harry Durlatid ehtertained the Contract Bridge club Tuesday afternoon, with prizes won by Mrs. Albert Barbian and Mrs. George Stilling. Their next meeting will be with Mrs. Stilling in two weeks. > 77 7 *• "7i^7. ( \7:- PARENT-TEACHERS i The regular Parent-Teachers' meeting: will be held next Wednesday afternoon in St. Mary - St. Patrick , . .. , •. I school hall at 3 p.m. Mothers of the have slightly distracted i pupils of the seVentff grade will act at^tlon f"om the gathenng storm fas hostesses, with Mrs. Gerald C«r$y, clouds!n 1 th«Poht,cal skies; ^Forecast- ! chairman. There will be all-interesting ers anf Naders are not misled by the ! program and all are urged, to attend. P^ent lull as the nation s lawmakers j . • • , roll into town preparatory to the ! HONOR STEPHEN H. FREUND ' pr^"d K,°P!"ing^f^C?ugr^.S n-jXt wee.^: Stephen H, Frfeund was guest of Jel,able ^s. that ^ President wil honor at a family gathering held at devote a major portion of his annual ,the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ber- ™essa«e to meters of national denard N. Smith, Monday, it being St. fense causes little surprise among Stephen's day. Supper was served and fasone<! Pollticians who are prepared a social evening spent. Guests other to counte,r Wlth a demand for Con* than the Smith family were Mr. and Phonal concentration on vital do- Mrs. Stephen H. Freund, daughter, ™es.tlc Problems as the first order of Bertilla, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Buch and Pusiness- The studied attempts of Cabfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, meteer Ickes to bait foreign^overn- Mr. and Mrs. A. H Freund and family, ments especially the Nazis is privately Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Freund and family considered a build-up for Mr. Roose- , and Herbert Freund and children, i ve^'s new theme song about armament * * * | and preparedness which will be sung FAMILY GATHERING 1 to Congress in a dramatic setting. i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin entertain- The PrPSenee of Dr. Townsend with a ed at a family gathering Sunday Power^ul lobby for pensions will prob- Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard ?bIy a counter-attraction to th« Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney in^ernational angle of American afand little ;*on, Miss Ruth Phalin and fairs-< Pensions overshadow relief as Harry Anderson, Chicago; Mr. and a P°Iitical issue in many localities. Mrs. George Phalin, daughter, Terry, The machinery has been,pretty well Genoa City, Wiis.; Mr. and Mrs. Har- fixed so that not more than a day will old Phalin and little daughter, Grays- be required to organizing the new Conlake; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin gress. Then the President's annual and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert message outlining his conception of Knox and children, McHenry. the tasks ahead will be submitted • • • either in person or in writing. The1 ENTERTAINS FAMILY nation's legislature seldom buckles' Mrs. John S. Freund entertained her down to serious business until the sec-' family on Christmas day. Those pres- pnc* week when they have digested the! ent were Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand import of White House messages and Bauer, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin budgets for the fiscal year of 1940. I Freund, Spring Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Topping the abundance of disputes Peter A. Freund and family, Mr. and is the nomination of Harry Hopkins.' Mrs. Peter Weingart and family, Mr. This item alone will probably provide and Mrs. Math Blake and family, Mr. opportunity for endless debate on poand Mrs. B. H. Freund and family and litical morality, especially if the Sen- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schmitt and fam- ate Campaign Committee furnishes ily, all of McHenry. ammunition. If the Hopkins' nomina- * * * tion goes through normal channels ENTERTAIN ON CHRISTMAS ' Senator Bailey, an old-line Democratic Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen enter- chairman of the Senate Commerce tained members of their family , and a Committee, may force an unpleasant few friends at their home on Christ- investigation. Already every utterance mas Day and on Monday. Gifts were of Hopkins has been scanned as a test exchanged and music and cards wer» of his qualifications. It very much enjoyed. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George proceed unless his lieutenants had as- Justen arid daughter, Mr. ,and Mrs.1 Ralph Justen, John Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Freund and daughter, Mrs. j Clara Dyker and son, Charles, and Miss Louise Dyker. 7 7 I MOTHS ¥ HAVEi^ NEVER. BEEN KNOWN TO EAT CLOTHING When clothes are taken and are found to be "moth-eaten," people often find moths among the garments. However, nobody ever saw a moth eating the clothes. Moths have no teeth and usually do not eat anything during their lifetime. It is the larval form which eats clothes. Moths lay eggs among clothes, and the eggs hatch into the larvae (worms) which feed upon'the qloth. Finally the larvae grow fat and spin cocoonis in which they sleep and become changed into moths. j QABBY QERTIE "Occasionally a man insists on loving a girl who gives him a pain in the neck." my GN(eighbor . * ^ Says: r T Before setting a hot sauce away to cool, place bits of butter to melt over the surface to prevent a film forming on top of sauce. • • • Celery washed and put in ice-cold water, drained and filled with cream cheese, and a little crab-apple jelly, is very hice and a little' different. • • * To give pie crust a rich brown glace mix one egg yolk with one teaspoonful of cold water. Brush reasonable that Mr. Roosevelt would! over top of crust just before putting seems unpie in oven. ENTERTAINS FAMILY j Mrs. M. J. Freund entertained at a' family gathering Sunday evening. One soon learns by handling pots when managing house plants that if pots are light the plants are dry; if they are heavy, they may b*. left There is an iced rolling pin that keeps dough thoroughly chilled throughout its preparation for baking. It is filled with ice, is easily handled, does not break and does POTPOURRI surances of the votes necessary for a Senate confirmation of his nominee. The scramble for high places in the Congressional firmament is well underway. The veterans of the political wars are seeking transfers to commit-' without water for a time. tees of major importance. In the House of Representatives the assignments to the "Ways and Means COm- Santa Claus was there, to present the j mittee, the Appropriation or Rules gifts from the tree, and an interesting group are the prizes sought by ex- . program was very cleverly planned and nerienced legislators. These jobs give, rp<u t on by the children in the party, i them a standing with their colleagues • M e i j /-ii . , ,, , . . , , ® Associated Newspapers.--WNU Scrvioe Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles similar to that enjoyed by those be- Michels and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lr'r=ging to exclusive Greek letter fra- Freund and family, Mr. and Mr/. Geo. ternities at college. There are five Weber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Democratic and one Republican vacan-! Gerasch and family, McHenry a^nd Mr. |cis on the all-powerful committee on1 and Mrs. Charles Freund and famUy I Ways and Means. Wright Pattman Spring Grove, 7^" (of Teaxs, sponsor of anti-chain legm * * | islation, has made strong bids for a ENTERTAIN AT DINNER | berth on this committee. However, the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich enter- splash of the Coster scandals in which tained a number of relatives and he was listed as a paid lecturer for friends on Christmas day. Those pres- tlie drug concern lessens his chances. ent, other than members of the fam- Newcomers angling for high class ily at home were Mr. and Mrs. Alex committees stand little chance. Re- Adams, son, Tommy, Johnsburg; Mr. Publicans in this category may make and Mrs. Joseph Diedrich, son, Kenny, grade because the change in parti- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diedrich, Mc- saP r*tiov gives them larger propor- Henry; Alfons Diedrich, Chicago; tional representation than in recent . Misses Kathryn Diedrich, F.lvprn Mn. years. doff, Herbert Tuchlinsky* and Vera An admonition from the White Boschart, Aurora. House that government agencies • * • i should cease and desist from their TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY usual activities of drafting legislaiVIembers of St. Clara't Court, 659, ^'on has evoked a horse-laugh on Cap- Women's Catholic Order of Foresters Hill. The inference that Congress will celebrate the thirty-third anniver- will take the initiative is definitely sary of the court Thursday evening,- doubted. ^ Drafts of proposed laws January 12, in the new hall in the pounded into form by skilled writers .parochial school building. Dinner will and legalists employed in administrate served at six o'clock. tive agencies find their way into the The court was organized in 1906 and legislative hopper without identifying the past 33 years of its existence have marks. The Roosevelt warning is takbeen successful ones, during which a en as a stratagem to offset the deepsteady growth hps been realized. rooted antagonism against the Corcor- Members who wish to attend the an-Cohen law-writing team which had More Women in World In spite of the fact tiiat every year 107 males are born for every 100 females, there are more women in the world than men. In Australia, Japan, India, Egypt and North America there are more men, but in western Europe --England, France, Germany, Sweden and Norway, women predominate. <£> Western Newspaper Union. dinner on (January 12, are requested a hand in the pie solely because of to make i^y'rvations as soon as pos- F1. D. R.'s backing, sible, not Waif fhan Tuesday, January The theory that these craftsmen 10 . They kiay call ,Mr5-% Geo, Freund he content to remain aloof at the at 111-W or Mrs. Helen Weber at ne*t session is not convincing. Many 89-R. „ a solon has permitted his name to ; ; * appear on a proposal in exchange for » 77 CHRISTMAS PARTY » Patronage or subsequent publicity. As i Ifa. ,and Mrs. Joseph J. Sutton in* a matter of fact, all noteworthy statertained at their annual Christmas tutes are known by their Congression- I party at their home in Elmhurst on a' sponsors and thr- original drafters Monday. Honored guests were Sister are content to remain anonymous if 'Mary Robertus, (Lucy Sutton), «of the their objective is achieved. This is | Holy Family parish, Chicago, sister true of the Corcoran-Cohen duo who (•of Mr. Sutten, and Sister Mary Aga- thrive behind-the-scenes tailoring laws • tha, (Eleanor Farrell), of Mundelein. fit their ideals. Already two Fedj College, a cousin. A one o'clock tur- eral departments, Labor and Agricul- |key dinner was followed by a happy ture, have beaten the gun by drafting afternoon of bridge, ping pong and model state laws which will bs subother games and singing. mitted to the forty-four legislatures Jack Armstrong, nephew of Mrs. meeting early next year. The pro- Sutton's, a talented pianist, favored Posed statutes drafted under Federal with a group of selections. During the officials' guidance call for laws in each afternoon telegrams were received state for wage and hour control and from Miss Alice Sutton and Miss El- f°r supplemental food, drug and coseanor Larkin of Los Angeles, Calif., metic acts. The Labor Department and Robert Larkin of New York City, has offered financial inducements to while a telephone call came from Miss the states to expedite concurrence in Beulah Larkin of New York City, all their ideas. AMO§t;r.r Theatre Woodstock FRIDAY "Girls' School-- SATURDAY -- 2 Holiday Continuous Hits JACKIE COOPER "BOY OF THE STREETS" JACK HOLT "LAW OF THE TEXAN" EXTRA! SPECIAL! ! M I D N I G H T SHOW! Saturday -- New Year's Eve (Doors Re-open 11:30) Mae West George Raft "NIGHT AFTER NIGHT" ALSO--FREE FAVORS Continuous Holiday Show SUNDAY AND MONDAY Doors Open Both Days at -- 2 p. m.-- 10c TUESDAY Horror Show! "KING KONG" ALSO--65 BIG REASONS Wednesday - Thursday "SUBMARINE PATROL" *•; v7: i * " j'"*' i \ •, ^ ^ * Oar good wishes for your • 7"" • ' New Year sail through the aij to you an4 pp J fil.itTa* toies for 1939., ^*<7" l! McHBNRY ICE CREAM CO. a „*-»• & ' t Cream of Creams S'ilP >73 V Xml' **** S 1 • limit for tOnr :7 v • "l - * * ^ ' wishes of good •! "p. tellm > ; things for your 7$^.' 1939. r- '!?<»• •' % no's PUCE m •7 v ' '••?!& "" VMM '7;i-;7 r t - : % 7 As a modern store we express an old fashioned good wish for the New Yeajv 19391 CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 251 yfe expend to all of our patrons sincere wishes that the New Ye§f"~bring you the best of everything. WATTLES DRUG STORE West McHenry, Illinois ^New Year 'sGreell^gsf rom us to you. If® thahk for your patronage ^ and may it continue. Green Street MCHENRY BAKERY McHenry I4f?lit, bright and cheerful ^ t h a t ' s how we Hope the New Year will be for yon every moment of every day! . ? 7 ADAMS & FREUND -Farm Implements^«--» Pearl Street McHenry J ' • - . • ' •' Li. 1- Ti77.

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