Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1938, p. 4

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* •V . . * ' *«>*, * £%*$* **> •m&m *7^W. ' ' x'/^V-rr-nilJ; \ \ „ v* V Thnrsday, December 29, ltlg J THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8; 1879. One -Year ... Six Months ......$2.00 $1.00 A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager Ralph Kennedy, 56, amateur golfer of Mamaroneck, N. Y., has played on 1,822 different golf courses. Chinese leaders assert that the Japanese actually occupy only one-seventh of the territory penetrate^ by their invading armies. However, the Japanese hold most of the cities, railways and industrial centers of the area, while the Chinese continue to live in comparative peace in many of the small towns and rural sections. son, John, of this city spent Christ-! mas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack; Thies. Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Durland and family and Mrs. MinnigJSchuenemann a* j »* ttt a v v _ .'were Christmas guests in Ihe James Mr and Mrs Wm. Aaebischer and p pi hohie in Chicago. POR SALE son. Willard, of Chicago were guests Mr and Mrs Elnjer Freund were ___ f Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. wee)ten(j gUests jn the home of her fOR SALE--Roasting chickens, 6 to 7 Louis StoiTel. Mary Lou StofTel re- The following ad appeared in an Ontario, Can., newspaper: "Will the person who stole two dozen large hyparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nein- ">s* At the sign of the White Leghorn | one-half mile south of high school on !b who are pavement. their homes' | turned to Chicago with them for the stedt> in Woodstock. , I Students from DeKalt | Mrs. Wm. Justen, Mrs. Nick M. spending the holidays af Uieir nume. aAIr ... . Justen and children, Jerome Justen here are: Marguerite Johnson, Cletua f 11 * layi"& and ready-to' ' ! - '• ,-V** ' / / " !w. z.*f Mi. get the few remaining blooms?" Phone (561-M-l. 82 ' ; • OPEN HOUSE Come See the Ne w ; * y^rr^--TH. A?--i--rf •*/ Johnny Wilson's Tavern "*. formerly Miner's Tavern at Burton's Bridge FAVORS -- REFRESHMENTS -- DANCING WANTED drangea blooms from the flower beds and Miss Evelyn Schaefer are Chicago Althoff, "Lawrence Huck and 'Harold ^ ,eleC,tri? Ja,Te8way at No. G^ Elizabeth street. return and vjsitors today (Thursday). (Taxman. Those from Champaign are:„ electric battery Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and George and Frank Johnson, Jane. ro9aeiv 80na little son of Chicago are spending a Schnaitman, Stanley Vycital and Cureouple of weeks in the J. M. Phalin tis Newman. home, while Mr. Mahoney is employed Miss Sylvia Snyder is spending the at Crystal Lake. I holidays at her home in Clinton; Wis.! WANTED--Housework for Mondays,! ' Miss Terry Phalin. of Genoa City,' ^rs-Stoffel and Mrs. John!Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each; Wis., is spending the week with rel- ng> visited the latter's sister, Mrs. week. References furnished if desiratives here. jAnna Burner, at the home of her ed. Mrs. Minnie Hapke, Park Street, I Miss Frances * Michels of Chicago daughter, Mrs. Freund, near Johns- McHenry. * *32 i visited relatives here a few days this Monday. Mrs. Bugner, who has • • . ..-- • week. ibeen ill several weeks, shows little im- lOUMD 1 ; Miss Georgianha Donohue of Hunt- ^provement. | FOUND --Pair .of glasses, silver 1 ( ley is a guest of Miss Geneyieve Knox1 and Mrs. Ray ^ge and daugh-.mounted. Owner can secure same by ' [this week. ters and Mrs. Christina Going attjend- proving property and paying for this I Miss Marie Kins&la of Chicago spent ^ e wedding of the latter's grand* ad. Frank J. Thurlwell, West Mci Sunday and Monday with her parents/^a *er'^ai7 Frances Brandt, to Hfenry. - 32 I Mr. and Mrs; Henry Kinsala. , [Charles Kent Leeper, which6 tool*>place j Miss Carmen Freund of Chicago'at Hinsdale last Friday evening Lit- ; s p e n t S u n d a y w i t h , h e r p t f r e n t s r M f t t l e a c t e d as f l o w e r g i r l . p A u n i r p and Mrs. Nick Freund. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and! •^AK,DAUf' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lar&en visited ^au^e Granger were weekend impose It is our firm resolution to 1be at your serviofe in the New Year of ^ V • * • Green Street JOHN DREYMH1ER BARBERSHOP 1: ..... i MctTwiry BIISCELLANEOUS :\ BEST HOTEL VAL to, •100 ROOMS^t>b>i<i*esto«i?* • 100 ROOMS wKl. M, »Z to *V> CONANT HOTEL COMPANY " 'Miss Ellen Walsh Of South Bend, Ihid., and Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and little daugther of Chicago werei weekend guests in the home of MrsJ Loretta Walsh. COLLECTING--Let us of youi- garbage each week, oftener if desired. Reasonable at Hebron. They spent Monday with rates. Regular year round rbute, relatives in Chicago oyer the weekend. ^e T^/S, the Hafry Alexander home [ the former's, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. VanNatta, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs Henry Vogel and baby of Delavan, Wis, and Mr. and Mrs. formerly George Meyers', Ben J. Smith.' Phone 157 or. 631-M-l. 2-tfj I Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald en- J.isle Bassett and little daughter were | tertained the former's mother, sister dinner^ guests in the E. E. Bassett and brother of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freund and daughter, Rita, at a turkey dinner Tuesday evening. Mrs. Violet Woodward of Chicago home Monday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. rf. E. Buch and family spent Christmas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Behlke in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin, ac- ^£SANF0RD Decorate NOW! Pay out of Income spent Sunday and Monday with her companied by Mr. and Mrs. Burton parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. tycital. jTechner of Minneapolis left Tuesday I Eugene Sayler of Chicago is spend- °" a ^ weeks' vacation trip through flng the holiday vacation with his par- *;he south with Miami, Florida, as their ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Savler. destination. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan, Sr., and Edwin Michels of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan, Jr., of re,atives here Christmas Day. , Woodstock were guests'in the home ol Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Mundelein Mrs. Carolyn Schiessle Chirstmas ?vas a Sunday guest in the N. E. Bar- Dfiy. ibian home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester spent' Ml's; Peter WeW, daughter Amelia, a few days the past week with the Henr^ of Johnsburg and Martin former's parents at Colfax, 111. j Weber of Fox Lake were Sunday din- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heniken of Wood-'"er quests m the Herbert Freund stock visited relatives here Monjday.' !"ortie* Mr. and Mrs. William Vales, Albert ', Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. How long iB ii since ycur Ucne was "done over"? Is it still m style? Do your friends exclaim over it or do they cn^?,e when your back is turned? .. • Wouldn't life be more cheerful and your home a more pleasant place in which to live and entertain your friends if M were brought right up-to-date--Styled with Paint? Don't put oH redecorating until you've saved enough money # In advance. Learn about our easy payment plan--with a year or more to pay. . J costs nothing to see »ampl#s» hear suggeitions ana get Mfimates. Investigate now. JACK KEENAN PAINTER AND DECORATOR ^106-W--Riverside Drive --- pcHENRY, and George Vales of Chicago spent Herman Schaefer Christmas Day were Christmas with their parents, Mr. and ?J1RS Fr'sby, Chicago; Mr. aijd Mrs \lbert Vales i Mrs. George Kunstman and family, of Mr* and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Batavia, Mr. and Mrs Geo. B. Frisby Iiidianapolis, Ind., snd Mr. and Mrs.-a"d tT sons and Mrs. Mary O Flaherty, Adrian Thomas of Forest Park were M^,.em7* „ . JV Christmas guests in the home of Mrs. ^lss Helen^Stevens is spendmg the Ena Cans. . holdays with friends at Joliet Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs spent Ml;s.s Ma"e R«PP \s ^nding het Sunday and Monday with relatives at vacation at her home ,n Bloomington. Macomb 111 ! Mrs. Kathryn Barbian spent Sunday Leo Cooney and son, Billy, of Cleve, an<| Monday with relatives in Chicago land, Ohio, spent Christmas with their and Des P131"68- mother and grandmother, Mrs. Etta j " . " • _ Cooney, in the J. B. Kelter home. Callers and guests in the John Scheid home Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scheid. sons, Elmer, Loren and Norman, of Woodstock; John Molidor of Mundelein; Mr, and Mrs. Leo Rothermel, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rothermel of this city. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Justen Sunday evening were: SLOCIJM'S LAKE ILL. And Tak* a Year or l$or? to Pay* NEW £MPIRf McHENRY, ILLINOIS Sun. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous We Extend our Greetings to Everyone for a Successful and Happy New Year! FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Margaret Lindsay -- John Utel "BROADWAY . MUSKETEERS", Also--Comedies SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 (One Day) Clark Gable -- Myrna Loy "TOO HOT TO HANDLE" Also--Cartoon and News Events • MONDAY, JANUARY 2-<One Day) Pat O'Brien -- Jimmie Fidler MaVgaret Lincfsay 'GARDEN OF THE MOON' Also 1-- Comedies Holiday Mat.--3 p. m. Continuous 10c -- TUESDAY -- 20c (1) "The Law West of Tombstone" (2) "Girls on Probation1' WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Brrol Flynn -- Bette Davis "THE SISTERS" Hie Picture You Don't Want To Miss! The Management if THE NEW EMPIRE THEATRE wishes to express his appreciation to the different members of the D. of A. and the Mothers' Club for their support on the Community Benefit Show of Friday, December 23rd. if'you have * „ >5 a "nang over ».r, ^ e n i j a m b e r - t h e cheer:' of .our greetings for a happy New Year. THE PIT On Route 20 - East ofMcHenry Carl Buhrman, Prop. y'- >• :r • • ^ppv NEw y£AH "1: of a kind- Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Greeting for the New Year--is our wish to yon V ;• SGHAEFER'S GROCERY AND MARKET Main Street West McHenry : We're rushing > . ( : • ' ; t o wish you a jolly \ ' 7 T ^ N E W Y E A R ' ' : - r " • full of life's best. GIBBS' GROCERY & MARKET Main Street-- -- -- West McHenry, 111. Mort Jensen was a business caller at Waukegan last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were callers at McHenry last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and family, callers at McHenry last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen and fam- • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and ily and Ed Vincent of Wbodstock. , daughter, Frances, were callers at El- Guests in the home of Mrs. Mollie gin last Tuesday. Givens Sunday and Monday were Mrs. I Mrs. "Raymond Lusk and daughter, Emma McGinness, Elgin; Mr. and Betty Lou, of Maple Park spent a few J Mrs. Harry Lawrence Chicago, and days over Christmas at the home °f « «My Skin WIUJ full Of Pimples & Mr. and Mrs. Harol4 Phalin and Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. | _. . , _ n »» daughter, Monica Ann, of Grayslake. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and Blemisnes from Constipation Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winlcelman and daugter, Frances, enjoyed Christmas says Verna Schlepp: "Since using Adson, Jimmie, of Oak Park were Christ- Day at the home of Mrs. Philena Dav-jlerika the pimples are gone. My skin mas guests in the home of her moth- Is. is smooth and glows with health." er, Mrs. Anna Knox. j Misses Jennie, Ethel and Marion Adlerika washes BOTH bowels, and Miss Mildred Minnich of Oak Park Dowell were business callers at Wau- relieves constipation that so often agcalled on friends here Friday. Miss Marguerite Freund, who is attending school at Milwaukee, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund. Guy Duker, a teacher at Highland, 111., arrived Friday evening to spend the holidays with his and Mrs. C. H. Duker. Guests in the home of Mrs. Nellie kegan Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfannenstill of Grayslake and Miss Dorothy Wagner of Mundelein were Monday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, parents, Supt.' Jennie and Ethel, were callers at (Woodstock Saturday evening. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Elmer Esping, gravates a bad complexion. At All Leading Druggists Bacon Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Har-! and Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthewa old B&con and daughter and Miss of Forest Park attended the Chicago Maxine Bacon, Crystal Lake, Mr. and Stadium Monday evening and saw Mrs. Robert Ulrich and little daugh-jSonja Henie in person with her new ter, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl 1939 edition Hollywood Ice Revue. Courier and daughter of ^^oodstocki Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Ches- j lowing described property, to-witt AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer The-executors of the estate of the late Dr. N. J. Nye will sell at public auction on the Nye farm, 5 miles north of McHenry and 3 miles south of Richmond, on State Route 31, on TUESDAY, JANUARYS beginning at 1 o'clock, sharp, the fel- Out pop our greetings for the New Year -- We hope you continue ft| v our customer'. East of River McHenry mm ; : . - vv anifl Miss Anna Frisby, McHenry. |ney, were callers at Niles Center last Mrs. John R. Knox entertained the Wednesday. following guests on Christmas Day, I Ed Underwood of Wauconda was Miss Helen Bernier, Chicago; Mr. and a guest Christmas Day at the home Mrs. John Zimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Geary and family, Wauconda; Mr.! A goodly number attended the proand Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, son. Stanley, ^ram given by the pupils of Slocum and Miss Louise Weingart, McHenry. jLake School last Friday evening. Af- Mrs. William Dreyer, son, Billy, and .ter the program, presents were dis- Mrs. Minnie Block of Forest Park arejtributed by Santa and coffee and cookspending thr» week here. Mr. Dreyer »es enjoyed. School will open again --Consisting of- NewYear's greetings arid may 1939 £11 yp#r horae».< with* .^«11 good cheer. CITY COUNCIL OF M'HENRY %i. OVERTON, Mayor John A. Bolger - Jos. Regner, Aldermen First Ward E. J.Buss - Herman J. Kreutzer, Aldermen Second Ward Fred Ferwerda - Geo. P. Freund, Aldermen Third Ward Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk - Robert Weber, City Treasurer was here over Christmas. Jake Buss of Chicago visited relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Wirfg spent the Christmas holidays with her parents at Oshkosh, Wis January 3. Miss Helen Phaelan, Miss vunaiamig VM « 21 -- Head of Livestock -- 21 19 Head of Cattle-M6 Milch Cows and 3 s first calf heifers, moBtly Holsteins and some Guernseys. Horses--One bay mare, wt. 1300; one black gelding, wt. 1500. Hay, Grain «]nd Machinery About 40 tons of "timothy and Alsace Clover and some Sweet Clover, in barn; About 20 feet of Silage; Heien|^'30U' shocks of Corn; Some Corn Lawstess and Peter Jacobs of Chfca*. ™Binder, were guests Christmas at the home of 6 ft., new canvas; ~M<5Cormick Corn Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and son, Mar- Miss Norma Whiting of Grayslake lette, and Mrs. VanDeusen were reand Miss Margery Whit!ng of Wood-Jcent business callers at Waukegan. stock called on friends here Monday. | Artur Wackerow spent Monday at Out-of-town guests in the home of,the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Ellen Whiting Christmas Day Eatinger at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children of the "Flats" enjoyed Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hay Dowell. Binder; Hoe Drill; 2 or 3-horse Disc; Oliver "Tractor Plows; Fordson Tractor; Appleton Corn Husker; Blackhawk Manure Spreader; 3-horse, 2- row Corn Cultivator; Single row Cultivator; Side Delivery Rake; Hayloader; Feed \irinder; C. B. & Q. Corn Planter; John Deere Dane Mower; 3- section Drag; Graham Truck. Cement %Mlxer; 4-in. Tire Truck „ . „ „ . Wagon, basket rack; 3-in. Tire High Mr*. atvn d Mrjs.t Hia rry- R.a e^b.urg and. Wheel Wa„on. Truck Waeon. Hav- -on of Diamond Lake spent Ch;„n^s„to„aisW heel Wagon; Truck Wagon, Hay ack 2 double unit Universal Milk. Day at the home of Mrs. Celia Dowell. I Machines. parts for pjne Tree De Laval Cream Separator; Endgate Seeder, new; Silo Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner Mflki^ChMackine" Christmas Day at the home of Mr. I RnHtrn; and Mrs. M. Wirtz at Ivanhoe. were Miss Mildred Hall and Donald Hayes, Chicago; Mrs. Eleanor Dunn and son, Edward, Lake Geneva, Wis., and Miss Lanette Whiting of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bronaugh spent the weekend with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, spent Christmas with relatives in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen and family and Ed Vincent of Woodstock were dinner guests in the Ben Justen home! sons, Robert and Lvle^ Willard Darrell, Christmas Day. _f i Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping wtfre Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wirfs of 'among the guests entertained at the' Rockford and. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon j hbme of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailcv Smoak of Antioch spent Christmas in at Amboy. In the evening they called" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wirfs. i at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Mrs. Kate Stoffel returned home on j Figley at Hinckley. They fo^fnd Mrs. Sunday from a two weeks' visit in the Figley improving in health. home of her daughter, Mrs. Davis, in j --• niI OUJllB UJ Joliet. ' I In Brescia, Italy, a truck cari^inf?', "f1 Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson i "bonbons" collided with a train. spiH* wjn be gjven ^ and family were guests in the home ing its contents. Passersby helped Nq erty to'b^"rem7ve7untirMt former's sister, Mrs. Ouve«themselves, and later In the day doc- £or wj^ , »» -r, »» jiFilfer and Pipes; 3-horse Riding Plow; Mr.^and Mrs. ^^f^d| pr^rie Breaking Plow; 10-ft. Tanjiem Tractor Disc; Set Light Bob Sleighs; Set Breeching Harness; Hard (Joal Brooder Stove for 500. Chicks. * Fanning Mill; Grindstone; Cans, Pails and Strainer; Forks, Shovels, and numerous articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of $25 or under, Cash; ove< a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes. "Gter resolution for the New Year is--to better '•meye you in every possibleway. Ptll GBUSCfl Phone -Plumbing-- Pearl Street ) of the Geer, at Crystal Lake Sunday. tors were swamped with calls. Thej Mr. and Mrs. John Bonhen and son "bonbons" were chocolate-cOvered lax-! of Wilmette and Mrs. John King ana ativM. _ i j DR. N. J. NYE ESTATE West McHenry State Bt^ak, Clerking RAYMcGEI ELMER FREUNp Postmasters and" Postal Employef . We desire to express our appreciation to the patons of our offices for the splendid co-operation extended during the holiday rush and extend our wishes for a Happy New Year and a prosperous 1939! 'h ¥

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