* ' Cff .^SY ' r.;; W ; S : , Thursday, December 29,193$ , •U- ; •Wt-';:;.> «'i".'" • !1* --> • "«•• 'r, , * A4V'{ * f .A Y 5^:4 * A'KewYear ahead! New opportunities ./. . new hopes ... new friends. May 1939 be kind to yon S^lsims all that you hope for. AGATHA SHOP Greeii Street ••»«•<• • * „,, -. ..i-: • McHenry •»' • : yAi 'this season ^ wish to express Qjar appreciation , of yourloyalty and friend- • % attitude during the-Jear past. Maywe continue to merit it during 19^ it wishes ANNA HOWARD Green Street McHenry We tried to serve vtm ^ell in the .year just past our resolution . for 1939 is to serve you even better^ T ,,, HcHENRY BREWING CO; . • s v » •% » i , „ r « . a , # K. 1 \ . * ' * - , -j Established Since 1861 ^ ^ fay this New Year be twice as happy as any you have had before ... and believe us, we really meanit! N. J. JUSIEN 4 SOK ' Main Street . «-- ' Furniture * *-- West McHenry RINGWOOD and Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and son of Woodstock, Alice Mae Low of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and family. , „ „ . . , Miss Evelyn Bell sjwnt Christmas in Mr and Mrs. Glenn Tm>n and Ml thp home of;her brother and family *t and Mrs. Henry Hinze Crystal Lake, Kirkland IU . ~ ; Edward Harrison of Elgin, Marion JOHNSBURG Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent the weekend with her sister at Woodsotdk. Miss Alice Mae Low of Waukegan is spending her Christmas vacation at her home here. Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Christmas Day with the letter's parents at Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Verlain, Wauas CHEER A new view . .. a fresh outlook--in other, words it's 1939. We hope it will bring you all that you desire most;! ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. West McHenry, Illinois Good wishes for the coming year! We shall endeavor, as in years past, to serve yon to the best of our ability. Your continued patronage will be appreciated, as always! ikflfHj ttwJ Utah BLAKE MOTOR SALES ---Dodge and Plymouth--- Pearl Street McHenry .£»/ £*«** A toast to the New Year -- to the customers who have relied oil ug in1;he -past--and to the new ones we will make'in 1939. MY PUCE -Restaurant and Tavern- ^REUND & JUSTEN Green Street ,111. 1 Peet of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Peet and Mrs. Geo. Harrison. j Elmer Butler of Bath, 111., spent Christmas with his daughter, Shirley, in the B. T. Butler home. I Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison en- • j ' • ana ljesue venain, wau* joyed their Christmas on Monday in Christmas in the Leonthe home of their daughter, Mrs. Mil- Rr* home ford Smith, at Round Lake. Mrs Vjola and children and Mr. and • • • n arr ... . Mrs. Elmer Olson and children spent family spent Christmas Day with the Christ Eve in the Wil Mon. Utter's mother, Mrs. Wattles at Mc tenye home ^ Woodstock. 5 Henry^ ^ j Mr. and Mrs. Bratz and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ajtnger an j^arjo> 0f Chicago spent Christmas sons, Alan and Eber> of Greenwood Day -n thp A Ruohiman home. | spent Christmas eve in the George jjr Mrs. Max Beth and son and Shepard home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wm Beth, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lester ^Edinger and daygr^^ 0f Chicapro spent Christmas family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. in the Wm. Beth home. ^ ! B. Bi' Marble of Greenwood, Mrs. Mil- Mr and Mrs. Raiph Clay and famdred Carney of Rock Island ar.d Mr. ily of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs.- Ben and Mrs. Roland McCannon and fam- pout and son of Spring Grove and H«' ily of Algonquin spent Christmas in H Siaws!0n 0f Chicago spent Christ-, the Joe McCannon home. mas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. | Mr. and Mrs. Muzzy of Marengo Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and spent Chtistmas in ti;e home of theu' famHy, CharlUt^Kxo^in and family and son, F. N. Muzzy, and iamily. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy spent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merspent Christmas with relatives in Chi- chant. cago. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dewey of Stock- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawiey and (on, Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon family spent Christmas in the D. C. and fan ily of Algonquin. Mil<lr t d Jep- Bacon home at Cryt tal Lake. i son of Ann Arbor. Mich., Virginia Jep- •Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and son of Cornel • College, Iowa, Mr. and family and Alan Ainj,er spent.Chrtat*; Mrs. Lee Huson ami daughter, Ruth, mas Dpy in the Wm. Heine home in of Libertyville .arid Mr. and Mrs. Chicago. iThomas Nelson of Downers Grove | Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and son, were Christmas guests in the C. J. Dean, spent Christmas Day with the Jepson home on Monday. I j latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Dimon, Rev. and Mrs. Collins and son, at Ostend. \ Roger, spent Monday in the home of Mrs. Jennie Bacon spent Christmas their son, Frank, at Wilmette. with her son, George, and family at Mrs. Mayme Harrison and sons, Antioch. (Donald and La Verne, of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent August Pearson spent Christmas Day Christmas in the home of their son, with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Frank, at Libertyville. son, Jack. i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of ^Chifatnily and Mr. and Mrs. Felvey Dav- cago .spent Sunday and Monday with is of Woodstock, Mrs. Rilla Foss and the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. son, W&yne, were Christmas Day Charles Carr. guests in the Alec Anderson home. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son Miss Gladys Shepard and Alan spent Christmas Day with the lat- Ainger are spending a few days this ter's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Shultz, week with friends at Norwood Park at Richmond. j and Jefferson Park. j Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Crys- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Rich- tal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Marmond spent Christmas Eve in the tin and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. j home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ril- Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Kenla Foss. , 1 neth Cristy and family spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Young and with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy and fam* son, Alfred, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ily. | Smith of McHenry were dinner guests Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, in the Fuller Boutelle home at Lake Mae, spent Monday afternoon in ,-the Geneva. j Elijah Coates home at Crystal Lake. | i Stanley Hunt was called to Indian-1 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and. apolis, Ind., Wednesday by the death daughter, Bernice, and Mercedes Lin- j I of his grandmother. He returned home demann spent Monday in the Lyle | ; Sunday. , Hopper home in Chicago. - j | Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and spent Christmas Day in the Joe Miller family and Will Fisher spent Christ* Mi-, and Mrs. William Kraft of Burlington, Wis., were callers at tke home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff Monday. Joe Schmitt of Beloit, Wis., was a caller here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt were Woodstock callers Jrlonday afternoon. Mrs. Jake Miiler and children of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith. Miss Agnes Smith and Bill Smith were Woodstock callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Mrs. George King were Woodstock callers Monday. - Mrs. Steve May entortafhed the five hundred club Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs; Peter F. Freund, Mrs. Steve May and Mrs. Delia Miller. Mrs. Joe King and Mrs. Leo F, Smith were Waukegan callers Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Spring Grove, called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Peters and Dorothy Wiggins visited with relatives in Wiuflvegan Christmas Day. Mr! and'Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Christmas Day with her mother, Mrs. Wm. AJthoff. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller "and children of Chicago spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegener of Volo visited with Mrs. Wm. Althoff Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer called on Mr.""and Mrs. Joe E. Friend at Richmond Sunday afternoon. LoRoy Meyers is spending the week in Waukegan with his sister, Mrs. Irvin Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent Christmas in the home of Mrs. John A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan -and Miss Laura Meyers of McHenry spent Christmas Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mrs. Dena Lay visited with her sister, Mrs. Joe Friend, at Richmond on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter May and family at Spring Grove. Mrs. John King and Mrs. Katie ^toffel called on Mrs. Anna Buffo* Monday afternoon. home near Richmond. Christmas Day guests in the B. T. Butler home were Elmer Butler of mas Day in the Cecil Porter home at! Huntley. j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and sons I Bath, 111., Emma Grace Trepus of Pal-1 of Harvard. Mr.^and Mrs. Wm. Wurtz atine, Leonard Brown of Crete, 111., mger and family of Woodstock and Mr. $nd Mrs. S. W. Brown and Mr. and "Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family spent Christmas Eve with the latter's parents at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt and family spent Christmas with the latter's mother at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family ! p.pent Chrisitmas Day in the S. W. Smith'hoWte.- , ' • Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of CfyiF tai Cake spent Christmas Day in th« H M. Stephenson home. Mrs. Thomas Dorerty and son, John, attended the Hollywood Review at th« Chicago Stadium in Chicago Sunday son, Alfred, spent Sunday evening in evening. the Arthur Smith home at McHenry.' Mrs. Frankie Stephenson returned i Christmas Day guests in the S. H. home Monday afternoon from a few Beatty home were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn days' visi,t with bar sister at Wood- Jackson and family of Richmond, Mr. stock. Several Species of Chipmunks There are some ten or more species of chipmunks in the United States and Canada. Those from the Northern states are attractive. Their stripes, consisting of a single black one in the center and two white ones bordering--the Siberian chipmunk differs from the American variety in having four lightcolored and finer stripes on the body --are more clearly defined; likewise, the fur is of a denser texture. 'In natural surroundings a chipmunk Vill seek a hole in some log or among the roots of a tree. Syncopated Rhythm in Mnsle Syncopated rhythm is found in the music of nearly every savage or semi-civilized nation. Pinch of Snnff as 'Treat* In early days many of the new fathers set up the boys to a pinch of snuff. --*=r=--= •*s» We join yon in welcoming the New Year. We hope to j^pllnue to senre yon well. * * "PA'S" TAVERN -John Thennee, Prop.- Gor. 13m and Riverside Driver" mi. mn the oiamous mm HU Here we a^e with a brand new year on our hands..,, pay it be rich in opportunity and contentment for yon! STAT* BANK e're glad to see the New Year" for a lot of; reasons. v •but the best of all is, that it's another'opportunity to gneet our friends againahd wish thein the best- of everything in 1939. DEO BOOSTER f Rose Worts, Prop.----- ' • •••• • On Route 20 #APPV Npv Y£A^. Our three-fold wish to you: good health, good times and contentment in the year to come. S. H. FREUNIT& SON Contractors May happiness and good health come to you in abundance . . . may prosperity smile on you . .-v may contentment be with ytm all through ^1939. That's our New Year wish to you I EARL R. WALSH Insurance McHenry A > Hello! It will soon be another year -- and we'll be ^.lasht here to serve yon, ADAMS REPAIR SHOP ----Nick J. Adams 195 -- Pearl fltTtet. --... 'lUpy^ VIiw When midnight has struck "and you greet the New Year, think of our greetings to you, dear friends. PALACE RECREATION --Bowing - Billiards. Green .