yr* f^('* *'***;i; **7 v :'T~'V: ••:: vj;\*> k '&i >. W> ***Zyt SJi. fe'"'*- % Society Motes , J ENTERTAINS CLUB ^Wiss Rita Freund was hostess to Members of her bridge club last Fri- •" dfcy Evening. Prizes were won by Hisses Shirley Covalt, Lucille Steffes and Rita Freund. Lunch was had at Schaefer's tavern. ^ % * * * - ;V PUBLIC CARD PARTY TV Christian Mothers of St Mary's church are sponsoring a pub- He card party to be held at St. Mary fiBt. Patrick school hall Sunday even- .Ipg January 15, at 8 p.m.* >VV ' , . -V, ^ „• ANNOUNCE EXGA^EM^NT "-Mr. aim ifjjtat Albfrt Pepping, Sr, \^Si§ Johnsbui^ afmsnnce the engage- •'H|pent of their daughter, Lorraifte, of Crystal Lake, to Chester Watkins, son of Mrs. Ira "Watkins of College street. No date has be^n s<et for the. .we;d ding.' - .,' ^ *• '4-* . / PEARSON - FYFE * .. r ' Announcement has been macletof the marriage fo Miss Sylvia Pearson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Pearson of Homewood, to Mr. Russel Pyfe of McHenry. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fyfe of Huntley, which occurred December 24, at the home of the ^TH * St. Mary's church at 8 o'clock. The High Mass was sung by the mixed choir. Forty-five relatives and friends gathered at "die home tn the aftermoon, at which time visiting and cards iwere enjoyed. At 6 o'clock a delicious } chicken dinner was served the guests EVENING BRIDGE CLUB ^ St" Mary " St* Patnck sch°o1 Thomas entcrtained the | ^ the evening, Mr. and Mrs, Freund members of her brnlge club^ \yednes-(^ surprised% members of their ay ewning. - rizes^weaj| .card club. A mock wedding, enacted Mrs. Henry Schaefer jffcd Mrs. Paul . McHENRY PLAINDKALKR %'V . ill *.<sr * "V > ,f ' •' V " -ft-i, - {vr *rv. 'p"j --'.v* ' Residence Changes Mrs. Henrj ^haefer ana mis. raui ^ several members of the club, was Schwerman after wh,ch a lovely lunch jth y e cause for much merriment. was served bJy the hiostess. \ A • • 9 The guests of honor were presented ' BRIDGE CLUB with m8ny beautiful gifts. ltr.and Mrs. M. L. ScKoenhoh. M.;'Thi" (Th!'r'i*,) morning Mr. and tertained members of their bridge clut> left ° «"» * *• w,st" at their home Sunday evening. Prizes! ' • « • . were #on by M L. Schoenholtz and, ATTENTION FORESTERS! Mrs. Alida Wirtz A lovely lunch The Catholic Order of Foresters will was served at the- close of the evening. SHOWER '#> hold ijts regular meeting on Tuesday evening, January 17, after which oyster sJew will be served. The annual Forester Feast will be home on Center and John street *if c this city, where the former is employed as bookkeeper for the McHenry ; Brewery company. • * • C. D. OF A. The Catholic Daughters of America held their regular meeting last Thursand the five hundred prize to Mrs. Helen Miller. Grand Regent, Mrs. Ella Buss, treated members present with a delicious lunch. The third party in the card tournament .will be held Thursday evening, January 19, with Mrs. Vales as chairman. Herdrich and Mrs. Joe Hettermann ati M n Court ha* nlwav* frninvpd the home of the latter Sunday after-1 Mc*™ry Co"r} h»s alwafs 6nJ°^d . • »VK: a real turnout m the past, and the i°ests twenty-five committee is making plans now for * „ . * . , , , / ' the largest attendance ever had. T c e*iiln ^ y Nothing will be left undone to show Leo Smith Miss Mane Kempfer, Mrs, jybu a ROod time. Joe Freund and M,ss Lorrame Blake ! McHenry Court invites Johnsburg Lunch was served at the close of Court No 96 and the Lady Foresters the afternoon and the guest of -honor j from bo^ the Johnsburg and Mcpresented with many beautiful gifts, j Henry Courts. daw ad^icd I Remember , January 18 at the ORACLES i Bridge, for the good old get-to-geth- Meetmg of the Past Oracles was er and usual good time for young and THE COMMITTEE. bride s parents. _ Meeting of the Past Oracles was ,M.:i'.f5l'J aT.r.ak'°e'."l1:1 held «t the home of Mrs. Cm,lie Ebel at Crystal Lake Tuedsay afternoon. After business was transacted, a social afternoon was enjoyed. Bunco was played and lunch served. The next meeting, a Valentine party, will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Stewart at Elgin February 24. ^LTniAn.Wi'!!*°'^ "W Tber ES Mn. W. F. Burke, J. B. Keller and present. After business was trans- tended ^ meeting at Crytal Lake Miss Ellen Doherty visited Mrs. Etta acted, cards were enjoyed, the" bridge Tuesday. & ^ Cooney at the Woodstock nuspital on prize going to Mrs. Elizabeth Pich * . . » Wednesday. HONOR MISS KARLS Mr. and Mrs. Clive Wike and chil- Mlss "Emily Simon arid Mrs Marie dren of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Effie Berndt entertained a number 0f ^c^en and son Mason City, la., friends at the home of the latter on visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday evening at a miscellaneous Charles Ensign Wednesday evening, shower in honor of Miss Evelyn Karls ! ^rs- Thomas Kane is spending sevie| Wh0 is to become the bride of Dr. L. era' days week in Chicago. B. Murphy, Jr., Saturday, January 28 Word has been received here from Bridge and pinochle furnished em^r> ^ ^rs* Charles Unti, who arc tertainment ^pr the evening. Lunch ?nroute to Daytona lteach, Fla., of was served and the guest of honor ^eir safe arrival at Jacksonville in showered with many beautiful gifts. state. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe and family are moving from the Math Wfeber house on Riverside Drive to Marengo, la., where the former, who is employed by the telephone company, has been transferred. Charles Miller and Sylvester Wirfs left Sunday evening with their furniture. Mrs. McCabe And children will visit with relatives here a few days before leaving for th^ir new home. Th§ Donald Hunter family moved from what is known as the Flusky farm to the J. B. Kelter farm on the Crystal Lake road,- Mr. and Mrs. W^Uiam Adsit and daughter have movea from the J. B. Kelter farm to the Joseph place at McCollum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton, who also resided on the Kelter farm, have moved to the Freund farm at Spring Grovg. - The Loren Pate family is tfow occupying the A. J. Kittle farm located south of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, former tenants on the farm, have moved to Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Walsh are moving from the Earl Monear house on Fox street, to the Ray Conway residence on JRiverside Drive. Mrs. Minnie Hapke and sister, Es-* tella, "have moved from the John Mc- Mahon house near the park to an apartment at Lake Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vasey have moved from the lower flat in the Mrs. Georgie Schiller house on Waukega-n street and are now making their home with Mr. and fMrs. Ed Miller on Richmond Road. * Among the Sick NEW £MPIR§ McHENRY, ILLINOIS San. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous Disregard last week's notice. His Theatre will be open every night all winter! FTHDAY -- SATURDAY Deauia Durbin - Jackie Cooper and Melvyn Douglas "THAT CERTAIN AGE" SUNDAY -- MONDAY January 15-16 Richard Green - Nancy Kelly Piston Foster - Geo. Bancroft "SUBMARINE PATROL" Also--Cartoon - News - Comedy * 10c -- TUESDAY -- 20c (Double Feature) Charlie Ruggles - Ona Monson and Stepan Fetchit (1) "His Exciting1 Night" (2) v"Exposed" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "THE CITADEL" Guests were: Mrs. Virginia Thorn-,. Mrs. Albert Krause, daughter, Mar- W. Rothermel and Mrs ^ Two Shows Each Night , Continuous Saturday and Sunday as of Woodtock, Mrs. LaVergne A1- ion' Mrs- J - !en of Cary, Mrs. Catherine Keller A > lljert Purvey spent Tuesday at Elof Elgin, Mrs. Ralph Justen, Mrs.!8^"* John Karls, Mrs. Lydia Engeln, Mrs. Charles E. Reed of Oak Park at- Jack McCarroll, Mrs. Albert Justen tended a meeting here Tuesday Mrs. Alvin Baur, Mrs. Kathryn' evenin»- Freund, and Misses Shirley Covalt and Mr* and Mrs. Charles Newman of Arlette Newman. iSlocum's Lake visited his parents, Mr. • • • land Mrs. Linus Newman, Wednesday MISCELLANEOUS SHOWElStiafternoon- Miss Evelyn Karls, who is to be- Mr' and Mrs" Charles Stoffel, Mrs. come the bride of Dr. L. B. Murphy, |Kate Stoffel and Mrs. John King call- Jr., January 28, was guest of honor ed on ^rs" Anna. Bugner at Johnsat a miscellaneous shower given by: Sunday evening. Mrs. Lydia Engeln of McHenry and • Mr" and Mrs> Charles Stoffel of Mil- Mrs. Virginia Thomas of Woodstock waukee' Wis-* vfs,'ted his mother, Mrs. at Niesen's Cafe last Thursday even- Stoffel, Sunday, ing. Approximately fifty guests were ' a ®fr8, Joe Weber sPent Fri" in attendance. |day in Chicago. i Airplane bunco furnished enter-' Mr" and Mrs" Geor^e Johnson spent tainment for the evening, with prizes ^6 weeke"d,with Mr- and Mrs- A- K won by Miss Jane Heimer, Mrs. Leo ^ k Pa1*- . , Winkel, Miss Marie Vales, Miss An-1 _Re[atlv®s here have received word na Anderson and Mrs. Helen McCar-i u-l death ^^lat Millenbach, roll. j which occurred Sunday morning at After a.delicious lunch, Miss Karls!J°J^S^Upg'jt'S"* . .! was presented with a gift and songs l 1? »«§ Chicago is i were sung spending th^veek in McHenry as the! Out of'town were: Mr, Engsh, Harriet Hironimu, of Volo, Mrs. I. N' B"'of Ch'c"«° a Murphy Sr., of Chicago ,„d Mr, Sr^hT^rl."' ^ Virginia •, Thomas and Sutton of-WoodstOclti Miss Eleanor WOODSTOCK O. E. S. The regular meeting of the Eastern Star was held Monday evening, at which time plans were made for a public card party to be held at the Homestead Tea Room in the near future. XL I Theatre Woodstock FRIDAY Boris Karloff |'ME. WONG, DETECTIVE' SATURDAY --- Continuous Two Big Features! I "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" • 1 . • Plus Roy Rogers ---- "UNDER WESTERN STARS" Also--"Dick Tracy" Chap. 2 I SUNDAY AND MONDAY Another Mickey Rooney Hit as great as "Boy's Town" or the Hardy Pictures A COUPLE OF MUGS YOU'LL LOVE! < ' MotKH Pictures Hre Yout Best Entertainment! Added Popeye Cartoon and Special Subjects 10c TUESDAY 15c "ILLEGAL TRAFFIC' PLUS 75 BIG REASONS L|ppNESDAY AND THURSDAY SPECIAL! V Young Qujen of Screen! | Shirley Tempi# ; - ' -- >n -- *MtTST AROUND THE ^ CORNER" I With Bill Robinson -- Joan Davis See All The Big Hit Pictures at the Miller Miss Susan Nimsgern-of- EvanstOn spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson,1 Miss Maud Granger and Mr. and Mrs ; Henry Stephenson of Ringwood visited at Rockford Sunday. , Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen Sunday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. John Young and A Memoriam was read in honor of j R" 1 S£rin« Grov^. ^ [ the past Worthy Grand Patron, Broth-'m " Wm A A ' er Samuel Melvin Fitch, prUinent^l- v ^ n Masonic and Eastern Star circles, T StiHiW VmcH^tv who died recently. ! Ali^ ^ McHeirr^ A social hour followed, during which ' °f C.htca^° 8pent Chinese Checkers was af^r ^Jrt Vafel ^ "d Elgin, parents of Rev. Fr. Paul Tuch-i tJ " fSeth"' MddHenry' 'tbr"ted thelriw«^ndta McHenry ^ """" tl,C fortieth wedding anniversary at a: Mrs Niok PVai,»iH , ! Sunday Afternoon.h6l<1 ^ ' cSgT W^6 d ^ " empIoyed in McHenry; Rev. Fr. John TuchlinSky ML R^f .v : of Freeport, Mrs. Walter Amfaldern I wKh M« ^ ^ of Chicago and Herbert Tuchlinsky of Sbarf^ ^ at Elgin, and their families. Eleanor i Mi«« , : and Robert AAf.ldern, grsidchildrm.! WoJ^k hosDSfU?*, Tf , were also present, as were Mrs. Tu«h-:wi°hlh« LIS M~^tn„. I linsky's Mrs. Johanna Korte of; Mr, Ge0r^^*1..XSeTtt' 5SJ3 rl funeral of a cou,i„y Mr,. Arthur Clothier of Chicago. ^ ISimes, at Hebron Monday. ! PRF \'T'PTT a i sunu'Vo !Tr Gene ,Sayler- who is attending the MiJ SH°^5^. . ' University of Illinois Dental school at Miss Lucille Adams of Spring Chicago, sp^nt Sunday with his pa-- Grove, who was married to Alfred ents, Mr. and Mrs. J N Savle. Freund of McHenry Weonesday, was; Mrs. C. H. Duker and Mrs Geor. < guest of honor at a miscellaneous; Lindsay.m-re Elgin visitors 'Tueadav shower given by the members of the. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith enlYounK" Ladies Sodality of St. Peter's .tertained members of the Smith fainchurch at the home of her parents ai.ily Sunday. Spring Grove Sunday afternoon. , j Mrs. W. B. Tonyan spent a few Bunco furnished entertainment for days last week in Chicago, the afternoon and prizes w<*re won by' ' Mrs. Simor Stoffel and daughter Mrs. Henry Adams and Miss Lucille Miss Clara Stoffel, spent Monday in Her pott. Lunch was served and the Chicago. ;truest of honor was presented with, Miss Eleanor Althoff, student nur<, many beautiful gifts. at *St. Therose hospital, Waukeg.u, v rnV r i r " ! W e r e : M r s- 8 p e n t t h e w e e k e n d a t h e r home h e r , Nick Huff of Richmond, Miss Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Gao. P. Freund and Britz of Fox Lake and Misses Lucille family and Mrs. Anna Meyer visits! GeraldirettFe and,Leo Meyer at St. Therese hospital at Geraldine Engels, Viola Widhalm,; Waukegan Wednesday evening Lorraine May Martha May and Lu- j Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thfmas of Adams of Grove- !Forest Park are visiting her moth ., SILVER WEDDING . I"™' ^ Ga"a- 'Thursday) Ifa. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund cete-j Dlseorered TmHmHm slr^^ r) SilVT€r wedding anniver-1 Edward Jenner, the discoverer of A urday> January 7, beginninn: vaccination, waS a musician and he day with attendance at Mass at 1 poet as well as a physician. Hot Sprints N^ar Pdar There are hot springs near the Polar circle. Henry Stadtfield of Waukegan, brother of Mrs. Peter Diedrich, is seriously ilK* at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler is' confined to bed at her home because of^fftrre;£- Herman. Kreutzer, Sr., Is a patient at the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan. ; Mrs. Lydia Beerbaum is confined to bed at her home because of illness. Miss Isabella Simon, who has been ill for several weeks, is improving. Kenneth Freund, 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund of Spring Grove, is at St. ThereiSe hospital at WJaukegan suffering from a broken Jeg. It will be necessary for him to remain there several weeks. Mrs. A. Himler, is ill at tile home of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd E. Covalt, Sr. The condition of Mrs. Anna Bugner, who has been seriously ill at her home at Johnsburg, is somewhat improved. Mrs. Etta Cooney, patient at'the Wbodstock hospital, is reported to be on the gain; Miss Ellen Baker is absent from her wbrk at the McHenry . Cleaners and Dyers, suffering from several broken rib. sustained in a fall about two weeks ago. Miss Helen Schneider, who has been confined to her home with illness since Sept. 1, is much improved, although she is still under doctor's care. Uncle Eben Saying "Money," said Uncle Eben, "ha* wings, an' it depends on circumstances whether It acts like an eagle or a goose." <r Tfcnradny, Jantuoy 12, l MRS. ROBERT SNYDER Miss Viola Freund of Johnsburg was j 4 at St. John's church. They are makmarrfed to Robert Snyder January | ing their home at Baltimore, Md. BOLGER Specials For Friday and Saturday Tooth Paste 60c Zonite Antiseptic 47^ 60c Minit Rub 494 75c Listerine 59^ 60c Syrup of Figs 43# 60< , ALKA* SELTZERl {l.OO Drene Shampoo 69# 60c Fas teeth 49# 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste 39# 50c Ipana 39# ^OVALTINE V HCAU-Th R71 ' DRINK mi L^CIDINE POWDER W 75< rrw / ^ sue 50c Writing Paper ... 33# $150 Official Boy Scout 89# $1.19 Alarm Clock 98# IS the, throat Sore? Try Antiseptic No. 59, a product of Mo»- ! ^ IKeeoon & . .--- who for over a eem» tary have isrved the public healtifc throogh phyairmnr and druggists. McKtssoift AN1LSEE.TIC ^fULL PINT BOTTLE • FULL STRENGTH sorrsENuisior J U.tO I SIZE 94< PETROLAGAR *1.25 Silt 69* FEENAMINT IS* SIZE I9< KLEENEX EOTEX 200's for 38# 2 Boxes 39# ICE CREAM This Week's Special !L LEMON ICE NEW YORK LemoiT Ice adds zest to smooth, delicately flavored Qaptimdl and rich, goldei), v¥q«k iee cream. A. tftst^three-teyer-briek! ^ VALENTINES -THE MOST O&MPLETE STOCKPrices Range from to 50# HOSTESS PLAYING CARDS ------ Regular Price -- 29# per deck------- SPECIAL % Decks only 39c Now a Quick and Easy Shayil •GILLETTE BLADES at y2 Price!--= . . The nevir thin Q-ilette Blade has edges of an improved type honed on easy flexing steel hard enough to cut glass. You get refreshing, long-lasting shaves at a hig saving in coat. 4 for 10# v^gfor 19# HUNTER'S KNIVES ^ 3-inch Blade 29# J Palmolive Soap, 6 for Recipe Files : 25c Listerine Tooth Paste, 2 tubes . 10c Turns, 3 for" ; ' ' - 50c Tek Brooth Brushes, 2 for 1-lb. Hospital Cotton JJpjohn Super D Cod Liver Oil 75c Noxema Cream " ^ Dyan Shine Shoe Polish ^-gallon Johnson's Glo-Coat 50c Mennen Baby Oil $1.00 Ironized Yeast Gillette Thin Blades $1.00 Mar-o-Oil Shampoo Limit one 25c Carter's Liver PiUa Umit oat 8 for 25# 39# . 26# - 25# ~ 51c 29# $1.19 59# 19# '.$1.98 39# 79# 19# Nislol Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder 50c size, limit one 26# 5-lb. bag Epsom Salts 19# Halbut Liver Oil Capsules Box of 50 49# Pt. Rubbing Alcohol 12# rwtfim toouvue ^ OIL JjLJk rtrAH/r* rtsreo l/y\ P,HT 4% 25c Feenamint ... 19# Halbut Liver Oil Capsules Box of 250 1..^. $1.98 50c Yeast Foaih Tablets 43# Vablum BABY FOOD 8-oz. Citrates and Carbonates 49# Dextri Maltose T 63# $1.50 Alpen Krauter 99# Bayer Aspirin, 100's 59^ McKessons BRUSH L€SS SHAVinC CftEAm For Tough Beards and Tender Skin Ohrss a •mooth effortleM ihm. Nat grassy fr aticky. Will not clog th« tsaor. Mad* for am wh« qfndMt amoi^afa.