Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1939, p. 6

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Vagi it* .*f •; • -t *vs iV;|4i mmmiig mmm THE McHSNB7 PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 12,1939 Boat That Goes Forward by Going Round £ An uncommon water transport is this boat used in parts of India. ll Is called the coracle. It is made of wicker baskets covered with waterproof ox hide. As it goes around, it goes forward. * Hobo Prince Deserts the Jungles SLocumrs LAKE The court of Hobodom added another title to its list of royalty in the person of "Skeets" Simmons, who calls himself the "Prince of Hoboes." After & years of traveling via freight cars, "Hobo" Simmons has abandoned the tried and true transportation methods of his subjects, preferring to see America in a "tin lizzie" of ancient vintage. Simmons, who is making a tour of the country, which he has already traversed to the tone of 175,000 miles, is financing his venture by selling the "Hobo News," official organ of the itinerant workers' fraternity. Wagneivw< Sunday guests at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Obenauf. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were callers at Ringwood last Wednesday. k Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and daughter of Wauconda spent Sunday at the home of Miss Orissa Brown at Wauconda. Harry Matthews attended an allday meeting of the Lake County Farm Bureau at Farmer's Hall, Grayslake, last Thursday. ***•• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Wil* lard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping attended the 'Old Time Dance' at Libertyville Saturday evening. Herman Christian and Arthur Seiner of "Oak Park were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Rourid Lake, were Sunday and Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Byron De Forest of Chicago spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. <J. J. Burnett. . •• Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgj-en spent Saturday at the heme of Mr.'and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. H . W. Hensel returned "to the home of Mr., and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Saturday after spending the week at the home of a sister in Chicagio. . Mr. and Mrs. Jqhrtj Blomgren spent last Monday at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Peter Anderson at Cray. Willard Darrell and A. D. Smith of Libertyville attended a one o'clock banquet sponsored by the Illinois Farm Supply Co., at Urbana Monday. Mrs. Selma Spoor and daughter of Geneva and Mrj and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mr£ G. J. Burnett. ^ Mrs, Celia Dowell and daughter, Jennie, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg at Diamond Lake. Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Turner at Waukegan. Mrs. Marlette Hefrry and son, Marlette, and Mrs.- VanDeusen spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm Foss at Davis Lake. Mrs. VanDeusen is spending this week visiting friends in Chicago. Need Rubber Stamps ? Order at The I Plaindealer. Butter Cookies Sparkle for Festivities Wh' DELECTABLE and fragile cookies shaped like the stars of the Milky Way add a sophisticated touch to any festive occasion. As much , fun to make as they are to serve, butter cookies solve the problem of the hostess anxious to entertain her guests graciously and econpmically. Practically all home-made cookies can be developed from a simple basic recipe. Butter gives a distinctive taste and nutritive quality which can be obtained in no other -*ay. ""he foundation recipe for all butter cookies is given below; , 134 cups flour cup granulated I tsp. baking «ugar powder > I CBS M tsp. salt 14 tsp. vanilla % cup butteff I tbsps. milk Cookies may be shaped in: various ways--there are rolled cookies, drop cookies, sliced or ice-box cookies and cookies which are spread in a pan and cut after baking. The flavor may be varied by the addition of chocolate or other flavorings and all sorts of decorations can be applied with nuts or candied fruits to add flavor The pastry tube can be ssed to add delicate trimmings.; Good cookie makers know that it j eertain rules are followed they aresure to have a good product. Cream ^ batter thoroughly before adding j other ingredients: have ingredients\ cold and combine them quickly ; chili \ the dough for at least V4 hour before* rolling It; work with about % «t; the dough at a time and on a cold; board with little flour; dip cookie cutter in flour each time before! using and deposit cookie on bakingsheet. Bake in a fairly hot oven on. a lightly buttered baking sheet, ' Here's a Glimpse of 'The World of Tomorrow' -I >• Items « MmnI Mm Tfm *• Files st ** of Teen A#s„ Peter Engeln and family are now occupying the Simon Stoffel cottage wi Main street, having moved therein, last week. John J.' Buch, the hustling proprietor of Buch's summer, resort ir building a pew addition to hia hotel M. Weber and Son are doing the work Joseph J. Frett of Chicago has purchased of John J. Buch the old Stegemann house and properly just opposite St. Mary's church. -TWENTY TEARS AGO SIXTY YEARS AGO The thin coat of snow which covered the surface of the ice failed to hinder lovers of the Bport from enjoying the skating on the mill pond during the past week. ' C. P. Waite, leader of the McHenry The/season's first sleighing is now Cornet band, has been engaged as (being enjoyed by many- ^ teacher of the new Jdhnsburgh band.| Private Leo J. Stilling who dunng _ . , . ! the past several months has been at- The ice men a e , ... tending a 'military school of training M the Pond and by next week will, st 1[pkul h£ hundred men. The ice is reported as Honorable &.» tt. «r«c. nine inches thick. j and returned to his home here last Just received a new stock of mil- j Mrs m Wienke and son have linery in all the stylish shades in taken up their home at Woodevery grade of, straw, felt, velvet. gafter spending some time in the Beavers in hats and bonnets. Every- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. thing in plush velvet, satms, silks, John H. Kennebeck. plumes, wings, ornaments-etc., at the, Miss Lniian Neiss is a new employe very lowest figures for cash, for the ^j. McHenry post oifice taking up next twenty days. 'her duties this week. People who go to Woodstock and . Our thermometers registered all the take their meals at'the Waverly, will way from eighteen to twenty-three be furnished stable roohv for horses, j5ero last Saturday morning, the free, . v'^ .lowest':that they"have beeii this .win- Isaac* Wentworth is1 now • the .night watchman at the pickle factory. The new boiler at St. Mary's church Wood is now sold at a lower price. wag started last week and is working in this village than for many years, j splendidly. The boiler now supplies Good dry-wood can now be bought at heat for the school as well as the CAMP - FIRE MUSINGS 'f. By Jack Hoag DON'T SLEEP WHEN GAS PRESSES HEART If you can't eat or sleep because gas bloats yon up try Adlerika. One dose usually relieves stomach gas pressing I'd give one l&ndred dollars to^^!®!^ 1^!5iJa_!?,eans otlt B0TB catch a good musky!" now often we have heard a wealthy sportsman make that remark, and some of them actually meant' it . The musky has been more talked about, and written about, j upper and lower bowels, j At All Leading Druggists $3.00 and $3.50 per cord. The week of prayer is being obchurch. The poles and wires, owned by the served by the Methodist society, in McHenry County Tel. Co., which at this village. Services are held at the one time operated an exchange in this church evesy evening at 7% o clock. I village, are being taken down by'a The weather of the last few days gang Df workmen, who will remov« has been extrenjely tough on house |every pole owtled hy them in the Mc. plants and many choice ones have; Henry county exchange. fallen victims to the withering touch of Jack Frost. „ DEBUNKER By John Harrey Furbay, Ph.D. Copyright by Public Lidgtr, Inc. than any other fresh water fish. He is a game fighter, but we sometimes think that he is a bit overated. Bass and trout are much smaller fish but they are capable of a lot of action and we've often wondered what would have happened if the four pound bass we had just caught had weighed twenty pounds. Such a bass would be in the musky class and how the fight he would make would compare with that of a musky of equal size no one can say. . The musky has done a lot to £arn his well established reputation as a fighter. Sometimes you hook and land one easily, but usually you earn your fish, and this is a story of a musky that was earned. ; The day was cold, and raw, and dreary. Eleven-year-old Bob and the writer decided to have one more day's fishing before we closed the season. We both had on heavy sheep-skin lin ed winter coats Try Our Exclusive Scissor Razor Wave witii Shampoo and Hairdress $1.50 STOMPANATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. Phone 150 X-Kij J m. L. B. MURPHY • ^ DENTIST 1 Office Honrs -- 9 a.m. to 9 p. •. Rivwside Drive -- McHenry, IlL DR. CL KELLER -- Optometrist -- Our capfe were pull-; Is' Bttw permanently located hi Me*; ed down over our ears and we had j Henry at his summt r home Riverour mittens on. side Drive. Forty-six years experience We put the Mead kayak in the wat-! testing eyes and making glasses. FIFTY YEARS AGO Chas. Guerin, of Chelsea, Mich., with his family, have taken up their residence in this village. Mr. Guerin is said to be an experienced butter maker, and will probably engage in that business here as soon as a favorable opportunity olfers. Remember the lecture at the new City hall, this Wednesday evening by J. S. Cantwell, D. D. Subject, "Mary Queen of Scots." The later part of last week the mercury crawled down uncomfortably near to zero, being the coldest days we have had this winter. New goods this week, in embroideries, ribbons, velvets, calicos, ginghams, towels, bed-spreads and white goods. All wool dress goodg, bustles and handkerchiefs at the Ladies Salesrooms. We learn that the wife of Mosely Buckland died at Lake Geneva, Wis., Monday morning. They formerly resided in this village. Remember the New England dinner, at the City Hall, on Tuesday evening next. The Good Templars have just purchased one of the celebrated Estey organs, of O. W. Owen, the agent ia this village. IT IS MOT HARMFUL TO BATHE IN COLO WATER. WHEN YOU ARE HOT. £ FORTY YEARS AGO C. T. Eldredge shipped a car of i hogs on Tuesday and Frank Wattles a mixed car of hogs and cattle. Robert Sutton and wife, who live | southeast of this village, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on] December 26. We understand that Brand and Son are to enlarge their Ice house, at Mc- Collum's lake, and that work will be commenced on the same at once. The congregation of St. Mary's church in this village, have decided to hold their Fair from February 5 to 13, inclusive. It will be held in the new church, which it is . expected will be in readiness by. that time. A. L. House has commenced the erection of a new ice house, near his residence up the river. He will build one large enough to supply very family in town the coming season. Frank Barbian, of Elgin, came up on Friday night to attend the New Year's party, and remained here vis- Medical authorities state that there is no reason why people should not enter the water when they are hot. In Turkish baths, the usual practice is to go from a hot bath into a cold one. The body is in better condition for cold bathing when it is hot than when cooling off or cold, it is asserted. WNU Servic#. That Was Yesterday! By ANNE CAMPBELL There was a dark cloud Across the baffling wv» H; v My heart was heavy, But that was yesterday! The sun arises; Today is here with gifts Of faith and courage. • See how the darkness liftst: ; Upon the highest Branch of the maple tree, A redbird pours out His loving heart to m*l The future beckons^ And sunbeams fleck the way • • • Was I discouraged? Ah, that was yesterday! 1 Copyright.--WNU Sarvlc*. er at Oxbo, Wis., started the Johnson motor and headed down the Flambeau river. Mrs. Hoag and Jack were to meet us at Ladysmith with the car! and we Chugged right along for quite I a few miles before we stopped to fish. I Bob was using a Gephardt solid; stee l r o d , a S h a k e s p e a r e I d e a l r e e l j and a Heddon Vamp-spook plug. The j writer had a tubular steel "Gep" (rod. a Pflueger Supreme reel and a Hed-; don King spoon. We shut off the motor when we came to a likely looking piece of water and drifted along casting to the edge of the weed beds. Bob got two nice bass and we went fishless. The current of the river changed and we rowed while Bob cast. He got another good fish and then we changed places in the boat. Bob wanted me to try the Vamp-spook plug so we picked up his rod and started casting. Then it hapened! A musky hit that plug and in the excitement that followed we forgot everything but that ftsh. There was no excuse for an old bird like the writer forgetting about the rapids, but we did. They say "There's no fool like an old fool" and we were certainly a big one. The first thing we knew Bob gasped "Oh Dad!" and then it was too late. Bob tried to push the boat away from a big boulder with an oar and lost the oar. There we were going like blue blazes with only one oar. The motor was tipped up on the stern of the boat and the water was just dancing right up and down. We passed Bob the rod and tried to guide the boat with an oar over the stern. Some times we did and some times we didn't. Sometimes the boat! turned round and round. It bumped off rocks and missed snags by inches. That kayak sure, could take it! Bob clung to the rod and played the' m u s k y , o r m a y b e t h e m u s k y w a s p l a y - i ing him. We have never been quite sure which way it was. At one time the musky was in one chartnel when we were in the other. Sometimes the fish was under the boat and some times we did not know where it was.! We shipped quite a lot of water and wondered just how long we'd stay1 afloat. We could both swim but who wanted to try it in that fast water. Suddenly there was a heave and a splash and we struck the pool below the rapids, We paddled the water logged boat toward a sand bar and jumped out dragging the half filled boat after us. Bob tried to stand up and fell overboard. We grabbed him by a leg and hauled him ashore where he sputtered and said things like only Bob can. Itl was then we discovered that he still' had hold of the rod. Good Lord! We'd j forgotten that we ever had a fish! WJe took the rod, reeled in the line I and Mr. Musky came along with it. He weighed twe ty-three pounds. j We splashed : shore and* built a fire in a little hollow under the bank. Hung up a blanket to serve as a wind -- Call for Appointment --. All Kinds of Repairs -- TeL 211-R Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door To Hoot Noonan'Si* On U. S. 12 Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders Straightened Sign Painting Track Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL "KENT & COMPANY All Kinds of I N 8 U K A N C 1 Raced with the most reliable Ceapaaies Com la aad talk tt ever "bene MeHeary • Phone 49 VERNON J. KNOX 7---- ATTORNEY AT LAW - Bldg. OFFICE HOURS To--days and Fridays #ther Days by Appoints*--t McHenry - HUnoki S. H. Freuod & Son CONTRACTORS ^ AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experience is at Tour Service in Building ITonr Wants Tateyk««e Ne. >00 Stoffel & Beihanspergir inewanee agents for all elassse eff preeerty in the beet coipsnlse. WEST McHINRY HUNOia week, Judge Garven, of Rockford, presiding. The Chicago Telephonfe company Have a large force of men here now putting in new phones and extending their line lb different parts of the county. : . THIRTY YEARS AGO MONEY TO LOAN SHERIFFS SALE iting friends' until Momla^afternooL I VIRTUE of an Alias Execution break and drjed out our clothes. What E. B Perkins informs us that a li88ue(* out Clerk's Office of the j a mess that kayak was in. There were young lady came to board at his rest-! °f McIJe"ry Cou,nty j"\d fish boxes, lunch, cooking utensils, dence on Saturday morning last. St.ate ,of Jlinois, and to me directed, biankets and extra clothes floating G e n e i s c o r r e s f t O n d i n g l y h a p p y . . W e 1 v v ' h e r e by \ a™ c o m m a n d e d t o m a k e - r o u n d a n d a l l o f t h e m t o d w e t t o u s e .j Smoked. |the amount of R certain judgment re- We cleaned one of Bob's bass% Res-1 The January term of the circuit *e r ntJy ?bt»»ned a/ai,nst J°seP^ J'|cued the frying pan and coffee pot court is in session at Woodstock this Weiler1 favor of Grace M. Carey. and got them on the fire. Then we out of the lands, tenements, goods straightened up the rest of the boat and chattels of the said Joseph J. and sat down to a dinner that was fit ( Weiler, I have levied on the follow- for a king. It's not so bad to look ing property, to-wit: Lot No. 12 of McHenry Country Club second Addition, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 5 of Plats at Page 24. Butter remained firm at 32 cents THEREFOR, According to said in the boat, started our motor and '0i the Elgin board of trade Monday. I command, I shalj erfpose for sale, ' went on down the river. We found Local auto owners took advantage ^ Public Auction, all the ri^ht, title .our .oar stuck in a snag, and the next Of the beautiful day and took a spin and. interest of the above named Jo- time we heard rapids we were ready Tel. 204-M their machines, Sunday. seph J. Weiler in and to the above for them. We shut off the motor, All the village hose carts are now described property, on Friday the 3rd got out the oars and shot the rapids ? _ - . 1 f TT* 1 1AAA _ A. 1A.AA J JL • At_. I have clients who have money tb lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan I^ttioiul Bank Bldg. 4 8. Genesee St., Waukegan, IlL TEL. MAJESTIC 103 A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor VISITORS to the New York World's Fair in 1939 will be given some indication of what "The background, set off "The Road of •Tomorrow," which-climaxes the Exposition building being erected for World of Tomorrow" may look lik^> 'fWd Motor Company at the Fair. The Trylon* and Perlsphere, em- Dor< ^fistrating that the highways of blematic of the Fair's "The World r ture are being built today, of Tomorrow" theme, seen in tlK ^ad of Tomorrow" will carry visitprs up the spiral ramp shownt here and around the facade of the Ford building in Ford, Mercury and Lincoln-Zephyr cars, giving them an excellent view over the grounds and converting the entire building Into a dynamic exhibit. back at but the whole thing was un-1 j necessary. We knew the rapids were there! We'd shot them before in a' canoe! We might have been drowned.. Sure! That's the way most people1 ' , ---- get drowned. Just due to foolishness. Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane After dinner we packed our duffle! Service Road Building-- McHenry, 111. stored on the lower floor of the city day of February, 1939, at 10:00 hall, where they may be found when-. o'clock A. M. at the front door of the ever needed. Courthouse, in the City of Wood- On New Year's day, Philip Meyers, stock, in s&id County. the thirteen year old son of Mr. and Dated at Woodstock, Tllmois, this IJIrs. George Meyers, shot a weasel„6th day of January 1989. Bear Woodland cemetery. I LESTER EDINGER, • The Willing Workers will meet with Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois. Miss Ethel Owen Thursday' afternoon. (Pub. Jan. 12 - 19 - 26) without taking a drop of water in the boat. ! The sun came out and we found Jack and mother waiting for us in the car at Ladysmith. We ate the musky that night and it taste<l good. Did we earnjtt We'll leave it to you to s*y. Read the Want AdS -- AND t-T-RE'S A <5Al_ I HET AT VWCODSTOCK--AMD THAT BLONDES PROM SALEM A-- AMD THIS ONES FROM 'ABlkKfiOOLI BOV / VOU SURE OOT A COLL&CTlOM OF QALS THERE.' •J^EARtKl A GAL'S PICTURE. OK) "TWE BACK OF VOOR WATCJH USED TO MEAM SOMETmue A FEW VEAftS •ACK/ s / PRETT BROTHERS 0ONTRACTOM Centeht, Brick. Plaster an4 Stucco Work s Bnftding, Moving and Raising ;^s.^^lephone 625-11-1 McHENRY, ILL. I2& INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Presenting •• t Reliable Companies WWn yon need insuranc« of any Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. . . HcHonrj 3 Si

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