Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1939, p. 2

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«r MTpr *:• TH» w-inmiiTM Home Bureau News % ersonals Mrs. Clara Greaves Sweeney hi# been appointed to head a committee1 of local citizens- for the purpose of ] -- planning- a Better Homes Campaign in JMrs. Harold Aim of Ctogo spent McHfiiry County. This appointment the weekend with her mother, Mrs. was made from the National Office cf R°y s™'th. Better Homes in America, at Purdue Miss Louise Stilling, student at SLOCUM'S LAKE ^ yt-. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Robert and Lyle Matthews were callers at Barrington Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren. Arthur Wackerow was a caller at Fox River Grove Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond'Lusk and daughter. Betty' Lottr-of Maple Park University, which sponsors each year Lake Forest college, spent the weeka nationwide campaign to stimulate end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. interest in "better housing conditions, (George Stilling. ; ;3. The primary/purpose of the Better _ Mrs. Wm. Spencer Wfc8 a Chicago Homes Campaign is education and the visitor last Thursday. ' program provides a medium of organ- Miss Carmen Freund of Chicago j were Saturday guests at the home of ized effort in non-commercial activi- visited in the home of her parents, Mr nnrl Mrs Tnhn Rlome-ren ties which are related to home and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, over the n momgren. community betterment. By means of weekend. several thousand Better Homes Com- Miss Mary Walsh spent the weekmittees the organization seeks to help end in Waukegan. communities and their families to Misses Lucille and Betty Lou Webmake their homes more fitted for the er visjied relatives at Spring 'Grove art of living and through them dis- Sunday: seminates information;on home own- Mr. and Mrs. Jtalph Schroeder of ership, home finance, - house* design, Chicago spent Sunday here with her construction, equipment, remodeling parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Steffes. * *y • ••£ and reconditioning, home furnishing, Mrs. Edith Hayes returned home "'v' home management, family i elation- Saturday evening After a few days' '~yV- ships ancf many other allied subjects, visit in Chicago. In the past, many civic and social Mr. and Mrs. Edward "Kenneally* ' - . organizations haye yoluntarily assist- James Kennpally,- Mr. and • Mrs., -Rich-cold. ed the Better Homes Committees withaifd Kenneally and daughter, Marie, ] Mrs. Celia D<)Well and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Lake, spent - Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and daughter, Ileene, of Wauconda visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.1 Cook, here. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Forest Paries were afternoon and supper guests last Wednesday at the home of, Mr. and Mrs., Harry Matthews. , Merle DOwell has been conftried to hi| bed the past six days with a very RINGWOOD Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin entertained the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Lake Villa spent Wednesday in the George Young home. ° ^ The Home Circle wal entertained in the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley on Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. C. J. Jepson, Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mrs. Hawley. In the afternoon, a program in charge of Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. S. W. Smith was enjoyed. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clans, Larson. • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters entertained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening, • ' ; Clubs. Men V Clubs and other similar Earl Brown attended the funeral of' <j. J." Burnett last Thursday ;: " groups have contributed to the public Mrs. Fred Keyes held at the Peters j Otis Phillips was a recent visitor at gfcod out of their own experience and funeral home at Algonquin Monday!the home of Mr. and Mrs. E<1 Johnskill in the'field of housing. Such or- afternoon. - I son on the "Plats." "*f ganized effort, put forth in a coljec- Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and, Mr. and mrs> Harry Raeburg and tive way, has produced constructive little son of Chicago, who^ spent the | little son of Diamond Lake were Sunresults in Better Homes Campaigns past three weeks in the J. M. Phalin jgy afternoon and supper guests at since 1922. - home while Mr. Mahoney was enmlo; In last year's campaign 2,605,863 at Lake, returned to their people in 7,539 communities, partici- "°™e in Chicago Sunday evening: pa ted in ' projects of demonstration George Meyers, Sr., is spending the houses. Better homes tours, Home In-' W1"ter in Chicago with relatives. formation Centers, lecture programs. .r" an(l ^ls' ra?]^ Flaherty of radio broadcasts, exhibits, home, yard Elgin \isited M*s. Mary O Flaherty and garden improvement project?, Saturday. ^ ^ food, clothir.g, essay and poster con- Sunday guests m the J. M. Phalin tests and community clean-up cam- w55.e: u ,^rs- ; Waukegan, Sunday afternoon paigns. Such extensive participation ."® in' Mls® a , i Orval Granger and Miss Lillian has lifted the sense of public and in- n Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Schauble of Woodstock visited at the dividual responsibility 4n the commun- Harold Phalin and daughter, Monica ;home of Mr and Mrg> w E Brooks ity and has done much to make com- ^nn' °, Graj slake an(i Mr. and Mrs. Sunday afternoon. inanities housing conscious. ' James Mahoney and son of Chicago. Better Homes Week will occur this year from April 30th to May 6th. The ~~~ Better Homes Committee for McHen- LILY LAKE ry county is planning a practical ob* : - .' • . servance of the week and will sponsor educational programs in keeping with Visitors at the home of Mr. and ; f*ter spendingten days with friends the purposes of the organization. Mrs. Wilbert Swanson Sunday were Chicago. * . . ---- Mr, and Mrs. William Bender and' Ge0- Schneider, Walter Smith and The Giansanti baseball team of son Gf Chicago. j Tony Shrabejas of Chicago spent Sat- . Hartford, Conn., which plays leading and Mrs. Martin of Chicago urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mrs. Celia Dowell. ster Biers and Mr. B. James of rtyville were Sunday afternoon guests of Elmer Esping. Joseph Hobson of Island Lake Road spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Chesney Brooks attended an Epworth League Meeting at Yorkhouse, Miss Helen Lawless and Peter Jacobs of Chicago were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. » Mrs. Vaji Deusen returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuesday Marlett Henry. They enjoyed fishing through the ice on Slocum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mr. destroyed the barn on the farm of Thomas Livingston near Seaforth, Minn. PAY NO MORE! semi-pro teams in that state, consists spent Sunday at their cottage exclusively tof the nine Giansainti After spending a week at the home brothers. . of her daughter, Mrs. J. Boyko, Mrs. Rollin returned to her^^ home, in Mil-;an^ Mrs. Elmer Esping, Willard Dar- Fighting'With a eatj a dog upset a waukee. rell and Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry lighted lantern that set fire to and an(j Jfrs. Lannes of Chicago < attended the "Old Tyme Dance" at the spent the weekend at their cottage. American Legion Hall at Libertyville Mrs. Lavin of Chicago spent Satur- Saturday evening. day and Sunday at Lily Lake. m. j Wagner spent last Mrs. J. Boyko of Chicago spent the Thurs«ay afternoon at the home of weekend at her home at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Chicago visited the home of Dr. and Mrs. Kreger over the weekend. Christine Wegener and friend, Cla^a Redmond, of Chicago visited the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sarley of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly of Grayslake, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank and daughters, Dorothy and Prizes were awarded to Mrs. B. T. Butler and F. A. Hitchens and Mrs. Hitchens and B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty were Elgin visitors Friday aftemoo'n, The Home Circle and their families held a pot-luck supper ih the Royal Blue Hall Friday evening. The purpose of the get-together was to discuss the raising of funds for a new community hall. Kenneth Cristy and a group of helper? have been looking over several places but it was recommended to build a ntew hall on the site where the old Woodman Hall stood. The next thing is to get the funds. Several committees hare been appointed to go around and see the people of the community and see what can be done. Among tho9e from here to go to Waukegan Saturday to help Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Walker celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary were Charles Krohn and daughters, Marion, Ethel and Lois and Mrs. Glenn Benoy, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and daughter, Edith Pearl, and sons, Clarence and Loren, Walter and Leonard Krohn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant and daughters, Rita Mae and Audrey. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson announce the arrival of a son Sunday ^morning, January 15. The Sewing Circle will meet With Mrs. Remer Friday, January 20. > Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mrs. (Viola Low and sons spent Sunday in the Elmer Olson home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young of McHenry were visitors in the George Young home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe attended the wedding of the latter's sister, Hazel Shales, and Maynard Stohlquist at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.( Roy Wiedrich and son spent Sunday afternoon jvith her par ents at Richmond. . Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Thursday evening in the" Peter A. Freund home near McHenry. , Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent Saturday evening in the Harry Alexander home at Hebron. . Roger Collins spent* Sunday 'tfth friends at May wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison" and family of Round Lake were Sunday dinner guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Kirk Harrison of Davenport, Iowa, spent Monday night told Friday night in the J. C. Pearson hom?. Will Beatty spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mrsy Frank Johnson and daughter, Janet, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrjch, Jr. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crys tal Lake was a supper guest in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Sunday. P. N. Muzzy, Bernice Smith and; Mrs. J. C.' Pearson attended a teacher's meeting at McHenry Friday af temoon. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Sun day night and Monday morning^ with1 their daughter aind family at Kenosha Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgern of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Thursday with friends in Elgin, Mrs. Tena Carlson of Chicago spent the weekend with her sister, Mr.s L Hawley. She expects to leave for California this week to make her home. Mr. ^nd Mrs. Roland McCannon and lamily of |Alfconqum and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Miss Phyllis McCannon remained *6r a week's visit. Mrs H. C. Hughes and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake attended Home Circle in the Louis Hawley home on Wednesday. The Young Adults group were entertained in the home of Dora Anderson Wednesday evening. A business meeting was (^onducted and officers as foMows were elected for the coming year: President, Kenneth Cristy, Jr.; Howard Shepard, vice-president; Dora Anderson, secretary and treasurer; Loren McCannon and Ethel Krohn, cheer leaders. Lonnie and Lois Marie Ruehlman returned home Saturday after spending the past two weeks in Chicago with their grandparents; A man rated before the operation as "bright" had the left frontal lobe of his brain removed and now is classed by phychologists as "gifted." t Thmisy, Jaaxury4t," 1939 FINDING PICTURES Winter is full of pictures -Indoors and out---that you should be capturing - n o w . one is taking pictures--In the winter or any . other time-- there are just three things to seek. They are: interesting subjects, or Interesting occurrences, or inter-. «sting effects of light Any of these--or all together-- 1H11 yield good pictures, and you can flnd them almost anywhere. - At random, I have set down a list of winter picture ideas--just suggestions to set your imagination /working. Load up your camera, try them--and I'll hazard the guess that you can turn out dozens of good pictures in the next few days. First, snow pictures. Can you picture the sparkle of sunlight, falling across new snow? Curious shapes - jt>f snow in drifts, on trees, on shrubs and fences. Children sledding, or throwing snowballs? Shadow patterns on the snow? Neighbors shoveling snow from the house walk? A horse-drawn sleigh? Tracks of people, or birds, or rabbits, in the snow? Snow falling, soft and white, outtide your window? Paths beateft to barn or garage? Birds in the snow, pecking at crumbs? All these will make good pictures. Then, cold weather. Can you put cold into a picture--so that tbiftviewer feels it? How about a pi0» ture of an old horse, nuzzling frozen-over water trough? Iciclet hanging from a faucet or pump, spout? Frost on the kitchen window' . pane? Passersby, bending into thA wind, snuggled deep into the collaE#' i of their overcoats? Someone scafc, tering cinders on an icy pavementf A small boy, rubbing his frosty ear*. with mittened hands? An old automobile with radiator spouting steam? A Stretch of open countrif • with snow clouds dark above itf These are good pictures--they tell the story of winter. „ Again, indoors. Warm pictures, to Contrast with the cold outside. HaVf you tried fireside pictures? Pictures of the family toasting marshmak lows, or telling stories before tht fire? Reading, under the warm glow of a lamp? These are good--and easy to make, with fast X-type film ' and two or three photo bulbs. Pictures such as these are interesting because they tell a story. They have "something to say." And they are the snapshots you should be getting now. John ran Guilder > A bandit walked into a loan office in Omaha and ordered J. T. Zimmerman to turn over the cash. Zimmerman produced $100. "If that's all you've got, I can't mess with it," sneered the bandit, walking away. Boyd 'Burke, 22, lived with two wives in a singly apartment in San Jos#, Calif., until police discovered the situation. Burke states that both wives were- satisfied with the arrangement. •niUERSRL CREDIT compnnv| auchonT her mother, Mrs| Mary Obenauf, at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner were Sunday dinner and afternoon guestf at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner at Grayslake. VOLO CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer . Having rented my farm, I will sell Ruzha at Public Auction on the late John Shirley, of Cicero. M. Schmitt farm, 1 mile north of Mr. and Mrs. George Mackfey of Johnsburg, 4 miles south of Spring Chicago spent Saturday at their cot- Grove, and 4% miles northeast of Mc- tage. Henry on -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klabough of THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 , Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Beginning at 12 o'clock sharp, the Mrs. Thomas Klabough Sunday, following described property, to-wit: 48 -- Head of Livestock -- 48 ; =5 19 Head Milk Cows--5 close Spring- McCULLOM LAKE ers and some fresh; Bull, 15 months; 'r 5 -heifers, •• * ' ' ~ 9 Head of Horses--Black Mare, 11 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Huska of Mcyears, wt. 1450; Black Mare, II yr$„, Collum Lake spent Thursday in Ohiwt. 1400; Black Gelding, 3 years, wt. cago. 1200; Black Gelding, 5 years, wt. Mrs. William Staines of Richmond 1400; Black Gelding, .7 years, wt. spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. A. Schaef- 1500; Bay Gliding, IS fears, wt. 1400;, er of McCollum.Lake. Bay Mare, coming 3 in July; Bay Colt, Mrs. Peter Hauser of Chicago who 18 months; Black Colt, 6 months. spent a week at her cottage at Mc- } ,5 Brood Sows--9 feeding Pigs. . |CSollum Lake, is leaving for Chicago. * 75 Chickens. '•! Mrs. L. Bennett and son of McCol- About 25 tons of Cl&ver and Tim- lum Lake spent Thursday at Woodothy Hay in barn; Some cut Com stock. Fodder; 20 ft. Silage in 14-ft. silo; Mrs. L. Bennett and son of Mc- About 38 tons of Ear Corn ,in crib; Collum '.La^ce were visitors at the Henry Stoffel visited his brother, Nick Stoffel, at Humphrey, Nebraska^ the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Powers and daughter, Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pringle and son of Harvey, 111., Miss Mabel Wilson o£ Mt. Vista, Colorado, George Wilson o? Jamestown, S. D., and Miss Vinnite Bacon spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser an<f son visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner at Slocum's Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley and son of Waujpnda visited Mr. and Mra. Dean Baseley Sunday. " Mrs. A. Eddy and son, Claire, o{ McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of, Graylake, Charles Allen of Elgin, Mr and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Passfield ani| sons were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Henry Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughters spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. 150 bushels of Barley; 175 bushels 'if home of George Hiller at Johnsburg'and Mrs. Charles Rushing at Belvi>» Oats; 65 bushels of Wheat. Thursday. Machinery i ' George Sheriff of Chicago was a McCormick-Deering Little^^ Wonder McCollum Lake caller Friday. 2-bottom Tractor Plow; McCormick-' , Mlss Nellie Crick of McCollum Lake Deering Corn Binder; McCormick 'n a Home Talent Show at Lake Grain Binder; Fairbanks-Morse Trac- Ge^eva- » tor; 32x£4 Case Separator; 16-inch . Mr" and Mrs" Geor£e Oeffling and Papec Silo Filler; Four roll McCorm- family. of Johnsburg spent Sunday ick-Deering Corn Husker, new 8-ft afternoon at the Joe A. Schaefer Tiger Grain Drill; John Deere Corn home at McCollum Lake. Planter; Two sets 3-section Drag; Mr.'.and Mrs. Clarence Feireisel and John Deere Cultipacker; P. & O. Gang ^ of McColluIn Lake spent Saturday Plow; Rock Island Walking Plow, evenin£ with Mr- an<J Mrs. Johii Brzst new; Two Potato Plows-, McCormick- inski of McCollum Lake. Deering Single Row Cultivator; P. ft Langley Bennett of Chicago spent O. Single Row Cultivator; McCormick the weekend witl/his family. Hay Mower; McG^rmick-Deering Side .William Frett of Chicago was a Delivery; McCormick-Deering Hay visitor at McCollum Lake Sunday. Loader ; Rubber Tire Wagon and Hay Mr- and Mrs. George Schubert of Rack; 4-inch Tire Wagon; 3-inch Chicago spent Sunday at their new High Wheel Wagon; Set of Good home at McCollum Lake. Dump Boards; Bob Sled; Surface' Mr- and Mr»- Milton Peter80iv sp«nt Scraper; Road Drag; Triple Wagon Sunday in Chicago Box; Road Drag; Cow Boy Tank _ --; - Heater; Two Wheelbarrows. Before .Justice Harry Mills of Oro- 1923 Dodge Truck; 2 Drive Belts; v'^e' Calif., another Harry stills swore 8 sets of Harness; Post Drill; 1000- ou1, a -warrant charging a third Harlb. Scale; Some Stove Wood; 6 new ^ Mills with breaking into a cabin l«Hk Cans; Pails; Strainer; Solution steaiing blanket®. Tank; Washing Tank; . Cook Stove1 ^ _ and some Furniture. ^ Thomas Jordan of Wandsworth, Tuesday. dere, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family were Waukegan callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda Saturday Joseph Dowell and family of Slocutii Lake spent Thursday evening at th# home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passfieldr Miss Vinnie Bacon was a McHenry caller Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Vasey in Waukegan Wednesday Mrs. M. Grabbe of Crystal Lake spent a few days here with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Vasey; Roland Passfield is ill at this writ* ing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin in Wauconda on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son spent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs. Frank Gould in Libertyville Mrs. Frank Hironimus and Mrs, Frank St. George called at the home of Mrs. Willard Darrell in Wauconda Articles too Numerous to ^""tted he stabbed Mrs. Ellen .Hurley, but said he did it because she »s of Sale {pulled out his false teeth and threw^ sums of $25 or under, Cash..them aWay' that amount, a credit of six! v ~ ~ ~7~* . will be given on good bank- w^*dJubberStamP»? able notes. If credit is desired, make j arrangements with clerk before sale n ', . _ - No property "to be removed until set 1 • Misse-S Bertha and Catherine Hiron tied for with clerk. MRS , West McHenry State Bank, Clerk jonimus, FORTHEIKS/U(£ Let Electricity Serve You These Two Vital Ways! demo^ loot. oCYudrtvg m Herman Dunker was very fortUYiate Saturday in tracking a red fox and the" best of it all, Mr. Dunker captur ed the fox! Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and family of Wauconda spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimo* The Volo 4H Club met at the Wau- „„ w ri , ^ jconda ToWnship High School Wednes- ,r mus' M^srs. Bernard, Frederick andiday evening. LIZABETH SCHMITT S S P undly„af-! ^ Vo,° Sewin« Circle met at ^^ with Mr. and lto. FIank H»|home of Mrs. A. Wegener Monday: afternoon. • For jrour family's lake--don't be without the extra protection that electricity provides. Protection for precious eyesight with lamps that give adequate, soft, glareless light. Protection for youf family's health widi a modern electric refrigerator that keeps foods safer, fresher, free from spoilage--for days longer. Electrically will serve you silently, perfectly, faithfully in both these vital ways .. . at a cost chit's amazingly low! ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE DEALERS AND PUBLIC SERVICE C0MPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS Ttl^boM: fcTital Lake 2S0

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