Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1939, p. 5

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mm Thursday, Ja&unry Id, .1 wm FtjaNinfijdxi Page five ttSO I HEAR" i'i. 'iJ- by ' .-fry'.. v EARL WAtSH 'pioneer in the vacuum business. We're {not so sure that he sold any, but he i blazed the trail for those who followed. ^cHENRY HIGH STARS OF 1918 Matt traded his demonstrator to GiF Burnett for a horse--or somethiri'. --8-- The old machinery was a beauty. We have seen so many basketball It's only fault being that the operator games lately that it's getting us. It's j usually quit pumping the blamed hard work, sitting in the stands pull-1 thing from sheer exhaustion--then ing for your favorites to put just a! took the rug out in the back yard and little more umph in the game. jbea* it! Makes a fellow hark back to the We want to thank Evelyn Anderson for handing in box scores and notes on the Anderson Service games. We haven't heard from our McH^nry Merchants lately, flow y» doin', " days of trying to help a model T take Payne's Hill on high. "That took umph! ' ;~v --n-- ' Up to Richmond last Friday night. J fellows ? Three games. Our high school second team won their game 39 to 28. Then came the Richmond first teamj scrappy little basketball team from and MCHS first team. We won that Huntley. They are still going strong, easily. See box score. Jerry i winning from St. Mary's and extend- - Miller was Heap-Big-Chief-Point-Get- ing Hebron -to a hard finish. The For the' past couple of years, this department has sung praises of that! PLAINDEALER'S COAST 1 REPORTER TAKES IK N MOVIE PREVIEWS UearAbbfe: At last , .. • „ -t< • - iMuri?lil . . , ter. Everybody played in this one, j Huntley team never seems to show v ; Richmond has a husky team that plays1 discouragement. They get beat, but hard, but rtiakes too few points. .keep in the |ight right to the finals" '__ --^ j gun. Sometimes we have wondered \ EL A FIVE IS HOT ON Anderson's Service played the fcanie why they didn't get discouraged. Top Row: Clifford Puncher "Buss, Henry Miller, Alfred Bon&lett. Center Row: Arthur "Babe" Hunter, Len Frett, Carl "Swede" Bickler. Front Row: George "Cutie" Barbian, Charles Frett. ' Maybe being the underdog has help ed Huntley give stronger teams cold chills. That'* sometimes Va;' choice! position. ; night, following the high school game This game was a wow for' action. The ref saw a lot of fouls, but called only a few. He had the right idea for a town team game, but the boys got rouglv Quess he was too good to them. Anderson's Service won. See box score. , ' * -i Sunday night came along--so came thing for our team. We probably have' WALZ MEEK OF ELGIN SHOTS AS THEY TAKE j TAKE OVERTIME GAME LONG END OF 96 POINTS FROM ANDERSON SERVICE SEMESTES~ESj£M9 j ;• AT HIGH SCHOOL Semester exams at the high school today (Thursday) and Friday, probwe struck pay dirt. We ab.,y account .for the pre-occupied took in the pre-view of Jesse .James an<* serious faces of the studat the Chinese theatre and boy was it en | £ honey. Everyone was there or al-^ School children of the nation harmost everyone. Of course you know asse^ with examinations, who fori we been foolin' around with these here >'ears have been trying to solve djf-' pre-view things ever since we came ^ere"t questions in mathematics or out here a month ago and while we *n a certain number of words the have seen some right good ones they causes the Revolutionary war, will seemed to come on bad nights and we happy |to learn that they have, at only got to see two or three biggies ^east. one friend who is a champion at a timft but last night we got the!'0 their cause. ' _ ;.j jack-pot. , . | He is Dr. I. L. Kandel of Columbia This "Jesse James" is one daisy of University, aifthor of a 183-page a picture says we and definitely for s£udy. made public in New York by! your must-see list. The colored shots e Carnegie Foundation for the Ad-' especially, of the moving train were Vancement of Teaching . J so good that the audience cheered. He asserts education is not a pro-1 Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda, Nancy cess of separating pupils into sheep Kelly and Henry Hull handle the leads and goats. Instead, Dr. Kandel bewith a bang and the supporting cast j'eves that education should painlessly is not slouchy either. The story ' is^ °ut what the boy or , girl can do, fine and they really don't try to make' ant* then, as painlessly,, set them upon a hero out of Jesse although a last the task. 'minute vow to go straight just beforei Unfortunately for students in Chihe is killed, by one of his henchmen-ca£°> Dr. Kandel's ideas did not meet i makes you wish they hadn't. . i with, high favor there. Educators who Well I know you are just dying to exPress<^ regard for his profesknow who was there and we are just slonal abl»ties did not agree with hiW busting to tell you^ These preview recommendation regarding examina- NEW £MPIRi p McHENRY, ILLINOIS Sun. Mat. 3 p. m. Continue Two Shows Eafli NightrT Continuous on SundayC FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Wallace Beery -- Mickey Roonej "STABLEMATES" Also--Musical and Sportreii --Special Matinee 1:30 Saturday-- for Schools! SUNDAY -- MONDAY January 22-23 Shirley Temple - Chas. Farrefl Joan Davis - Bill Robinson "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" Also--Mickey Mouse CartboH Edgar Kennedy in "Clean Sfceep** and "Western Welcome" Musical Ela Township High put a much im-f Walz-Meek of Elgin, lead by Con- TbfSe Pre™^ tions proved basketball team o„ our floorlner and Edi^ton, .the "all •too much of bur team in the coming ^Ie* "ore as posted was 54 to time. , . ... * i - The *}»•«* <»r»a'kmK ' « « '!^he old-fashioned essay type. Hebron clash. Maybe that's a good:42- However, the score book shows, One feature of thegame, that was! 1*™?S ,s no*e othey former requires the true -o„ v--~ thing for our team. We probably have10"1? 51 P°,nts for the .visitors. Your interesting to the crowd, waa the "an Joan Crawford in a mink coat answer a basketball game. This was the game expected "too much from the boys this writer is of the opinion that 54 is great dribbling and ball handling ofi " a 6S> ar~ {likely to be only a memory test, while a DasKewiau ^ ^ ^ - right. The margin of victory leaves j Jack Conners. jtin was her escort. Joan i= J ' ****•> wniu- The 6r falst« Its, chief fault is that it is no doubt as to the winner, but some-! In spite of being guarded by So-!eye fuM and from now on we are onjwejj .. student1 JlT i body is being: jryped in the box score. ;kody, former Captain of Marquette, the ^ bandwagron as Crawford fans ' - bW®" were cwrwded plenty' J" of the year. Anderson's Service mex year, the strong Walz-Meek five from Elgin -- It-- and lost" an overtime game. See box You cant win 'em all, fellows, but Reore/ V win this Hebron game. We think you mvx. k , , i . . . . ... -B- can. You have a scoring machine that in a game that might be called queer, j ™nnmjr by scoring 28 points, with | cutest red^ and blue turban with a Hafry'Atutttson really swooped 'em is geared much higher than Hebron's1 Great spurts by both teams had thel^a|e Adams helping along with K ® same co ors over in thatgame - 28 p"oints! five. Coach Crane undoubtedly has alscore either tied or close at intervals.! Edmgton was high man for the Walz- ^shoulder Charles _Boyer and his ,n that game ^ fine bunch of fellows on his teL, but!Ela seemed to have the power to forge Meek making 20 po.nts 00 f The Elgin team was fortiftiw! Mth they are not super men. They are Un-|ahead. They were hot on shots--plen- Next Sunday NITK January 22nd, p P f e us and visited with. _ Mrs Rov uQV. P,e?te y ^ TM. ^Connors W th?t ca„,t J fore_ hot. . _ _ . *> | ^ ^ - SToJK I0e -- TUESDAY -- i The Dionne Quints (1) /'Five of a Kind'^ (2) "While New Yorlc Sleeps" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Fernand- Gravet -- Luise Rainer •THE GREAT WALTZ' jthe Community high school. Residence Changes fellow will do on our all-something team. Wowie! How that boy can carry the mail. --1-- ' ' Some of the crowd left, thinking McHenry had won 42 to 41. That s what the score board showed. Then, You can win this one. one! r-1-- : • Bowline scores next week! Go after this Quite a few questions about Wood- _ stock and Crystal Lake joining a new | hibitior>or'McHenry." not be- » the high school gym when Anderson's Schroeder, One of the most improved Service takes on tho gt John.s of E1. players seen this year dropped in 12 5n ]ead Kogchnick ,and Sokody< baskets, using a one-hand push shot, Remember the date and time, Sun. to great advantage as he tore through1^ nite 8*00 P M. the free throw circle; , * Dukes" Knox put on a pleasing ex- | Walz-Meek -- 52 the scorekeeper's spoiled everythUig. fonference. The idea is to group jcause he scored 2i points, but because Connell'•frs A tie game was determined and a five | schools of equal size. Not a bad idea. he followed the ball like a hawk all Pilcher,' f I minute overtime period announced. Elgin turned on the steam and won. There is no rule preventing these evening. Edington, c Totals schoob from scheduling such teams McHenry trailed by only two points, Conner g " * • ^ HS McH/nry' Hebron and Huntley in 36 to 34i a3 they entered the fourth Sokody, g •That Walz-Meek outfit is good. So non-conference games. " - quarter, but were unable to hold the Gazos. g . is our own team good. Mc enry r B V *. [visitors in check. Ela scored 10 basn't seen a town team like that hi! Now, just who did make that wise-Jkets in the jast quarter. That^s some many moons. It had class. j crack about us writing up the girl's shootin'some shootin'! --II-- j volley ball game the night we lost to - • _1 It looks like the boys have a team the strong Belvidere five? Somebody' Ela54 here that will click with the fans. Said it and others repeated. We'll' PQ :•'There- were fellows out to that game take the blame ourselves if necessary. £-hroeder who hadn't seen a bask»ti»ll »R | Some fun! 'IVtors<«i ' yars and yars. • • • Kniirere 4 " M. C. H. S. HAS EASY TIME Kane .....: 0 FGr .......... 2 .......... 5 10 4 FT 0 0 0 8 e -it- TP 4 10 on his arm. C^arli%: irom one can stand beside us anytime, he's Inat apartments on Elm street to the Mrs. good-looking, and he has that foreign air. Spencer Tracy was in a terrific hurry and it was plain to see that he was John McMahon cottage near the park The Paul Schwermanif family moved from the Henry J. Schaffer residence on Main street, to the John not going to be caught by any auto-!Heimer house on Elm street' Monday, graph hounds Heaven was never likes! „ 1 this. There was Marlene Dietrich inL "*"7 E^frds B.rrmngham Negro, started the New .Year poorly. 24 We saw.Henry Miller and Ray Paige TRIMMING RICHMOND 48*21' Anderson 1 shake their heads a couple of times Gleason 4 when fouls were called. A foul was a rarity in their day. Of course, there, were fouls, but nobody called em. --B -- Clarence Anderson was the victim of a scoring mistake. He went out on Coach Reed's five rolled up 48 points Stilling^ at Richmond last Friday night while Weber-- the opposition scored 21. Jerry Miller Nehmer scored 22 points, enough to win. | The game was close enough for the FT 0 :.?• 0 0 M i: ' And^i-son's Service -- 48 V. Adams, f § PF H. Anderson, f 13 2 3 C. Anderson, c 1 1 1 G. Andc . son, g 1 1 P R. Ferwerda, g ,> .....i 0, 0 0 ,H. Conway, g 0 1 v::/v ----i--- lj . Totals. 21 .. ft -•'%I:•..(Ref^e^'-Koskfr of Todd) GIRL SCOUTS Dietrich in a chic blue dress with a silver iox\^'^^ ine. 'N?^ Jt" P°°rly; 20 jacket and no hat on her honey co]. froll,n^ along with the holiday crowd •ll ored locks. Harold Lloyd with his old-1^ non°haIa^lya loose cigar- 6(est daughter, Gloria, and isn't he the1 ^ P°C^ hght 1 ed. 1 proud papa. Mary Livingston on^^ the!^ T ^,°l '«' ^plosion --' arm of orchestra leader Phil Harris. ^ lowed Henry was taken to 52 Poor Jack is in New York with smup- Tul with second"degree burns. gle trouble. ANP-'-hold y our breath Ji!.1,!"ppbsed ci<farett* was 8 fire" TP girls, I did. Tyrone rawer with th* 1 crac^er' 13 luscious little Annabella. Blonde curls,! 28 black dress and an ermine jacket; we j * ya TWYTT Jk \» 3 don't blame Tyrone a bit for toting- I /\ 1%| I J f\ W l 3 that tempting dish around. Boy, do!V V x 0 the girls go for him. He was nearly 1 mobbed until a few policemen cleared --~ the way. | 48 j0hn Carradine, the narsty villian. Mercerized Prints, yd. iGene Markey, Joan Bennett's exT and,', t ^ tb^ the way. we saw Joan at the pre- j Sanforized Prints, yd. view of "Dramatic School." SPECIALS Totals fouls. One foul chalked against him first quarter. Coach Reed then put Kr^Henry was actually called on his brother, his best scoring combination to work Mil]er Harry. Clarence gives plenty of punch,and that was that! iMevers ..., 42 to his team. Seems to « teal competitive spirit. --J-- • Well, the Anderson Service boys will put on another high class game next Sunday night. Their games are bound to go over big. They aren't picking soft touches. Richmond has a big team and a McAndrews bunch of boys that give their best. gcy,u|z They kept trying in this game--even when the cause was hopeless. Weber McHenry used eleven men during (Freund the game, giving the whole squad, a chance to perform. McHenry 4S More basketball! Ela came to town Tuesday night and beat our highjG. Miller.......... school boys. McHenry scored 42 D. Meyers points. That's enough to win most G. Larkin games, but Ela pushed through a G. Knox grand total of 54 points. Schultz --H-- J. McAndrews Captain Knox was going great. Had | G. Unti his eye on the basket and also played E. Laures a great floor game. N. Freund i J. Larkin ... R. Stilling .. 9 .. 3 .. 1 .. 3 .. 2 .. 2 .. a .. 0 .. 0 . . o- FT 4 1 a l Ot o 0 0 •'X: 0 PF , 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 .„... 28 2 0 4-;' © O* 1 0 u o i u r jj > . . We ^ square Prints, vd ------ (caught P^ulette Goddard at the same * Because of the grand snow that's on place. the ground we postponed Our meeting Jimmy Fidler and Hedtia Hopper, to pass tests Monday and had a regu- those cackling columnists and comlar "snow meeting" on the Golf Course mentators. Nornrian Foster with wife, Hill. , | Sally Blane. Mary Pickford in a cun- But just because we didn't have the ning red velvet hat. Kay Francis ab- 18c 22c 16c Totals 18 ANDERSON'S SERVICE BEATS RICHMOND TO kind of meeting we intended to is no, solutely the most gorgeous creature sign you shouldn't work on your re- alive in a black chiffon and sequin quirements. I understand that your dress with a silver fox jacket. Yes, mothers, the Mothers Club, and the she was with the baron and he was " teachers may all be invited to our in-!sporting a monocle, quite too, too di- ~~ vestiture ceremony this year, so if, vine. 13 you haven't even finished your Ten-| You can imagine that we were derfoot requirements youd'd better get swooning with ecstasy from all the busy or you may be the only scout in j glitter and our poise was utterly shatthe troop that isn't invested. We also tered, but my dears, here's the pay EXTEND WIN STREAK e*Pec' to have quite a few old scouts off. We were crawling through a get second class badges, and some-]lan|e of cars in the parking lot when ! body Totals Richmond --tl It was a hard game and plenty tough on our guards. Some of their trouble can be traced to lack of help from the front line on defense. --8-- More basketball! This is a coming D. Millett event. Hebron's undefeated team will Harms appear on our floor Friday night. J. Brownr --B-- Peterson \ This column has maintained that B. BucheH McHenry is the team to beat Hebron. Richardson We have seen our team slip below ij. Siedschlag early season promise, but still stick to, Winn our guns. ' (Elfers __j|-- Zarnstonf Coach Crank Is in much the same pickle as Coach Reed, having lost all regulars from last year. Reed has one man left over "Cukes" Knox. --I-- We haven't seen Hebron play this year, but from their record naturally surmise that McHenry will be in for a busy evening. -IHad a note from "Sis" Fox down in some town we can't spell. She gets Following the Richmond-McHenry ihigh school basketball games last Friiday night, Anderson Service team exi tended their winning streak by defeat' Jng Richmond town team 52-38. i Vale Adams was high scorer making 20 points, with H. Anderson close-1 19 10 10 FG 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 FT 0 0 1 PF 1 'Totalis 9 3 12 some might even surprise us with we bumped, yes, honest to gosh, bumpsome merit badges. If you want ed right into Henry Fonda. We were either a patrol leader's or corporal's so fussed that we lost our voice, but badge, you'd better notify Miss Fish- then we remembered our manners and er to send for them. (in the best Hollywood tradition said, Now back to the hill. Some of the j "Nice work, fella." He made a little Scouts didn't come with the troop and,bow and said "Thank You." Ah, joy! , , , I were either there before us or came Ah, wilderness, and don't you dare ly guarded, coming through with IS. 1&gging alon? behind. When we got!say. "ah, nerts" -- it was wonderful! h lr t**1 W?o8 m • f1* rm ~e there what did we find but skis and -a i Be sure to add pics "Kentucky" and as e or pomte. ' seven-passenger toboggan both owned "Ferdinand the Bull" to your mustme guarding by Ferwerda ^ and Gervaise Belling. Well everybody see list too, and good-bye now. Well 0 °n^ay ePt the opponents well ,n; wanted to go down qa the toboggan be seeing fot you at the next pre- |)|C e° ' | and at first, sleds weflrehw«i^side and. view. the toboggan was pretty important.) S. T. G. But after while the sleds started go- P. S.--We forgot to add that we ing and sometimes almost went too, caught the pre-view of "Sweethearts" far. If some sleds hadriH b€en st&p- on a very rainy night and we saw Rob ped they would have slid right in the j Thompson's flame, Jeanette McDoncreek., Once the toboggan with no- j aid, with her hubby, Gene Raymond, body on it slid in, and a large group'We can't blame Rob, for she sure is^ went to the rescue. H ja looker. We caught Virginia Bruce, Next week we'll probably have a: Mischa Auer, Frank Morgan and Herregular meeting, so you'd better get; man Bing also at this one. This is ready to pass tests, unless something another super-extra for your list. R. Anderson, : P. Borre, f ..... D. Ehorn, c , The Boy Scout meeting on Monday'Z ^?rn> ® *" evening, January 16, was very lmport- Anderson'a Service -- 52 ... FG 9 • 6 5 0 0 ^jV. Adams, f ...... *|H. Anderson, f JJ|C. Anderson, c ®iH, Conway, g ... R. Ferwerda, g G. Anderson, g . FT 2 3 1 a o o w 20 13 11 8 O 0 Totals ........... Richmond -- 38 22 8 52 % the Plaindealer and offers * kind word to S.I.H. --I-- A lady in Woodstock says, she always reads that " I Hear Say" Col^ umn. , --I-- Ask "Vernie, dear" Harrison to show you that big Valentine that was tacked on the door Tuesday morning when he opened the store. Snappy! See it for yourself. We dont tell everything we hear -- not quite! --I-- We hear that a west side tire dealer is making dog-housea tnesed ays. Guess he has a few friends who need 'em. How much? --I-- That tire dealer -- ant from the standpoint of the McHenry Troop. Shortly after the meet-j ing began we voted on the question' of patrols, with the result that two patrols were formed. Next candidates for the office of Patrol Leaders were named, and Ted Belling and Ed Corey were elected. A Board of Review, whose members included Mr. C. F. Anglese, Mr. T. H. Belling, and Mr. H. B. Schaefer, convened in conjunction with the Scout meeting. Glenn Peterson, Jr., and Bob Hoag qualified for advancement P. Buchert, g FG .. 4 .. 0 ..:#•< .. i „ 2 „ I FT 1 0 3 0 2 0 TP 9 0 19 2 else turns up like it did this week. I We greatly appreciatedwMr. Purvey's permission to use the hill and wish to tell him we had a lot of fun, BONNIE PAGE. Totals 16 5 COUNTY TOURNAMENT WILL BE STAGED AT 3* CRYSTAL LAKE, JAN. 25 COMING EVENTS January 19 Card Tournament--C. D. of A.--Mrs. Marie Vales. Jannary 21' Bakery Sale--Epworth League 'of M. E. Community church. January 23 to Meeting;---O. E. S. S. T. G. Among the Sick Mildred Block, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block of Chicago and granddaughter of Mrs. Minnie Block of McHenry, is recovering from an The annual McHenry County bas- appendicitis operation performed at ketball tournament will get underway ; St. Bernard's hospital at Chicago on January 25 in the Crystal Lake Com- Saturday. Plaid Dress Suiting, yd. ... 25c Boys'32-oz. Melton Jackets ^^..$1.95 Men *g Part Wool Union Suits .... 92c Men's Cotton Union Suits 73c Boys' Union. Suits 39c Girls'"Union Suits .... 39c Bleached' Muslin, 10 yds. 85c, Tuck StitchPanties 19c $1.00 WooKNfulHers. „ Bayon Taffidtta Slips .. W onafeft^ Hfeyori1 Vests Short ^eSts Part Wool KTarik'ets .. .. 79c .. 50c . 45c .. 45c $2.75 John Stolfel Two Shows Kach Night Continuous Saturday and Sunday ANDcaroirs trooosToai Theatre Woodstock ° FRIDAY -- Lace Oull Fast Action Mystery! 'ARREST BULLDOG DRUMMOND" ; SATURDAY -- Continuous Two Great Features! Lew Ay res in Jitterbug Hit "SPRING MADNESS" •• PLUS •. ' : ;; - ;.'.N GENE AUTRY in "fRAIRIE MOON" ' Also "Dick Tracy" SUNDAY AND MONDAY Our Big Treat 2 Ace Hits! UETTE DAVIS tt THE If -- PLUS HIT NO. 2-- --f' Wayne Morri8 In Technicolor Hit f VALLEY OF THE GIANTS" Bargain Matinee Sundpp No Price Increase! TUESDAY --- Adults, 15c PLUS 80 GIANT REASONS 'SMASHING SPY RING" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Only "THE GREAT* WALTZ' COMING SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 Pat O'Brien •• James Cagney "ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES" BETTER CLEANING Renew the beauty of your garment*. Our Cleaning Methods will do it! Anna Howard ^Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing -- Laundry---- Phone 42 Green Street McHenry rank, and D. Schaefer j January 25 cond Class rank. E. Annual Meeting--Altar and Rosary Sodality--St. Patrick's Hall. January 26 First Class passed Corey and*®? Hoag qualified for several merit badges; Corey passing | Firemanship, Swimming, and Safety, Meeting--McHenry County Legion -- r----^7^-77-^ while Hoag passed Firemanship,1 Harvard. we hear -- has Safety, and Bookbinding. Those j Meeting--Ladies' Aid--Mrs. Charles some other little buildings under con- S Scouts will receive their badges atj Rasmussen. , . . struction, complete in ev»ry detail. Of the Court of Honor which will be held. Farm Auction Mrs. Eliz, Schmitt course, we don't know,"but we imag-|in the Grade School, Jan. 30. There j On the late John M. Schmitt farm, ine the public is invited to call and j will be held another Court of Honor one mile north of Jonnsburg. ! ' uary 29 munity High school gymnasium . Woodstock will meet Marengo at 7:30 and Harvard will tangle with Hebron at/8:30, Jan. 25. The following night^fcrystal Lake will mix with Huntley* at 7:30 and McHenry will oppose Richmond at 8:80. Winners of games Jan. 25 will play at 7:30 and winners of tilts Jan. 26 will clash at 8:30, Jan. 27. Finals are set for Jan. 28. D. E. Ewing, Crystal Lake prin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nickels took j their daughter, Marie, into the Illinois Research hospital at Chicago Tuesday for further treatment. Mary Ann Miller, daughter of Mrs. Anna Miller, underwent an appendicitis operation at the Woodstock hospital Wednesday. Miss Marjorie, Whiting, clerk in the office of the county treasurer, Frank Daly, slipped on the stairway leading look over the masterpieces. j in the American Legion Hall, Febru- January Public Card Party--Christian Mothers-- Johrtsburg--8 p. m. from the first floor to the woman's i cipal, is chairman of the meet; Owen rest room at the courthouse Tuesday,! Metcalf, Crystal Lake atheltic direc-j spraining her ankle. , Dr. Paul Schwabe has returned to his home at Woodstock from the Pres-! byterian hospital at Chicago, where J he was treated for sinus trouble. j Wm. S c h n e i d e r , who i s e m p l o y e d a t j the I. G. A. store in West McHenry, has been absent from his duties there | foot injury suf-, tor, is tournament manager. Lynn R. Lewis and Harry Carlsbn, both of Rockford, again will officiate the affair. The oldest Civil War veteran in Reading. Pa., recently received con- ! gratulations on his 100th birthday, and as the result of " - --I-- !ary 13. « Bill Spencer is the proud possessor! Former Assistant Scoutmaster Howof the first vacuum cleaner ever to'ard Ensign conducted the games at _ . _ , ^ ^ i. j •, hit these parts. The intricate piece the close of the meeting. We played; A chair which J. A. Blades of Vien- was asked to whathe attrmbted his-fered when he stepped on a nail, of machinery was once a demonstrator!"You Guess It" and we rati a one-,Md., paid $1 for at a second-hand long life. He replied: I ran like used by the super vacuum salesman of 1 legged relay race. ifurniture store yielded *840 in cash blazes at the Second Battlejrf Bull the day--Matt Laures, ^att was a' SCOUT DAVID SWANSOW. land a gold watch. ' . Run; that's why Im here today." Order your Rubber Stamps at The PSaindeakft -- - -- --- " • SPECIALS LETTtJTffe--Large fancy head, each 1: 7* GRAPEFRUIT--Large size, seedless, 70's, each 46 CKACOGEtS--Soda, finest quality, 1-lb. box _ 14^ CAfSUP--Tfaymore brand, 2 large bottles '<1* J. _ 19^ CORN FLAKES--SHrfine, large package 94 EGGS--Fresh, dozen -J ~ 214 MINCED LUNCHEON MEAT--Wilson's, lb. „ 194 BACON--Wilson's Corn King, • TTiilf nr whnlA ala.h, lh 234 PORK LOIN ROAST--Pound 194 BARBIAN BROS. Riverside Drive :--:----I--: Phone 180 /

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