Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1939, p. 8

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'; /f . *;i^^*-,¥".ivs TBI KoXXHSY njUHSl&UX ^5 LEGION AUXILIARY 1 McHenry County Council of the American Legion Auxiliary will be entertained by the Algonquin unit in the Masonic hall in that city Febru It: ** * . 71-" .* SURPRISE PARTYMrs. Katherino Schneider was sur- Cised by a number of friends at her me Friday evening 'n honor of her birthday A social evening was spent, < After which lunch, including the cust x ternary birthday cake, was served. ' " * • * • * - % P A R E N T * T E A C H E R S A S S N ; , The regular meeting of the Parent- Teachers' Assn. of St. Mary - St. Pattrick school will be held Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 1, at.3 p.m. at the ? ichool hall * At this meeting- Father l*au) will be present to talk'to the "'Mothers:'.«nd[' show gome movies he •, • has taken. '[;*• ; *^he mothers'.of the sixth grade pu- .will act as hostesses at this •meeting. MfrSt Carl Freund has been riam- .s 'vfd chairman* / * •* , J It is hopod thit ia iaFgfe riumber of ; ; < jpembers will be present at. this 'meet . ing-'. . v'.,;' PAST ORACLES The next meeting of the Past Oracles, a'Valentine party, will be hell at the home of Mrs. M. Stewart at EI* gin, February 14. ^ ENTERTAIN CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson ei tertaihed members of their bridga club Sunday, evehing. Prizes were won by M. L. Schoenholtz and Mrs. J A. L. WARD Abraham __Lincoln Ward, 74 years Tony Wirtz. A very delicious lunch'old, resident of West Mcffetiry for was served by the hostess at the close of the evening*-. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knox quietly observed their birthdays at their home near 'Terra Cotta Saturday, Mr. Knox, his seventy-fifth and Mrs. Knox, her seventieth. Many cards and messages of; congratulations were received by this honored couple throughout the day. ••: the past thirty-one years, died at his home Tuesday afternoon, January 17, 1939. The obituary appeared in last week's issue of the Plaindealer. EDWARD MILLER IS VICTIM OF SAD ACCIDENT ON FARJtf IHMtlMOHtMMMIIMII 'Blrtha t)r. and Mrs. Jack Purvey are parents of a son, John Compton, weight 1% lbs., born last Thursday morning, January 19, at the Woodstock hospital. A daughter was born , to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner of McHenry on Thursday, January 19, at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolf are parents of a daughter bopv at the Woodstock hospital Monday. 2ION XV. LUTHERAN CHUROT TO OBSERVE CENTENNIAL SUNDAY On Sunday, Zion Lutheran church will observe the centennial of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other states, with which it is affiliated. This large Lutheran denomination, with a membership of one and a third million souls, had its rise in the immigration of' 665 Lutherans from Germany in the year 1839. Unable to worship God in their homeland according to the Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. George Blake are par- f&ith, the Saxon immigrants charteren ts of a daughter born Sunday at St. e<^ ^ve ships and came to the United Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. | States of America because it guaran- Blake was before her marriage Miss,tee^ them religious liberty. Christina Justen. A daughter, weight 8 lbs. 9 oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diedrich at St. Therese hospital Wednesday. Mrs. Diedrich was formerly Miss Lyda Shober. •: v \\ (Continued from first page) ENTERTAIN FR1FAI>% $12, to ,1.91.0, the son of Catherine Stilling Miller and Peter F. Miller, on the ^ (John Kennebeck fairm near Ringwood. «rn4:Mrs. Robert Thorn He spent his childhood m Mcflenry tertamed a few fheflds at their kmc and ^ived his educatioii at St. T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g . F i v e h u n d r e d f u r - ; j j ^ , s f S c h o o l , f nished entertiainnr.e*nt for the evening ! _ ... , ;u.y . and prizes were awarded to Mr. and On June 1, 1938 he was united in Mrs. Edward Nickels and Mr. and^ marriage to Edna Volling of Lake Mrs. Clinton Martin, Other guests Z.uruh at St Mar>'s church m. th,s were Mr. and Mrs. John Drey miller i®1^* and Miss Maude Granger. . I Surviving besides his wife and par- » * • jents are five daughters, George, Chftr- CHRISTENING les, Roy, Alfred and Victor. Also The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- *hree ™tevs Mrs Frances Miller of win -flittermann of Johnsburg was 'R"*wood, Mrs Lucille Laurent of christened "Robert Frank" at a cere- and of McHenry. mony performed Sunday at St. John's I The deceased attended St. Mary's church, Johnsburg', with Rev. Fr. A. church and was a member ot the Holy J. Neidert officiating. j Name Society of that parish. Sponsors were Miss Henrietta Herd-! Funeral services were held Monday rich and Gerald Hettermann. morning at 10 o'clock, with burial in j • » » I St. Mary's cemetery. Rev. Walter' SURPRISED BY FRIENDS j Conway, C.S.C., of Notre Dame, deliv-! Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Smith, who ere<| eylogy. . I observed their twentieth wedding an-' The ent!re community is saddened, niversary at a large celebration in by his untimely death. He was a fine; the Johnsburg school hall last Sunday, >r°un* man- always kind and cheerfm, j were surprised at their home Satur- a credit hls family and community. - day evening by a group of friends who 7hf Iar^ crowd which followed th<? 'returned with the large anniversary body to its final resting place, was jcake they haa stolen the week before Pro°f °f the high regard m which he | Five hundred was played, after which was he!d hy his many fnends and feH Jthe cake was cut and refreshments 'ow citizens. served..- ^ ^ * • • R. N. A. The first in a series of card parties sponsored by officers of the Royal Neighbors of America was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Justen Tuesday evening, with approximately thirty Miller visited Mrs. Jack Purvey and guests in attendance. Prizes in bridge son at the Woodstock hospital Tueswere won by Mrs. George Johnson day. and Mrs. Alex Justen and in bunco by Mr. "and Mrs. Lowell Nye of Liber- ,Mrs. Frank Spurling. Refreshments tyville spent Saturday and Sunday in I were served at the close of the even- the A. E. Nye home. V »' j Mrs. Dora Klein and daughter. • * • ' Julina, »of .-Ingleside visited in the PUBLIC CARD PARTY | Wkn. Justen home Wednesday after- Members of the 0. E. S. held their'noon and evening. regular meeting Monday evening, at I Jimmy Hitzeman of Chicago spent which time plans were made for a several days last week here with his public card party to be held at the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Homestead Tea Room next Tuesday Nye. evening, January 31. There will be Miss Marguerite Freund, student at prizes and lunch. Admission will be Mount Mary College at Milwaukee, 25c. Wis., arrived home today (Thursday) An invitation was read at the meet-} to spend a few days' vacation after ing to attend an O. E. S. meeting at' semester examinations with her par- Waukegan February 2, when the birth- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund. day of that chapter will be celebrated j Ed Vincent of Woodstock spent Sun- • • • day in the Ben Justen home. C. D. OF A. , Mrs. Albert Jurgens and twin sons, The Catholic Daughters of America Daniel and David, are visiting her met last Thursday evening, at which j mother, Mrs. Ben Stilling. time the third party in their card| Miss Lena Stoffel was a Chicago tournament was held. Twenty-four j visitor Monday. members were present. Prizes in Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bassett and bridge were won by Mrs. Richard' daughter and Mrs. E. E. Bassett were Fleming and Miss Eleanor Kinsala and Wbodstock shoppers Saturday. Judge & & Stewart of l/asten, Pa), fvned each of the jurors $10 and costs when he found them guilty of tossing a coin to reach a verdict in a criminal case, v The Sa£on Lutherans settled in and near St. Louis, Missouri, and soon made their presence felt among all Lutherans in the United States by the introduction of a democratic form of church life. The rapid growth of their denomination has been due in part to the democratic form of church government, according to which each congregation is sovereign and Synod only an advisory body. «, •• The Saxon immigrants came to America with the intention never to return to their native land. They came to stay, and from the very beginning they looked upon America as their homeland, to which they owed allegiance. The great leader of the Saxon immigrants, Dr. Ferdinand Walther, in a sermon on the Fourth of July* fourteen years after the immigration, declared: i "Thrice blessed may this day be! On it the foundation of a State was laid in which freedom of religion and conscience has been made a principle of government. Blesesed be this land in which we enjoy this freedom . . . A# citizens Of this country let us toork zealously, fight bravely, and, if need be, shed our blood cheerfully that this country may remain a free country and that it may above all retain the golden crown of its freedom, namely, religious liberty. Zion Lutheran church has resolved to participate in a Centennial Thank Offering for Home and Foreign Missions. Sunday's serrfte will be con ducted in the English language at 2:16 p. m. /. •%- Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. ° MRS. A. J. KAMHOLZ DIES SUDDENLY AT HOME FRIDAY A. (Continued from first page) Mr. and Mrs. Otto Boldt, Bethke uZ " ily, Ed Block, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Block, and Mrs. August Frenck and Irene, Dundee; .Mrs. G. Mueljer, Gil. berts; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Block; Hampshire; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritt and Miss Lena Geske, Algonquin; Henry Block; Paul Dryer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kamholz, George Kant-' hols and Mrs. Carl Schmitt, Chicago, Card of Thanks We wish to express our deepest ajfc preciation and sincerest *hanlc« all the kindnesses shown us in ottf hour of sorrow. A. J. Kamholzl and son, Robe: 86 Mother, Brothers and Sisters. Penr'a Most Important Day fiM As Commodore Oliver H. Perry*# ' - fleet was sailing out to meet tlw x British ^or the Battle of Lake Erii he remarked, standing at the n "This is the most important day my life." < Mrs. Albert Purvey and Mrs in five hundred by Miss Laura Wleber and Mrs. Anna Howard. Lunch was served by Mrs. Albert Vales and members of her committee. The next meeting, a business meeting, Cletus Althoff, student at Northern' Illinois State Teachers' College, spent the weekend in the home of his par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. I Richard Overton, Lyle Bassett, Ted ' will be held on Thursday evening,1 Miller and Jos. Bauer were Chicago' Feb. 2. LUNCHEON visitors Wednesday. Miss Eleanor Sutton of Woodstock spent the weekend with her parents //t JP Mrs. W. F. Conway entertained a Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. number of McHenry friends at her! Miss Adele Froehlich spent Wedneshome at Woodstock Tuesday afternoon day afternoon at Woodstock. at a one o'clock luncheon. j Mrs. Wm. Smith and daughter, Rita Contract bridge furnished entertain- j May, of Chicago spent Sunday in the ment for the afternoon, with prizes Clarence Martin home. won by Mrs. Harry Durland and Mrs.! Mrs. Mike Rauen of Spring Grove is George Stilling. j spending several days this week with Guests present were: Mrs. Ray Mc- j her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Justen, and Gee, Mrs. Charles Gibbr., Mrs. Floyd family. ,Cooley, Mrs. Henry Millar, Miss Clara! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman of j Miller, Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. Al-iSlocum's Lake spent Saturday aftei-- bert Barbian, Mrs. Harry Durland and | noon here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. Mrs. Linus Newman. Mrs. Kate Stoffel spent several days .GUARDSMAN . BALMACAAN .RAGLAN . ULSTER Take your choice of Winter's best selling Overcoats at a worthwhile saving. Broken sizes in many styles, but a variety in all sizes. -^--Formerly $17 50 I up to $27-50 McGEE'S Green Street McHenry ALTAR AND ROSARY last week with her sister, Mrs. Eva The annual meeting of the Altar Weber, at Johnsburg. and Rosary society was held on Wed-j Mrs. Louis McDonald of Woodstock! nesday afternoon at St. Patrick's,was a caller here Monday evening, church. I Mr_ ancj Mrs. Edward Nickels vis- After the early reports were read, jited their daughter, Marie, who is unthe election of officers took place, [dergoing treatment at a Chicago hos- Mrs. Ray McGee was re-elected presi- jpital, Sunday. dent for the ensuing year; Mrs. Al--! Weekend visitors at the home of | ber Vales, first vice-president: Mrs.!Atty. and Mrs. Vernon Knox at Crys- M. A. Sut^n, second vice-president; tal Lake and also at homes of rela-! Mrs. Georgef Stilling, secretary and tives here were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Charles Gibbs, treasurer./. jSteilen, Ed Koenig and Miss Daisy) After the election of officers, plans Smith, all of Chicago. were made for a public card party to j Miss Dorothy Althoff of Chicago] be held in St. Patrick's hall on Sun-1 spent the weekend with her parept3, day evening, February 19. Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Adams was appointed, chairman for! Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and] this party. • i j daughter, Geraldine, were Elgin call-] The members also made plans foriers Wiednesday afternoon, a St. Patrick's party to be held on Miss Evelyn Justen spent the week- ] March 17. jn the I. W. Hart, Sr., home at | After the business meeting, the Chicago.! members were invited to the home of! Mrs. Wm. Althoff attended a tea ! Mrs. McGoe where cards were enjoyed | given by nurses of St. Therese hosand refreshments serveel: pital at Waukegan Wednesday after* MASSES AT ST. MARY'S Beginning Sunday, Jan. 29, there noon. Arthur and Mrs. Arthur Jos. Diedrich Diedrich and visited infant will be but two masses at St. Mary's daughter and Mrs. Jos. Diedrich, who churcn, at 8:00 and 10:30 o'clock. On are confined to St. Therese hospital week days there will be one magg at at Waukegan, Wednesday. 8 o clock. John Stoffel, daughter, Emily, and ..' . 1 "• .-• ••" Martin Stoffel of McHenry and Henry Tii -8 ^etcham of LaH&rpe, Stoffel of Volo recently returned home 111., is making her own tombstone from from a several days' stay at Hummocks collected in every state in the ! Union, as weU as Caftpda, Africa and France. . v ' phrey, Nebr., where they visited Nick Stoffel was seriously, fll at the time. •/;> M£HBNHY DRUGGIST Ms HENRY*ILLINOIS $1.00 Drene Shampoo 79^ 60c Alka Seltzer 49^ Dextri Maltose 35c Vicks Rub 65c Bisodol 27> 49^ 50c Lysol t 43c Nujol 50c Calox Tooth Powder 39<* 75c Bayer Aspirin .... 59c 50c Molle Shaving Cream 29^ 60c Murine 49^ 75c Listerine 59<^ Kleenex 200's * for 38^ C H A R M I N TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls for C A R T E R ' Little LIVER PILLS 25c size (limit one) S 2 Boxes 39# •--ymcsiAMl MAPLE NUT ICE CREAM This Week's Special * -STRAWBERRY ICE--VANILLA ' Three popular flavoifc Strawberry in a cious ice, mellow Maple Nut ice cream, with freshly roasted nuts --and famous Luick Van- ' ilia ice cream ^ A deluxe Luick Special 1 60< ALKASELTZER Incense Burners 39^ $1.00 Vitalis 25c Listerine Tooth Paste, 2 tubes 79 4 $1.00 Fitch Shampoo 89d 10c Turns 3 f°r 25c IS the, throat Sore? Try Antiseptic No. 59, a product of Mo Kesson & Robbina, who for over a century have served the public health through physiriww and drnggista. McKesson^s ANILS nc FULL PINT BOTTLE AQtf • FULL STRENGTH FREE! FREE! A beautiful HOSTESS DISH (Crystal Clear Rose Tinted Class) with each purchase of PHILLIP'S MILK OF MAGNESIA 3POOTH PASTE! 25c tube . . 18c $1.25 PeRuNa . • 984k CIGARETTES -- Luckier Old Golds, Camels, r Chesterfield, One Carton $1.17 $1.00 Adlerika 79^ 50c Pablum 43^ 25c Ex-Lax 19* Pebeco Tooth Padtm 29C 60c Phillip's Face Creams (limit one) . 33* Mennen Baby Oil 43* 25c Johnson Baby Powder 19* 60c Bromo Seltzer .... 49* >'• 50c PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH 40c TUBE LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE 90c Both for 90c v a l u e £ 9 c v a l u e Playing Cards 2 Decks 80c value -- Both for ALARM CLOCKS, $1.25 val. 89c 1 * ' VALENTINES FOR SWEETHEART, WIFE, MOTHER, SISTER, DAD AND BOY FRIEND. Valentine Candy Shaped In Beautiful Heart Boxes 50c up Brace Hair Tonic \7\T\ 49c JUST WHAT THE GIRLS " ftAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE NEW COTY COMPACT sed Powder in Cake Form that is not too hard! Wafer Shaped and Smart $1.00 A Compr too UVER: OIL J f , % riTAMi* rgsteo PIHT '49k 75c Doan's Kidney Pills 43* 40c Musterole 33* 25c Dyanshine 19* 50c Corega 43* 60c Rem 49* Ovaltine -- 59* M f/buy,. Ok (hnp. bKessons very much belter SHAVING CREAM Start every day WHISTLING with -this pore coconut oil base nhnvinft rream. c'ltfully pe*R*jmcd Will not Hrv on the face. Pro-*" ilucrs a hfavv lalhpr freely in h:ird or soft waler. either Not or cold. Leaves th" fac» oft and Economical. 2llubesfcbrJ> .t * r

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