Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1939, p. 4

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' .. % Ssg 5 ,V -• v : ' Four THE McHENRY THE M'HEHRY PLAIHDEALER f Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. t, • «„ * 'Afl** : ' ; •'Entered as second-class matter at He postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year iHx Months .... .. A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager ...$1.00 : r.V p; • t-z: IWU PLAINDEALIR 'vV'T'Jp* ' WOOLEN COSTUME FOR SALE FOR SALE--Barley, 40c per bushel.- Also spy bean seed. Hanley Farm. Call 138-M. ,. 36 In- *36 FOR SALE--Three Brood Sows, quire, Robert Afogt, In^leside,- HI. LOST LOST Black Coon Hound, brown feet. Reward.^ Edw. J. Pfannenstill, Phone 77-J. *86 r AND BELLS ~ • x LOOKING AHEAD Domestic Contentment What , fun to be alive on a winters 4py. To live in a world of white *s enchantment. To thrill to the joys .. of home! ^ > What fUn td see tJie bright rosy ".faces of children. .To 'hear' their ..squeals of delight as they gaze out of ;ti»e wjjndow after the, first real snowstorm iupoft what seems to them a vir ' *r»" and hills covered with seven-minutg^ jv/ fisDstihg. Giant spoonsful of frothy cream puff fillinp on the fir trees. And even a few licks of frosting on stark rlpokir\g maple's and oaks. ^ i No other season' seems to possess qvrtte the power, as does winter, to enrich family life. It has come t;o mean the personification of happiness, contentment and unity. An inherent force seemingly motivating family members to good will and bringing them into a closer union during this season. « A cold winter's evening. Family members gathered about the glowing hearthc Good will; intelligent c6nversatfon ; good books; perhaps music. Does it not indeed depict a beautiful picture of happy home life? All the little tendrils" of family pride! MISCELLANEOUS He wa£ discussing the people round about with his old landlady. "They seem kindly enough pe6* pie," he remerked. The landlady sniffed. , i "You don't know them yet," she GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let as replied. dispose of yb'ur garbage each week, j "Oh, come," protested the lodgor oftener if desired. Reasonable! er> "they're not bad. Why, the rates. Regular year round route,] chap who's got a little workshop formerly George Meyers'. Ben down the road was asking about you Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf; today. Said you'd been ailing a lot lately. Is he a relative of yours?"" $3.00 CASH -- $3.00 Paid For DEAD HORSES & CATTLE More for Crippled and Down Animals MIDWEOT REMOVAL CO. tual nakefy. shop of goodies. _ -^^'fh^He.El'liii. 5989---Reverse Charges; *34-$ PIANO LESSONS--Learn to-play all the popular tunes, no previous train«: ing necessary. Entirely different meth*' od of instruction used. Henry Heuser^ Jr., Rivjerside Drive. *35-8' FEED FOR DAIftY COWS In view of its established popularity and availability, soybean oil meal is destined to be used in the-ftfture in ever-increasing amounts as a practical and profitable protein feed for dairy cattle, according to J. W. Hayward, an expert in livestock nutrition* This popularity is justly deserved, he says, because it is unusually palatable, and supplies a protein of high' "No," said the landlady, sharply, "he's the undertaker."--Tit-Bit? Magazine, »c\.m MERMAID'S J I D A knitted woolen costume with blue and red stripes. The hat is of knitted wool and she wears a ted b«carf. Most becoming. CHIC WINTER GOWN He--Why do you always call me that are wrapped inside each one unwind. radiate to the outside and illuminate-- to form a glow of blessed domestic contentment. , • . As a nation is composed of families and can be no better than the families of which it is composed, it can easily be seen why happiness, unity and contentment in a family, are of such ..vital importance. digestibility at lowest costV In addi-i a poor fish? Why, I can't even swim, tion to its high digestibility, the protein of soybean oil meal is more com- CARD OF THANKS Mrj. Edna Miller and Mr. and Mrs. plete than that of other concentrates of vegetable origin in its content of the amino acids essential for growth, milk production and body repair. Its effect upon dairy cattlte is wholly beneficial. The increasing use of soybean oil meal in livestock feeds has caused a corresponding increase in soybean acreage to supply the demand. While only about seven million bushles of soybeans were harvestd in the United She--That's why I call you a poor fish. r xt-ii * » ., . , States in 1927, the final figures for ^!L u J*11" f*m,ly J re^Tn:the 1938 crop will exceed 57 million tertfelt thanks to fnends-aftdreigh- bushelgt Duri thg same iod th<f bors for many acts of kmdness shown]prHuction of oil meal has increased them in their recent bereavement es-abcut 68 ti and will exceed 950>. wbou quIets anLd tIhe us°ef fo^f, napu?t-o msPobiri.lietusa. l|0j00 tons for the current year, of which, about one_half wiH ^ *sed' feeds) I for dairy cattle. » | J This new cash crop is bringing goodi .profits to farmers of the leading producing states, principally in the mid- A Different Matter Mrs. Hennessey--No, Ma'am, my boy Michael is not at home, and in any case he did not steal the bicycle. It was Patrick Murphy. Visitor--I don't know anything about that. I'm the new visiting nurse. Mrs. H.--And why did ye not say so before? Mike! Ye can come downstairs. It's the lady from the sick club.--Farm Journal. 36! N O T I C E Have customers for small farms. If your price is right, I can esll it. Will sell stock, tools and all, if desired. WALTER SALAWAY Box 63 --:-- Elmhurst, 111. die west, and there is no surplus problem. Steeed of Lightning The average speed of lightning is IS per cef»i of the speed of light. BETTER CLEANING Renew the beauty of your garments. Oar Cleaning Methods will do it! ' Anna Howard r, Pressing and Repairing^*' -Laundry--- •• • ; Phone 42 Green Street McHenry Mean Insinuation' Babs--I saw Jane yesterday, and she's furious about the way her marriage was reported in the papers. Doris--Why, it didn't mention ^er age, did it? Babs--Yes, indirectly. The papers stated that Miss Jane Oldan and Mr. Frederick Brown were married, the latter being a collector of antiques.--Stray Stores Magazine. JC Bulls Aroused by Colors Old superstition had it that bulls were infuriated by red because it was the color of blood. Actually, they are aroused by any bright color, but generally only when it moves, states a writer in the Washington Post. Another belief is that black and white bulls are fiercer than others. For that reason these are prized" in Spain for bull fights. Experts claim bulls do not corxte in contact with humans as often as do cows, usually are allowed to roam freely, therefore have never really been domesticated. Growth of Horses Scientists say horses began Ms tiny creatures smaller than a dog. As they spreackthrough Europe they grew to their V^aoat size during thousands of years. But those horses which went to the Shetland islands north of Britain, found the winters severe, food scant and life hard. They grew long shaggy coats, became smaller and. smaller. Yet, those poniesonce were full-sized horses. ' Most Northern State ' Minnesota is farther north than any other state. The northern part of Lake of the Woods county, formed in 1922 from the northern portion of Beltrami cotinty, is farther north than any place in any other state in the Union. This part of the United States cannot be reached by land without passing over Canadian territory. v-- -- Adding Names to Papal List Pope Lando (913-914), the 122d pontiff of the Roman Catholic church, was the last one to add a new name to the papal list. The names of the 139 popes who have reigned since Lando's time, says a writer in Collier's Weekly, were selected from those borne by predecessors. Musical Family Stiggins--Are there any musicians in your family? Wiggins--Ra-ther! Why, my father is an adept at blowing his own trumpet, and mother is equally expert on harping on one string; pain- law has to play second fiddle, and Aunt Tabitha leads a humdrum existence; uncle spends his time in wetting his whistle, and Harry is fond of his pipes.--Hartford Times. fir I AGATHA SHOP SAXON FINE* MUSLIN SHEETS 72x99--Regular $1.10 81x99--Regular $1.19 81x99--Homespun . ... TURKISH TOWELS--Regular 25c 89<* 99 4 85c 5 for $1.00 42x36 Cases VALENTINES! 25c Champion Cases 18c Bring in .your old Valentines and will prise) J Change of Plan Customer--What, my suit is not ready? You said you'd finish it if you worked all night. Tailor--Very true, sir, but I didn't work all night.<--Farm Journal. TIMELY WARNING *7^ "Now remember, my dear, dinner will be called promptly on time." "What of it?" "So if you are late you'll mis* the soup and fish innings." The Question "Ah, good mornin', Mrs. Murphy, and how is everything" "Sure, an' I'm havin* a great time uv it between me husband and the fire. If I keep me eye on the wan, the other is sune to go out.'*--Providence Journal. Gold braid embroidery studded with the topaz-colored stones forms the pattern of an elaborate necklace on this high-necked gown of black rayon crepe. Rows of shirring hold the fullness of the wide girdle and sleeves. The puff sleeves are set in high on the shoulders. MATCHING DRESS 'Holy Mountains' in China mountains in China are designated by the Buddhists as "holy mountains": Wu T'ai Shan in Shansi province, Omei Shan in Szechwan, Chui-hua Shan in Anhw^i and P'u-To in the Chusan islands. Some •of the temples on Wu T'ai Shan date from the First century, A; D. Meaning of Dollar Diplomacy Dollar diplomacy is diplomacy to promote the financial or commec* cial interests of a country abroad, or a diplomacy which seeks to use these interests to strengthen a country's power or effect its purposes %in foreign relations. Diet Lacks Phosphorus Owing to lack of phosphorus in the Chilean diet, all salt for human consumption in Chile contains 4 per cent of sodium phosphate, reports Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, publication of the American Chemical society. U, S. Soldiers' Biggest Battle The biggest battle in which United States soldiers ever participated wak the Meuse-Argonne battle in the World war, which lasted 47 days. American soldiers in that fight numbered 1,200,000. Milk to Make Pound of Butter A possible reason why many farmers prefer to remain dairy-x men proper rather than butter manufacturers may lie in the fact that it takes 27 pounds of milk to make one pound of butter. > Points Farthest Apart Two points in the United States farthest apart are Cape Flatery, Wash., and a point on the Florida coast south of Miami, an airline distance of 2,835 miles. Rose beige is Ute color In this matching dress and cardigan outfit. Rayon and silk crepe is used for the free-action-sleeve dress and the binding on the cashmere wool cardigan. The suspender belt is brown and white. »••••« i i I >»<»» Among: the Sick »»»»»»»<»»»»•»»»«»»>»<•<•« MEAT SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUA&Y 28 Choice Beef Rib Roast, standing, per lb. 224 Beef Stew, Fresh Yortog Pig l^veir, government: iMpected, per lb. 10# lean and boneless,, young baby beef, lb. 2S3<^ Veal Stew, fancy white, boneless, lb Large Bologna ^ Sausage, either in one'piece or sliced, lb. Ring Bologna, about one pound to the ring, lb. 1^ Lamb Stew, choice^ genuine spring 1 latob, lb. ; 15^ Fresh Liver Sausage, about one pound to the ring, lb. 19^. Complete line of Groceries -- Fresh Fruits - Vegetables Dry Smoked - Salted and Pickled Herring Doyal DJue rrocery Market i\eal UargainsVJood Ifl.erchandiM West McHenry, 111. Phone 166 We Deliver! <$nite Possible Passenger (on crack express to porter)--What is the matter wtth this train--backing up and jerking forward in this awful waiy? "It's quite all right, sir," the porter assured him in that soothing way that porters have. MI think the engineer is teaching 'his 'wife to drive." . Meow! Nell-*I hear that you and Elmer are engaged, I don't suppose he told you that he was engaged to irfe last year? Belle--Well, 'dear, he did say something about there being things in his past he was ashamed of.'tait he didn't go into details. Larger than Washington, D. C. Five Latin-American capitals-- Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Santiago and Montevideohave larger populations than. Washington, D. C. . j Thursday, January 26, SPRING GROV* Paul Weber attended the banquet given by the Lion's Club at Wagon Wheel Tavern in Fox Lake on Tuesday night. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus visited friends in Chicago on Tuesday. EMPLOYERS GET ' •v.1-1,WARNING PROM --- LOCAL ADVISER: H. N. Stout; Field Adviser for th« Division of Unemployment Compensa^ tion. announced today that employer^? ' of the Lake and McHenry County are^'^-^i have only until Monday, January aftj.:.»? n, .. _ - , , . , ito pay their outstanding 1938 contrinJL obtain offset ^yedit on Federal excise payroll taxes. Henry on Wednesday night of last week. On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer entertained a party of friends, at her home. A luncheon was served at two o'clock. Bridge furnished the, entertainment throughout the afternoon with prizes for high honors going to Mrs. Frances Vogel and Mrs. Marie Westlake. went to Mrs. Schmeltzer and Mrs. Ethel Smith received the. traveller's prize. Rev. John Daleiden and the usher? of St. Peter's church held their reg ular meeting at the Charles May home on Thursday night. Cards were the evening's diversion and a lovely lunch was served by Mrs. May. Among those from out of town who The office 'that serves this area ifjt located at 8 S. Genesee street, Wau« kegan, 111. ft If contribution^ are not received bj^ . the Division's office, 222 North Ban]| - Drive, Chicago, by Monday, employ*.' Consolation ers wj_U be re^uired to pay delinquent^ ; contributions twice--once to the Stat# . and once to the Federal Government., "U In issuing this warning to employ* ers who are liable under the Illinoi^r",-- Unemployment Compensation Actr \ Field Adviser H. N. Stout pointed out that employers can save 90 per cent"-r '. of their 3 per cent Federal excise ta^T;." on payrolls by paying their State jol* . - insurance contributions in full by the»^'» as att te.n <d eMd .fu n.e.r.a l service- s of Mrs. Eliz- I ^iMal,Ateft' nJ anuary 30. TJhless nois abeth Schmitt at St. Peter's church1 . TT contributions for the Illi4-~ Friday morning were: Mrs Anna nois Unemployment Compensation^?: Meyer, son, Freddie^ Mrs, Martin'Fund J f®r the fourth garter and for;-.,. Weber, Mrs. George P. Freund, Mrs. any delinquent amount, including in« John S. Freund and Mrs. Math Blake of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. William Britz and Ben Watts of Fox Lake; Mrs. Earl Hoffien of Genoa City, and Mrs. John Boppart of Richmond. Members of the Community Club held their meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. Cards were enjoyed throughout the evening and refreshments served by the committee in charge. This community was grieved to learn of the death of Fred Harms, who passed away at his home about twelve o'clock Monday night, his illness being of but a few day's duration. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz and son, Terry, and Shirley Britz of Fox Lake were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund on Monday evening. ^ • Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and children of Chicago were callers here Saturday. Sublime and Ridiculous The sublime and ridiculous are often so nearly related that it is difficult to class them separately. One step below the sublime makes the ridiculous, and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again.--Thomas Paine. terest; for 1938, are received by Janu*:' ary 30, they positively cannot be credited against Federal excise taxes," MrA Stout said. "That' is in accordance* ' with the Federal law under Title IX of the Social Security Act and is not a State ruling. "Therefore if Unemployment Compensation contributions due the State for 1938 are not paid by next Monday, employers will have to pay their State contributions in full, and their Federal tax in full as well. This will mean a double payment on all Unemployment Compensation obligations not paid by January 30." Field Adviser Stout urged employ* ^ ers who are in doubt concerning their liability to send contributions in the amount of 2.7 per cent of their total - 1938 payrolls to the Division of Un- * employment/ Compensation at oncei Such employers need not wait for proper forms, but may send their check, made payable to the "Director of Labor," with an explanatory letter. Wreckers employed by J. W. Parker to tear down a house in Joliet, 111., demolished one belonging to J. J. Cleary" by mistake. Cleary sued Parker for damages. SKCiSlif SfRVftE Uncle Eben on BeUeving "I can't believe half de stories I hear," said Uncle Eben, "but what I most dreads is de time when I won't believe de other half either." Female Ticks Hearty Eaters The females of certain species of ticks often eat enough food at one meal to increase their weight 30 times. Assured With Pride Alone ; Rather stand up, assured with conscious pride alone, than err with millions -on thy side-. -- Charles •Churchill. StohyH4fcH "He's not exactly the sympathetic type, is he?" "Sympathetic? Why that guy wasn't born--he was quarried!" the 'Gem of Denmark' The "Gem of Denmark" is Moens Klint, bold cliffs of white chalk 400 feet high and five njiles in length rising out of the blue sea and the top covered with a forest. Frosen Wastes Added to U. 8. Approximately 200,000 square miles of frozen wastes in the Antarctic were added to the United States through the exploration of Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd. Demographer Studies Population Demography is a statistical study cif population -and a demographer is one who does research <on the subject. j Bird's, Man's Thoughts Coincide A n o t e d B r i t i s h o r n i t h o l o g i s t giv$a instances "where a bird^s thoughts coincided with that of Wan. -Barney, :a Small Truck Un mining, a barney is « small truck -attached to a rope, used to puih cars up -a slope. Alfred Schultx entered the Woodstock hospital for surgery which he underwent last Wednesday evening. George Bylsttia of Wjest McHenry is a surgical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Floyd FOBS of Richmond is recovering ifrom an operation for appen dicitis. Michael KnoX, wlio has been ill for several weeks, is on the gain and now j able to be out. Mrs. Joe Friend of Richmond is Confined to her bed because of illness. Mrs. Lydia Beerbaum, who has been ill at her home for several JttOtiths, is improving. Mrs. Jack Walsh is confined to bed because of illness. Mrs. Robert Weber is ill at her home. Mrs. Jacob Miller suffered a heart attack last Wednesday evening and her condition is still serious. Mrs. Peter Koob, manager Of the National Tea store, was confined to her home at Lily Lake several days this week because of a swollen ankle. Mervin L. Schoenholtz, principal of the McHenry Public grade school, has been confined to bed since Monday noon, suffering from laryngitis. Linus Newman has been confined to his hohie since Tuesday of last week tbecause of injuries sustained in a fall On the ice in front of the McHenry postoffice. He is naw able to walk with the aid of a cane. Mrs. Vera Diedrich underwent an operation at St. Therese hospital at Waukegan Wednesday. Dorrie Jean Michel3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels of Johnsburg; had her tonsils removed at 'Bas Foar Different Ends St. Therese hospital at Waukegan on may comfort those tourista who 10 qt. GALVANIZED PAILS heavy quality regular 25o rB 194 WORK GLOVES -- Heavy flannel with knit wrist, regular 2 pr. t& 25c! 2 pairs 19^ Spring Steel SNOW SHOVEL, -- Made of 18 gauge steel Does not bend! 69<£ FIBER DOOR MATS-- Securely bound edges. A real 85c value .... .... .. 6^ J. VYCITAL HARDWARE Phone 98-M --: McHenry. Ill First <£reamerylnt!.l. The first creamery In the United -States 'was built in (Orange 'county, N.'V., ih 1856. 'Meaning 'of Name <Orang-Utan' The name "orang-utan" -maans 'man of the woods." Many Species of Food Fish There are 160 common species of food fish in American waters. Wednesday. Mrs. Etta Cooney, patient at the Woodstock hospital, is improving and expects to tie home soon. Capital . Tllrlftitne of the capital of'Portugal, Lisbon, derives through many changes from Ulysses, the Greek navigator, reputed in mytha to have founded it. get lost in Boston to know that Quaker lane, in that city, crosses itself and comes to four different SPECIALS OOOKIES--Sandwich assorted A 1M PEAS, CORN, WAX or GREEN BEANS-- Finest quality - 2 cans 23^ ORANGES--Florida, large, juice do*. SPAGHETTI or MACARONI--Oentrella pkg. 6^ EGGS--Fresh do*. 204 CORN BEEF HASH--2 large cans 25c BACON SQUARES--Vette and Zuncker's ,1b. 16tf PICNIC HAMS'--4 to 6 lb. av., Kerber's Jb. 19^ BARBIAN BROS. Riverside Drive Phone 180

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