Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1939, p. 6

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4U-- b - , # V . «* ^ 4 4- ** TBI IMBIEf PUfclNDEALSB Thursday, : - i 'W)v •<• ... .•* *t 3-^-" *, • fiV:** ; i®; THE POCKETBOOK o/* KNOWLEDGE W.^ •J(MVOONWW I'S F HCOAMIATfHOS LATIN WOBD _ H.UCAOM- MCAMIHO •saint X 29AOOO nowAt, STAT* ••• Tnent LOaCmAL OOVCRMMtNT •MPlOVWS HOT AHD LOCAL - - - COUNTING 930,000 W TUB ARMV AND NAW AHO OVM 4,000.000 OH MMUOUS RILW PHOjecrt. A MAH B W 2/ mcne*f -*xHtarmb m tut 1911 a*M0M*/ COMTtft /#* 'IAX*KT*H* mtemesr'MAne JOHNSBURG A O&IMAH FACTORY WORKER MUST WORK S Times AS LOM* A9 AM AMB/tlCAM TO BuV AN AUTOMOBILE -- AMD AN ITALIAN TBH TtMtS AS LON6. tPHty HORSe* A*i THOROUGHBREDS.. OTHER ANIMALS ARft CALLED "PVHB B&6D. SAY WE ALU EE QgT-flKCi - SHERIFFS SALE BY VIRTUE of an Alias Execution issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of « certain judgment recently obtained against Joseph J. Weiler in favor of Grace M. Carey out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Joseph J. Weiler, I have levied on the following property, to-wit: Lot No. 12 of McHenry Country Club second Addition, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, if» Book 5 of Hats at Page 24.V / THEREFOR, According to said command, I shall erfpose for sale, at Public Auction, all the right, title and interest of the above named Joseph J. Weiler ih and to the above described property, on Friday the 3rd day of February, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock A'.-M. at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City, of ,Woodstock, in said County. ° Dated at Woodstock, Illinois,' 'this 6th day of January 1939. , LESTER EDINGER, Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. Jan. 12 - 19 - 2«J . SHERIFFS SALE '; ^ BY VIRTUE of an Alias Execution issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and Staet of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against Otto Sell iand Henry Sell in favor of Samuel P. Johnston out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Otto Sell and Henry Sell I have levied on the following property, to-wit: Lot 4 in Block 6 in Lilymoor, a Subdivision by Samuel P. Johnston, of part of the SW!% of See* tion 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the third Principal Meridian, according to the plat of said subdivision recorded April 10, 1928 in Book 6 of Plats pages 46 and 47, situated in the Township of McHenry r in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. THEREFOR, according to said command, I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, all the right, title and in- Mrs. Fred Smith entertained the five hundred club Wednesday afternoon of last week. Prizes were awarded t# Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, Mrs. Leo Freund and Mrs. Fred Smith. Miss Agnes Schmitt of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt. " Vincent Tonyan and Buddy Meyers were Antioch callers Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock visited a few days in the home of her mother, Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, recently. Miss Katie Pitzen of" Chicago spent the weekend with her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of he* mother, Mrs. John A. Miller. Win. J. Meyers was a Waukegan caller Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and children of Woodstock spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alex FreUnd and daughter, Nancy, of -Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J<ie P. Miller and Mrs. George King were Woodstock callers Tuesday. /• r. and Mrs. iPetir Wagner of Volo visited with Mrs. William AlthofF on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and Math J. Smith of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Spring Grove attended the anniversary party of St. John's Court, No. 96, Tuesday evening. A card party, sponsored hy the Christian Mothers, will be held in the chyrch hall at Johnsburg, Sunday night, January 29, at 8 o'clock. Pinochle, five hundred and bunco. „ T o l d Tales HWntsf fee Piles of «f Yean A#» SIXTY YEARS AGO A. S. Wright and wife, Johnnjr Wheat and George Whjtson of Wood* stock, spent Sunday in this village. Circuit Court is in session at Woodstock this week. The jurors from this town are, Geo. A. Bucldin and John Ralston, on the Grand Jury and John. P. Smith and R. A. Bucklin on the Petit Jury. Miss Ettie Searles, sister of Smith Searles, who has resided here for the past three years, departed on Monday for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Which place she intends making her future home. Prof. Gillett will open his dancing school at Riverside hall, on Thursday evening. GREEN ENSEMBLE "lly Skin was fuftofPimpleft * Blmnishes from Constipation" sayaVerna Schlepp: "Since nsing Adlerikn the pimples are gone. My £s. smooth and 'glows with health." Adlerika washes BOTH bowels, aif| relieves constipation that so often •#» gravates a bad complexion. At All Leading Druggists The full-length eoat is trimmed with stitching. The jacket is faniasie red and brown striped wool with a belt and vest front of green. FiFTY YEARS AGO LILY LAKE Roy Hobbs was a Chicago visitor on Thursday. Mrs. Lavin of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swansoifr'have returned home after spending ^ few days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lannes of Chici spent Sunday at their cottage. George Toons of Chicago spent Saturday at his cottage at Lily Lake. Mrs. J. Boyko of Chicago spent the terest of the above named Otto Sell ] weekend at her home at Lily Lake, and Henry Sell in and to the above j Dinner guests at the home of Mr. described property, on Friday the lOth, affd Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday day of February, 1939 at 10:00, o'clock ! were Christine Wegener of Chicago, A. M. at the front door of the Court- j Robert Krinn of DesPlaines, Mr. and We learn that Stoffel and Blake contemplate building a new store at Fox Lake. E. Carpenter has sold his residence south of the Universalist church to Ed Fletcher, of Wauconda, and will give possession March 1. Consideration $1,400. B. Robinson, at his rooms over the post office, is prepared to file saws on short notice. The winter we are enjoying seems to upset the calculations of the oldest inhabitants. We have met but one person who remembers such a season who said that the winter of 1841-42 was similar to this one. IMS DEBUNKER By John Harvey Furbay, Ph.D. Copyright by Public Ledger, Inc. FORTY YEARS AGO house, in the City of Woodstock, in said County. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 12th day of January 1939. LESTER EDINGER, Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois, (Pub. Jan 19 - 26- Feb 2) Mrs. Irene Meltreger, a former investigator for the government, told Judge Sabbath of Chicago that when she cooked an eight-course dinner as a surprise for her husband, Edgar, he threw it at her course by course. She was granted a divorce. IME-OI 250^)eta2daWoM^ PMRTEI STATIOIEIT 75 Long Sheets^ (6'/jxioVi) » 75 Short Sheets (6'/2x7) IOO Wallet Flap Envelopes 250 Pieces all for COMPLETE Yowr MUM 4it<l addrMi h printed on e*«li tlwet end envelope « shown, in dirk blu« ink only. Compart AU witti any valua offered. Two srnt of writing paper for the price of one ... The long 2-fold sheet for the expressive letter . . . the short single fold sheet W hirried amT semi-b«Ki«*ss correspondence. • IGet the "feel" of this fine Vellum paper . pen glide over its glorious writing surface. Send us your order todayl . Isl your , Order Blank Ekrter my order 4er --bMes Name-On 250 DfeLuxe Vellum Ensemble at $1.00 per box. (Special for JantMry end February only). To be printed as follows! • Order several boxes at this low price '• .Name • • ' • - ' '• •--• ' . i . • Street Qesh enclosed $_ Sorry, No G. 0.1>. or phone orders Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs and baby daughter, Roberta Mae, of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Sarley and sons of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. Grout, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll, Miss Margaret Farrell, Mrs. Norma McCall, all of Chicago, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Klabaugh recently. Mr. and Mrs, Martin of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. THE DIES REPORT The House committee investigating un-American activities, headed by Representative Martin Dies of Texas, in a unanimous report has placed upjon the Department of Labor-a large part of the responsibility for the subversive activities, espionage and foreign propaganda which have been going on in the United States in recent years. • Secreraty of Labor Frances Perkins Mid her department assistants are charged with failure to enforce the deportation laws, and the committee declared that "the laxity with which the Department of Labor deals with alien agitators would be unbelievable if we did not have before us the most convincing proof." The report also expressed the belief that the National Labor Relations Board should be thoroughly investi gated to determine "to what extent the board members ^nd employees approve the Communistic views expressed by David J. Saposs, the board's economist." Without mentioning him by name, Hie report also criticized the failure to enforce the law and orders of the Courts by former Governor Murphy of Michigan during the sit-down strikos in that state. Murphy was defeated for re-election, but has just been appointed Attorney General of the United States. While the Dies committee has been criticized in various quarters for its findings, it should be remembered that it is composed of five Democrats and two Republicans, and that all seven ijnembers signep the report." It is unreasonable to suppose that the ftve democrats would thus unanimously Condemn officials of thei* own party unless there were good grounds for such* action. We understand that parties from CiueagO"""will, as soon as the weather! ill permit, commence the erection of, a Club House at Slocum's Lake, on ! land belonging to T. V. Slocum. 1 We understand the PSstakee Yacht Club will build an elegant club house] at the Bay early in the spring. - It will be 35x70 feet and finished off in a style second to no building of the kind around the lakes. The many friends of Mrs., Elisha Hubbard of this village, will be pained to learn that she suffered a partial stroke of paralysis the latter part of last week, and has since been lying in a helpless condition at her residence here. The new one dollar bill have been issued, but as yet are not in general circulation. THIRTY YEARS AGO THERE WE HI NO *KNI<*HTS Of THE ROUND TABLE' IN*KIN$*MTHUI& TJME.^ Although many historians^ are doubtful whether such a person as Arthur ever lived, others concede that there may have been a British chieftain by that name, but state that his "existence and deeds have very little to do with the origin of the cycle of romances to which his name is given." He is supposed td have lived in the Sixth century and to have been killed at the battle of Camlan. Authentic history, however, does not have any record of his actual existence--much less the existence of 'his legendary court and "Knights of the Roundtable." WNU Service. Butter remained firm at 29 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. C. E. Sherman has had installed in his home a Western gas generator, an acetylene plant, which cooks, heats and lights to perfection. John H. and George D. MacKay, having purchased the Thomas Mc- Bride cottage at Pistakee, will make that place their summer home hereafter instead of the Islay >cottage which they have occupied for the last nine years. Rumor has it that a handsome new coliseum on Water street is among McHenry's possibilities. The venture, we believe, will be a paying one. TWENTY YEARS AGO AN OLD HOUSE By ANNE CAMPBELL The ghost of one who climbed these stairs With halting steps precedes me still, When, happily devoid of cares, I run up with a merry will. This house has borne such tragedy, Andjfrpt its smiling windows meet The sunsetJ^with tranquillity, Whether in gladness or defeat. I hope whatever Fate may do That I shall stand, as this house stands, Strong in each circumstance, the blue Hues over me, and in my hands Such warmth and hospitality That I can draw, as this house does, All sad and weary hearts to me, For comfort where dismay once Was. Copyright. MISS YOUTH--1939 Wm. Karls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls, of this village, bears the distinction of being the first McHenry boy to return home from overseas duties, he having arrived in this village last Saturday morning after nine months' service in France. Most of the walks about town are again free from snow. Now let us make it our business to ke<£p^them so' during the balance of the winter. A new eighty foot brick smoke stack was completed at tn« ooraen milk bottling plant here last week. The windows are now in St. Mary's church and with a few more days of favorable weather the workmen will also complete the tile roofing job. Use of the 'Dog Ring' During the periods of famine in the Netherlands in bygone years, all dogs over a certain size, or those that could not.pass through the "dog ring," were ordered killed because they required too much food, according to a writer in Collier's Weekly. One of these iron rings may be seen in the Old Church in Amsterdam. BRING'A ITOIEND Oil Pcrauumite, 2 persona for ....$5 np to IIS, singly $3 to $12 eompUU NOB-Ammonia Waves $2JM C'mprto STOMPANATOTS Bauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodatock. IB. *. V' •< t Phpae Uf , XAif DR. L. B. MUBPHT DENTIST Offlse mm ~ t Ami Rtonide Drive -- McHenry, HL DR. C. KELLER -- Optometrist -- Is nour permanently located in Mj£| Henry at his summer home on River* side Drive. Forty-six years experie&tit testing eyes and making glasses. -- Call for Appointment -- All Kinds of Repairs -- T|L 211-R ;'vV > •*' Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door To Hoot Noonan's On U. S. 12 K Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fenders * Straightened Sign Painting Trade Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL KENT & COMPANY ! All Kimb of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the most reliable Companies In and talk it omr 'hone MeQency S Phono 4S VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McSanry HUmIs S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants Telephone No. S0f Stoffel ft Reib&nsperger insurance agents far all classes |f property la the best companies. * " WIST McHENUY ILLINOIS This young lady with the winsome smile is Miss Josette Dayde, 18 years old, who was selected for the title of Miss Youth of 1939 at a recent contest held in Paris. - Mrs. Jean Miller of Indian Head, Can., sang a song about "a little yaller dog" at a band concert, morning she found a yellow dog on J not been washed for six centuries. Jier step with this note attached: "In Caretakers believe that to wash the Windows of famous English glass in The next the Yorkminster of Hull, Eng., have answer to your request.' A tax bill of $2.40,' delinquent for ninety-four years, was paid to the county treasurer of Pontiac, Mich. The delinquency was discovered when windows would destroy the mellowing effect of time. i Midget Clyde Hendershot of Beck's Grove, Ind., smiled and said that he twenty-eight years old when an "he property ow*r applied for a home [Officer told him that children weren't oan. f-T ^ 1 allowed to operate automobiles. ^ POTPOURRI fM-:;*:; Wooing Palace The male bower bird of Australia after building a twig house sometimes three feet tall lines a path to the door with bright shells and stones. Inside he builds flower boxes in which he places orchids. Then he invites in a prospective bride. If she likes his house and wooing she stays, otherwise leaves and another is invited. © Western Newspaper Union. TO HOME o mm A VISIT TO OUR BEST e£0_ CW.LEO POR OUFT V SL)K)DA»V suvr" wrrM F\\JU THE. , TR IMML W S--• &ND OUQ ^ MOST FORMAL BGHAMLO BUT THE MODERN VOUMQSTEP IS iNGuijoeO To 6E a err UES5 PORMAL IN HIS SOCIAL _ ACTIVITIES " AKlV OQESS/ TELL VOUR PAUGWTER THAT HER ©«6 MOMENT IS HERE % MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others wh'o want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph H. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. . 4 8. Genesee St., Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 183 A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Oraii / Service '--Eo^kd Building-- TeL 204-1! McHenry, HI FKZTT BROTHERS : CONTRACTORS Cement, Brick, Plaster anil ' Stucco Work . fofeilding. Moving and Raising Telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILL. FIRR AUTO INSURANCE F£5S EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies Whw yon need insurance of any « sr Cl-M Pries Bldg. / . • /

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