Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1939, p. 1

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'Volume 64 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1939 Ho . 41 FILE AS fOR SUPERVISOR IS OUTLAWED BY , SPECIAL SERVICES DURING LENT A* I LOCAL CHURCHES *V: 3>ADY'S RULING UPHELD MONDAY llpeete! services' are being held in the churches of this city throughout the forty days of the Lenten season, which began on Ash Wednesday and ends at noon on Holy Saturday. St Patrick's Church , At St. Patrick's church services are held every Tuesday and Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. On Tuesday even- The United States Supreme court in*' y08®1?. sermon and benediction " Monday delivered three major deci- are given and on Friday evening, sta- Jkms against orders by the National of Ahe £««» i tabor Relations Board. It was the ^ Ferdinand Ward of DePaul jnost far reaching in the series of University has been engaged as speakjlWagner act decisions sinde the law it-, er'or the season on Tuesday evening. . «eUrwa» up.h eld, .i n A» pr- il. 11Q93o77. |^ Ma sses are being said at 7:30 on morni * nd 8:00 and 10;00 The court's first decision, most i«-j on Sundays the ,ast mass , portant and interesting e ve - jjjgjj jfasa followed by benediction, teenth Judicial circuit of Illinois, con<| €onfessions for the first Friday of demned the action of employes who ^ month win ^ held from 4 to 5 seized their employer's plant in a 8it-|0,d0ck Thursday afternoon of this down strike. I week and from 7 to 8 in the evening. Majority opinion, delivered by Chief Communion will be distributed at 6 Justice Charles Evans Hughes, set and 5.30 Friday morning with the aside an order of the Labor Board ^re-j |jagg 7.39 o'clock. Quiring the Fansteel Metallurgical; St Mary's Church Corporation of North Chicago to re-| Lenten services at St. Mary's church Instate with back pay ninety-two C.; are held on Wednesday and Friday 1 O. union members who participated evenings at 7:30, with rosary, sermon • in the seizure of the Fansteel plant and benediction on Wednesday and in February, 1937. I stations of the Cross and benediction In condemning the Fansteel sitdown on Friday. strike Justice Hughes declared: "It Sermons Rev. Fr. Paul Tuchlinsky . was a high handed proceeding without will deliver on Wednesday evenings .shadow of legal right." Such conduct are as follows: March 1 -- "Prayer:" on the part of the strikers the court March 8 -- "Penance" (virtue); March held was ample cause for their dis-, 16 -- "Sin;" March 22 -- "Sacrament charge. j of Penance;" March 29 -- "Passion of Sit-l>own Strikes Outlawed ! Our Lord;" and April 6 --"The Holy Commenting on claims Of the sit- Eucharist." Masses on Sunday are at 8:00 and COUNTY ENDORSES WM. CARROLL FOR COMMITTEEMEN HELD MEETING FEB. 23 HAND INJURED Melvin Walsh sustained an injured hand late Monday afternoon in an accident which occurred in Overton's garage where he is employed. He was J engaged in lowering a dump truck which had been jacked up, ordinarily a' simple task. However, at this time, ' the machine came down' too rapidly^ catching his hand beneath it A doo tor's examination disclosed no broken" bones, but he will be unable , to' re- PETER SCHAEFER, SR. AND TWO JOHNSBURG AGED RESIDENTS sume work for several eks. MRS. MARY TONYAN j . Peter Schaefer Sr., .87 years old, J passed away at the home of his son, Ben, at Johnsburg Wednesday night, March 1, after an illness of about a year. He would have been 88 on August 27. A total of forty-four editorials from He was united in marriage to Cath- NEARBY NEWS The1 Harvard Herald have been used erine Frett, and to this union were during the past twelve months in the born nine children, five of whom sur- "Illinois Editorial Review," a program vive. They are: Mrs. Tillie Jerak of of the state's only non-commercial Chicago, Ben of Johnsburg, Joe of Mceducational radio station, WILL, at Collum's Lake, Peter, Jr., of McHenry the University of Illinois. During and Fred of Chicago. A brother, Math, the year's time a total of 1,723 edi- of McHenry and two sisters, Mrs. Wm. torial clippings from' fifty-eight daily Hay of this city and Mrs. George Rosand weekly newspapers were present- ing of Wooster Lake, also survive. ed in the program cross-section of the j He wag a member of St. John's state's opinion. ^ | church at Johnsburg. * John Sime. chairman of the Hebron Funeral services will be held Mon-' 12 5% troop committee, presented Richard morning at 9:30 o'clock in St.' Montgomery with his 10-year vet- john.s chwb< with burial in St. John's eran award last Thursday week even- cemetery. ing at the regular scout meeting. ' • GA§ AND ELECTRIC ^ COMPANY RELEASES ; f; ANNUAL REPORT Theannual report of Western United Gas and Electric compahy made iblic .last \vsek ?hows operatir,^ r<;v enues for 1938 of $7,979,140 compared with $7,904,483 <n 1937, an increase of 0.9% Gat revenues increased i,0%, while electric revenues were greater by 1.4%. Operating 'expneses and taxes were $5,630,916 compared with $5,525,094 in the previous year, an increase of $105,822. Taxes continued t© increase. The provisions for taxes in 1988 amounted to $927,801 compared with $922,899 for the previous year. Net income amounted to $843,556 in 1938 compared with $857,781 in 1937. After the payment of $828,136 dividends on the outstanding preferred shares, $15,420 was added to earned surplus as a result of the year's operations. Therms of gas sold in 1938 amount, ed to 44,042,354 compared with 39,- 162,308 therms in 1937, an increase of S. H. FREUND AND N. SCHMITT WILL ENTER RACE: JOS. J. FREUND HAS NO OPPOSITION 1 This award is given for ten years of j service in scouting. During this tim«j Mr. Montgomery has served in almost every capacity from patrol leader to scoutmaster. At present he is one of the troop committeemen. Anions the eight contracts totaling $689,964.62 which have just been awarded by the Illinois Division of WILLIAM M. CARROLL Highways for the spring construction} is one of $9,189.81 for Lake down strikers that they should be reinstated by the Fansteel company, 10:30 a.m., with benediction following. Justice Hughes declared: "We are un- the first Mass. On weekdays, Mass i§ Twenty-five of the thirty-four mem-lf < 'the" WbrWti^n! able to conclude that congress intend. « 8. o'clock- On FW Friday, Com-, ber, he McHenry connfr Vliv/rvof /truci^.l LVl f": ed to compel employers to retain per- mumon is distributed at 6:30 and V00 can Centra Ml^itteemen answered^ Ro„„, 60 grm(|(! wplr,ti(,„ „t th, sons to their employ regardless of | o c^k and Ma.» .t ^ at . .neeti,ng hd< e,^, Joliet and Eastern _ Rail™* their unlawful conduct. ^..xes,,0„s nea™ «r,u , ^77 \ Rubway sodth of Lake Zurich. The; "To justify such conduct because of P-m., on Saturdays and on the Thurs- m Woodstock for the purpose of »e- . . ^ d the existence of a labor dispute or of day before First Friday, immediately lecting delegates to the R^ub ican, ^d^mZT^ cSca^f an unfair labor practice would be to after the Mass and at 3 and 7 in the invention at ^rd on Apnl 1J, DamaPe aniountin<r to $1,500 rosult4 DUt a premium on resort to force in- afternoon. I at which time three Republicans will . from R fire at Little Orchard stead of legal remedies and to subvert SiM^pg Grov® • ! be selected as candidates for election ( Farm on Rout<1 173 ab<jut five mi,e|J the principles of law and order which At St Peter's church at Spring ais circuit judges^of this dii! •est of Antioch. on Saturday morning! liej aavt tihnee fiouuiunuduautiuounos owf* society." - G---ro-v e, there jw•--i-l-l- be serv^ ices d,u ri.n g Th,s senUment o•f x ^. ,.c o.m m» ittee,i 0o1f ]laass t week The kouse Jas valu^( On the afternoon of Feb. 17. 1937, Lent ^very Friday evening and the memteK wa> ovemhelming^^y » $4,600. The lire had alr.»iy hem! nearly 100 of the Fansteel employe, "rfy Way of the Cr0!, .,H be and on of in *>r *" h"« w:ii: O 11 nr..j.4..i. ment at 9:,30 o clock. seized the two key buildings of the Sunday afternoons jtlant at North Chicago. The next day in the circuit court at Waukegan, Judge Ralph J. Dady ordered the ft^ikora to vacate the buildings. The men refused. Soon after mid» ^flight SheriflF Lawrence Doolittle and a NEW STORE WILL OPEN ON GREEN ^ STREET FRIDAY of William M. Carroll of Woodstock. as the candidate from this county. Carroll Thanks Convention Joseph, Tregoning, 69, of Fox Lake* Customers using gas for space heating at the close of the year numbered 4,918 compared with 4,637 at the end of 1937. Total electric service supplied by the company, exclusive of energy supplied Election day in McHenry township on Tuesday, April 4, has but; little promise of excitement, as there will, be but one contest, that for the office of supervisor. The last day for filing petitions for, township offices was Tuesday, February 28. M. J. Walsh, clerk, informed the Plaindealer Wednesday that he had received but three petitions, ait follows: For Supervisor--Stephen H. Freund and Math N. Schmitt. For Highway Commissioner--Joo. J. Freund. S. K. Freund and Jos. J. Freund. are the present supervisor and high*: way c6mmissioner, being up for re* election for another four years. Mrt Schmitt will endeavor to gain the sup* ervisor's position in place of S. H. Freund. * Supervisor Freund has been a member of the board for the past thirty years beittg first elected in 1909, sue* to Public Service company of North-1 reeding the late James Ladd of Ring ern Illinois under the interchange w°od He served as chairman of the board in 1921 and during his long ser- , vice was also chairman of most of the important committees. He had decided this spring to retire as supervisor, but during the noon rece?s at the February meeting he was present-, ed with a surprise petition, sismed bv all th<' other members, requesting that he again become a candidate for re-election. This caused the veteran member to reconsider and he consented to run again. Math N. Schmitt is a well known PRODUCTION CREDIT - *itizen of McHenry township, where a eijv TtTTVOvaip o » m« he was a farmer for a long term of ASs'N. INTEREST KATE I years, but now resides in the city of ' DOWN HALF PERCENT l McHenry. His present work is that of secretary of the McHenry Townenergy contract amounted to 102,- 677,251 kilowatt hours compared with 104.568,084 kilowatt hours in 1937, a decrease of 1.8%. Residential and commercial use Increased i>ut was more than offset by decreases in sales to large power and li£ht customers. The company is now serving more than 88'/r of all rural establishments in its territory and service is avail' able to more than 96%. The interest rate to members of the Production Credit Association at Woodstock was reduced one-half of MRS. MARY TONYAN one per cent on all money advanced The lqst stitch in the pattern of an beginning February 24, 1939, Vincent choked to death Wednesday of last exquisite life has been made. A life M. Casey, secretary-treasurer, anounc- Tri fV,D , • - ..B' week when a slice of meat became interwoven with the firm threads of ^ for the Board of Directors. --v,.. loyal support and endorsement of his J" ^is. .throat' * ^ womanlV *®ve- chariCjr and «entle kind- "This is made possible" said Secifo- rc e oft dA epu»ti•e s gathered ffrroomm ttnhe. Tomorrao™w ™?F rid.v> .n ew ,tor, will candidal one of th. Judge, of U,i.J°<:"'aJ.*t the !?M .•? "es»- A"" 2?' 5f «. roT_-n ofof^rT?„f a_ L,ake- Tregoning was eating his din- days, Mrs, Mary Tonyan, one of sale of Federal Intermediate Credit Surrounding countryside attacked the _ it , • w^ - 1. . . v • . '*'Mr when he suddenly bccame ill and Johnsburg's best loved citizens, ended Bank debentures to the investing pubbuildings with tear gas bombs. Th. this comm«mty and vcinrty. Maurice predated the support of his home „uit Coroner John L. her earthly pilgrimage. On Frdiay ,ic hearing low rates of interest and • Taylor, performing an autopsy, found night, February 24, 1939, she succumb-1 the unusual progress and success this w;th i„„„i . » large slice xof nieat blocking the ed to pneumonia at her home. She association has had in loaning money . . .. . ... . theloyalsupportyou haveman>s throat was 82 years old and a Gold Star to farmers reneral dry goods store in the build- given me through the selection of M{|, Elnor Slnith of Hebron Jof Moth,r ' SeTuilM.o're* SeTcirbomta OhdrtOM. proprietor of a large de- county in thi» contest uow i ;rtri partment store in Riverdale, 111., for part: «nd parts of machinery as ammuiliUon ^ ^ ^ , to repel the attack. ' Held Plant in Lake, McHenry and Strikers lieta rw * !• r> ' " ^ i a , . . , ,. . «iw amor onum oi neuron sui- Moiner. I Boone counties. For a week thereafter the strikers t«1 Jnhonp romnanvC 8 i behalf I can now nresent'mv landf fered severe bums last Tuesday morn- The deceased was born near Ring-| "The new rate will be four and oneremained in the plant defying the b?J?'e ^ T'lfph°n,t fHuiTl . I^h»» candi- ^ whe„ opM ^ elMtri»h„fer wood June 16 1876 the daughter of half per cent and a. usual, interest «ourt order. Sheriff Doolittle swore in entirely redecorated WalU have counties and I sincerely believe wc feH »P°n bcr while she wa. bathin^. Jacob and Mary Miller. Her child- win be charged only for the period a second force of deputies and pre- . *nH n«w fivtnre* can brin* thin imftortant nlfir harlr! nco,n made the number "four hood was spent in this vicinity and which the members actually have the Dared to try again to enforce the , . . . ,, , . t MeHenrv countv whprp holiov*' 8Core 8even" famous, and in truth, she attended the Johnsburg scm>ol. money," he stated. Tihs is the lowest Sort's ord« if installed. A well planned ^McHenry county where we believe the words «.four 8COre and seven„ do ,n m? she wa8 united in marria^e rate at which Production Credit has Officials of the company said that ^iiow5**Itn -i* ntwptiv* i «you have done well bv indorsinr' J)ave a nice> round ro11- Waukegan, to William Tonyan at Johnsburg. Fr.jever been made available. *100 000 damage had been done to the allows f®.r an "ttractive display of, f1 however> s^ps a little short of the fa- Fegers officiated at the ceremony. The Lotus Production Credit Asso- JLT^nd trtte rare meUls in pro- Tn^'ha"d 1 1S?\ ... 1 ^ mous record" ^ Thursd.y was that NiSe children were born to them, sev-l ciation, according to Secretary Casey, ofnrodiKtton'n Thebuildings. , ^r' G,ad f ston« 7"f ca,rry.a .COm" SnLf birthday. ^ they were enof whom remain to mourn her last year, did a business totaling cess of production in vue ^ plete assortment of standard, advsr- Inomas H. uill of Winnebago county., w,.t «#•„„« ' »i n . .. . , „ . The company manufacture* «>^tact tised lines at reasonable prices. This These two counties have joined in en-! wpll J But they ye done loss. One child died at birth and a son, $432,031. These loans, he said, are j plicate narts used in . .. , F , v . „ f. •_ , ... WPI1 tor the first eighty years, and Ed, was killed in actiot. during the made for agricultural purposes and points and other delicate pans usoq includes notions, dry goods, baby dorsing their candidates, but have left *ive them 8CVen more . . . mayti on« World War. Less than two week, repayments are made at the ti.Se when of the city fathers will make a sec- ago, a daughter, Mrri. Margaret the member is best able to pay from ot»d Gettysburg address for the occa- Friend, of Richmond, passed away af- the sale of crops or livestock or other SIOn» ter an illness of several years. Her operations financed. automobile and airplane motors. goods, men's furnishings, ladies' open the selection of a third candi- The strikers finally fled through * ready-to-wear, work-clothes, shoes and date. hole in a high fence that surrounds ^ I "In my career as a candidate for the plant after the second attack by The proprietor hopes to find a con- office* heretofore I have experienced, * .. . > , . . . . , , , , Sheriff Doolittle. They were arrested strnctive place }n the community and both the thrills of success and the bit- bv the boaH,Tast ^firm^6" r later and placed on trial on charges invites ^ public in9pect his Joods ter pang, of defeat, but in the pro-1 Zen . 7ar dr yen ^ W 3V intent in of contempt of court growing out of and become acquainted | gress of these events I have always' Barring bSS JS i-' IS their Mif Ji0la Mongeau, who has been |^ked ;0 and have ^ no|structor, collided with a Bowman dairy active, 'she loved her home and took ty-seven were convicted^ and sentenced a vaIued employe f or thepast ten books ori the past |milk truck at the int(>rsectiori of pride in making it a place of jov and to ,iail terms of ten to }_80_days and yea„ Wlll als0 assigt wth the work You have selected a most excellent Hou(rh street and Northwest hiRh. contentment for her family as well as t ox rcprcscntfltiv6 citizens as dcl6"' wqv *» fvai -- « / j #_• j_ «« HUSBAND OF FORMER LOCAL GIRL TO SHARE IN $325,000 ESTATE were fined from $100 to $300. here. way in that city. The nine-year record The twenty-four strikers who re- and Mrs. Gladstone are making gates and alternates to the judicial belonged to Earl a" Naily'^river"'of ceived ten day jail sentences served t^e}r j,0me in the Wm. Pries house on convention. I thank you sincerely for the trucl{ wj,jch he had 'driven for their time. The thirteen others who Elm street> Their three sons are at-'their selection and for the confidence more than' 340000 miles without hav were convicted appealed their senten- tending school, Melvin, at the Univer- you have reposed in me by making ing figUred jn an accident The crash ces and fines. Judge Dady's decision gity of mjnojs at Champaign; Lee, at me your candidate for Circuit Judge." ocpuj.,.^ wben Mr Sears' car travwas upheld *by the Illinois appellate medical shcool in Chicago, and Ray, A resolution was presented by Com-; eiinjf south on jjough street hit icv and supreme courts. It was then ^ studying physics in a Chicago mittee Member Russell Allen of Cary, pavement at the intersection a'nd could carried to the nation's highest court, school, specializing in the neon sign who moved its adoption. The motion not be stopped in time to avoid hjtwhich has upheld Judge Dady's orig- business. * 1"J *,T-n- T TI " Inal decision. Judge Dady Pioneers The sitdown strikes in the United States began in the automobile indus try in Michigan. They were first used as » labor weapon in -Europe, and from there spread to this country While in Michigan a T. A. BUNGARD, 83. DIED TUESDAY AT ! HOME IN HEBRON Christ G. Burkhartsmeier of Desfor relatives and friends. She was an Plaines, husband of the former Miss excellent housekeeper. Laura Barbian of this city, figured in Surviving, besides a brother, Joseph, the $325,000 will of Daniel Burkof Fox Lake, and two sisters, Mrs. hartsmeier, barrel manufacturer, who Barbara Lawrence of Ringwooid and died February 6. The will was ad- Mrs. Anna Tonyan of Fox Lake, are mitted to probate last week in Chifour daughters, Mrs. Johanna Smith, cago, by Judge John F. O'Connell. Mrs. Catherine Smith and Mrs. Tena Aside from $27,000 in specific bej j v. tir-ii- T „ „ -- -- ~--ri-- ^ .ui-iLay of Johnsburg and Mrs. Isabelle quests the estate, valued at $325,000, seconded by William J. Heatley tjnjf tj,e truck in the highway. Neither j Miller of Richmond, and two sons. Ben is placed in trust for a daughter, Mrs of Harvard and Dr. M. D. Brooks of 1 - ship Mutual Fire Insurance company, which position he has filled for several years. a No Opposition • | Jos. J. (Butch) Freund has been th# township's road commissioner for several years, doing a good efficient job' and will be re-elected this year without opposition on the ballot. The race for supervisor four ago was a hot fight, there being'four candidates in the field. S. H. Freund, Nick Weingart, Wm. B. Tonyan and Arnold J. Rauen. Mr. Freund was high man by a margin of 40 vote* over his closest rival, Weingart. BURIAL SERVICES FOR EUGENE SULLIVAN, 75, HELD HERE ON FRIDAY , «* '.'••Vl': „ 0 8 man was injured. Mr. Sears' car was of Johnsburg and Frank of Fox Lake; Marie Woodridge, 7200 Crandon ave., Hebron, and upon roll call was adopt- j badly damaged in the front end. | also thirty grandchildren and twelve Chicago. Upon her death the trust is • . ' I Struck by a fast southbound North j great-grandchildren. dissolved and the principal divided be ^presenting' the resolutions endors-.Western passenger train in Highlandi She attended St. John's church and tween Christ G. Burkhartsmeier, a mg Mr. (^arroll s candidacy Mr: Allen parjt< John Gourley, 81, widely known was a member of the Christian Moth- nephew, and the Martha Washington --V i : . on .. ®Po ,°f the fine qualifications of Mr. Highland Park lumber dealer, was kill-'ers and Women's Catholic Order of Home for Dependent Crippled chil- .„ ,. T. A. wungard 83 years old, died, Carroll for the high office of judge, ed instantly Wednesday morning of. Foresters of that parish. dren, 4448 South Michigan avenue. _ ^ , . vacillating at his home at Hebron Tuesday after-j he referred to his public record and his rast Witnesses at the Elm pi. Funeral services were held Mondav Chicago. New Deal governor condoned them and noon, February 28, following an illness loyalty to the Republican party, and cros8ing, where the accident occurred, morning at St. John's -hurv-h' at refused to let the courts function of about three weeks duration, propertly, the idea of the sitdown The deceased was bom in Hubble- * #trike was taken up by C. I. O. agitat- ton. Wis., December 24, 1855, and on . ors at Waukegan and North Chicago, February 14, 1883, was united in marwith the results quoted above. riage to Miss Mary Pierce at Spring However, these thug leaders in Hli- Grove. jiois did not reckon with a fearless Surviving are his wife and a son, < judge, who was not to be intimidated Rov, of Chicago. Also two sisters and by gang methods of misguided work- j a brother. The three grandchildren trs led by racketeers who have, no are: Leslie and Ralph Bungard of feir^--respect for law and order. Judge Dady Chicago and Mrs. Wm. Hunt of Woodlias been upheld by the highest court stock. 1 -J n urged the adoption of the resolution, Delegates Named Upon motion Chairman C. Frank reported that Mr. Gourley was appar-! o'clock, with ently confused by the switching opera-' cemetery. tions of a local train and walked unburial in St. letu** WOODSTOCK'S OLDEST RESIDENT DIES AT 95 Card of Hianks In this manner we desire to express our sincere thanks and deep anoreci- »tion to neighbors and friends for Mrs. Margaret Meyer. Woodstock's oldest resident, died early last Thurs Funeral services for Eugene Sullivan who was found dead in his cottage on Grub Hill road near Grayslake last Wednesday afternoon, February 22, were held Friday moniing at 10 o'clock at Round Lake, with burial in the family lot in St. Patrick's cemetery at McHenry. The deceased, who lived alone, had not been seen since Monday evening, and when his absence was noted, a neighbor went to the cottage to investigate. The body was found in bed, and death had apparently occurred some time Monday night. Surviving is one siste»\ Mrs. John McCormick, of Libertyville. > MISS MARGARET FRETT GIVES LAST RECITAL AT ROSARY ON SUNDAY Miss Margaret Freft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F'vtt of Aurora, former residents of McHeny, is a popular organist at Rosary College. River Foresft' She gave her last concert there Sunday afternoon in the college chapel. Ptofessor ZoelIn'>r. celebrated concert cellist, for whose recent recital at Rosary Miss Frett was accompanist. was among the guests. Miss Frett, together with Miss Dorothy Joyce, wrote all the music for Rosary's current "Now and Then" revue being presented by. i&e Grex Guild. ^ v ~t-- -• •m Daly apr 'inted the following commit- der the gates into the path of the tee to select delegates and alternates j flier. i to the judicial convenion: William J. _ • __ Heatley of Harvard, Dr. M. D. Brooks D. Brooks, Hebron: Jo.^nh Sullivan."ftora'j offeri'ner's^rituarbouo^s acU day morning. February 23, at the home get a great ar of Hebron, Russell Allen of Cary. L. Marengo; Martin Bohl, Crystal Lake- of kindness and o*nrp«mn« nf of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Genevieve | satisfaction out. A. Stockwell of Rile, and Marcellus Ralph Boyle, Crystal Lak,: J. R. -• "Lhv extended u, Z ouHJentX " " """" nson. Greenwood. 1 r«avemOnt. Al«o for the use of cars. of the land. jenne of Woodstock. The committee retired and after a brief rece«s reported the following DO YOU WANT *rr A 7-room house, furnace heat, bath, garage, large lot, fruit trees, etc., only $2,500, with $500 cash, balance lilu Tent.1 Kent A Co., fee. Phone 8. 41-fp Funeral services will be held Friday i names, which report upon motion was ' Boy your Baby Chicks at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 41-fp Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles prug Store. 89-tf-fp nftemoon at two o'clock at the late home, with burial in Linn Hebron cemetery. SPONSORS "GOLGOTHA" The talking picture, "Golgotha," will be presented at the high school auditorium in the a/ternoon and evening of Monday. March 27, under the auspices of the Holy Name Society of St adopted: Delegates • Frank J. Green. Chm., C. Frank Daly, G. E. Still, R D. Woods. Lester" Edinger, William R. Bums, Chas. F. Renich, Woodstock; M. F. Walsh, Leonard Peterson. Hugh A. Deneen, H. B. Megran, Harvard; Vernon J. Knox, Thomas P. Bolger, C. J. Reih- Alternates Grant Nolan. Chas. F. Hayes,; Har Old E. Beth. Marcellus Sonne. Don A. Wicks, Fred B. Bennett. Floyd E. Eck- 41 THE CHILDREN. The BAKERY GOODS McHenry Bakery on ert. Woodstock; Hairy' Nowicky, An- c^Tsupply ymir^eeds" Br^d! Woodstock for the past thirty-seven est display of pipes ever shownjn Me- J T* r\! • n * /i _ ' _ . ^ ITamm** ta WOPHT TIAW tA hlk fOlinil LOOK 'EM OVER Rpe-smokers will tell you that they great amount of comfort and" of their pipes. Some Mever. She was 95 years old. j prefer a meerschaum, some a briar The deceased was born in Lux^m-' and others the corncob or clay. Howburg, Germany, in 1843. the daughter ever, whatever kind you. Mr., Pineof Nicholas and Lena Leonard. She smokef. may want you wi'l find it this canie to this country at the age of week at Bolsrer's Drug Store, for it thirteen and had been a resident of is "Pipe Week" at Boljrer's. -The Isr"-- drew E. Dianis. Carv: Dr J G. Max- pies, cakes, cookies, etc. on, Thomas V. Houlihan, Lester Peacock. Harvard; Gerald Carey, McHenry; LeRov Conway, McHenry; Fred Wendt. Greenwood; Art Simes, Hebron; Fred Smith, Alden: William A. Austin, Richmond; Ed. Kuecker. Senyour home-town bakery. Buy from Phone 287- 41-fp years Henry county is right now to be found Besides the daughter-in-law, five at the drug store on Green street, grandchildren, ten great grandchildren L*^ojt 'gm over! 41-fp and one great-great-grandchild sur 1 Mary's church. Proceeds will be used! Foy E. Mentch, Cary; Frank Homola, for the benefit of St. Mary - St. Pat- Fox River Grove; Ray Bartholf, Richrick school. I mond; Paul Weber, Spring Grove; M. ansperger. McHenry; Russell Allen, feCa; Carl Martens, Frank Ferris Huntley: F.^A. Alford, August Peter son, Crystal Marengo. r..- •• Dr. Roberts' Veterinary Remedies at V1Y®- • . . .. _ Wattles Drug Store. 39-tf-fp Funeral services were held on Sat- -- ( urday afternon from the late home, Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. Clarence with interment in the mausoleum. Anglese and Mrs. Charles Gibbs acted Lake; Fred R. Kelley,' as substitute teachers at the local high Buy your Baby Chicks at the Farmschool several days this week. ers Mill. Phone 29. 41-fp r-. 'fe: .v . ASK FOR C.RADB-A The McHenrv Dairv t»asteuHWW and delivers Grade-A Milk, the best for health. Phone 27 and we will start delivery at once. Subscribe for The Plaindealer • ; ' ./•; , ' V . v :w..J jJi, &

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