; " 7 ;,-v"Z Siii im*- % % r n : -*v» ^$•^ ^•;^r«T |^v* >-,fr-; 1 ' PageTe* . *§«r-^ fS^' VfvT*f**x * • M MoHXNBY PLAINSKALXX -f ?*L K* ' ' 1s»V !^ ' ••'•** 7*\. f -.W v" '~*&M ••?• £•;,• &i._- >-j.- 5*.. *•« AJT i "••'* .'.'f iV""%. "i' "'* ^v. h.,* Society Motes W. C. O. Fr [Mrs. Ella Gans and in bunco by Mrs. -"•9tfe L«dy Foresters -will receive! Mike Worts. - Lunch was served at Holy Communion in a body at the 8 i conclusion of the evening o'clock Mass at St. Mary's church on j . _k . » • " Passion Sunday, March *26. They arej • -- --EASTER DANCE-- asked to assemble at "the school hail'. The K. of C. is sponsoring an Easbefore Mass. All members are re- ter Monday dance. It will be held at ItjpfeStad to be present. • * • CHRISTENING The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester was christened The Bridge. Further announcements will be made next week. • » • C. O. F. Approximately sixty members were Dee Ann Lucille at St. Mary's church in attendance at the Forester-meeting Sunday, with Rev. Fr. Paul Tuchlin. h^ld in St. Mary - St. Patrick School sky officiating. Sponsors were Miss hall Tuesday evening. V Lucille Steffes and Edward Matthews, j After the business meeting, Rev. f Guests in the home that day were Paul Tuchlinsky showed moving r Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hester and Mr. P^tures of the Euchansuc Congress -and Ml*. JMoOi^ter of Colfax and held m the ™llhP!ne Isja"ds several , Mr. anfMrs ttcob Steffes. , j >'e\rs a*°- ^lso of Japan, mc,- • 7 . , T• • • Idents m the life of the late Pope Pius HONORS COUPLE XI and the Vatican City. : , „ . . j - I Plans wete made to sponsor a dance Charles Ensign entertaaned a £or ^ of St. Mj|ry . St. Pktparty of friends at her home on^ gchool Jn ^ ^ future>.V Fourth street honoring her son and > « « , ' % il i, •wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ensign* 'who recently returned f«»m their honeymoon. Heuer, R. J. Sutton and Mrs. Gertrude Ritter; bridge, Ray Howard, Mrs Prank Hughes aod Mrs. Ray McGee, •aid bunco, Miss Helen Knox. • • '• 1 B. AND P. WOMEN'S CLUB . Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Tones were -among those from here who attended the monthly meeting of the McHenry County Business and Professional Women's club at the Anna Mae Tea room in Woodstock on Monday evening, March (20. Mrs. Cora Phillips presided „as Public Re^ lations chairman. IHter parade of tal. ent was as interesting and varied as the civic and educational bodies represented. • . • ' ' After the program, Minnie Bohn, president, presided over a business meeting at which arrangemetns were made for the next meeting to be held at Harvard. Thursday, March 33,1M SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DELIGHTS AUDIENCE J ITHtJRSDAY EVENING | Enthusiastic and hearty applause greeted the* initial appearance of the Waukegan Orchestra and Choral so. ciety in this city last Thursday evening. Some 350 persons gathered at the high school auditorium to enjoy brilliatit music of old and modern masters presented so ably by an as- SURPRISE PARTY " •uc; 111V.U11. - M. rs. . B. et, ty Nielsen wa.s .p l,e as,a ntly uraswris UICWIIICU au uuiy uv ttu Pinochle furaished tntertaiiiment, f"1^1"18 d a €™up of at|semblage of sixty talented instru- ; with prizes ' won by Mr. and Mrs. CliveMonday evening. ®ndKc mentalists under" - the direction of Wyke of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Lester, entertainment, with, honors |iSandor Kish Bacon and Charles Ensign Lunch going to Mi^ Maude Granger Mrs. was served following the games and Catherine Schreiner and Mrs. Robert the honored couple presented *with Thompson. lovely gifts. ! V ! Following the playing of cards, • • • [lunch was served and the guest of ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION j ho"or Presented with a gift. r, • ' ir n , Among those present were: Mrs. For River Valley C»np, R.N.A, Sjmm stoffe, „rs pl CovaIti s celebrated ite thirty-th,rd birthday j peter „ JusteI1 Mr j, k' annjvers.'TW.lh a dmner• al Ihe N«k . Sch„taef, Miss Clar, Stoffel, Mrs. m West McHenry Tuesday evening. | Burton, Mrs. Ethel Wald- A business meeting followed the din- i ner, after which the remainder of the mann, Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. Petersoifand Ckra!^' SpenCer ^ Wa,Sh' HONOR MRS. ALMA THOMAS It was indeed gratifying to see these men and women of varying ages and from different economical and social strata working so harmoniuosly and joyously in a common love of music. Housewives, stenographers, government employees, school teachers, met. al workers and lumbermen make up the personnel of the orchestra. The program opened" with the "Overture to Fingal's Cave" by Mendelssohn, a selection depicting the impressions of the composer received on a visit to this cave, situated on a lonely island northwest of Scotland. The cries of sea birds and the breaking of great waves against the lonely shore furnish a vivid tone against the sombr^ background. Sandor Kish next favored with two violin» selections, "Romance" by H. Wieniawski and "Hellamzo Balaton" by Hubay. The latter composer, Jeno de Szalatna Hubay, as a violin teach- . . . , . . George H. Johnson, Mrs. Robert .e vening was devoted to cards and u. „ j „ „ bunco TP»r_i.z es in ,b ridge were won ,b y Thompson, Miss Maude Granger, Mrs Mrs. E. G. Peterson1*and Mi«s CHra Stoffe], in five hundred by Mrs. Geo. Steinsdoerfer, and in bunco by Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Sr. i Mrs. Alma Thomas was pleasantly Mrs. Etta Wattles, only charter \ surPrised by a group of relatives at member present, was presented with a ^er h°me in West McHenry Wednes. £ift. - day at dinner in honor of her eighty- • * • third birthday. The delightful little RIVER VIEW CAMP, R. N. A. P*rty was planned by her nieces^ Clar- > Members of Riverv xr ' 'belle Fist of Woodstock and Mrs iew Camp, R N. Loonard 0rlowsky of Chicap0. evenintr 0" V ' "^n enJ°ya^e social afternoon wasier was hardly less famed than the r!f ^eet* !sp«nt.. The guest of honor was re-1noted Leopold Auer. And it was un. ors in ninochle WPPP ] membered with many gifts and cards | der this great master that Mr. Kish Maud Rothermel, in five hunted by'f^ messa^ of congratulation or., had the distinction of studying for u •' this memorable occasion. I several years. Guests other than mentioned were ! Two Indian dances, the "Deer 'Mrs. James Rainey of Rinpwood, Mi. Dance" and "War Dance/' preceded and Mrs. R. L. Thomas of Niles Cen-jthe well known "Emperor Waltz" by ter and Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Newman, jjohann Strauss. The spontaneous and 1 " * * (continued applause of the audience ALTAR AND ROSARY [fallowing this last number proved it Decided success crowned the efforts j to be the highlight of the evening, of the Altar and Roskry society of St. j The fifth presentation of the sym- Patrick's church in its annual St. Pat- j phony orchestra was "Omphale's Spinrick's Day celebration. The affair, a ring Wheel" by Saint-Saens, and in- SHOULDER BRACES Your H«alth Guird --a Long-Ufa Brac«I Stooping shouldart ar* jsually ht r»- 3ul. 3. ault. .abitj. .. to. .orreciet in tima J: T .IA'. O»- rome . :ripplt anc suftar graatly moairac health. oraca sarvas i. onstant rcmindar o .mprovi tandinc J. itting postura. If .-aguUr. ina jroparly worn, it shoulo soon onaci ;ha condition. I. 'OL lab'rtualiy sarmi. oui houidan to lump orward, 1*1 uui titter explain tha jdvartage o. yaarin^ .he -ong-Uta Shoulda. Braca. Our 1 ruts Japartmant alio aaturaj a com pi ate lina of: NON-SKID ^pov Pad Trustat, Eiactic Hotiary Abdominal supporters ate. Kaasonablt Prices--No charge for fittings and service. THOMAS P. BOLGE& Druggist pot-luck supper and public card party, was held in the church hall, Friday evening, March 17, beginning at six O'clock. Much credit for the success of the evening is due the chairman, Mrs. John R. Knox, and her committee. . Approximately people were served .at the tables attractively dec. orated with shamrock and green candles ins keeping with the occasion. Mrs. Carl Weber favored with a number of'Irish airs during the serving. Thirty tables of cards and bunco were played following the supper, with prizes in five hundred going to Robert Frisby, Mrs. G. Boley and Mrs. none 40 Peter Weber; pinochle, Mrs. Henry 3 -> .-3 STRIPES preserve your individuality. $2 and $2.50 WILSON BROTHERS SHIRTS Not stripes that put you in "uniform" ... but distinctive new colorings and spaced effects good for wear around the calendar. Express your individuality by selecting the type that teams up with your suits best. All of them San'orijec! shrunk with seamless McGee terprets the legendary sketch of the Lydian Queen, Omphale, seated at her spinning wheel while her slave, the powerful Hercules, turns the wheel. After a time Hercules tires, and he is heard lamenting and groaning over his task. Omphale rebukes Jiim for his bad manners and soon sets him to work again, whereupon the wheel re. sumes its lively rhythm until the spinning is done. The program concluded with three dances from the opera, "The Bartered Bride," by Smetana, one of the most successful and beautiful of modem operas, which was first produced in 1886. The music is characteristic ol Bohemian folk dances. Selections from it were: "Polka," "Furiant" and "Dance of the Comedians." Following these numbers, the audience stood at attention for "America." Among the Sick •••••» I •» l"l »»•»» ji• «i|.«.4»i|I » Mrs. Fred Nickels is confined to her bed suffering from inflamatory rheumatism. Richard Frey0d returned home from St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, and is recovering nicely from his recent operation. Bruce Klontz is ill with pneumonia at his home. John J. Vycital, who underwent an operation at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago Tuesday, is" getting along nicely. The condition of George Vales, who recently underwent ar. appendectomy at the Garfield Park hospital in Chi. cago, is very much improved. Mrs. Math Niesen is a patient at Mayo Bros, clinic at Rochester, Minn., where she is undergoing observation. Simon Stoffel is ill at his home. John "Toddy" Engeln is under observation at Mayo Bros, clinic at Rochester, Minn., where he was taken Sunday evening. Robert Weber resumed his work at the West McHenry State Bank Monday, after a several days' absence because of illness. Mrs. Lester Page has been ill with quinsy the past week. Nick Justan has recovered from his recent illhess and is again able to be out. Fred Justen has been ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Margaret Bowers, at Waukegan the past week. Mrs. Henry Felmeten, Sr., who has been ill, is on the gain and able to be up in a wheelchair part of each day. Mrs. James Hughes, Jr., who underwent an operation a few week? ago. is still confined to Women's and Children's Memorial hospital in Chi cago. Her improvement is slow. Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. 89-fp - BAKED GOODS The McHenry Bakery on Green Street is prepared to furnish customers with excellent bakery goods; bread pies, calUrf, etc. Phone 287. f 44-plO Large selection of harness, collars, and spring harness supplies. Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe., W«*t McHeary. 44.p8 ?Sl:« L ' / v, ' Ms HENRY*ILLINOIS- • V ' * -*> i •' " j > ' l "..-« ^CrA" _ S04 KRENI HAt& TONIC. 'eg, MENTHOL /NMA1.WS FOR HEAD 0%£ COLDS 3fT $1.15 Daggett and Ramsd0ll Cold Cream ...... 89<? 50c Vick's Drops 39^ $1.00 Larvex for Moths 79c 75c Bailing Bengue ... 49^ $1.00 Wampole's Preparation 89^ O'm ^ For Glorious I Lustrous Hair di for Vry Hair For Normal or --Oil^air w^e - -79^ Snper D COD LI^ER OIL -- Upjohn's -- Hnt size $1.10 ^ Gharmis TOILET TISSUE " 4 rolls 25^ MUCIIAM1 ICE CREAM Arrid Deodorant 39<^ 25c Anacin 19^ 75c Bellows (Tablets 49^ 60< ALKA SELTZER 60c Bisodol 39# Castoria, large 59# Syrup of Figs 43# Dextri Maltose 63# 25c Ex-Lax ; 19# 35c Energine 29# 5-lbs. Epsom Salts .... 29# 60c Eye Gene • ... 49# Fitch Shampoo 59# 50c Molle - 31# PABLUM BABY FOOD Palmolive Soap, 6 bars 25# 30c Rel 24# 60c Rem ... ... ..... ..... 49 c Gem Blades, 5's 29# 60c Alka Seltzer 49# $1.00 Haley's MO. 67# $1.25 Veracolate ' Tablets.. 89# Carter's Liver Pills ... 12# 30c Lysol 23# COLGATE SHAVE CREAM Lmttfr or fratlilMl 23< r 37t uum sua COLGATE DENTAL CREAM lA,,0, IQ* oum sin IOV «z> wvr COLGATE TOOTH POWDER S ^ • This Week's Special ' -- VANILLA -- STRAWBERRY IC*t-- COCOANtJT PINEAPPLE ^ A new Luick ice cretfm makes its bow in a brick with creamy Vanilla ice cream and tasty Strawberry Ice -- It's Cocoanut Pineapple ice cream, an extra-luscious treat. •» Johnson's GLO-COAT AND WAX 1-quart with applier - only $1.09 Xy£bMm Gillette SHAVING CT •tte SANITARY NAPKINS Heating Pads $1.49 Everybody is entitled to a satisfying ,home. The hotae jis the most important influence in the life |Df every (family. Home is more than a place of shelter. It provides the inspiration which molds character, personality and self-esteem, all so essential to happiness and success. Yvuen you ao decorate, be sure you use the best -- BPS paints are by far the cheapest in the long run. A complete line of Brushes, Paint, Turpentine and Oils!' IT'S TIME TO DYE Fashion's forecast is* definitely Ecru or Gold tot the Smartest Curtains! They're lovely to look at--lovelier to own .... and you needn't wait 'til you can afford to buy new curtains. Adopt fashion's newest cq/lors at amazingly low cost! Putnam Dye, Diamond Dye, Rit, Titnex, Pro Dura and Gypsy D'ye. ' FORMAL- ... DEHYDE ' Full U.S.P. Strength One-pound Can 13c 200 SHEETS 33c MINERAL OIL We offer the finest Russian Mineral Oil at minimum prices Pint 49^ Quart 89# 1-gallon $2 00 - FOR EASTER We will have our usual COMPLETE LINE of EASTER CARDS, CANDY, BASKETS, NOVELTIES and other items to make Easter enjoyable for the kiddies and grown-ups. Free! Free!! Free!!! i------ To the Kiddies -- A BAG OF MARBLES Please Present Cotipon F I W- 27i > *• - BLUE JAY cOM OR oumoM PIASTERS 23f 25c Meimen Skin Bracer and 50c Meimen Shave Cream • ' \ 49# 40c Squibb's Tooth Paste ;... 33# 1 pint Witch Hazel... 29c 75c Bayer Aspirin ... 59# 25c J. J. Baby Talc ... 19# 16-oz. Squibb Mineral Oil ^ 59# 50c Pepsodent Tooth Powder ....„ 39# C00 LIVER f/TAfiV* 50c Pebeco \ 39? 60c Corega 43tf 50c Yeast Foain Tablets 43<£ 50c Jergen's Lotion 39# 75c Iiidterine 59# l-lb. Hospital Cotton 19# 50c Calox - 39# 35c Freezone 21# 25c Asper Gum 21# #OVALTINE y HEAL-TH R7| 1 D R I N K t Z U m 75c Doan's Kidney Pills .....; $1.26 Petrolagar 89d 65c Pinex .....546 Kurb Tablets 23<t Lovalon Rinse 23^ Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, 2 tubes 33# 50c Lyons' Tooth Powder 31^ Teel ' ' . .- 23^ COLGATE ok PALM OLIVE AFTER-SMVE 10TI0* •WNTMn 33' PALM OLIVE SHAVE CREAM r23t r37« ftHARMIS COLD CREAM y.-lb.- l-lb--*69^