RINGWOOD Mrs. Nick Yourig entertained the Bunco Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to lira. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. "Ray Mer- Mrs. George Shepard entertained the Easy Aces at her home .Tuesday afternoon. Prises irere awarded to Mr*. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Ellen Whiting. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and daughter, Mae, spent Thursday afternoon in the Elijah Coates home at Crystal Lalce. Mrs. Jack Nicholls, McHenry, spent a few days the past week with Mrs, George Young. » Mrs_ Frankie Stephenson returned to her nome Saturday from Woodstock . Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST A. E. Nye Bldg. West McHenry McHenry 1»4 Woodstock «7« THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY • - CENTRAL GARAGE --One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois-- Let us drain your winter oils and greases and prepare your car or truck for Spring driving. We will make a complete checkup and give you an estimate of the cost. Reasoanble prices and V} guaranteed satisfaction J ^ Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tins Electric and Acetylene Welding Car Washing and Polishing Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg i am T It's a honey at any price, with its eight eager Dynaflash cylinders that fairly itch for action, and its BuiCoil Springing that levels any road -- at *$894, delivered at Flint, Mich-, it's the car and the value of the year, even with transportation, state aad local taxes (if any) additional. Prices are subject to change without notice, so with out any delay better . . . BU1CK DEALER! O P T I O N A L I ^ U I P M T N T A N G A C C E S S O R I E S _ E X T P A Strange Alaska THIS summer--Alaska! For your own vacation, join one of our escorted tours to the Land of Totems and Midnight Sun. Companionship of congenial people, a "party" all the way, our tours to Alaska are models of good planning and management. And, this is the economical way to travel" --money saved by taking advantage of group discounts, not a moment pasted, no cares or details, the escort does the work. Send for free folder telling the story. No obligation on your part whatsoever. Use the coupon, for veniehce, please. dUIIIIWOf I Suite 1216, Daily • 211 W. Wacker Dr J Chicago, 111. to ' M where she was a patient at the Wood-! sons and Mrs. Margaret Grabbe of Fink attended the local officers meetstock hospital* She is much improved [Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening ing of the Lake County Home Bureau in health. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison spent Tuesday with their children at Round Lake. Mrs. Agnes Jencks of Chicago spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained their five hundred club Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Peter Weingart and Peter A. Freund. Mrs. Appley and Mrs. Laura Moore of Libertyville spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler and daughter of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mrs. J, M. Butler of Bath were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Elgin spent the weekend in t^e 'Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughters, Shirley and Marion, and Mrs. B. T Butler and Shirley Butler were vis itors at Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and family of Arlington Hteights spent Sunday with the former's parents^ Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson Were visitors at Milwaukee Wednesday. J. V. Buckland and Mrs. Libbie Ladd with Mr. and Mrs. Cropley of Solon Mills returned home from Florida on Monday, where they have spent the winter months. Mrs. J. M. Butler went to Elgin on Sunday to visit in the home of her son, I. N. Butler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peet, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Weinkie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schneider and Mr. and Mrs., Wesley Gibbs of Woodstock, Alice Mad' Low of Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ehlers and Miss Benedict of Elgin were callers in the S. H. Beatty home Sunday afternoon. Miss Alice Peet of Barrington and Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Miss Bernice Smith was able to resume her teaching at our school Monday after a week's absence due to* an injured knee. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn.Jackson of Richmond were supper guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty. Sunday afternoon callers in the Ra.v Merchant home were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy of Crystal Lake, Charles Krohn and daughters, Mrs. Roy Harrison and daughter, Edith Pearl, and Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peet and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wenikie of Woodistock were callers in the Charles Peet home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughters, Betty and Mary Ann, spent Sunday in the Frank Johnson home at Harvard. Mrs. Jennie Bacon and Wm. fitendrickson were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gault and Mr. and Mis. Wesley Gibbs of Wood stock spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Woodtock spent Thursday in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vogel and Mrs. Charles Brennan of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., were visitors at Janesville Saturday, Phyllis and David McCannon of Algonquin spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jep* Mr. and itlnk Joe McCannon *n$ son, Loren, visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. Miss Virginia Jepson returned to Mt Miss Virginia Jepson returned to Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Sunday where she is attending Cornell college after week's vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Fontana w«jre callers In the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home Saturday. Thejr were on their way to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon ol Algonquin spent Sunday with the labter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson The Home Circle will meet witfc Mrs. J C. Pearson Wednesday, April 12. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were visitors at Wtoodstock Saturday afteife noon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent: Sunday at St. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Bratz of ^Chicago spent Sunday in the -A. Ruehlmaft home. Louis Hawley, Earl Whiting, S. W7 Brown and Clayton Harrison wens business visitors in Chicago Thursday Sunday visitors in the S. W. Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith •~>f „ Harvard, Mrs. Adele Holtz and Jake I>rumb of Antioch, Lucy Howdea v ;and John McDonald of Richmond. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter at Libertyville Thursday Vasey. The evening was spent in Mr. and Mrs. Wells Ritt of Crystal playing pinochle after which dainty re- Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dunkfreshments were served. er Monday Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Fink, Mrs. C. Anderson, Joseph Wagner were Chicago callers Mrs. R. G. Magnussen, Mrs. Walte* Friday. _ . Crook, Mrs. Wendell Dickson, Mr?. The Friendly Neighbors group will Frank Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, meet at the home of Mrs. Ray Hafer on Wednesday, April 19. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Hanke of { Evanston spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs Walter Vasey were Sunday dinner guests at the home of » Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe at Cry*- * tal' Lake, in honor of their son, Harold's, birthday anniversary. : ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner of Slocum's Lake visited Mr. -and Arthur Kaiser Friday.^ .*• Mrs. Ray Maxson and son of Elmhurst were Sunday visitors at t& home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duriltfrom the Volo *mit took the Sewing lesson given by Mrs. Volk at the Wauconda high school Friday. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau will meet at the home of Mrs. Herman Dunker Wednesday, April 12. Mr. and Mi?. Wayne Bacon of Crystal Lake sepnt Monday at the Bacon home here. . Misses VendeMra and Catheria* Died rich were Chicago visitors laal Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aim and sq% Daniel, of Chicago spent the weekend here. , Mrs. Eleanor Dunne and son, Ed. ward, of Lake Geneva, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the home of her mogb> er, Mrs. Lilen Whiting. Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter, Beg trice, visited Mrs.; C... Dowpll Slocum's Lake Friday." ^ Mr*. Walter Crook. Mrs/ C. Ander- - * son, Mrs. W. Dickson and Mrs. Carl NEW 5MPIHI McHENRY, ILLINOIS Son. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Victor McLaglen -- Chester Morris "PACIFIC LINER*' SUNDAY -- MONDAY A p r i l 9 - 1 0 Eleanor Powell -- Robert Young U HONOLULU 9f Also -- Silly Symphony. "Marine Circus" - World News - Special "A Day at the Zoo," in color. TUESDAY -- APRIL II (1) "Nancy Drew Reporter" (2) "Last Warning" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY • -- FRIDAY -- ; * ' G U N G A D I N ' WHAT DID LAST 1'EAR? -TTCiese particular men and women -- some your friends and neighbors --- were very busy in 1938.. They handled an average of *6,098,000 telephone calls every day . quicker and better than ever before! To do this, they had to care for 1152 central offices, 6,453,120 miles of wire* and almost a million and a half telephones! And to extend and improve telephone service . still further, they added more than five million dollars' worth of new telephone facilities! These 23,844 people are the men and women of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company whose constant . aim is to give you telephone service that is dependable, pleasing and cheap . . . the best in the world fit the lowest possible cost! ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY •yfft statistics from the 1938 Annual Report of the Illinois BOTH 7 DAYS OLD*-- but took *t the Amntktg fcatf YOLO A cordial invitation is extended to ' ..fall, to attend the special Easter se of the Volo Bible Church. Morn- S in* services are at 10:30 and evening services at 8:00. Special music has ijjeen arranged. Rev. Rapeje's evening tnessage, "The Resurrection of Christ from Among the Dead," and the morn* ing message, "God's Love," is found iqi 1st John. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son Ifcpent Wednesday evening at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Frank Gould in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dusil and son, ames, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sirovatka an and Miss Newbprg of Berwyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Sunday. The Volo 4-H CluD met at the W. H. S. Wednesday evening. Kar] agnussen and James Davis are th 4^H leaders for the coming year. " Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser an# son, James, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Vasey in Waukegan Monday. Joseph Dowell and daughters of m's Lake visited Mr. and Mis, ohn Passfield Wednesday. ^ ^v,- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rasmann, Geo;f r.k' . ~ Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerson, •r Mr. and * Mrs.-Clarence Grabbe 1939 FRIGIDAIRi Come in. See it Today! with th0 Meter-Miser • Now.. . for the first time... you can store even highly perishable foods, prolong their ftpmsl frtsbnta, retain their rich nutritional valmts ...ttve their ptak frrsb flavor... days loogcr than ever before! Fresh vegetables and fruits, even when kept uncovered on open shelves, don't lose their attractiveness through wilting.shrinking, changing color! Left-over meats, peas, beans, oatmeal, even mashed potatoes--stay as fresh and delicious as when first prepared! Because with the new "Cold-Wall" Principle, food is not dried out by moisture-robbing air currents. And odor-and- COME IN AND SEE HOW IT WORKS . . NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIMK 1. THE NEW "DEW-FRESH SEAL"-A SOLID GLASS PARTITION - DIVIDES THE CABINET INTO 2 COMPARTMENTS. ^ THE LOWER COMPARTMENT IS REFRIGERATEDIDIRECTLY THROUGH THE WALLS BY CONCEALED REFRIGERATING COILS. This provides all 3 essentials for keeping foods vitally fresh longer than ntrhfort-- 1. Uniform Low Temperatures. 2. Higher Humidity. 3. No Food-Drying Air Circulation. All without add4 ing a single moving parti AMD ONLY FRIGID AIRE HAS IT! flavor transfer is definitely checked; tMilk Convince Yourself. . . wftfc Proott Convince yourself in 9 minutes at our sine. See proof of full 1939 value to keep you years ahead-and protect your investment. See the new elegance that Frigidaire gives you. The new MEAT-TENDER for fresh meats. New SUPER MOIST HYDRATORS for freshening vegetables. You'll be amazed that it costs no more than ordinary "first-line" refrigerators. See this great 1939 value that you can own now . . pay for on our easy payment plan. ONLY FRIOtOAIRC MAS THE MCTERJHSni Cmts Cttrrtnt Cost f tbi Bemt .. . The simplest refrigerating mechanism ever built. Aim when parts aren't there, they just can't use current or wear. Completely sealed. 5-Year Protection Plan backed by General Motors. OTHER DEALERS ARE ALSO FEATURING WELL-KNOWN MAKES OF NEW 1939 REFRIGERATORS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Til«|ihn: OtTrtal Late SW