Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1939, p. 4

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•* V , ' \ J 1" . '* « TJ* (*'?>!' ?fm i -: ;-W:: THE M'HENRY PLA1MDEALER . - • • : • " - , Published every Thursday at Mc- 6nry, 111., by Charles F. Renrch. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act erf May 8, 1879. One Year .. Six Month* A. H. • Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley and daughter, Alice, of Crystal Lake spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. $2.00 Henry Heimer. H qqJ Fred Miller of St. ' here Friday. •< MOSHER Editor and Manager! Mrs. Vernie Buttery, daughter, Am Charles visited • Mr. • Specials Friday--Saturday BUY HERE AND SAVE MEATS Home-made Pork Sausage Choice Yearling Steer Pot Roast Fresh Ground Beef, very special GROCERIES -- -lb. 19<k lb. 26c lb. I9e Fresh Creamery Butter .... _ Kellogg's Cornflakes, large siie, 2^|or; Breakfast Cup Coffee. very special Fresh Country Eggs, in carton *-- Fancy Fig" Bar Cookies. • 2 ^s. for -F ANCY FRUITS AND VEGETA§li S&ECULS - -H>. 26£ 19* A lTi4 -I:.: 20* #&;.SS5c Radishes. 3 bunches for ... Fresh Green Onions, 3 bunches for Banaans, 3 lbs. for : Grapefruit, 80's, very special, 6 for Royal D1 eal Llf lue bargains West McHenry , 111. G2ceryM Phone 166 12* 12*1 :t i9c 25<* arket erchandise We Deliver! The Safety Sensation of 1939 firestotu CHAMPION $ iV *• Th« Only Tir« Mad* With Th« New Sofrty-Lock Cord Body and Th* Now Goar-Grip Troad! Never before in our experience has a tire met with such instant approval. Our customers have started a word-bymouth campaign that is making this the biggest selling' tire we have ever had. Look at these advantages. Stronger Cord Body The new Safety-Lock Cords are locked together by the new and improved Firestone process of Gum- Dipping. This means amazingly greater strength and greater strength; means greater safety. Mora Non-Skid Miloaqo The sensational new Gear-Grip tread with more than 3,000 sharp-edged angles grips the road with a surefooted hold to protect against skidding. Now is the time to Duy -- get this safety protection on you* car! EASY TO BUY! EASY TO PAY! The Convenient Budget Way Only per week Set of Foar Listen to The Voice mf Firtumt wtf Richard Crooks, Maramret hpeohs and Alfred Wallenstem, Monday evenings over Nationwide N. BTC. MtB Network. 'Mmam m The Firestone Voice •/ Th* Farm--Everett Mitchell interviews Ckamfiimi Termors each «mmk daring the mm hmr. See local paper for Italian and time. Walter J. Freund i* Phone 294 Guaranteed Tire and Tube Vulcanising Battery Charging and Repairing :--: West McHenry ive your family the thrill of saying "THIS IS OUR HOME" 28' 0 US tell^you how easily it can FOR RENT--Work Land and Pasture, inquire of Peter A. Freund. Telephone 614-B.l. McHenry. 44-tf Phone 5 Lumber Co. West McHenry bto-ftoo LIVING kkuai D1NLTTL P0R.CH aletta and sons, Warren, and Ford, and several friends of Cascade, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the C. Vf. Goodell home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler and children of Chicago visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, over the weekend. Miss Dorothy Althoff of Chicago and Cletus Althoff of DeKalb spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. «> Visitors in the Fred Miller home on Blaster Sunday were: Mrs. (Helen Frenk, Los Angeles, Calif., -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, daughter, Darlene, Mrs. A1 Miller and Mrs. Wildhagen, Cary. and Misses Helen *Brath and Berniece Banks of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Klass and son of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., visited her mother, Mrs. Barbara Engeln, on Easter. Mrs. Iriving Watson of Park Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher of Chicago, former local residents, called on friends here recently . - Easter guests jn the home of Mrs. Martin May were: Arthur and-Claire Ramaeker, Misses Grace Schraege and Frances Holyos, Chicago; Mr. and and > .Mrs, Leslie Bungard, Chicago Heights; Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Schmalfeldt and children, Kenosha, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heniken, Woodstock; Andrew Ramaeker and Alvin Miller, Ringwood and Mr. and Mrs. Joe May of this city. x , Miss Helen Steveifs entertained her brother and J»fc*py from Kewanee over the weekend. «n, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye and family returned to their home in Aurora Sunday, after a week's vacation with relatives here. Mrs. Raymond Powers and son, Raymond, of Crystal Lake, visijted her mother, Mrs. Pouse, Monday. Mrs. Martha Page of Chicago visited relatives here over the weekend^ Joseph Walsh of Waukegan spent Tuesday night at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny and sons of Kenosha, Wis., visited her mother, Mrs. Helena Degen, and other relatives here Sunday. Among those from here who attended the funeral of Mrs. Raymond Arnold in CMcago Monday were: John Anderson, daughter, Anna, Mrs. Phil Guinto and Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Miss Dorothy Walsh spent the weekend as the guest of Miss Helen Welch in Jthe Glen Robison home in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp and little daughter of Chicago were Easter guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bacon. t Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lavelle of burg. Streator spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Miss Maxine Bacon came home on Friday to send Easter weekend at her home here. Miss Marguerite Freund has returned to Mount Mary College at Milwaukee, Wis., after a several days' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund. Sunday guests in the B. J. Brefeld home were: Mr. and Mrs."Edward Brefeld and family, Misses Mary and Olga Brefeld and Mrs. Theresa Hage- | mann of Chicago. j Mrs. Mike Knox of Terra Cotta visjited in the M. J. Waslh home Monday. Mrs; Marita Feinberg of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Barbara Engeln, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and son, Bobby, of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake, Sunday. Sunday guests in the John Phalin home were: Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and son, James, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mr. and1 Mrs. Howard Phalin, all of Chicago. Herbert Freund and family and Miss Bertilla Freund visited in the Weber home in Johnsburg Sunday. Frank Stock of Michigan visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and family of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. John S. Freund. Miss Audrey Rothermel has returned to Illinois Normal College at Normal, after a few days' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen and daughter, Evelyn, were Easter guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bopp at Evanston. Among those from here who attended the funeral of Mrs. George Broughton at Wauconda Friday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer and family, Mrs. Thoedore Winkel, Mr. and Mrs. George Worts, Mrs. George Schreiner, Mrs. Howard Wattles, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Kathryn Weber, Miss Barbara Weber and Mrs. Nick Weingart. Mrs. Broughton was the mother of Mts. H. B. Schaefer of this city. Bernice and Paul Justen visited in Evanston Friday. Mrs. Paul Schwerman, Mrs. Ben Miller, Mrs. Ed Nickels and Mrs. Rob^ ert Thompson were callers in the home of the late Mrs. George Broughton in Wauconda Thursday evening. Dorothy and Melvin Walsh were Oak Park visitors Tuesday. Miss Clarice Blake returned to her nursing duties at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wkn. Blake. Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs. F. C. Feltz motored to Addison Thursday, where they took eggs to the Children's home which the sewing society of the Lutheran church had collected. Miss Sylvia Huette of Evanston is spending this week in the Jacob- F. Justen home. Wm. and Charles Lamphere of Elgin were here F r i d a y to make f u n eral arrangements for their mother," Mrs. Ella Dee Lamphere, old time resident of this city. Curtis Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. j Gerald Newman, returned to the Uni- I versity of Illinois at Champaign Tuf*.- I day evening. ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and j daughters, Joan and Mary Dolores, | were Easter guests in the M. J. Walsh j home. Bob Marzahl, Miss Frances Shimmel, Frank Maddes and friend of Chicago spent Saturday evening -• as guests of Miss Bei'niee Justen. \Midc TOR SALE FEED FOR GROWING CHICKS When your chicks are six weeks old, they should be put on a growing mash. They will do much better after this age, on a growing mash, than on a starting mash. There is a big saving, too. Growing mash, $14W--per 100 lbs. McHENRY FLOUR MIL 45-4 FOR SALE--The Cyclone Expansion Electric Brooder. 600 chick sice $29.50. 150 chick size 48.90. Phone 29 Farmers Mill. 42-tf FOR RENT WAlfTED HELP WANTJED--Middle-aged woman to run stand on highway six days a week; good plain cook. $5.00, room and board. Address Box 432, McHenry, 111. • 47 WANTED--We have a buyer for a small home or vacant lot ir^ West McHenry. Call at Earl R. Wal^h'Agency or Phone 43. *47 MISCELLAygOTJl DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service,' Sundays and holidays: No help needed in loading with our sani. tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, ot oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'.. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf TREE SURGERY--For a careful and scientific service in the care of your trees, call McHenry 129-J. Spraying, Pruning, Feeding, Cavity Treatment. LEO P. THORNHILL. 41-tf I AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair work. J. B. Hettermann, Johns- Tel. 640-W-2. 42-tf ELECTRIC WELDING--Broken parts quickly repaired by modern electrical equipment. Phone 195. Adams Repair Shop, Pearl St., Res. phone 134-M 47 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and REPAIRED--Barney Joos, North Park Street, McHenry. *47-2 FARMERS--We pfiy $3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays includ ed. No help needed to load. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges 44-10 ATTEND FUNERAL Among those from out-of-town who attended funeral services for John Zulschnitt Saturday were: Ven. Sr. M. Alma, Dyer, Ind.; Mrs. Ida Williams, Florida; Mr. and*Mrs. Robert Preston of Lake BlufF; Mr. and Mre. Max Froehlich and Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Froehlich, Chicago; Mrs. S. Rustemeyer, Wm. Rustemeyer and son, of Brookfield; Mrs. Henry Hake and son, Howard, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Michel Deutsch, Hampshire, and Miss Sabina {Huette and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bopp, Evanston. 15JJCENSES ISSUED en marriage licenses were' is sued in the office of County Clerk Raymond D. Woods during the lpOnth of March. This is three less than for February and three less than for March, 1938. Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. .• 89-fp Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29 42-tf" auction"] Consignment Sale at the STATE LINE SALES BARN on the Illinois and Wisconsin line oi) U: S. Highway 12, Genoa City, Wis. FRIDAY, APRIL 14 , -- Commencihg at 10 a.m., Sha*p -- Merchandise, Machinery and Livestock - Terms of Sale All sums of $25.00 and under cash, over that amount, 6 months credit bearing 3% interest. Interest or financial arrangements of 6 to 20 mos. time at 6% interest. L. J. JCLOPPSTEIN -- S&1& Manager -- L. IL Freeman, Auctioneer Thorp Finance Co., Thorp, Wis., Clerk! AGATHA SHOP .GOSTUiUi JEWELRY ' ' ATTRACTIVE BAGS SMART All Linen Printed TOWELS • C H' • - v 1 110C ' 'r.'j . i ' * • K'f -J* * fS % t ' - is- Onln - r*': Round trip rail fare good in modern air-conditioned coaches and dbair cars. Round trip rail fate good in Parlor Cars or Standard PulljQUa Sleeping •Ms* in Pullmans berth extru • • . for ONE SAIL FARE! Round Trip from Your Home Town The biggest vacation hargaiw «a record! For an >' . i t,. amazingly low rail fare you can make a circle tour v of the whole United States from any point in th# United States ... visiting both of the great 1939 World's Fairs... going and returning by any route you choose ... stopping anywhere along the way to see historic landmarks and scenic wonders. Ticketson sale daily beginning April 28. Return limit two months from date of sale. Your nearest North Western representative will be glad to furnish full details and to help you your tripto best advantage. The Chicago and 1 western Railway, Route of the "400,' the Streami plan North liners and the Challengers, serves four superlatively scenic routes to the West. AIM Im iadhridul rewMl trip fans to each Mr For information, tickets, reservations tee your heal C. & N. V. RY. TICKET AGENT CHICAGO E NDRTH WESTERN RY. V MEET THE ECONOMY WINNER! 21.25 miles to the gallon! That's the startling record this beautiful new Nash LaFayette chalked up to carry off first place among cars of its price in the famous annual Gilmore- Yoecmitc Economy Run. And Nash carries off honors for comfort, too . . . with enthusiastic praise for its silent, easy ride... its terrific 99 h.p. engine ... the uncanny "Weather Eye"*. Yet this big, roomy, 117-inch wheelbase car is priced way down low! Take a spin in a new Nash --today! Thk j rustenger Victor* Stdm DELIVERED HERE Standard Eyipasat mi Federal Taxes lac faded (WUt* sWcwUI tirw* mi ntr whulihiiHi*) COfttmal Equipment--Sliibt Extra NOTICE TO TAVERN KEEPERS The Liquor Control Commission of McHenry County, Illinois will meet at the tlourt House in the City of Woodstock from the 20th through the 29th of April, A.D. 1939, except Sunday and Saturday afternoons from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.» for the purpose of receiving renewal or new applications for liquor license to operate taverns outside the Corporate limits or any City or Village. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE tad govern yourselves accordingly* By order of JOHN J. FILIP, Liquor Control Commissioner of McHenry County, Illinois. Assistant Liquor Control Commission- Paul Rosenthal--Crystal Lake, III. N-i B. Clawson--Alden, 111. 47 B. H. FREUND MOTOR SALES Riverside Drive and Pearl Streets Phone 76-W M. E. CHURCH NOTES You are invited to attend services at this church every Sunday. Sunday School--10 a. m. Morning Worship---11 a. jHi» Epworth League--7:30 p.m. r Rev. Minar Gerrard, pastor. All friend's and members of. the church are invited to join with us in a pot-luck supper at the church Sunday evening, April 16, at 6:30. Along with this evening of good fellowship will be held a meeting of the official board. FINANCE YOUR CAR through this office. Lowest cost. Personal service. Our new arrangement allows us to complete deal promptly. Complete service that you will like. EARL R. WALSH AGENCY--Phone 43. Need Rubber Stamps T Order at The Plaindealer. Dos an Understanding Beast A dog is an understanding, patient, loving beast who gives his all and demands no return. He repays love with more love and neglect with fidelity. When others desert you, writes R. R. Taynton in the Washington Star, your dog will stand by. When others demand material tokens of your interest, your dog wants only a glance, a pat, a chance to be near you. If you are sad, busy, worried, your dog will fit quietly into your mood. If you are glad, frolicsome, playful, your dog more than gladly will share yotir happiness. Original Mayflower Compact It is not known what became of the Mayflower Compact. The oldest copy of the text known is that print ed in "Mourt's Relation," in 1622. The oldest known list of the 41 sign ers of the compact is found in "New- Englands Memoriall," printed in 1669. A copy of the compact appears in Bradford's "History of Plymouth Plantation," written -between 1630 and 1646. Cyclone "El^tric Brooders for Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29 4S-tt* * " i Dr. Roberts' Veterinary Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. 89-tf > 1939 PRICE One of Many Money-Saving Bargains Now Being Offered in Our Spring Sale! Here's a range bargain that's hard to beat! A new 1939 Magic Chef Gas Range -- complete with ail the advanced features and advantages you want for faster, better, easier cooking and bak ing now priced sensationally low! Only $79.50 and your old stove buys it--ana you can pay for it conveniently on vour monthly Service bill. Come in see this exceptional buy today -- inspect the many other money-saving bargains now being offered for a limited time only! ft^ffular Pricm row. **05.00 ; • • ttKso Small down payment. NO» ONLy^^So° Balance in convenient payments with your Service bill ; ° T t , SO ®e«C.p Four ©Id WWESTERN UNITE F) gas electric company!-/ ALSO P INK VALUt S RANOl i

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