Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1939, p. 13

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* ' . - ts. ; sWK'-WW >r* rc^' V 'jr.;;; 000 and that about one-half (*4) of the expense would be on County State Aid Roads and the rest on" Town roads and a PWA project was approved and a grant of fortv-ftve <45<jj,> per cent was made to the County, a bond issue of |J»5,000 would be necessary to guarantee the County's portion of the cost. It was stated as a certainty that Motor Fuel Tax Funds could not be used for Town bridges, although Town bridges are by Law a charge on the Cpunty, •when they involve a suns greater than four cents (4c) on the $100 on the latest assessment of the Town, as the main stipulation. One of the legal points necessary for decision is whether Motor Fuel Tax funds for retirement of the bonds could be used or mixed with County funds fpr Town bridges in the matter of a bond Issue. The matter of the effect on the County's Secondary road , program of road Improvements was discussed. All of the Motor Fuel Tax funds are appropriated to other improvements and your Committee feels reluctant to stop all these Improvements, wich are briefly, the road from Spring drove to Lake County line; the rood from Harvard to Lawrence; the road north.and south through Alden-, ; the road from Woodstock through ; Frankllnville: the road from Algonquin to Cary: the road in Marengo township west from Route 23 and probably the •completion of the East Hiver road south of McHenry "and the securing of the right-of-way for the extension of Route <57 to Crystal Lake across the Town of Dorr, and other State projects, especially wheti as we now see it a bond issue would be needed anyway to take care of the Town Bridges; and we recommend to this Board that consideration be given to handling the bridge problem without delaying progress on the above road program. Perhaps the people of the County would rather pass the necessary bond issue covering cost of all of the bridges washed out and damaged, rather than have roads In thglr vicinity delayed. we Benin met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 9th day of July 1938 and audited and ordered paid bills chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of j Roads as a whole for repairs arid supplies for Countv owned machinery, insurance and labor at the County Tool House to a total of $1526.33 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County Tatrol System of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved br this Board weT% audited and ordered paid as folhnws: Section 3 f 187.Tf Sections 4, 16, 1? '..Section 4, 17 Section 5, «: •Section 7, 10 Section 8 Section • SeeMori 11 Section 12 Section 15, Section 14 IB $ r.oo .. 72.82 379.95 . 38.98 . SO.19 . 39.10 Total ; ....$4,557.43 Bills were audited arid ordered paid out of the Motor Fuel Thx funds since the last meeting of this Board, as follows : . State Aid Rt.-- 13-13A sec. 4-IT maint., labor 2 sec. 7-IT maint., labor 5B sec. 8, constr., labor 8.00 20 sec. 6-IT labor, treas. fee 8^2 23 sec. 9T, engi. labor, treas. fee 77.28 2?. sec. &T const, labor, material, mach. rental 26 sec. 10 const, labor, material, mach. rental '26 sec. 11 const, labor, material, mach. rental ,2.r>, sec. 12, engineering, labor ...... 25. sec. 12. const, labor, material, nvieh. rental and treas. fee ....4,836,62 5R #>xt., 4A ext. 4A, sec. 13, engineering labor 131.62 21A sec. 14, const, labor, mat. . .. 11.54 20R sec. 16R, engi. labor ...: 12.61 We have received and turned ovei to the County Treasurer for the County road fund from: Motor' Fuel Tax Fund, rental on-- County owned machinery, Sec. 9T 330.01 County owned machinery, sec. 10 28.87 County owned machinery, sec. 11 25.50 County owned mehg., sec. 18 ....1,071.73 Total $1,156.11 Your Committee estimates that there 1 will be necessary for the care of the 'McHenry County Patrol System of Roads, an appropriation of $4000 froipf the County Highwav Tax funds, until the next meeting of this Board All of which is respectfully submitted." " L. A. STOCKWR: A. B. McCONNEl S. H FRETTN'D •X. B CLAWSON It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the report of the Committee on Roads and Bridget be adopted by this BoaM, and the roft being called, said motion was declare# unanimously carried. After the approval of th^e Road and -Bridge Committee's Report, a general discussion was had with regard to the great damage that was done to roads and hridges in the North part of the County by the terrific rain storm on June 30. Several plans of financing or means of raising the necessary*"funds to repair, the bridges . and roads were brought up for discussion, some supervisors being of the opinion that it would be possible for the County to secure a grant from the Federal Government, provided they could issue bonds to match the amount they would receive. Oth<r supervisors were of the opinion that perhaps the County might receive some assistance from the W. P. A. State's Attorney Carroll was called upon and informed the Board that It was his opinion that the first step that should * be taken was to meet with the P. W. A. officials in Chicago and find out whether or not a Federal grant could be secured. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, together with the Chairman of the Countv Board, State's Attorney and County Judge meet with the P. W. A. officials in Chicago • on Wednesday of this week and also to meet with the W. P. A. officials at a l«ter date, and after they have secured all information, to then call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors so that a plan.may be worked out immediately to install and repair the bridges and roads that were destroyed in the storm. Motion declared unanimously carried. Supr. Harrison stated that it was his opinion that temporary bridges could be installed without much cost and • would move at this time that said matter be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Stevens and declared unanimously carried. The Clerk presented and Teaa petitions of the Highway Commission of Greenwood Township for the repair of the North Aavang Bridge and a new : bridge at the site of the Brand Bridge and petitions of the Highway Commissioner of Hebron Township for a new bridge at the site of the Merry Bridge and a new bridge at the site of the Jordan Bridge and also the petition of the -Highway Commissioner of the Township of Alden for a new bridge at the site of the Sacket Bridge. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart that action on the petition be deferred until more complete information relative to financing is at hand. Motion declared unanimously carried. Statements of conditions of the State Bank of Huntlev, First National Bank of Woodstock, The State Bank of Woodcock and the Mai^jngo State Rank at the <!lose of business on the 3oth dav -of June, 1838 were presented and ordered placed on file. Especially do we thank you feu* the office space Which you gave us which included light, heat, etc. It was aftfer a great deal Of thought and consultation with members of your' Board that we ' accepted the offices which we now have in the L O. O. F. Building with free rent, heat, light, etc. from the Fkrm Bureau. (Signed) McIJenry Cpunty Home Bureau: Mrs. W. T. Charles, President, Woodstock; Mrs- & Stewart, See., Hebron: Cjarti, Qreaves Swfe«t>*y, Home Advlfcer. Supr. Stewart stated that Charles Bischoflf, a poultry dealer in the City of Woodstock, wanted to lease a triangular piece of property belonging to McHenry County at the East end of Calhoun Street at the intersection with Route 47 in Woodstock. The State's Attorneyinformed the Board, upon inquiry, that the County had the right to lease or sell ahv of their property the same as any corporation. Af^er some further discussion It was regularly moved/by Supr. Carroll and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that said matter be referred to the Lands and Lots Committee for? investigation and report. Motion declared unanimously carried. Asst: Supr. Rosenthal staled that he was informed that another parly has been using a part of the old Fair Grounds property and would move at this time that the Lands and Loft Committee also investigate said matter and report hack to the Board. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Harrison and declared unanimously carried. Supr. Stewart of Dorr Township and Chairman of the Special Committee on McHenry County Relief made an oral report on the Committee's attendance at the sessions of Legislature at Springfield, Illinois, after which a general discussion was had with regard to relief problems. There being na further business to come before this meeting. It was Tegularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned, JOJiN J. FILIP, Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. oy nuuHoik 1 ' * V - ' H v ' . • ? • > '• 'i. J . . •*.< t 'a. PACE FIVE Sotice of Special Meeting of Boui of iperrlsors, Xclnn County, lUliMa. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors qt McHeivry CoVnty. tlljnols, will be held to convene on Tuesday, the ninth day of August, A,. D. 1938 at 10:30 o'clock A. M., T>. S. T. at the Hoard of Supervisors' Room in the Court House at Woodstock, IMtnois for the pufooae of issuing Bridge Bonds, and for the purpose of transacting any and all other truplness that tiiay regularly come before said meeting, which said meeting shall continue in session from day to day until the completion of said business. F(led and dated July £9, A. D., 1938. R. L>. WOODS, County Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (Publ. July 30, Aug. 4-6) raUiibtCi Certificate X Do Hereby Certify, That I amthe authorized agent of the publisher of The Woodstock Daily Sentinel which is a dally, secular newspaper of general circulation, printed ami published in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County. Illinois, for a continuous period of more than six months, previous to the first insertion of the annexed notice, and that said paper was and is ,of general circulation In said county: and 1 further certify that the annexed notice was published in said newspaper on July 30, Aug. 4, and 6. 1938, and that the first publication was on the 30th day of 'July, A. D. 1938. and the last on the 6th day of Aulg„ A. D. 1938. * Dated at Woodstock. Illinois, this 8th day of August A. D. 1933. Publisher's Fee. $6.90. W. G. CUMMINS. Special August Meeting, 1,933 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County,, Illinois, met in Special Session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of Its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the ninth day of August, A. D. 1938 at ten-thirty o'clock A. M. <DST). The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, John J. Filip and the roll being called by the Clerk, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors L. A. Stockwell, D. M- Wright. Chas. M. Palmer. F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson, C. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. H. Harrison, Henry M. Turner, J. G. Stevens', Frank May, S. H. Freund, Henry C. Meier. John J. Filip and Asst. Supervisors A. B. Mc- Connel) and Paul Rosenthal, constituting a full Board. The Clerk presented and read the following Call of Meeting Certificate of Mailing antiL Publisher's Certificate, towit: • -. v.rr™;v- It was thereupon regularly moved' by Supr. Kuecker ahd tlulv seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that the .Call of Meetin*. together with the Certificate of Mailing Notice and Publisher's Certificate of Advertising Notice, be approved and enteted of record, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Reck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris. Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Meier, Filip and Asst. Suf»r. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. nay none. Motion declared unanimously carried. * The Records of the Special July. 1938 :Meeting were read and on motion duly invade and carried, were approved and ordered of record. July J*. *838. To RajnaoM It Wood% ' County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, hereby request you to call a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of said County to be held to convene on Tuesday, the 9th day of August, A. D. 1938 at 10:30 o'clock A. M. D. S. T. at the Board of Supervisor* room in the Court House «t Woodstock^ Illinois, for the purpose of Issuing Bridge Bonds, and for the purpose of transacting any and all, further business that may regularly come before said meeting, which said meeting shall continue in session from day to day until the completion of said business. L. A. STOCKWBLL. , 8upr. Riley Township A. B. McCONNELL • Asst. Supr. Dorr Tpwaship D. U WRIGHT • V Supr. Marengo Townshto N. B. CLAWSON . Supr. Alden Townshto S. H. FREUND Supr. McHe&ry Township F, E. BECK Supr. Chemung Township J. FILIP The following communication was presented and upon motion duly made and carried, was approved and ordered placed on file, to-witr July 12, 1938. McHenrv County Board of Supervisors, R. D. Woods, Clerk Courthouse Woodstock. Illinois Dear Sirs: • -;'\V • In behalf of ft* Mtrv Rettnty Home Bureau, we wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for the very fine cooperation that you have given us during the past twenty years. m- Algonquin Township July 89, 1933. To Raymond D. Woods, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, McHehry County, Woodstock, Illinois. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, hereby request you to call a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of said County to be held to convene on Tuesday, the 9th day of August, A. I). 1938 at 10:30 o'clock A. M. D. S. T. at the Board of Supervisors room in the Court House at Woodstock, Illinois, for the purpose of issuing Bridge Ronds, and for the purpose of transacting any and all other business that may regularly come before said meeting, which said meeting shall continue in session from day to day until the completion of said business. L A. Stockwell, Supr. Riley Twp. A. B. McConnell, Asst. Supr. Dorr Twp. D. M. Wright, Supr.^Marengo Twp. N. R. Clawson. Supr. Alden Twp. S. H. Freund, Supr. McHenry Twp. F. E. Beck. Supr. Chemung Twp. John J. Filip, Supr. Algonquin Twp. You are hereby notified that a special meeting of the Boartl of Supervisors will be held to convene on the 9th day of August, A. D. 1938. at the ho'ir of 1":30 o'clock A. M. D. S. T. at the Court House at Woodstock in said County for the purpose of issuing Bridge Bonds and for the purpose of transartinp any and all other business that may regularly come before said meeting as stated in the above and foregoing call of meeting. As a member of said Board von will please govern yourself accordingly. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 30th day of July A- D--. 1938. R. D.. WOODS. County Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of Board of Supervisors. Affidavit of Hailing Votlce July 30. 1938. .State of 111., County of McHenry. ss. 1. R. D. WOODS. County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that f did, on the 30th day of July A. D. 1938 at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M. P S. T., mail at the United States Post Office as first class matter, postage prepaid. the attached Call and Notice of Special Meetinir of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, to the following Supervisors and Asst. Supervisors, constituting the full membership of the Board, to-wit: ' ' , Supr. L. A. Stockwell, Marengo," III. Supr. D. M. Wright. Marengo, 111. Supr! Chas. W. Palmer. Caiiron, 1U. Supr. F, E. Beck, Harvard, 111. Supr. N. B. Clawson. Alden, Illinois Supr. G. J. Carroll, Woodstock, 111. Supr. E. F. Kuecker, Marengo, III. Supr. Chas. H. Ackman, Union, 111. Supr. KVank C. Ferris, Huntley. 111. Supr. Roy J. -Stewart. Woodstock, HL-- . Supr. J. E. Harrison. Woodstock. J Supr. Henry M. Turner. Hebron,'II!,-' - ISupr. J. G. Stevens, Richmond, 111. j Supr. Frank Mav. Spring Grove. III. | Supr. S, H. Freund. McHenry. Til. j Supr. Henry C. Meier. Crystal Lake. 111. iSupr. John J. Filip, Algonquin, ,111. Asst. Supr. A. B. McConnell, Woodstock, HI. Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal, Crystal Lake. 111. . Fn Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed the official seal of said Court, at my •#- ' flee in Woodstock, Illinois, this 30th. day of July, A. D. 1938 (SeaJJ R. D. WOODS. County ClM* The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, to-wlt: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Your Committee met at the Chicago office of the Federal Public Works Administration on the 13th day of July 1938 and consulted with the officials in charge, in regard to the emergency confronting McHenry County due to washed out and damaged bridges on tlfe Public Highways, and inquired as to the possibility of securing a Federal grant of forty-five per cent (45«&) of the cost of rebuilding the washed out and damaged bridges. We were informed that the tfiatter appeared to be a project of sufficient merit to entitle Mc- Menry County, Illinois, to a grant of forty-five (45) per cent of the cost of same, provided the County could pledge fifty-five (55) per cent of the cost by selling bonds of the County, and that the Federal Public Works Administration would entertain such a project, and we were given the necessary blank •forms on which to make up said project. We again met on the 15th day of July 1!>38 and inspected washed out and damaged bridges In the County and Instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to make, detailed surveys and Inspection reports of said bridges and start them through the State Department of Public Works and Bulldv ings in the manner provided by Law, and that the County avail Itself of the State's facilities in the matter. For instance, the State of Illinois has engineers paid by the year by-Its tan. payeve for the design of bridges and inspector's of materials neAr the source of supplies of Steel, cement, gravel and timber. Mr. Main of the bond firm of Ballman 4; Main of Chicago, Illinois was present and discussed the probable matters Involved in a County Bond Issue and the forms of bonds required and advised that selection of a bond house to handle Ihe matter be made as soon as possible. We decided to take this matter up further at Woo<Tstock, Illinois, OH the 29th day of July. 1938. We have been considering the possibility of a temporary bridge at the site ot the Greenwood bridge over the Nippersink C»eek, just south of the Village, but the expense Would be excessive and t|ie Highway Commissioner of the Town of Greenwood made a request that, we Jdin with him in making a detour due east from the Village of Greenwood to the Adams dam road over an old road little used for many years, and now a narrow grade badly rutted and grown up with trees and brush, he to clear the road and re-grade same and the County i to put on a coat of sravel in lieu of spending money on a temporary bridge. 1 We are inclined to send the County's trucks over to gravel this road but have made no definite arrangements for same. . We then went to the site of the Aavang Bridge In the Town of Gt-een- (wood and together with the Higliwav I Commissioner of said Town, upon the recommendation of the County Super- 1 intendent of Highways, considered the possibility of the immediate repair of same, the steel truss beinif in good shape and of strong construction. We ; decided that said bridge could be re- I paired at a reasonable cost and be put tack Into Use in a short time, and if the work was done at otice afid before another heavy storm, the bridge should last Ynany years. The north abutment Was cracked and the northwest corner 'settled about one (1) foot, but the wall •as resting on a firm gra\'»l foundation. That the corfter of the *teel -bridRe could be jacked up and new Concrete 1 placed thereunder on top of the old I wall and the -<t( el sheet pil'nr could be driven around the foundation so as to stop further scouring and undermining jof the wall. We considered the matter •an emergency one and that the work | must be done at once, if t"he bridge was to be saved, and we went to Alden, Illinois and hired the Livesev Brothers to repafr said bridge with the exception of driving the steel sheet piling and we instructed the County Superintendent j of Highways to secure prices on second- hand steel sheet piling for said repair work. 1 then went to the sites of the Dig- I gins and Ellingson Bridges, together IWith the Highway Commissioner of the ITown of Chemung; these bridges are on the Public Highway over the Piscasaw Creek and are about two hundred (200) feet apart Over the different channels of said creek and do not cany the stream flow after severe storms and thaws, at which times the road is badly overflowed and damaged and cannot be used for travel The Diggins bridge was a small and inadequate bridge of about sixteen n«) foot span now un- (dermlnei and destroyed, and needs to : be replaced by a longer span bridge to .relieve the above enumerated conditions and we decided that a new larger bridge should be installed. We instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to iipurvey the bridge site and include the ^eost of said bridge in the proposed bond ; Issue. 1 We then went to the Noe Bridge on [the Public Highways, between Sections ,«§ and 17 in the Town of Marengo. Mci Henry County, Illinois, over -Rush .Creek, at the request of the Highway Commissioner of the Town of Marengo. Both abutments are undermined and the I northwest corner of the bridge had settled nearly one (1) foot and the abilt- Went badly cracked. The steel trusses, ftfty-five (55) feet long, were of very light construction, only nine (9) inch Wi(!e plate on the top chard and end posts, and we decided that a new bridge was necessary. The County Superintendent of Highways was instructed tp survey the bridge site and include same in the proposed bond issue. We again met at the Court1-House at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 29th dav of July 1938 to consider the matter of proposed bonds to raise money to replace washed- out and damaged bridges in the County. The matter of th«. flection expense was discussed, apd tf Mp •jtjmated the cost would be ~ $350£.ftftr It wa* also decided to pay the*"WWflTOh tsxpense out of the sale^ at tlje bOnA|, fis would not increase the interest rat*" to Ket a premium on the bonds,' aif "tfoUld be necessary if the bond company wfa to stand the expense of election, if the bond issue carried. We then called for bids on the proposed bofJfls on tlj£ hist* of t6.yooo.oo to $125,000.00 running otife (1) to eleven (ll) years, same to be" coupon bond? the bond company to furnish all le^af proceedings at no cost' to the County. Two (2) bids were receded on coupon bonds at two and three-quarters (2 3-4) Upr cent interest in eactl case, but with a premium of $162.SO by the bond bouse of Hallrnan and Main, and a premium of 1120.SO by the bond house 6t H. C\ Speer and Company. The bid of Balltnancand Main was declared trt be the highest bid and we authorised the Chairman of this Board and the County Clerk of this County to stgn an agreement on behalf of McHenry County, TJllnois, in accordance with the' Rbovfe, r.nd same was filed with the said Counfy Clerk. YiSur Committee again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on th* $th day of August. 1938, and audited and paid bills chargeable to the M?HeViry County Patrol System of Roads As a whole for ri pairs and supplies for County owned machinery, insurance and labor at the County Tool House to^a total of $809.40 Hills chargeable to the various Sections of the County Patrol System of Roads for labor and material at rates heretofore approved br this Hohrd, we're audited and ordered paid as follows: Section 3 176.05 Sections 4, 1«, It Sections 4. IT Section 5, 6. Sections 7, I# Section 8 Section 9 Section 11 Section Vt Section 14 Sections 13, IS • w . . -- •----•'•r *.?•••••• 128.50 522.22 5S1.5St 30,0.80 132.89 538.SB 91.83 is®, (re 201.47 1954.23 Total $5,543.83 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax fwnds, since the last meeting of this Board, as fgljows: State AM Route-- 13-18A sec. 4-IT maint.. labor . ..$ 7.50 20 sec. 5-1 maint., lal)or and mat. 34.68 2 sec. 7-IT maint., labor, materia) and treas fees .381.72 5B sec 8 const., labor and mat k.00 28 sec. 9T, engi.. labor . 8.00 Constrction material *.... 2.J7 26 sec. 10 const., labor, mach rent. 1©.®0 11 sec 11 const., labor, material machine rental 39.50 •25 sec. 12 engi., labor 45.32 25 sec. 12-, const., labor, material machine rental 3627.29 5R ext.. 4A ext., 4A sec. 13 engi M.S7 21A sec. 14 const., labor and mat. 1* S9 28 sec. 17-IT const, labor lii.86 1 sec. 20 engi. labor . 128.52 20B sec. 24 engi. tabor 2.6 31 sec. 23B engi. la%Dr ....^.w tffAuiu. 84.80 We have received and turned over to the County Treasurer for the County Road fund, from Motor Fuel Tax Fund, rental on-- •County Owned machinery, sec. 10 8 5.00 County owned machinery, sec. 11 15.00 County owned machinery, sec. 13 Gl-4.92 Total $«S4.*2 The matter of gravelling the road being built south from M<rg«irry, Illinois, known as Section IB M. T.. was discussed and it was decided , ,h:it same should start In the near future, If it IS to be completed this fall. As we explained In this Committee's report tb this Board at last month's meeting, ah additional appropriation resolution will pced to be passed for $18,000.00. We therefore recommend • that said resolution be passed at thfn time. ' The County Superintendent o* Highways presented estimate* made in cooperation with t^e State Department of Public Works and Buitflings covering the cost of re-building ten (10) bridge* m tbe County, recently-wawhed out, aggregating the sum of $<126,500.00 and .•Hiding the $3500.04) estimate ns the cost of a bond issue election, the total sum to be raised by the proposed bonds, would be the sum of $180,000.00. ; We called Attorney Cassiday, attorney for the Ballman and Mum tfond bouse, and he advised that be would ptepare the proposed bond issue proceedings on that basis covering a twelve (12) years retirement period, and any b< nds not needed for the spet iftc improvements covered hy the bord issue, would not be sold. He also stated *hat the County Superintendent of Highwavs should prepare a report to this Board listing each bridge and Its location and estimated cost. Quotations were received on used steel sheet piling at $0,0181 per pound, K. O. B. Woodstock, Illinois, from the Carnegie Illinois Steel Corporation of Chicago, Illinois, and wo Instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to order a sufficient quantity to protect the walls on the Aavang Bridge, In to the Town of Greenwood, whicW1 would amount to about $250.01) and to have same driven as soon as possible. Wc audited the bill of Livesey Brothers of Alden, Illinois, for the repair of the abutment of sau: Aavang Bridge, and we r^commcn*} that the County Clerk draw orders in favor of parties listed In the amount shown opposite the name: Charles I.lverey, 54 hrs. labor, 5 hrs. use of truck $36.15 P. 0. IJvesey, 54 hrs. labor 3|.40 C. W. Button, 14 hrs. labor, use of jacks, star drill ami tie rods . .. 13.30 Conel Green, 18 hrs. labor 10.80 ~Wm. Neef, 18 hrs. labor 8.00 (feet, estimated cost $8,238.00 2: SACRETT BRH?«E, across a [branch of the $ippersink Creek locatled ih th«* To**n of Alden, "on a public | highway near the north line of the [south' half of the northeast quarter 1 of Section 15, Tbwnship 46 north, Range 6 eaat of the Third P. M., approximate length 20 feet; estimated cost *:>,42«jO© 3: GUTTSCHOW BRIDGE, across a brahch of the Piscasaw Creek located in the Town of Chemung,'on the Lawrence-- Oak Grove road, near the northwest corneT of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 46 North Range S, east of the Third 1*, M„ approximate length 22 feet, est. cost ¥5.609.00 4: Ll 1^1 BRIDGE BRIDGE. with ' necessary approaches, across Mockler Creek, located in the Town of Dunham, on State Aid Route 20. Section T.T MFT, near the north quarter corner of Section 2, Township 45 North Range 5 east of the Third P. M„ ap- ' proximate length SO feet, estimate ed cost $5,434.0© £: LORDEN BRIDGK. across Nip- ' persink Creek, located on the public highway in the Town of Hebron, near the south quartef section corner of Section 19, Township 46 North Range 7,'east of. the Third P. M.; using the ste"l trusses from the Greenwood bridge, the location of which'is hereinafter described; approximate lehgth of Lorden Bridge, 65 ft., estimated cost : $8,598.00 6: BRAND BRIDGE, across a branch of the Vippersink Creek, located Ort the public highway in the Town of Greenwood, near the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the south* west quarter of Section 3. Tbwnship 45 North Range 7. east of the Third P. M., approximate length 47 feet* estimated cost $10,893.00 7". GREENWOOD BRIDGE, and necessary approaches, across NIpperstnK Creek, located on the public highway on State Aid Route 2. Section T-1T. M. F. T., In the Town of Greenwood, approximate 878 feet northerly from the south line of Section 11, Township 45 North, Range 7. east of the Third P. M., approximate length 182 feet, estimates cost $31,724.00 8: MERRY BR1DGJC, across a branch of the Ninperslnk Creek, on a public highway, lbcated in the Town of Heb- • ron," near the southwest corner of Section 4. Township 6 North, Range 7, east of the Third P. M;. approximate length 10 ft., est. coat $r.,lPt».00 9: WARF BRIIX1E, and necessary approaches, across Coon Creek, on State Aid Route 31, Section 23B, M. F. T., in the Town of Riley, on the line between Sections 33 and 27, Township -43 North, Range 5, eASt of the Third P. M., approximate length 100 feet, estimated cost . ......$19,948^00 10: DIQOINS BRIDGE, across a branch of the Piscasaw Creek approximately 1900 feet south from the northwest corner of Section 83, Township 4<i No«h, Range 5, east of the Third P. M.. on the public highway alonq; the line between Sections F2 and 33, Township and Range aforesaid, approximate length 60 feet, estimated cost $12,196.00 11: NOE BRIDGE, over Rush Creek on the public highway between Sections 8 and 17, in the Town of Marengo, McHenry County, Illinois, near the southeast corner of Section 8, Townshift 44 North, Hange 5, east of the Third P. M., approximate length 70 feet, estimated. $13,438.00 natutes applicable thereto and th# ty Clerk is hereby directed to tak« " *1 faho nAAacaa«>t> IMU) >k- • y Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000) and 'the statuti the levy of an ndditional tax on all of .County Cl< the taxable propert" In the County of tail steps necessary to notify said dfll» McHenry, Illinois, for the r-ayment of (cials to so conduct said election, and- "Y interest on and principal'of such bonds, (said County Clerk shall cause to bei; ,v : said tax to be levied and collected an- j prepared for use necessary polling % -/§ ntu'.lly for each of Uje years 1938 to 1 booths and the like and shall furnish 1950 inclusive, ant* In fcny one year not I the election officials proper election to be In excess of six cents (6c). on supplies. :/' « Total $126,500.00 Estimated cost of. special bond Issue election 3,500.0® $130,000.00 I, C. L. Try on. County Superintendent of Hlfcrhways for McHenry County, Illinois, hereby certify that the above estimates of cost do ndt exceed the probable cost of said bridge improvements. Dated this 8th day of August, A. D. 1938 C. I.. TRYON, County Superintendent of Highways, McHenry County, Illinois. eacl^ One Hundred Dollars ($100) full value of taxable property, such additional tax to be in excess of aad in addition to the 'rate no* or hereafter authorized for County burposes and in excess of Sevfentv-fiV'e Cents (75c) per One Hundred Dollars ($!<>•) valuation as provided by Section 8 of Article IX erf the Constitution of the State of Illinois. That said election be t»eld at the respective voting places in the several precincts ,lh said County heretofore established, and that said election be called, held and conducted In all respects in compliance with the statutes lipplicaMe thereto. SECTION 4. That at least twenty (2M) clays prior to the date of said election ty- County Clerk of this County is hereby directed to detiver to the several suoervisors of this county sufficient notices so that three (3) copies thereof may b# posted in ipach election precinct in t-ald County, and said Supervisors be aj.d they are hereby directed to post sin h notice*, in at least three (3) of the most public places in each precinct .within the time required by law, and >-uch Supervisors shall make written report of such postings to the County ("It rk: SECTION 5. That notice of said election be in-substantially the following fdrm: Special Election Wotlce NOTICE IP HERERY GIVEN* that on Tuesday the 6th day of September', 1938. a special election will be held at the following polling places In the respective election precincts In the Countv of McHenry, Illinois: PRECIXCT POLLING PLACE Riley. Town Hall. Marengo 1. City Hall in City of Marengo Marengo 2, Kelley Garage In Cfty of Marengo. Dunham, School Houso, Dlst. 128. Chemung 1. Marshall Iitrplfement Co., Cfty of Harvard Chemung 2, Fire Engine House in City of Harvard. Chemung 3, Ambler Building in Vliage of Chemung: Alden, Town Hall in Village of Alden. Hartland, ShurtlefTs Store in Hartland Twp. Seneca, own Hall in Seneca Twp. Seneca, Town Hall in the Village of 1'nion. Orafton 1, Village Hall, Huntley. Grafton 2, Fred Schutt Cottage In Crystal Lake, III., Village of Lakcwobd. Dorr 1, Woodstock Salen Sc. Service, 208 East Jackson St.>. Woodstock, 111, Dorr !, Sherburne Motor Co., 109 Church 'St.. W'>odstock, Illinois. ^ Dorr 3, Room under Couhty Clerk's Office, Woodstock, III. Dorr 4, City Hall. Woodstock. 111. Dorr 5, Abbott's Store, Village of Ridgefield. ' - Greenwood, Town Hall, Village of Greenwood. Hebron. Town Hall, Village of Hebron. Richmond, Memorial Hall) Village of Richmond. ' Burton. Town Hall, Village of Spring Grove McHenrv 1, Royal Blue Store, Ringwood, Illinois. McHenry 2, City Hall, McHenry. 111. McHertry 3. Ruch Plumbing ShOp, £|ty of McHenry. McHenrv 4, Blldner Barber Shop, Johnsbnrg. 111. Nunda 1. Turner House, Barreville in Nunda Twp. N'nnda 2, City Hall, City of Crystal Lake. N'unda 3. I. O. O. F. Hall, City, of Crystal Lake. SECTION" 8. The returns of said elect ioi^Rhall Be canvassed as feiquired' by law and be filed with the COunty Clerk of said Countyi SECTION 9. All resolutions or parts of resolutions . in conflict herewlth be and the same are hereby "repeih>d and1 " this resolution shall be in full force and * ' " , effect forthwith upon its adoption. Approved: JOHN (Seal) Attest: R. D. WOODS Adopted; August Approved: - August 9, 1938^ : . - 4 ' ? * • Recorded: August 9. 193W. Vote: Ayes Supervisor , rl • \ T. f'iLIP,*Chairman. f < , " '.V • • • : < • * • r • • : DS. Couaty C|erfc. »| M 9, 1938 ™ .•"* „ % t «, 1938 ' • :,'K ' .. •:. t 1 #$*."'•" * y J-visor " I' :J L. A. Stockwell, D. M. Wright, Cljasi|. ; / j - .. M . P s t m e r , F . E . B e c k . N . * B . C l a w s o n , i . . ; 1 » - ' . J O. J. Carroll; KJ. I*. .'Kuecker. Chas-. H. T Ackman. Frank C. Ferris. Roy J. Stew-:^, - art, J. E. Harrison, Henry M. Turner, '• J. G. Stevens, Frank May. S. H. Freund, Henry C. Meier, John J. Fllip and 'Assfc, Supervisors A. B, McConnell amf Paul' Rosenthal. -v Nays Supervisor / vv"' None. "• "' ' 'v Absent. Supervisor if-. .'. None."' After some discussion, it was regu- . larly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly - seconded by Supr. Turner that the RESOLUTION calling Special Blection-' to vote upon the proposition of issuing^- one hundred thirty thousand dollars,' ($150,000.00) Bridge Bonds of the County of McHenry. llHnois be approved and adopted by this Board and the roll being called, Supervisors Stockwell.,/^ Wright, Palmer. Beck. ClawsonVfarroll.t Kuecker. Ackman. Ferris, Stewart,». Harrison, Turner. Stevens, May. FVeund.f, Meier, Filip and Asst. Sup«lfvtoofra Mc-> Connell and Rosenthal voted Hye, nay'- none. The Chairman declared the mo-' tk>n unanimously carried. * V The following Contract for the Sale •of said Bonds. If Issued, wis preeented' and read, to the Board, to-#tt: Hon. Road and Bridge Committee, * .. ; McHenrr Co.- Board -of Supervisors, Woodstock. 111. In connection with your contemplatedissue of $65,040 t* fISS.M* Bridge v Bonds to be dated when Issued, to bear interest at the rate of 2 8-4^f, per annum. payable semi-annually, both prin- .. cipal and interest payable at Qome.S Bank In Chicago, 111.. In .|s» said bonds to be in tho denomination, as*. - far as possible, of 31.009 oach and toN?r mature: > hv From 1939 to 1950 inc.. with option^ of prior pavment. we agree- to supply^ nil necessary proceeding* incident tor calling an election and voting o*»* thol* ; proposition of issuing these bonds aadl';.. ito engage the services of a recoghi«e«$| bond Attorney in connection witfc thld|i issue to assure that all proceeding* alrer^.-.? legally and properly conducted. In the" .; event the bonds are not authorized or|' ft r nny reason cannot be issued, w«' .tgree to waive all expenses in connec-> Hon with this service. '• lu consideration of this undertaking, on our part it is' understood and agrvedkt ! thaf we are engaged to perfo-m thlaK service and that if bonds aS above aroF-'h nulhoH*«»d and issued you agree to sellfto us and we agree to buy from you*T said bonds paying you therefore upon|; . deliverv to us. The oar value, thereof,! plus_ 91 62.50 based on the minimum oft®;' $65 ,000 bonds, and the accrued inter-k' est and to supply all additional proceed-"' ings necessary to the final issuance and' delivery of these bonds, the Attorney"*! opinion and the blank bond* ready for' i'-t* i : -:;a MTotal $102.50 The bridge is now in use but we were unable to have 1 the pmteetlve piling driven, although it is promised within the next two weeks. "t will be necessary to pass the ac companying resolution, known as Application Resolution,, tflt initiate tlje request for a Federal grant of 4TVof the cost of washed out and damaged bridges. Your Committee estimates that there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads, an appropriation of »5«®t' 00 from the County Highway Tax Funds until the next meeting of this Board All of which Is respectfully submitted. L. A. STOCKWELL D. M. WRIGHT S. H Fit El*.VI) • ' * N. B. CLAWSON- * • A. B. MeCON.VELL After the reading of tbe Ropart by the Clerk, it Was regularly moved by Supr Ackman and duly- seconded by Supr. Wright that the aaid Report be adopted and entered of record in full, and the roll being called. Supervisors Stockwell. Wrieht, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Meier, Filip and Asst. Supervisors McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Motion declared unanimously carried. The following Estimate of the cost of rebuilding and completion of eleven bridges in McHenry County was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors for McHenry County, Illinois: Taking into consideration the advloo, requirements, rules and regulations of the Federal Works Administration and of the State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildjngs and of the State of Illinois Division of Waterways, as to the width of roadway, size of water-sheds, soan. height, area of waterway, of bridges, and the cost of removing old structures, engineering and inspection, advertising and legal costsand incidentals, and the cost of necessary labor and" materials Involved, I, C. L. Tryon, official jrnd acting County Superintendent of Highways fof McHenry County, Illinois, herebv subVnU the following estimates of the cost of rebuilding and completion of the following washed out add damaged bridges on the oublic highway's of McHenry County, 1 llinois: 1: ALDEN BRIDGE, and necessary approaches, across a branch of iN'ippersink Creek, located in the T< I of Alden, on State Aid Route 1. proximately 1480 feet northerly fi the south line of Section 15, Township 46 north Range 6, east of the Third P. M., approximate length 28 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the Estimate be approved and ordered of record, and the roll being called. Supervisor Stockwell. Wright. Palmer. Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker. Ackman. Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May. Freund, Meier. Filip and Asst. Supervisors McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. nay none. Motion declared unanimously cai lied. The following Resolution calling Special Election tn vote upon the proposition of Issuing one hundred thirty 1 thousand dollars, ($130,000.00) Rridge , Bonds of the County of McHenry, Illinois, was presented and read to the Board by the Clerk, to wit: I RESOLUTION calling special election to vote upon the proposition of Issuing I One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollar.-* I ($130,00") Bridge Bonds of The County I of McHenry, Illinois, and the levying 'of an additional annual tax In the sum I of Six Cents (6c) on each One Hundred 'Dollars ($!'00) of valuation of taiable property in said County to pay principal of and interest on said bond*, • • • • WHEREAS, this, the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, Illinois, finds that due to floods many of the bridges in the County have been damaged or destroyed, and other bridges have deteriorated dv>e to age, and that becauses of these conditions certain new bridges should be constructed throughout the County, and WHEREAS, the County Superintendent of Highways, pursuant to the instruction of this Board, is preparing plans and specifications for such bridges, which' Said plans and specifications will be subihitted for approval to the State Highway Engineers, and WHEREAS, It appears that such brides will cost at least One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000). and this County does not have funds with which to pay therefor, and that It will he fbr the best interests of the County :t*tla t it iorroMi money for this purpose and issue fts bonds therefor: and WHEREAS, it is for the best interests Of the County that an additional tax be. levied to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds; NOW; THEREFORE, Be It and It Is Hereby Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of The County of McHenry, Illinois: ® SECTION 1. It is hereby found and determined that it is for the best interests of this County that It at once construct the certain new bridges descrtbed In the plans and specifications referred to above, and that this County shuuid be authorized to barrow the sum cf One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars (8130,000) and Issue its Kinds therefor for the purpose of constructing such bridges In the COunty. 8ACTION 2. That said bond* be dat- , ed as of September 15, 1938, bear interi est at the rate of two and three-fourths *per cent (2 8-4 per annum from date until paid, payable semi-annually, and mature as follows: " $10,000 on December 1. in each of the years 1939 to 1951 inclusive, and that fn order to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds It is hereby found to be for the best interests of said County that there be and there is hereby levied and assessed upon all I of the taxable property in said County jai additional annual tax of six cents j (6c) or so much thereof as may be necessary ofi each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of full value of taxable i property in said Countv for each of the : years 1938 to 1950 Inclusive, and the 'County Clerk of said County is hereby I directed to extend said tax in the manner provided by law. said additional tax s being in excess of the constitutional {tax rate of seventy-five ("5c) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation 'and in excess of any statutory limitation now or hereafter enactel and in 'addition to any other County taxes now or hereafter permitted or authorized to j be levied and assessed. SECTION 3. That before said bonds [shall be issued anii said additional tax extended and collected, same phall be submitted to au.i :.i>r>-ovtd bv the voter « at a special electi.-n which is hereby called to be held In and for said County oa Tuesday, the 6(h day of September, . :!'3S, for the purpose of submitting to I the voters of said County the proposi- 'tion of Issuing County bonds for bridge purposes in the arnouiv* of One Hundred Algonquin'• I, Village Hall, Algonquin 111. lexeniuon wimoui co»i m juu. Algonquin t. Crystal Lakt Council ' This offer is subject to an elcetlon.|fi Vf Rooms. 1 • In ease It is necessary te hold more tbans , J Algonquin 3, Village Hall, Village of one election or In case bonds are notj Cnry MtT'tt- .... " ,. • delivered to us through no fault of ours^ Algonquin 4. Village Hall, Village of by Oct 15, 1938, it is optional with rt Fox River Grove. '.whether this contract should be extend-*^ Algonquin 5, Junior High School Dlst. or terminated. * $ 47, City of Crystal Lake, Illinois. " I In connection with this offer it lajf said polfing places being the regular I Understood that'you agree to paw aawlft polling places within said precincts, for ' additional resolutions, ordinances, the pumose of voting upon the propb- '«nd to execute all necessary certifMat.aaw. sit'on of issuing County bonds for furnished you bv us, as our Attomeyag bridge purposes in the amount of One may deem necessary to make tbo iaMM^ Htludred Thirty Thousand Dollars legal. ($130,000) and the levy of an additional Respectfully submitted. tax on all of the taxable property In the COunty of McHenry, Illinois, for the payment of interest on and principal i * • •- ~'.i BALLMAN' & MAIPC. By: CHARLES O. MAIN • The above proposition is hereby acof sucii bonds, said tax to be levied and cepted this 39th day of July. 1931. collected annuallv for each of the years JOHN J. FILIP, Chairman Board ort 1938 to 1950 Inclusive, and in any one Supervisors, McHenry County, Ulif»oia. year not to be in excess of six cents 1,1 * (6c) on each One Hundred Dolla.-s ($100) full value of taxable property, such additional tax to be In excess of and In addition to the rate now or faere- (Seal) Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk. It was thereupon regularly moved by - ucie- Supr. Freund and dulv seconded by^ . i; after authorized for County purposes Supr. Stevens that the Contract for thor ,. . and in excess of Seventv-flve Cents Sale of Bridge Bonds, if Issued, be ap-» v;.:. (7;<c) ner One Hundred Dollars ($100) proved and adopted by this Board and" valuation as provided by Section 8 of the roll being called, Supervisors Stock- V Article IX of the Constitution of the well, Wright. Palmer. Beck, Clawson.' State of Illinois |Carroll. Kuecker. Ackman. Ferris. s>tew-» • Said bonds will be dated as ofSeptem- ! are. Harrison. Turner. Stevens, May,' ber 15, 1938, bear interest at the rate Freund. Meier, Filip and Asst. Superof two and three-fourths per cent 1 vfaors MVOonneU ai. i Rosenthal vote<i^= (2 3-4<?j,) per annum from date until aye, nay none. Motion declared unani-. paid, pavable semi-annually, and m4-|mo,lsl>' carried. , , ture as follows; | The Clerk presented lists of claims $10,000 on December 1, in each of the Ingainst the County and en motion of v< ars 1939 to 1951 Inclusive. ' | Supr. Stevens and duly seconded bv. At said election the polls will be Supr Kuecker and declared carried, opened at s i* o'clock A. M.. and be the Board recessed and adjourned tor closed at five P. M., Central Standard 1:30 o'clock P. M. X>. S. T. for Commit-f Time. tee work. Dated this ..... .. day of 1938. H30 O'CLOCK P. M. ». I*. 9. * By order Of tho Bofcrd of Supervl«ora. ! Board met pur,uant to recess and ad- Journment and the roll being called fcyf QFCTTOV fi Thaf ti,.T L .» th<i Clerk, the following member rt-r. SECTION € That the sponded to thetr namis, to-*rit: fctper*, ^ ,n visors Stockwell. Wright, Palmer. Back, the following form. Cliu-unn Carroll Kueeker. Xckm»a Per-1 (FACE OF BALLOT) The voter should place a croia (X) in the enclosed space set out below, opposite the statement he favors. For the issuance of County bonds for bridge purposes in the amount of On" Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000) and the levy of nn additional tax on all of the taxable property In the County of McHenry, Illinois, for the payment of interest on, and principal of "such bonds, said tax to be levied and collected annuallv for each of the years 1P38 to 19^0 inclusive, and in any one year not to be In excess of six cents (6c) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) full value of taxable property, such additional tax to be in excess of and in addition to the rate now or hereafter authorized, for County purposes and in excess of seventy-five cents (?5c) per Hundred I>ollars ($100) valuation as provided by Section 8 of Article r.V of the Constitution of the Stato of Illmc.19. f >• Against the. Issuance of Co"untv bonds for i.rulge purposes in the amount of Cue Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollar* ($130,000) and the >vv of an additional tax on all of the taxable property in the County of McHenry, Illinois, for tbe payment of interest on. and principal of such bonds, said tax to be levied and collected annually for tach of the years 1938 to 1P50 inclusive, .and in anyone yt;ar not to be in excess of six cents f«ic) on each One Hundred IVillars i$10t»j full value of taxable property, such additional tax t > be in excels of and in adoition to the rate now or hereafter i'Ulhorized for Countv purposes and in o.cess of seventy-five cents (75c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100) valua'ipn as 'rovided by Section fi of Article IX' of the Constitution of tbe State vt Illinois' ( > (BACK OF BALLOT) (OFFICIAL BALLOT) Polling Place Pyecincf. Special election held Tuesday. September, t( 1833, In the County of McHenry. Illinois, to vote upon the Question of issuing One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000) Bridge Bonds and the levy of a six cents (6c) additional tax on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) full valuation to pay interest and principal of said bonds. (Facsimile Signature) County Clerk SECTION 7. That the Judges and Clerks heretofore appointed by this Board to act as election officials for the several votthg places through the County during this period be and the same are hereby directed to conduct said election in all respects in compliance with sponded vlaors S. -- , -- , Clawson, Carrol}, Kuecker. Ackmaa, Ferris. Stewart. Harrison. Turner, Stevens/ May, Freund, Meier, Flllp and Asst.- Supervisors McConnell and RosenthalL constituting a full Board. J, 1 he Comrttltiee agn Claimp, and Supplies fcre^-ented we Itlldfalng^ report, which, on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: August 9. A. P. 193? Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the- Board of Supervisors: "Sour Committee on I-ibor. Fees and. Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the^ payment of the following, and that the: Clerk be directed to issue orders On tho Countv Treasurer to tk« Claimants for, the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: P. F. Petti bone A Co.-- Clr. Clk -- rr* »«!,-. Shf. off. sup IttlT, Frank Thorn ber Op.-- Co. Clk. tax blks. ...---.. Co Clk. prtg. and sup. . Shf. off. sup -- -- 111. Bell Tel. Co.. C. H. * Jail tel. Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., judcy. librv. fund •"hai'les F. Hayes, judev. jus. fee Frank E Boh I. judcy. 3us. fees .... L. V. KUU. Co. Treas. o*. supt .... C. J. Williams, judoy. jiia. J$4j£. Sup. Sch. Off. Exj^-- Ethel C. Coe - Pyramid Paper Co. -- ^-- The Hebron Times ............ The Heb'rOn Times. Co. Treas. Assmt. Fund Woodstock D. Sentinel Co.-- Co. Clk. prtg and su#» >Supr. printing ..... Sup. Sch. off. sup. Co. Treas. prtg ;... <Mr. Clk. Co. Hwy. Sup.*-'. a- Co. Treas. Assmt. . j-.*- Co. Tr-aas, A»w* \ McHenry Plalndealer --- Richmond Gazettte Harvard Herald, -- -- Harvard Herald, Sun. Sch. off. sup. Crystal Lake Herald Pub. Co. Treas. Assmt -- 3H.T5 Crystal Lake Herald Pub. Ca. Sup. Sch. off. sup Marengo-Rep. News, abl, 4mjk 4.5# Ct. Use. Sup.-- ' *' Frank Mishter --- : 11.35, E. J. Field Hr^ Co. ----s- I.H' Ludvig Wilson Co --$S.S# Sanitary Flbg. & Htg. Co. 1-JJ 111. State Employ Service I5.T5 Shff. Feeding" Pris.-- 426.81 49.05, 4J.5« Tt-Tt. 7.5# 3X00 5.0<J 4.50 ti .10 : 18.23 *ar 145.$# 45.00 340.00 L/ *

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