Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1939, p. 14

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. •• '.'ftgwm. &,v- " * • • $ . «"v ^;n^.;vj w f>*, I, V* ** * ** ' "k w r / iC . . * • • • , .*i ':*•' ,1 . , ' : •, *•>" •• -V- • ' • 1T HE BOARD OF McHENRT v,\ * % * * V ^ , lttfNOB' "" ' '" '*:" Hoesley's Bakery .. Oi iA- Parker Sweetland Groc.' .... R. G. Shinner & Co ........^i. Western Un. Gas & Elec. Co. ,...£.«. Marinda Bates ;...... Marinda Bates, C. H. and jail rep. Thorne & Son, shf. jail sup. cio. A. S. Wright, shf. jail sup. cio... Shf. Dpty.-- .r-v^v Bid. L. Martin 22.08 unanimously, carried. 1.8.38 • Two Petitions, presented by the High- 42.60 way Commissioner of Chemung Town- .65.34 ship on the Diggins Bridge and Gutts- . 6.11 chow Bridge, together with the Peti- 2.00 tion of the Highway Commissioner of 2.00 Marengo Township on the Noe Brfdge, 1.96 were r.ead to the Board and upon motion 8.25 of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Wright, the same -were approved ; 4.00 and action deferred until a later date. ArVoour Birk fr--'r-'feNly *nA The following report of the County Jmand on the same dav the rent shall Loren Edinger * 8.00 Treasurer of official receipts and dis- become due, but a failure to pay the Part of Its legal representatives. Into and upon said premises, or any part thereof, either with or without process of. law, to re-enter and re-pAf.sess the same at the election of the Party of til* First Part, and to distrain for any rent that may be due thereon upon any property belonging to the Party of the Sec md Part. And in order to enforce a forfeiture for non-payment of rent it shall not be necessary to make a de Otto Buchert J.. ... Fred C. Bau Wayne Halbieib Earl Runkle Howard Freema n ' ... Harold Brewer Homer H. Mann >-"• *-®0 bursements for th* month of July, 1988 ..™^w.J#2.00 were presented and read, to-wit: .--...w,' " 4 00 , County Treasurer's Report - » ^.00 I Per the Month of Jnly, 193# P '•/ 8.00 »ecetpt» - * 4.00 Balance on .hand June 30,1938 . f}2.00 in all funds* ....-. .$104,099.13 Hpmer H. .Mann, shf.' i...^16.00 Dog Tax :... Henry G.- Fisher, shf;„bailiff 3.6.00 lns(#ute' Fund A,...,.™ , Henry A. Nulle,' shf. per diem. • • Suju t visors for Co. Home ........ 304,53 *» fees and serv ,... .^...,. 36.50 Emergency Relief - .-,......1,187.00 R. O. W. and Bldg. Rd. fund-^- Inheritance Tu.tes ....:--,167.80 .McHenry Co. Title Co'. J6.0p Liquor License 300.00 George L,. Tryon 1D0.00 Commissions, 111. Kelt Tel. '.54 Wayne Mentzer ..2i 80.62 Violations on Highways . 19^00 C. $. OX^onne}! T2.27 County Officers' Fees .v...;.^..,...3.054.21 D. -T. Smiley, I1 eo. vs. Molander ' . . I Supt. County Home 157.09 ."•••"•Contingent . &0.00-liHighway Fund ..j.:.^i,;„;.....:l,156.n . j^i t'T. Smiley; P'eo. Vs. Tuman • • j General Fund ...,x.v«-J^shS!s^*-v 374:67 Contingent .:.,...^.',- - M.-OO j I'etialt ies and Fees-• 3.47 4hna Graves, Er. T. B. Cattlei ...\. -.?5 'i Mothers? Pennons' 4&9.71. C. L. Tryon, Co. Hw'y. Maint. .,...-225.97 i General F^und i!0;00 Wobdst6ck L.i. Sentinel, eupr. prtg 22.5D Old -Age Asst. Fund 39.75 .'• Supr. Sal. Mil.-- . . •••'». 1 Motor .Fuel Taxes- 4,361'.?®. I*.-' 'A. Stackwell.'^'iii_wuUii^~.'"^-;- '58.65 J • «\ «•","••• '.."*'•'•• •. V- 1 ' - • • '0. M. Wright 9S.60 .XotOt• Receipts' for July Jl.954.84 C. M. 1'almer. ...A. 119.10 i '."-i' -£-- F. E, it«nk \ ..u. ^ •• -.^ ; u' • 75.65 Grand Total Receipts ....$116,054.0? N. £.| Clawsoh ...... ;.... 64.20 , Expenditures Q. J. Carroll " - " ' Hme at the place aforesaid or demand and a refusal to pay on the same day. or at any time on any subsequent day, shall be sufficient; and after such default shall he made, the party of the second Part and all persons in possession under him shall be deemed :.|179.00 . guilty of a forcible detainer of said 180.00 . premises under the Statute. And it is further covenanted and agreed., between the parties.. . aX.oresaid that the covenants herein shall' extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, and administrators and assigns of thie parties to this Lease. WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties aforesaid, the day and year flrst atove written. . COUNTY OF McHKMRY, bv JOHN J F1L.IP (Seal) v- . Chairman of the Board of Suprs " ' WILLIAM K. GAULKB (Seal) E. F. Kuecker . 2^. Chas. H. Ackman 89.50 Frank C. Ferris ' --.. i2.9o Roy J. Stewart, (tel. 13.06) 102.90 16.50 County Orders 41.90 50.80 46.30 •:6.80 69.80 32.20 50.75 58.40 J. E. Harrison H. M. Turner J. G. Stevens Frank May • S. H. Frjund H. C. Meier Paul Rosenthal .j.; A. B. McConnell Henry A. Nulle, shf. pet diem, fees, serv ........ Ora S. Nulle, shf. feedg pris. .... Vestie Muldoon, Ct. Hse. jail sal. Philip E. Bierdeman, shf. dpty 125.00 Daisy V. Moore, sup. sch. asst. and clerk hire ..... 114.75 Anna Graves, er. T. fi. CatUe .... 75,00 City of Woodstock, Ct. Hse. jajj^ •» U. and water . i.-- 167.18 All of which is respectfully submitted. C. M. PALMER FRANK C. FERRIS ^UnNK MAY ! . M . W R I G H T H. M. TURNER . Highway Orders Mothers' Pensions Bounty Orders Grand arid Petit Jurors Salaries .$11,334:14 ...4,339.30 805f00 14.05 ......"280.50 753.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 Violations on State Hwys. .... 251.86 Probation Officers 90.00 Coron.. er & Coroner's Jurors ....24.00 Emergency Relief 1,187.00 Inheritance Taxes 10.00 Stamps 85.18 Old Age Asst. Administration 39.75 Motor Fuel Taxes 6,737.57 Total Disbursements $25,951.35 Bal. on hand July 30,. 1931! all fur.ds ..90,102.72 i The Committed on Claims. ' County Poor, made the following report, which on motion of Supr. Palmer and duly se«»»«ndeil by Supr. Stewart and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: August 9th.' A. D. 1938. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend tne payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows. to-wit: Chicago lnd. Home for Child., Dependt. Child. ..........„^..$578.50 Addison Man. Train, and lnd., Dependt. Child. ' .. • •. i-in Aft T. B. and Pauper--- J ' r Nunda. old People's Rest Home Etta Hibbard 20.00 Chemung, Crosby Rest Home, JUois Beatty 25.00 •T. B. & Pauper. Ottawa Sanatorium-- Chemung, Lois Beatty 28.25 Greenwood, Henry Cossmaii 173.32 Dorr, Cleo Ystebo 61.67 Dorr, Vern" Shockey ........................175^6 7 Dorr, Hugh Walton 175.80 Grand Total 5116,054.07 The above and foregoing Report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. LESTER KOI.N'GER, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of August, 1938. , R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. _ It was thereupon regularly moved by fpupr. Stevens and duly seconded' by Supr. Ferris that the report be adopted. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Lands and Lots presentqfl the following report, together with of County owned property to William E. Gaulke and Charles Blschoff, to-wit: „ July 19, 1938. To the Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors: Voui Committee on Lands and Lots to whom was referred the matter of the rental or leasing of tl^e Fair Grounds Property would beg leave to submit tho fol.oving report: Your committee on Lands and Lots met on July I4th, with Wiliiam A. Gaulke in regards to rental of that part of the Old >air Grounds east of State Route No. 47. We decided to lease the same to Mr. Gaulke as per conditions of lease submitted with this report. On the same day we met with Charles Bisehort' in regards to rental of that part of the Old Fair Ground west of State Route No. 47. We decided to lease the same to Mr. Blschoff as per conditions of lease submitted with this report. On July 18th, this committee met with Supervisor Henry C. Meier and Highway Commissioner Wilbrandt of Algonquin, William Bloher 172.77 <Nunda Township and drove to the Peter Algonquin, Amelia Eibijsch ......174.17 IPorten Sub-Division east of Fox River Dorr, T. B. and Pauper-- Jin Nunda Township, and alter inspect- Roy J. Stewart, Bernhard Gieske 11.25 ing the roads of this sub-division in Fred-Benson, Mrs. Fred Benson 30.00 regards to grading and graveling by the Dr. M. A. Cunningham, Marian Kuppe 79.45 Dr. Wm. Magill Schultz, Ethel Chambers 65,00 Dr. A. S. Romberger, Cleo Ystebo 39.00 Dr. H. W. Sandeen, Harry Alexander --* • 5.00 < T. B. and Pauper-- Chemung, Dr. H. W. Sandeen, Leon Willis ™ 30.00 Hak-tland, Willis Disbrow, HiVam Griffith ; 20.00 Hartland, National Tea Co., Hiram Griffith 15.00 McHenry, Anna Freurid, Mildred Freund 20.00 Nunda, Anna Nelson, Elmer Nelson 25.00 Alfconquin, Dr. H. W. Sandeen, John Callahan ..111.00 Greenwood-- • , J. E. Harrison, L. Heaton „_w.„ *4.53 J. E. Harrison, Andrew Soma v- 9.60 J. E. Harrison, Schueppke ;,6.40 Farmers Store, Schoeppke ............ ~8s[o9 Farmers Stort^ Soma : 67^27 Maurice O'Leary, Schoeppke ........ 1-6.00 Coral, Lydia Haie, Fred Hale 46.50 All of which^is respectfully submitted. F. E. BECK, Chairman .A. B. McCoNNELL H. E. MEIER J. E. HARRISON • G.. J. CARROLL, • Township of Nunda it was the opinion of the committee that in the lirst place we had no power to act except to make a report to the Honorable Board of Supervisors as to our findings, also that if the Township of Nunda did agree to maintain the streets and roads in this sub-division it would open the way Tor all the owners, of sub-divisions in the county to ask for the same service and would become such a burden that it would be impossible for the various Townships to carry on. ,,|l»W>lctlvely submitted, • ROY J. STEWART, J. G. STEVENS E. F. KL'ECKKR -V 'D. M. WRIGHT . A. B. McCONNELL - .The question of who should represent McHenry County in making an application to the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a grant to aid in financing the construe-' tion of washed out bridges in the County was brought up for discussion. After discussion was had with regard to said matter, it was regularly moved by Bupr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart thut J<jbn J. Filip, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, be namud to represent McHenry County in regard to Said matter and the roll beh.g called Supervisors Stockwell, Wright, Palmer' Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner Stevens, May, Freund, Meter and Asst Supervisors McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. & JC;6n declared unanimously carried. ^ Indenture, Made this 1st day of March, A. D., 1938, Between the County of McHenry, In the State ot Illinois, I arty of the First Part, and William h. Gaulke, of the City of of Woodstock Party of the Second Part. Witnesseth. That the Party of the *irst Part, in consideration o| the covenants of the Party of tfle Second Part hereinafter set forth, does by these Presents, lease to the party of the Second Part the following described property, to-wit • v The following Application Resolution «P»s presented and re Ad to the Board to-wit: Application Kesolnticn. Resolution No. ... A resolution authorizing John J. Filip Chairman', Board of .Supervisors, to file an application to the United States of America through the 'Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a grant to aid in financing the construction of eleven was-hed out and damaged bridges in McHenry Countv Illinois, and designating John- J. Filip to furnish such information as the GoviShnment may request. ,®e is resolved by the Board of Suner- McHenry County, Illinoisbisection 1 That John J. Filip, be nnd Be is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of McHenrv County, Illinois, to the United States of America for a grant to aid in financing" the construction of eleven washed out and damaged bridges inf McHenrv County, Illinois. --.^Section 2. That John J." Filip, Chair- Inan of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the United States of America through the-Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works may reasonably request in connection with the apolication which is herein authorized to be filed. It was thereupon regularly moved by Bupr. Kuecker and duly seconded bv , ;J^st. Supr. McConnell that the Application Resolution, authorizing John J Filip, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, to represent McHenrv County Illinois in applying for a Federal grant for aid in the construction and repair Of eleven bridges in McHenry County «nd the roll being called, Supervisors Stockwell, Wrieht, Palmer. Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens' May, Fr-jund, Meier, Filip and Asst' Supervisors McConnelJ and Rosenthal " ajre, n*r noto/ Motion declared All that portion of the premises known as the McHenry County Fair Grounds, which lies East of the paved road known as State Bond Issue Route No. 47, said property be- W ,a,^ the Easterly limits of the City of Woodstock, and situated in the Town of Dorr, in- the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. To Have and To Hold the Same to the I arty of the Second Part, from the 1st %!£, r ^arcu' D ' 1938 to the r>a • March, A. D„ 1948. And the tarty of the Second Part, in consideration of the leasing of the premises as ,£et ,f»0^h' C0Venants and agrees with the Party of the First Part to pay the Party of the First Part at the office of the Conty Clerk of McHenry Conntyt Woodstock, Illinois, as rent for same-, the sum of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) per year, said rental to I'arf af th"V t'safd 1>ai ty of tbe Second L .u1 be^lnn'nK of each vear during the term of this lease. It is further Understood and Agreed between the parties hereto that in the event that the Party of the First Part should make a sale of said premises or enter into a lease of the same for pub- \iDT.rrios<is' ,h*n t'he Party of the SecnnMe ar»t Sha11 be glven two <2) months IlincT 0 vaca,f' and "Pon such notice Part shL'n6?' %rty of the Second leise «h!n t Premises and this void anil n /'? considered nul and J old and no claim thereunder shall then Part"for 1 SaUi,, Par,v (,f ^e Second hi , • s, or damages on account of r?lna 8a'<l lease. the Party of the Second Part further for'T^rl he 8^U u«e premises imwm h V * or ? her a^'"icultural pur- Jwin ^ it.,,n<'onsistertt with the present adaptability of said land for such pur- 'hat he. the Party of the Sech? s nJl 11 fence sa'd Premises at nvio i expense and during the term of this lease maintain said fences In a t0 turn Thfestoek^ •of ^ th^nsecond°paertPrOPerty °f thC PaHy And the Party of the Second P*r» Partn!th-i8t ^U,h the ?arty of the First of thtl il lhe exP,ratlon of the term ii«seess ttoo the Part,yW l lolf» ytiheled uFpi trhne PPreamriw ithout further notice, in - • ' This Indenture, Made this 1st day *of Ma'. 1938, between The County of Mc- Herry, In the State of Illinois, 1 Party of the First Part, and Charles Bischolt, of the City of Woodstock, Party of the Second Part. Witnesseth, That the Party of the First Part, in consideration of the covenants of the Party of the Second Part, hereinafter set forth, does by these Presents, lease to the Party of the Second Part the following described property, to-wit : All that part of the premises known at the McHenry County Fair Grounds, which lies West of the paved road known as State Bond Issue Route No. 47, said property being at the Easterly limits of'the Ci'ty of Woodstock, and situated in the Town of Dorr, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. To Have and To Hold the Same to the Party of the Second Part, from the 1st day of March, A. D., 1938 to the 1st day of March, A. D., 1948. And the Party of the Second Part, in consideration of the leasing of the premises as above set forth, covenants and agrees with the Party of the First Part to pay the Party of the First Part at the office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois, as rent for same, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year, which rental shall be paid by the Party of the Second Part at the beginning of each year during the term of Lhis lease. It Is Further Understood and Agreed between tl^e parties hereto that in the event that the Party of the First Part should make a sale of said premises or enter into a lease of the same for public purposes, then the Party of the Second Part shall be given two (2) months notice to vacate and upon such notice being given, said Party of the Second Part shall vacate said premises and this lease shall then be considered null and void and no claim thereunder shall then be made by said Party of the Second Part for loss or damages on account of the termination of said lease. The Partv of the Second Part further agrees that he shall use said premises for a turkey farm, and that he, the Party of the Second Par, if he so uses said property, he shall properly fence the same and maintain said fenccs in good condition during his occupancy of said premises'. And the l'arty of the Second Part covenants with the party of the First 1 art, that at the expiration of the teiim of this lease, he will yield up the premises to the Party of the First Part without further flotice, in asr good condition as when the same were entered upon by the Party of the Second Part, loss by fire or inevitable accident and ordinary wear excepted. n.U'A8 further agreed by the Party of the Second Part, that neither he nor his legal representatives will underlet said premises or anv part thereof, or assign this lease without the written first had2 ft^hehree tPo.a r ty of the ^st Part And it is further expressly agreed be- ?'e,e,n^the Parties hereto, that if default shall be made in the payment of the rent above reserved or any part thereof or any of the covenants or agreements herein contained to be kept by the Party ? ^ s5c°Pd Par*, it stfall be lawful tor the P%rty of the Wrst Part or its legal representatives, into and upon said premises, or any nart thereof, either with or without process of law, to reenter and re-Dossess the same at the election, of the Party of the First Part, and to distrain for any rent that may . e due thereon upon any property belonging to the Party of the Second Part. And in order to enforce a forfeiture for non-payment of rent it shall not be necessar.y to make a demand on the same da^' the rent shall become due, but a failure to pay the same at the placo aforesaid or demand and a refusal to pay on the same day. or at any time on any subsequent day, shall be sufficient: and after such default shall be made, the I arty of the Second Part and ali persons in nossession under him shall be deemed guilty of a forcible detained - ASaJ <premises under the Statute. „ *t is further covenanted and fhl? etween the parties aforesaid tn LI. v c(Jven,ants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, and attainistrators and assigns of the parties To this Lease. Witness the hand and seals of the parties aforesaid, the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF McHENRY i ."£? 'JOHN J- (Seal) _ * . Cha rman of the Board of Suprs. CHAS. G. BISCHOFF (Seal) vtt Vas therepon regularly moved by «!!£r' ^,c*lmar? and duly seconded by Supr. I aimer that the report of the ?harU? Committee be approved ^ , r-u Leases to William E. Gaulke and ( harles BischofT be adopted and the Wri ift f> c.alIed' Supervisors Stockwell, Ku fki'r TT'-?eck' Clawson, Carroll " „,Ackman' Ferris, Stewart Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May. Freund •'.neri'erw" .u8?1' Supervisors McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none Motion declared unanimously adopted. The following contract between McHenry County and Dr. B. F. Kennelly County Veterinarian, was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: This Memoranda of Agreement, mads I VTq Ts , 'n'° ,Zth July, iLii i f; £ and L. A Stockweii h . M Turner, and J K. Harrison for and on behalf nf »he Board of Supervisors, of the County of McHtniv and t'he1 fl w,» IUtno1"' which is the party of party off t>h"e* nw cond part». ' V Kenneliy, Witnesseth. That Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, has heretofore appropriated a sum of- money to be used in the suppression or tut>«r<- culosis among dairy cattle of the County of McHenry under the direction ,tf Board of Supervisors, and Whereas, the said Dr. B. K. Kennelly has been appointed County Veterinarian lo administer the tuberculin tests, by McHenry County, arid said anointment has been confirmee by the Department r/uFrlcuUur': "T lh* Htate of Illinois, that it T-er--'r-1'"1" t '1*refor€ witriesseth count With a cmrd system of all cattle Mated by himself and by his assistants and to set that a proper annual report be furnished to' the party of the first part. The party of the first part will issue to the,party of the second part an order for a one-twelfth of the salary above mentioned in consideration for such services atlthe end of each month. The party of the second part shall keep an accurate record of all reactors. The party of the second part is to have charge of the buying of necessary ear tags for branding of cattle and also all other necessa< v supplies to carry on the said tests, party of the first to pay for the same. The party of the first part reserves the right to supervise and direct the services of the party of the second part so. long as this contract is in forte and effect and in case the services of the party of the second part are not satisfactory to the parties of the first part, and upon a'report of such dissatisfaction to the Board of Supervisors'in session either at a regular or special meeting of said Board, and If said report of dissatisfaction is approved, this contract shall be terminated and the services paid for proportionately up to the termination of said contract,'it being understood that in case such report is made, party of the Second part shall have the right and poportunity to appear before the Board of Supervisors and make any explanation that he nwty deem necessary. In case the contingency herein mentioned shall occur. It is further understood and agreed that the party of the second part shall for the sum of Twenty-five dollars (125.00) per month to be paid monthly by the paitty -of the first part furnish his own means of transportation in and about his work and the upkefep of any automobile that, he may use or pay for and other expenses of going to and frdm his employment. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have hereunto signed- their names the day and year first written above. Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois. Party of the first part. By L. A. STOCKWELL H. M. TURNER J. E. HARRISON Members of CommlftMi. Party of the second part. B. F. KENNELLY * upon motion of Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Stewart and th« roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: It was thereupon regularly moved by Super. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the contract be adopted, and the roll being called Supervisors Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Meier and Asst. Supervisors McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none.. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home made the following report, whic'i, on motion o;f Supr. Wright and duly seconded bv Supr. Turner and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: August 3, 1938. Mr. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on August 3, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of July 1938 and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. V. Mueller & Co., hospital sup. $21.56 Pfeifrer Pharmacy, medicine 48.62 Seward & Rausch, fish 11.52 W. P. Allen, incidentals j.. 55.84 Hugh Lyons, carpenter work (199 hrs. @ 35c |9.65 Royal Blue Stores, groceries 48.14 F. Cichocki, shoe repairs 75 R. O. Andrew Co., ft id, salt and grinding ... 46.06 Woodstock Home Bakery, bread and rolls 69 28 Bauer & Bauer Oil Co., 5 gal. wax 7^50 «VJ?erL01^ j 0il Co" kero- & grease 32.75 Ridgefield Farmers Supply Co.. coal (3950 lbs. briquets) 24 71 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers and cookies 20.41 ®exton & Co., wholesale gro. 153.44 Baackom Bros., machine repairs 1 56 Bohn Hardware Co., paint, wire, "" nails and kettles 27.82 Woodstock Feed and Hatchery.•rr~' • chicken feed 46 35 . W. Wootworth Co., razor "*- *" -.i-' blades, dishes and napkins .>.... 19.34 Harry Day, cleaning septic tank and filter beds 4" gg 00 Goodro ws Garage, gas and "oil "Z 18 26 Crystal Lake Truclting & Exc. Co., gravel for filter beds 70.75 Townsend Chev. Sales, truck parts 5 77 1 ublic Service Co., electricity for June and July 130 78 Woodstock Heating Co., sheet iron 215 Woodstock Wholesale Co., tobacco 60.37 Rosenthal Lumber & Fuel Co. lumber and nails 40 65 McConnell Implement Co., Plow*~r part I fii* Illinois Bell Tel. Co.. telV 10^0 Thome & Son, clothing 17 20 Sharp & Dohme, medicine 13^5(1 E. R. Squibb & Sons, medicine .... 12.00 Consolidated Lab-Oratories, insecticide and disinfectant .. 42 52 Montgomery Ward & Co., cloth" r s|1,(?es'. Pants, sox and belts 29 80 u _X' Oriswoid, hospital laundry 11.50 Hartley Rardin, car insurance 19.50 Albert Tessendorf, fuel gas 41.20 wm. Allen and wife, salary 150.00 Art°h,^Jwns?.n and wife- co°klng 100^00 Arthur Wendt, salary „ B5 00 John Borgeson, wages go'oo Susan McPherson, wages '40 00 Susan Amerman, nursing 75 Ot) Gladys Wendt, nursing 55 qo Virginia Rogers, nursing 65 00 $1,898.30 T)l. ~ . „ August 9, 1938. fVJh« bounty Home Committee met at Home August 3, 1938 and . 18 for the Previous month and drew orders for the same, the summaries of which are as follows: 1 ermanent Improvements .' 1291 7 9 Running Expense 742 71 f lothing r...X--............. „ 45 20 Tohac^ «o:l? 296.16 -- 320.79 98.66 Tobacco •Medicine Hospital Dieting . Fuel •r» d it ton whe " ,TtiCe' in 38 Sood POn" ! J" mutu;,Uy **""1 by nnd l'.eunon hv 1? . M?e w"rc entered hereto that the party t^sem ,f !h n* without the written first?had therelo'^ °f the Plr8t Part lh« rent Il,Tvonia * 1n lhe Vtyment of thereof, or anv °r anY part covenant« or bv the ^-artv fi ^ ^nta,!le<1 to be tu> . Second Part, it shall ^ lawful Ifif ths Party ot ..thi Flrat party of the swond f<art for a term of beginning July juzt, and ending not jater than June 30. 1939, under the foln? *xpp*"M terms and condition*, tnat ij( to say; The party of the second part to perform his serviced to the *atlxfut - tion of the above mentioned 'ofrirolttee repre„f.nttnK ,h<. Holtrtl ,tf Hupervinors or the Mild McHenry "oupty for th* salary of Sixteen hundred elsrhty dollars (IHRO.oO) pt-r annum, he i<, fa governed by the direction of the Committee representing the Hoard of Supervisors as to the trmriner in which tuberculin te«ts arc U> hm made, h« WIU or cauM to k*tp an accurals me- Total : J -J ggg gQ A large part of the permanent improvement was for cleaning the filter beds of the septic tank and refilling witth clean stone and graWiK '"^IThls amounted to $155 76 vr MlnlB O J. 'CARROLL A. B. McCONNELL H. C. MEIER ' ,'F- E. BECK • *RA>;K C. FERRIS Committee on '"inance made the following report, which, on motion of hupr. V\ rl^ht and dulv seconded by hupr Clawson and the rrtl b^ing called, declared unanimously adopted, to- < ... _ August 9, 1938 Stata of III.. County of McHenry, ss. °i, Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors: Yotir committee on Finance to whom i« referred all matters of finance and special appropriations would beg leave " report that under and by virtue of the law governing the publication of amendments to the Constitution, it is necessary that the County Clerk mall, at least forty days before election, a brief explanation of said amendment in pamphlet form to the electors of the ounty. it fH opinion of your Committee that the most economical manner h "I'lke this distribution is l-y pur- "hHHing pre-cancellpd envelopes at the ' h. Post Office. Your <~V,mmittef would therefore r.commend that ap appropriation be •aae in the amount not to exceed One Hundred twenty-five dollars for the pur- • ha*« of nai<j envelopes; said appropriate .1" b|". < h;irKe<l to the County Clerk ... 1'i1 s"l'Ply Fund. AH Of Which Is respectfully ftubmltted. H. M. TI'KNRR K F. KI'BCKUR ROY J. STEWART . ' C. M. PALMER .V, , J- E. HARRISON '®"ow'ng Supplemental KmoIu- L a lAbor Construction, M. F. T. m. A., Rt. 25 was presented and read and K. T. T. Day Ijabor Oonstrnotloa I - Supplemental Basolatlon Of ! County Board of McHenry County requesting approval of the use of money allotted to the county under thte provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Resolved, by tne Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, that public interest demands the construction of a section of a public highway designated as a State Aid road, said section_being described as follows: -•--^ Beginning on the /public highway designated as State Aid Route No. 25, at a point one-half mile south of its intersection with S. B. I. Route 20 at the southerly end of an existing asphalt road, and extending thence along Route 25 in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 15840 feet, .more or less; and be it further - " ., • Resolved, ' ' • • • . i ( l ) that the proposed improvement ; heretofore designated shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved March 25, 1929, and shall be of traffic bound surface course base for bituminous surface construction 20 feet wide, with earth shoulders 8 feet wMe, and shall be designated as Section 12 M. F. T. i (2) that said proposed improvement {shall be constructed by thoVcounty 1 through its officers, agents and employees by day labor for the following reasons: so as to help relieve the unemployment situation in the county, and to be able to control the work, and employ McHenry County labor and to put to work machinery now idle in the , County, in so far as practicable. This resolution supplements the resolution passed by this;Board for the improvement of „ thfe-ahQve described road on the 12th day of January, 1937. (3) that there is hereby appropriated the additional sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12000.00) from the county's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of said section; and be It further Resolved, that the C<5unty Clerk Is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, through the District Engineer. The following Right of Way Tesolution, S. A. Rt. 9A, was presented antfr read and on motion of A: sist. Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Freund and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Bight of Way Resolution ^ Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry Countv at its meeting this 9th day of August, 1938, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Ten Thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the said county's motor fuel tax allotment. for the purchase of Right of Way, together with all court costs, and jury awards in necessary condemnation proceedings, required for Section 26-S, State Aid Rt. 9-A (also known as State Bond Issue Route 19). When detailed cost for each tract, or condemnation are known, the County Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to send statement of Buch cost to C. H. Apple, District Engineer, fcdgm, Illinois, with request for payment from aforesaid motor fuel tax allotment. Be It Further Resolved, that this Resolution be submitted to the Depart- 2lei? °5 Works and Buildings, State of Illinois, ,to guarantee payment .j 'cost for right of way needed on said Section 26-S, State Aid Route 9A (Also known as State Bond Issue Route 19), the detailed location being described as follows: Being at the intersection of S. B. I. Route 19 (U. S. 14) with S. 5' ; ^ute 61 (I11- 31> and S- B. I. Route 22 (III. 31), located in part of •hf H ? ^of Section 3 and part of the North half of Section 10, all in 43 North, Range 8 "East of the Third Principal Meridian. t T}&,t °1 f Re-Subdivision of Block 7 of Island Lake Estates in McHenry county, Illinois, was presented to the Board for approval. It was regularly moved by ^Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded bv Supr. Freund that the llat be approved, subject to the Clerk's Certificate on search for tax sales. Said ried ' W&S declared unanimously car- Norma Taylor, representative of the National Re-employment Service, appeared before the Board and made a formal request for the renewing of the appropriation for incidental expenses of the local re-employment office located in the Woodstock Post Office, in an amount not to exceed $25.00 per month for the ensuing year. After some discussion, it was regularly moved by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the request be granted, and the- roll being called, said motion was declared uhanimously carried. John Brock, County Farm Advisor, appeared before the Board and made a formal request for an appropriation to Pu s r/^sf ^"ds for the 4H Club con- Mr R,„ b r^ »Ln the very near future. he»'r, .h further stated that it had been the practice of the Board to apcaus? e' , AAfftte«rr SsUomm eo fd i*sc2u2Gs-s0io0 n,f oirt twhaiss neflU andyHiU°Ved b^, ^ssL Supr- McConth. lt Jl? y se.conded by Supr. Kuecker I t, i uPr[latlon of *225.00 be made "b to Purchase the awards, . j e ('ou,»ty Farm Adviser be requested to file a report with this molT n lJ?e ,ro11 bei"S called, said motion was declared unanimously carntH t c;ornIn,ttee of Business men and hetw •£ City of Harvard appeared before the Board and John T. O'Brien • j KP°kesman, stated that they would like t0 have the Board of Supe visors authorize the Right of Way Comseoure the signatures on the dedication papers for the Right of Way Mith regard to the viaduct improvement where options have been securc*d After some discussion, it was* rWularlv moved by Supr. Beck, and duly seconded by Supr. Meier that the right of Way Committee be requested to g«t signatures on dedications where options have th^ ,he„C,U a1d aIT other dedications that they may be able to acquire with regard to said improvement. Mr. O'Brien then thanked the members of the Board for their co-operation. Joseph Hemmer. a member of the ?•?.!? Review of McHenrv county snd a past member of the Board of Supervisors, being present at the ineet- « as calle<l l lPon by the Chairman, f ,mMW.a,ate<i that H was a Pleasure for him to appear as a spectator at a meeting of the Board, and that he wanted to assure them that he was y tand at all times, as a citto sive his service to the Board ° cSupervisors of McHenry Countv Statements of condition at the' close of business on June 30, 193S of the Bae,fk Mc f He"ry Sta'e Bank. First State Hnnk nni ,"ary,ar<1' Algonquin State Hank and the tarv State Bank were presented and ordered placed on file 1 communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public j ja „ ^u"dings we're presented and ordered placed on file. mull?'" Stfwart. Chairman of the Committee on Lands and I^ou, addressed the Board and stated that Attornev F. B Woodstock, Illinois, informed him that the Countv had title to t 40 acre tract of land under water, immediately South of Twin Lakes; that the County acquired title to the property about the year 1854, and that he wanted to purchase the title .from Mc- Henrv County After some discussion, it was regularly moved by Supr Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman • hat said matter be referred t6 the Lands and Lots Committee, together with the States Attorney of McHenry < ounty, giving said Committee full power to act to make investigation and report Motion declared unanimously carried. It was brought to the atTentinn of the Loard of Supervisors that the Clerks and Judges of Election in the Algonquin 2, the Nunda 1' anfl the Nunda 2 Precincts or Districts were not selected according to the law governing the selection of Judgefi and Clerks of Election. The Chairman then called upon the two political parties, as represented by the membership of the Board for suggestions of electors to replace those selections that were made irregularly. After some discussion, it was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that Mildred Medllcka be selected as a Clerk of Election in the Grafton 2 District of the Grafto!fe"f»reelnet in place of George Medlicka; that Esther Schwemm be selected as a Clerk of Eleotion In the Nunda 1 District of the Nunda Precinct in the place of Alice Johnson; and that William Rosenthal be selected as a Judge of Election in the Nunda 2nd District of the Nunda Precinct in place of L. J. Fales, and that the County Clerk be directed to file a report with the County Court of McHenry County of said selections, and.#fhe roll being called. Supervisors Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner. Stevens, May, Freund, Meier and Asst. Supervisors, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Motion declared unanimously carried:, The Chairman announced the selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panels for September, 1938 term of the Circuit Court, and the following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors for the September, 1938 tfirm of the. Circuit Court, to-wit: William Meyer, Riley Township. Howard Tanner. Marengo Township. William Wittmus, Marengo Township. Eddie Koltz, Dunham Township. George I. Walker, Chemung Township. J. E. Hancock, Chemung Township. Albert Hildreth, Alden Township. Ray McCabe, Hartland Township. Ed Kiltz, Seneca Township. • Roy Peterson, Coral Township. " " Earl Conley, Grafton Township. T. !•. Nolan, Jr., Dorr Township, Walter Schuett, Dorr Township. Donald IlolichNtetn, .Greenwood Twp. E. H. Lines, Hebron Township. Hugh Mowden, Richmond Township. Aiatli Lay, llutioii Township. Guorgti Bohr. Mclleritv Township. Darwin Gnmaei. McHenry Township. Elmer »toi'kfHK, Nu In Township. iletiiy (luin|ir*i'hi. .viiiulii Township. N' •VJMonqqln Township. Wttlui' 1-Mliii, lulu 'iownsiilp. lhe fol'owlimi twiined persons were sele-'ti'd to *mve ,i* (fraud Jurors on the SupplemeniNl panel for the £epto wit- of the Circuit Court, Roy Moore, Itiley Township. Charier Stokes, Marengo Township. Lansing- Stevenson, pitnham Township. Alr_le Paul, Chemung Township. V;\ 4- Cerny, Chemung Township. Wayne Noiati, Alden Township. William^ Walsh, Hartland Township. Louis Moritz, Seneca Township. Chris Fritz, Coral Township. r loyd Hammond, Grafton Townshin Lawrence Kiltz, Dorr Township. finest Swanson, Dorr Township. William Lewis, Greenwood Township. Harold Spooner, Hebron Township, ^."i" w Jacklon- Richmond Township, laul Weber, Burton Township. w^"ni r®und, McHenry Hownship. William Koch. Nunda Township. S T l.lcfra' Algonquin Township. Melburn Holmes, Algonquin Township. c,,^W«8r fh«reuPon regularly moved by Wr'Sht and duly ' seconded by cJawson that the selection of Crrand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the September, 1938 term of the C.rcujt Court be approved, and the fr! th» ofCti?d certify the said lists th« t^n k 0 the Clrcuit Court and called,, Supervisors, rifht' Pall«er, Beck. Clawson, Carroll Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens May, Ireund, Meier and Asst. Sunerave° rna^ICConnelJri?'nd Kosenthal voted the' ' T Chairman declared S'Jm°t'on unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman to adjourn adjourned" ThereuP°n th« Board Attest: > DOHWOODSILCIle,rkCh>lrm'ln- Regular September Meeting 1938 ^f-Ti5e«Honorable Board of Supervisors or McHenry County, Illinois, met h! an! Criitxy ofSSWWoooodHsttottchkt j Coounr t THuoeusdsea yi," tthhee *• "• " thJhnh,r?eetin8: was called to order bv by the CWknthr f ^o11 being called snnnrttrt ! Vtl?® following members revisors I a Vt n L amef- l°-wi t: Supervisors L. A. Stockwell, D. M Wrieht Chas. M. Palmer, F. E. Beck, N B t lawson, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris Rov Ti uurrnneeerr, t(V,.« JSstteKv- enHsa, r/F:riasonnk' MHaevn rSy Vu. Henry C. Meier, John Filip, and RRootseenntthh!a!1l!,1 8c' oAn"s t.iBt'u tMinlCgo ar> nluellll Banoda rdI'.a ul hj -Records of the Special August proved^ WaS Fead and on mottol» ap- T.Tof. follo*'ng report of the Countv for the month of August moti'o?iT * ofP'e« e"t6d fn,d read' and upon j I &upr. Ackman and dulv ^ ^,y SVpr wright, was approv- 6a and ordered of record.' County Treasurer's Keport August, 1938 Micilpti Balance on hand July 31st in all funds 190,102.72 General Fund Highway Fund """ Dog Tax Non High School Fund Emergency Re ' r Supervisor s Couaty Home^'r. Motor Fuel Tax Personal Property Back Taxes State Highway Violation Fines County Officers' Feels Liquor Licenses Old Age Assistance Fund'" Inheritance Taxes g40 6i P«nimJ,ai"rJe^ 1937 Taxes..:. 37,760:0o 1 enalties and Fees 4,518 43 2,039.42 1,392.52 49.98 .. 32.41 828.00 283.81 51.01 108.09 35.0u 2,012.56 246.00 63.80 840.6 Total Receipts for August....$50,260.70 Grand' Total^Iiece^pt^^...._|l40,363.42 County Orders 110 Highway Orders 5 Mothers' Pensions . Probation Officers Distribution Forfeited Taxes" 25 Bounty Orders State Hwy. Violation Fines" "11 Coroner's Certificates ..... Stamps Salaries r"~~" Em^gency Relief ... ' - Old Age Assistance fHind , Inheritance Taxes „.; i. Anticipation Warrants 20, Disputed Taxes Interest on Warrants Motor Fuel Tax Orders 3, 670.52 524.98 805. Oti 90.0U 214.83 57.70 38.22 42.00 150.30 780.50 828.00 63.80 149.45 000.00 4.82 685.90 388.62 Total Disbursements ...$68,414.64 Balance on hand Augi tt, 1838 in all funds 71,948.78 Grand Total $140,363.42 The above and foreg6ing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. LESTER EDINGER, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of September, 1938. R. D. WOODS. County Clerk. The- following report of the County Treasurer, showing outstanding payments due from Townships to County Home, was presented and read and upon motion duly made and carried was approved and ordered placed on file, towit: _. September 9, 1938 To: McHenry County Home Committee Board of Supervisors. Gentlemen: As recommended by your Committee •n your meeting of September 8th, 1937 md approved by the Board of Supervisors in their meeting of Septembet Hth, 1937, I, Lester Winger, County Treasurer, submit herewith a quarterlv report showing the outstanding payments due for the County Home from the various townships, covering the months of May, June, and'July, 1938, and any prior months:. Riley--L. A. BtockwvB * May, 1938 June J uly Marengo--©. M- WrUEbt May June July '- ., Total --4 4.93 4.50 3.72 $13.18 ~F«M 22.50 ^ ' 1 • • .a ^ *j $22.50 Dunham--C. II. Palmar Prior Months ... May 0 June July 1163.33 Chemung--F. B. B*cK" vf- May r----Paid June-' ' J-uty •, $34.72 f Alden---N.' B. Clawsop.. May , June ^..•.,..-'1......^. J uiy Hartland--G. J. Carroll Prior Months 86.77. . May -J una;. i I » " | ' . . - 9 . 0 0 J:wly . 6.60 Htwnf 106.7a 21.92 _ 19.80 14.88 . V . Stneca--E3. P. KUeclcer Prior Months .......u ...$ - May,, .No charges .'June (. ,;.No charges July --,..^.Ko charges .. |112.29 "to. I 6.69 Coral--Chas. H. Ackman -Prior Months % 6.i6 May -- Paid June $ 9.00 ' x July +...Paid Grafton-^#, <!•: Ferris.'..>;• . ?' ^4"46 • May - --«vy».. ..paid "•* June _T...„ „.j2S2$r„P*ld" _ Juiy , :. Paid Dorr--R. J. Stewart May Paid June :....;......Paid _ July ..pAd Greenwood--J. E. Harrison Prior Months !142.8i' j^lay . 2ji. 7 6 | June 18.65 July i..; ..y;.• 14.8* im.ii Hebron--H. M. Turned May ..„..*<£..i...Paid Oune ..™„.„....Paid _ July -- Piid Richmond--J. G. Stevens May ..........---- Paid June 818.00 July 14.88 | 32.88 Burton--Frank May May ,*A»...'.;...Paid June ........ ..I'aid July i.„......-- $ 7.44 87" • 44- McHenry--S. H. Freund ••• ' * May Paid June L;Paid J uiy , .....Paid Nunda--Henry C. Meier /Prior Months $ 31.80 May --.Paid June ...:.ii^i^...Pald J u l y -- -- * . . . . . .i n ....... 25.56 $ 57.86 Algonquin--John Filip May >....,.M...;.....Paid June „„...Paid July ...J. .Paid Grand Total due to date ....J...$653.39 This report shows payments up " to and including September 8th, 1938, for the above months. * All of which is- respectfully submitted. LESTER EDINGBB, County Treasurer. The Committee on Finance presented the following Annual Apjwopnation Ordlnancee and Budget, to>w4tlM ' (See Supr. Record in office of County Clerk.) Appropriation Ordinance ' After tne reading ot said Ordinance by the Clerk, it was regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by tsupr. Stewart that the "Annual Appropriation Ordinance" be adopted by this Board, and the Roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmar, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Meier and Asst. .suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted uye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Supr. Stewart of Lorr Township, addressed the Board and stated that he noticed an item in the Appropriation tor Blind Relief, and that he was informed that the State of Illinois was in arrears in their payments to McHenry County and that he would move at this time that the County Treasurer oe instructed to make every effort to collect what Is due McHenry County from the State in this regard. Said motion was duly seconded by BUpr. Turner and declared unanimously carried. The Chairman announced that the ' next order of business would be the presentation of the official canvas of the Bridge Bond Issue Election, held September 6, 1938. The Clerk then presented and read the following official canvas of said Election, to-wit: (See Supr. Record in office of County Clerk.) It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Turner and duly seconded by •~>upr. Kuecker that the official canvas lie approved and entered of record, and the roll being called, Suprs. StocKwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, ivueckej-, Ackman, ' erris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Meier and Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Kosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. After the approval of the official canvas of the Bridge Bond Issue Election, the following Resolution entitled "RESOLUTION declaring result of Special Election held September 6, 1938." was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: (See Supr. Record in office of County Clerk.) It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the Resulution declaring result of Special Election, held September 6, 1938, be approved and iiiopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, Beck. Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris. Stewart, Harrison Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Meter ind Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay aone. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following Resolution entitled "RESOLUTION providing for the issuance of One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000) Bridge Bonds of The County of McHenrv, in the State of Illinois, and providing for the evy of taxes to pay principal of and interest on said bonds," was presented ind read to the Board, to-wit: (See Supr. Record in office of County Clerk.) It was thereupon regularlv moved by Supr. Kuecker and dulv seconded by Supr. Palmer that the above and foregoing Resolution entitled "RESOLUTION providing for the issuance of One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dol- •ars ($130,000) Bridge Bonds of The County of McHenry, in the State or Illinois, and providing for the lew of axes to pay principal of and interest >n said bonds." >be adopted and apiroved by this Boa?d, and the roll beng called. Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, aimer, beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kueck- >r, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Meter nd Asst. suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairnan declared the motion unanimously arned. Resolution entitled <77.-..Von^no .onoV iBl ridge 'B^orntd'ns,g ddateeldiv erays ooff ejuember 15. 1938, „f Thp county of VIi-Henry, in-the State of Illinois." was ana r®ad to tbe Board* fit (Continued to Part Two)

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