Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1939, p. 4

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-. « •: s> > *7 v> • , \ • »>7; Wy^i »• ••; '•$* > ' :'i :;i:W ^1%: •: "- . -•^C-v "*;• &'& -V'j .,-. :/ , :f' '• ' •„' . • . -i. "i-v':::; - r -• • ff •ti IV i ! ' * ' 2:- ' / f t *" S M E L TS STRICTLY FRESH FROM MENOMINEE, MICH. . . . 10c per ' JL « '/v Everyone Eats and Likes'Em Deep Fried SATURDAY SPECIALS • POT "ROAST, lb,. 22#v..,; PORK B0TT,_ lb.. J.9^ ' TENDER PORK LOIN, lb. w 22$ SIRLOIN, lb. 1... 31# 73T SPECIAL ON LARD, lb. ,--;-- -- 8H# SPRING OPENING at THE PITTAVERN One-quarter Mile East of McHenry, on,Route 20 • SATURDAY, APRILS ^, 7 Orchestra Every Friday and Satur^fy 5N%bts Fish Fry Friday Night -- Music by Joe Turner and His Kings of $wing Good Food and Drinks --:-- --:•-- Carl Buhrman, Prop. Royal Blue -c- ** : iV», ' . Specials Friday--Saturday BUY HERE AND SAVE -- m » LEG OF LAMB SLICED BACON LARD •fpTytnr- ^r- GRAPE FRUIT ORANGES mm lb. 27tf ..K lb. 15& 3 «». 25c 7 for 25d doien 19(j for 23$ 3 tot17$ 9$ "DANDY" LAUNDRY SOAP ROYAL LEMON CLEANSER - CLOTHESPINS, special package WHITE CLOUD TOILET TISSUE® jl 4 f&r 23d CHARM NAPKINS >Pfcg»- 25$ SODA CRAX, 2-lb. box _..;r 15^ VALLEY ROSE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 for \. r Doyal Blue proceryJUfarket IVeal Dargainsvlood ITlefchandise West McHenry, 111. Phone 166 -- We Deliver! CUT n mfiii Grand Opening! Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23 LILYMOOR BEACH . T A V E R N . (Under New Management);- 1- •: • West Side of Lily Lake on Route 2Q#t---- A Jolly Good Time - Free SandwicEek *--!• ' -- Music and Dancing - 5-piece Orchestra Miller's High Life Beer on Draft PHIL LEHMAN, prop. !V,f* SPECIALS AMERICAN CHEESE--Kraft's -tt V'jj Y 2-lb. box auiid... 49^ EGKJS--Strictly fresh, dozen -Q4v,f; 19<^ KIDNEY BEANS--Centrella Bi 25$ CQ/DOANUT BARS lb. -- 17$ SOAP CHIPS--41 Quick Arrow, • large pkj. ^ 18$ FRESH GREEN PEAS, 2 lbs 23$ CARROTS--Large bunch 5$ STRAWBERRIES--Fancy, 2 boxes 25$ PORK LOIN ROAST--lb. . „ „ / ^T" 21$ of West McHenry r at the'Woodstock hospital last week. Mrs. Lucelia Dowell underwent treatment at the Sherman hospital in Elgin last week. ; Roy Clark, managerof "The Nook" on Main street, was suddenly stricken while at work Thursday of last week. After receiving medical treatment he was-taken to his home in Woodstock. Mrs. Peter Diedrich, who was confined Xfi bed the past seven weeks with a stomach ailment, has* recovered and is now able to be Up each day. Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer is, confined to bed with an infection on her face. Mrs. Edward Schmitt returned t4 her home at McCollum's Lake Tuesday from the Woodstock hospital, where she had been under going treatment for H few days. The condition of John Engeln, who underwent an operation at Rochester, Minn., a few weeks ago, remains about the same. His wife is still with him. Mrs. B. F. Martin, who spent several weeks with her sister in Chicago, following her dismissal from St. Therese hospital in Waukegan, where She had been confined with a broken leg, returned to her home in Grayslake last week. Mrs. Thomas Kane returned home Saturday afternoon from the American hospital in Chicago, where she had been a patient the past two months, receiving treatment for injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Paul Schwerman underwent an operation at St. Therese Hospital in Waukegan lpst Friday. Mrs. John King has been ill at hei home the past week. ^ WRITES TRIBUTE HIS DECEASED SISTER Mrs. Josiah A. Cope, former wife of the late Captain William Koeppe, passed away Wednesday, April 12, at the Lutheran Deaconess hospital, where she had been a patient for observation. Many a narty of guests from Chicago, who "enjoyed McHenry's summer seasons, will remember her thirtyfive years of activities as the jovial friendly wife and steward to the former Captain, and their passenger boat, the "Alice," which made regular trips up and down the Fox River to the Lake Regions. After the Captain's untimely death some five years ago, Josiah Cope, a neighbor, who lived at 24 Orchard Beach road, and Mrs. Koeppe were united in marriage. We all agree that Father Cope and his big family of six married couples enjoyed her motherly efforts and treasured ner precious friendship. Providence took him away last August and from then on bis wife and companion began to fail in health and spirit. She moved to Chicago with her cousins, but failed to rally. Her body was cremated Saturday and later her ashes will be sunken into the grave of her first husband in the Masonic cemetery, Irving Park \Myt FOR SALE FOR SA1&>--Simmons Bed, Mattresses, Springs, Dining Room Table, Cabinet, Chairs,*Electric Stove, etc. W. H. Brandenburg, McHenry 632-J-l. 48 FOR SALE--Evergreens of 50 differ* ent varieties. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees. All kinds of blooming shrubbery. Raspberry and Strawberry plants; Grapevines; Rhubarb Roots; also Rose Bushes. Extra specials Saturday and Sunday. Westman EVergren Nursery, % mile west of Woodstock on South street. 48-3 FOR SALE--"White," 4 drawer Rotary Sewing Machine, like new; $15. A. E. Nye, West McHenry. 48 FOR SALE--One Grey Gelding Horse, 8 years old, weight 1650, perfectly sound. Roy C. Davis, Round Lake, III., Phone Round Lake 3402. 48 Every Day BARGAINS! Sanforised Sheer Printa, yard 22c Percales, 80 square, yardL. 16c Saxon Sheets, 81x99, each 88c Saxon Pillow Cases, 42x36, pair I..,:'.. 20c Stamped Pillow Cases/ "T pair 50c i20c 88c 68c 58c 13c 18c 19c 12.19 FEED FOR GROWING CHICKS -- When your ehicks are six weeks old, they Should be put on a growing mash. They will d© much better after this age, on a growing mash, than on a starting mash. There is a big saving, too. Growing mash, $1.90 per 100 lbs. McHENRY FLOUR MILLS. 45-4 FOR SALE--The Cyclone Expansion Electric Broodejv 500 chick sice $29.50. 150 chick size $8.90. Phone 29 Farmers Mill. 42-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Work Land and Pasture. Inquire of Peter A. Freund. Telephone 614-R_1. McHenry. 44-tf FOR RENT--20 acres plow land. John Streets, McHenry Route 1. *48 WANTED WANTED COUPLE--Between 40 and 50, for small estate. Woman, general housework; man, all around work. Excellent home for right party. Permanent. $50 per month. T. H. Belling, McHenry, Box" 283. Phone 178. 48-tf WANTED--Young man for Gas Station Attendant, age 17 to 20 preferred. Sinclair Super-Service Station. Cajl at home for personal interview. Mrs. John R. Knox. 48 MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR BLOCKS WELDED -- Our electric welding equipment makes re pairs possible without removing from chassis. Adams Repair Shop, Pearl street, Phone 195. Res. pohne 134-M 48 HAVE ROOM FOR--About 15 or 20 cattle on good pasture land at reasonable rates. Frank Krohn, on Relihan Farm, 2 miles south of McHenry. •48 GARDEN PLOWING--Inquire of Ed Leffelman, across from St. Mary's cemetery on Route 31. *48 Chicago. * . This is written in memory of a toe pair of McHenry's pioneers. From her brother, ADOLF MOECKEL, 2616 Kimball avenue, Chicago. NOTABLES VISIT HERB Gene Arnold, who appears in the minstrels over WLS radio station, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pink Harrison and called on friends here Mon- ^ On Tuesday evening Orson Welles of radio fame and Roger Hill, head' ol Todd School for Boys at Woodstock, which the former attended, spent several hours in this city. DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our sani tary loading devices. Post mortem* will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 108, reverse charges. 44-10 Stamped Scarfs, each J Women's Farmerettes Windsor Crepe Gowns ^ Rayon Taffeta Slips Wash Cloths, 3 for. Bath Towels, 20x40 Clothes Pin Bags^ Rubber Boots, pail* Work Shoes, pair Blanket Sheets Girls' Wool Sweaters Kotex, 30 pads John Stoffel AUCTION SNUG HARBOR TAVERN -?-r* Good Place to Eat and Drink v ; •.. FISH FRTS FRIDAY -- CHICKEN DINNERS ' ON S A T U R D A Y AND S U N D A Y J T Music by Ben Thoxiii680n-«-~~-^ \ " * Watson . . # . V Schimmel 'M USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS .:„H.88 CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer Am quitting farming and dissolving partnership, will sell at public auction on the Henry Hobart farm located 7 miles east of Woodstock, 5 miles west of McHenry, 1 mile south of Ostend, on -- MONDAY, APRIL 24 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp the following described property, towit: 16 HEAD LIVESTOCK 10 COWS, some close springers, 4 heifers, 2 years old. Gray mare, 12 years old; colt coming 2 years old. Grain and Machinery 4 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo; corn in crib; 200 bushels oats. F-30 McCormick-Deering tractor; tractor plow; tractor disc; tractor cultivator; McCormick-Deering planter; Van Brunt disc drill; McCormick Deering corn binder, new; 2-section drag; 1-row cultivator; pumping engine; milk cans; set breeching harness. Fence posts; McCormick-Deering wagon; truck wagon; articles too numerous to mention. TERMS:--All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes satisfactory to the clerk bearing 7% interest. Positively no property to be moved until settled for with clerks. Those desiring credit make arrangements prior to purchase. ROY B. HOBART W. McHenry State Bank, Clerking Read the Want Ads OOME AND ENJOY SATURDAY EVENING A^: || Pink Harrison's •c AT PISTAKEE BAY Fried Chicken Sandwiches DIVINE MUSIC PERFECT MIXED DRINKS BARBARA HORICK'S Orchestra Dancing Every Saturday Evening During the Season SPECIALS FOR-- Friday and Saturday Best Native Chuck POT ROAST ' Lean BACON SQUARES Home Rendered PURE LARD --lb. 25$ _Jb. lOt4 ,1b. pkg. 15(4 Home Cured or Kerber's BACON ' ; A Home-made LIVER SAUSAGE, smoked, lb. 25$, Fresh, lb. 20^ H o m e - m a d e -- -- ; HEAD CHEESE--Special Fresh Fruits and Vegetables -- REGNER'S GROCERY AND MARKET Phone 3 :--: Green Street :--: McHenry, 111. GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf - . .TREE SURGERY--For a careful and He is flying back to New York t - scientific service in the care of your dav( Thursday) for his Friday night hroadcast. Mrs. Welles will spend about a month with the Hills attheir farm near McHenry. Mr. Welles will come west several tim^s during the next month, dividing his time be- Woodstock and Chicago. SCHICK TEST, MAY 4 . Mrs. A. Joanne Rulien, McHenry Hchool nurse, wishes to again remind Barents that the Schick (skin) test will be given for diphtheria to those having toxin-antitoxin or toxoid since 1932 and not less than six months ago, land blso those never having had any protection. This service will be given by local doctors in the gymnasium at the public grade scht^l on Thursday, May 4, at Parents are invited to accompany children to the clinic. BARBIAN BROS. Riverside Driv» Tumminn, n^-Phone 180 trees, call McHenry 129-J. Spraying, Pruning, Feeding, Cavity Treatment. LEO P. THORNHILL. 41-tf Builintjton Route I AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair work. J. B. Hlettermann, Johnsburg. Tel. 640-W-2. 42-tf LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and REPAIRED--Barney Joos, North Park Street, McHenry. *47-2 FARMERS--We pay $8.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to load. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 OOMING EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger were Sunday guects in the Harry Alexander hor.-.e at Hebron. Mrs. Harold Owen, daughter, P'atsy, Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger were Evanston callers last Thursday. Later in the afternoon thi group had tea with Mrs. Charlc* Owen at Glencoe. Mrs. C. H. Duker and daughter, Marjorie, returned home Sunday afternoon after spending several days in Alton, 111. Among those from out-of-town who attended the Weingart-Sehaefer marriage here Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmer of Palatine, Mrs Catherine Boger of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heary of Grayslake, Mr and Mrs. M. J. Schaffer of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christen sen of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett and Miss Harriet Boger of Chicago. April 20 Meeting--C. D. of A. • April 26 Public Card Party--Altar and Sosary -- Mrs. Richard Fleming. April 27 Installation Dinner, W. C .0. P.---Cadillac Cafe--6 p. m. County Legion Meeting--Fox River Grove. May $ P. T. A- Meeting--"Tuberculosis7'-- Bertha Wellington--St. Mary-St Patrick School Hall--S p. m. Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale' at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29 42-tf Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drug Store. 39-fp Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale al the Farmers Mill. Phone tt 41-tf FISHING FOR SMELTS Several of our local fishermen, fascinated by tales of the smelt ryn in Wisconsin streams, have gone up there the past few days to try their luck and skill. John "Pa" Thennes and Theo. "Red" Thennes were at Oconto, Wis.> Tuesday afternoon, where they spent several hours at this engaging sport. Ed Matthews and Billy Pries left Wednesday noon for Menominee, Mich., where they ^spent the day fish ipg. They returned this (Thursday), morning at 6 o'clock. A Miner's Inch A miner's inch is the amount ctf water which will flow from an opening one inch square at a pressure usuallv fixed by state laws. The unit TOries, but ft ts about 1.5 cubic teal per mtnutt. % For s AY "Ytt" to Alaska, fer yaw vacation tbif oner. At least, say "YttT to tke idea of cxptariof literature about lt. "WOT you T"--iWi a vauftion trip somewhere? If why not look mto Alaska? It woaHtakeyoa 3 weeka or 4.weeks, M you prefer, for « grand Alaskan vacation from your home, the complete round trip and return. "jDhe <co«t is surprisingiy low. Let us give you the figures. We aivltc ycafrP jjpfci^ne of our escorted tours. Fun all the way--# house party >by strain "and steafl®- •ship. A carefree that w31 VBftisfy you ?^way beyond your expectations. TJse the icoupon to send for free folder. No obligation <on your part wlxatso- <evefi» v: • For FT-- Aluka Trwtl FoW«, M*I1 to-- ............Don Eck-----... ... • 121C Dally Tim* Bide. 211 W. Wackar Driv* Tfeaie Name.... Addreaa Chicago, 111. My vacation cornea- J. (ixiaert dates)

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