Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1939, p. 8

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s ^ ^ v%^ % • jpT:y?. , • ' • ." "" ' • ' ( - ' •• „ s» , \, m !#?$• %it" *-T *V I "* IfT: V- • April 27,1939 Society Notes LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Chu. Ensign last Thursday afternoon. Their next meeting will be at the'C. H. p)ttker home Thursday, May 4. , •Ms,:;: h * EVENING BRIDGE CLUB rs. /Edward Nickels entertained members of the Evening Bridge club last Thursday evening, with awards merited by Mrs. Joe Williams and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Refreshments were served. PUBLIC CAR© PARTY , , Riverview Camp, R. N. A.* will sfhtasor a public c&rd party at the K. of C. hall Tuesday evening; May 2, beginning at 8 o'clock. Eaen member is asked to fill a table. There wi)l be prizes and lunch. ^Regular meeting will precede the party and will be called to order at 7:30 o'clock. SUNSHINE CLUB T|e Sunshine club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Peters. This was an advance meeting to select officers. President, Amy Harrison; vice-president, Rosalie Whiting, secretary- treasurer, Bernice Jus ten; recreation tearkr?, .Patricia Cristy and evening were: Edith Paari Harrison. * | Mrs. Rachel Amon£<fflk>&e preseht were: Krohn, Aurfrfey Merchant, Shirley. Bacon and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Mrs. Neal. Amy Harrison, Patricia Cristy, Minnie Martin served as Ada and Mrs Edith Pearl Harrison, Rosalie Whit- Mabel Collins of Rin^^ood. as associ- ATTEND FJUEND8* NIGHT , Among those from here who attended Friends' Night at Richmond Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Monday. Hn. • ®. E. Bassett, ! Spqrliag, Mrs. J. R. Lois Spurlingj Mrs. J, R .Smith, Miss Inez infr.Beniice Justen and Mrs; Peters. : /. BERNICE JUSTEN, ! 1 Secretary and Treasurer. V1" : EVERYONE ADMIRES a BPS painted home ate, conductor, • Well painted homes always attract favorable attention and BPS Houtm Paint will give yours new enduring beauty. Whether you prefer a superb gleaming white or fast unfading colors, always specify BPS for complete satisfaction and real economy. Thomas P. Bolger Green Street --:-- McHenry ; MISCELLANEOUS SHOTTER Miss Alvera Freund, who will become the :bride of Clements Freund oh Wedntesday, May 3, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower Monday evening at Nell's White House. About sixty guests were present to enjoy an evening of cards' and bunco. Refreshments were served. The hon ored guest was the happy recipient of many bautiful and useful gifts. • • • EPWORTH LEAGUE Members of the EpWorth League and orchestra of the M. E. Community church met at the C. W. Goodell home Sunday evening for their regular meeting. As the day was also the occasion of the birthday anniversary of "Warren Jones, a party was given in bis honor. Edith Sherman, whoso birthday occurred the day before, was also honored with a decorated cake. Various games furnished entertainment for the evening, after wnich refreshments were served at a table -prettily decorated in yellow and green. Sixteen members were present. HONORED AT DINNER Rev. Fr. Clarence Thennes was feted at a family dinner at the home of his father, John Thennes, on Court street Sunday afternoon at a 4:30 o'clock dinner, th" occasion Ibeing the observance of his first anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. A social afternoon was spent. Those presen&ware:«John Thennes, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Winkel, daughter, Mary Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thennes, son, Thomas; Misses Betty and Lorraine Thennes, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, children, Jimmy and Joanne, and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Winkel. AGATHA 'Flower Fresh" Print Fashion! Prints with a vivacious young attitude toward life and a value slant you'll cheer Special selling of Dresses at $1.95 $1.00 M'-V r " v BRIDGE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wirtz were hosts to members of their bridge club Wednesday evening. Prizes were awarded Mr. Wirtz and Mrs. Arnold Anderson. A lovely lunch was served. MID WEEK CLUB Members of the Mid-Week club met with Mrs. Lillian Cox Wednesday afternoon. Bridge prize's were awarded Mrs. Anna Bohlander, Mrs. George H Johnson and Mrs. Howard Wattles Elmer" was won by Mrs. E. E. Bassett. • • • SPONSORS DANCE Young Ladies' Sodality ©f St. John's churcra in Johnsburg is sponsoring a benefit dance to be held in the Johnsburg school hall Wednesday evening, May 3- Proceeds will go to the church. Old and younig are in- ^ i t e d i , r - Y ' : . , ' V r "/:• FIRST BIRTHDAf Mr. and Mrs. Bf. L. Schoenholtz entertained at a family dinner at their home Friday evening in honor of the first birthday of their son, Jack.. Guests were: Peter Niesen, Misses Luella Westfal and Deljna Freund, Mrs. Delia Miller and Mrs. Ben Freund. • « • > ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. Leo Smith entertained members of her five hundred clyb at her home Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. John Herdrich, Miss Alma Schmitt and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. • * m COUNTY LEGION MEETING Dr. Stephen F. French of Elmhurst will address Legionnaires this (Thursday) evening at the County Legion meeting to be held at Fox River Grove. Dr. French is a member of the State Legion Child Welfare commission. All Legionnaires are urged to attend. W. C. O. F. A ehicken dinner at the Cadillac Cafe On Riverside Drive will precede installation ceremonies of St. Clara's court, W. C. O. F., this (Thursday ) evening. Service will begin at 6 o'clock. Following the dinner, installation of officers will take place in St. Mary- St. Patrick School hall, after which there will be cards and lunch. • * * ALTAR AND ROSARY The public card party sponsored by the Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church at the home of Mrs. Richard Fleming Wednesday afternoon was a decided success, with a large number of ladies in attendance. Following cards, refreshments were served. Frizes in bridge were won by Mrs. George Stilling and Mrs. Ed Sutton; in five hundred by Mrs. Ed Young and in bunco by Miss Mary Fleming. nv* rASMS IN ULKE AMD HcHXNRY COUNTIES SOLD TO CITY BUYERS According to a story in Sunday's Chicago Tribune, ftve farms, comprising 460 acres, were sold in McHenry and Lake counties last wteek. All but one were for cash. James Bremner of Lake Forest, of Bremner Brothers, biscuit manufacturers, bought from Andrew Coburn fifty acres of landscaped estate three miles northeast of McHenry. He will occupy it as a country home. G. B. Goble of Elmhurst purchased the Gesselbrecht eighty-acre farm near the intersection of the Greenwood road and Route 20, three miles northeast of Woodstock. He will operate thg prop erty as a farm. F. H. Gisselbrecht of Park Ridge, of the J. B. Inderrieden company, who sold his farm to Goble, purchased for investment the Rellehan 120-acre farm, two miles south Qf. McHenry, west of Fox river. ' . J. T. McGary of the Chicago Rawhide company bought the Rowson 120- acre farm, one mile north of Cary, for investment. C, A. Boothyby, president of the Jahn & Oilier Engraving company of Chicago, purchased the eighty-acre Rothe farm, one mile south of Wauconda, and will operate it as a farm, making it his residence. LORETTA FRITZ AND EDWIN REIMER WED SATURDAY AT ELGIN Curlee Scores Another Bullseyel Discriminating men judge the clothes they buy on these four points style, comfort, wearing quality and* economy. And we want to Say that the new Curlee Suits for Spring score a bullseye on every one of these points; You've only to see these suits to realize that they're styled by designers who create, rather than follow,"the style trends in men's clothing. Nor have we ever offered a more outstanding assortment of quality materials in the newest colors and patterns. Comfortable drape ana fit, plus the stamina to stand up under hard, continuous wear, are built in to every Curlee Suit by skilled craftsmen* •. If looking your best is a matter of importance to you -- as it certainly should be to everyone of us -- vou won't want to miss these Curlee Suits for Spring. Our stock is complete, so you're sure to find a suit you like that fits you -- at a price so moderate you'll be surprised* Come in and see them today. "•i1' i Friends here will be interested to hear of the marriage of Mfss Loretta Fritz,.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Fritz of Richmond, to Edwin Reimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reimer of Elgin. The ceremony was performed Saturday afternoon, April 22, at !St. Paul's Evangelical church, Elgin, with Rev." William Rest, pastor, officiating. Miss Pearl Fritz of Channel Lake, sister of'the bride, served as bridesmaid and Mrs. Bernard Whipple of Elgin, an aunt of the bride was matron of honor. Groomsmen were Walter Reimer, brother of the bridegroom and Bernard Whipple. The bride wore a street length frapk of poudre blue lace, with a turban of the same color, and accessories of navy blue. Her corsage bouquet was fashioned of gardenias^ ' The bridesmaid was attiiced in dusty pink alpaca with cranberry-colored accessories, while the matron of honor's dress was Alpine alpaca, and her! accessories were red. Both attendants wore corsages of sweet peas. After the ceremony the bridal party motored to Richmond where a reception Was held for sixty relatives at the home ,of the bride's parents. A buffet Supper was served at six o'clock, the table featuring attractive decorations df pink and white, with lighted candles to complement the three-tiered wedding cake, which was the cen terpiece. Mrs. Herbert Glidden of _ , . _ , ~ ~ Plato Center, an aunt of the bride, i Gardner of Solon Mills was furnjshe(j piano music during the reelected president of the McHenry ceDt:on county Holstein association .for the The has been lo ed in ensuing year at «. meeting held at the palatine all winte havi been a for_ Farm Bureau Woodstock, on mer { Qf th(J E1 jn National Fpday evening, April 14. Watch company. Mr. Reimer is em- Other officers elected were James ployed by the D. and K. products com- Cornue of Hebron, vice president, and pany in Chicago. After a short wed- A. B. McConnell of Woodstock, secre- ding trip,the couple wiU be at home tary-president. Directors elected in- in Elgin. elude H. R. Kiltz, James Fyfe of -- --- Woodstock ahd Arnold Wittmus of Harvard. Committees appointed for the coun ty Black and White show to be held on June 23 are as follows: grounds James Fyfe, Ceo Beebe, Henry Eppel; publicity--J. H. Brock, A. B. McConnell, Mary Yates; cattle selection committee--Willis Gardner, Arnold Wittmus, James Cornue, A. B. McConnell. The next meeting of the Holstein breeders will be held on Wednesday evening, May 3. At this meeting, E. M Clark, fteldman for the National Holstein* Association will show pictures on artificial insemination. FUNERAL SERVICES MELD AT WAUCONDA FOR MRS. WM. DAVIS CHORUS COUNTY MAY 1 The McHenry County Rural Chorus will meet Monday night, May 1, 8:00 o'clock, standard time, at the Grace Lutheran Church, Woodstock. William Gardner, Solon Mills, has been elected president of the newly organized chor- Hackman, Ringwood, Frank OTtourke, of Yeoi V i Union, secretary; and .Preston the man, Crystal Lake, librarian. SOLON MILLS MAN IS ELECTED HEAD OF HOLSTEIN ASSN. Wauconda community was saddened at the death of one of its aged residents, Mrs. Philena Davis, 76 years old, who passed away Friday afternoon, April 21, 1939, at her home of complications, after a last illness of U35 LaVerne three days. She had been in failing j vice-president; health for several years. Her entire life was spent in vicinity of Wauconda, where she was j T|»e chorus is open to all who like born on September 20, 1862, the eldest *° s'Hg and not for trained voices only, daughter of Tlutarch and Vina Hough-1 The numbers to be used throughout ton. On May 1, 1881, she was united the state, including "Harvest Carain marriage to William Davis, and to vans" which was sung last year, will them were born eleven children, seven! be used in preparation for the State of whom survive. j Chorus at the State Fair, the Chicago- The deceased was a kind and de- ^and Music Festival, and the New York voted mother, her chief interest in life being her children and family. She Among* the Sick SURPRISE PARTY lira. George Wirfs was pleasantly surprised at her home on Richmond road last Thursday evening, by her children in honor of her birthday. A social evening was spent and she was presented with many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smoak and children of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs and daughter of Lily Lake, Mrs. Vincent Wirfs of Rockford, and Mr. and Mrs. Clements/Wirfs and son and Edmund, Sylvester and Stephen, all of this city. • • • WILL OBSERVE JUBILEE St. Mary's Court, No. 594, of McHenry will celebrate the Thomas Cannon Jubilee Tuesday evening, May 2, with an open meeting and banquet at St. Mary- St. Patrick school hall. All members and candidates are cordially invited to attend this meeting. The committee in charge has made arrangements for good entertainment and speakers from the high court will be present. Be sure to arrange to attend this banquet in honor of Brother Thomas Cannon's Diamond Jubilee and enjoy real treat. ' ° THE COMMITTER. • • • . ;v .. • C D. OF A. Court JojrCe Kilmer, No. 67S, Catholic Daughters of America, met for election of officers Thursday, April 20, at the K. of C. hall. Officers elected for the coming year were: . c . Grand Regent--Mri. Ella Buss., Vice Regent--Mrs. Anna Sutton. . Lecturer--Mrs. Eleanor Youn^f. Monitor--Mrs. May Martin. Prophetess--Mrs. Mfcrie Schiessle. Financial Secretary -- Miss Laura Weber. Historian--Miss Marie Powers. Treasurer--Mrs. Eliz. Schoewei*. Sentinel--Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson Organist--Mrs. Dorothy Weber. Trustees--Mrs. Clara Adams and Mrs. Anna Adams. A social meeting followed the election. Bridge and five hujwi«td were played with prizes awarded to Mrs Elizabeth Schoewer and Mrs. Colette Adams in bridge and to Mrs. Anna Howard and Mrs. Laura Wieser in^five hundred. Delicious refreshments were sei'ved by the committee. On Thursday, May 4, at 6:30 o'clock, a pot-luck supper will be served at the K. of C. hall. Initiation of new candidates will follow the supper, after which the officers elected will be installed by the District Deputy, Mrs. McGill, of Belvidere. Members are asked to attend this important meeting. Miss Edythe Geary, who underwent an operation at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, a few weeks ago, returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Meyer, last week and is recovering nicely. George Vales, who underwent an appendectomy at Garfield Park hospital a number of weeks ago, Saturday returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales. Prior to that, he had been staying with relatives in Chicago to be near his doctor. Ronald Fredrickson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivar iFredrickson of WoWder Lake is a patient at the Woodstock hospital, where he is suffering with bruises sustained when he fell out of a car. Paul Schwerman returned home from St. Therese hospital at Waukegan last week and is recovering nicely from his recent operation. Roy Clark, proprietor of "The Nook" on Main street, is recovering from his recent illness at his home in Woodstock, but will be unable to resume work for some time. Mrs. Frank Pitzen of Johnsburg was taken to St. Therese hospital at Waukegan Saturday where she underwent an operation. Mrs. Math Steffes has been confined to bed at her home on Court street. Mrs. Ralph Justen underwent an operation for appendicitis ,at the Woodstock hospital last Thursday. Mrs. James Hughes ,Jr., who spent the past several weeks with Chicago relatives, recovering from an operation, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas Phalin, who has beeii confined to bed with inflammatory rheumatism, is improving. James Hughes, Sr., who has been ill for several weeks, is on the gain and now able to sit up for a little while each day. Mrs. Henry Felmenten, Sr., who has been ill for several weeks, is very much improved. MILLER - ARSENEAU6H NUPTIALS HELD AT RICHMOND WEDNESDAY A princess wedding dress of white lace over satin and a net veil falling from a coronet of seed pearls were worn by Miss Valeria Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller of Richmond, when she was married Wednesday morning, April 26, to Marvin Arseneaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Arseneaugh of Kankakee. The impressive ceremony was perfromed in :St. Joseph's church at ten o'clock, with the Rev. Fr. John Blake officiating. The bride was given in marriage by .her father. Her flowers were of white roses and lilies of the valley. Following the Nuptial High Mass a wedding breakfast for members of the immediate families was held at the home of the bride aitd in the afternoon there was a reception for 150 guests. A wedding dance was held at Nell's pavilion in the evening. Peach and pink was the color scheme of the dresses worn by the bride's two attendants. Miss Marie Arseneaugh of Kankakee, sister of the groom, was in a bouffant gown of peach net and coronet veil of the same color. Miss Elizabeth Miller, sister of the bride, wore pink net, with coronet and veil of matching color. Both carried large bouquets of roses and wore jackets to match their frocks. Little Arlene Kattner, in blue silk, served as flower girl. Attendants of the groom were Jerome Miller, best man, and Francis Arseneaugh, brother of the groom. Following a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Arseneaugh will make their home with the bride's parent?, where he is employed. remained cheerful and patient during her long illness and always appreciative of the tender care bestowed upon her by her daughter, Frances. An understanding friend, she was always willing to help those in need. Her many friends remain to mourn her departure. Surviving are three sons,. Earl, Howard, Leslie, of Wl&uconda; four daughters, Mrs. Millie M. Dowell of Wauconda, Mrs. Lottie Bacon of Crystal Lake and Minerva A. Converse and Frances Davis of Wauconda; a brother, Tlutarch Houghton, of Wauconda, and six sisters, Mrs. Emma Davis o Round Lake, Mrs. "Lyle Vogt, Mrs. Anna Wagner and Mrs. Frances King of North Chicago and Mrs. Julia Bronson of Wauconda. Also twenty grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the home and at two in the Wauconda Federated Church, with burial, in Wauconda cemetery. Rev. Hallock officiated at the services. World's Fair. Mrs. Max Keller of Algonquin is directing the chorus. Every one who would care to sing is invited; Monday night, 8:00 o'clock, Gracci eran Church, Woodstock. Subscribe for The Plaindealef COMFOKT FOB 111 WINS ESSAY CONTEST Eugene Jung, thirteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jung of Spring Grove, was awarded first place in the Junior division of the essay contest conducted "under the auspices of the National Catholic Rural Life conference by 'Rockford Diocesan judges. He is an eighth grade pupil in St. Peter's school, Spring Grove. NON-SKID Bpmt Pad TrosM* fiuy your baby chicks at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 42-tf Hold your tuptura with one-half the praam (•quired by ordinary trusses. . This newly invented Spot Pad, when attached to one of our Spring or Elastic NON-SKID Trusses, holds iust like your fingers. The surplace. thus increasing your chances of obtaining a cure. Recommended by physicians. Many different styles--Single and Dcxible. Spring ana Elastic. Let our expert fitter prescribe a "NONSKID" Truss for your requirements, and end your rupture troubles today. FKEB CONSULT ATI Ol| THOMAS P. BOLGER Druggist Phone 40 McHenry Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh were: Mr. and Mrs. James Dwyer of Chicago,. Mr. and Mrs. James Costello and children and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Beverly of Elgin. Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29 42-tf Introducing Dorothy Qray Cosmetics '0 Make-up e Three-in-oaa make-up kit--at ball the pries you'd expect tofaf ,«32flv ^ VALUB^ ONLY $|50 \\V Luxurious Dorothy Gray combination--$3 value at #1.50. Jfav ELATION MAKE-UP FILM, smooth and delicate in tex- j lure. Gives skin a youthful looking moistness, without shining or gumming. Makes make-up cling lightly, serene- > ly. Plus ELATION FACE POWDER, exquisite, light-as-a- •! Sigh, scented with lilting Elation Periume. Plus DOROTHY - GRAY LIPSTICK, creamy - moist, flattering. In correctly harmoiuung shades, of course! J AT BOLGER'S Residence Changes The Henry Heuser family moved last week from the Math Weber home on Riverside Drive to the upper flat in the Brefeld building on Main street. Mr. Heuser is employed as a butcher in the Joseph Regner market on Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gielow have moved from a cottage in the John Miller subdivision to an apartment in the J. B. Kelter house in Johnsburg. The Elmer Montgomery family of Grayslake moved last week to the J. B. Kelter house in the north end of town, formerly known as the Steilen place. The John Pankinin family has moved to the Math Weber cottage on lUverside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wollert have moved from the Math Steffes place on (Court street to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kloeckner. NEW CHEF AT MERTES* Peter DeVogel, well known chef, now has charge of the kitchen at Bill Mertes* Oak Park Tavern on Pistakee Bay, which assures patrons of the place the best in foods. Mr. and Mrs. DeVogel were residents of McHenry last summer and made many friends in and around McHenry. iMsiss&fc: Cyclone Hectrlc Brooders for Sale [aMl» M1M Fhnas » Births Mr. and Mrs. Louis Block are parents of a son bom at the Woodstock hospital Monday, April 24. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller, who reside near Johnsburg, are parents of a son born at their home on April 13. Geno Poultry Dm at Wattles .. they BUY* LA SALLE the country's leading Cadillac- LaSalle ntall outlets nrnl that elm--I half the psepla who go for a fat a new LaSalle. actually buy+ IaSalic. Why? Because •{ LaSalle** XniMtin--l performance. Its Cadillac built engine is so smooth and quiet and powerful that it make* all others commonplace. It's easy to teat thia. Go fer a ride youiaelf. A half hour is aD you will need to learn why LaSall**S hi the --siMhiu psl CADILLAC ENGHOC R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Street West McHenry

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