Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1939, p. 7

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* * j ft? » * j / • » * . . v * - . . .»:^'ji7;.'f,'-«/,iv » • *• •*» - «!•»..• .«H6K* p V.| • ^*"*».<< .*»»<•• « ly, April 27,1939 i*?"' - <"«i* "*<«»«** • 'j».; „ > ay . « <*»». , -!«*&_»•>, ^ •*».. PLAIMDKALBI As he turned over the last forkful >f 55 tons of garbage, Patrick Coter if Boston found a (500 diamond ring. Dr. Charles F. Past, chief derma* ologiht of the Greenpoint Hospital, rooklyn, says that women should have to retain their schoolgirl complexions. Spike, a St. Bernard doc, furnished a half pint of blood to aid his pal, Mac, .-'A Great Dane, victim of pneumonia in : * Los Angeles hospital. BRING A FRIEND / Ofl Permanent*, 2 persons far .JS up to $16, singly $3 to $12 complete Nod-Ammonia Waves $2j50 c'mpl'te STOMPANATO'S Beauty and Redoring Salon , Phone S41 Woodstock, I1L Constipated? "For 30 years I had constipation, awful r gas*Moating, headaches and back gains. - . Adlerika helped right away. Now, I eat sausage, bananas, pie, anything I want. Never felt better." Mrs. Mabel Schott. AO L E R I K A DANCE For St. John's Church, Johnsburg -- Sponsored by Young Ladies Sodality. JOHNSBURG SCHOOL HALL WEDNESDAY, MAY 3RD OLD AND YOUNG Meandering Mary By MARY E. OWEN And we said to the boss, "What the Plaindealer needs is a column for the Jadies!" Notf here we are with our very first try. Let us know, girls, .if you like the idea All contributions gratefully received. 4- . We can't let S. I. H. do all the hearing. We attempt a bit of "thisa and thata," too. We hope you like us. Unanimous opinion should be "Something." that' it What about our librajqrt We have yet to find anyone "agin it." Surely that is a public improvement. ~ Write your alderman. Alas -anil Alack! Headlines read; "Tyrone Power to wed Atanabella." These glamorous boys are going out of circulation too rapidly. Yes, girls, he is as handsome, off tke screen. We thought he was the best looking actor we say, but of course we missed Errol Flynn. AUCTION Consignment Sale at the STATE LJNE SALES BARN on the Illinois and Wisconsin line on U. S. Highway 12, Genoa City, Wis. FRIDAY, APRIL 28 -- Commencing at 10 a.m., Sharp -- Merchandise, Machinery and Livestock | -- Terms of Sale -- Ail sums of $25.00 and under cash, , over that amount, 6 months credit bearing 3% interest. Interest or financial arrangements of 6 to 20 mos. time at 6% interest. L. J. KLOPPSTEIN --Sales Manager-- L. H. Freeman, Auctioneer Thorp Finance Co., Thorp, Wis., Clerks - CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer A year ago my son-in-law operated the dairy on my farm, with a large market for milk, then making about 20 cans of milk. Must reduce my dairy and will sell at public auction on my farm M mile east of Volo, at the intersection of Route 20 and 59-A, on MONDAY, MAY 1 Beginning at 1:00 P.M., (Daylight Saving Time), the following described personal property, to-wit: 28 COWS and HEIFERS All springing and fresh, 17 of them with calves by side; 12 Guernseys, one large black Jersey, 7 Holstein cows; 4 Holstein heifers, close springers; one Guernsey heifer, springer; one white faced heifer, springer; one bred Holstein heifer, one open heifer. Bay mare, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1500 lbs.; about 7 good horse collars, ranging from 20 to 23 in. Prospective buyers are urged and invited to come and inspect the above livestock before date of sale. None of these cattle have been shipped in with in the past year. > TERMS: Six months' time on approved notes satisfactory to clerk at 7 Cr interest. Make arrangements for credit before purchasing. No property to be removed until settled for. FRANK EHREDT "West McHenry State Bank, Clerking Tyrone nn4 Annabella! Tall, dark and handsoine; petite, blond and clever. .They make a striking couple all right, all right, all right! Carole Lombard has moved her three dogs to the Gable ranch. House is being redecorated and site and Clark will move in this week.- Gable ranch is really sdlnething to look at and so are the Taylor and Stanwyck menageries. For one the year, Heights." of the don't great pictures of miss "Wuthering You'll Cry! Merle Oberon, who latfred with Mrs. F. D. R., looked adorable in wjiite chiffon, and so-o-o tiny beside the t^ill First Lady. Norma Shearer wore a striking red cape to this tfjpening and she was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Astaire. We didn't care so much for the current Ginger- Fred opus, but, perhaps, and we blush to admit it, we weren't old enough to remember the music. Odd li^w music dates you. Beware, girls, you've got to admit you're past forty if you know the words and music in the "Castles." ... Isn't the weather a usual. er We like voting in McHenry. We don t have to make up our mihd. Just X and you're done -- A perfect setup for our "lazy lapis." We are so sorry to have missed the basketball games; we Just love to yell. > i - 4 , • . We didn*t get to Catalina to see the Cub«, either. ' Thanks, S. I T?., for the L. O". K, item. It's a great idea for the budget we are always getting lectured on. Now :«an l». O. K.and let H.P. guess. ;:Y . : We stumbled on a grand recipe for using left-over roast He'll like it. 2 cups leftover rneat, ground 3 tbsp. butter Salt 4 tbsp. flour ^ Pepper T% cups milk """• * Onion salt -- 3 eggs, separated Make sauce with butter, flour seasoning and milk. Add meat and beaten egg yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff, fold in meat sauce, lightly but thoroughly. Bake in buttered, uncovered casserole, (350 F) for 45 minutes. Serves five. Have home? , yott * lfttle recipe i»;yTOur DEBUNKER By John Hamty Furbay, Ph.D. Copprigkt *jr Public Ledger, /m. WE'RE TEUUT YOU There are buyers in this territory, lots of 'em. And you can reach them with a little Want-ad, run right here in this newspaper. The rates are low. The results are hitfh 7 Phone 17#*® Julius I GuarJ WAS NEVER. IV : EMPER.OHOF ROME. P , Vernon J. Knox, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Julius Caesar was a famous Roman general, statesman, orator and writer. His accounts of the Gallic wars are widely read today. He was five times Consul and four times Dictator--but he was never Emperor. If he had not been murdered by Brutus and his friends, he probably would have become Emperor. The Empire of Rome was not founded till 27 _B. C. and Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B. C. For several centuries, Rom# had been a republic. WNU Service. Two women iruit venders in Chicago pelted Policeman Wlllliam May with rotten fruit when he attempted to stop their quarrel. After watching his father start the fire several times, the small son of Dr. John Williams of Tallahassee, Fla., tried to start one using 13 one-dollar bills. For several weeks the organ in | Trinity Chapel at Buckingham, Pa„ gave out discordant sounds, which finj ally led to investigation by a repair man. Inside the instrument he found 'a nest occupied by a family of eight I chipmunks. , • u Estate of Catherine Miller, Deceased The undersigned, [Administratrix with the Will annexed of the Estate of Catherine Miller, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1939, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated t^is 19th day of April, A. t). 1939. ( 1 CAROLYN JUSTEN, Administratrix with the Will annexed. (Pub. April 20 - 27 -- May 4) * Vernon J. Knox, Attorney ' *• EXECUTOR'S NOTICE 4 WMV . *». " V Mm TWICE AS MUCH of il» Wnt JIT*. SAN FRANCISCO WORLD'S FAIR! Estate of Peter Schaefer, Deceased The undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Peter Schaefer, deceased, hereby gives no tice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 5th day( of June, A. D. 1939, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 19th day of April, A. D. 1939. BEN J. SCHAEFER, Executor. April 2# •27 -- May 4) while Mrs. Charles Freund receive<|:v1 * consolation. A lovely lunch was serv*" 1 ed at the conclusion of cards. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. JRuss Boehm in Libertyville on Wed- , esday. Little Beverly Adslt spent 'several days last week "with her grandparents* , Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Behrens. , * i-; r Father Daleiden and the usfiers of St. Peter's church were entertained by George A. May at his home on Thursday evening. A meeting was held after which c/rds were enjoyed. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. May, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and . .. children of Chicago visitea with relatives here Saturday afternoon. , ^ ! Miss Lillian Sanborn, Chicago, id spending this week at her home near Spring Grove. She will resume her teaching duties in the Chicago Public Schools Monday. _ , Misses Florence Werdell and Vir- ' Vginia Rasmussen and Clarence Lund oi. •" Chicago were visitors in the Charles. Freund home Sunday evening. Michael "Happy" Wagner of Chi*\...,\, cago spent Monday With his childreii: v •: in the home of his parents, Mir. >anj$^v-fJ Mrs. Frank Wagner. ^ Mrs. Bertha Esh left for Nebrask*^ •; on Monday where she was caHed by; V OVERLAND ROUTE is the shortest line between great "aunt, Mrj: .*> ? " the east and San Francisco, oyer the Rpckies, across s i ' : * ® - Walter G. Frencfc Plaintiff's Attorney McHenry, Illinois STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Jolm B. Kelter, • Plaintiff, ' vs. - 1 - Frank Meissner and Anna Meissner, his wife, Mary Tomaszewski, Leonard Umberger, and Charlotte Anna Umberger, his wife, Chas. C. Albers, Receiver of Cragin State Bank, an Illinois Banking Corporation, Gerald J. Carey, Trustee under Trust Deed dated October 6, A.D. 1927, and recorded in Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, on the 12th day of October, A.D. 1927, in Book 160 of Mortgages, on page 353, as Document^ 80329, and the Unknown Owner or Owners of Lot One (1) in McHenry Country Club First Addition, in the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat recorded March 17th, A. D. 1922 in Book 4 of Plats, Page 52, in McHenry County, Illinois, 1 Defendants, In Chancery--Gen. No. 28634. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered in the above entitled cause by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, og the 7th day of April, A.D 1939, I, T. V. Houlihan, Special Masin Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 12th day of May, A. D. 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock, Central Standard Time, in the forenoon of said day, at the East front door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot One (1) in McHenry Country Club First Addition in the Southwest Quarter (%) of Section Number Thirty-six (36), Township Number Forty-five (45) North, Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat recorded March 17j A. D. 1922, in Book 4 of Plats, page 52, in McHenry County, Illinois, being situated in the Town of McHenry, Xounty of McHenry and State of Illinois. Terms of Sale Ca$h at time of sale, at which time Master's Certificate of Purchase will issue to the purchaser. Dated this 17th day of April, A.D 1939. T. V. HOULIHAN, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. April 20 - 27 --- May 4) SPRING GROVE Ifs is staple as A,B,C A. All of Southern Pacific's Four Scenic. Routes meet st San Francisco. Read ' the description of these routes below. t -vi I. Pick9the/w« routes youlike the best. i C. Go to San Francisco on ont of these routes and return on the other. Thus you see an entirely different part of the West each way. You see twict as much as you would by going and returning on the same route, FOR HOT 1^ EXTRA RAIL FARE. Court of Paciji(dt Goldm Gate International Exposition ^ ~r:& £if:c v^r1 the death of her Frank Bell. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. George Kattner, Wendlvn and Stanley Kattner and Miss Christin* Kattner of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch of Witmette and Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson and children of McHenry were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mr?. Peter M. May. Spring Grove Community Club held their regular meeting on Monday night. Election of. officers took place and Ben May was elected president; John Rauen, treasurer, and Walter Brown, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen arwl sons of 'Ringwood spent Sunday afternon here with relatives. Mrs. Jake Miller, Mrs. George A. May and Mrs. Charles Freund attended the Forester meeting at. St. John's parish hall in Johnsburg on Tuesdaynight. Because of a dog fight, Chris Cummins of Omaha is suin*r his neighbor Luther Creek, for $1,000. Cummins charged that when their dogs foupht his wife was knocked down and injured so severely that she was unable to care for three boarders, who moved out. 1 Great Salt Lake on the spectacular Lucin Causeway, over the High Sierra and down through Sacramento ' (Golden Empire Centennial). Route of the Streamliner City of San Francisco, Forty-Siner, Overland Limited, Pacific Limited, Sam Francisco Cballeugtr. • GOLDEN STATE ROUTE takes you direct to Los Angeles, San Diegt) or Santa Barbara via El Paso, the Mexican Border country and Southern Arizona. Side trip to Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Route of the great Golden State Limited and the money-saving Caltfornian (2 V-30i*-35i' meals, stewardess-nurse, chair car reserved for women and children). ' V:' Mrs. J. H. Wall, clerk in a drugstore at Portland, Ore., routed bandits who were attempting a hold-up by. throwing hot coffee in their faces. SUNSET ROUTE speeds you to Los Angeles and San Francisco through New Orleans, the romantic Old South and Southern Arizona. Side trips to Yosemite, Del Monte and the Big Trees of Sequoia and General Grant National Parks. Route of the famous Sunset Limited and Argonaut. Through Pullman, Chicago- Los Angeles, via New Orleans. SHASTA ROUTE connects with northern transcontinental lines and speeds you to California through the vast evergreen forests, sparkling lakes and snow- ; capped mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Side trip to Crater Lake National Park. An alternate tour by rail and motor coach shows you the Redwood Empire. Route of the luxurious Cascade and Ortgonian. CALIFORNIA and back! «m.m in air-conditioned chair cars and coaches. S74.0O in air-conditioned tourist sleeping cars (plus berth charge). $90.30 in air-conditioned standard Pullmans (berth extra), SEE BOTH FAIRS for only $90 round trip in chair cars, $135 in Pullmans (berth extra), starting April 28. At the $135 fare (plus $11), you can include an ocean voyage between New York and New Orleans on Southern Pacific's S. S. Dixie, meals and berth included. FREE TRAVEL SERVICE For free information and literature about a trip west, write Southern Pacific, Dept. X, 77 B. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. J. H. DESHEROW, General Agent. Southern Pacific START NOW TO ENJOY PLENTY OF OUTLETS right where you PRICES w DOWN TALLATIONCLTIDE* terms Diocesan judges in the essay contest conducted under .the auspices of the National Catholic Rivial Life Conference have awarded first place in the junior division to Eugene Jung, eigth grade pupil of St. Peter's School. Sunday night, April 30th, a party will be sponsored by the ushers of St. Peter's church in the parish hall. Playing will begin at 8 o'clock. Robert Hanford, a pupil of St. Peter's school, received a diploma from the Curtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia, for good salesmanship for having sold the most magazines. Miss Bemiece Nimsgern, who is employed in Chicago, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsof her club met at the home of Mrs. Joseph E. Freund in Fox Lake on Tuesday night. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Jos. E. Freund, • Traditionally, Spring is the time to dean up, fix up, modernize! What better time then, to install those additional electric outlets you've always wanted...enjoy extra comfort and added convenience - now, and for years to come! ^ Yes, it's not only seasonable, but teasonable to buy now! For this new Electric Outlet Offer, in effect for a limited - tiiae -©illy,'lets you tike advantage of special low prices... pay conveniently and easily on your monthly Electric Service bill. So don't delay! Get set to enjoy plenty of electrfc outlets for every need, a sufficient number in every room. Special low prices include duplex outlets. Ask for complete Information on prices and terms. YOUR WIRING CONTRACTOR AND PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS KITCHEN UNING ROOM .4 * LIVING KOOM

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