Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1939, p. 4

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h,, % £ • r' M* ' i /-N " ">»«". " .V, 'f.j fr ' ' vM*4«/ <•*£* i 4 v ^ \|t ^ i ." »^-«'*» ' IW«.;A»V*}:*1*<. «t b TW tAf SS3E f i X g W / j 7 ^/"~# ,/• f;<t% '• ^r,;.* "L v,;- •"'^F^.,*.:.;^4' "-^ 4, •* A* 31 4 ^ ^ ^ '," . *r" J - ~ • f" • <• '.'i"I - J- m, . •.; ^'C.N-'s^ yd*. i Y TT •> ' U ' / / M ^age Four THE McHENRY PLAHTOTiiT.lB . (i • a4 * »-•-'»»> • V •'*•• •< •'*. •* V t> • Thursday, May 4> m|r (1 THE MDENRY PLAINDEALER J Published every Thursday at Mc» tienry, 111., by Charles F. Renich, • Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. f)ne Year ... $ix Months ....*2.00 ....$1.00 H. MOSHER Editor and Manager r - r-* SPRING GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLED TO J. MILLER FARM / The Spring Grove fire department was summoned to the Jake Miller farm at Spring Grove Saturday afternoon where a huge. strawstack was blazr ing. The men fought the flames until 7 o'clock in the evening and finally succeeded in entinguishing the fire. Nearby buildings were saved from damage by (£fre prompt and efficient work of the firemen.. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. George Johnson and Mrs. Eber Bassett attended an Eastern Star luncheon and card party it Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. V , :! • ' . i t - SPECIALS CARROTS--Fancy California, large bunch ' 54 FRESH PINEAPPLE--Large sue 154 RED ALASKA SALMON--Tall can 234 SAUERKRAUT--Centrella brand, 3 large cans 25<^ CHEESE--Mild American, lb - 194 EGGS--Strictly fresh, 2 dozen 35C BUTTER--Wilson Certified, lb. 254 PORK LOIN ROAST--pound _1 214 BARBIAN BROS. Riverside Drive Phone 180 §K Sift 9Mk S ATUtDAY §1 "» M Our Annual Demonstration Day Will Be Saturday, May 6 to which we cordially invite the public. Over $75 in gifts will be'awarded our visitors on this day. No purchase is necessary! Below we quote a few of the many hundreds of items which will be offered during TRUE VALUE WEEK CLOTHESPINS Best hardwood, natural finish, standard 4-in. size, holds clothes firmly, very special, 36 for only 5<£ 7-piece BEVERAGE i Bonnie I BATHROOM TISSUE Soft, pure white embossed tissue, large •••ppir^i 5 cent size. Stock up at DhSttQ this prioe! 6 rolls for 19^ > 12-$uart GALVANIEED PAIL Beaded, standard galvanised. Wrought ears, wire bail, 12-qt. capacity, 11x10 in. Limit' ed quantity--get yours early !_... 19^ d galvanfj t OIL MOP Reg. 50c value, one every housewife will want. 48-inch green handle, full 2-ply cotton yarn pad, rigid construction. Sjpecial 394 Serviceable, practical, attractive set in dainty roe* colored glass. 80-oz. fee lip jug, six 9y2-oz. tall table tumblers with reinforced edge. Complete, 454 Carpet A real spring necessity. Cannot injure fabric. 13 in. wide, length 28 in. Offset handle 9^ Egg Beater Kitchen Step Stool Hand Saw Jack Knife Rubbish Burner House Paint, Special, gal 194 894 984 194 894 $2-79 ROLLER SKATES '4Bull Dog" - h&vy gauge ball-bearing If wheels. Anad-ll, justable extension from 7% to 10y2 inches, pair 984 Hibbard Enameled WASHBASIN Durable, smooth, sanitary enamel, white with red trim. Diam. l2a/4 in. Now is the time to replace your old pan. each 294 Lawn Mowers, as low as Combination Flyers Folding Rule Screw Driver Grass Hook Grass Shears Electric Iron ersonais Mr. and Mrs. William Pries returned hom^ Saturday from Florida where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr, who had been staying with Eleanor and Bill Pries during their parents' absence, retained to their home on Court street. Leo Smith of Chicago Heights spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalin of Kenosha, Wis., called on friends here Sunday. Eugene Sayler of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler. Mrs. Dibler of Woodstock spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Nichels. Paul Yanda visited friends at Belavan, Wis., Sunday. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Michels returned, to her home in this city after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff visited their daughter, Eleanor, who is recovering from an operation at St. Therese hospital ^Waukegan, Sunday. ' Miss Alice Ward, a teacher in the Waukegan schools, spent Sunday with Miss Marie Ropp. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith visited in the home of their son, Edward, at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nichels visited their daughter, Marie, at the Illinois Research hospital in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen attended the funeral of W. E. Ledger at Hebron last Thursday. Misses Betty, Ethel and Anita Althoff visited Miss Eleanor Althoff at Waukegan Saturday. Joe Scheid of North Chicago is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scheid, at Griswold Lake. He is much improved in health and will return home Monday. Miss Ruth Broncheon of Wauconda was a caller in the Frank Meyer home Monday* Mrs. Lester Bacon and children and Mrs. Zena Bacon were visitors in the home of the latter's daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell and family at Waukegan Sunday. Joseph Walsh of Waukegan spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mrs. Howard McCalester of Des- Moines, Iowa, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kautz, enroute to Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. John R. Smith was a visitor the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fuller Boutelle, at Lake Geneva Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bohl of Elgin were Sunday callers of the latter's father, W. E. Whiting. Vale Adams warf a Waukegan caller one day last week. Miss Louise Stilling of Lake Forest college spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stilling. Miss Genevieve Knox and Lloyd Whiting visited relatives in Elgin on Wdnesday. „ Among those from here who called at the funeral home or attended services for the late Mrs. Ben Bonslett in Chicago were Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughters, Lena and Clara, Mrs. Wm. Bonslett, Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. Ferdinand Frett and Mrs. Delia Matthews. Mrs. Stoffel and Lena accompanied the body to Niles, Mich., for burial. Mrs. Math Freund and son, Frank of Johnsburg are spending a few days with relatives at Meyer, Iowa, where they were called by the death of the former's brother, Henry May, who was 97 years old. Mrs. Elizabeth Wiswall of Chicago came Friday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Henry Dowe, and other relatives )l6Z*6i Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Ch«»go was a weekend guest of her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr- fcnd jMfcs. Henry Vogel and daughter, Carol Lee, of Delavan, Wis., spent Saturday with her parents and Mrs. Eber Bassett. Mrs. Kate Stoffel was called to Milwaukee, Wis., Tuesday by the illness of her sister, Sr. Jerome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber of Milwaukee, Wis., were local visitors on Tuesday. .... - Mr. and Mrs. William Aebischer ox Chicago visited relatives here Wednesday. Mr. ivand Mrs. W. E. Colby, son, FOR SALE 4- FOR SALE--Evergreens of 50 different varieties. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees. .» AH kinds of "blooming shrubbery. Raspberry and Strawberry plants; Grapevines; Rhubarb Roots; also Rose Bushes. Extra specials Saturday and Sunday. Westmari Evergren Nursery, % mile west of Woodstock on South street. 48-8 FOR SALE--Iowealth Hybrid Seed Corn. We have a car of V-C fertilizers. The fertilizers with the tobacco stem base, they do not harden in the bag, nor clog in the feeder box; you are asured of an even distribution in every hill of corn. McHenry Flour Mills. 49-3 FOR SALE--The Cyclone Expansion Electric Brooder. 600 chick six© $29.50. 150 chick size |8.90. Phone 29 Farmers Mill. ' 42-tf FOR SALE--About 125 2-week-old Super Contest Chicks on Monday, May 8; also about 75 2-week-old Leghorn Pullets on the same date. Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 50 FOR SALE--Piano, cheap. Box "M," The Plaindealer. Address 50 FOR SALE--Rug, 8.3x10.6, also solid maple chair; loose pillows and oil stove. F. H. Bohlander, West McHenry. *50 FOR SALE--Doberman Pinscher Dog, male; about 2 years old; Black. Call 607-R-2. 60 FOR SALE--Davenport set, gas stove, rockers; also piano for sale or trade. Spinning Wheel Inn, 1% miles south of Richmond. *50 ICE BOX FOR SALE--Alaska, 1001b., cork lined, white enameled, perfect condition; reasonable. Phone 63-W. 50 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE--On Thursday, May 11, 1939, at 10 a. m., at public auction to highest and best bidder, at Kingsley Manor, on Pistakee Bay, McHenry, Illinois; complete list of household furnishings, linens, dishes, machinery and tools. Elizabeth Webb Grosh, Mortgagee. *50 RURAL SCHOOLS WILL PRESENT MUSICALS AT HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY The McHenry Rural School musicale will be presented at the McHenry Community High school Friday evening, May 5, at 8:30 o'clock. The program will be given under the supervision of Mrs, Marie Kingsley of Hebron. An art exhibit showing the free hand work of the children will be oh display in the main hall of the high school on the same evening. Mrs. Ruth Mead of Barrihgton >js art di' rector. Miss Gladys Penny of Marengo is in charge of the physical education. Following are the schools taking part in the musicale: St. John's of Johnsburg, Lincoln, Griswold Lake, Ringwood, Harrison, Ostend, Clemens and Cherry Valjey. v ( > c Program Songs--Lower Grades -- " 1. "The Woodpecker,**' jtfevin--All. „ 2. "Lullaby," Brahms--Girls. 8. "The Sandman," Hartford--All. 4. "The Secret," Parker--Griswold Lake School. ; 5, "Rub-a-Dub-Dub," Gaynor--(Boys 6. "Polliwogs," Targett-^AIL Folk Dances -- 1. I See You--First and Second Grades. Kinderpolka--Third and Fourth Grades. Rural Instrumental Group--Clemens - Lincoln. Songs, Stephen Foster--Upper Grades 1. "Old Folks at Home"--All. Old Black Joe"--All. 'O, Susanna"--All. 'Beautiful Dreamer"--Clemens Cherry Valley, Ostend. 'Jeanie with the Light Brown HeJr'V--Lincoln Harrison, 6. "My Old Kentucky Home"--All Folk Dances -- 1. Gustaf's Skaal--Fifth and Sixth Grades. 2. Ace of Diamonds--Seventh and Eighth Grades. Songs--Upper Grades -- 1. Cowboy Song, "Song of the Plains"--Boys. 2. "The iSong and the Breeze," Dvorak--Girls. 8. "A Merry Life," Denza--Solo-- Ringwood. • J 4. "America" Carey--All. Selections on the Harmonica--J§6^nth and Eighth Grades--Johnsburg. Physical Education -- Harrison and Griswold Lake. 2. 3. 4. 5. OPENS BEAUTY SALON Agnes K. Schmitt of Johnsburg has opened a beauty salon in her home on Main street in Johnsburg and is now prepared /to care for all kinds of beauty needs. She has named her shop "Curl 'N Swirl Bqauty Salon." Furnishings will be in black and chromium. Miss Schmitt is a graduate of Selan's School of Beauty Culture in Chicago, having completed the required course there in January. Following graduation she was employed in a Chicago beauty shop. Read tha Want Ads VISITING IN WASHINGTON Miss Bertha Justen accompanied Mrs. Catherine Stelte and Dr. and Mrs^/Louis Stelte are motoring to Spokane, Wash., where they" expect to spend a week visiting differed points of interest. Spokane is approximately 325 miles west of Seattle. Miss Justen has been visiting in thehome of Mrs. Catherine Stelte and other relatives In Seattle for the pafft, few months, and is having a most eti* joyable time. Cyclone Electric Brooders for at the Farmers Mill. Phone » 4M| CONTEST CLOSES SAT., MAY 6TH Name my New Tavern and Win a Prize! t----One block west of Bui^on's Bridge on Route 176r--- Ush Fry Friday Night ------ Dancing Saturday Night r--- Special Plate Lunch Saturday v \ Dinners Served at all Times JOHN F. WILSON WOODSTOCK NURSERY -- Closing out all Nursery Stock, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Shrubs, Privet Hedgiftg, Barberry, Peonies, etc. 532 W. South Street, Woodstock, 111. FOR RENT FOR RENT--One 3-room flat, heat furnished. Schneider Apartments cor. Riverside Drive and Pearl Street. 50 FOR RENT--16 acres of pasture near Volo. John Pitzen, Johnsburg. 50 WANTED--Girl or middle-aged >yofor general houseworjt; stay nights. Phone 229-W. 50 WANTED--Garden Ploughing. Inquire of Ed. Leffelman, on Route 31, across TONYAN ESTATE IS PROBATED MOtfDAY The $2,000 estate of Mary Tonyan, who died at Johnsburg on February 20, is left to six children, Kate Smith, Johanna Smith, Ben Tonyan and Tinna May of Johnsburg and Frank Tonyan of Fox Lake and Isabell Miller, Richmond. i. Mrs. Frank Meyer visitor Tuesday. was a Chicago High Quality -- Low Cost You'll get BOTH in AS LOW AS $8.35 The famous Firestone Gum-dipped 4.50-21 4.75 -19 5.00-19 5.25 -17 5.25 -18 ; 5.50-17 6.00 -16 6.25 -16 6.50 16 /:r.: 6.00 - 20 Truck 32x6 - 8-ply Truck 8-35 8-60 9-35 9-65 .00 11-00 1195 13-45 . 14.50 £ 15-93 ^ 25-38 Look at this Wonderful Tire, Tpday! ---- er J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repuring \ Phone 294 --West McHenry from St. Mary's Cemetery. *50 LOST $4.95 19^ 19<* 9^ 19^ 39d 98 ft Mr. LOST--Small wrist watch, Wednesday afternoon, between St. Mary - St. Patrick school and Riverside Drive. Valued as keepsake. Finder return to Mrs. Henry M. Weber, .Court Street, McHenry. Reward. *50 DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help jieeded in loading with our sani. tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 THE BEST FOR LESS l«5c *^GAL* OILS OPEN 24 HOURS HI-TEST -- The only gasoline sold as regular in McHenry with a 74 Octane number! GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf TREE SURGERY--For a careful and scientific service in the care of your trees, call McHenry 129-J. Spraying, Mr. . and Mrs. Pruning, Feeding, Cavity Treatment. Frank, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colby T;RO p tjjoRNHILL. 41-tf Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. Corner Miun St. & Route 31 -- Phone 284 -- McHenry, 111. of Wfcukegan were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert and children of Elgin visited her mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fyfe spent Sunday in Lyons, Mich. Mrs. Henry Kinsala, son, George, and Miss Betty Thennes were Chicago visitors Sunday. Little Donald Kinsala, who had been spending several weeks here with his grandparents, went with them. They were accompanied home by Billy Kinsala, who had been visiting with relatives in that city for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel and daughter, Mary Lou, visited Waukegan relatives Sunday. . Mrs. Louis McDonald, sons* Junior •nd Richard, of Woodstock visited here Monday. PROPOSALS FOR PlJMPii© STATION Bids will'be received by the City of McHenry until 8 o'clock p m., Daylight Saving time, May 15th, 1939 for the construction of a Waterworks Pumping Station, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. . Bids must be accompanied by cash or a certified check payable to the City of McHenry in an amount not less than ten per cent (10%) of the amount of the bid. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in any bid. CITY OF McHENRY,. ILLINOIS 50-2 By Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk. Need Rubber 9tamps ? Order at The Plaindealer. AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair Work. J. B. Hlettermann, Johnsburg. Tel. 640-W-2. 42-tf SAVE--There are new plans for 'writing insurance. This agency has the proper set-up to give you the most foj- your money. Earl R. Walsh Agency, Phone 43. 50 TAXPAH) Motor Fuels may be classified as straight gasoline, treated gasoline and blends. The most common type of treated gasoline is that treated with tetra-ethyl Lead. Tetra-ethyl Lead by itself is a very heavy liquid, highly poisonous. When added to gasoline in proper concentration, it increases the compressionability of the gasoline and its octane number. IT DOES NOT IMPROVE STARTING, DOES NOT LESSEN CARBON, AND DOES NOT INCREASE MILEAGE. BUT THf OCTANE OF A GOOD GASOLINE CAN BE MATCHED BYt TREATING AN INFERIOR GASOLINE WITH TETRA-ETHYL LEAI^ THIS IS THE SEASON--For Windstorms, Tornadoes and Cyclones! Do you have the proper insurance protection? Earl R. Walsh Agency, Tel. 43. 50 CUSTOM HATCHING--We hatch any thing. Hen eggs, 2%c each;' Duck and Turkey eggs, 4%c each. Lehmann's Poultry Farm and Hatchery, E. Hillside Road, Crystal Lake, 111. so *50-2 WELDING SERVICE--We do it electrically, with newest modern equipment. Broken machinery expertly repaired. Phone 195. Adams Repair Shop. Pearl Street. Res. phone 134-M. - . • ' 50 FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to load. Your pets will be shot on .place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse changes. . 44-10 We "EShdle straight gasoline which is refined by the Dubb «| Cracking System and is the latest, most expensive and most successful method of refining gasoline today. I have made a study of marketing conditions and refining methods for eight years. I intend to buy and sell the highest quality merchandise as long as I am in business. ECONO -- This is third grade ,o the same as. you are offered for less by compete tive sources. A good gas well wortjfc the money! 13 TAX PAID .3c Cyclone Electric brooders for Sale at the Farmers MU1. Phone 29 42-tf Donald McCiafferty of a local visitor Sunday. IndiaiM was On State Route 20--West of &.&N. W. Track* WEST McHENRY

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