Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1939, p. 8

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» * : ,) ' ' : • ; ix-\ fffl 1£ ^ -* ' ^' >- -x - » ^',"5'«1 : rif«*i«iit r«g»5*««' mtpm, tfllifevwr.t •.: •»» i-t"-»«i# '. " • v > ; > v » , ,,, » - v*f > *. •;•< > \ m / THl «eHKl«T i*iAnn>Ki£ts WfPfS Society Motes */ ji *()X RIVER VALLEY. R. N. A. Next meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., will be held Tuesday of next week. May 16. A party far members will follow the business meeting. Officers are requested to be present. Hostesea will be Mrs. Cora Bassett and Mrs. Gertrude'Thurlwell. HOUSE-WARMING Mrs. Howard Wattles was surprised by a group of friends at her new home on Waukegan street last Thurs-, day evening. Tl^ party ^easjn the nature of a bouse-,dfcrifii»B. ' Cards furnished ente#^iim^ix^£or the evening, after whiflfT&reshments were served. She was presented with, a lovely picture. Guests were: Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Lester Page, Mrs. James Downs, Gas Gas AH Time Mrs. Ju. Filler »ay«: "Gh on my «tomtkCh wm ao fca<5 I couldn't ®*t or Aleep. Gas even presaed on my heart, Adl«rlkm brought me quick relief. Now, I eat as I wish, alMP flak never felt better." A D L E R I K A THOMAS P. BOLGER, Druggist Chocolates /or MOTHER'S DAY Sviday, May 14 th Gorgaoesly d«corat»d beui«f th« flMit chocolates, frash fro* tha motors. Order now I Urn Sempler--17 ox. . . . |1.|0 Abo 2, 3 and 5-lb. Soaplw. - ' TU fairMf $1.00 fe Ab«2t9 aed S-fe fairMb. Thomas P. Bolger Green Street --:-- McHenry Mrs. Jos. Miller. Mrs. John Stilling, Mrs. J. W. Rothermel, Mrs. Albert Krause, Mrs. Emrtia Freund, Mrs, Thomas Kane. Mrs. J. W. Freund, Mrs, Berthold and Mrs. Harvey Nye. PUBLIC CARD PARTY The Christian Mothers of St. John's church, Johnsburg, are sponsoring $ public card party in the Johnsburg school hall Sunday evening, May 14, at 8 o'clock. • • • • MID-WEEK CLJJB Mrs. E. G. Peterson entertained the members of the Mid-Week club at her home Wednesday afte^iocn. Bridge prizes were merited by Mrs. Ben Dietz, Mrs. John R, Smith and Mrs. Wm. Spencer. "Elmer" went to Mrs Bohlanaer. Refreshments were served. E. Bassett, observed her eighty-eighth birthday Wednesday, May 10. Friends Und neighbors called to visit with her during the day and she was the happy recipient of many cards, gifts, and iressages of congratulations. Out-oftowr relatives who spem the day with her,were Mr. and MtC Henry Vogel *®NB0LDT - HUflMANft NUPTIALS SATURDAY AT ST. loHN'S CHURCH Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rorst and daughter, Mary Ellen, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John JRein boldt and daughters, Vivian, Lorraine I ®nd Joan of Keasauqua, Iowa; Mr In a ceremony performed Saturday! and Mrs. Elmer Huemann and Mr. and moaning, May 13, at nine o'clock in t Mrs. Jack Smith, daughter, Phyllis, St. John the Baptist church at Johns-1 McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Reinboldt of of Delavan, Wis. and Mrs. Hattie bung, by Rev. A. J. Neidert, Miss Lu- Odebolt, IowA, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graham and Miss Zona Rihno of Minneapolis, Minn. The Plaindealer joins with her many friends in offering congratulations. Residence Changes PARENT TEACHERS TO SPONSOR STYLE SHOW •1 FAREWELL PARTY A farewell was tendered Miss Sabina Hutte at the home of Mrs. Ben Justen Thursday evening. Pinochle and five hundred were played, after ella Reinboldt, daughter of Mr. and Huemann and children, Mrs. Anna Mrs. John Reinboldt of Odebolt, Iowa, Lunkenheimer, John Huff and Rev was married to Mr. Fredrick Hue- Fr. A. J. Neidert, all of Johnsburg. mann, son of Mr. anjl Mrs.Joseph Huemann of Johnsbt^g. - The charming bride wore a rose, wool suit and a small blue hat, with The John E. Freund family moved matching accessories. Her corsage last week from their home on Broad was of white sweet peas. Miss Bar- street to a house near the Bridge tav- Have you purchased your ticket for ara "a£'und of Chicago, niece of the era on Charles streefc The place the dessert-bridge and style show to S»room» an<* only attendant of the bride, they vacated has been purchased by -- - - - wore a gold wool suit with brown ac- Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Blake, who cessories. Vernon Reinboldt, brother moved into their new home Friday of the bride, served as best man. I from an apartment in the Schneider \ Following the ceremony, breakfast building on Riverside Drive. for the bridal party was had at the j The Joe Weber family moved May home of the groom's, parents, and at 1, from the J. E. Freund house near dinner for members of the imbe given next Thursday, May 18, at St. Mary - St. Patrick school ? Forget housecleaning for the day, and enjoy an afternoon of cards, and an afternoon of seeing what the fashionable woman is going to wear this summer. Prizes for every table. This is one event no on6 can afford to miss! Tickets can be purchased from any member of Parent - Teacher Associ ation. a Him Here's# combination of style, quality--and long wear -- that says "buy me" to every well-dressed man. Of course, you need some white shirts---and this is "IT"! All-white only. McGee s lCcHeory which a luncheon was served, in pinojchle was merited by Huette and in-1 five hundred .Mrs. W!m. Justen. * . v • • • LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid will md#l in the church basement Thursday afternoon of next week, with Mrs. C. H. Duker as hostess. There will be a one o'clock luncheon, after which members will tie comforters. The society is sponsoring a Swiss steak supper Saturday evening, May 20. Further particulars will be given later. • • • HONORS DAUGHTER-IN-LA^T Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake was honored guest at a party given at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. John R. Smith, in this city Eriday evening. Three tables of bunco were played with prizes won by Mrs. Geo. Young, Miss Cora Sweet and Mrs. Edward' Smith. Lunch was served following the games and the guest of honor presented with gifts. Guests were: Mrs. Cora Speaker, daughter, Ruth, Miss Cora Sweet, Richmond; Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs. W. Hatfield, Mrs. Wm. Creitz, Mrs. Richard Copeland, Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Fuller Boutelle, Lake Geneva, Wis.; Mrs. Geo. Youiig, Ringwod, and Mrs. Leslie Olsen of McHenry. , • _ •' .. m m * O. E. S. Members of the Eastern Star met Monday evening for their regular meeting, with Mrs. Vaelska Hoppe Mrs. Olga Nordin, Mrs. Minnie Martin and Mrs. Fred Eppel, in charge. Approximately twenty-five were present. Following the transaction Of business, a social hour wa3 enjoyed. Cards were played and a prize awarded each table. Games also furnished entertain ment. Lunch was served at tables at tractively decorated with irises and apple blossoms. Three invitations were received. Ethel Granger, associate matron, will fill a station at the meeting of Nunda chapter, May 10, and will act as Esther at Richmond May 12, and Ada at Algonquin- May 15. •. •* * : . • MOTHERS? CLUB The Mothers' Club will meet Friday, May 12, at the home of Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. She will be assisted by Mrs. Ed Sutton, Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. J. M. Phalin, Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. W. Tonyan, Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Mrs. George Barbian. A group of well known Chicago and Wlaukegan artists will exhibit paintings at this meetings. Each of the twelve artists will have on display three paintings. The artists are as follows": Charles Oglesby Longsbaugh, Tom Wilder, Betty Rose Wyllie, H. K. Vose, Berteel Stenger, Sylvia Randolph, Cora Gould Davies, Mrs. C. W. Klontz, Ruby Sher^nan Bufton, Fredric Tellander, F\ C. Peyrand and Elizabeth Peyrand. > ^ j \ * * * C. D. OF A. Initiation and installation of officers of Joyce Kilmer Court, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, was held in the K. of C. hall last Thursday evening. A pot-luck supper at 6:30 'cloek preceded ceremonies. Three new members were initiated, after which officers were installed. District Deputy, Mrs. McGill of Belvidere, was installing officer and Mrs. Marie Vales, installing monitor. Mrs. McGill was accompanied by Mrs. Schmitt, Grand Regent of Belvldere Court, and five other members of the court. Corsages of sweet peas were presented the installing officers, the new officers, four trustees and Mrs. Schmitt. The hail was attractively decorated with potted plants for the occasion. After installation, cards were played, with prizes in bridge going to Gertrude Weber, Florence Carey, Frances Baur and Elizabeth Schoewer, and in five hui dred, to Helen Miller. Officers installed , for the ensuing year were as follows: ; Grand Regent--Mrs. Ella Buss. Vice-Regent--Mrs. Anna Sutton. Lecturer--Mrs. Eleanor Young. Monitor--Mrs. May Martin. Prophetess--Mrs. Marie Schiessle. Financial Secretary -- Miss Laura Weber. Historian--Miss Marie Powers. Treasurer--Mrs. Eliz. Schoewer. Sentinel--Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. Organists--Mrs. Dorothy Weber. Trustees -- Mrs. Clara Adams and Mrs. Anna Adams. The Catholic Daughters will observe Mothers' Day with a dinner at Bickler's Hotel at 6:30 o'clock Monday evening, May 16. Reservations must be made not later than Friday with Mrs. IjUla Buss, Grand Regent, at McHenry 30. "WAX BACK WHEN" BABY The mischievous looking youngster in the April 27 issue of The Plain- Prize i deaj€r~ was Peter "Petie" Schaefer Miss j well known West: McHenry businessman. Sorry we forgot to mention it last week. •Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29 42-tf BULOVA TIME! RONA MOOON noon, mediate families was served at Nell's White House. The groom is a graduate of the local high .school and is employed as a Well-driller. The bride was employed at the Alemite in Woodstock.. Mr. and Mrs. Huemann Will make their home in Johnsburg. Among those present at the Wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haglund, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Olson and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Olson and sop. KEEP YOUR HANDS Jlov4i\ AMCMCAN CUPPE* IT fow«!» NYE West McHenry AS A YOUNG BRIDE S CinuLtLu new type all-liquid-proof gloves Don't let housework spoil your hands -- wear Ebonettes, the comfortable glove you'll enjoy using -- easy on and off, finger-tip touch. Made of a remarkable Du Pont material that oils, caustics, cleaners won't harm. Ebonettes outlast several ordinary Eairs--save you money. Keep,your ands alluringly soft and smooth -- buy Ebonettes, now. Months or mittir pair Frtt, OUARANTKD Thomas P. Bolger McHenry "The Bridge" td the M. L. Slofiy place on River Road. Mrs, Amelia Temple is now making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Fels, near the golf course. She has rented her home in the north end of town. When You Visit San Francisca nil and the Golden Gate Exposition " . you will find greater enjoyment in the wonderful sights to be seen if your funds are in ' the fojm of safe, spendable < AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES These Chequers are known and accepted everywhere and if lost or stolen • prompt refund is made. This protection for youri travel fnnds is availablehere. at the sm -.M cost of 75c lor each $100 purchased. WEST M'HENRY STATE BANK MRS. MAKT WACOOSR IS BRIDE OF MR. DANIEL OASSER ON SATURDAY Mrs, Mary Wagner of this city and Mr. R. Lyle Gasser, son of Mr. and Mrs* Daniel C. Gasser of Woodstock, were married Saturday, May 6, at eleven o'clock in the parsonage of the Baptist church at Woodstock, the Rev. Clarence F. Kerr officiating. Mrs. Gasser was the former Mary Dillon, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Dillon of Chicago. The bride wore a street length frock of dusty rose lace with japonica accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Thursday, May 11, 1939 Attendants were Mrs. Lynn Schwantea of Chicago and La Verne Gasser of Woodstock. A small reception was held at the home of the groom, after which the couple left on a honeymoon trip. Upon their return they will reside at 347 Tryon street, Wbodstock. Mr. Gasser was graduated from the Woodstock High school with the *»ln«n of 1932 and his bride attended the Chicago public schools. Both are lite* ployes of the Alemite factory. ^ Bead the Want Ada « • 1 Bay your baby chicks at the Fanft> ra Mm. Phone 99. 41-tf u-- EHUIAMERICXII What oould be lovelier for a Mother's Day gift thaa fliM* entraacinl Old Spiee Toiletries, reminiaoent of grandmother's rose bowl. Toilet Water, Toilet Soap, Talcum, Saohet, in an old-fashioned, treasure-type Notion Box, with a Mother's Day greeting oard attached to the gay ribbon bow. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Member Federal Deposit Phone 40 Green Street Main Street Green Street Corporation Where Belong! $996 delivered at Fltnt, Mich. j . / j r f 0 u r -door touring sedan The model illustrated u the Butch Snc\?Su mJ^Z'np"<*<™ AND VP delivered at * Prices subject to change •without notice. Transportation , state and local taxes {if any), optional equipment and acces sorits--extra. hold of the wheel--it seems molded to your hand. There's the gas treadle, right |khere it should be Qrttn Street EIGHTY-EIGHTH BIRTHDAY Mrs. Pennie Bassett, mother of Eber I AST your eye just once on the passing traffic and you spot this stunning Buick as the one cwr oi the year you can instantly identify. - It*s the Pattern--no mistaking that--and you'll find plenty of admiring glances following wherever you travel. But what we were shooting for »w Something a heap more important than attention: a picture that does you justice--and look how gloriously we hit the bull's-eye I You try out the driver's seat-it fits. You take • • • etttr SUtat MAI III This sure-fire direction signal that flashes warnings of turns at a flip of a switch! Shows day or night. Standard on all models I So you ease down en the gat--end pronto* you've got rhythm! You fingertip the wheel presto! there's control! You wing down the straightaway, cruise around curves, swoop up the hill. Eagerly, instantly, amiably, your car does what you want-it's almost a part of you, your wish is to actiow So, you happity discover, here's where jrou belong! It isn't the big and powerful wallop in that big Dynaflash straight-eight alone. It isn't only the level skimming comfort of toft-coiled BuiCoil Springing. It isn't simply the visibility -though those extra 412 square inches come in inighty han4y* It's die feel of this great ear youll go for; the way you feel at home! Now such a car is worth plenty. But this Buick actually costs lesa than a year ago, less you think--less than some sixes. Surely, that leaves nothing else to settle except when you can get delivery. Why not see your Buick dealer and get the answerP MOTORS VAIMB i R. I. OVERTON front Street, Wwt McHenry, HI. MOTOR SALES US Main St, Orjrrtal Like, O. I YOU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM A B U I C K D E A L E R

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