Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1939, p. 4

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THE M'HENRY ^Tublished - every PUUNDfALER Thursday at Mc* henry, 111., by Charles F, Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, III., under the act of May 8, 1879. , One Year ... Six Months $2.00 $1.00 A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager |:V,; xjivr""/,-,: , • "-'v.*; After living for 30 years on a "rented 11-acre farm neiar Keosaqua, low*, Mr. and Mrs. Evans.Craig have bought the farm. "•'V-'. 'W:0i .'•'I- i "•vsr ,v.^ IP' W NEW EMPIRE McHENRY, ILLINOIS Sun. Mat. 3 p. m. Continuous , FRIDAY (Only) "BLONDIE MEETS/ BOSS" v- Xlso -- Comedies ' SATURDAY (Only) B. Breen - H. Armette - L. Carillo 'FISHERMAN'S WHABF' Also --- Comedies SUNDAY -- MONDAY May 14 - 15 Bob Burns » Gladys George 'TM FROM MISSOURI" Also--May Issue "March of Time" Walt Disney Cartoon, "Goofy and Wilbur" - World News All Mothers over 50 will be admit ted Free for Matinee Only! TUESDAY ----^ 10c - 20c (1) "12 Crowded Hours" (2) "Saint Strikes Back" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "YES, MY DARLING DAUGHTER! • ' ' • - ,*4 . . . 1 The B e a u t i f u l mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE! ! Priscilla Lane in "YES, MY DARL DAUGHTER" Anna May Wong in "KING OF CHINATOWN" -- SUNDAY -- MONDAY -- Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p.m. -- 25c to 6 p. m. -- 30c after; Child. - 10c CLAUDETTE COLBERT DON AMECHE " M I D ~ N YG HT" with John Barry more, Mary Actor -- The Hit Comedy of 1939! - -- TUESDAY -- 10c -- Special -- 15c* Mary Carlisle in 'ILLEGAL TRAFFIC** with J. Carrol Naish WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY LORETTA YOUNG WARNER BAXTER -- in -- •i-- "WIFE, HUSBAND FRIEND" with Binnie Barnes, Cesar Romero June Issue -- "March of Time' (Sign a record of attendance Wednesday for the big Event Thursday) MILLER Theatre FRIDAY -- Reward Nite Giant Screen Play! Also -- John Rarrymore GREAT MAN VOTES" SATURDAY -- Two Hits! Charlie Ruggles "BOY TROUBLE" iJifMus -- Western Hit --- "STRANGER FROM ARIZONA" -Also -- First Chapter- Married Friday, May 5th/ •J',/;?;' **• ... J • May Bride FOR SALE MR. AND MRS. CHARGES Nllt FHoto t* Worwfcsfc RUTH SCHWARZ AND CHARLES NIX ARE WED AT ST. MARY'S MAY 5 Miss Ruth Schwarz, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Schwarz of Elburn became the bride of Charies Nix, younger son of Mrs. J. B. Nix, in a cereunony performed Friday, May 5, at o'clock, in St. Mary's priest's house in this city, by Msgr. Charles S. Nix, uncle of the bridegroom. Following the service, a dinner for twenty guests was served, with Msgr Nix acting as toastmaster. The oldest guest was Mrs. J. A. Volstorff of Elburn, a friend of the family since they came from Germany. Although eighty-eight years old, she participated in the gaiety of the day. The day was especially significant in that it also marked the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of the bride's parents. Approximately 100 relatives and friends were present at the reception held at the Schwarz home during the evening for^oth couples. There were two wedding cakes. Attendants were Miss Helen Spald ing of Chicago, Mrs. Phillip Becker of Hatavia, Jerome Nix and Phillip Becker. The bride wore a blue bolero frock with white accessories and carried a bouquet of white roses and sweet peas. The bridesmaid wore a navy blue crepe suit and the matron of honor, a suit of rose crepe. Both the bride and bridegroom- are graduates of the Elburn High school, members of the classes of 1929 and 1933, respectively, and attended the University of Illinois for two years Mrs. Nix is an active Girl Scout worker. 4 After j& short wedding trip the couple will be at home in Elburn. The groom is employed with the Fowler Refrigeration corporation of Aurora. Out-of-town guests at the reception included Rev. Fr. Frank Miller of Aurora, and Msgr. Nix, Rev. Fr. Paul Tuchlinsky and Mrs. Julia Dormeyer of this city. Among the Sick FOR SALES--Evergreens of 60 different varieties. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees. All kinds of blooming shrubbery. Raspberry and Strawberry plants; Grapevines; Rhubarb Roots; also Rose Bushes. Extra specials Saturday and Sunday. Westman Evergren Nursery, % mile west of Woodstock on South street. 48-3 FOR SALE--Iowealth Hybrid Seed Corn. We have a car of V-C fertilizers. The fertilizers with the tobacco stem base, they do not harden in the bag, nor clog in |ke feeder box; you are asured of an \evV? distribution in every hill of corn. ^McHenry Flour Mills. 49-3 FOR SALE--The Cyclone Expansion Electric Brooder. 600 chick size $29.50. 150 chick size $8.90. Phone 29 Farmers Mill. - • 42-tf WOODSTOCK &URSERY -- Closing out all ^Nursery Stock,, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Shrubs, Privet Hedging, Barberry, Peonies, etc. 532 W, South Street, Woodstock, 111. FOR SALE--1931 Dodge Coupe, De- Luxe model; perfect running condition, $60. M. ]>V. Gross, Fair Oaks Subdivision, Route 2, McHenry. *51 FOR SALE--120-acre farm. All under cultivation; good buildings. 1% mile south U. S. 12. Joseph J. Schmitt, Spring Grove, 111. *51-4 FOR RENT g couple will make their home in Johnsburg. An account of the In a campaign to check' the , of tuberculosis, the Ministry of Welfare in Latavia ordered "No not yourself be kissed." R E D U C E The safe, natural way - Bring A-f this ad for trial treatment! $1. STOMPANATCS 641 A. E. Nye Bldg. b West McHenry JOIZx Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST none: McHenry 128-J THURSDAY MORNINGS " Woodstock 674 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY •rw. IPP ; TRAP SHOOT - - .; Sunday. May 14 (10 to 5 o'clock)- /„ Across from Farm House Tavern ; , ---Imil© south of McHenry ion Route 31 PRIZES AWARDED V THOMAS and ftOBBS Mi m ft TO RENT--Furnished 6-room apartment, upper flat. Corner Elm and Park streets; reasonable. Write Box 262, McHenry. t , *51 FOR RENT--House at Elm and Park streets, McHenry. Inquire at West McHenry State Bank, or address Catherine Newell, Fairground Road, Creston, Iowa. 51 <*taoto try Worwlck MRS. CLEMENS FREUND I Miss Alve^a Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freund of Spring Grove, and Clemens Freund, son of John Freund of Johsnburg, we«> married in St. Peter's church at Spring' Grove, Wednesday, May 3, with Rev. Fr. John Daleiden officiating. The FOR RENT--16 acres of pasture near Volo. John Pitzen, Johnsburg. *51-2 WANTED WANTED--Girl for general housework at Pistakee Bay, by day or week. Interview Saturdays from two to four, or write R. T. Waters, 442 Wellington Avenue, Chicago. , *51 •»»»»»»******************* Walter Miller, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Miller, is ill at his home on Charles street. Frank Masquelet returned home on Monday from the Sherman hospital at Elgin, where he was a patient for several weeks undergoing treatment for an infected hand. Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams, who has been a patient at the Illinois Research hospital, Chicago came home last week and his condi tion is somewhat improved. He will return to the hospital later for further treatment. John Engeln, who has been a patient at Mayo brothers at Rochester Minn., for about two months, under went a second operation there Monday. Mrs. Engeln, who spent the past week here, returned to Rochester Saturday. Diane Bacon, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon, received a deep cut above one of her eyes when hit with a baseball bat. The accident occurred Tuesday evening as she was watching a group of childran play baseball. Five stitches were necessary to close the wound. PROPOSALS FOR PUMPING STATION j WANTED--Board and lodging week Bids will be received by the City of ends, within commuting distance, pref- Woodstock McHenry until 8 o'clock p m., Daylight Saving *ti"me, May 15th, 1939 for the construction of a Waterworks Pumping Station, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Bids must be accompanied by cash or a certified check payable to the City of McHenry in an amount not less than ten per cent (10%) of the amount of the bid. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive, any informality in any bid. CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS 50-2 By Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk. MUSICAL WELL ATTENDED The McHenry Rural School musical presented at the local high school Friday evening was well attended. The program was given under the supervision of Mrs. Marie Kingsley of Hebron. Schools participating were: St John's of Johnsburg, Lincoln, Griswold Lake, Ringwood, Harrison, Ostend, Cleinens and Cherry Valley. erably northwest of Chicago, at modern farm "home, near river or lake. Advise regarding transportation. Give particulars, including rate, two nights, six meal". Address Miss Jenkins, care The Plaindealer, McHenry. *51-2 WANTED--Girl for cooking and general housework, in McHenry. Phone 60-M. LOST LOST--Small wrist watch, Wednesday, May 3, between St. Mary - St Patrick school and Riverside Drive. Valued as keepsake. Finder return to Mrs. Henry M. Weber, Court Street, McHenry. Reward. *51 Twins belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoskins of York, Neb., have been admired so much by passersby that Mrs. Hoskins has placed a savings bank in the carriage so their admirers can make donation?. Convicted of robbing stores, Edward and William Mattimore, 49-year-old twins, were sent to prison at Toledo, Ohio. Otto Reising of Gary, Ind., Tan this newspaper notice: "If the prowler who is so anxious to get into my house will make an appointment by telephone I will leave 35 cents--the average amount a schoolteacher has on Viand--conveniently for him." CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation for the many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy extended us during the illness and death of our son and brother; for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings and to the donors of cars. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brown 51 . and Family. Convicted of striking his wife in the eye, Louis Woolshlager, 45, of Baltimore, was sentenced to five lashes with a cat-o'-nine tails. A rat forced the Newfoundland broadcasting system off the air for nearly an hour when it scampered into a transmitter and was electrocuted. MISCELLANEOUS DEAD ANIMALS--We want them Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our sani_ tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 Mother's Day If you are looking for "something special" for your Mothers' Day Gifts and Cards;, come in and see our selection of Gifts unusual and practical; Cards of beautiful designs and appropriate sentiments! Delicious Home-made Candy -- Come to the AGATHA SHOP SAVE '20 TO '50 ON YOUR VACATION! gnWr iJIIII . X tioi s--choose the ideal vacation car, the beautiful new 1939 Nash, and sleep away from the crowds. For Nash alone has a big double convertible bed in the rear compartment. This big 117" wheelbase car offers amazing economy, too (21.25 miles to the gallon in recent Gilmore-Yosemite Economy Run . . . winner in its price-class.) Has the " Weather Eye"*, automatic Fourth Speed Forward*, that saves up to 20% on gasoline. ('Option*! r.tuipmmt-- Slight Extra Cast) B. H. FREUND MOTOR SALES Riverside Drive Phone 76-W IT'S THAT NEW NASH THE CAR EVERYBODY LIKES This Big 6 Pasttnger Victoria Sed DELIVERED HERE Stoadml EpfMiul ad Federal Tint hcMed. < Wlitt liJtwiM tint' uJ ru( wWekfcieiil*) GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. . Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf TREE SURGERY--For a careful and scientific service in the care of your trees, call McHenry 129-J. Spraying, Pruning, Feeding, Cavity Treatment. LEO P. THORNHILL. 41-ti Heme of New RC. A. Sound! 'Lone Ranger Rides Again" SUNDAY -- MONDAY » , . . Mothers' Day Special ",i:\.;":",l,>:'Double Feature Treat j..; 1Ace Feature No. 1 ---- JAMES CAGNEY Humphrey Bogart - Rosemary Lan OKLAHOMA KID" - Plus Hit No. 2 -- Comic Page to the Living Screen .... Frqm 'BLONDIE MEETS THE BOSS" . ' •- 'r- ' TUESDAY -- Bargain Nite 'SAINT STRIKES BACK' Plus Many Big Reasons WED. AND THURS. ONLY *mriFE, HUSBAND AND FRIEND" SUNDAY, MAY 2f /'DODGE CITY" in "technicolor! I AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair work. J. B. Hlettermann, Johnsburg. Tel. 640-W-2. 42-tf TRUTH about ADVERTISING By CHARLES B. ROTH A Bartc JUST WHAT IS GOOD WILL? FEW months ago, according to that beguiling writer, Bruce arton, a large factory caught fire. It burned to the ground. Sirens shrieked. Crowds milled. Firemen fought the flames. Newspaper reporters scurried here and there after stories. Consternation reigned. Amid all this confusion the most serene man in sight was the president of the factory, Z' he who should have been the most excited. Alighting from his car, he strolled over to where that which he had spent years in building was becoming a total loss. He was calm, at ease, undisturbed. A newspaper man spied him, asked Charles Roth him why he was no more concerned. He explained that the loss was fully covered by insurance and that, besides, the most valuable asset of the business hadn't even been touched by the fire. "To what asset do you refer*JHjcL Burlingame?" "Why, to our good will. We can build a new factory--now we'll have to. We can buy new machinery-- better machinery than was in the old plant. As long' as the good will of a business is intact, nothing else matters," he concluded. He was right. The most important thing a business man has is the good will of his customers. Every business which has that is successful; every business which does not have it fails. Good will is not a mysterious quality like genius. It is a simple, commonsense matter depending upon doing simple, commonsense things. The first of these consists of giving good value and service, that the business may win and hold friends. The second consists of making the fact that the business is the kind which wins and holds friends known to its customers, by telling them of its ideals and its services and its merchandise. This telling process is called advertising. Whenever a manufacturer or a merchant advertises in the newspaper he informs you that he is the kind of business man whom it would pay yon to patronize. He makes public the fact that he wants good will and that he realizes the only way he can keep it is by living up to his promises. You as a customer get more for your money, when you patronize a concern with good will. Good will is proof that the concern has done something to warrant the friendship and confidence of its customers. You see, good will doesn't just happen. It is created--by good goods, by good service, by good advertising. • Charles B. 1Mb. CUSTOM HATCHING--We hatch any thing. Hen eggs, 2V6c each; Duck and Turkey eggs, 4%c each. Lehmann's Poultry Farm and Hatchery, E. Hillside Road, Crystal Lake, 111. *50-2 PASTURE FOR LIVESTOCK--By the month. Inquire Fred Wilson, Conoco Service Station, 2 miles south of Richrriond, on U. S. 12. 51-2 Double - Feature Range Sale Bargain! CERTAINLY, WE CAN WELD IT! -- Cracked motor blocks* farm machinery, broken frames. We have modern equipment. Adams Repair Shop, Phone 195, Pearl St. Residence phone 134-M. 51 BUILD ON YOUR LOT--Summer cottage, 3 or 4 rooms; all lumber and labor, $295 up. Write or call M. J. Aubry, 642 Railroad Street, Marengo, 111. , *51 FARMERS--We pay *3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed load. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 New Magic Chef (J) Gas Range Bailc to meet 22 rigid specification* for falter, better, easier coo kin* and baking. Every worthwhile feature, including cooking top lamp, automatic timer, automatic top burner twitches, utensil compartment, insulated ores, oven controls -- and many moret 4 #feflA Regular Price 412- -PIUSThis New Lifetime, Health- Ware Range Utensil Set Includes: Whole meat cooker--covered sauce peg,, lH qt.--casserole combination--breakfast fry pan* egg poacher--chicken fryer--all pieces are riretJessextra thick for extra service--have cool-grip bakeliM handles - healthful water seal covers -- broad he* abtocbtas bottom* Rtgultr Prict $2995 Although he fell 55 feet to the ground while painting a grain elevator in Higginsville, Mo., Steeplejack James Kelley was only slightly injur* ed. Ll- GET BOTH FOR ONLY fatso Bagriir Prif far Hans* and Utanail S«t . . Tctal *141.95 YOU SAVE *46.45 • Tune up your cooking! Save time, work and money with these doubfofeature bargains. Only $95.50 buys this streamlined Magic Chef Gas Range with the CP (Certified Performance) seal of approval AND this complete waterless cooking utensil set. Regular prices total $141.9$. Yott save $46.45} Offer good for limited time only. Act now ! Patfolman August Oicado of Sommerville, Mass., answering a police ra dio call, sped to the address given and received this request from the lady £f the house: "Won't you pteai iy dog an airing. I'm too 111.1 request was granted. Cyclone Electric Brooders for Sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone W 42-tf The ^ GAS ^ ELECTRIC COMPANY. Also Offer Sensational Barg*i** l«

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