^ * MK " * * '*r ' « N. % * v ' ' TOinMlay, May 26,1939 JOHNSBURG "."A ' ".. & W-1 *, » k ;"4r> , S"R* r'l./ ^V fev' wJ'^ w^vv^i * • r •$ ' ^ The Sphinx had best looi ; ; to her laurels as a symbol of «" silence, for compared to us she's just a noisy old chatterbox. You want mileage and economy from a gasoline. But, you want actually to get it and ^not just be told about it. So we're not going to talk s < about Tydol... not even to tell you about the top-cylinder oilin every drop. *srewiu say is : "Try a tankful of Tydol today. Let Tydol tell its own story in performance. TODAY... LET TYDOL TALK FOR ITSSUF Anthony Kerkman and sister, Mayme, of New Munater, Wis., visited with_ti»eir aunt, Mrs. Win. Althoff, last Thursday. Mrs. Joe King: called on Mrs. Joe E. Miller at Richmond Wednesday. Mrs. George King spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock. Henry Sompel was a Chicago caller Tuesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund motored to Chicago Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Stephen- H. Smith. Miss Lorraine Satten of Woodstock called on her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, one night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffien and children of, Genoa spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mfl» tend |MTS. Wm. Hiller wen Woodstock callers Thursday. Mrs. Viola !Snyder of, Boston is •pending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Bill Smith and Joe King were Bur. lington callers Friday evening. . Mrs. Leo Gerlach and son, Billy, Were Chicago callers Thursday. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith and Mrs. Mamie King \#ere Grayslake callers Saturday evening. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mrs. Joe King and Mrs. George King spent Friday with Mrs. John King at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff ana Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and children of Wtoodstock were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thiel Friday evening. Mrs. John Smith and daughter, Leone, called on Mrs. Leo J. Smith at the Woodstock hospital Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund of St. Louis are visiting with relatives and friends here a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and daughter, Marie, of Volo visited Sunday with John Pitzen. Mr and Mrs. Joe Adams of Solon Mills were callers here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of. Waukegan were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. SLOCUArS LAKE Superior Oil Co. DISTRIBUTOR N. Carlson, Agent * --- Phone McHenry 255 - , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs LaDoyt Matthews at Oak Park. Ray Cook of Zion was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of his par' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Miss Frances Davis was an overflight guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of the latter's mothei, Mrs. Mary Obenauf at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ohota of Maywood were Sunday afternoon and sup per guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at Waukegan Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson of Cary spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Miss Helen Lawless and Peter Jacobs of Chicago were Sunday/ dinner •nd afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. F. Swanson and daughter, Alice, of Highland Park, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park and Mr. and Mrs. Culberson of Sycamore, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer and sons, Robert and Donald, of McHenry were supper and evening guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Misses Orissa Brown and Althea Meandering Mary By MARY E. OWEN Coss and Shirley and Betty Robinson of near Wauconda spent last Wednesday evening at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook . Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Marion, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg at Diamond Lake. Mrs. Marlett Henry spent Wednesday with friends in Chicago. A miscellaneous bridal shower was ~ held at the home of Mrs. Ralph W!ag- , Congratulations to Ethel McGee and ner last Friday evening with Mrs. Roylher able Parent-Teachers' Committee Pfannenstill of Grayslake as co-host-1 a.nd to Betty Nielsen for the lovely ess in honor of Miss Ethel Wirtz of i c'°'hes. „ Ivanhoe, who became the bride of Mr.i ----. Albert Wagner of Grayslake on Wed-1 The Mr. thoughtfully warned us be nesday morning, May 24. Twenty-four ] fore we left that our clothes Ipdget - --J --- • • - wa s a l r e a d y O. D< . . f' McHenry surely has some "purty" ladies. The fashion show was a great success with the girls parading before a background of beautiful lilacs. We had our eye on an adorable lit tie hat, but he -sez "we got a hat."1 Looks like we are out of luck for now, At last we believe in the power of the press. We received, our first brick bat last week. We would print it except that it came by telephone. guests were present and enjoyed playing airplane bunco. Mrs. Herman Brown of Lily Lake merited first honors, Miss Viola Wirt* of Mundelein, second honors, and consolation went to Miss Rosena Diedrich of Ingleside. The bride-to-be was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. A delicious lunch brought this happy evening to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Lake, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren, and Mrs Raymond Lusk and»daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park left Wednesday for a four weeks' vacation trip into the West. They_wiU spend ten days I Bad men want theii- woirieii% be at the home of Mr. Blmegren s sister, like cigarettes--slender and trim, all Mrs. Hannah Isacson at Ogden, Utah, jn a row> to be selected at will, set and with other relatives. On their re- aflame ;^when the flame has subsided, turn trip they will visit Yellowstone discarded,, only to select another. National Park, the Black Hills and The' following soliloquy came by mail. It really belongs in an "Advice to Lovelorn" column, but we will pretend to be it this week.- ' Bad Lands, and will visit at the home of Judge and Mrs. Harry Johnson at The fastidious man wants his woman to be like a cigar. They are more Menkato, Minn. Mrs. Johnson is a. expensive", they make a better appearniece of Mr. Blomgren. While m Utah, ance ^ey 1> ionger. por after all, they will visit Salt L*ke Ci >. | jf ^ brand is good, they are seldom Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent discarded, but used to the end. last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Chesney Brooks attended a banquet comes attached to; knocked gently, and Epworth League meeting at the:but iovjngly, taken great care of al- M. E. church at Libertyville last Mon-|wayg A man wiU give ^ & cig_ day night. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, attended Lilac Time at Lilacia Park at Lombard last Wednesday afternoon. The good m^n wants his woman to be like his pipe--something he bearette; offer you a cigar, but he never shares his pipe. We aren't picking on you dear S. I. . r., v t You brought it on yourself when The Sixteen-Two Officers Club of yOU fajied to finish your sentences. Mayflower Chapter, O. E. S., met at the home of Mrs. Harry Matthews on Wednesday evening with Mrs. Elmer Esping as co-hostess and Willard Darrell as co-host. Plans were made for a dessert-luncheon and card party for July 13 after the business meeting, progressive ftve hundred was j;!ayed with honors awarded to Frank uickson, Mrs. Mary Lueder and Mrs. Mary Prior, after which delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son Chesney, were recent business callers at Roselle. The Hollywood Reporter informs lis that "the parents of the bride in a recent prominent wedding are said to be looking around for ground for an annulment; they hate the groom!" LILY t.ACT A new shocker in divorces in ftlm land will soon be forthcoming. It will even surprise you. Reporter also tells of a femme player, who got sore at her producer for a bad picture. She sent him a bowl of gold ftsh with the card reading, "If you can stomach the last picture, you can certainly digest these." You are going to like "Dodge City. Errol Flynn is a special pet of ours Visitors in the home of Mr: and »"d K? T *ood in this yarn .bout Mrs. Wilbert Swanson Saturday were the noble your sheriff who cleans up Mr. Emil Swanson and grandson |the d,rty town" and Gloria, Pauline and Kenneth Swan and Gloria, Pauline fuid Kenneth Swanson, all of Chicago. I We liked it a lot. some mistake, cabled again, getting the same reply. The cables stopped with the actress' final shot -- "Send photo--of butler!" ^ BEG PARDON!' An error was made last week in the ad of the Riverside Bakery, which announced that the bakery was open for business. This should have stated that the opening was for Saturday, Ma> 20. As a result many customers wew disappointed on Friday. AUCTION Consignment Sale at the STATE LIME SALES BARN on the Illinois and Wisconsin line on U.S. Highway 12, Genoa City, Wis. FRIDAY, MAY 26 'V at 7 P. M. (Standard Time "* ? Merchandise, Machinery and 50 Cows . One load of Horses already in barn -- 200 Feeder Pigs A1! sums of $25.00 and under cash, over that amount, 6 months credit bearing 3% interest. Interest or flnnancial arrangements of 0 to 20 mos. time at 6% interest. L. J. KLOPPSTEIN --Sales Manage*--* Lu H. Freeman, Auctioneer Thorp Finance COL, Thorp, Wis^ Ckrfcs] Constipate d? "For 30 year* I bad conatipatioa, awful raa • >loatinx, hadithei aad back pains. Xdlcrika helped right away. Now, I eat si usage, bananaa, pie. anything I wast. Nerer felt better." Mm Mabel Schott. A Q L E R I K A THOMAS P. BOLGER, Druggist FOR YOlli TRIP TO THE NEW Y0R* WORLD'S C H.Y.WJ. FAIR it will be a wise precautioft More you leave home, tti- - change the cash you had: planned to carry with yoi.' •-*. ( Into protected, spendable ; AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES These Cheques are known, .1 ind accepted everywhere ...:.,v\-rr-and if lost or stolen . -prompt refund is made. v • : V Jkatrleaa Kxiirats th«q«»s lor sals si IWs ksak fti Sit, S2li SM aad SIM dMioaia* Moss at 71c per SIN partfcasiii WEST M'HENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Inavraaee Corporation it - I, GENERAL ELECTRIC BELIEVES THIS TO BE The Finest Refrigerator Ever Built! AND G-E PRICE1. FOR 39 ARE LOWEST IN HISTORY The color photography is grand in the "Little iSrincess." The kids will W^CW. spent' "•» I the weekend at their summer home, We caught our wee one sticking out her tongue at her sister." Our admonition brought the comeback, "Yes, I can stick out my tongue, the doctor told me to. He said to stiek my tongue way out" * •*' Domg these things u hi* tmmm--that's why he can do them for you so thoroughly skillfully, quickly. FREE CHECK-UP HEM'S tXACflY WHAT M MBi 1 Checks tires and inflate* to proper pressure- 2 Checks battery and fills with pore water. 3 Checks and fills radiator. j^Teats spark plugs and lights. 8 Cleans windshield, rear window and headlamps. TImm sarvkas ata % Offers expert lubrication. 7 Suggests a full supply of Imf-mileagc Red Crown gasoline, and lottt-mtUmt* Iso-Vis motor ofl. Visitors in the home of Madelaine Harber over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, Miss Alice Walsh, Edward Stalker, Mr. and Mrs. Feanzer, James Rodgers, all of Chicago. Mr and Mrs. Robert Galit. and sis- An & g dealer ^ sense of ter of Chicago spent Sunday at their humQr advertjges ..Antiques and Glori- Mr. and Mrs. George Esser of Chi- • Junk. _____ cago spent Sunday at L.ly Lake | ^ famQU8 Chinese Theater in Hol- John Tysler and son, George, and l od has ^ven up pictures for stage Btrs. Clara Winter of Chicago spent Currently running is the "Folthe weekend at their cottage. | Benrere" Mary Hubbell and sister, Mrs. Helen ues BerKere- Robinson and son Billie of Chicago; laughing over this in New spent the weeekend at their cottage. York Gertrude an George Toons of Chicago spent the a Bermuda estate and cabled the weekend at their cot^e |owner for ^ monthly rate. "$10,000 Mr. and Mrs. Sarle and sona of Cbi- _ includinj? butler.. ^ ^ terse recago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. I . <^rtrude thouSfht there must be Mr. and Mrs. Wehner and daugh- ^ ters of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home. Mrs. William Pankonen and brother, Walter Schwab, Ellen Stovner, John Zahnau, all of Chicago, spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman and son, Frank, and daughter, Margaret, of Chicago spent Sunday at their aumr mer home. Visitors in the home of Mae iBudC over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Allen an dTed Budil, all of •Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of, Cicero spent Saturday and Sunday al their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at theifr cottage and also visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Friday evening. Mrs. Ted Budil and son, Ted, ot Chicago visited the home of Mrs. MaO Budil for a few days. . Mrs. P. Gilman of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Friday afternoon. . Thomas Klabough. attended the National Fur Fashion Show at the Palm- Itr House in Chicago Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Chicago •pent Sunday at their summer home. • General Electric has always been a leader with better and better tefrifer- •tioa at constantly reduced prices .. . General Electric developed the sealed mechanism, the all-steel cabinet, stainless steel super-freeser and a long list of other genuine advancements. Now G-E gives you SELECTIVE AIR CONDITIONS Pmrfmetrnd at thu WorUPt Greatest EUctrieal RsnotcA Laboratorim* L let fusilag Sterag* 2. Lee Tsepiraten wtth Wgh N--riiWj Stem* 1 Mgh NMNUHy with Medefw ateT«aperatere tterai* 4. Safety-Zom Storage. Apr th®new l939<^oeralElectrid VtW I t ' s b u i l t for kS~T[t__both Jbss mora ot the h""Y9;,9 General Sealed -in- Steel Gsnsral Electric THRIFT UNIT with Oii Cooling and 5 Years Performance Protection. * ^ i Carey Electric §hop McHenry, E PLACES! Ipiiiw priced crUlSing -.as 85 h-Pv" le*a'°g """ -ttsoUnemileag t c"'T.o.i 1IE0 CHW818 BHlt 8TWlL|*'t^a) (uU A..kp ^abiUty on rough roads. ILd bUU^«VS0„,(orc« nl'"* Goats Graze ir Roof Garden In Norway one .nay see little cottages roofed with deep sod, where grass and wild flowers grow, and ' where sometimes a goat may be seen grazing contentedly. tube SEE HOW EASY HE MAKES IT FOR YOU TO THE CHURCHES It's AMAZING how quickly a Standard Oil dealer can check die vital spots and send you away with mrw nnfuUnct in your car! * He considers this complete check-up service as part »f bis bustnta. Accept it without hesitation. And, because it*s so important to foot own driving peace-of-mind, you should ask for it mow-- before you start off for your holiday trip. i'if" STANDARD OIL COMPANY for YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALER By ANNE CAMPBELL Even in desert places, a cool spring Of water gushes forth; And in the evening, winds com* whispering From the far North. $o in the humming city, ther* are set, To mirror the ideal, ^ The churches . . . With so answer to Life's fret, Their glad bells peal. Coprri«ht--Wnu SanrtMt, THIS IS THUTEAR TO OO FORD ¥-8 PHONE 1 FOR A DEMONSTRATION Buss-Page Motor Sales Authorised FORD Sales and Serviot | Mfcin Street, McHenry, 01 :"4H