Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1939, p. 2

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f *r'v* A^H}; v; t, * v ",;^ ,f>- ^ vyf ' ^frv v yw ^-, * £* * ' L' ?, • "*: » 4 " - ' ' * '** X V • \ -i. '• '* ^ It ' «• '3>- ' *! ' -* ?' Page Two •• TBI MaHXOTtY PLAIHDEALEB Thursday, June 1, 1939 U*': 13" RINGWOOD ^ Mrs. Libbie Ladd entertained the $/\ '|2asy Aces at her home Tuesday af- ; ternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs ;« George Shepard and Mrs. H. M .Steph- ,-i' ^nso>i. , . <> " 1' > Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and Opal Fisher spent Thursday in the Fred .Wiedrich home. Miss Mary Jencks spent Tuesday K't. In Chicago. .%• Miss Mae Wiedrich entertained the j dauphter of Chicago spent the week Bunco club at the home of Mrs. tester Carr Thursday afternoon. Prizes CMcnd spent" Saturday in the Dick 01-1 were visitors in the'ftoy Neal home on son home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wtalkington spent Sunday with relatives at Libertyville Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson visited friends at Volo Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe of Wonder Lake were Sunday dinner guests in the George Shepard home. David Lee Walkington of McHenry s^ent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Jim Harrison of Washington, D. C., is enjoying his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and end in the Patrick Coyne home. !V> - ... ,i Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilfox and , r Vere awarded to Mrs. Nick Young andj Mr and Mrs Harry Woodard of Free- , Wrs. Thomas Doherty. j port were callers in the Rev. Collins ' Mr. and Mrs. George^Rasmussen andj home Monday. family of Chicago spent Thursday! Harry Evans received the sad news v evening in the ^Alec Anderson homej0f the death of his father, Albert ( ftnd attended the eighth grade gradu- Evans, Saturday. * • atioh exercises at McHenry. j Rev. and Mrs. Collins attended a > ; i Mrs. J. A. Vaillaneourt spent a fewJ birthday dinner at the home of their days the past week with her daughter j stfnr Frafik Collins, and family at in Chicago. - v , I Wilmette Tuesday. ** Mrs. Dimon and daughter, Ethel, of. Mr. and Mrs. Cirsorkie of Chicago OBERHOFER HOTEL Lakes. Wisconsin " li NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Saturday Only Chicken Diaper - French Fties, 50c FRANK KEMPFER, Prop. Mt PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Green St. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY • FRESH PERCB Come and EnjoV Yourselves Saturday Evening at PINK HARRISON'S - At Pistakee Bay iiHfle Music Perfect Mixed Drinks FRIED CHICKEN --60c ASST. SANDWICHES ' BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA iJimcing Every Saturday Night Throughout the Season SNUG HARBOR TAVERN Good Place to Eat and Drink FISH FRYS FRIDAY -- CHICKEN DINNERS ON S A T U R D A Y AND SUNDAY Music by Ben Thonneson- Watson Schimmel CENTRAL GARAGE --One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois-- Let us drain your winter oils and greases prepare your car or truck for Spring driving. We will a complete checkup and give you an estimate of the cost. Reasoanble prices and guaranteed satisfaction! Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires , Electric and Acetylene Welding Car Washing and Polishing Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg Visit TWO World s Fairs Onli| Round trip rail fare good in modern air-condltioned coaches and chair cars. Round trip rail fare good in Parlor Cart or Standard Pullman Sleeping Cart. ... for ONE RAIL FARE! Bound Trip from Your Home Town TW biggest vacation bargain oh record I For <n « Amazingly low rail fare you can make a circle tour of the whole United States from any point in the United, States... visiting both of jhe great 1939 World s Fairs ... going and returning by any route you choose ... stopping anywhere along the way to see historic landmarks and scenic wonders. Tickets on sale daily beginning April 28. Return limit two months from date of sale. our nearest North Western representative will be glad to furnish full details and to help you plan your trip to best advantage. The Chicago and North Western Railway, Route of the "400, the Streamliners and the Challengers, serves four superlatively scenic routes to the West. , Also low individual round trip fares to each fair For information, tickets, reservations See your local C. & N. W. RY. TICKET AGENT CHICAGO £ NORTH WESTERN RY. Sunday The Home Circle will meet with Mrs, Ralph Simpson. Wednesday, June 14. M. E. church Services will be at 10 a.m., DST, and Sunday school at 11 a. m., DST. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Neal of Waukegan were callers in the Roy Neal home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday afternoon in the Louis Young home at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt are the parents of a daughter born at the Hartland hospital Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruehlman and family spent Sunday with her parents in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Thursday evening in the Matt Blake home. Harold Stevens of Elgin s|>ent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. George Young were visitors at McHenry Sat urday afternoon. Lynn Hanford, of Chicago is visilting in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and family of Woodstock are spending a few days with the latter's piarerits, Mr. land Mrs. Lonnie Smith. j Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Wood- ] stock is visiting her grandparents,. Mr. | and Mrs. S, W. Smith. I Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and {daughter, Gladys, were visitors at Elj gin Friday. } Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, and son, Bob, were visitors at Harvard, Delavan and Montana Sunday evening. ,,vi~ Miss iBetty Brennan went to Fontana Saturday where she will work during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe and daughj ter, Jean, and son, Jack, of Woodstock ' spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. | Mrs. Otis Murry and daughter, j Marjorie, of Geneva, Catherine and ! Thomas McLaughlin, McHenry, spent Sunday aftertioon with Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughters, Betty and Mary Ann, and son, Bob. were visitors at Waukegan Wednesday. # Frank Wiedrich spent Monday with friends at Elkhorn. Ray Bartholf of Richmond was a caller at Mrs. Jennie Bacon's Saturday afternoon. Pearl and Elaine Wiedrich spent a few days the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son and her mother, Mrs. Shultz, of Richmond were visitors at Crystal Lake Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Friday evening with the former's mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Frank Wiedrich were visitors at Harvard Saturday evening. Mrs. Ray Merchant and daughter, Audrey, and Mrs. Charles Coles were visitors at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker and familyk of Waukegan were Sunday dinpel guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Callers in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Vollman and Irene Johnson of Elgin, Mrs. Roy Harrison and Walter Krohn. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin and daughters of Chicago spent the weekend in the Patrick Coyne home. Mr. and Mrs. Scheuer and family of Waukegan spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Miss Alice Wilson, Joseph Najriy and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feiereisel and family, all of Chicago, over the weekend. Mrs. Buns and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. VOLO McCULLOM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. B. Clinge of Barrington were Wednesday evening Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. William Wirt* and family, Mrs. Sarah Fisher and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family attended the band concert at the Wauctfida Townishi High school Wednesday evening. Mrs. Rose Dunnell received very sad news Thursday, stating the death of her brother, Robert (Richardson, at Grayslake. - The Vo^nCeimatesy~65ciety will meet at >fie home of Mrs. John Passfield Thursday, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son spefft Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould in Libertyville. Miss iLillian Scheid and Udell Grantham of Wauconda spent Friday evening with the latter's. father, Henry Passfield. G. A. Vasey of Belvidere, Ills, spent Tuesday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter attended the school picnic at Slocum's Lake Thursday. Many from here attended the wedding of Miss Ethel Wirtz and Albert Wagner Wednesday morning at the St. Mary's church at Fremont Center. Mr. Wagner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of this community. Congratulations are extended to this happy young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Dunker and family were Crystal Lake callers Saturday evening. Lloyd Fisher is suffering with blood poisoning in his right hand at this writing. Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Grabbe and family of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, James, were Woodstock callers Monday. , Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda. SLOCUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Nagel and Miss Lorrine Nagel of Joliet spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. George Wild of Chicago spent the weekend* with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Winkrantz at McCollum Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Winsler and daughter, Betty Pat, and son, John Arthur, of Memphis, Tenn., spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilson. • % ! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick and family of here entertained friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bald and fam ily of Chicago spent the weekend at their Cottage. Miss , Eleanor Schae|fer, who was con toed to her bed for several weeks, is able to be around . _ Gerald Burg spent the week at McCollum Lake. Richard Miller of Richmond was a Sunday guest at the home of Joseph A. Schaefer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stacknick, Sr., and daughter, Lorraine, son, Edward, of McCollum spent several days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen and daughter, Arlene, and friends of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peterson entertained friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Fritz and friends of Chicago spent the weekend at McCollum Lake. Frank Ritzer and Bert Maclntyre of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. Jos. A. Schaefer and daughter, Eleanor, and Sarah Miller spent Wednesday afternoon at Woodstock. Kenneth Peterson spent Saturday ^t McCollum Laktf Mrs. R. Scotnick of McCollum Lake spent several days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Musynski entertained Chicago visitors on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at McCollum Lake Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Anderson entertained their daughter, Mrs. B* Hahaker of Chicago on Sunday. Mrs. Friedman and daughter of Blmhurst entertained friends at McCollum Lake recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Winter, Miss Helen Lawless and Peter Jacobs of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Ed Underwood and granddaughter, Carol, of Wauconda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Miss Marion Davis of the "Flats" spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Ray Cook of Zion spent Monday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Oak Park were supper and evening guests last Wtednesday at the home of Willard .Darrejl. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Worrell and son, Donald, of Joliet spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Culbertson at the Blomgren home. Miss Daisy Grovenor and Mrs. John Grovenor of Chicago were callers Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. John Zimmerman was taken to St. Therese hospital at Waukegan last Thursday evening for an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner attended the Vredding of Miss Alice Wirtz and Albert Wagner at Mundelein last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider of Chicago were Tuesday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry, Sr. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schruabri of West Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sund of Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews of Bensenville and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, were Tuesday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and daughter, Elizabeth, of Libertyville were callers at the home of Willard Darrell Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raph Wagner spent Sunday afternoon at the home of the latter's mother at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Maxsted &nd three sons and Mrs. Belle Tripp of Beloit, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. W. Long and son and the former's mother and Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Brolin of Rockford visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Sunday afternoon. JOHNSBURG dren of Genoa, Mr. and Mrs. Gorski •nd family and Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Miss Clarice Stilling was taken to Woodstock hospital and was operated on Tuesday. Mrs. John Smith and son, Clarence, Fere Chicago callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff of McHenry called on Mrs. Wm. Althoff on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Henry Stilling was a Woodstock caller Saturday. Mrs. Olson and daughter of Chicago is spending the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann. Mrs. Steve Schaefer of Fox Lake, Mrs. Jake Miller and Mrs. Art Kattner of Spring Grove attended the Lady Forester .meeting here Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, sf Chicago spent Sunday in -the home of Mrs, Stephen H. Smith. Mr. |md Mrs. iPeter Wagner of Volo visited with Mrs. Wm. Althoff and family Sunday evening. Mrs. Joe E. Miller and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond and Mrs. Mike Freund of Spring Grove attended the shower which was given in the parish hall on Miss Caroline Freund Sunday afternoon. feminine stars (Hopkins and Davis) is nothing more than press agentry. Hollywood Reporter says gossips are busy whispering the low-down on one of the recent front page marriages, claiming it was a spite wedding, that the girl is actually in love with another fellow who showed too little interest in her. (Could it be Annabella?) It's not generally known that kelson Eddy has a 14-year-old stepson. LILT LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson and daughter,-Lois, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. Edward Weisbaum was a Chicago visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and son and daughter of Chicago spent tl»e weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Spence, in Lyndon, Wis., for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Walk of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Sam Buckman and Alto Thompson of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weisbaum Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen and Walter Schwab and friend of Chicago spent a few days at their cottage. Christine Wegener of Chicago and Robert Krinn of DesPlaines visited the home of her parents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galitz of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Allend of Chicago visited the home of her mother, Mrs. Mae Budil, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey of Chicago are spending a few days at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schweighofer and daughters, Cathrine, Marie, and Doris, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage and also visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sarle of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. George Esesr of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough and baby daughter, Kathleen, visited the home of his parents in Mauston, Wis., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh and son of Chicago spent a few days at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. DeJohn and son of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Meandering Mary v By MARY E. OWEN The recent submarine disaster makes us wish to suggest to you a particularly thrilling book on the subject. We refer to "On. the Bottom," by Commander, Edward Ellsber®, U. S. N. Retired. The words in the title of the book are the first uttered by the deep sea diver when, he reached the ocean floor and the signal for the men above to stop lowering. This story of the raising of the submarine S-51, which was rammed and sunk by the St S. City of Rome, is One of the most exciting accounts of undersea rescue and heroism you could ever read. We actually lived through the diver's experiences in the sunken sub and remember sitting up until all hours to see how they came out. Commander Ellsberg was in charge of all operations on the Falcon, the same boat used to rescue the men aboard the "Squalus," and made some dives himself.;^. Joje E. Friend of Richmond was caller here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leo King was a Woodstock caller Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Stilling and daughter and Mrs. George King were Woodstock callers Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers and son, LeRoy, visited with Mr. and Mrs Irwin Schaefer at Waukegan Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt were Woodstock callers Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs. Wil]Uam J. Meyers and sons were Woodstock callers Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. John A- Miller. Miss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent the weekend with her father, John Pitzen. ' »• Mr. an<f Mrs. Joe Karls were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffien and chil- ' •' Those who missed the Ladies' Aid dinner last Thursday should tie a string around their finger. It was "yummy." We meandered to Evanston twice in one week for dinner. This is something of a record for us as we hadn't been in for three years. The first trip in company with Rev. and Mrs. Gerrard was to the Northern Conference dinner to celebrate the uniting of the Methodist Church. Over 500 people were served at once in the great hall of the Pint Methodist Church in Evanston. It is illegal to refer to the M. E. church now. All churches must now be called simply Methodist Churches. Fortnightly Forum dinner on - Saturday night should prove an inspiration to our embryo Forum in McHenry. Nearly sixty couples^ were present. j Conrad Nagel and Joan Fontaine will be married within a month. "led Follies" is quite a spectacle, but Joan Crawford has little to do. We are wondering how you'll like her ala Hedy Lamarr. Readers of Conan Doyle will like "Hound of the iBaskervilles." It's a very good mystery and follows the book faithfully as we remember it Basil Rathbone is especially -good as Sherlock Holmes^ind this should start a new series with Basil in the title role. Wt mx* in favor of a revival nigfrj about twice a month. There are many "pics" we would like to see again. Namely, "The Shiek," "Gay Divorcee," and "Flying Down to R»o." There are plenty of others too and revivals do all right if they don't come too often. * Do you suppose something could W done about it? Graduates are sighing with reUpl this week. We're willing to bet they will be sighing with loneliness when the rest of the kids go back in the Fall. It's a great awakening! f I Paper Long Made by Paper was made by hand until 1804, wnen machines began to bo Used. That "famous feud" between two Summer Clothing DRESS STRAW HATS ^ V Igloo - Sailor - OpUmo Styles ! .* $1.00 -- $1.50 $1.9$ T . WHITE OXFORIf SHOES , / . Leather and Crepe Soles $3-00 -- $4.00 SLACKS - WASH PANTS I J " $1-25 -- $1.50 -- $2 00 POLO SHIRTS--Assorted Colors ; . 75# -- $1-00 -- $1.50 Sleeveless All-Wool Slip Overt Assorted colors -- $1.00 Summer Shirts and Pants to Match! $265 -- $2.75 --$375 Jockey Shorts.and Shirts Athletic Shorts and Shirts • ~ 50tf 35c Jos* W. Freund Main Street West McHenry M I . A tiny gas flame takes the place of wearing parts . . . producing food-protecting cold and ice cubes silently and economically. Servel cap save yon enough ctfe food alone to pay for itself. Whether you're thinking of buying your first automatic refrigerator, or replacing your present one, don't decide on any make until you see Servel and understand how it works. You'll save more --for more years~4f yoo do! • HQ MOVING PARTS nits frteztaf system • PERMANENT SILENCE • CONTINUED LOW OPERATOR COST • MORE YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE • CONTINUED SAVINGS THAT PAY FOR IT WESTERN UNITE F) VVGAS^d ELECTRIC COMPANyIv'

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