Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jun 1939, p. 2

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liiiii Page Two RINGWOOD W****"' W/W.xrt . V - < • r . • • / « ' v • • - \ > * : > v ^ - t - ' » f % . * • ' , > * • > • * \ ; /,'. '* \; y ' •* .%-*) ' * y • s> ..r*,.Mm$F, H *4. .A <k .<,* t . j s ^ ^ Thursday, June J, 1939 '•••- *' they visited with Oscar Brooks and their home Thursday Evening. Prizes daughter who are here from Murray, were awarded to Mrs. Ray Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales and Sade Shales of Woodstock spent Monday evening in the Robert Howe heme. Mrs. Patrick Coyne spent Wednesday with her daughters in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales and Mr. land Mrs. Maynard Stohlquist of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe spent Tuesday in the Walter Rasch home at Slades Corners where ,>.B :.?v Lome •M... :i H, Home is 110 fnii after a fire. Haw yon enough insurance? EARL R. WALSH Phone 43 Representing IH| TRAVELERS, Hwtfocd Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and family spent Tuesday with relatives at Fontana. ^ Mr. ahd Mrs. F. * N. Muzzy and family spent Tuesday with relatives at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs.. Max Beth and son spent Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday in the Wm. Beth home. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Elgin, Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. James Conway and Helen Laurence *of- Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe and children and Mrs. Geoifee Gould of Woodstock spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine and son, Eugene, of Chicago spent Tuesday in the George Shepard home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stohlquist pf ^Woodstock spent Monday evening in the Robert Howe home. Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mrs, Leo Karls of Richmond were callers in the Mrs. Jennie Bacon home Tuesday morning. Among those from here to attend the Spring meeting of the Woimen'9 Federation of the M. E; Church at Berwyn Wednesday were: Mesdames C. J. Jepson, W. B. Harrison, Viola Low, vRay Peters, Charles Peet, H. M. Stephenson, B. T. Butler and Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Mildred Munshau, Mrs Laura Munshau and Mrs. Fannie Udall of Elgin were visitors here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Watertown, South Dakota were callers in the D. L. Hall home Thursday after^ noon. Mrs. A. Ruehlman and children spent a few days the past week with her parents in Chicago. Miss Helen Ruth Butler is visiting friends at DesMoines, Iowa.- * Miss Gladys Shepard and Alan Ainger spent the weekend in the Wm. Heine home in Chicago. Mrs. S.'W. Brown spent Saturday afternoon iiKWoodstock. Mr. and Mis. George Shepard en*- tertained thc^ five hundred "club at OBERHOFER HOTEL Twin Lakes. Wisconsin IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Saturday Only ---- Chicken Dinner - French Fries, 50c ' FRANK KEMPFEB, Prop. MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 JXTSTSN & FREUND, Props. Green St. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY FRESH PERCH Come and Enjoy Yourselves Saturday Evening at " PINK HARRISON'S • Bay -- " Divine Music - Perfect Mixed Drinks FRIED CHICKEN -- 60c : ASST. SANDWICHES BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Dancing Every Saturday Night Throughout the Season SNUG HARBOR TAVERN -- Good Place to Eat and Drink • FISH FRYS FRIDAY -- CHICKEN DINNERS 0 N S A T U R D A Y AND S U N D A Y Music by Ben Thonneson-- Watson Schimmel L-.-V Fish Fry Friday at FLO AND JOE'S TAVERN • at Volo ry^'- ----Orchestra Saturday Night ' . CENTRAL GARAGE --One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois-- Reasonable Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Electric and Acetylene Welding Cm Washing and Polishing Phone 200-J Towing George Young and Mrs. F. A. Hitcliena «nd Louis Hawley. Miss Shirley Butler has gone to Elgin where she will make her home with her brother, C. J. Cantrall. Mrs. Dick Olson attended the funeral of her uncle, Robert Richardson, at Crystal Lake, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ainger and sons of Greenwood", Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller and Martha Lea of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe of Wonder Lake spent Friday evening in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and Mrs. Lulu Sherburne were callers in the Clayton Harrison and George Shepard homes Sun day afternoon,, J C. J. Jepson, Andrew Jepson and Loren McCannon went to Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Saturday and brought Virginia Jepson; who has been attending Cornell College, home for the summer. Roland McCannon was operated upon at Sherman hospital, Elgin, Wecfa nesday for appendicitis. He is getting along nicely. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon aihd son, Loren, visited hinr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, were Sunday dinner guests of the latter's parents, Mr., and Mrs. J. R. Smith, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jespon and son of Urbana and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dewey of Armstrong spent the weekend in the C- J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison and family of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbee and family of Greenwood spent Sunday in the Clayton Harrison home. Miss Virginia Jepson went to Urbana Sunday for a visit in tpe Harold Jepson home. The Home Circle will meet wtth Mrs. Ralph Simpson on Wednesday, June 14. Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. Louis Schroeder will help serve. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. *Smith visited Wayne Smith at the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Miss Soper, Mrs. Ladd, Mrs. Foss and J. V. Buckland attended the Community Services at the Greenwood | church Sunday evening. j David and Phyllis McCannon sperit | the past week with their grandparents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. i The members of the 4-H clubs attended a meeting at Woodstock Sat-, i urday evening. Mrs. Roy Neal also I attended the meeting. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and. I family of Blue Island spent Sunday ! with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j S. H. Beatty. <• Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Bennett of Belvidere were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Sunday evening with the former's mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, and son, cBobby, spent Sunday with fter daughters at Fontana. Mr. and Mrs. George Rasmussen and family of Chicago spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters visited relatives at Hunter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson called on friends at Delavan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrfe. Ralph Smith and son of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lindemann and son, Irene Hopper and James Lindemann pf Dundee were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. Miss Dora Anderson returned home Sunday evening from Chicago where she spent the past week. Lake last Tuesday Mrs. Davis returned home%ith them for a visit. While here she called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round' Lake. Mrs. George Jepson and daughter, Mrs. Clarence Heidner, of Wauconda, were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta of Elgin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burntt last Friday. Mrs. Jane Keeler and Mrs. Irene Bonola and daughters, Jane and Betty, of Barrington, Arthur Hillier of Osh Kosh, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were supper guests lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler last Thursday. YOLO LILY LAKE SLOCUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at Waukegan last Thursday afternoon. Mr®. Marlett Henry spent last Friday in Chicago and in the evening, had dinner with Mr. Henry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons an<J, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were business callers at McHenry last Friday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were business callers at Woodstock last Friday afternoon. Ray Cook of Zion spent Monday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Emler Esping and Willard Darrell spent Saturday evenine: at the home of M.r and Mrs. Harry Matthews. > Miss Frances Davis and Martin Bauer spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Willard Darrell and A. D. Smith of Libertyville attended a Feed Dealer's convention at Milwaukee, Wis., Monday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and Joe Wagner spent last Friday night at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. John WJagner at Round Lake. Misses Orissa Brown and Althea Coss and Mrs. Meta Coss and Misses Betty and Shirley Robinson of Wauconda spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mrs. Ella Parks and son, Hugh, of Park Ridge were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. v 1 Mrs. Celia Dowell and son, Merle, were business callers at McHenry on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Espin,r and Willard Darrell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailey at Amboy. Chesney Brooks was a business caller at McHenry Fnday afternoon. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent Monday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jane Keeler, at Barrington. G. J. Burnett was a recent business caller at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett called at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt and Mrs Daisy. Davis at Crystal Community Night, will be held the Volo school Thursday evening on June 15. . • ' Miss Stella Dowell of 6locum's Lake is spending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. John Passfield. , The Volo 4-H boys met at the home of Richard Fisher Saturday evening. Mrs. Wiliam Wirtz and family, Mrs, Lloyd Fisher and family, Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and family and Mrs. Etta Converse attended the eighth grade graduation exercises at the Wauconda Township High school Wednesday evening. Mf. and Mrs. Ray Howard of Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley Sunday." Mrs. Sarah Fisher spent a few days the past week at the home of her daughter. Mrs Leslie Davis, fit Slocum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, James, spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. an<V» Mrs. G. Vasey in Waukegan. Miss Dorothy Klemm is spending this week at Burlington, Iowa, with friends. Mr. and Mfs. Joseph St. George spent Mon<ia^\j here at the home 6f Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Clarence Grabbe of Crystal Lake was a Saturday caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Vasey. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters, ArvHla Ann and Mary Lou, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at Slocum's Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stoltz of Villa Park visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Evanston spent Thursday here at the hotme of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St, George. Mrs. Magnus Ullrich and son of Barrington spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ross of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. J. Balmes of Evanston were Thursday evening guests .it the home of Mr..and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Charles pushing and G. A. Vasey of Belvidere were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. John Joseph Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner, was injured recently while riding his motorcycle His many friends here hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Lloyd Benwell of West Mc Henry visited Mrs. Walter Vasey on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Clinge and daughter, Evelyn, of Barrington spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. M*. and Mrs. Lloyd Fishei^ and family, Mrs. William Wirtz and fam ily, Mrs. Alvin Case and family and Mrs. M. O'Brien attended Memorial services at Wauconda Tuesday morning. daughter, Marie, of Volo vwited with relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Leo Freund and Mrs. John A. Miller motored to Waukegan Monday. Jerry Baer and friends of Chicago were callers here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller attended the wedding of Miss Viola -Schmitt at Spring Grove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and daughter spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago. Bernard Althoff motored to Crystal Lake Sunday evening. Miss Lois Freund of Chicago spent1 Sunday in the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaefer of Chicago are spending a few days with relatives here. Math Lay of Spring Grove was a caller here Sunday. Mrs. H. Kendall and Mrs. W.:Fletcher of Canada visited the home of Mrs. F. Straus over the weekend. ' Mr and Mrs. George Esser of Chicago spent Tuesday and the weekend at their cottage. Miss Lillian Schonauer of Chicago visited the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert iSwanson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and children of Chicago spent Tuesday and the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Wehner and daughters of Chicago spent the weekend at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero spent the weekend at their home. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Tuesday were Mr. and Mfs. S. Grout and daughn ters, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paul and daughters, Miss Margaret Farrell, Agnes Paul, Mrs. Richardt Driscoll, Nora McCalla, (mother of Mrs. Klabough), Mr. and Mrs. Ted Riley and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hailey Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nexson and daughter, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. DeJohn and son of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Kagen of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Strnad have moved from Chicago to their hon>e at Lily Lake. Miss Viola Brady, Miss Mary Hubbell, Mrs. Helen Robinson and son, Billie, of Chicago spent the weekend at their home at Lily Lake. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Geore Schuhrke, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gehrke and daughter, Leslie Olerman, Faunchia Bulka, Oliver Ollerman and friend, June, Edmund Podgorski, Ellen Stovner, Walter Schwab, Ethel Levee and H. E. Reimer, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily LAke. A double birthday party was held on Mrs. Wilbert Swanson and Carl O. Swanson iSaturday, June 3. Games and singing were enjoyed after which a lovely lunch was served. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. George Sielisch, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum, Mr. and Mrs. George Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch, Wilbert Swanson, and Mrs. C. Swanson and daugh. ter, Lois, all of Lily Lakei* Mr. and Mrs. Sielisch of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Stensel of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Dinner guests at tM^home of Mr. and Mrs. Strnad Stinday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Claussen and son and daughter and Mr. arid Mrs. Lester Ven able and daughter, Marilyn, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Remembering, Forgetting ^We have much to remember," said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "yet it is often lost in the accumulation of what we have to forget.". flickers Pierce Drain Pipes ^ Flickers can peck holes in metal drain pipes. Turtles Called Living Fossils Tiptles have been called livinf fossils, because they are the most ancient type of reptile with livinf representatives. S-'v * ; Beaver Has Good Bite ^ A beaver can bite through a frwinch plank in 20 minutes. HIRES ONI mm mmm s t e m has ^ND at the right . are listed some of the other operating advantages this different refrigerator offers. Every one adds up to bat one result: over the years, you get mow refrigerator--and more refrigeration • NO MMM nuns Is frMztag ijitii • • CONTWKD LOW OKSHY. INC COST --for your money with Servel Elee^--• *9^ YE**S 0F ABLE SERVICE troluz. Come in today, see the beaf? tiful models now on displtv here. • CONTINUED SAVINCS THAT PAY FOR IT SAVE MORE--FOR MORE YEARS More than a million Servel Electrolux refrigerators are saving in silence year after year all over the country. JOHNSBURG Mif. George King, Mrs. George ZarnstorfF and Mrs. Mike Gorski motored to Chicago Thursday. L Mrs. Harold Gielow was a Woodstock caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J, Meyers and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer and Laura and Elmer Meyers attended the funeral of Mrs Mararet Thomas Tn Chicago on Thursday. Walter Freund of Ingleside was a caller here Saturday evening. Mrs. Jake Justen of Waukegan visited with her sister, Mrs. Ben Stilling, Sunday. ' Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoif. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers of Spring Grove were callers here Sunday. Mrs. Robert Schaefer and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer called on Mrs. Wm, -$± Meyers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. NicTc Berthang of Aurora and Miss Katherine Schmitt of Chicago attended the funeral of their uncle, Joseph Schmitt, here Monday. Miss Annabel Meyers returned home Saturday after spending the winter months at Miami Beach, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund of Chicago attended the funeral of El* mer Huemann here Thursday. R»v. Father Schmitt of Oklahoma is spending a few wpeks with friends and relatives here. Joe Huemann, Mrp. Ai^pa Lunken-: heimer and Mrs. Frank Mathieu were Chicago callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent Sunday in the ^iome of Mrs. John A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lois and daughter of Burlington, Wis., visited with Mrs. Wm. Althoff and other relar tives here Sunday. ' Joe Schmitt and Mrs. Fred Schmitt visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt in Beloit, Wis., Wednesday. < Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann of Chicago spent a few day£ in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Spring Grove were caljers here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Jfrs. Henry Stoffel and GAS a«d ELECTRIC COMPANY * inuk Mt«M Regardless of what ifiake of car you are now driving,' we urge you to drive a new Chevrolet with Exclusive Vacuum Gearshift, which goes into action automatically and supplies 80 per cent of the shifting effort, the moment you,, touch it with your Anger, thanks to an exclusive vacuum booster! You, owe it to yourself to learn how much more easily and effortlessly and efficiently you can shift gears with Chevrolet's Exclusive •Vacuum Gearshift. So please accept this invitation to see your Chevrolet dealer today; take the wheel of the nation's largest selling motor car; shift with that Exclusive Vacuum Gearshift and watch Chevrolet out-sprint the field! McHENRY, ILL.

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