Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1939, p. 2

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* •' - '• • • Thursday, June 15, 1939 * * > 4. V. ! « . - DON'T SLEEP WHEN GAS PRESSES HEART If you can't eat or sleep because s bloats you up try ADLERIKA. One dose usually relieves stomach gas .pressing on heart. Adlerika cleans out BOTH upper and lower bowels. THOMAS P. BOLGER, Druggist JMNCrWOOD The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Louis Hawley Friday, June 16. Mrs. Louis Schroeder entertained the Scotch Bridge Club at her home ' - . . J ' • "v; . V MI PLACE RESTAURANT 'phone 377 JTJSTEN & FREUND, Propi. Green St v FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY--FRESH PERCH t< - * -V - " - . • - .J *, .' V ' ' I t . . ' . 'v ' :;A" '•'•v .. ' ' Grand Opening OBERHOFER HOTEL TWIN LAKES, WIS. ' ""..r ' - . . " ' . . '-'v.- "•> * ' . ' Managed by Frank Ketnpfer • Saturday Night, June 24 !E iROAST YOUNG PIG WITH SAUERKE -Vv FREE ROAST iSAUERKRAITT Music and Dancing Door Prize F U N F OR A L L SCHLITZ BEER on Tap Phone: Genoa 7&J-3 'V-. fv. V- ~h-- v / ? • - . ' f. /- 1 - * : • ft: Gome and Enjoy Yourselves Saturday Evening at PINK HARRISON'S -- -- A t P i s t a k e e B a y Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks FRIED CHICKEN --60c : ASST. SANDWICHES BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA rhiricmg Every Saturday Night Throughout the Season SNUG HARBOR TAVERN Good Place to Eat and Drink FISH FRYS FRIDAY -- CHICKEN DINNERS ON S A T U R D A Y A N D S U N D A Y ----- Music by Ben Thonnesoii Watson Schimmel if . : M:, P ! - • % * p.- THE FAMOUS GUM-DIPPED TIRES Some Real Bargains r with any other standard tire: and your old tire 4.50x21 4.75x19 535x18 5.50x17 6.00x16 6-04 7.02 7-70 8-39 Remember, this is Firestone, the best obtainable! Phdne294 Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery ' Charging and Repairing West McHenry k- # . Your Rent Money Will Pay For This Delightful Cape Cod Home rtto]Roott ifsVq'j" cuost Livimo Poo* BttRooi KJTCUEN irj\?Sof foVl'o" DKIN0 ROM KJ'JVlJ'J 6»R*Gl qbVwb' Phone 5 FINANCED BY LOCAL I NSTITUTIONS AND Bl'ILT BY YOUK FAVORITE CONTRACTOR. SEE US FOR Fi; RTHEU DETAILS.J 1 Alexander Lumber Co. West McHenry Wednesday afternoon] Prizes awarded to Mrs. C. J. J Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmer and son, Robert, of Waukegan were guests of Alice Mae Low Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson entertain* ed the Bunco Club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Prizes were merited by Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Nick Freund. Patricia Cristy and Shirley Neal spent the past week at Urbana where they went as delegates from the 4-H Club to the convention. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were visitors at Waukegan Wednesday afternoon. The Young Adults group were entertained in the home of Miss Althea Benoy near Greenwood Thursday even* ing. The usual business meeting was hfeld wid a social evening followed. The Ladies' Aid Society will sponsor an electric roaster demonstration at the Royal Blujt Store at 2:30 BST, Friday afternoon, June 23. . Mrs. J^red Wiedrich, Jr., attended a shower at Harvard Tuesday after*- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendreth of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. James Harrison returned to Washington, D. C. Sunday after spending his vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet.' Mrs. E. C. Hawley of Morristown, Ind., is visiting in the Louis Hawley home. • • The Ladies' Aid Society will serve a supper in the Royal Blue Hall Wednesjjsy, June 28. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stohlquist of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe. Mrs. Libbie Ladd, Miss Soper and J. V. Buckland were Sunday dinner guests in the George Dixon home at Eagle Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant and daughters, Audrey antf Mrs. Charles Coles, spent Sunday afternoon in the Roy Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Meloy of Clinton, Wis., were callers in the Rev. Collins home Tuesday. Mrs. M'ayjne Harrison of McHenry spent the weekend in the J. Q. Pearson home. Mrs. Nick Young attended & shower for Marie Young at Solon Mills Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bratz and daughter, Marie, of Chicago spent Sunday in th A. Ruehlman home. Rev. Sam Pollock of Antioch was a supper guest in the home of Kev. Col-" lins Sunday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, spent Friday in the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family spent Sunday in the Georgia Harrison home at Woodstock. Mrs. S. W. Smith and Miss Mercedes Lindemann spent Thursday afternoon in the Wfm. Wurtzinger home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son spent Sunday afternoon with thf latter's mother at Richmond. Mr: and Mrs. Elmer Olson and family were callers in the Fred Wiedrich home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hopper and family of Crystal Lake were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son and Frank Wiedrich called on friends at Woodstock Saturday evening. Miss Florence Zapfe and Walter Hitsel of Chicago were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. Miss Mae Wiedrich and Charles and Joe Carr were callers at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were callers at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Miss Betty Brennan, Fontana, spent Thursday night at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, and son, Bobby, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at Elkhorn and Fontana. Mrs. Frank Johnson and daughter, Janet, of Harvard spent from Thursday until Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Harry Anderson and sons of Richmond spent Sunda^-evening with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. LILY LAKE Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Strnad ove/ the weekend were their son, Harry Strnad, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sebesta of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bender Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bender and Miss Herron, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt and family of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sarley Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bernsl|en, and Mr. and Mrs Friedman of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Sielisch of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Visitors in the home of Madelaine D. Harber over the weekend were her mother, Mrs. O. A. Harber and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Broska, all of Chicago. Miss Viola Brady, Miss Mary Hubbell arid Mrs. Helen Robinson and son, Billie, all of Chicago, spent the wekend at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson of Chicago spent Sunday .at Lily Lake^ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Einspar and baby of Chicago visited the home ©f his parents, Mr. and Mre." Einspar, ov^p the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Art Olson of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Sudil Farber of Chicago visited the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Gold, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Kiehl of Chicago hav« moved to Lily Lake. Mrs. Kiehl is the daughter of Mt. and Mrs. George Then. Mrs. Nora McCalla of Chicago visited the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. .and Mrs. Ray Bloom strand of Chicago visited the home of her mother, Mrs. Lottie Bransford, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Miss Annette Cahill of Chicago is spending the summer at the home of Mrs. Mae Budil. Visitors in her home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Hornbostel and Alice Cahill of Chicago. Mrs. Ted Budil ana son, Ted, also of Chicago, spent a few days at the home of the latter recently. Mr. arid Mrs. Carl 0. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago sperjt the weekend at their cottage. . Mrs. A. Seyfferh nd Mrs. Einspar and daughter, Geraldine,' were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Eastham and Mr. and Mrs. John Eastham, all of Chicago, visited the home of Mrs. Lavin over the weekend. '& Mr. and Mrs. Stensel of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Kagen and baby son of Chicago moved out to their cottage for the summer. JOHNSBURG Louis Althoff visited Mrs. Wm. Althoff on Mrs. Leo Ling was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. Mrs. Joe King and daughter, Eleanor, and Mrs. Leo Smith motored to Waukegan Thursday afternoon. Miss Thellna Jackson and Mrs. Jack Bodte and daughter, Pauline, were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Elmer Meyers and George Jackson were Woodstock callers Thursday morning. Mr. and Mi s. Jack Bodte were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday evening. Mrs. Win. J. Meyers and daughter, Annabel, and son, LeRoy, visited with Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Waukegan on Thursday. Mrs. Ford Jackson and Mrs. Frank May were Waukegan callers Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Wiggines is spending few days with relatives in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs, in the home of Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Freund and Gerald Freund motored to Ohio Friday to attend a wedding and also visit Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bugner and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent, the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Miss Kathrina^ Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr-, and Mrs. Alex Freund of Chicago visited with relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Darrell Kirk arid daughter, Darlene, of Mattoon, 111., are spending few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Jack Bode. Mrs. Arthur Peters spent Tuesday with relatives at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of Spring Grove visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels Wednesday evening. Miss Gertrude Williams spent tSunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. John A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith and Mr. and Mrs. George Michels motored to Holy Hill, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffien and children of Genoa and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zarnstorff of Woodstock and Mrs. Geo. King and family spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. The children of St. John's parish held their school picnic Monday at closing of the school. Mrs. Mike Gorski and family and Mrs. George Zarnstorff spent Tuesday with their sister, Mrs. George King. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls are entertaining relatives from Chicago this week. SLOCUM'S LAKE evening at the Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. )H. C. Gilkerson of Libertyville were' callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. David Morehouse, Miss Helen Lawless, Miss Helen Phelan and Peter Jacobs of Chicago were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Harvey Obenauf ol Libertyville ;s spending this summer at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dorwin of Wauconda were Sunday afternoon guests at the home ofVMr. and Mrs. Harry M&tthews. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, visited relatives and friends at Crystal Lai/- last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanNatta, Mrs. Mary Wright, Mrs. Eliza Lockwood of Crystal Lake were callers Monday afternoon at the home Ojt Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett, Mrs. Catherine Wagner spent Sunday afternon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. TOW) Robert Dunker, Stanley Brown, Wayne Pankonin, Harry Case and Richard Fisher of the Volo 4-H Club enjoyed the 4-H tour at the state university Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The boys were accompanied by James Davis, their leader. Mrs. Alvin Case entertained her Alumni club at her home Wednesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Pepper, Mrs. Archie Foss, Miss LaVerne Stone and Mrs. Melvin Stone. A delicious lunch was served at the close of a very pleasant evening. Harold Smith, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith of Minneapolis, Kansas, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Tuesday to sjiend his summer vacation. Miss Neda Bacon of Round Lake spent the past week with her aunt, Miss Vinnie Bacon. The officers of the Volo 4-H Club met at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Karl Magnussen in Fremont township Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son, James, were. Waukegan business callers Saturday. Miss Vinnie Bacon called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon, near Round Lake Saturday. Messrs. Herman Dunker, Walter Vasey, Alvin Case and Lloyd Fisher attended a PMA meeting at the town hall in Mundelein Friday evening. The Volo Cemetery Society met. at the home of Mrs. John Passfield ofi Thurs(fcy afternoon. Auction five hundred and airplane bunco furnished entertainment for the afternoon. After a very enjoyable afternoon, a dainty lunch brought the afternoon to a close. Arvilla Ann Fisher is spending a few days at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda. Miss Gladys Vasey of Waukegan spent Friday evening at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Many friends here are sorry to learn that Mrs. C. Anderson is very ill at her home and hope for a speedy recovery. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau will meet at the home of Mrs. William Fink Wednesday, June 14. 'The lesson will be on "Frozen Foods" and "Interesting Places to Visit in the Southwest Region of the United States." Mrs. Herman Dunker and daugbers spent Friday at the home of Mrs. M. Dunker at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Williams of Crystal Lake were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. • v The Friendly Neighbors group will meet at the home of Mrs. WJlliam Wirtz Wednesday, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe and family of Crystal Lake were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George attended the funeral services for. the latter's grandmother, Mrs. A. Stehik, in Berwyn Saturday. Church services will be held at the Volo Bible Church Sunday evening, June 25, instead of June 18, due to Rev. Hapelje being away on his vacation. Dr. Paul JL Schwabe mS OPTOMETRIST McHenry 12S-J 674 THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DON'T BUY A MOWER UNTIL YOU SEE THE LIGHT-DRAFf OIL-BATH MO WE R new Case mower. The g^mrs are placed behind the axle, balancing the •turdy one-piece frame and taking weight off the neckvoke. The floating cutter bar :s sidedraft. The enclosed with oil-bath and pressure lubrication run lighter and last longer. Drop in-- see these features--also the easy opera. ' tion of the Hi-lift--and look over other light draft Case hay tools. W H Y W O R R Y YOUR HORSES WITH N f C K W E I G H T AND SIDE-DRAFT? 1" . . . ; GEORGE P. FREUND Phone 111-W On Illinois 31, West McHenry - '-.1 Pi » any 3 Gr«*t,r l o w c o a t 5 x p o - w * * t h « w i u - °* 3 rift ®MM >rictd\ '•-sswsSsSsr • STANOA*J>ANOtlN0 READY MW AT Ml SfdffMkD Oil DEALERS J Willard Darrell was a business caller at Waukegan last Saturday. Mrs. Etta Co^erse is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mort Jensen was a business caller at Waukegan Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Lake, spent a few days the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Robert Matthews returned home on Saturday evening after spending the past three days at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Williett and daughter, Joyce, and son, Buddy, of Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Worrell and sons, Charles and Donald, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Culberson at the John Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fink spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner were business callers in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson, who aro employed at the Blomgren farm, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Saturday evening. Miss Ethel Dowell is employed at the Cross-road tearoom. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown at Lily Lake. M rs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Ethel, were < afllers at Crystal Lake on Saturday evening.~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday FREE •t Louis* Crystal Ballroom FOX RIVER GROVE Leonard's Blue Rhythm Band

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