Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1939, p. 4

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• .. /'i-v:? PtgePottr THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months .$2.00 ..$1.00 A. H. MOSSIER Editor and Manager ersonm Mrs. John Zimmer of Island Lake and son, Leo, of Palatine were caHtr$ Here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Angles^ left' Monday for a several days' visit in Morrison, 111. . Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph visitors Sunday, \ ; % Ben Wegener of Chicago was a recent McHenry caller where he visited friend? and relatives. \ • • Mrs.. Merlvin" Kent and family of .Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Jeanne Warner and Doris Pilcher of El^in visited relatives of the former here on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hartweil ^ind Miss Mary McGuire of Evanston visited McHenry friends Sunday. Tommy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hartweil, is spending several weeks here. Miss Georgi&na Donahue of Huntley is visiting with Miss Genevieve Knox several days this week. Mrs. Edward Larkin and daughters Eleanor and, Mrs. Robert Frisch, of Elgin called on relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kadditz of Lake Gerieva visited with Miss Genevieve Knox Sunday. Their daughter, Mary Margaret, who had spent the week here, returned home with them. Mrs. May Senser, Anthony Tresky and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hassett of Chicago were visitors in the Thomas Kane home Sunday. Mrs. Violet Woodward of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vycital. Guests in the Charles Rietesel home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenske and Mr. and M"rs. Herbert Fenkse and children of Chicago. Mrs. Ray Conway, Miss Knox and Mrs. Clarence Douglas Elgin visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vales of Cicero and Albert Vales, Jr., of Chicago spent Sunday in the Albert Vale shome here. • r v ' ' Mr. and Mrs. George McClellan and son, George, of Lake Geneva visited his sister, \$j*^Thomas Kane,. Sunday,,' . „ " Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye of Milwaukee, Wis., spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. John Sutton of Dix;on visited relatives here a few days this week. Vernon J. Knox. Att< STATE .OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRYj I®. IN THE CIRCUIT CO J. B..KELTER, r individually; CARD OF THANKS We wish in this way to sincerely thank relatives, neighbors and friends for kindnesses, donations, sympathy and beautiful floral offerings extend ed to us during our recent bereavement. Also those who so kindly do* nated use of cars. MRS. ROBERT PATZKE *4 AND CHILDREN; July 4th Clearance Sale Used Cars! •' • ' " * Here is your opportunity to get yourself a better Use4 Car, at the right price, and with a guarantee that means dependable transportation with no repair expense to you. Many Makes and Models to choose from -- Afew of which we are listing. FORD, 1938 -- Fordor Sedan. Beautiful bine fin- * ish. Equipjted with ^radio, heater and defroster; Whitenvall tires; Mohair upholstery. ^ PONTIAC, 1935--4-Boor Sedan. Beautiful new green finish. Equipped with radio and heater. I'll is car carries our far mous 50-50 written guarantee and must be seen to be appreciated. FORD, 1936--DeLuxe Tu- „ dor Touring Sedan. Has a beautiful blue finish. Original paint. Equipped with radio, heater and defroster. Backed by a written R&G Money- Back Guarantee I * FORD, 1937--157-in. Dual Wheel Truck. Reconditioned motor. Equipped with dual wheels. PLYMOUTH, 1936--Two- Door Sedan with Trunk. Excel lent • mecli a n i c a 1 condition. Black finish. Fully guaranteed. 1 CHEVROLET, 1931 -- A Coach. This car is in .very fine mechanical condition, and must be driven to really know how good it is. Original paint. Tires very good. Brakes are new. 50-50 guarantee. FORD, 1935--DeLuxe 3- AVindow Coupe. New paint in latest green. Motor and brakes completely overhauled. Our written 50-50 guarantee goes with this car. Equipped with radio and heater. AUBURN, 1932 --Sedan. This car is priced so low that you'll be agreeably surprised when you see it! - HELEN et al, Defendant*. Complaint in Chancery to ' Trust Deed -- No. 28750. Affidavit showing that the defendants. Helen A. Reed, individually, Helen A. Reed, Executrix of the Last Genevieve Will §nd Testament of Charles A. iglas wWef "Reed, Deceased, and "Unknown Owners" of the following described real state: Commencing Two (2) chains and .thirty-four (34)/links South thirtv- ninc and three-fourths (39%) degrees west of the west corner of Lot Number Thirteen (13) of Peter H. Klapperick's Subdivision of part of the Southwest quarter of Section eight (8) Township Forty-five (45) North of Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian on the Northwest ' bank of Fox River, thence "South thirty-nine and three - fourths (39%) degrees west one (1) chain and twenty-eight (28) links thence East fifty and one-half (50%) degrees South three (3) chains and eighty-four (84) links, thence at right angljs North fifty and one-half (50%) v4pgrees Enst one (1) chain and twentyfive (25) links, thence At right angles west fifty and me-naif , (50%) degrees North along the Southwest line of one acre of land deeded to Charles Champion four chains and twelve (12) links to the place of beginning, containing one-half acre of land, averaging sixteen (16) rods in length and five (5) rods in width, situated in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. reside or have gone out of this state so that pfrocess cannot be served upon them or any of them, or that tKe said Defendants are concealed within this state so that process cannot be served upon them and that the said Defendants on due inquiry, cannot, nor can any of them, be found so that process cannot be served upon said Defendants, having been filed in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, notice is therefore, hereby given to said Defendants that the Plaintiff in the above entitled cause fried his Complaint in said cause on the 12th day of June, 1939, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said Court and that you, the said aboVe named Defendants, must fUe your appearance in said action on or before the Third Monday in the month of July,-1939 and in the event that you fail to-do so, default may be entered against you. . ' WILL T. CONN, Clerk of said Court. (Pub. June 15 - 22 - 29) ; • s • . • * TBI MCHENBY PLAINDKALEK •vine iu, lfhwnn FOE SALE - _ • ' . • PUT DAD IN THE SWIM WITH A -- Jantzen. A *rreat swim companion. See "em at McGEE'S. « 4 FOR SALE--General Electric Table model radio. Very reasonable. Call 216-R. , *3-2 Low Cost UCC Authorized FORD Finance Plan Buss-Page Motor Sales Phone 1 Main Street West McHenry FOR SALE--28-46 Avery Thresher, good, $175. John Deere Model D Tractor, $1JS. McCorjjiick-Deering 15-30 Tractoil, $175. Earl Barron, Grayslake, Phone Grayslake 2831. 3-2 GIVE DAD FRUIT OF THE LOOM PAJAMAS--Lastex Pliabelt. No buttons, strings, bunching, pinching. Iron easier. $1.65 - $2.00. them at McGEE'S. FOR SALE--Three full-blood Fox Terrier Pyps; children's pets. Robert Anderson, Ringwood. Across from M. E, church. *4 FOR (SALE--74x137% ft. lot on Main street, % block from Mchenry high school. All improvements in and paid fpf. Call Sheldrake 3385, Chicago. •4-2 FOR SALE--16-ft. Clinker Boat and Evinrude Sportwin Motor; also full China dinner set. D. C. Butler, Fox street, McHenry. Phone 79-W. *4 FOR SALE--Single Row Cultivator. Robert Vogt, Phone McHenry 616-W-2. 4 FOR SALE--75-lb. 3-door refrigerator, $4.00; R^ed "baby stroller, $3.00; Crosley Showbox Portable Radio, $5.00. F. N. Muzzy, Rinfrwood. *4 HAVING SOLI) MY RESlDENCE--I will purchase farm from 10 to 50 acres and will pay all cash if price is right. Address Box 427, McHenry, 111. *4-2 WANTED--Girl «r Woman for general housework. No washing. Home nights. Riverside Drive. Inquire of Johansen, care of Charles Lasch. v4 GAR. MEMORIAL TO BE ERECTED AT ANTIOCH, ILL Antioch Daughters of G. A. R. to Dedicate Monument a£ Antioch in July A memorial to Civil War veterans from the Antioch region will be erected in Hillside^cemetery by Monroe fortress, Daughters of the G. A. R., with the co-operation of the national organization, it was announced last June Wedding "v•'-l r '-. V. --• ' ,7 •V v:V • • The memorial, which is to be of dia mond gray granite, highly polished, will (have a five'and one-half foot base. It is being prepared and, engraved at the Zoia Monument company plant at Woodstock, 111. It will bear the, dates 1861-1865 and a G.A. R. emblem, below which will appear an inscription, "Lest We Forget the Boys in Blue." Also on the monument will be the lines, "Erected by the National Daughters of the G. A. R., 1939, Monroe Fortress of Antioch, 111. The marker will stand at the left front entrance of the cemetery. The dedication will probably take place the latter part of July. The granite memorial now being prepared by the Zoia Monument company is expected to be an impressive addition to the cemetery. The Zoia Company has been located in Woodstock for forty-nine years, and aside from being an old reliable establishment, the company envoys a splendid reputation for excellent workmanship. The Zoia company has erected many of the finest monuments in this vicinity.--Antioch News. MR. AND MRlS. HENRY GROSS Miss Viola jSichmitt, daughter of Joseph Schmitt of Spring Grove,/ and Mr. Henry Gross, son of Mrs. Louise Gross of DesPlaines, were married Saturday afternoon, June 3, in a pretty FRED ROGERS FAMILY RECEIVES INVITATION TO STANDARD OIL FETE WANTED--Pupils' who need private tutoring during summer months. Inquire at this office. ' 4 WANTED-rGirl for general housework. Pistakee 609-J-2. 4 (jABBY QERTIE HELP WANTED--Man to assist in dairy. State full details in ftrst letter, giving ape, education, experience, iflast employment, if fnarried, and phone numbfer. Address, Box "Z," Plaindealer Office. 4 ^,i„ • • - LOST LOST--Reddish-brown Cocker Spaniel, male, white spot on chest; Sunday, on Route No. 20, halfway between McHenry & Woodstock. Child's pet. If found, please call Avenue 7276, Chicago, reversing charges. Reward." MISCELLANEOUS / "The term 'necking* with a dark knight. He his honey and nectar." McHenry Post No. 491-American Legion Wites you, your family and friends to their FOUR-DAY CARNIVAL , Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, £"3.4 / GAMES FERRIS WHEEL ALL KINDS OF AMUSEMENTS S o m e t h i n g to amuse a l l t h e p e o p l e a l l t h e t i m e GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS FOURTH 0W JULY NIGHT NEW G-E FEATURES -- >939 Gen eral Electric Refrigerator brings you correct temperatures for dairy products and all general storage. New lower prices. Terms. CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP, Green Street, McHenry. Phone 251. 4 DRI-GAS FUEL SERVICE--Two cylinders hold several months' supply. When one is empty, switch to other and call us. Phone 284 . ALTHOFF HARDWARE. 4 ALLIS - CHALMERS TRACTOR -- Model "WC" hhs starting and lighting equipment. Night work when you need it. Get descriptive booklet. R. M. FLEMING, Phon£ 33. 4 WE DO UPHOLSTERING--Old chair* or overstuffed pieces, re-finished to your order. We'll make it look like new. CARL RIETESEL. Phbne 109-W. 4 STONES. STUMPS, CONCRETE OR DITCHES DUG--Or anything else removed. Estimates free. Call Richmond 842. Arthur Staines, McHenry, 111., Route 1. WHITEWASHING and DISINFECTING BARNS and other farm buildings. Herman Rossdeutcher, Volo, P.O. Address, Route 1, Round Lake, HI., Phonte 628-W-2. ^ *1-4 GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let dispose of your garbage each i or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf Fred Rogers, Standard Oil agent and his family today received an invitation to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Standard Oil company of Indiana at an old-fashioned picnic at Joliet, Sunday, June 18. More than 500 persons, including employees, agents, annuitants and their families, will attend the celebration, which will be one of 100 affairs of various kinds at which 100,000 persons will greet the birthday at marketing and refining points. The" celebration will recall that Standard of Indiana was incorporated for the building of a refinery at Whiting, Ind., on June 18, 1889, when its principal product was kerosene for lighting the lamps and heating the stoves of what was then the "west With the coming ofx the "horseless carriage," the business grew rapidly, until today the Whiting plant, which is the largest complete reftnery in the world, and five other refineries make gasoline, motor oil, kerosene, grease, spray, polish and altogether 2000 pe troleum products for distribution to 23,000 Standard of Indiana dealers who serve 8,000,000 customers in Iowa and thirteen other middlewest states. • . • - •'>W5V. *1 • , - *• • . • , ceremony performed in the rectory of St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, by P Rtev, Fr. Daleiden. Mr. and Mrs. Gross are making thoif home in DesPlaines. Among the Sick Mrs. Jos. Brefeld is ill at her home on Park street. Ferdinand Baur is recovering nicely from an operation performed at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Carl H. Carlson underwent an operation at Sherman hospital at Elg* in Monday1* ^ Edward Buss returned home Saturday from St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago, where he had undergone observation. Mrs. 'Frank May and children of Chicago are quarantined' with scarlet fever. COMING EVENTS Jane 15 . • •• Meeting--C. D. of A. r June 18 Bridge Dedication--Johnsburg. June 25 Public Card Party--E. R. R. Improvement Assn.--M. A. Sutton. June 26 Advance Night--O. E. S. Mrs. Bernard O'Connell returned to her home in Chicago Monday after a few weeks visit with relatives here. Ben Wegener of Chicago spent Wednesday with relatives and friends in McHenry. Mrs. Mina Frisby and daughter Ruth, of Elgin visited Mito. Mary O'Flaherty last Thursday. Mrs. Fred Ernst and daughter Mary, of Chicago called on friends here Monday. of Coal The earliest historical record of coal is that of Theophrastus, 300 B. C., who says in his book on stones that coal is used by blacksmiths in Greece and Italy. The earliest mention of coal in England was that made by the bishop of Durham, 1190 A. D. Coal was mined in Bel about 1200 A. D. In 1239 A. D ry III granted a license to mine coal. Coal was first shipped to London in 1240. In 1306, the burning of coal in London was prohibited because of the smoke. Geographic Center of New York The geographic center of New York state is located in Madison county, six miles southeast of Oneida. Preserve Hay Silage with PHOSPHORIC ACID For $1.27 you can preserve one ton of legume hay for silage by use of Phosphoric Acid, which can be applied very easily through silo filler. This method permits cutting hay in any kind of weather and saving entire crop. Also, Phosphoric Acid is good for livestock. We have it on hand at 8c per lb. Phone your order noiw. Hartland Fertilizer Go* HARTLAND, ILLINOIS I AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all-kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair work. J. B. Hettermann, Johnsburg. Tel. f,40-W-2. 42-tf ENSEMBLE IN BLUE Read the Want Ads Satisfaction fiaaraateel Or Your Money Back! What co jld be fairer than this. You try fc complete Water Heater or a Conversion Unit for your present su rage tank -- in your own home! Test it, use it -- en joy it for 3P days. Then check operating cost on your Gas bill. If you are not completely satisfied, u>e will refund the payments made on the new unit and remote it at our expense m This wool ensemble by Alese Maguy is in two shades of bine, clear and marine. The jacket is trimmed with taffeta flowers. Subscribe for The Plaindealer START NOW "ti Enjdy Plenty of Hot Water ALWAYS READY --Day or Night • Think what this means to you! ^With Automatic Gas Water Heatiftg, just a turn of a faucet brings hot wate^nstantly. No waiting or watching ---no unnecessary work. You and your family can have hot water galore-"- for baths, washing, dishes, cleaning --ready at any time of day or night. What does it cost? Amaringly little *-- as you yourself can prove. Take advantage of our special offer of "Satisfaction Guaranteed--Or Your Money Back." You risk nothing -- and you are not obligated in any way !i Get facts -- now! Tjr^STlSRN UNITET^ WGAS ELECTRIC COMPANYLy STORAGE MODERN AUTOMATIC HEAT r v

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