Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1939, p. 8

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t Page Eight THE MtiHUfRlL PLA1NDKALS& Thursday, Jane 22,192 •i-'f h£v- U - . CONTRACT CLUB Mm. Albert Barbian was hostess to nembers of her bridge club last Wednesday afternoon. A' lovely salad was •Crved preceding cards. High honors "•'la contract bridge went to Miss Clara stiller and Mrs. Harold Owen. • • • « PARTY SUCCESSFUL The public card party sponsored by ie Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church in the church hall last Thursday afternoon proved a successful affair,. Mrs. Ray Conway was in charpe of the' well-attended social '.•vent. , \ The prize in" contract bridge was Merited bj* Mrs. ^.lbert Barbian; in Suction bridge, by Mrs. Ellen Whiting And Mrs. HenVy Miller; in pinochle, by Mrs. M. A, Sutton and in five hundred, bv Mrs. Peter Dohefty and Mrs. •Walter* Walsh. " Clare Whiting Of Elgin favored with it- group of readings following the games and refreshments of strawberjy shortcake and coffee were served. LADIES' AID The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid society will be held in the M. E. Community church basement Thursday afternoon, June 29. Mrs., Ray Page will act as hostess and the afternoon will be spent at sewing for the bazaar. » * • J. R. CLUB' , Jlrg. AJbert Vales was hostess to members of the J. R. Club at her home Tueday afternoon. Bridge furnished diversion for the afternoon, with prizes being won by Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Mrs. John Phaliri. Refreshments were served. . ; , V : -. . » * • \ . - V " ; . C - D ^ o f A social meeting of tfte Catholic Daughters of America was held in the K. of C. hall last Thursday evening at which time cards were played and refreshments served. Mrs. Richard Fleming was in charge. Pr izes in bridge were won by Mrs. Charles Pich and Mrs. Anna Howard and in five hundred by Mrs. Edward J. Bliss. ,• • * FAREWELL PARTY Bev. and Mrs. Minar Gerrard and children, who left Tuesday for Omaha, Nebr., where they will spend the summer months, were tendered a farewell Monday evening by members of the congregation. . The party, which was held in the church basement, w'as well attended. A pot-luck supper was enjoyed at 6:30 p. m., and the remainder of the evening was spent socially. Because of the absence of Rev. Gerrard, there will be no preaching services at the M. E. Community church during the summer. Sunday school, however, will be held each Sunday at 10:00 a. m. and Epworth League in the evening at 7:30 o'clock. HONORS SISTER Mrs. Ralptf Bennett entertained friends Sunday in honor of her sister, Eunice Marshall, who will be married June 24. Cards were played and prizes were won by Mrs. Agnes Marshall, Miss Gwendolyn Montgomery, Mrs. K6smski and Miss Marshall, >« JIT CLUB. „ V/ , The Jit Club met at the home of Mrs. Quentin Walsh Tuesday even-j ing, with members, Minnie Green,' Frances Hughes, Lorayne Thennes, j Freida Weitl and Betty Thennes, pres-! ent. I Cards were played, with first prize going to Pres. Hughes and consolation to) Mrs. Green. Refreshments ' were served. .. .• i • • • PUBLIC CARD PARTY The Altar and Roftary society of St. Patrick's church is sponsoring a public card party, dessert-brige, at the home of Mrs. Wallace' E. Dobyns next EDITORS ON SHIPBOARD •«?**, mm® Here .are Mr, and Mrs. ,A. H- Mosherj From Seward. Alaska, Thursday afternoon, June 29, at 1:30 boarding the Alaska Line's flagship, will make a trip inland over the Ala*' p.m. The public is cordially invited.' Aleutian, at Seattle on Tuesday morn- The committee in charge consists of 'ng, June 13, enroute to Alaska. They Mrs. Dobyns, Mrs. N. J. Nye, Mrs i a(>reed that the idea of conventioneer- WMter Carey, Mrs. W. A. Nye, Mrs.1 inff aboard ship in Alaska waters ap- David Powers, Mrs. Henry Schaffer,1 pears to offer an ideal combination Mrs. James Larkin, Mrs. Wm. Doherty'p1" the delegates to this year's Naand Miss Florence Carey. tional Editiyial Association conven- Plans have also been made for a cooking demonstration to be* held in St. Patrick's hall July 12. tionV kan Railroad through Anchorage, the Matanuska Valley coloniztion project, Mt. McKinley National Park, to Fair? banks and return to Seward to board fihe Aleutian ffer the homeward voyages Right to left: Editor C. F. Renich, Mrs. Renich, Mrs. Mosher and Editor A. H. Mosher. V\ PRETTY JUNE WEDDING SOLEMNIZED AT SPRING KARIN JOSEPH WALSH GROVE ON WEDNESDAY WEDS SOUTHERN GIRL i For her marriage to George Bell of Karin Joseph Walsh, <nephew of Mr. j Solon Mills, Wednesday, June 21, Miss and Mrs. Walter Walsh of this city, Marie Young, daughter of Joseph took as his bride Saturday, Miss Mina Young of McHenry, wore a lovely Ballard Breaux in an impressive cere-. gown of silk lace and net and a flowmony performed in St. Mary's church, I ing net veil,; fastened'to her blonde Evanston. , j hair with a fiara of seed pearls. Miss Breaux, like all the brides in She carried a shower bouquet of her father's southern family for six white roses in her gloved hands and generations, wore a beautiful and rave her only jewelry was a twisted pearl veil of Spanish lace which belonged necklace. Her wedding dress was made to her great-grandmother Breaux, simply, with short puffed sleeves, member of a prominent, pioneer New sweetheart neckline and full skirt with Orleans clan. Her wedding gown was train. flared into net gores. The dress was made with short puffed sleeves and a narrow blue satin ribbon fell from the square neckline to the hem. The bridesmaids wore similar lace camisole frocks, Miss Hay was in pink and Miss Miller in blue. Their quaint dresses were made with shirred bodice and bouffant skirts. All three attendants wore flow® halos in their hair to match their dresses and carried roses of harmonizing shades. The little flower girl, a niece of the bride, wore pink chiffon with a pink ribbon in her hair and carried a colonial bouquet of mixed blossoms. The men wore dark coats and white trousers. Following the Nuptial High Mass, a wedding breakfast for members of Use BPS FLOOR AND DECK ENAMEL to Beautify Yovr Porch Floor Tough, durable finish--Dries hard overnight-- Easily deaned--Suitable for exterior and interior use on wood ot cement floors- Wide color selection. Visit our BPS Department mull*am mere about BPS ' and Deck Enamels. 615 Thomas P. Bolger Green Street --:-- McHenry ..SB# IT'S A SWELL CAR.-- AND I SAN/ED ^ MONI-Y ^ of ivory satin. ( The impressive ceremony was per- The bride is a daughter of Mr. and formed at a ten o'clock Nuptial High Mrs. Samuel Locke Breaux, Jr., of San Mass in St. Peter's church at Spring the brid*l party was given at the home Francisco. Mr. Karin Elmer Walsh Grove, with the Rev. John Daleiden, Broom. of Oak Park served as his son's best pastor of the church, officiating. The1 ^ recePtion for approximately 150 man. i groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur quests was held at the bride's home, Following a reception at the home Bell-of Solon Mills. attractively decorated in. pink, blue and of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter Lind say in Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Wjtfsh motored east for their honeymoon. Mrs. Lindsay is a sister of the bride, and served as one of her ftve attendants at the wedding. Mrs. Howard Wattles and son, Donald, have returned from a visit with her sister in Naperville. Attendants of the young couple wh*te, in the afternoon and evening, were Mrs. Myrtle Freund, sister of w"en dinner and supper were served, the bride, as matron of honor, Misses a weeding dance at Nell's brought Evelyn Hay and Estelle Miller, brides-, the evening to a close. maids, and Elaine Freund, flower girl. I Upon their return from a honey- Richard Young, brother of the bride,! moon> Mr., and Mrs. Bell will for the and Merlin Engels, a friend, complet-j Prese"t make their home with the lathed the wedding party. *a")er. Mrs. Freund wore a peach lace Both the bride and-groom are well frock, fitted to below the hips where it known y°un£ people of this vicinity where they have many friends Mi {Special for Saturday Appreciative to the Community of our Sixteenth Year in business, the NYE JEWELRY, MUSIC AND RADIO SHOP will welcome all callers on SATURDAY, JUNE 24. A Souvenir for everyone and children should be accompanied by parent! ' ft Substantial Discounts on all Gift Items that day » Thanking all for part custom, aad hoping to serve you in the future! ! - NYE JEWELRY-MUSIC-RAWO SHOT • . ; Main Street Phone 123-J West McHenry *' ' V '• > ' * • " ' . 5Qc Jnoo Th'u charming fan will be given as a token njuith each package of Old Spice Talcum. WITH EARLY AMERICAN " " or. Yfm W« make bold to acquaint the ladles that with each package of that most delightful, most fragrant Old Spice Talcum, they will receive a token-fan. This fan is pleasingly embellished, being a skilful adaptation of the fan* of Early American daya, and it to be used, moat discreetly, for coolness and coquetry BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 Green Street SEE THE GENERAL MOTORS EXHIBITS AT THE NEW YORK AND SA'N FRANCISCO FAIRS mme • / A Overton Motor Sales 1937 PONTIAC DeLuxe "6" Two-Door Trunk Sedan -- Beautiful black finish; Ra dio. heater, defrosters, for " only $525.00 1936 DODGE Four-Door Trnk Sedan -- Black finish; New tires; In perfect condition Guaranteed $395.00 1936 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Pour-Door Trunk Sedan -- Perfect car; Must be seen to be appreciated $415.00 1936 PLYMOUTH Two-Door Sedan -- New tires; B.C.A. radio; Heater; A real buy at only ..$350.00 193b jrOKJJ ueliuxe r our - Door Sedan -- New tires; Perfect finish inside and out; Philco radio; Guaranteed $345.00 1935 OLDS DeLuxe "6" Four- Door Trunk Sedan -- Guaranteed perfect; Fully equipped; Radio, etc.; Now only at $295.00 1931 FOBD Model "A" Coupe -- New Tires; Perfect inside and out; Mechanically A-l. Doing at * $85.00 A Car for efory Purse and Purpose with Payments to meet your Purse! 1.1, tartm Rotor Sites Where Customers Send Their Friends -- BUIOK AMD PONT1AO -- . Wat McHenry -- Phone I Choto try Worwlclf MRS. EVERETT THOMAS Miss Caroline Freund of Johnsburg became the bride of Everett Thomas of this cfty in an impressive ceremony performed Wednesday, June 14, in St. John the Baptist church at Johnsburg, an account of the wedding appearing in last week's issue of the Plaindealer. * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will be at home in Wloodstock upon their return from a hone^ioon in the east. ^ r Vk -fkt modet illustrated is the Buick SPECIAL mode!41 fntr-door touring sedan $996 delivered at Flint, Mich. * rwon't be long now before the papers start shouting "Heat Wave." Whjit we wint to know is, where will that find you? Stretched out in the hammock, vainly seek* ing comfort in a pitcher of lemonade? Or out where the cool wind's blowing, having Ae kind of fun that summer's made for ? . If there's one of these dashing and dependable Buick beauties parked in your garage, we can tell you right now--you won't waste this summer just hanging around die old homestead. ~ ---- You'll park yourself behind its hundred-plus horsepower Dynaflash engine--and step out | to make ybur own breezes! You'll sit back in BuiCoil cushioned coi|t|, fort--and take in nature's beauties through wider-paned windows that let in more air as well as more view. I You'll range far and wide* fee tilings and 4o things--take advantage of bright summer weather to go places and have fun with the greatest roadmate you ever knew. And you'll find that in this great car you've got one of the best vacation bargains you've ever met up with. It's surprising how far AND UP delivered at Flint, Mich*\ *State and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and accessories -- extra. Prices subject U change without notice. this honey can stretch a gallon of .gas--amaz- - ing how much it does on how little. As for first cost--you know by this time, or certainly should, that this big straight-eight costs less than a year ago, less than you'd think, less even than some sixes. Drop in and let us show you how many socalled "extras" those low prices include, and you'll take steps right now to save your summer from the hot-weather doldrum*. MRS. GUY DUKER Guy Maxwell Duker, son of Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker of this city, and Miss Ruth Paul, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Frank Paul of Alton, III., were married in the First Methodist Episcopal church at Alton, June 7. An account of the wedding appeared in last week's issue of the Plaindealer. ONLY SblCK HAS ITI This sure-fire direction signal that flashes warnings of turns at a flip of a switch ! Shows day or night. Standard on all models! Mrs. Joanne Rulien, Mrs. Betty Nielsen and daughter, Betty, left (Sunday for Rochester, Minn., where the last mentioned wiU go through the! clinic. R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES front Street, Wa«t MpHenry, B1. YOU OCT A MTTKR USKO CAR FROM A tUICK DtAUR m

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