RINGWOOD r\ ' Mrs. W. B. Harrison entertained the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday af- Constipated? "For 30 years I bad constipation, awful . pas* >1oating, headaches and back sains. Adlerika helped right away. Now, •! eat sausage, bananas, pie. anything I want. Never felt better." Mrs. Mabel Schott. A D L E R I K A THOMAS P. BOLGER, Druggist ternon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Roy Neal and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained the five hundred club Thursday evening. Prizes were merited by Mrs. George Shepard and B. T. Butler and Mrs. B. T. Butler and George Shepard. The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Ralph Simpson Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. Louis SchVoeder, Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. Simpson.jln the afternoon, a fine program was enjoyed. y Mrs. Patrick Coyne visited her daughters in Chicago Tuesday. The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. Lou*is Hawley Friday. A p6t-luck dinner was served at noon. The Ladies' Aid Society will sponsor an electric roaster demonstration at the Royal Blue Store at 2:30 DST, Friday afternoon, June 23. F. N. Muzzy has purchased the Royal Blue Store of A. Ruehlman. Mr. Ruehlman and family will move to Genoa City where he will operate a Royal Blue store. Dora and Robert Anderson were visitors at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. x Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters visited relatives at Hunter Sunday. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake GRAND OPENING SALE of the Formerly The Royal Blue Store FRED PEPPING, Prop. Phone £66 Main Street GROCERIES FIG BARS and GINGER SNAPS, 3 lbs. for 25<^ COCOANUT BARS, SANDWICH COOKIES, ICE COOKIES, 2 lbs. 25d BUTTER COOKIES, 2 lbs 25c BROOMS. Very special, each .. 29c^ PORK & BEANS, 3 tall cans 25d MATCHES, Carton 21c TOILET TISSUE, 4 rolls for 19d CHARM NAPKINS, Package of 80, 3 for 25r K - COFFEE, pound 15^ YACHT CLUB PEAS. CORN or KIDNEY BEANS, 3 for 29^ RIDGEWOOD SALMON, 3 for 29^ ROYAL LEMON CLEANSER* 4 cans for ^ 19c MEATS BONELESS ROLLED PORK ROAST, per pound 18<£ CHOICE YEARLING STEER CHUCK ROAST, Choice Cuts, lb. 21^ SLAB BACON, Whole or half, per pound ., 19^ ASSORTED COLD MEATS, lb. 29^ PICNIC HAMS. lb. 21^ LARD, package PRODUCE PLUMS & APRICOTS, basket 50<^ GREEN BEANS or PEAS, 2 lbs. 25^ CANTALOUPE, each 10<i* Shop Early, and Bring the Kiddies! Free Gifts for All! ! * THE RUSH IS OH! .. As Ford dealers offer great choice of used car bargains STOP IN TODAY, or tonight, at your nearest Ford dealer's. The chances are excellent that youll find the car you want, at a price that shouts "VALUE!" * The sweeping popularity of the New Ford V-8, the brilliant new Mercury and the famous Lincoln-Zephyr has brought in & tremendous number of trade-ins, including cars of practically all makes and models. All are re- . newed and guaranteed. This big j stock must be moved, quickly, and the cars are priced for speedy sale. • Your present car will probably be Sufficient for the down payment. The balance can be taken care of in attrac-: tive terms to suit any budget. Only Ford detJert gito 7011 "R & G" protection and the 30 - day guermntme in Jaimr priced Ueed Can. * MICKS * Fill l it * NNTIKS . * PLYNIUTIS * UNCSLN-ZEPSVSS * CHEVMIETS - * (LltMltllEt * MDBfc FOR BETTER USED CARS OF EVERY MAKE SEE YOUR FORD DEALER FIRST Buss-Page Motor Sales attended the Home Circle in the Ralph Simpson home Wednesday. Mrs. J. F. Claxton of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Shepard, and family. Mrs. !Ray Merchant and daughters, Rita Mae, Audrey and Mrs. Charles Coles, were calling on friends in^Woodstock Thur§3ay. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family and Alan Ainger spent Sunday evening in the Wm. Heine home in Chicago. Floyd Carr of Greenwood was a caller in the Wm. McCannon home Sunday evening. Mrs. Viola Low and sons, Robert and Walter, were visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and sons spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Richmond. Miss Opal Fisher of Hebron and Wm. Fisher and daughter, Loretta, and son, Silas, of Huntley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedricjh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and Mrs. Emma Merchant spent Sunday evening in the Wm. McCannon .home. Mrs. Coyne and daughter, Betty Ann, and Mrs. Roy Neal and daughter, [Shirley, spent Friday evening with Mrs. Ciorkie at Wonder Lake. Mrs. Libbie Ladd, in company with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Crystal. L*ke spent Sunday with relatives at Williams Bay. Mrs. Joe Miller of Johnsburg spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Roy Wiedrich. Pearl and Roy Wiedrich of Barnard's Mills are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck and sons of Elgin spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son visited relatives in Woodstock Saturday evening. Miss Mae Wiedrich and Charles and Joe Carr spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr and the latter's father of Kalamazoo, Mich., are visiting in the Charles Carr home. Mrs. Cora Flanders and Neil Harrison wtere Sunday dinner guests in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich spent Sunday afternoon in the home of their son, Harold Wiedrich, and family. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, in company with Mrs. Roy Todd and Mrs. Linnea Peterson of Richmond attended th«» Legion Auxiliary convention at Geneva Saturday. Mrs. Joe McCannon is attending summer school in Chicago where she is taking advanced study in music. Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Peter* of Chicago spent Monday in the Ray Peters home. Callers in the evening were Robert Peters of Oak Park and Miss Dorothy Edson of Harvard. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a cafeteria supper in the Royal Blue Hall, June 28. Mrs. Fisher and daughter, Dorothy, of McHenry and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin were visitors at -Milwaukee Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins and family of Beloit spent (Saturday night with the former's parents, Rev. and Mis. Collins. On Sunday, they with Rev. and Mrs. Collins and J. V. Buckland attended a Collins family reunion at Wilmette. Wm. Beth is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from his duties at the Bowman Dairy plant. He is visiting in the homes of his sons in Chicago. Miss Alice Peet of Barrington spent Saturday and Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mrs. George Harrison spent the past week with her daughter at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Ray Merchant and daughters, Audrey and Mrs. Charles Coles, and Walter Krohn spent Sunday afternoon in the Roy Harrison home. SLOCuars lake the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner at Waukegan last ^Wednesday evening. Misses Orissa Brown and Althea Coss and Mrs, Geraldine Smith and Betty Robinson of Wauconda spent last Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Sunday at Rockford and enjoyed a picnic dinner at Sinissippi Park with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brolin, Mr. and Mrs. West Long and sons, Louis and James, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flanders and son, Jack, and daughters, June and Janet, of Rockford and Miss Esther Fossler of Mt. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Maxsted and son, Robert, and Mrs. Belle Tripp nf Beloit, Wis. In the evening they fenjoyed a picnic supper at Ingersol Park. l&tmday visitors at the home.of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake, Mrs. Jane Keeler, Mrs. Jane Bonola and sister, Bettie, and Arthur Hillier of Barrington and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer. At a special meeting of Mayflower chapter held Tuesday,evenlng, June 13. at Wauconda, known as Past Worthy Matron's and Past Worthy Patron's flight, Mrs. Harry Matthews served as Worthy Matron and Harry Matthews served as 'Worthy Patron. A sister, Marion Matthews, of Oak Park served as guest of honor. Willard Darrell and Mrs. Myrtle Esping are Worthy Patron and Worthy Matron of the chapter. All other stations of the evening were filled with Past Worthy Matrons and Past Worthy Patrons. A fine time was enjoyed by all. STANDARD OIL PICNI# HELD AT JOLIET SUNDAY • Standard Oil Company of Indians was fifty years old Sunday and the 500 persons, including employes agents, dealers, annuitants and their families, who are the Standard Oil company in the northern part of Illinois, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary with an old-fashioned picnic at Joliet. The picnic was one of 100 affairs of various kinds with which 100,000 persons greeted the birthday throughout the fourteen states in which the company markets. Other celebrations in the Joliet Sales Division were at Dixo n . • . . . • An old-fashioned/ basket lunch at noon, with family groups getting to~ gether for visiting, ^md extensive en tertainment and sports "programs were features of the picnic. tone 1 ^ V West McHenry, 111. Main Street Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday at Oak Park. Mr. Esping was employed at the Wieboldt Store and Mrs. Esping spent the day with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, were business callers at Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at Lake Zurich Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago ^efe dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dolores, were business call* ers in Chicago last Wednesday. Peter Jacobs and Miss Helen Lawless of Chicago sp<<f>t Sunday aftetnon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. : j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, enjoyed Sunday dinner at the St. Mary's church at Fremont Center. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Elmer Esping, Mrs. Harry Matthews, and Mrs. Marlett Henry attended Advance Night at Milburn Chapter, O. E. S., at Milburn last Wednesday evening. Raymond Lusk of Maple Park was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Miss Frances Davis- and Martin Bauer were supper and evening guests last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mrs, Harry Matthews and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Culbertson at the Blomgren hirnie. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Marion, were business callers at Waukegan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray-Dowell and daugh ter, Dolores, spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Misses Jennie and Ethel Dowell were callers at Crystal Lake last Saturday evening. Willard Darrell attended an executive meeting of the Lake-Cook Farnr Supply Co. at Des Plaines Monday. Ray Cook, Mrs. Williams and two granddaughters of Zion spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and. Mr*. Wilbur Cook. . Arthur Wackerow was a caller at Just another of the many attractively designed homes to be found in our plan book A FREE PLAN BOOK IS AVAILABLE AT OUR OFFICE TO ANY PROSPECTIVE HOME BUILDER! 9'or.iw NMOROOS LIVING ROOM am Alexander Lumber Co. Phone 5 West McHenry "While it was an old fashioned picnic," said Fred Rogers, agent, "the spirit of the employees, who are after all the Standard Oil company, was forward ldoking. Standard of Indiana is already fueling and fabricating travel by air. We are ready for the problems of the future." GO 1HUO... GET TOUGH! f. h THE TOUGHER YOU GET THE MORE YOU'LL LIKE-- PATHFINDER 1641 *67§ 4.40--21 4.7J--1» | 4^8--11 ••••--I* *855 SJS--17 «.2S-- !• | ».S»--17 Yes, sir! Yea get a blf, toejh. s«art-looking PATHFINDER tire-- the best ever nade by Oeodyear at these lew prices. Check these im potato: deep, ROM-skid blocks for centertraction safety; husky shoalder blocks; low stretch Sepertwlst cord In every ply; flat, wide tread with mnltiple riding ribs; line-car appearance from all angles!... Pins "Lifetime Guarantee." Act today! You'll Agree "A NEW HIGH IN I0W-C0ST VALUE* GOOD/YEAR TIRES low con .7? vua! SAVE AT RHE SIGN or TUB OOOO YEA ft DIAMOND Motor Sales Your Goodyear Tire Dealer Dodge - Plymouth Pearl and Park Strets -- Phone 15ft , J Hot Water Service As YOU Like It -^or your money I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED V you don't lilc« §*--- 4pfi'tk«*p Hi You'risk'nothing! We install | a ? completed Water Heater or a Conversion Unit for your present storage tanks. r. You test it use it--enjoy it--for a full 30 days. Then compare costs-- 'convenience^ If you are not 'completely satisfied, $ we will refund the payments made on the new unit and * remote, it^at]^our\expense Hot Water for a Hundred Daily Uses Always Ready--Day or Nisht We say you'll like automatic Gas Hot Water Service. But don't take, our word for it! Try it, test it--use it in your own hpe. Make the thirty-day trial--have plenty of hot water at the^turn of a tap. Hot water for bathing, washing, cleaning, dishes and a hundred other uses--always ready, day or night. Enjoy this incomparable convenience and carefree comfort --then decide. Unless you are completely satisfied, we refund your maoey. Could anything be fairer? Why not take advantage mt this amazing offer--now! Tars Your Ok) Storage Tnak Into a Modern AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER o*b $2822 CASH 4 Small cMvrang chars* ] for deferred paraentt I or $1 down $1 a month on your Gas bill ALSO-- a completely new Automatic Gas Water Heater for only 5% down---as long as 3 years to pay. SI E WESTERN UNITEF) WCAS BltCIRlC OOMKN*!-'