Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1939, p. 6

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•.,^p*Tr*%£{7;^r*^ •< *'**'• ***7^ "*« "• -* r v.; \~*:f Page Six . - « i . - - - w v - - - { i t , . l l : r « : v , \ , . : * . * \ * : - ; - _&•• ; J ^ « ; . . . * / : « ' - • / -; • • ' - **<>">,, -• • TBM McHENRY PLAINDEALER feok Lone Time to Build Fart II took 66 years to build the ancient fortress El Morro, which has guarded the entrance to San Juan harbor for more than 400 years. The construction work, begun in 1540, was not completed until 1506. How the huge blocks of stone and other materials were moved into placeis a puzzle to experts. To prove her qualifications as a judge of a congressional doughnut ; dunking contest in Washington, Representative Caroline O'Day of New York dunked her bit of pastry into a cup of coffee with (becoming grace. Naming Mason and Dixon Line It is named for two Englishmen, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, who surveyed the line between November 15, 1763, and December 26, 1767, to settle constant dissension between the Lords Baltimore and the Penn family, the lords proprietors of Maryland and Pennsylvania, respectively. James Murphy of Albuquerque, N., M„ in court for intoxication, told the judge: "I don't drink anything but whisky, coffee and water. When I can't get whisky, I take coffee, and when I can't get coffee, I take water." Eyes Examined Br. Paul A. Schwabe Phone: McBenry 123-J , Woodstock 674 A. B. Nye BUg. West McBenry OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY *"• f ' V f y; t • "Daisies wofi't; will we. Plucking petals proves nothing and neither docs talk. - flowt^ words we could tell you all about tie top-cylinder til in Tydol... about Tydol's mileage and performance. We could give you a point for every petal on a daisy. We could tell you... but we won't! We'd rather let you try Tydol and let Tydol talk for itself. So, stop at your dealer's today ... test" a tankful of Tydol ... let performance and not woxds tell you the facts. TRY A TANKFUL TODAY... LET TYDOL TALK FOR ITSELF :4 TYDOL I eAIOUNI I Superior Oil Co. DISTRIBUTOR C. N. Carlson, Agent Phone McHenry 255 Associate Dealers -- JOHN THOMPSON, Service Station No. 2/Route 20 -- E. J. CHRISTENSON, Service Station No. 3, Route 31--SCHEID'S STORE, Griswold Lake. PETER PEEVE " •-- --•"----•nil llnlllTITtTtt-- y Twic« Told Tal«t ef ef Y< TWBNTY YEARS AGO A new ornamental fence is to be constructed around St. Patrick's church property. It is expected that construction work will be started soon. Wrn. Pries, proprietor of the Centerville market is driving a handsome new Studebaker touring car* purchas. ed through the local agent. v - ' - . , J • * * ^ y \ , ' * ' Thursday, June 29, 1939 ing sold the business to Chas. R. Huber, of Michigan, who has taken possession of the same. L. F. Newman started Tuesday morning for Nebraska, where he will make his home in the future. S. S. Shepard and Son are fixing up their clover dryer, in this village, preparatory to receiving clover blossoms. The prospects are good for a large crop. Howard R. Perry will start for West Point on Tuesday next. Miss Mattie Smith and Miss Amy Owen spent Saturday and tiknday with friends in Elgin. Mrs. E. B. Walker, who has resided in Elgin, for the past year, moved back to this village last week. Seasoned Rush SIXTY YEARS AGO tile new steamboat was iatmdied Thursday last and was christened the "Mary Griswold." The fishing season has actually com menced, and the army of fishermen is increasing every day, coming by wagon loads. _ _ The ice cream parlor of Mrs. Wm. Henry Geary was thrown from j a Dow is now in full blast, and those mower on his farm at Mudgetts lake who wi;h can get ice cream every last week Tuesday, breaking a rib and evening in the week memn* several bruises. Bw,b» the depot, visit o» , The work of enlarging the retail ice Sunday n%ht last and succeeded in cream parlor of Cv Unti has. been com- getting money and other property to pleted and the improvement is a no- the amount of about $26.00. ticeable one and thus gives the pro- Rev. L. G. Powers will occupy the prietor the much needed room so long pulpit at the Universalist church in desired. (this village on Sunday morning next, Just as a heavy automobile truck at 10% o'clock. had passed over it, the old steel bridge | J. M. McOmber having resigned the over the creek on the Woodstock road office of deputy postmaster in this crumbled last Friday forenoon. The J village, Postmaster Perry ftas appointcrash came just as the rear wheels of ed Chas. P. Waite to fill that posithe big truck .were leaving the structure. Harvey Nye is engaged in the store tion. Gotlieb Boley has leased the McHenry brewery in this village and will Hi of Jos. J. Miller on Water street. Mr. hereafter furnish customers with bet- Nye has had more or less experience ,ter beer than ever from that estabin this line and will, no doubt, make a lishment. The. little steamer "Excelsior" has been sold to parties at Lake Zurich and will be removed to that place soon, having already been hauled out of the river for that purpose. valuable assistant for his employer Miss Gertrude Sattem started work in the Louis Erickson store on the West Side last week. A wedding that is sure to interest their many young friends both here and at Pistakee Bay took place in Chicago last Saturday, the principals being Miss Clara Immekus.. of that city and Mr. Allen Noonan of McHenry. THIRTY YEARS AGO RINGWOOD : The home of Mrs. J. J. Miller is receiving a fine new coat of paint. Butter was quoted at 26% cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday, an advance of 1% cents. The work at the new depot site was brought to a complete standstill the first of the week, the rain being the cause. From the showing of apple blossoms the orchard trees will not need; amusement, propping up to keep them Intact until the yield is picked this fall. The Spring Grove Telephone company has installed a number of new phones here during the past two weeks. Mathias Heimer has launched his new gasoline motor boat and his famT ily and friends are now enjoying the real pleasures that our beautiful river affords. The boat has been named "Delia." Hon. William Lorimer and family came out from Chicago last Saturday to take up their summer residence at Pistakee Bay. A new sea wall has just recently been completed at the summer home of Mayor Fred A. Busse at Fox Lake. Mr. Busse has evidently come to stay and we are glad to see it. Mrs. George Young entertained the Bunco Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Wm. Mc,. Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the Young-Bell wedding at Spring Grove Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard sponsored a party Wednesday evening in honor of H. M. Stephenson who will retire from the rural mail route July 31. Dancing furnished the evening'* FORTY YEARS AGO A team on the farm of John Freund took a turn with the roller and came In contact with a steel wind mill tow- The result was that the wind mill came to the ground. Property owners at Fox Lake and Pistakee Bay are rejoicing over the cag0 were Wednesday visitors at the Mrs. Bay Peters entertained a party of friends at a vanishing luncheon at her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Miss Mae Wiedrich entertained at a vanishing luncheon at the home of Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Tuesday. Bridge and pinochle were enjoyed. Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained at a vanishing luncheon at the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley Thursday. Mrs. Ray Peters, Shirley Neal, Edith Pearl Harrison, Rosalie Whiting and Amy Harrison attended a 4-H demonstration at Barrington Thursday afternoon. Miss Catherine Coyne and Susan Thompson of Chicago are visiting in the Patrick Coyne home. Mrs. Frank Johnson and daughter, Janet Kay, of Harvard are spending a few weeks at the home of her moth, er, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson of Chicago spent the weekend with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Coyne. Mrs.. Fred Davis and son, Stanley, and Mrs. Harold Alen and son of Chi' , Firecrackers are popping merrily throughout the country--a good week in advance of the Fourth of July. But the trail of death and suffering they are leaving in their wake is not so merry, the National Safety Council pointed out. Despite laws, campaigns and warnings, fireworks still are being put into the hands of? children, as well as adults, the Council said. It urged that use of fireworks be confined to community displays, handled by experienced operators. "The only safe way to handle fireworks," said the Council, "is to stay away from them." The two greatest contributors to the annual Fourth of July toll, the Council said, are traffic accidents and drownings. Latst July 8,720 peoplf were killed and 800,006 injured In accidents in the United States. This huge total was fed by the Independence Day celebration. "This year," said the Council, "traffic will be unusually heavy because of the two World's Fairs. Extra caution will be needed to keep from pil ing up a new high for tragedy." RECEIVES R.NL DEGREE ; Wlord has been received that Calf* lyn Tonyan, daughter of Wililam TOHyan of this city, recently completed a three years' nursing course at Jefferson Park hospital, 1410 West Monroe street, Chicago. The thirty-ninth annual commencement exercises were held in the Tropical room of the Medinah Club at 515 North Michigan avenue, Chicago. Miss Tonyan graduated from the McHenry Community High school with the class of '36. ' " n ' . : * "Bones Wanted I B U Y * & > Old and Disabled Tlnrsse " • Pay from $5 to $14. ---- AOTHUR W. WERRBACK i I Phone "444 396 Haywaid Street Phone 43 mm J. mx f •ATTORNEY • AT -LAil£ Prist Bldg. ^ OFFICE BOURS - '*• Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry - - Illinois A.P.Freund Ge. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane .* Service ""--lload Building-- -- * - Tel 204-M McHenry, m WHAT DOES project of a new railroad, which is to run from Libertyville, Lake county, to Fox Lake. Now whether this is to be a steam or an electric road is not as yet settled. John Mertes has purchased the Powdermaker property at Johnsburg for $700. Roy Colby, who is employed in the Illinois Iron and Bolt Co., factory at Carpentersville, arrived home last week Friday, having been injured by falling from a stairway in the factory. The Waukegan Gazette-Register proprietors>jffive added a new linotype machine to their office equipments. It will be in operation June 15. Gus Carlson, who has conducted a home of Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Billy Brennan spent Thursday in Chicago and Waukegan. Mrs. D. C. Bacon and Miss Cora Walters of Crystal Lake were callers at the home of Wayne Foss Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Phelps Savnders of Fontana spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Wednesday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Frank Johnson of Harvard spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. Johnson and Janet in the Fred Wiedricn, Jr. home. Mrs. J. A. Dewey of Armstrong is harness shop in this village for the | Vjgi^ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. fpast seven years, has disposed of it (to Wm. Merz, who has been in his employe for the past four years. The electric storm Tuesday evening did considerable damage as reported. On the farm of Frank Peck, who re- J. Jepson. Miss Virginia, who has been visiting with her, returned home. Betty Brennan of Fontana spent Wednesday evening at her home here. The Ladies' Aid Society sponsored an electric roaster demonstration at sides near Ridgefield, there were six the Royal Blue store Friday afternoon, cows struck by lightning, one being The food prepared was awarded to killed, three others rendered blind, and jyfrs Wm. Luce, Mrs. J. A. Dewey, the remaining two left in a helpless State. John Huemann, assessor for this lownship, returned his books to County Treasurer Axtell, Saturday, thus Closing a career of twenty-six years as assessor for McHenry. FIFTY YEARS AGO Geo. W. Owen is building an addition to his residence in this village, s" Circuit Court is in session, at Wood , stock this week, Judge Kellum presiding. The Home Bakery, in this village, Mrs. Charles Peet and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mrs. F. H. Peters of Chicago is visiting in the home of her son, Ray Peters. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family left Sunday for a visit with relatives at Flint and Detroit, Mich igan. John Doherty, in company with his aunt, Miss Florence Carey, is enjoying a trip to New York "and Washing ton. Charles Smith, 70, of Polo, III,, was sentenced to serve six months in jail lias changed hands, C. A. Barbee hav- for stealing a lawn mower. ' $ > Tam e' Sumter's Bridge At Alloway, Scotland, there stands the Twelfth century bridge across which Tam o' Shanter, hero of Burns' famous poem, galloped on his old gray horse to escape the witches who chased him down the road. Invented Flange fer Wheels In 1789 William Jessop, when constructing a railroad at Loughborough, in Leicestershire, England, (this was either a colliery or quarry railroad) introduced the iron rails with fiat top, and wheels with a flange cast upon the tire. THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE TO PROOOCE THE AMOUNT O* LIGHT UMO MONTHLV W THE AtffftA&E AMERICAN FAMILY WITH ELECTRICITY, MOJFE RHAH *M3AVt6P. 6AS ,T OWNO UOLPD CBAeN VOfLQBOSt,* CeaO SrWS mVTHt UAAMM THB JAMffCI TVffWMTW ' HAS atoo w oMMcramt/ A KNOB MANEUVERS AN MOTCMOA INTO POSITION ABOVE THB DVSlRCO CHARACTER ON A CHART--ANOTHER. KNOB CAUSES A MECHANICAL FINGER TO PICK OP THE CHMUCTSA AND IMPRINT IT UPON THE PAPER. 30 CH4RAC1WS A miHUTB IS TOP TVPINC. SPEED/ paflfiR, TV4 AMTMCAH SAMf WAS . I•ITRASLTY - PLAYED IN BPAH.I T SPRFAD TO THEN TO effAKB, ASNVD mTHwEN OCfE ITMOM TIH&E& NUT.SS. TOT TfHHEH TtOoHotrs mm THE ADVANCE OP SCIENTIFIC CESEABCI4 IN AGRICULTURE HH® LED THE PATENT OFPICE TO GRANT PATENTS ON He»v oevBLOPMsurs PtAMTS. rHutr aPHAvHon TiTHtI *viiaSeT oA»B 6t* A oNO* ifcc,me twaewww ** * CLTV. ACCMWIMTLO * HKTHT •!*«•< *5N>WOE 0- r Quality . Canvas Products BEN THONNESOH AWNINGS -- CRYSTAL LAKE ^ Across from Poet Office Tel. Crys. Lake 838 -- 129 Main St Window Shades - - Ver^ptian Blinds Boat Covers - Outboard Motor Covers - Tarpaulins FIRS AUTO INSURANCE P£S EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Oompanita When yon need insurance of any Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. McHenry MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lead en first mortgages en real estate aad ethers who want te borrow money «n rerf estate. If interested either way, I will be glad te talk it ever with yen. Joseph N. Sikes Wanulknetgaann National Bank B 4 & Genesee at, Waukegan, IU. TBI* MAJESTIC in Telephone No. 800 StolEel A Beihansperger Insurance agents fer all classes e( property in the best companies. WWn MeHENRY . . EUNOI S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience is at Your Service in Buildiug Your Wants ^ Chirtte's Repair Shop Northeast comer of State Bridge on Charles Street Radiators Repaired Bodies and Fendeii Straightened Sign Painting Track Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETESEL Phone ue X-Ray DR. L. B. MURPfeY DMJTIST Office Honrs -*1a.m. te 9 Riverside Drive -- McHenry, HL KENT ft COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E ;<Plaeod with the most' reliable QggnpgKies' in and talk it e#f - McBenry 8 J

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