Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1939, p. 4

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• • * . p p ; - 7 7 7 ^ " r r *r \^* , , ; x t; f r : • /.< - '/^ , ^ ,s - •' "» r ' .J' •-: : % . .... r_. .. f[1 4 -«• *> ' » > < • . ' - T r"" '»r . V „< V ,£«• < ' fv v,v^t j r) • i ^ **' Wood-Wind Instruments The wood-wind instruments tn- Ciude the flute, piccolo, oboe, English horn, bassoon and clarinet. The saxophone, a brass wind instrument, is not usually included but is said to bridge the gap between the older reed instruments and the brasses. NEW £MPIRf McHENRY, ILLINOIS Son. Mat. 3 p. m. Continaoftt FRIDAY Richard Gncn« •- Wendy Barrle "THE HOUNDS OF BASKER VILLUS" SATURDAY Hugh Herbert -- Joy Hodges "FAMILY NEXT DOOR" Also -- Comedies SUNDAY -- MONDAY July 9-10 Kftg Crosby -- Joan Blondell - "BAST SIDE OF. HEAVEN" Also -- Carton and Comedies 10c TUESDAY --JULY 11 20c (1) "For Love or Money" (2) "You Can't Get Away With Murder" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "BLACKWELL'S ISLAND" His New Name Every revolution throws up some curious quirks in human nature. In the French revolution they abolished nobility, prohibited religion and made a new calendar for themselves, and the story of M. de Saint- Janiver shows how all three worked out in practice. They abolished the "de" in his name because it smacked of nobility; the "Saint," because it reminded of religion; and the /'Janiver" (January) because thejr had changed the calendar; so his name went down on the records' as: "Citizen Nivoso, formerly De Saint-Janiver." iMlit FOR SALE The Bank t( England ^ The-Bank of England is not a government institution, but a private banking house, the largest in the world, with the British government as its chief customer. It is controlled by a governor, deputy governor and 24 directors. The Bank of England is a joint-stock bank, the first of its kind in Great Britain. It was organized with a capital of 1,200,000 pounds, subscribed by many' stockholders, and opened for business January 1, 1695, during the reign of William III. FARMERS, ATTENTION--We exchange cracked corn for shelled corn for 15c per 100 lbs. Farmers Mill, Phone 29. 7_tf Summer special Combination Electric Range at 50 per cent reduction! Gas ranges of all kinds. H. E. BUCH & SON, Phone 48. 7 TJie Beautifti l< i/rovAi CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading TheaHe C80LSB FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE! ! Sallv Eilers in "THEY MADE HER A SPY". Glenda Farrell in " TORCHY RUNS FOR MAYOR" SUNDAY -- MONDAY Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p.m. -- 25c to 6 p. m. -- 30c after; Child. - 10c BING CROSBY in "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" with Joan Blondell, Mischa Aucr Aug. Issue -- "March of Time" TUESDAY Special Dernis O'Keefe in THE KID FROM TEXAS" with Florence Rice WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Melvyn Douglas in "TELL NO TALES** w.'th Louise Piatt (Sign a record of attendance Wednesday for the big Event Thursday) MILLER Theatre Ai r-Conditioned Woodstock FRIDAY -- JULY 7 GIANT SCREEN PLAY 130 -- BIG REASONS -- 130 Also or, Srreen 'TORCHY RUNS FOR 1 MAYOR" with Glenda Farrell " SATURDAY -- JULY 8 Continuous "from 2:3® -- THE JONES FAMILY in "IN HOLLYWOOD" -- p l u s "WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM" with Tex Ritter -- PLUS -- '• "THE LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN" Chapter No. 9 EXTRA - EXCLUSIVE - EXTRA! F r i d a y - S a t u r d a y -- J u l y 7 - 8 Continuous Saturday from 2:30 See the Biggest Fight Sensation of the Year! . JOE LOUIS VS. TONY AAIMRRO SUNDAY - MONDAY JULY 9-10 Sunday -- Continuous from 2:30 2 * &MASH HITS * 2 "EAST SIDE OF -"HEAVEN" with Bfng Crosby Joiln Blondell -- P L U S * "MIDNIGHT" -- with i-- Don Ameche - Claudete Colbert TUESDAY -- JULY 11 Special Bargain Night 80 -- "Filmo" -- 80 Also on Screen , "UNMARRIED" with Heien Twelve tree* WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "BROADWAY SERENADE" Jeanette MacDomLd -- Lew Ayres Be Here for the Big Refrigerator Give-Away! Steyning Stone A stone that has long served as a step at the eastern entrance to the churchyard of the old' Sussex, England, town of Steyning has been found to be decorated with crude, but elaborate, carvings, and it is believed to be a menhir, or upright monumental stone, one of the few to be found in the country. It is thought possible that it was this stone that gave to Steyning; its distinctive name. JANTZENS! IN THE WATER AND out they give you true girdle fit. lding and holding you snugly yet mfortably. See them at McGEE'S. 7 Thursday, July 6, 1939 Goat Ranch Is Run By Widow and Boy UftUmal Career of Sixteen Years Is Disclosed. MORE NEW JOCKEY UNDERWEAR It's really moving this week. Easily launder«d. No ironing, Knit fabrics soft, absorbent, quick-drying. Mc- GEE1S. 7 YOU'RE INVITED! WE WANT -- You to see new G-E Refrigerator models . New lower prices. Provides high humidity for keeping vegetables crisp and fresh. Easy term arrangements. CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP, Green Street, McHenry, Phone 251. 7 Great, Old or New One of the distinctions which visitors find in the churches of Holland pertains to their names. When the country was mostly Catholic they were named after saints. Since the days of the Reformation they are called either Groote, Oude, or Nieuwe: Great, Old or New. Famous Hymn Altnii Sherwood Hawkes (1853- 1918) wrote the words of the famous hymn, "I Need Thee Every Hour," while engaged in household tasks in her home in Brooklyn, N. Y. Later she handed the verses to her pastor, Rev. Robert Lowry, who composed the tun*. FOR QUICK SALE--Johnson 4Vi-H. P. Motor, alternate firing, $60.00; also 16-ft. Thompson 'Boat, $60.00; 16-ft. Canoe, $12.00. Phone 641-J-2. *7 FOR SALE--Heavy Spri/ig Chickens, dressed to order at the sign of the White Leghorn, % mile south of McHenry High school. *7 FOR SALE--Moving, must sell Furniture. $£)iece parlor suite; 9x12 rug and pad; 2-piece bedroom set; 2 gas stoves; washing machine; 9x18 roadside stand, qan be used as garage or hen house; 2 brooder houses; 2 oil brooder stoves; feeders and foun tains. Wm. Gerhardt, on 111. Rte. 31, 2% miles south of McHenry. FOR SALE--120-aere farm. All under cultivation; good buildings. 1*4 mile south U. S. 12. Jos. J. Schmitt, Spring Grove, 111. *7-4 FOR SALE--Special for Saturday, July 8. 4-Purpose Stock Salt in 5 sack Ipts, 75c per 100 lbs. (500 lbs. per customer). Farmers Mill Phone 29; J/ Peanuts by the Ton Visitors to the wharves in Dakar, Senegal, will find them piled high with peanuts. It supplies Germany and France. As many as 30,00fl tons of peanuts are shipped from Dakar annually. A ton of peanuts occupies a large space. Temperature of Steam Reduced Live steam, while traveling through the vanes and blades of a turbine, is reduced in temperature from 800 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit within threeone hundredths of a second, says Collier's Weekly. FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 United States Mint The mint of the United States was established at Philadelphia by the resolution of congress dated April 6, 1792, and the first coins were struck at th^ new mint in March of the following year. it f - y f- • Some'Gef Away With It Half of the trouble follows doing something that one knows he shouldn't with' the expectation of eluding the" consequences. Just enough people do elude them to lool the rest. 'Ctib* Advice Two Philadelphia physicians, writing in a national publication, warn people to keep their mouths shut if they would remain healthy. And, they might have added, if they want to keep out of trouble. Unhappy Recollection Unpleasantest recollection a girl may have is that her father and mother told her that the man she was going to marry "was no good/' and that they were right. Girls Stick to Jobs San Francisco girls have a harder time getting jobs than boys, but when they do get them they keep them longer, a survey reveals. The Busy Heart The heart sends three gallons of ! blood a minute from the right to the left side. In violent activity the amount may reach 10 gallons. Largest Stained Window A 27 by 67-foot stained glass window at St. Mary's cathedral, Covington, Ky., is one of the largest in the world. Delicate Weight Balancing So delicately poised are the scales used in weighing diamonds that the weight of a single eyelash or a few specks of dust will turn the balance. Double Days Midnight sun months in Norway and Sweden come between May 15 and July 15, when visitors enjoy double days for it is almost daylight atmidnight. They Might Desist Those who are always exhorting others to "think" might desist if they could see the rapidity of thought of many who try it. Friendship You can't displease everybody consequently there is a chance fox every man to win friendship. England, France 21 Miles Apart The distance from Dover England, across the channel to Calais France, is only 21 miles, WANTED WANTED TO BUY--20 to 40 acres with buildings. Price must be reasonable. M. J. Kerwer, Rte. 1, Richmond, 111. "7 MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf CASH FOR DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE!--Dead hogs and sheep removed free. Midwest Removal Company, Phone Woodstock 1624-M-l. Reverse charges. *5-4 STONES, STUMPS, CONCRETE OR DITCHES DUG--Or anything else removed. Estimates free. Call Richmond 842. Arthur Staines, McHenry, 111., Route 1. 4-4 AM NOW PREPARED--To take care of all kinds of blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. Also woodwork and repair work. J. B. Hiettermann, Johnsburg. Tel. 640-W-2. 42-tf RENEW OLD FURNITURE--Upholstering, general repair. Bring in your antiques for rebuild and re-finishing. Prices reasonable. CARL RIETESEL, Phone 109-W. 7 DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up ho^s and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our sani. tary loading devices. Post mortem s will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 My Neighbor Says:= Purchas tities in in small quanbottles. ise extracts 11 srr\all-siz£d b " African Cobra Venom Deadly Two grams of the neurotoxin from the venom of the African cobra will kill 1,000,000 mice. ^ Meaning of Union* Unique means the only one of its kind and cannot be qualified. Vinegar left over from sweet pickles makes a tasty seasoning tor chopped cabbage. • • • * When mildew appears on hollyhocks dust them with sulphur or some commercial sulphur compound. • • • If tomatoes are only half ripe, the ripe part may be used for salads, while the greener portions may be broiled or fried. To cut hard-cooked eggs evenly, use a silver knife frequently dipped in cold water. A steel knife may discolor the egg white. • • • Watch the stop cocks on the gas stove--to see that they are completely turned off. A small amount pf escaped gas is enough to overpome those who remain in a closed room. (Associated Newspapers--WNU Sarvie*,} " Zenobia Has Two Meaning* The name jjjenobia has two meanings: Arabic, laftlirs ornament," and Greek, "born of Zeus." Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, was overthrown by Rome in the Third century and led as a captive in a triumphal procession. But the grandeur of her position and the glamour of her beauty still cling to her name. WASHINGTON. -- The almost unique career, for a woman, of a small, wiry, middle-aged widow who has supported herself for 16 years operating a goat ranch, was disclosed in an application from Mrs. Josie Medford, of Parkdale, Colo., for permission to graze her herd on public lands undetvlhe jurisdiction of the general land ojjfice. One of the few women - to be awarded the usefof federal land in connection with the operation of a goat ranch, Mrs. Medford has been offered a five-year lease for approximately 800 acres of mountainous country in Fremont county, near Canon City, as a range for her animrfs. For the lai!t 16 years, it was disclosed, Mrs. Medford has been doing her own work, herding, milking; fencing, building and conducting the other chores incidental" to the conduct of a ranch. "She now has 150 milch goats that she grazes on her own lands and adjacent public range," an official report stated. "About half of these goats ere milked every day and the milk is delivered at Canon City for shipment to Colorado Springs; she and a boy who lives with her, take turns in herding and hauling the milk to Canon City 25 miles away." Emphasizing that Mrs. Medford's choice of an enterprise is far from easy, the report points out that goats are not turned loose on the range, but are carefully herded. The report concludes with this testimony as to the hardihood of Mrs. Medford: "There are no improvements on the lands applied for, but she states that if she feels as energetic as she has in the past she will probably get out and fence these lands to keep the cow men off." v VOLO U. S. Navy's Air Force Equal to Any in World WASHINGTON.--President Roosevelt and high naval officials were convinced by recent fleet maneuvers in the South Atlantic that the naval air forces of the United States equal, and perhaps surpass, those of any other nation. Their opinion was based on a study of performance of the 600 planes--about one-third of the navy's total air strength--during two weeks of exercises in which assignments were carried out without incident. Admiral William D. Leahy, chief of naval operations, praised the performance of both ships and aircraft during the maneuvers and said "reliability and effectiveness" of sea and aerial defenses was demonstrated. "The performance of aircraft in the maneuvers was, by far, the best I ever saw," Leahy said. "They carried out their mission without an accident. The advantages in toe air were on the 'defense* side." Mule Is Rated as Most Valuable Farm Animal WASHINGTON.--The mule seems to be winning its fight for existence in the United States, but the horse is not doing so well. A government survey shows there were 4,382,000 mules in the country in 1938. This was a reduction of I per cent from 1937 but the number of mules foaled in 1938, while smaller than the number of deaths of old mules, was the largest in 10 years. Officials found mules in every state, though too few in New England to be included in the figures. More than 80 per cent of the total was found in the South. The survey showed 10,800,000 work-horses in the country, some in each state but more than 55 per cent in the North Central states. The total was 3 per cent less than in 1937, with the number of horses foaled in 1938 the smallest in six years. The work-horse total has declined about 50 per cent in the last 20 years. The federal specialists rate the mule as the most valued of farm animals, giving it a national average of $118, as contrasted with $84 for the horse and $56 for the cow. Herb Specialist Makes Hamburger Kingly Dish CLEVELAND.--By the addition of the proper herbs, hamburger can be raised to the gastric level of fileT mignon, according to Miss Daisy Healey. Miss Healey's hobby is collecting and experimenting with herbs. She raises them, too, and has created some new ones through experiments with combinations. "I decided to have an herb laboratory after visiting an herb garden at Mount St. Albans, Wash." she said. "In my herbarium are thyme and marjorum, which, with a bit of mystic mace, give a roast of beef or hamburger just the right flavoring." Miss Healey said her other aromatic plants include tarragon, linden, lavender, and bay laurel. "Herbs should be used as a sea-, soning and not to overshadow theflavor of foods. They relieve the monotony of good, but plainly cooked meals," she said. 1,101 Graves Enough SANTA CRUZ, CALIF.--Charles Herbet, grave digger for 30 years, retired upon digging hifi 1,000th grave. Largest Hotel, Doek Owners British railway companies are the world's largest hotel and dock owners, Isle Higher or Ocean Lowerf Sea level at Catalina island in the Pacific was 300 feet lower than at present during the last Ice age. Law in Union of South Afriea The established law ih the Union Of South Africa is the Roman Dutch law. Donald and Kenneth Bacon returned to their home in Crystal Lake on Friday evening after spending a few days here at the Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann and family of Chicago spent the week, end here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wtaldmann. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda called at the Dowell Brothers home Monday. The Volo 4-H Club pleasantly surprised William Sunderlage Friday! evening in honor of his birthday anniversary. Games were enjoyed by' all, after which they all joined in for the weenie roast. The club will meet tfext at the home of Stanley Brown Friday evening, July 14. Little Arnold Wirtz/ youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirts, had the misfortune to fall and break his collar bone Friday at his home here Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and SOB spent Tuesday evening at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Catherine Wagner, at Slocum's Lake., Mr. and Mrs. Herman l>nnker send family motored to "Wilton, Iowa, on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley and family were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell, near McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Benard Hanke of Evanston spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann were Chicago callers Wednesday. The Volo Community Bible Church held this annual picnic Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Magnussen in Fremont township. Mrs. Fred Casper .visited relatives at Richmond Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe, near Crystal Lake. Mrs. Ray Baur of Chicago is visit ing her- daughter, Mrs. Earl Hironimus at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould and daughter, Donna Lee, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Miss Vinnile Bacon called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon in Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family spent Monday evening at Crystal Lake with relatives. Marion Wirtz spent the past weekj in Waukegan with her aunt, Mrs. B.| Grabbe. Many from here attended the celebration at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. 'Robert Cdates of Round Lake spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wirtz Tuesday evening. A very pleasant evening was had by all present. A very dainty and delicious lunch was served at the close of the evening. Jos. Horn and family of Chicago spent the weekend in the Fred Casper home in Grant township. Meandering Mary By MARY E. OWEN The big contest closed and we have a winner, and there can be no doubt as to who the title rightfully belongs to. McHenry's number one glamour boy who now receives the official title of "Glamour-Pants1' Is none other than Billy Pries, Jr. Votes for this much crowp line up as follows: Billy Pries ...........98 Edward Matthews ..65 Albert iBiake Edward Buss ig Elmer Freund 1 ;ht-after Besides the title, the winner will receive a box of candy. The prise will be donated hy the runner-up, Edward Matthews. A gold seal certificate of merit, suitable for framing, will accompany the gift. We are sorry that we will not be here for the presentation ceremony, htrt we wiTl leave the details to our good friend, S. I. H., and Tom Bolger. Itfe aJ! ®wr folks. Hurt big show of the ages and are we glad. The Legionnaires really put on a good show this year and we think they did all right judging from the size of .the crowd. .. THE M'HENRY PUUNDEALER Published every Thursday at M6-' bmty, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year Six Months $2.00 *1.00 A. H. MOSftCER Editor and Manage i N. [. A. derstand country. it's the only one in this W5e bet the boys in the Blngb game are plenty hoarse. We listened in from the Hooligan game and there were some priceless puns. Another priceless voice was heard in the treble screams from Mrs. Covalt, Jr., on the Ix»o-o-Plane. Wasn't the Socket s-a-wetlt The best ride McHenry's had and we un- We are wondering how/many fijfc, Henryites got to work «m time this (Wednesday) morning? Judging from the weary crowd that finished up at two o'clock this morning a rather toneless town is in prospect for today- , Gwd-by« to McHenry Well be thinking of you all while we are lasily swimming and loafing (some people are born lucky) and we hope you miss us just a little, lip to wiwaj. Get the Doc to tell our husband he is mentally fatigued or incompetent or something. It scares husbands something fierce and like as not you'll get a trip but watch out that a trip is suggested or you may have him on your hands around the house. Well be seeing you and --» Good-bye Nowl Bend the Want Ads White Lake Dry Each Decade In the Gobi desert is White lake, called by that naiqe because every ten years it dries up and leaves a white salt surface am Prices on --- Standard Gum-Dipped Tires at These Prices: 4.40-21 4.50-21 Former Price 9.10 10.00 10.30 5.50-17 : y.1 3 . 2 0 6.00-16 14.35 6 . 5 0 - 1 6 ' • . 17;40 SALE PRICE $5-55 6-48 6-70 855 ®.32 You Save &55 3.52 3.60 4.65 5.03 6.06 Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repairing Phone 294 --:-- West McHenry IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD }on't have to keep it . INSTANT HOT WATER--FOR 101 USES ALWAYS READY--Day or Night! Tired of heating water on the stove? Tired of climbing up snd down basement stairs to tend your present equipment? Then rejoice--for an Automatic Gas Water Heater puts an end to all that. No waiting--no watching-- nothing to tend. Just turn a faucet and get all the hot water that's needed--instantly--automatically! Hot water for baths, cleaning, washing, dishes---ready when you want it. And here'* more good hews! You can try an Automatic Gas Water Heater in your home on a new limited time offer that guarantees you satisfaction--or your money back. What couldjbe fairer--or simpler. -Take advantage of this amazing offer--now. You'll PLUMBER OR GAS »»» ELECTRIC OOMPANYJ SEE THE RUUD AUTOMATIC HEATERS WITH MtNEl TANKS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Or Your Money BackH' Yes, sir, guesswork is out! You risk nothing on this special limited time offer. Here's why! A complete Water Hetter or a Conversion Unit for your present storage tank is installed in your home. Yoh test it--you use it--you enjoy it for 30 days. Then check operating cost on your Gas bill. If you are not completely satisfied, ue will refund the payments msdt on lbt mew unit smd remove it mt our expense! TINW YOUR UB STNASE TANK INTO A M90EM AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER only $28°° U CASH or $1 Down (Small carrying chats*) $1 a month oo your Gas bill (for deferred payments) ALSO a completely new Automatic Cat Water Heater for only down --•» loaf a* 3 years to pay ...

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