Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1939, p. 5

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- *5- Thursday, August 10, 1938 THE MtHSHKY PLA1NDEALEB Paf* Fire SO I HEAR" : 'A. ' h , ; - ' - EARL WALSH Audrey Rothermel says she has some new members in her Brown is Club mentioned in our nons6oa4,of last week. Let's have 'em. ball -- ~t4uP$k' day Manager -- Nine -- Outfielder -- Pennant --• Quid (slippery elm now obsolete) -- Rookie -- Stree-ike -- Triple -- PLAYGROUND VOTES TENNIS "RACKET" Umpire The drawings for the Lions Club; " r~ ir,p,,: ~~II trophy tennis tournaments have been' Valuable player awardjmad6 and the matche8 are ^ing play_j -By- BRUCE KLONTZ r • , t . I » > M U . . U U KU . » | of a lead on him. The set was tied i to be played are oil the quarter-finals, up at three games a-pieee when Le- There is really' some Very good tennis COMING EVENT8 -- Waiver -- X-ray -- Yank --, d thi k Zealot or fanatical partisan like. y°ur • The tournaments should be finished given two cups to the local tennis As most every one knows by this itime, the Lions Club of McHenry has by the last of next week so it is im-;team. These cups, one for the girls Roy, prob- spurred on by the thought of how nice that trophy would look, on his mantle, captured three games in rapid succession to end the match. Early Monday morning, Anita Althoff and Mary Althoff played off the -8- --New Nan' Frank Kempfer -- "Twinkleto#aM. Officer Huck -- "Old Ironsides". --P-- • You should have seen our McHenry s. B. a -l- jportant that the players find out who'and one for the boys, are to be per-'ftrst match to be played* in the girls WANTED: A Soap-box for "Can-^hier opponents are and get their.petual cups; that is, they are to be section of the Lions Club Tourney. It opy John." matches played as soon as possible. ! kept circulating among the players. I must have been just a little early for I • j Aftevya player has won one of the Mary; she lost by a score of 6-2, 6-0. With a couple of staunch Cub fan*,! The pairing for both tournaments cups, hW or she may keep it for one the Mrs. and our S. B. C., we witness-iare posted at the tennis courts. For .year. The person winning, will also! ATTENTION, EVERY ONE! ! ! Herman Steffes has lost his relic, --Theme Songs-- _ Jin .Walsh -- "Sweet Sue"--tit* la.jed that painful double-header yester- the next few days it will be necessary j have their name placed on the cup and being playd and it »• while watching. north Aagust 12 - IS St. Mary's Carnival -- St. Mary** We will be looking for some new! ^urch. Aagust 15 spectators and old fans down at the Meeting-Riverview CamjL *.N. A. courts this week. " If you like this "Racket" let its August lb Alumni Dance--Nell's Pavilion. August 24 Sn Jand yOU WiH ^ear fron? "*1 Public Card Party--Piak a»riison'i Herman just found his racket! Benefit Parochial School; boys take the wind out of Harrington's J fjms suffered fierce lnternal struggles sails last Sunday. throughout the games -- then day in which Cincinnati showed why j to give the tournament matches a • the year in which they won. The next j er-ah-er--I mean he has misplaced jthey are league leader*. j preference on the courts because in-1 year the same cup will be played for! his so-called tennis racquet. It's get- BOAT CLUB SPONSORS j --fr-- (terest in the tournament will die downi again land the winner follows the t\ng to be a racket. Isn't it Herman?! RAHKS AT VAV t AVI* | The first game was really a darb, if it drags along too long. isame procedure as before. After the j (but that second one . . ... 1 > r V ! -- • Isame person has his or her name on If any one has a racquet that Her-I . "V . " . . . . . j --|-- T The boys tennis team won an easy | the cud three times, the cud is theirs !m«n mn t om em«a hm nrAnU on.l " ^ lnwrtstcd in bofttinf! Said companions and staunch --I-- The boys looked too terrible the week before -- too terrible! But, last Sunday the whole squad took life. Looked like a ball team. --I--'. :V" Maybe Clarence Anderson's tight . pitching keyed the boys up a bit. Maybe it was the new score board that gave the evidence to the"fans that stirred up action. ' • •--I--- iBlame it on anything, but our team looked more like baseballers and less like feootbaltertf foam .at - any time this year. ' -- I-- rubber tree. only McHenry players year a eluded that a guy known as S. is a jinx and should be barred forever • for a returfi match from Wrigley Field. But, ve havej another idea-- Bar a guy named Me* " X week from this Friday the play-*) few "old tiirters" return. This new Cormick. " : •(ground children will have a picnic! competition is going, .to make those supper in the city park. Each person cups rather hard^to win.thfee times w to bring sandwiches, and one other and so they ougAt to be circulating thing to pass around, but nothing thai'for quite a while." T > itrjll require plates, knives or forlMh As I stated before; the local Lions . Spectators will find plenty of room f„„ new player. Join the group and a £ j} ^1thdr «r. and f„ „b- AltDERSON AIMS AT NO-HIT GAME AND : ' ftAS IT 'TIL EIGHTH Pairings for Trophy Matches -- Girls -- There were tense moments at our 11- R. Reihansperger, bye. old ball park last Sunday afternoon as 2. B. Althoff vs. A. Froehlich. a no-hit game was in the making 3. V. Brefeld vs. W. Smith; through seven innings. Clarence And- 4. M. Krause vs. E. Althoff. ersons was breezin' along, with broth-, 5. A. Althoff vs. M. Althoff. er Arnie a nice target behind the bat- 6. K. Brefeld vs. J. McLauglin. This column doesn t bat an eye atiLet's not tarry too long before!7. K. Justen vs. E. Bolger stretching the truth, but we hate to teUin you that McHenry beat Bar- 8- A. Bacon, bye. have to tell you downright lies. I q « I -- Boys -- That's just why we haven't come Tw a Vord or two about th» > « by«. 2. L. Smith vs. Bill Bacon. .»f.»d ^ th.« McHenry has 'MTSJi?- «• Hermann „ J. M*. great ball team. -II. t.w o runs ,were put over by the vis- T^nhvna u u„* 5. Bob Bacon vs. G. Dobyns. It isn't a great team. It isn't a' 'tors the !lg t ^6- c- Althoff vs. L. Hettermann. highly polish^ team, but it s--ta nd- s 'jm"e*n* to end the "ge. "A{fJte*r aJ ShJit' T. C. V'yc ital vs. H. Steffes. y pf d and a fly-out in the ninth, Clarence * • - * / Two men, today as an improved team. That's lo After a hit! all we can ask for. ,. It's the kind oftteam to1^numbers three and fourin follow. There is plenty of young tim-1 st + ruck out. That made fifteeu ber on the squad. What's more - Strikeouts. ^ they are local boys. \ McHenry put ot» a three-run splash g | in the fourth to open scoring festiviagam put on the ateam. XENNIS COURTS SCENE or MUCH ACTIVITY AS TROPHY BATTLE WAGES Club was the donor of these cups. And to the members of the Lions Club, the tennis players of McHenry sincerely give their thanks. If any one wishes to see these trophies, they are on display in the window of A. E. Nye's Jewelry store. Last Friday night the drawings for, ^ouT it,"Art? the local tourney were made. The] official "drawer" was Eddie Buss and everything was on the up and up. Any way, that is what Eddie says. shore line, waist-line, or str?am-line., A and c a frt* f0r all . . " will be included in the outboard races. portant. .If/ athe Zracq uet isnh't "m a^d"eT he club is i» DM. ho»s Sfhiving from a rabber tree, Herman just won't j c'as9** r^K' have any. come-back. ' - ',v •. I The entrance fee is one dollar. ... ( Register now at the Lew Hewes Boat Art Krause has been seeil on the j c0»iPa"y or at the Kramer Boat corncourt grounds lately giving Herman i Pf ny Fox Lake. Trophies 1W11 b«' a few pointers. I wonder if he could! aWR1'ded *s pii2es. be planning to give up his ice busi-^ ness so he could teach Herman some TWO CHIC AGO ANS HURT of the finer points of the game. How IN ACpIDENT MONDAY ^ js r 1 •; Max Tauber, driver oT a Lincoln Sunday afternoon the McHenry ten- Zephyr j was treated by a local physi- U,* savs. , njS tea"1 joul t neyed t i° Woodstock lo | d7n" whUe" twoVpasseniers'^^ere"rush- Some of the players have "madej 'o 006 ed to St- Therese's'hospital-Monday had L a «rea\ deal fun »S tllere waslas a result of an accident occuring one much cheering and coaching from the:mile east of McHenry. The car skidsidelines. We returned victorious withlded and overturned about two o'clock a winning score of five matches to jjonday morning at the intersection on*' - - of Route 20 and the blacktop road „ . , . ' , Ifrom Johnsburg running north and *' ® a i south, near Nell's White House, man by the name of FranciScO. The , . final score was 6-2 6-4. . Jhe p ot^r John Gillis, 24, of 5134 Hutchinson j forecasts just to see how close they could eome to picking the winner. Below are listed the results of the drawings and I have placed the name of the person I have picked for a most likely winner in parantheses. Thosj mutchc; with th-.' M/ofres given have already been played. Boys' Trophy Tourney >. First Round (likely winners) -- 1. M. Bacon drew a bye. 2. L. Smith vs. Bill Bacon L. Smith, 6-1, 6-8. Ed Sherman vs. Brda, 6-2, 6-3w C. Brda -- C. Bob Bacon vs. G. Dobyns -- (G- g.4 5.3 Dobyns.) , ' Much interest and excitement ^ Follow those boys the rest of this' ties for the day. The lower bracket grounds at the local tennis'courts a*'3. Ray Hetterman vs. J. Bransf«ld -- season and you'll be planning their;of the batting order did the damage, play started Friday evening to deter-, R. Hettermann, 6-2, 6-2 attack all next winter for the'40 sea-1 Dick Freund, Ralph Bennett and the mjne the winners of the Lions Club 14 son . I Anderson battery slamming the ball trophies --I-- | to distant parts You will note in th<; Fourt^n „iris and fifteen men en-15. The prancing Parksiders wiU do box score that this lower bunch were ^^ respectjve tournamentS and their stuff on our diamond next Sun- all two-hit gents for the day. I some of the fv st round matches have '6. day. There's your game! If Clar- The same fearsome foursome putlayed off. The finals! ence Anderson is the pitcher next over two more runs in the_ fifth to J.obably take piace Sunday af-|7. Sunday that he was last Sunday, you fasten the victory noose a bit tighter Au^gt 20> although nothing! may go home with a amile <rti you. about the Banington necks. ' definitely . j8. face w Again in the ninth, Bennett opened,has been piannea aennue.y preund) • -l_ : ;with a walk to start a fuar-run! This is,the first such tournament to, _ Dear "So I Hear": Isplurge. This time the sai<l menticned be heW in Mc"^y a an a d^S9- M. Bacon vs. I,. Smith - Sometimes I pray for the grace of foursome sought and received timely by the Lions Club as a means ol c Smith). unfailing fortitude and the strength help; from the upper bracket boys, jating more interest in this fine game R Hcttermann-^ C Brda ~ and firmness of mind to encounter; All in all, McHenry appeared to Only residents of McHenry and tte Brda ) danger with coolness and courage, or j have a much improved ball club last surrounding five miles were engine Q Dobyns vs< C. Althoff -- (C. to bear trouble and adversity without j Sunday. Fine pitching, timely hitting to enter. _ | Althoff). Sounds like they'imported that fel- Chicago, and Reginald Purneil, lov»if AA llll kidding aside, he did put up 22, of the same address. The former a good f«ht, but Charlie was out to win or else j was x-rayed to determine, the injurj ies but he was suffering greatty from j the shock. ' "Purnell's left wrist was The second match wis tiet^efeii illc-1 |njur®d. and he may possibly have in- Cracken and Austin. McCracken came, eina inJulIes« :i through with a well earned victory of HARRIS FAY TO ENTER „ AUU# T Utf , , , WESTERN BIBLE SCHOOL ib AM ffT Hettermann w That Austin lellow is a mighty tit-! ( ° C Vv 'tie-rascal. When he found out that Harris Fay, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' y , McCracken was going to play No. 2 Harry Fay of Elgin, formerly resiman instead of No. 1 man, he imme- ,}ehs of this city, left Friday for Los C. Vycital vs. H. Steffes cital, 6-3, 3-6, 6-1. R. Freund vs. V. Freund (V. (L. murmuring, the spirit typified so vali- and a tightned defense turned the antly by you White Sox Fans -- But trick. tonight I have before me the picture! Parksiders Are Next The trophies are circulating and , 12 c VycitaJ vs. ^ freund though it is not necessary to wini Freund). V successively, they must be won throe, Rounj -- 7 ' diately changed his position to No. 2 Angeles, Calif., to enroll in the Biola man. ^ Bible institute. j He has spent the past two yeavs He still thinks he is a better man studying at the Moody Bible Institute ip i than "Mac." but he has to show us. < in Chicago. In Elgin he has had a • ••'lDon't he "Mac"? class of young men at Illinois Park Chapel, directed the young people's The third match was rather close, work of the Elgin Bible church and ,v |C. Althoff played against Gabrielson also assisted in the jail ministry at ' and won another victory for McHenry,: Geneva. 8-6, 6-4. of two flags flying at Wrigley Field, The Elgin Parkside team will be;tjmeg for permanent ownership. ^ 113 L. Smith vs. C. Brda -- (C. Brda). one bearing a huge "W" and the other here next Sunday. Our boys will have McHenry has always ranked with 14 c Althoff vs. V. Freund (V. a lone "L," which means of course, in]their work cut out for them in thiSjtowng many times its size in this sport; Fieund)» a fan's vernacular, "They split *'game. T.he Parkside team rates high.; and it ig hop€d that by these annual j _ double-header!" But, maybe our boys can take em. ]tournaments this fine brand of tennis'^ Brda vs. V. Freund (V, Freuind) I can see in retrospect the brilliant double plays -- the "four out of five" McHenry C.O. F. -- 9 for Stanley Hack in the first game|" AB Big Bill Lee's base-running re-;j. Wiser * minding one of Thackeray's "A lazy. G. Anderson slouching boy, with big feet trailing G. Larkin lazily one after the other," but not V, Freund .......... "large, lazy hands dawdling from out:R. Phannenstill .... the tight sleeves" for they weren't --(Dudin .......... Larry French half-way to the dugout R. Freund whenever, with two out, the batter |R. Bennett flied in the general direction of Hank A. Anderson Lieber Russell improving each game I c. Anderson at first base -- "Cool-as-Ace"' Russell j in a relief roll--not so good -- Mr. TOTALS ' may Continue to be played. ADELE FROEHLICP.- J^JIM McMILLEN ACCEPTS CHALLENGE OF GERMAN |2 OAK HANS SCHNABEL The challenge of Hans Schnabel,'4. Gei man Oak and famed exponent of «^the dangerous back-breaker hold, has j 5. * ^ 11.. 1 V.., T:~, Phil Wrigley looking over a little boy Barrington --1; named Larry and possibly not being ifcvorable to that boost in salary --, McCarthy .... "Like father like son" Mattick getting | Klopfenstein some timely hits and playing like a Eisner real shortstop -- Think Bartell will Baade get a rest -- Mr. Gabby Hartnett Fisher ...... whom I just realised doesn't have to Kraft face the fans much of the time--just Behringer .... the bleacherites who are a long way Eskew off -- Billy Herman in on three beautiful double plays--but idle at bal -- Good old Augie with a nice home run and some fancy fielding with his back to the wall -- Nicholson a big boy who ---- is trying too hard (I think) and noti JACKSON SETS DOWN quite at home out there in what some] SHAMROCKS WITH 4 batters call the "poison iv^ Lieber* not so busy at bat trying to earn his Bjornberg ....i. Thomas ......... TOTALS ...32 AB . . . 4 ... a ... 4 ... 4 ... s ... 8 ... 2 ... 1 3 ...3 2 finally been accepted by Jim McMillen |and the pair will meet in Peg's Grays- '0. . If Schnabel can get| likely champion. Girls' Trophy Tourney First Round (likely winners) 1. R. Reihansperger drew a bye. B. Althoff vs. A. Froehlich - Froehlich, 6-0, 6-1. V. Brefeld vs. W. Smith Smith). M. Krause vs. E. Althoff Althoff, 6 3, 2-6, 6-3. A. Althoff v.s M. Althoff Althoff, 6-2, 6-0. 3. A. <W. • B. >A. K 1 • 0 Vo 1 1 0 0 ' 6 0 0 K. Brefeld V8. J. McLaughlin -- K. Brefeld, 6-4, 6-4. K. Justen vs. E. Bolger Bolger, 5-7, 6-3, 6-4. A. Bacon drew a bye. E. 30 'lake Arena . 1 by Jim's "policeman," Ruffy Silver-^. ujstein, first. So, Friday night, Hans, «I and Ruffy will go to it in the main 18. ff|event of the regular weekly all-star [Second Itound -- 0 ! card, and Schnabel will be battling for 19. R. Reihansperger va. A, Frtieh- « la return match with McMillen as tlic. lich -- (A. Froehlichji q! prize for a victory. j 10. W. Smith vs. E. Althoff *•--.'{W. 0! It all came about three weeks a«o; Smith). 0 when the powerful German bone-bend-j 11. A. Althoff vs. K, Brefeld • o'er and local hero Jim battled toovhj » *. v;;;,'* 0 and nail in one of the roughest and, 12. E. Bolger vs. A. Bacon {Aojmost spectacular matches witnessed! Bacon hereabouts in many a moon. The Ten-1 Third Round --• 2 tonic strongman, who is built like at 13. A. Froehlich v$. W* Smith --« (A. j beer-barrel with muscles and boats a Froehlich). . > i. i , 50-inch chest, 19-inch biceps, and a 114. A. Althoff vs. A. Bacon -- (A. Al- ; 20-inch neck, was the agressor all the j thoff). way. and after some forty minutes of Finals-- **• " I Wte were not so lucky in the fourth 1 match. C. Wiedling lost to Drum-; mond by a score of 3-6, 4-6. That was tough luck Charlie, but just forget it and chalk it op to experience. In the doubles matches Gabrielson and Francisco of Woodstock lost to Wiedling and Althoff of McHenry a score of 0-6, 1-6. Mr. Wiedling went down town and bought a couple of malteds, after he( lost to Drummond. I wonder if that; DEBUNKER By John Harvey Furbay, Ph.D. Cvfiitrxgkt iy PukUt Ltdpfr, Jut. CHMSTOPH6JW COLUMBUS DID NOT DISCOVER. AIOR.TH AMEIICA HITS AS COLTS WIN hectic struggling had Jim just about A. Froehlich vs. A. Althoff A. out on his feet with a series of vicious . Froehlich, likely winner. d.ny w«g. the g™und.keep-, ^ ^ ^ back.b„.kws the ring. ng the ai (wish I might hit on an idea as ^ - ! corner like a battering ram, he lost er in picking up the waste paper in tnel Jackson and JacKson ionnea ""TT " 1 This is all in fun, so if one does not outfield--Andy Frain pacing aisloslbattery for the Johnsburg Colts last, • . • _ . see his or her name where he or she idea as hfc; Sunday and trimmed the Shamrocks As SAnabel crashed Jim into th* ^ ^ ^ ? hope did) -- fans begging for a cloudburst 10 to 3. after Russell's homer meant a win it( the game were called, but Jupiter credit, but also allowedi twelve hits Pluvius ruling otherwise -- the ardent j - - Sox fan who leaned over and asked,) Johnsburg Cojjfcy when the score was tied with two out j in the ninth and the Cubs at bat, "Say,|H. Freund, ss ...u* do you like veal stew?" -- a few pokes r Weber. 2b - cf and again, "I say, do you like veal Meyers, lb etew?" Whew! -- And last, but of Bob Schultz, cf-2b course, not least -- Those Reds look- q. Jackson, c .......... ing like peregrines in pennant land j. Fr^ur.d, 3b Larkin had twelve strikeouts to his his balance and Jim rebounded direct- " ly on top of him. Lou Gordon, referee " . , •, M/. won't feel offended. could have had anything to do with, his winning in the doubles. The last match of the day, was be-| tween Austin and Drummond of, Woodstock, and Sherman and McKib- Historiktife are quite agreed that bins of McHenry. Ed and Mac won j the NortW American continent was by a margin of two games the first; discovered by John Cabot and his set, and six games the second ; «et. J son, Sebastian, June 24, 1497. Co- The scores were 7-5, 6-0. 1 lumbus discovered the South Amer- I ican continent nearly a year later, Monday afternoon LeRoy Smith in 1498--having found only some plaved Marshall Bacon in a quarter-1 islands off the South American coast finals match of the Lion Club Tour-I in 1492. Some claim that the Nornev LeRoy w6n the match fey '* 6-2 j wegians who colonized Iceland in r 1 mre I 874 and Greenland soon after must s »V ' have seen the coast of North Amer- , LeRoy will now' have to play thej jca. Th„ wa. 500 pnviou. to winner of the mateh between Brda | Cabot and Columbu^ and Ray Hettermann. LeRoy is now the semi-finals and he will have to do some mighty good tennis playing in order to keep his name out in front. ....' ' • Monday evening, Eleanor Bolfrtr won a very close and exciting match | over her opponent, Kathleen Justin Eleanor and Kathleen started playing and did not finish until YOUNGEST 'NURSE' AB . 4 . 3 . 4 .5 . 4 4 v r w„ i Some of the matches have been, and an erstwhile team-mate o * l d ff and I might add that they about 6:30 i Mi"en at college, saved the day Ur.PJ > intere8ti^ to watch froi«! about 8:20. AH the games were very H Jim with a quick count. \ on Schachv ^ • 1 j close and consisted of many long vol- 2 Schnabel's buddy and second, jumped, the sidelines. '/•?. j leys. • rinto the ring to help Hans protest and' ' _ ^ / a ]ot of l|fi.sts started to swing with half dozen, h Qn the hiU which we would] 3 police, a score of spectators, and offl- t/have filled by 80me of yOU 't have any- ....36 10 U r iiui.a, su ' what with those collisions and errors!jo. Kdrmebeck, rf 3 I wish I might thinic only of the'E. Hillter, If 4 pleasure of the day and of the games jj Jackson, p 4 I'll see tomorrow, but instead it seems F. Schmitt, 2b .-- 1 to me my team must always win and I am one poor loser. Tonight I can- TOTALS ........... not eat, and as you well know, in my Shamrocks case that is poignant grief. This, no doubt, will be joyous news to some of JJ. Stilling, If --•-- my nearest and dearest who have j. Larkin, p ............... suggested carefully and coyly that w. Bolger, c ........... perhaps I ought to try a bit of a q. Larkin, lb ...... digt However, when dieting has Bolger, 3b ........... - been my lot, I console myself by menW D. Copway, ss ally indexing the victuals I'd like to\H- Stilling, 2b have; j Bob Adams, cf Appetizers -- Bologna -- Cucumbers: Wkn. Bolger, rf Doughnuts -- Eggs (scrambled) -- on 9 Fruit Cake -- Greens -- Horserad-; TOTALS •••30 3 ish (and hot dogs) -- Ice cream --! Score by Innings Jelly Kraut -- Liverwurst --Colts ...» 204 400 000--10 Mashed potatoes -- Noodles -- On-: Shamrocks .... 001 011 000-- 3 jons Popcorn -- Quince honey --j Two-base hits--D. Kennebeck, AB ,. 3 ... 5 .. 4 .. 4 ... 3 .. 4 .. 8 .. 2 .. ^ B . 1 ft V ? 0 P 0 0 0 1 Hans is hot for another chance ®t|thin P tQ do when 8upper is oVer we 2 McMdlen and has been p.on.ised °™lwigh you would com€ down to the l(if he can beat Ruffy. 'school grounds and join us for a few J, One of the outstanding profession-1minutes each night. The greatest 0 al heavyweights of the year, George amount cf play takes place between 'Dusette, French-Canadian star who 5.30 and 7:30 in the eveinng. We will j lost only one match in the past 300 ^ j00)jjng for you. jand that one to Jim Londos, will ap- _. ®jipear in person in the semi-windup L«st Sunday morning, Charles Brda 1 against, vicious Paul Bozell, Eagle's Ed Shei*nan in <the first u | Beak. Arizona grappler. | match to be played of the Lions Club In one of the preliminary matches Tourney. The match only went to t*o sets. Ed lost by a 6-2 6-3 score. 1 gjRudy Kay, Chicago's gas-house kid 0|who bids for fame as the meanest - j heavyweight in the ring, takes on an- j Ed's net playing wasn't up to par, Qj other new-comer to these parts. Jim- or he might have made Charlie work 0 my Goodrich, winner of the recent |much harder and maybe beaten him. Houston, Texas elimination tourna- Charlie certainly was putting in beau- "Tlment for the southwest championship, tiful fvst service?. They sure must In the other prelim, Slaughter-House have helped to tire Ed. '-'-yC: Phil Malloy, 255 pound stockyard: bruiser, meets his equal in roughness^ Another match immediately follow- Gull Curley, the tatooed bully from ed the Sherman-Brda contest. Bill Rice pudding -- Sandwiches (double Larkin. Struck out by--Jackson, 9; yQrk decker) -- Tomatoes -- Uncooked|J. Larkin, 12, Bases on balls on | Ladjes free with escorts carrots -- Vienna rolls -- Water-! Jackson, 6; J. Larkin, 0. ringside section melon -- X, Y and Z -- Hash. j 1 -------------1- While a baseball writer in going' Monte Carlo Noted Resort from A to Z would probably think oft j Moift*. Carlo is a place in tb* Assist -- Base-runner -- Cousin --, principality of Monaco (a prottc- Double-play -- Error -- Fungo -- torate of France), northeast of the Ground rules -- Home run -- Infield town of Monaco. nile -- Jodg« Laadla;-^Knuckle] « |««ort. the lower east side of little old New ( Bacon went on the court with deterination in his eye, but I guess Le- In thej Roy Smith had just a little more. He Street Spelled Three Ways A street in Halifax. N. S., has defeated Bill 6-1 6-3. Bill just could not get going the first set and Lee had scored four It is famous as three names and no one in authority games on Bill before he was able to knows which is right. It is known capture one. During the next set as Franklyn, Frankland and Franck- ! 80me 0f Bill's old form came back iyB- [ to him, but I guess Lee had too much Kathleen won the first set with a! 7-5 score. This was the longest set! to be played, lasting nearly an hour. , Eleanor won the next sets an<! was declared winner of the match, j The final scores were 5-7, 6-3, 6-4. | In case there is someone who doesn't , know why some times only two set scores are given and other times three, I will stop to explain. ; , ' In order for one to be declared winner, they must win two sets out of three. In case each player wins one Mt, the winner is therefore declared by the third set. juiia McLaughlin and KathryA Brefeld also played Monday evening. Julia! ailment, sue Hembree, four, of Tullost the match 6-4, 6-4. | sa, Okla., forgets her owa plight by ! spreading sunshine among fellow Kathryn will now have to play An-; patients at the hospital, where she ita Althoff. This is a quarter-finals is given the unofficial title of hon- Afflicted with an incurable heart orary nurse. She is shown picking flowers for the rooms of other patients. Rainbows in Western Sky The United States weather bureau match, the winner going to the semifinals. Once again we want to urge people to come to the tennis courts and spend a auiet evening. Well, maybe not so ... qu?et We would especially like to ! «ys: Rainbows do not occur in have some of the Lions on hand to j J® western sky m the aftenioon^ nave swine nUv However, with the proper atmoswateh the matches that are being play- # ^^that is. a ed for their eups. , colored ring around the sun--is often . .. "i".. , . . , ..{'observed. Thi* Cfltowd ring is vejy flie majority of tke e<mtests left, Qften mistaken for a rainbow." Subscribe for "Hie NEW £MPIRi McHENRY, ILLINOIS San. M»t< 3 p. a. Continuous r FRIDAY -- (Ore I>aj ) Victol" McLaglen - Constance Moore "EX CHAMP" • ? Also --- Comedies SATURDAY -- (One Day) Gracie Allen -- Warren William "THE GRACIE ALLEN MURDER CASE" Also -- Comedies SUNDAY -- MONDAY August 13 • 14 Cary Grant -- Jean Arthur "ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS" Also -- Donald Duck, "The Pointers" -- World News TUESDAY 10c - 20c Leo Carrillo - Steffi Dune. (1) "The 'Girl and the Gambler" Tr (2) "Inside Information" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Paul Muni -- Bette Davis "JUAREZ" » TUBeamdM IIIOVAI CRYSTAL LAKE. 0*b Lediag FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE! ! Stuart Erwin m "IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU" Zane rev's "HERITAGE OF THE DESERT" SUNDAY -- MONDAY Sun. Cont. from 2tS5 p. a. -- 25c (9 6 p. hi. -- 30c(after; Child. - 10c JACK BENNY DOROTHY LA.MOUR EDWARD ARNOLD 'MAN ABOUT TOWN'* with Binnie Barnes • Phil Harm Betty Grahic - "Rochester" The Best of the Benny Pictures! Plus March of Time andrT" Pope ye Critow "lie:' TUESDAY Special 15c Walter Pidgeon in "6,000 ENEMIES" with Rita Johnson - Pi«l Kelly WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY HENRY FONDA in YOUNG MR. LINCOLN" with Alice Brady - Arleen Whelan MILLER Tlieatre Woodstock Air-Conditioned FRIDAY -- AUGUST 11 On' the Screen "IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU" with Stuart Erwin - Gloria Stuart SATURDAY -- AUGUST 12 • Continuous from 2:30 "FIXER DUGAN" With Lee Tracy - Peggy Shannon -- P L U S -- 4 'RUSTLER'S VALLEY" with William Boyd (Hog-a-Long Cassidy) ALSO ----- "The Lone Rangir Rides Again" No. 14 --- 8UN»AY -- MONDAY August 13 - 14 -- Continuous Sunday from 2:30 -- " M A N A B O U T TOWN" with Jack Benny - Dorothy T sioar Edward Arnold A l s o -- "Fox Hunt" Color Cartoon "Haunted House," a Floyd Gibbon's Adventure -- News TUESDAY -- AUGUST 15 15e -- Bargain Nirht -- 15c "6,000 ENEMIES" with Walter Pidgeon WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Aagust 1« - 17 Rafter* Young - Aaar Sat ham • ' M a T s I E • • - Color Cartoon

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