Thursday, August 10,19S0 IK l _ '* • .I",; •:a. MeHBIBTPLAIMSBAIjai . , »* *' ( TOWWBHIP TREASURERS ANNUALSTATEMENT (Continaed from Face Six) ' Carey Electric Shop, New ->~,J ,;Lv 'MX. « 7 ^ equipment W M Welch Mfg Co, Fuel A jan sup . .--.. Chicago Uniform & Cap Co, Text bk8, sta & sup • Jos W Freund, Text bks, sta & sup ....? Jacob Justen & Sons, Fuel A jan sup ............. Alexander Ldmber Co, New equipment ....... John J Vycital, New equipment .. ...... Wm H Althoff, Fuel ft jan ; sup H E Seva&rt, Text bks, sta ft sup ;.H E Buch, New equpiment •Ginn ft Co, Library . McKnight ft McKnight, Text bks, sta ft sup McHenry Plaindealer, Clerk hire ft bd exp . Mrs Ray McGfce, Sub teaehh ing ..... .......... -.TW" fl'Raro To*t IjlwjJ. sta ft sup .......... ; Henry Nickels, Janitor ' Bruce Granger, Janitor ...... ..Mrs Katherine Schmitt, Clerk hire A bd exp .......... Mrs Mayme Harrison, Clerk hire A bd exp McHenry Co Farmers Co-op, Fuel A jan sup Commonwealth Book Co, Text bks, sta A sup ........ Anna Howard, Text bks, sta A sup «... Standard Mailing Machine Co, Text bks, sta A sup American Seating Co, Fuel A jan sup ...... Auburn Stoker Sales Corp, Fuel A jan sup ...... Freund Oil Co, Fuel A jan sup Book Fund, Clerk hire A bd exp ' Book Fund, Fuel A jan sup Book Fund, Promotion of health . Cene Weideman, Fuel and jan sup McHenry Bank Failure ........ . C H Duker, Teaching Paul Yanda, Teaching Helen C Stevens, Teaching C F Anglese «.... Maurie Taylor, Teaching .. ,Sylvia Snyder, Teaching .... • Margaret O'Gara, Teaching May Justen, Teaching .--... Gerald Reed, Teaching ........ L J McCracken, Teaching .... ; Cash on Hand, June 30, 1939 147.64 3.04: Carey Electric Shop, Rep, * rep A ins • * 18.00 S W Brown Twp Twm| Charges for handling corp . 1.88 Johnson Service Co, Rep, rep A ins r MM Earl R Walsh, Rep, rep A : ins 16.99 McHenry Artificial Stone Co, New gds A bldgs 1,630.00 j Anton P Freund, New gds A 518.77 bldgs 190.00 Henry Nickels, New gds A ~ ; 60.22[ bldgs .. 10.00 Jos W Freund, Rep, rep A 34.60 ins ..-- 101.10 j Cash on Hand, June 30, 1939 10,755.05 31.55 41 Jt 31.40 6.20 34.34 2.69 iM 10.10 9.00 6.06 &00 5.00 Total $28,815.13 DISTRIBUTIVE FUND Receipts Income of township fund 124.25 From county superintendents „... $ 2,540.80 Total ' Expenditures Incidental expenses of trustees ............f For publishing annual statement ... ; Compensation of treasurer, 1U years Distributed to. districts ...--, fS.665,06 20.00 91.40 187.50 2366.15 Total 2,665.05 525 7.90 6.25 7.19 1.7* 49.30 30.05 16J75 18.00 51.15 1,890.00 .1,940.00 1,470.00 1,490.00 1,394.00 1,292.00 1,394.00 1,340.00 1,807.00 l,f>78.00 2,996.03 Total $23,617.10 BUILDING FUND Receipts Cash on Hand, July 1, 1939 $18,110.63 District Taxes •»,. 10,204.50 TOWNSHIP FUND Receipts >• Cash on Hand, July 1, 1939 $ 27.53 Real Estate Notes on Hand, July 1, 1939 1,000.00 Bonds on Hand, July 1, 1939 2,600.00 Total * $ 3,627.53 * •«' Expenditures Cash on Hand, June 30, 1939 $ 27.53 Real Estate Notes on Hand, June 30, 1939 - 1,000.00 Bonds on Hand, June 30, 1939 2,600.00 Total 3,627.53 S. W. BftOWN, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of August 1939. - L. E. HAWLEY, (SEAL) Notary Public CHURCH SERVICES Total: $28,315.13 :: Expenditures Ed Hall, Rep, rep A ins ....$ S W Brown Twp Treas, Bonds paid S W Brown Twp Treas, Interest on bonds Wm H Althoff, Rep, rep A ins Henry C Kamholz, Rep, rep A ins Alexander Lumber Co, Rep, rep A ins .... Louis Althoff, Rep, rep A ins Louie Smith, New gds A bldgs Thos P Bolger, Rep, rep A ins Jos M Schmitt, Janitor McHenry Lumber Co, Rep, rep A ins '. 1.50 9,000.00 2,143.69 66.10 14.37 34.44 18.58 7.00 58.48 200.00 20.52 Paul E Gerasch, New equipment McHenry Floral Co, Rep, rep A ins Bruce Klontz, Rep, rep A ins ...r Thos H Kane, Rep, rep A ins John J Vycital, Rep, rep A ins •••••• Auburn Stoker Sales Corp, New equipment Adams A Freund, New equipment Floyd S Cooley, Rep, rep A ins Ben Smith, Rep, rep A ins George F Lindsay, Rep rep A ins Roy A Kent, Rep, rep A ins McHenry County Co-op Association, Rep, rep & ins Freund Oil Co, Rep, rep A ins ..: ........ Tonyan Contsruction Co,' Rep, rep A ins Adams Repair Shop, Rep, rep A ins Bruce Granger, Rep, rep A ins ......... McHenry Artificial Stone Co, , New equipment ... West McHenry State Bank, New bldgs A gds P H Freund, New equipment Lewis Smith, Rep, rep A ins Alexander Lumber Co, New equipment J V Buckland, New equipment..'.. • W H Krantx Co Rep, rep A ins McHenry Lumber Co, New equipment Wm M Carroll, New equipment -- McHenry Flour Mills, Rep, rep A ins Anton P Freund A Sons, New equipment City of McHenry, Rep, rep A ins 1 19.60 18.00 19.00 20.25 38.83 444.40 4J95 142.00 16.87 173.00 14.33 6.25 7.17 69.91, 3.50; 164.00 127.49 2,500.00 16.48 30.00 85.84 ~8X)0 : imm (Daylight Saving Time) 1 St. Mary's Catholic Church Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; llgUi Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Weekdays: 7:00 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 pf$B Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 3:00 p. m and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Charch Mftsses* Sundays: 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00 Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:30. . On First Friday, Communion dis tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Mass. C°sfturdTys: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and puTcbasers ai sai^sa1^. 7:00 to 8:00 p. a. Thursday before First Friday: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ; Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00} 11:15. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:30. Thursday before First Fridays 2:30 and 7:30. -- R e v . A. J . N e i d e r t , p a s t o r Comnnnity Church Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Devotions: 11 a,m., con Vernon J. Knox, Attorney STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTT. J. B. KELTER, Plaintiff. vs. HELEN A. REED, individually, HELEN A. REED, executrix of the last Will and Testament of Charles E. Reed, deceased; F. A. BOH LANDER, First Suecessor in Trust in the Trust Deed dated October 24th, 1924, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illi- ' N nois, in Book 151 of Mortgages, ^ on page 110; Fh»st National ; Bank of Chicago, Illinois; and i ^ ; Unknown Owners, Defendants. IN CHANCERY--Gen. No. 28750. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit'Court of McHerri*y County, Illinois, on the 28th. day of July A. D. 1939, I, Vincent S. Lumley, Master in Chancery of the Circui# Court, will on AFriday the 25th., day of August A. D. 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, (Central Standard Time), at the East front door of the Court'House, in ~the city of Woodsock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following des cribed real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree in full, to-wit:- Commencing two (2) - chains and thirty-four (34) links South thirty - nine and three- fourths (39 3/4) degrees West of the West corner of Lot Number thirteen (13) of Peter H. Klapperick's Subdivision of part of the Southwest quarter of Section eight (8) Township forty-five (45) North of Range Nine (9), East of the Third Principal Meridian on the Northwest bank of Fox River, thence South thirty-nine and 'three-fourths (393/4) degrees West one (1) chain and twentyeight (28) links; thence East fifty and one-half (50%) degrees South three (3) chains and eigh- _ ty-fou r (84) links: thence at right angles North fifty and onehalf (50%) degrees East one (1) ' chain and twenty-five (25) links; thence at right angles west fifty and one-half (50%) degrees North along the Southwest line of one acre of land deeded to Charles Champion four chains I and twelve (12) links to the place of beginning, containing onehalf acre of land averaging sixteen (16) rods in length and five (5) rods in width, situated in the County of McHenry and State of 1 Illinois. - , Terms of Sale Cash in hand on day of sate, at which time a certificate of purchase will be issued to the purchaser or JOHNSBURG Mrs. Leo King and Miss Clarice Stilling were Waukegan callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and family of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. Laurace Baer of Chicago called on relatives and friends here Sunday. Mrs. Frank Young of Spring Grove visited Mrs. Joe Michels Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffien and children of Genoa City, Wis., called on Mr. and Mrs. George King Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams motored to Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. " and' Mrs. Peter F. Freund. iMr. and Mrs. Louis Oertel of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. George Michels Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. John A. Miller. „ Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bertrang and daughter of Aurora, 111., visited with relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller |nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F\ Freund and daughter, La Verne, Mrs. Joe King and daughters and. Mrs. Steve May and daughters motored to the Brookfield Zoo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Geo. King motored to Waukegan Thursday evening. Mrs.^Pred Jerach of Chicago visited Sunday with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George Frett and family of Woodstock were callers here Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Landre and children of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, Springfield, 111., are spending a few weeks with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Steve May entertained the five hundred club Monday evening. Mrs. Joe Kin^, Mrs. Leo King and Mrs. Joe J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, are spending a week with Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Meandering Mary By MARY E. OWEN We've been asked by several people to make some comments on some Of the recent pictures, so here they are--Take 'em or leave 'em! Best comedies for the family are "Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever," "Good Girls Go To Paris," "Maisie," "Man About Town," "It Could Happen To You," "Gracie Allen Murder Case," "Tartan Finds a Son" ind "Wizard of Oz." In the strictly adult class there are some classics in "Young Mr. Lincoln," "Goodbye Mr. Chips." "Magnificent Fraud," "Four Feathers," "Career," "Daughters Courageous," "Bachelor Mother," "They Shall Have Music," "On Borrowed Time" and "Second Fiddle." This column doesn't guarantee youH like all the above mentioned mementos from Hollywood but we'do believe sincerely that they are the best of the rather heterogenious collection Hollywood turns out. :/ . Poor "Cholley" Goodell, even though he doesn't have to send telegrams any more he still has the headache of trying to deliver the incoming messages. "Cholley*' says it would be okay if they didn't keep ringing in new people all the time. We'd like to suggest that W. U. get him one of those motor-scooters the boys in town are using. iivuoovi o «*v "•••» -- Dated this lst^day of August A. D. 1939 • VINCENT S. LUMLEY, Master in Chancefy. (Pub. August 3 - 10 - 17) Win. M. Carroll. Attorney Woodstock, Illinois ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTldfr ducted by Epworth League. Rev. Minar Gerrard, pastor. - Lutheran Evangelical Church Sunday Service: 8:00 a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor^ Mother, Sea, Romeo, Juliet At least once in stage history the roles of Romeo and Juliet, the immortal lovers of Verona, were played by mother and son, says Collier's^ Weekly. The 19-year-old Lewis Hallam Jr. played opposite his mother, Mrs. Douglas, in a Philadelphia theater iii the autumn 1759. ".-v Estate of Charles Karls, Deceased. The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of John Karls, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Me enry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 18th day of September, A. D. 1939, at which time aUl persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of August, A. D. 1939 JOHN KARLS, Administrator. (Pub. Aug. 10-17-24) Presidents Under 5# Five Presidents of the U. S. have been under 50 when inaugurated. TRUTH Ikodt ADVERTISING By CHARLES B. ROTH #i>o 3.36 wm 10.37 V * * 4li 1 7*y:. . . « P1 R E D U C E The Safe, Natural Bring Tliis Ad and For trial treatment; Regular >2.00 Non-ammonia Permanents, $150 up Oil Permanents, 2 persons for $5 up Singly for $3.00 up complete SCISSOR RAZOR WAVE CUT with Shampoo and Hair^esi $1.50 S T 0 M P A N AT O 'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. THE CORNERSTONE JUST a few months before he died, Calvin Coolidge wrote a brief article on advertising. In it he acknowledged the debt of mankind to advertising, which he called "one of the cornerstones of civilization." "One of the cornerstones of civilization"-- no one has more aptly described the tremendous contribution of advertising to life than former President Coolidge. Practically everything we have that we call modern was brought to us by advertising. The styles of the clothes we wear were established by the influence of advertising. Our enlightened dietetic habits are the result of the influence of advertising. The sanitation in our homes, the conveniences of our cities--these things and many, many others are ours because of advertising. Of late we have been hearing a good deal about a new movement called "consumer education." The idea behind it is that mem' bers of a small group, who set themselves np as the intellectual leaders of society, have set out to tear down in the public mind what years of advertising have built up-- well-substantiated Ideals el Charles Roth can business and commercial life. Consumer education -- real consumer education, that is--is not a new idea. It has been going on in America for 80 years--ever since advertising began reaching us in our daily lives with tidings of new ways of life which are better ways of life. And the process has gone on without interruption to the present time. Within the past few months, for example, one manufacturer announced a tremendous advance in electrical appliances. You knew about it immediately. You discussed it at your dinner-table. Who told you? The advertising which that manufacturer gave his new idea in the newspapers. As a result you became informed, able to discuss this new discovery, able to see its advantages in your own daily life. The best education which the consumer receives today is the same as the best education consumers have been receiving during the past three-qnarters of a century--it is the education that comes from reading the advertisements in year newspaper. More than ever in the past; more even than when Calvin Coolidge wrote his famous little essay, advertising is the cornerstdhe of civilization-- the harbinger of everything new, a reliable informant of everything that is good. The two "glamour boys" in Centerville are still tossing that box of candy back and forth. Wonder if there is any chance of our catching;tt7 The contest was our idea? ? We are wonderingrif the Democrats are going to say, "McNutts to you"? Touch Wood' Superstition An interesting explanation of the "touch wood" superstition is that the wood touched was a reputed "piece of the true Cross" carried by the faithful Elder wood, of which the cross was said to have been made, was supposed to have protective power. But probably, before the Christian era, the sacred oak was in the same manner accounted effective in averting the evil chance Now that congress has adjourned, we can begin to think about football and fall clothes. We hear that some of the local football players are' going to do their stuff at Illinois this winter. Fact is Illinois ought to be mighty proud of all the fine boys Mc- Henry's sending there. Bruce Klontz Harry Anderson and Chet Colby ire going down to join the rest as freshman this year. Wouldn't it be grand if the "Mini" won a game this year! Notre Dame vs. Southern Califoniia is on our mind tbi® year and so we are already starting to promote going. We never have been to South Bend but we decided to get an early start on trying anyway. We will enlist S. I. H. in a campaign for "on to Notre Dame."1 Surely the Plaindealer ought to have the game reported and there is always the woman's angle,"you know! . All of a sudden the Local Lions snapped out of it and we find that McHenry is going to be advertised on all ti^e highways. TTie Lions art sponsoring the erecting of large signs directing traffic our way. (We hope.) The boys also put up some trophies for the tennis ^tournaments. Weah all mighty proud' of you sons,, mighty proud! ! Itative Hardwood Floorings According to the department of commerce booklet, "American Hardwood Flooring and Its Uses,1' oak, maple, beech and birch are especially well suited for flooring, but several other species are sometimes used, particularly for decorative effects, such as walnut, cherry, gum, ash and pecan. MI PLACE IftlSTTAlJkANT Phone 377 JUSTEN ft FREUND, *$ops. 0reen St. FRY FRESH PERCH , 4- : Come and Enjoy Yourselves Saturday Evening fit PINK HARRISON'S - At Pistakee Bay--•-- Divine Music ---- Perfect Mixed Drinks FRIED CHICKEN -- 60c : ASST. SANDWICHES BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Dancing Every Saturday Night Throughout the Season CENTRAL GARAG® ^-One of the best equipped garages in Northern Imnois-- STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Guaranteed Service on all Makes of Cars and Trucks ' Full Line of Atlas and Gtoodyear Tires * ^ Electric and Acetylene Welding Car Washing and Polishing FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg Mid-Summer Electric J fiiiiiniiuMiu ijj/*. , i i .i;.;,));. H, YOURS TODAY ONIY .ERE'S a refrigerator that's certainly both a beauty and a bargain! A genuine General Electric with the same sturdy all-ste^l cabinet construction, the same sealed-in-steel cold-making mechanism that have made General Electric Refrigerators famous throughout the world for dependable performance and enduring economy. Begin enjoying the new convenience and new, thrifty savings of this modern refrigerator tomorrow SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Balance (plus small carrying charge) on your Electric Service bill. ATTENTION! Other electric appliance dealers are now making an especially attractive mid-summer offer on m odern electric refrigerators. Get facts-now I 14 ether G-E Models, all priced lower than ever before! A GENUINE GENERAL ELECTRIC WITH.., * Ail-Steel Cabinet * Stainless Steel Super- - Freezer-- -- ----- * Sealed-in-steel Thrift Unit * 5 Years Performanct Protection * 11.7 Square Feet of Shell Area - . PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Telephone: Crystal Lake 210